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Rastafari and its Shamanist Origins: Revised edition.

First Paperback Edition December 7, 2007

Available at:

CHAPTER: 1.The Origins of Rastafari.

CHAPTER: 2.The Branches of Rastafari.

CHAPTER: 3The Icons of Rastafari.

CHAPTER: 7 The Full Body Ministry.

CHAPTER: 9. A Changing Caribbean.


I thank my lord and savior Jesus/Yeshua for the gift that he gave me. The reason for the writing
of this book is to destroy preconceived myths and notions that many individuals hold.

This book is not an endorsement of Judaism, or any religion period, Iam not a so-called Christian
Evangelical and have no interest in the blind and ignorant promotion of the political state of

The political state called Israel has committed many atrocious acts against the Arabs, and vice

They have even aided and are still aiding and abetting the economic destruction, of many African
states, where they have a vested interest in the harvesting of diamonds, and many

natural resources these practices are not Godly but are simply the exploitation of one group of
human beings, by certain wealthy Jewish merchants for financial gain.

Since the Apostolic creed flows from the bible, which comes from the Torah, I will separate
Yeshua Ha Masshiach from the state of Israel.

The Israeli state is secular, and the heavenly kingdom is spiritual.

I am well aware of the arguments of many black people, pertinent to the Jesus character created
by Rome, painted by Michelangelo Iam not referring to that character in this work.

Here in Iam speaking of the universal God, the God of creation who robed himself in flesh, as
Jesus the Messiah of the ages, and was ransomed in order to usher in a kingdom of truth and

The written accounts pertaining to the true fathers of the freedom movement are available, yet
persons with a subversive agenda hold that black musicians and shamans were the prophets and
leaders of the freedom movement.

Where the truth is told they yet attempt to link the truth with their preconceived notions.

Fact is Marcus Garvey never recognized nor promoted any Rastafari organization. In reference to
Haile Sellassie Garvey was less than respectful calling the emperor a coward lion. The Rastafari
claim that Marcus Garvey is a prophet of their movement is a dubious one at best since Garvey
never made a specific reference to Haile Sellassie as pertains to messiah ship Garvey often
quoted psalms stating that princes would come out of Africa and Ethiopia would soon stretch out
her hands unto God.

Many organizations and movements in this time are freely proliferating information globally
through various means the men and women of God also have a right to free access of
information Christian children also should have free access to information designed and
packaged to their specific needs .

Christian children should also be taught to think for themselves from a Christian perspective not
from a worldly perspective the secular world is paganism, the colleges and university campuses
are training grounds to develop rulers and leaders for the secular world not for the Christian

When a Christian young person enters a college or university environment the first year they
enter a product of their Christian environment upon their return home they are a product of their
secular environment.

Why are Caribbean young Christian people ashamed to state openly that they are Christians?

Why are they largely followers and not leaders?

These are serious issues that must be confronted the answers to these questions lie in the way the
gospel is being presented to these young people and the way they see themselves in relation to
the world around them .

Young people are the most energetic and creative elements of any community church or
otherwise if they are being lost at the extremely alarming rate that we witness today then
something is wrong either in the way that they are being taught, or their participation in church
matters is limited to youth week and youth oriented programs .

A close look should be taken to better preserve this group as part of the church world Jesus came
to save all not just parents he came to save families period children are also part of the family
their education is left to the secular world which is paganism if the church would keep its young
they will have to be aware of what persons are being taught in schools and how to counteract this
type of education with a balanced Jesus centered education of their own. In this teaching series
we will examine a large variety of religious doctrines and systems of governance, religious as
well as political in light of Apostolic teaching. We will examine popular musical culture and its
influence globally Hip-Hop as an art form will also be examined. The more malevolent gangster
rap will be taken into account; today we see that gangster rap is a vitriolic capitalist enterprise
that is a strong negative influence on youth globally. We know that we cannot raise our children
in a world filled with violence and destruction, we cannot raise our children on the lyrics of a
gangster rap CD, and sadly many of our youth are being raised in just such an environment. The
aim of this work is to offer an alternative to youth in this society and create a new school of
thought. Political institutions globally are all part of the universal system of governance that is
controlling the earth, financial institutions like IMF, are instruments created by major western
powers in an effort to gain oversight and control in the affairs of countries. A study of world
history was employed in the general make-up of this work. This work is foremost an Apostolic
work, Apostolic here references teachings of Jesus as set forth in the New Testament, another
goal of this work is to be a purveyor of true black and world history it also clearly defines the
errors in man-made doctrines and schools of thought showing their errors from a biblical
perspective. Many in society claim to be teachers yet few offer a real solution to the problems
that plague society. This work offers solutions and at the same time we acknowledge our human
limitations the only real source being of the betterment of humanity being Jesus The Messiah of
the Ages. The aim of this work is clear we hope you the reader can find some answer or answers
in this work to some of your questions. We kindly thank all our readers for time spent in the
study of this work.


Many claim that Rastafari was as a result of a prophecy by Marcus Moziah Garvey.

Marcus Garvey the Jamaican born 1930,s Black Nationalist and head of the U.N.I.A. was a
vehement critic of Haile Selassie he maligned him for seeking British protection during the
Italian aggression led by Benito Mussolini against Ethiopia in the nineteen thirties .

Garvey never recognized the Rastafari as a serious Black Nationalist organization.

Marcus Mosiah Garvey the Jamaican born leader of the U.N.I.A. the Universal Negroe
Improvement Association. Garvey possessed a flair for the dramatic as is evinced in the choice
of attire of him and his followers during their marches and rallies.

Garvey organized Africans on the continent and around the globe, around his Black Nationalist
philosophy it is from the school of thought developed by this man, that many of the modern
African intellectuals and Pan- Africanists gained their core ideology.

Although many earlier Garveyites later became Rastafari this was a personal choice not
something inspired by a cohesive philosophy.
Garvey proclaimed many times in speeches that a prince would come out of Africa Ethiopia
would soon stretch out her hands unto God quoting from psalms. In order to put into proper
context what Garvey said I want to include some quotes pertinent to the alleged prophecy, by
Marcus Garvey concerning Ethiopia. On November 8th 1930 Garvey published an article in his
Jamaican newspaper the Black Man that read: Last Sunday, a great ceremony took place at
Addis Ababa, the capital of Abyssinia. It was the coronation of the new Emperor of Ethiopia --
Ras Tafari. From reports and expectations, the scene was one of great splendor, and will long be
remembered by those who were present. Several of the leading nations of Europe sent
representatives to the coronation, there by paying their respects to a rising Negro nation that is
destined to play a great part in the future history of the world. Abyssinia is the land of the blacks
and we are glad to learn that even though Europeans have been trying to impress the
Abyssinians that they are not belonging to the Negro race, they have learned the retort that they
are, and they are proud to be so.

Haile Sellassie has travelled to the West including America and is therefore no stranger to
European and American hypocrisy and methods; he must be regarded as a kind of a modern
Emperor, and from what we understand and know of him, he intends to introduce modern
methods and systems into his country. Already he has started to recruit from different sections of
the world competent men in different branches of science to help develop his country to the
position that she should occupy among the other nations of the world. We do hope that Ras
Tafari will live long to carry out his wonderful intentions. From what we have heard and what
we do know, he is ready and willing to extend the hand of invitation to any Negro who desires to
settle in his kingdom. We know of many who are gone to Abyssinia and who have given good
report of the great possibilities there, which they are striving to take advantage of.

The Psalmist prophesied that Princes would come out of Egypt and Ethiopia would stretch forth
her hands unto God (Psalm 68:31). We have no doubt that the time is now come. Ethiopia is now
really stretching forth her hands. This great kingdom of the East has been hidden for many
centuries, but gradually she is rising to take a leading place in the world and it is for us of the
Negro race to assist in every way to hold up the hand of Emperor Ras Tafari. I included the
entire article as a means of allowing the reader an understanding of the general context in

Which, Garvey spoke. After having read the article on numerous occasions it is plain to see that
Garvey regarded Haile Sellassie as someone who symbolized black pride and nationalism at the
time in question.

Rupert Lewis wrote a scholarly analysis on the Rastafarians which he titled: Marcus Garvey and
the Early Rastafarians: Continuity and Discontinuity. In it he made certain interesting points and
inferences, which are great for establishing a historically accurate documentary for the time
period in question. I will include some of the more dynamic and poignant, which as the reader
will see bears up many points made in the present work.

I think the following from Lewis is poignant in understanding the viewpoints of Howell and
Marcus Garvey; The anticolonial content of Howell's preaching was clear in his message that
black peoples only true king was Emperor Haile Selassie. But Garvey did not approve of
Howell's teaching and rejected his claims that Selassie was God. Robert Hill in his book often
quoted in this work wrote that; Garvey refused to allow Howell to sell the emperors picture in
Edelweis Park, Jamaican headquarters of the UNIA. Lewis went on to state that Garvey was
decidedly pro Christian and the doctrines that Howell taught were of a defiant anti-Christian
character, which Lewis cited would have been in obvious conflict with Garveys publicly
expressed Christianity.

When Italy invaded Ethiopia Rastafari and certain Garveyites protested in Montego Bay on the
western portion of Jamaica, similarly protesters took to the streets in St Kitts, Trinidad and other
West Indian territories.

Lewis wrote that; The Garveyite newspaper Plain Talk was commended by Dr. Malaku Bayen,
Haile Selassie's personal representative in the United States, who was in charge of organizing
the Ethiopian World Federation. Early Rastafarian leaders Joseph Nathaniel Hibbert, Archibald
Dunkley, and many other Rastas were foundation members of the first local branch of the
Ethiopian World Federation established in Jamaica. However, Garvey was very hostile in his
criticism of Haile Selassie. As early as October 1935, Garvey had argued that the Italo-Ethiopian
war affords only another example of what unpreparedness means to a people.

The following damning editorial that appeared in Garveys New Jamaican on August 13th 1932
references specifically Cannabis smoking. Ganja is a dangerous weed; it has been pronounced
so by responsible authorities. The smoking of it does a great deal of harm or injury to the
smoker; we understand it has the same effect on the subject as opium has. Every day we hear of
cases of ganja sellers, being brought before the Court.

Fines, small and heavy, have been inflicted with the object of destroying the trade, but yet it
The other day a man was found in possession of ninety pounds of Ganja, this was enough deadly
weed to destroy a thousand men.

That our people are being destroyed by the use of ganja there is absolutely no doubt. We have
come in contact with young men and middle aged men who have become a menace to society
through the smoking of ganja. Sometimes they perform in such a crazy manner as to frighten us.
Aren't we playing with the danger by not more severely putting it down? Most of the people who
smoke ganja do so as a means of getting themselves in such a state or condition as to forget their
troubles and worries -- troubles and worries brought upon them by the bad conditions that exist
in the country.... It would be good that more serious steps be taken to suppress this ganja habit.
Between ganja and fanatical religion, we are developing a large population of half-crazy people
who may not only injure themselves but injure us. Some will do it in the name of the "Lord" and
others may do it under the influence of the evil weed.

This position brought Garvey into conflict with those who advocated and practiced the ritual,
sacramental use of ganja, as well as with those who traded in it. And who were those that
practiced the ritual use of Marijuana in Jamaica at that time but Rastafari? Those who traded in
Cannabis on a huge commercial, scale at that time in Jamaica were the wealthy, merchant and
some in the planter class, there is evidence that persons in the highest echelons of government,
including the police force and the army were all engaged in the trafficking of Cannabis.

The historical record with a view to what was written in newspaper periodicals by Marcus
Garvey concerning Rastafari is nothing short of scathing denunciations and the like. That
Rastafari today hail him as their prophet is their prerogative my duty is to present the facts with
that thought in mind I will present a few more. Another article in the New Jamaican (Marcus
Garveys newspaper), written by Garvey reported the following; There is good and there is bad
in religion. Some religions are foolish, and we have a lot of them in Jamaica. We have religion
here that is running the people crazy. In different sections of our city, and for that matter, on the
island, scheming and wicked persons are promoting all kinds of fanatical religions, and they are
finding fertile fields among the unfortunate and ignorant people.

Garvey referenced the Revivalists in the article, the Pocamaniacs and the Rastafari. Lewis in his
analyses cites Barry Chevannes which is instructive to reiterate herein; These elements, as
Chevannes and others have pointed out, were all present in early Rastafari. That was a different
phase of the movement, and as such, it is necessary to distinguish among the Howellites, the old
supporters of Bedward, the revivalists who became Rasta and initiated a campaign to recognize
Haile Selassie as God, and the latter-day Rastafarian movement that gained international
currency with the music of Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, and Bunny Wailer.

Garvey knew the Howellites, the Bedwardites, and the anticolonial milieu, and with these
Jamaicans he dialogued. It is the latter-day Rastafarians, however, who, through reggae, have
canonized Garvey and become the most active force in Jamaica for perpetuating aspects of
Garveys philosophy.

Burning Spear was one of the earliest and still is the most persistent of the Garveyite Reggae-
Rasta lyricists. I have not included some of the more scathing quotes from Garveyites
concerning Leonard Howell, as some of them can be deemed as slander and libel particularly his
alleged Obeah, practices, in their defense though and this was referenced in Robert Hills book
(Dread History), Howell did claim to be a student of Hindu occultism.

The bible was held in high esteem, anyone familiar with scripture was honored by poor blacks of
the time. Garvey was no exception he was shrewd, he knew how to, collectively mobilize people
for mass action. Garvey never prophesied of the coronation of Haile Sellassie, a scriptural quote
is not a prophesy.

The Rastafari took Garveys scriptural quotation of psalms 68: 31; Princes shall come out of
Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God, as direct prophetic fulfillment in the
crowning of Haile Sellassie.

I will now deal with a very troubling development, in a certain type of literature that has been
developed, but which will not remain unchallenged.

The type of literature Iam alluding to is that which has been created by white writers and
journalists, pandering to what they consider to be their humanist side, what it truly is; is
Arrogance and an economic niche that they have created for themselves, wherein they have been
able to generate exorbitant sums of money pandering to the type of readership that they cater to.

Within this type of literature, there exists much hypocrisy, I will touch lightly on the subject, and
it is with indignation that I write when I deal with their outright blatant attempt, to minimize, and
diminish the accomplishments and contributions, that Marcus Garvey made to the Black man
globally. I am aware of quite a few people, whose lives changed for the better after reading
Garveys work; the statements made by, this white Journalist will not go unchallenged in this
work. An even worse type of literature purporting to be Christian, is being written on Rastafari
by certain mainly North American evangelicals and charismatics, that shows the ignorance and
lack of investigation that went into preparing the material. I will examine here one such writer
Paula A. Price, Ph.D. her book is entitled: The Prophets Dictionary: The ultimate Guide to
Supernatural Wisdom. On page 181 she purports to be writing on Rastafari, quotes from her
book will reveal the absolute lack of knowledge that this writer a Ph.D. holder no less, has
pertinent to Rastafari. The writer does not cite any sources when writing about a subject,
presumably she believes her own hype, that she is the ultimate, authority on supernatural
wisdom. The following are her own words quoted from page 181 414: dreadlocks A long
shaggy hairstyle worn by followers of Prince Ras Tafari of Jamaica. He was the foundation of
the Rastafarian religion founded by Marcus Garvey. The hairstyle is worn in obeisance to his
belief in himself as the incarnate messiah and as such his being the lion of the tribe of Judah. The
loose, flowing hair is to emulate the mane of a lion who is venerated for its power, prowess, and
hunting skill. The lion as the king of the jungle is the means by which this religion celebrates
their cult. When I read this womans elucidation on Rastafari I was eager to include it herein as
an example that the readers could themselves compare with the account given by me in this book
of the coronation of Haile Sellassie his titles and their spiritual and historical context, here is a
perfect example of exactly the type of writer this work opposes and exposes as fraudulent
pseudo-scholars. I went to the section in her book entitled: About the Author on page 601 of her
book, I will briefly quote from her book what she is about. Paula A. Price is vastly becoming
the international voice on the subject of apostolic and prophetic ministry she is widely
recognized as a modern day (apostle) with a potent anointing. Rarely have I seen such
ignorance and arrogance displayed in one setting as with this pseudo-apostle. Now I will begin to
deconstruct her fallacious presentation of Rastafari. Tafari as this book has shown from
documented evidence was the pre-coronation familial name of the Ethiopian emperor Haile
Selassie; Ras was a title designating him as a prince or a ruler of one or more provinces. Price
claims that Sellassie was a Jamaican, (her lack of respect for the subject she claims to be writing
about is glaringly illuminated in her referring to Haile Sellassie an Ethiopian emperor, as a
Jamaican since when did the colonial system of Jamaica ever had an emperor?), who viewed
himself as messiah. Nothing could be farther from the truth, when Price claims in her book that
Haile Sellassie viewed himself as a messiah, that is not only outright ignorance it is a boldfaced
lie! The lion as king of the jungle, these are the rantings of a barely concealed racist mentality,
couched as Christian, writing of the type of garbage exposed above, gives any writing that is
truly Apostolic a bad name, notwithstanding the god ordained precept that no woman can attain
to the office of an Apostle, in the Full Body Ministry of Jesus The Messiah of the Ages,
exposing Price as a fraud. Price and her ilk are part of the Christian Industrial Complex forged in
charismaticism, with their pseudo-Christian belief in the trinity, which is a concept that this
book has shown, was born in witchcraft. I have taken pains to deconstruct lies and
misperceptions pertaining to Caribbean people in general in this book and Rastafari in particular,
as a means of presenting as balanced and objective a picture, as I possibly could. I know it is
impossible to satisfy everyone, yet still I have attempted to present as much factually verifiable
data, on all the subjects handled in this book including Rastafari. If a writer, is not possessed
of even the most fundamental respect, for his or her subject then why bother to write about it. If
one must descend to lies and subterfuge, why bother? Any honest writer with the barest of
dignity will do well, to afford their subject with the same dignity that they would prefer for
themselves had the roles been reversed. The so called West Indies have produced many great
leaders with Marcus Mosiah Garvey not being the least of them, Caribbean people have been
clamouring for true independence since, they learnt what nation building truly entail The term
independence in this work does not only refer to political autonomy or a semi-independent
political status, as is the case regionally. The term independence here refers to the ability of a
nation to perpetuate its civilization throughout millennia using the means of the political process,
the educational, as well as the religious institutions, cultural and technological wealth of its
people. Independence herein also encompasses national identity as well as a constitution which
guarantees the rights of all citizens by law, within said constitution the rights of the citizens and
the sovereignty of their nation is sacrosanct, the democratic system being the one system in said
constitution that will be utilized to safeguard and protect said rights. If the reality of true
independence in the Caribbean context were to be examined however briefly and minutely in this
work I will like to make mention of the ideological fathers of said movement in the region.

Image: The Jamaican born Marcus Mosiah Garvey, the protg of the Sint Thomas native
Edward Wilmot Blyden.

Through the Freedom of Information Act, the widow of Garvey Amy Jacques Garvey was able
to procure formerly confidential FBI documents and also the actual transcripts of the court
proceedings that led to the illegal conviction of Marcus Garvey.
Marcus Garvey was influenced by his own admission by one Edward Wilmot Blyden.

Blyden was a native of the B.V.I.A who travelled to Africa as a missionary (Timothy White
erroneously claimed that Blyden was a Liberian).

Many people will try to falsify history and reduce Garvey to a narrow paradigm , exclusive to
Jamaica his significance transcends geographic boundaries, he was truly a world citizen, his
teaching was universal the aspects of Garveyism that are separatist and racist his concept of
race purity, is rank racism and nationalism, I reject outright and condemn that aspect of his
teaching the other aspects of Garveyism that are conducive to my wholesome development I can
consume the rest I discard as unacceptable for my consumption.

Garvey was a product of the type of thinking being developed amongst African descendants in
the West at that time.

The global universe of education produced Garvey, Blyden, George Padmore, C.L.R. James and
later Malcolm X and Martin Luther King J.R.
Image: Edward Wilmot Blyden ideological father of Marcus Mosiah Garvey.

These men were not mere soapbox orators they literally shaped the world and influenced
generations of the earths populace.
In Photo: Marcus Garvey and his wife Amy Jacques Garvey.

Although men like C.L.R. James were Marxists they still shaped much of what is termed Black
Literature today. For this reason I have stated apostolic people cannot honour anyone whether
they are black or white simply on the basis of their status as a pop icon, pop culture is not
limited to music. Popular culture denotes all accepted art forms that have made a significant
impact in what is considered an acceptable or professional standard.

Often when one hears about Pan- Africanism, the name that usually comes to mind is Marcus
Mosiah Garvey, yet Garvey was in fact a student of Edward Wilmot Blyden. Blyden was a Sint
Thomas native who wanted to be a missionary; he later changed his course of thinking and
dedicated himself to a lifelong struggle of African liberation. The Caribbean gave to the world
many great intellectuals and thinkers I will like to mention a few here, Frantz Fanon (who was a
doctor and fought himself literally to death in a war of liberation in Algeria), Cesaire, George
Padmore who was advisor to Kwame Nkrumah the president of Ghana on African affairs, C.LR
James, and many others. The program that the UNIA, the organization headed by Garvey is
worthy of mention here, as it embodies a vision and insight far beyond its time and is even more
progressive and relevant than any program enacted by any Western power on the planet today as
pertains to the African in the Diaspora in their midst. Even the independent countries in the
Caribbean and Africa cannot boast of the most basic application of anything even vaguely
reminiscent of what Garveys UNIA advocated as a means of mass social uplift. Iam not
mentioning this simply as a means of lauding the insight and vision of the UNIA, Iam attempting
to show the relevance of such a program even for the African in the Diaspora today and how
government can be used as a tool for social reformation, mass education and social uplift rather
than the present dismal and apathetic state of affairs.
The aims of the Universal Negroe Improvement Association were and still are:

1: To establish a universal confraternity among the race.

2: To promote the spirit of race pride and love.

3: To reclaim the fallen of the race.

4: To administer the imperialism of independent Africa.

5: To establish Universities, Colleges and Secondary Schools to further education and culture of
the boys and girls of the race.

6: To conduct worldwide commercial and industrial intercourse.

There were also local Jamaican objectives, which were ipsi facto Caribbean objectives.

1: To rescue the fallen women of the island from the pit of vice and infamy.

2: To do all that is possible to help the struggling masses to a higher state of moral appreciation.

3: To help generally in the development of the country.

The points and objectives mentioned above were not exclusive to Garvey or the UNIA but were
and are part of the total objective of nation building in and of itself.
Men like Garvey and C.L.R James understood that in order for them to be effective leaders of the
African in the Diaspora they would have to interpret these principles from out of his experience
and reality, C.L.R James however and his peers , transcended the role of simply Black Leaders
James never presented himself as such he was a truly universal leader and it is this type of leader
who is in fact the most effective, therefore while Garvey has his place men like James must also
be given their place in history, this work tries to draw the oft difficult balance between the
varying types of leaders without attempting to diminish one and to falsely promote another .
Some of the men mentioned above enjoyed stellar success in their chosen areas of endeavor,
George Padmore is worthy of mention here, in The Pan-African Connection Tony Martin wrote:
Padmore was born in Trinidad in 1902 and attended universities in the United States from 1924-
1929. During this period he enjoyed meteoric success in the Communist Party of the USA. In
1933 he broke with Moscow and with Communism but not with Marxism. From 1957-1959 he
served as advisor on African affairs to President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. He died in the
latter year. And in the words of his biographer, It only remained for the Ghanaians to
institutionalize him, which they quickly did. Tony Martin in his The Pan African Connection
wrote about another Caribbean man notably Frantz Fanon the Martinique born revolutionary:
but my most vivid recollection from that night was the frequency and reverence with which
Carmichael quoted Fanon. The deference accorded to Fanon by this outstanding revolutionary
of our time was the deference which some men pay to the quotations of Jesus Christ and others
to Mao Tse Tung or Karl Marx. Of course by mentioning Jesus Christ in the same sentence as
Mao and Marx, in the same vein, as the aforementioned persons Martin cleverly attempts to
reduce Jesus to a mere leader, which he most certainly was much more than a great leader,
later in this work Jesus will be examined from a biblical perspective. Aim Csair Fanons friend
wrote that: Fanon probably soared to such heights and was possessed of so wide a horizon
because he was a West Indian, meaning that he started from so lowly and narrow a basis. Maybe
it was necessary to be West Indian, that is to be so destitute, so depersonalized, in order to go
forth with such ardour to the conquest of oneself and of plenitude; West Indian, this is to say, so
mystified in the beginning as to finally be able to expose the most secret motives of
mystification, and with such mastery, finally, West Indian to be capable of so forcefully escaping
from impotency by action, and solitude by fraternity. (From Csairs Homage 1962).

I will like to elucidate on one Cyril Lionel James (1901-1989) as he was literally a giant and an
internationally renowned and respected world scholar, political theorist, philosopher, literary,
critic and Pan-Africanist. James was a world figure who advocated African self-government, and
West Indian or Caribbean self-government. The reason for the expose on James is many fold one
of the chiefest being he is not read in any major university in the Caribbean and he has been
totally omitted from most historical studies in the region on Caribbean history how can one omit
so crucial a man to the very development of Caribbean History, as a subject in cultural studies
is yet a mystery. In this work he will be given his just due James was born in Trinidad his father
was a schoolteacher his mother an educated woman. James worked as teacher for a time on
Trinidad he completed a novel Minty Alley published in 1936 the book was about the life of the
lower classes. In England he became an enigmatic phenomena he published several works
worth mentioning here The Case for West Indian Self-Government, World Revolution 1919-
1936: The Rise and fall of the Comintern (this was of course a Marxist work). He also authored
The Black Jacobins: Toussaint LOuverture and the San Domingo Revolution. His play
Toussaint LOuverture London premiere starred his friend Paul Robeson who was influenced
by James. James completed a noted major philosophical study entitled Notes on Dialectics; a
literary critical study of Melville, Mariners Renegades, and Castaways; and several collaborative
works on world politics. In 1962 in London James published; Beyond a Boundary: an historical
study of Cricket. James influenced greatly such writers as Vincent Harding, Manning Marable,
Edward Said, Stuart Hall, Walter Rodney, and Sylvia Winter. Scholars place him among the
founders of cultural studies as well as black studies with the overwhelming evidence of this
mans greatness in America and especially England the country of Trinidad in particular is in
fact contributing to its own demise by not highlighting this giant of the twentieth century,
Caribbean educational institutions are a farce until they all collectively embrace and
acknowledge this man who was in fact the intellectual dynamo that gave them voice it was
because of his work that they now exist how can one ignore ones creator? Stokely
Carmichael was a Trinidad born revolutionary who was greatly influenced by Fanon and he most
definitely would have read of and was well aware of James and his many contributions it is
simply a crime that education is being conducted in the Caribbean without acknowledging the
very persons that made it possible for true education to exist in the region or are we to think
that the so called independent governments are yet forwarding a colonial agenda by deliberately
miseducating their countries youth. The Caribbean Pan-Africanist has influenced global Pan-
Africanism to an extent not yet appreciated nor understood by the academicians in the region.
Marcus Garvey one of the most prolific of these thinkers and certainly the greatest organizer
amongst them popularized what many were already writing about and agitating for Garvey in
fact wrote about a West Indian Federation and laid down the blueprint for its attainment. What
Garvey and many others articulated was simply Caribbean nationalism and African Nationalism
across the board. The European has created his brand of nationalism in the European Union; all
of Europe is in fact governments built out of the nationalist ideal a study of European history will
attest to this fact. The British Labor party was conceived out of the Fabian Society in 1893.In
1906 the party was given its present name George Bernard Shaw and Annie Besant were two of
the more famous members of the Fabian society. Anyone familiar with the literary works of
Annie Besant might be surprised to find out that she is one of the persons who molded what we
refer to as socialism. The Europeans themselves acknowledge that socialism is in fact a child of
Marxism. Have they discarded the socialist model because Karl Marx helped write the
Communist Manifesto? No they simply evolved Marxian theory to reflect their present reality
out of such the British Labor Party of which Tony Blair was a very prominent member was born.
Why have I brought this point to the fore? The Caribbean has for years sought to create a certain
amount of cohesive hegemony. The Caricom is concrete proof of such the ineffectiveness of the
Caricom is as a result of there being an absence of a Caribbean identity forged in nationalism, the
cricket cup is a sport it is not a nationalistic symbol although if correctly used it can become a
unifying symbolic event. The tendency of the leadership in the region to form their ideology
based on Eurocentric values is an Achilles heel that will continue to cripple them. Pan-
Africanism in the Caribbean context can be correctly termed Pan-Caribbeanism can a cohesive
ideology be developed out of Pan-Africanism beneficial to a Federated Caribbean? I think this
can be achieved no true Caribbean intellectual can claim to be a Caribbean intellectual without
having been influenced by the likes of Garvey, Fanon, Aimee Csair, Blyden and the many
other thinkers to have sprang from the region.
Image: Some Caribbean islands including the lesser and Greater Antilles. Martinique,
Guadeloupe and French Sint Martin were called the French Antilles, with Sint Maarten, Curacao,
Aruba, Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatia comprising the Dutch Antilles. Frantz Fanon the
Martiniquan Doctor, revolutionary, author, Marxist and Antillean. Carlos Cooks was an

Maurice Bishop though a Grenadian by parentage was born on Aruba and attended school for a
period of time there. Athyli Rogers author of the Rastafari bible, the Holy Piby, was an
Anguillan, though Anguilla is not an Antillean island, Anguillans and Sint Maarteners are related
by blood ties and share a common heritage. Edward Wilmot Blyden the man whose world
renowned protg Marcus Garvey, is heralded by most Pan-Africanists as the father of their
ideology, is a virtual unknown in so called black studies literature. Most writers writing about
the Pan-Caribbean Pan-African experience tend to focus on Jamaicans and Africans conveniently
omitting the fact that the actual Pan-Caribbean, Pan-Africanist movement started in the smaller
islands and not in Jamaica. The movement was begun by people like Edward Blyden and others
even before him. George Padmore and C.L.R James are rarely ever written about but they are in
fact intrinsic to any honest analysis of the Pan-Caribbean and Pan-Africanist movement in the
world today. This book though not a Pan African nor a Pan Caribbean work, yet gives due
credence to the greats in the aforementioned since, without their efforts a work such as this
would indeed be lacking substance in certain areas.

There are many black Marxists and Communists some like Harry Belafonte are revered by
people who call themselves Christian, how can you claim Christ and revere and honor someone
who is diametrically opposed to all that you claim to stand for?

The mistake of black people identifying with anyone popular who looks like them is an
example of a negative cultural characteristic that apostolic people must avoid.
I identify more with a Chinese or Japanese who is truly saved than with any black man or woman
who is not, skin color is not the basis for my allegiance, another persons allegiance to Jesus
forms the basis of my allegiance to that person regardless of race, color, or creed.

Malcolm X impact transcends the so called African American Malcolm X is revered by many
Muslim youth from Morocco and throughout much of Muslim Africa, particularly in the Sudan
and outside of the Muslim community. In Africa he is honored by many on the continent and
throughout the Western hemisphere.

The significance of these people and their lifes work was mentioned in order to illustrate how
these persons influenced and shaped the thinking of Caribbean people.

In her book The First Rasta Helen Lee claims, that Marcus Garvey was agitating for integration,
how a supposedly informed individual could make such a claim, can mean only one thing, Lee
who is obviously enamoured with Howell; was pandering to certain sentiments and sensibilities
of the type of readership that she caters to.

After his release from prison on trumped up charges Marcus Garvey was deported to Jamaica in
1928, where he resumed his activities on behalf of Africans everywhere.

He was politically active in Jamaica where he ran for a seat on the city council while he was in
prison, he won by an overwhelming margin.

Lee attempt at diminishing the impact and influence of Marcus Garvey on the development of
African civilization in the Diaspora is exposed in this work for what it is, a specious attempt at
misinformation. The historical records clearly show that, Garvey was deported back to Jamaica
he later left for England, where he died in 1940. By creating the false notion that Garvey never
returned to Jamaica but was somehow sent to England, is a deliberate and malicious attempt, by
this white journalist, claiming to identify so greatly with the Rastafari, that even within the
obvious suicidal behaviour of Athlyi (Roger Athlyi writer of the Holy Piby i.e. the Rastafari
bible). Lee attempted to make Athlyi some sort of hero. Athlyi killed himself plain and simple;
no amount of misplaced pandering to misdirected sensibilities can change that.

The likes of Athlyi was not and have never been a great influence on black people globally
Athlyi marginal influence is limited to the few followers he had in his heyday, likewise Leonard
Howell. Marcus Mosiah Garvey on the other hand influenced black intellectuals globally and he
still does so today from politicians and preachers to university students to street hustlers
Garveyism has had an enduring impact on the world that no human being can diminish nor deny.

The ideology that Garvey espoused, led to many African leaders, such as Kwame Nkrumah, and
Jomo Kenyatta just to mention two very famous leaders, who openly called themselves Pan-
Africanists after the ideology developed by Marcus Mosiah Garvey. The ideology called
Garveyism, led to these men formulating the methods, and means that they would later utilize to
bring about the independence of their respective countries. That they failed to follow in the Pan-
African tradition after having achieved independence is no reflection on Garveyism at all, but
rather it is a reflection on the men as human beings.

Today both the JLP and the PNP of Jamaica are vying for the right to call themselves the
ideological successors of Marcus Garvey; fortunately for Garvey history will show that he was
not a socialist. Garvey believed firmly in the democratic ideal, and capitalism, in fact was his
preferred economic model.

Both the JLP and PNP are socialistic in their rhetoric, in practice they are decidedly autocratic,
and absolutist in their governing styles bordering on oligarchies. The very fact that these parties
are now vying for the right to call Marcus Garvey, the father of their political ideology, points to
his universal acceptance that has in fact forced the political hierarchy in his homeland, to want to
adopt him as father of their various movements.

Pan-Africanists, the Rastafari, students of the enlightened variety both white and black

have long accepted and understood the universal truths espoused by Marcus Garvey; however his
separatist rhetoric, has been and rightly should be avoided by most. The applicability of his
political program, as pertains to the betterment, of the condition of the African in the Diaspora,
should be championed by any truly enlightened Caribbean leader.

Caribbean people do not need journalists, or academicians to define their reality; they can define
their own reality.

On the point of the church role in the Caribbean; Lee attempts to portray the role of women, as
substituting for the lack of men in said institutions. The Jesus image, as created by Roman
Catholicism is portrayed by Lee, as a psychological prop; unto which black Caribbean Christian
women, project all of their pent up sexual emotions.

Lee in her attempt to describe the church services of some people, who may or may not be
Christian, lumped Christianity with Pocomania, and other religious sects, like Obeah and
Shango. In the spiritist practices above the adherents are said to become possessed by one of
their many deities, demon spirits, who cause them to manifest a wide assortment of behavior,
while persons who experience the real indwelling of the Holy Ghost are experiencing what was
spoken of in Acts 2:38. Moreover the chief spirit of most of the cults mentioned, correspond to
the divine androgyne, of ancient paganism, which has been identified as a symbol of Satan.
For instance Obatala the chief deity of the Yorubas is a spirit manifesting both male and female
characteristics , not unlike many of the other so called gods of the ancient and modern pagans
examined in this book.

The Pentecostal movement is a fact worldwide; many people around the world grew up in the
Pentecostal movement.
Lee erroneously claimed that speaking in tongues is akin to the possession, of the cults.

Speaking in tongues has been observed all over the globe even among Europeans and
Caucasians in America and Canada, accounts of such are to be found in newspaper articles and
on video footage throughout the western hemisphere.

The attempt by some white writers to portray speaking in tongues as a black phenomena,
limited to the uneducated and the ignorant is an example of their use of their mastery of the
written word to portray events in favor of the worldview that they espouse. This in the case of
writers like Helen Lee and Timothy White is a decidedly pro-Rastafari worldview (of the Bob
Marleyite variety).

While these writers can champion whatever worldview they want to ,their attempts at lumping
the very real experience of the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, in true Christians with demon or
spirit possession akin to the possession at a Voodoo ceremony, will be challenged in this work,
as it is mere fantasy and conjecture on the part of two journalists attempting to explain away
something that is experienced by people globally regardless of color or creed on a daily basis, as
a purely black phenomena limited to a few backward peasants and women with a limited
education nothing could be farther from the truth.

Since true Christianity is diametrically opposed to occultism, those of us who truly know what
the Full Body Ministry, stands for can appreciate the paradox in the matter.

For one the truly Christian woman would consider such thoughts sacrilegious, and the so-called
white Jesus image, even in Jamaican society is not revered by all, not in the early 20th century
nor today.

There has been and still are in the region churches that emphatically teach an anti-Eurocentric
doctrine, there are many church institutions regionally who do not encourage the veneration of
any imagery period taken from Roman Catholicism, even the pagan Christmas is not venerated
nor celebrated by Apostolic people in the Caribbean nor around the globe.

The weak attempt of a white woman to define the experience of the African in the Diaspora
failed, as all such attempts must fail, by dint of the fact that; the African in the Diaspora is far
more complicated, and sophisticated than any one from outside said group, presuming to be able
to precisely analyze an entire group of people will ever be able to fathom.

Leonard Howell one of the earliest Rastafari leaders/ prophets was an ardent admirer of
Hinduism, and Indian culture and philosophy in general.

The original Howellites could be heard chanting to Krishna the Hindu-god.

Howell began in the early thirties encouraging his followers to revere Haile Sellassie as a
messiah, during this time there were many Rastafari mendicants.
Some well-known leaders were Joseph Hinds, Archibald Dunkley and Nathaniel Hibberts,
though there were many leaders, these were some of the earliest and chief leaders, of some of the
better known Rastafari sects. All the other more contemporary leaders rose to prominence in the
nineteen sixties.

Haile Sellassie received certain Rastafari leaders during his Jamaican visit, some of whom were
honored with imperial medals by the emperor. Mention also must be made here of Prince
Emmanuel the founder of the Emmanualites so called Bobo Shanties.

Vernon Carrington founder of the twelve tribes of Israel is a well-known Rastafari leader; both
these men rose to prominence in the sixties.

Haile Selassie himself denounced the idea that he was divine; stating that he was a Christian, and
worshipped Jesus, the Rastafari saw his denial as a sign of humility.

The idea of Haile Sellassie as a god later gained global prominence through the medium of
Reggae music. Robert Nesta Marley, the half-caste from Kingston being its most ardent seed

The philosophical packaging and ideology of Rastafari is similar in many aspects, to Hinduism,
right down to their Vegan diet, anyone can discover this for themselves by studying the original
theology of Rastafari, the person wishing to know truth must first understand who Howell was,
and why his doctrine appealed to the disenfranchised, and downtrodden of society. The first
Rastafari unlike today, were largely poor, and uneducated young black men and women the
eldership consisted of war veterans, some former Garveyites, and many young unwed mothers.

Although Howell was not the only black Jamaican at that time teaching about a black messiah,
he was one of them who succeeded where many failed in establishing a commune where his
people could live and work largely undisturbed by outsiders.

The belief in a universal black messiah was widespread amongst African descendants in the
Western hemisphere, even amongst African Americans, as they had their Wallace Fard and
Elijah Poole aka Elijah Muhammad, (These men also claimed to be messiahs or Mahdi=Arabic
for messiah).

Based on historical accounts then we can safely say that Leonard Howell was not a novelty in the
early thirties when this type of teaching was widespread amongst black people globally.

What was novel about Howell though, was his ability to galvanize his followers few before him
or after him have been able to do what he did, and it is for that reason that I have chosen to focus
on him, he influenced present day Rastafari thinking and living more so than any of the other
Even after Howells camp (Pinnacle) was broken up, many of his followers were able to
galvanize large segments of the poorer classes behind their ideology.

Poverty lack of education and financial resources conditioned the masses of young people at that
time to seek a way out of their situation.

When Howell came on the scene preaching black pride and hailing Haile Selassie as a god,
offering a refuge from the ghetto that they inhabited Howells practice of Marijuana use offered a
temporary escape from the bleak landscape at that time.

Howell became an instant savior to those people at that time he became their leader a voice for
the voiceless and a father to the fatherless.

Howell renounced his British citizenship claiming Ethiopia as the Promised Land for blacks, and
Haile Selassie as their long awaited king who would deliver them from European colonial
tyranny and oppression.

Howell lived in an Indian styled hilltop commune, called Pinnacle he called himself Gangunguru
Marajh, he even had a harem in the manner of the Hindu kings that he so admired.

Howell was well read and had traveled extensively when he lived in the city of New York; he ran
a tea shop, he more than likely sold Marijuana in his tea shop.

Howell himself functioned as a healer; years later in Jamaica, he would use his knowledge to
heal people, he took them to a hot springs bath that relaxed their minds and bodies healing them
of many ailments in their physical bodies.

Howell was not simply talking hope he was bringing about results many of the women he
attracted were young uneducated single mothers looking for a way out poverty.

The situation today has not changed much the Village Ram mentality; of some in the Caribbean,
has spawned a generation of young single parent households headed by mostly, poor, young,
uneducated women.

This situation has led to an increasingly alarming number of single, young women, turning to,
the drug lords for their financial sustenance.

While criminal enterprise has proven to be very lucrative. The truly wealthy criminals hold a
monopoly position.

The young men and women that the dons employ are largely their pawns and are usually
expendable when they no longer cooperate, or are either incarcerated or incapacitated.

Howell was what the poor saw as a way of escape at that time he knew what they wanted him for
and he wanted power and lordship thusly both parties were served they fed his illusions of
grandeur and he literally fed them. In this scenario each party corrupted the other, yet they both
got what they wanted. Howell was genuine in his beliefs he was willing to die for his beliefs and
his followers this is what endears a man to anyone.

If a man is willing to die for his word, that stance will inadvertently bring about a certain
measure of respect from others even ones enemies.

Howell was a bonafide channeler he was an adept in elemental magic; (elemental magic is rituals
where various elemental spirits are conjured in order to aid the adepts, there are earthbound
spirits, fire spirits, water spirits, and air spirits), his son Blade in the book The First Rasta by
Helen Lee corroborated this. Howell was adept at spirit channeling people felt a definite
presence when he entered a room, that was his hallmark his bearing and presence.

Bob Marley would later emulate this man calling himself Tough Gong, meaning Iam tougher
than Gong. The original Gong was Leonard Howell, a Gong is a hallowed cymbal like
instrument used by almost all oriental religious systems of worship, to announce the proceeding,
or ending of a session, this instrument was also used to honor a particular deitys presence.

Howell was meticulous in his choice of names and euphemisms Bob Marleys use of the name
was mostly braggadocios, and also a respectful acquiescence of the preeminence of Howell.

Howell used Cannabis as a means of gaining contact with the spirit world.

Howell understood that the average youth, of a western persuasion would never easily grasp the
intricacies involved in spirit contact through meditation, and tantricism, the smoking of Cannabis
was an easier simpler method so this was employed.

In the late sixties, Howell and his followers were nominally wealthy people, because of,
Cannabis cultivation. Rastafari culture holds as a core tenet that, Cannabis Sativa is a sacred i.e.
(Holy) plant.

Cannabis was, introduced into the Caribbean, by Indian Sadhus, and smoked sacramentally by
Sadhus. The Sadhus were brought to Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana in the 17th century by
Europeans, primarily as indentured servants, for the purpose of cane cultivation.
They brought with them their religious beliefs and myriad gods; (Some accounts claim that the
Spaniards introduced Cannabis into the Caribbean as early, as the 15th century, the Cannabis
originated in both historical accounts in India).

These people some of whom were called Sadhus, or holy men brought Cannabis Sativa to
Jamaica their worship of their gods sometimes entailed the smoking of Cannabis, at certain
points an elixir would also be drunk this potion contained a mixture of honey and

Hemp was grown in the Caribbean region in as early as the 15th century this, was done chiefly
by the British in an attempt to break the Russian monopoly on the production of Hemp as an
industrial product.

The Hemp plant was used chiefly as an industrial product, the plant is indigenous to West and
Central Asia.
Copyrights R.M.N.D. 2007. By Wade A Bailey.

Figure: This map indicates a portion of Western Asia Ur of the Chaldea is shown.

The Euphrates and Tigris rivers respectively are visible as two blue parallel lines flowing into the
Persian Gulf. The complexed relationships evinced between these regions cannot be handled in
this work as this will take the work into an unintended direction suffice it to say that this work is
a synopsis of a much broader work.

Western Asia denotes a number of geographic regions chiefly Iran, Turkey, Syria, and a number
of other regions Iraq is in South Western Asia. As recently as 1979, Iran was known as Persia.

The term Central Asia denotes portions of or the entire region of Turkistan, Turkistan is the
historical term for a region in Central Asia comprised of Kazakhstan, portions of Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan, and the autonomous Chinese border territory of Xinxiang Uygur in
the past it was called East Turkistan or Chinese Turkistan.

Authors note, The last piece of historical data shows why there is a Chinese Muslim population
in China, this occurred as a result of conquest by the Turks during the expansion of their
Ottoman empire. If you are a news junky you will recall that the Xinxiang province in China is a
hotbed of Uyghur Muslim extremist activity, later in this work I will examine the afore
mentioned in depth.

As I have shown, taking into account the information given about the civilizations shown above.
They were all highly developed cultures in the past, and had frequent contact amongst
themselves. It should come as no surprise to anyone that a common religion was shared by the
people, in the regions shown above.

Hemp is also grown as an industrial product in Russia, Poland, Japan, Hungary, and China.

Hemp is refined and developed into soap, it is used in paint, and the Hemp products Marijuana
and Hashish are used as drugs.

Based on the above information we have learnt that, Cannabis served a variety of uses, in the
past as well as today.

In modern society in most countries of the world, Cannabis is used, as a recreational drug, its
usefulness as medicine has rarely been examined, or taken seriously by the medical community.

Many persons clamor for its legalization as a means of furthering their own subversive agendas.

The aim here, is not to promote the smoking of any substance recreationally, or for self-
medication. The intent here is to honestly, deal with the multi-functional role that Hemp products
have played as a natural product, that has been developed and exploited by man, it is in mans
abuse and misuse of the plant that has created the addictive behavior, evinced today, among
many people, in all sectors of society.

I will now resume my examination of the Pinnacle settlement and the lifestyle of its leader and
his followers. The Pinnacle settlement was associated with Indian plantation workers with locked
hair; this was before any African descendants in Jamaica ever grew locks.

Certain Rastafari elders called locks Zagavi; the etymology of the word, Zagavi is in the Hindi

Many Rastafari cite bible passages in order to support their way of life, the bible does not
condone the smoking of any substance as a means of spiritual upliftment, nor enlightenment.

The word of God clearly condemns the use of any substance excessively, and it clearly makes a
distinction between the clean and the unclean.

The Holy Ghost makes it possible for a child of God to touch Gods throne through the means of
prayer praise and worship.

Sadhus socialized with Jamaicans of African descent therefore, the Rastafari assertion that locks
came to their movement because of seeing pictures of Ethiopian warriors with locked hair is not
completely accurate.

Image: Jomo Kenyatta with a dreadlocked Mau Mau warrior.

This photo is erroneously cited by some historians as an impetus for certain Jamaican Rastafari
to have grown locks; such an assertion is false since Rastafari in Jamaica wore dreadlocks before
the 1950s, when this photo began making the rounds in western media publications.
Leonard Howell was impressed with Ghandi and his philosophy of nonviolence within social

Howell later co-opted the nonviolent strategy, which was not always successful, some of

Howells followers were in constant conflict with the police some of the conflict was because of
Marijuana cultivation, Howells rhetoric was antiestablishment this also brought mass exposure
to his movement and its ideology.

In 1954, Howells hilltop commune was raided by the Jamaican police. This article is a copy from
the Jamaican Newspaper: The Star, dated Thursday, May 27, 1954.

I think it will be instructive here to highlight the actual written content of the above news article.
The police unearthed the biggest store of cured Ganja (Cannabis Sativa), ever to be found at one
place at one time. It is understood that while some men were digging out crocus bags loaded with
the weed, others were pulling from the roofs of a number of huts crocus bags made out of old
trousers. These were laden with 5 pound notes 1 pound notes and other local currency notes and
coins. With one woman the police found over 809 pounds in cash. Another had over 300 pounds
and several had other large sums all of which the police took over. The money belongs to some
of the 140 prisoners who have been charged with Ganja possession and with having fire arms
illegally. It will be returned to them as soon as the cases are settled. In 1954 in Jamaica 3000
pounds was a huge amount of money for poor people to have, needless to say there is no
evidence of the money ever being returned to the Rastafari people.
The Raids are referred to as, Bad Friday to this day. Above the film documentary of the same
name is pictured.

The brutality meted out to the Rastafari at Pinnacle at the hands of the Jamaican Constabulary
and Military personnel was so severe and inhumane that even today the survivors and the
Rastafari community are calling for reparations. Beatings like the one in the photo above were
commonplace; torture at the hands of the authorities was commonplace. Many Rastafari were
murdered by the Police and Military in Jamaica, for no other reason than their outward
appearance. Bustamante the then Prime Minister of Jamaica called for the deaths of all Rastafari
on sight. Bustamante blustered, who Gun Court (Gun Court is the infamous Kingston jail), cant
hold Dove Cot (Dove Cot is a Kingston cemetery) will hold. The events that led up to the
Pinnacle raid were numerous and have been documented in the book the first Rasta by Helen
The photo above is of the Pinnacle Settlement on the exact date of the raid described above.

Without a permanent home Howells followers fled into the West Kingston area.

The Rastafari idea of a god is more Hinduistic in its outlook than Christian more shamanistic,
and accepting of various forms of esotericism.

Though Rastafari use the bible as a reference the bible is not their only point of reference.

Moreover, it is not seen as the authority on anything by the Rastafari the only group that can be
deemed even closely, Christian in their ideology and dogma are the twelve tribes of Israel.

Pinnacle or the remnants of the settlement of Howell and his people. Pinnacle was purchased by
Howell and his wife Tynneth Howell from a mister Chang a businessman of Chinese extraction,
for the sum of 1200 pounds. Today the Pinnacle site is one of controversy as the Rastafari people
of Jamaica and the Howell family, are taking legal action, to have the Pinnacle settlement,
declared a Rastafari cultural heritage site, recognized as such under international laws. Howell
died in 1981 peacefully, in a hotel room in Kingston according to the account given by Helen

Flyer and Photos of Leonard Percival Howell a.k.a The Founder and Father of the Rastafari
Movement. As I indicated previously in this book the Rastafari movement does not have one

central founder, Rastafari came about as a result of a Caribbean wide mass acceptance of
Ethiopianism, Garveyism et al, the movement had various forerunners in its formative years
Howell happens to be one of the more famous of them.

All Rastafari believe in the divinity of Haile Selassie the Kebra Nagast is the main source used,
in proving that Haile Selassie is a direct descendant of the house of David through the union of
King Solomon and the queen of Sheba.
Image: Makeda and king of Israel Shlomo/Solomon, Makedas servants and lady in waiting are
pictured here bearing gifts for Solomon. Here I will attempt a re-enactment of her tale from the
Kebra Nagast. The ravishing, wealthy queen Makeda, heard tales of the wisdom of King
Solomon and the splendors of the temple at Jerusalem from Tamrin the merchant. Enthralled by
the epic, tapestries weaved by Tamrin concerning Solomon she resolved to visit this great king
herself, and mayhap to drink from the cup of his wisdom. She set out with Tamrin as her guide
with a huge caravan, numerous attendants. When she arrived in Jerusalem, she was welcomed
by king Solomon, and experienced first-hand his wisdom.
Rastas cite revelations 19: 16 The Testimony of Jesus. 1 And after these things I heard a great
voice of much people in heaven saying alleluia, Salvation and glory and honour and power unto
the Lord our God. 2 For true and righteous are his judgments, for he hath judged, the great whore
which did corrupt the earth with her fornication and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her
hand. 3 And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up forever. 4 And the four and twenty
elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne saying, Amen
Alleluia. 5 And a voice came out of the throne, saying praise our God all ye his servants and ye
that fear him both small and great. 7Let us be glad and rejoice and give honour to him: for the
marriage of the lamb is come and his wife hath made herself ready.
8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in the fine linen, clean and white: for the
fine linen is the righteousness of saints.10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said see
that thou do it not ; Iam thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have that have the testimony
of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.16 And he hath on his
vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of
The Tribe of Judah( most modern translations of the Bible only have till Kings of Kings and
Lord of Lords, earlier translations included the full title).19 And I saw the beast and the kings of
the earth , and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and
against his army. 20 And the beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought
miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and
them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with
brimstone. 21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which
sword proceedeth out of his mouth: and all the fowls of the air were filled with their flesh.

Revelations 19 if read in its entirety in context speaks explicitly of Jesus The Messiah of the
Ages, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The beast in
verse 19 is the anti-Christ, 20 States that the beast, and the false prophet, and all those that
worshipped his image and received the mark of the beast. They were cast into the lake of fire.
Apostolic doctrine is predicated on the principle of literal interpretation, which means that I take
those scriptures literally. Revelations chapter 20, 21 and 22 all speak of the end of the present
world as we know it and the ushering in of first the Millenial Kingdom and finally the
everlasting Kingdom of God, in the Millenial Kingdom the righteous dead and those who were
persecuted for the witness of Jesus will, reign with Jesus on the Earth for one thousand years.

The preceding chapter Revelations 19 cited by Rastafari as proof of Haile Selassie, s divinity, is
an exercise in futility, since the passage of scripture clearly identifies the bearer of the title as
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The entire chapter is clearly foretelling of the return of messiah Jesus Christ, as a conquering lion
from the tribe of Judah, who will take his rightful place as the king of the universe, and the seat
of his authority would be located in Jerusalem.

The old Testament/Torah was written in Hebrew, Jerusalem in Hebrew means the city of God, or
city of peace, the name Yeshua/Jesus means the salvation of God, Judah means celebration.

The man who is the salvation of God will reign eternally in the city of God, his tribal name
Judah/Yhudah translated in the English language, means celebration humankind was made to
celebrate and worship him, and this is rightful ruler ship and authority.
There are many bible passages that support and prove the divinity of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
and we have the Holy Ghost to prove it.

I want to examine some reggae stars such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh.

Bob Marley came from the rural parish of Sint Anns, the offspring of a white man from a family
of means and a black peasant girl.

Marley was an only child who never knew his father he was jettisoned, from the rural parish of
St Ann, where he grew up to the city of Kingston. Marley was raised as a Christian, so were the
founding members of the band, as well as the three backing female vocalists the I threes, today
Judy Mowat is a professing Christian.

Marleys uncle Moriah, it was indicated in many autobiographical accounts of Marleys life, that
his uncle was a white magician a (Myalman), white magic according to its practioners is the use
of the elements or natural forces called elemental spirits to aid them in their quest to bring
healing to humankind.

Marley met and befriended Peter McIntosh and Bunny Livingston.

These three men were exposed to the teaching of Rastafari, they later became themselves
Rastas, and Marley was under the tutelage of famous Rastafari teacher Mortimer Plano.

Planno encouraged Marley to take the Rastafari message worldwide, with reggae music as the
vehicle the stated purpose was to unite the African world and the Rasta man, and redeem them
back unto Africa, using as godhead Haile Selassie.

The Rastafari in the Caribbean are not very structured and are factionalized.

In recent years, there has been a marked increase in the intrta cooperation amongst varying
groups, hailing from various islands in the Caribbean, and countries, such as England, America,
and South Africa.

There are many branches of Rastafari some are even linked to the grandson of Haile Sellassie
Zara Yacob, who lives in Sweden and is part of the Ethiopian Crown Council whose raison
dtre, is to one day install an Ethiopian monarch on the imperial throne. Naturally this would be
one of the living heirs of Haile Sellassie.

Haile Sellassie was deposed in a military coup led by Haile Mengistu in September 1974. He
was held in prison until his death in 1975, the remains of the deposed emperor were discovered
in an unmarked grave and with the help of modern scientific methods, the bones were
reconstructed the facial structure and cranial definition were rebuilt, and verified as the remains
of Haile Sellassie . The Ethiopian authorities alerted the former emperors family who buried the
remains in state in the great cathedral at Addis Ababa.
The above mentioned is one of many accounts on the death of Haile Sellassie, some accounts
state that no grave was ever produced by the Ethiopian Authorities.

In the book written by Haile Sellassie My Life and Ethiopias Progress, translated by Edward
Ullendorf. Ullendorf states in the postscript of his translated work that like Moses in
Deuteronomy 34, no man knows of the sepulcher of Haile Selassie unto this day.

Based on the two accounts we see that, there are many official and unofficial versions on the
manner in which Haile Selassie died. The Rastafari have their own personal versions depending
on who you talk to, however it is not my intention here to lend credence to fables or myths but to
attempt to accurately as possible reconstruct official data from media sources and even from
Rastafari publications as to the manner in which Haile Selassie was killed and buried.

The granddaughter of Haile Selassie Esther Antohin Selassie maintains the Marxist soldiers of
Haile Mengistu battered her grandfather.

Esther Antohin stated that Haile Sellassie was a saint who was martyred, and that every bone
in his body was broken. She also claimed that bones of the emperor were found in toilet pipes on
the palace grounds, where he once reigned. She maintained that to the end,Haile Sellassie held
steadfast to his Christian faith. Again some versions dispute the other some accounts are in
agreement with Esther Antohin, other accounts claim like the following that: In the mid 1990s
several years following the 1991 overthrow of Lieutenant Colonel Haile Mengistu Mariam, that
Haile Sellassies perported remains, had been recovered, sealed and discreetly placed behind
glass in the closet of a crypt of the Bhata church in Addis Ababa near the marble tomb of
Sellassies kin, Menellek II. The government of Meles Zenawi refused to allow an official
funeral, and also refused followers requests for a nationwide day of mourning.

The Rastafari still contend that their god is alive; Bob Marley wrote his now famous song Jah
Live after being questioned by his youngest daughter if their god was indeed dead.

A great book to study for more clarity on what is being handled in this portion of the work is the
book entitled a Dread History: Leonard P Howell and Millenarian Visions in the Early
Rastafarian Religion (written by Professor Robert A. Hill).

In Hills book in the introduction written by Ras Sekou Sankara Tafari. He stated that the main
prophet of the Rastafari faith was Leonard Howell.

On page fourteen the so called prophecy attributed to Garvey in The Rastafari Report is called
an assumption by Robert Hill.

On page fourteen, the writer further stated that no evidence was found or cited to show that
Garvey ever made the statement attributed to him.
The evidence found in the book written by Hill and co-published by Miguel Lorne publishers, in
fact validates the claims made in this work that Garvey, is erroneously reported by many
Rastafari to have consciously endorsed Haile Sellassie as a messiah.

A true study of history, which was marvelously conducted by Professor Hill, has proven this
(shown earlier in this work).

On page seventeen of Hills book, it is stated that two works provided the actual interpretative
basis of Rastafari, in the period of 1925-1927, one those books is The Holy Piby written by
Athlyi Rogers in 1924; Rogers was an Anguillan.

Rogers was the head of the Afro-Athlican Constructive Gaathly.

The local Jamaican branch was called Hamitic Church it was established in 1925 by Grace
Jenkins Garrison and Rev Charles F. Goodridge. The second book that formed the basis of the
Rastafari consciousness was The Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy published in 1926
by a Reverend Fitz Ballantine.

Many writers; have alleged that Howell borrowed extensively from the writings of Ballantine.
Howells book The Promised Key is said to have been a plaigerization of Ballantine work.

As pertains to the claim made in this work, that, Howell was influenced by Sadhus of Indian
ancestry, Robert Hill, offers ample proof that will validate my claim on page thirty of his book.

The Nome de plume that Howell took unto himself was G.G. Maragh Gangunguru Maragh.
The name it is stated, in Roberts work has its origin in the Hindi language.

In 1940, the book further states that, Howell saw himself, in the role of messiah and let his
people know this.

On page forty three Roberts further went on to state that, in the polytheistic universe of Jamaican
folk religion, East Indian spirits mix with Hindu Occultism, to produce a genuinely mystical

Out of the above-described mix, Howell was also a product and participant, Roberts work
validates this work in its entirety, as per my claims pertaining to the so-called prophetic role that
Garvey, was supposed to have played in the formation of an esoteric/shamanistic culture.

The claim that Garvey, who was a Christian, was the prophet of Rastafari is a spurious one at
best, for the culture of Shamanism sharply contrasts with the Christian Judaeo values that
Marcus Garvey espoused.

The second claim that is overwhelmingly validated by Roberts is the Hindu influence within the
particular aspect of Rastafari culture that Howell formed on Pinnacle.

Here we have a visual map aide showing the proximity of Arab countries to Africa it is from
these places that Cannabis was introduced into the continent.

In the next portion, I want to look at Ethiopian Orthodoxy and Ethiopian history.
This thirteenth century Ethiopian church hewn out of solid rock is located in the Lalibela
province and it is said to be the place where the Ark of the Covenant rests.

The ark is rumoured to be guarded by Ethiopian monks of the Coptic Church.

Coptic priests in Ethiopia wearing traditional headgear and carrying silver crosses.

This is a celebration called Mescal, the gathering in celebration of the cross. At right, Haile
Selassie is seen participating in the Meskel celebration. Meskel in the Ethiopian Orthodox
Church is an annual religious holiday commemorating the discovery of the True Cross by Queen
Helena (Saint Helena), in the fourth century. Meskel occurs on 17 Meskerem in the Ethiopian
calendar (September 27, Gregorian calendar.
The teachings of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church are contained in the Law of the Kings, or the
Fatah Nagast , the legend of king Solomon and the queen of Sheba is contained in their Kebra
Nagast (Glory of Kings).

Pictures of two Ethiopian Orthodox Bishops at left Patriarch Abuna Basilios , Abuna Petros at
right . It is this Church that Haile Sellassie was a member of. It is impossible to divorce Haile
Sellassie from the Christian faith and it is impossible to divorce Ethiopia, from the Christian faith
as Ethiopia from its inception was inextricably linked to Christianity.

Haile Sellassie was born in the Harare province to Ras Makonnen and lady Yashimabet.

The newly born childs mother died during the birth of the young boy.
A young Lij Tafari, the word Lij is the Amharic for child; a title reserved for the children of high-
ranking nobility. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is modeled after the Russian Orthodox Church. The
chief Bishop or Abun was traditionally based in Alexandria Egypt and not in Ethiopia, (however I cannot
verify if this is still the case at present).

Ras means literally head: a title of nobility similar to the English duke.

The emperor: with a sheathed sword. The Paintings on the Ethiopian Orthodox church in Ethiopia,
bearing the likenesses of Haile Sellassie and his wife, the ever present much venerated mother and child is
portrayed in the painting.

The emperor lived in the traditional style of Menellek before him, meaning he was subject to the same
experiences as his troops if they were expected to risk their lives in battle so was he .

David before him set the example, as the Ethiopian royalty all claim descent from King David. Hence
their use of the honorific title Conquering Lion of The Tribe of Judah.
The heraldry in the coat of arms of imperial Ityoppia/Ethiopia above left, (in use since 1911), is quite
significant in that it reveals the Christian and Jewish influence of the ruling Amhara ethnic group. To the
right of the page is the imperial coat of arms, of France from 1814 to 1830 used after the restoration of the
House of Bourbon and still in use today. A similar French coat of arms of which the above is a slight
modification is much older and was in use from 1589 to about 1792.

The Ethiopian heraldic coat of arms then, as is obvious that its creators were inspired by the heraldry of
the French royal coat of arms specifically within the Ityoppian adaptation of the two female angels even
the cut of their clothing is identical including their physical resemblance and their splay of their feet. The
similarities do not end there but are evident in the placement of the crown. This is not an attempt on my
part at to diminish the imperial house of Ityoppia but I in my role as historian thought it valid to the
overall context of this book to include the information in question herein. As we will see further in this
book the Europeans specifically Roman Catholicism borrowed so heavily from the Africans that
Catholicism should rightfully be called Egyptian/Kemitian Sun Worship, for after a lengthy study of
history, I have come to the conclusion that Roman Papalism is a resurrected Egypto religion that hides
beneath a pseudo Christian cloak.
The coat of arms on the throne above is the same coat on page 31. A Christian emblem: that signifies
the messianic hope of Jesus, the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, returning to sit upon the throne
of the kingdom of Judah. To the right is a present day Ethiopian Orthodox procession, all of their
ceremonial trappings are modeled after the Alexandrian Orthodox Church in Alexandria Egypt, the
Orthodox Church is similar to the Roman Institution and is written about in that light in this book.
The original flag of the imperial dynasty of Ethiopia the rampant Lion on the flag represents The
Conquering Lion of Judah Jesus the Messiah.

The fact that the Ethiopian people considered themselves Christians should not be taken lightly.

The very history and culture of the Ethiopian people portray their Christian belief and value system.

The Ethiopian understanding of Christianity though is not in line with Full Body Ministry teaching, yet
we know from scripture that apostolic teaching came to Ethiopia by way of the apostle Phillip.

The Ethiopian Hebrew connection is well documented in Psalms, Isaiah and many more chapters of the

What we have done, is establish firstly, that, God made a covenant which still stands today predicated on
the promise, that he will use Black men to lead the house of Israel to their promised position of
restoration. Today he will once again raise up Black prophets as was already prophesied a people who
were no people and a nation who was not a nation would provoke the Jews to jealousy.

Today the Black man of the west will lead one of the greatest revivals in the history of the world the
provocation of the Jews.

The Azusa Street revivals under William Joseph Seymour were the beginning of the raising up of black
prophets and deliverers in the Western hemisphere.

The fruition of this move of God is the Full Body Ministry not what your church is nor your
denomination it is only what God is in you this is the gospel of the kingdom.

Haile Maryam Mengistu his name translated from Amharic to English means the power of Mary.

Mengistu was the leader of the coup that toppled the regime, of the then monarch Haile Selassie, in 1974.
The emblem to the right of the page is of the Dergue. The name of the organized body, which led the
coup, against the regime of Haile Sellassie.

Mengistu was one of many students, whom the government of Haile Sellassie gave scholarships to and
sent abroad, to various universities, in order for them to take up the mantle of leadership in Ethiopia.
The flag shown here was in use in Ethiopia from 1975 to 1987. It is the same flag minus the rampant lion.

In 1976 Mengistu became the president of Ethiopia. His government was Marxist; all the other coup
leaders, were brutally murdered by Mengistu.

In 1984, he became the head of the newly formed Ethiopian Workers Party.

This flag was used briefly in Ethiopia after the Dirge took over. The colors of the imperial Ethiopian
dynasty are still used today. The Communist inspired emblem on the flag was the emblem of the Dirge.
The flag above is another example of a secular government that claims to be atheist using religious
symbolism on their flag. The incidence of governments using religious symbolism on their national
monuments and flags is a global occurrence and is indeed very telling.
The present flag of Ethiopia the five pointed star common in Witchcraft is evident on this flag. Kessis
Kefyalew Merahi in his book Christianity in Ethiopia said that during the Dirge regime in Ethiopia, as a
result of the Marxist atheism promulgated amongst the populace at that time, decadence, murder and a
general lack of ethical behaviour was the norm in Ethiopia especially amongst the youth.

Today unfortunately, the Africans in those countries have turned to the tactics of their former colonial
traducers as a means of survival.

Much of the strife in Somalia is because of African leaders adopting both European and Islamic tactics as
a means of governing their people.

The methods employed by non-African people in the past to govern Africans were repressive how then
can African leaders today expect to achieve a truly civil society by reenslaving their own people?

The Indian Ocean remains an international trade route, with Mogadishu being a coastal city, piracy was
launched from Mogadishu for hundreds of years by British pirates, French pirates and other European
pirates and powers. The modern piracy that is being perpetrated by the Somalis is partially a European
creation with impoverished Africans and some truly criminal African elements taking up the pirate trade
as a viable means of economic sustenance.

The effect piracy has had on Somalia and is still having is nothing short of anarchy and nihilism.
A modern Somali Shepard. Due to its arid climate, Somalia is a very infertile country with few natural

Animal husbandry is the most important economic sector.

The war of 1991 virtually crippled the economy and it has yet to recover.

The bungling of the Americans in the armed conflict, in the early part of the 90s only worsened the
Somali problem. The many clans and sub clans vying for power in Somalia, all adhere to Islam Sunni
Islam is the religion practiced by ninety eight percent of the Somali population, the U.S. army nor any
other occupying force can resolve the conflict in Somalia, the conflict is of an ethnic and religious nature.

The Somali people themselves are the only persons remotely qualified to intervene in the highly
complexed social-political and social religious milieu that is Somalia.

Few western writers and journalists ever dare cross the line and accuse their governments outright of the
crimes, and atrocious acts that theyve committed in Somalia, I read an interesting piece recently which
highlights such in my opinion quite succinctly, Ill quote some excerpts from that piece here, from Johann
Hari, The Independent April 15th 2009. Hari exposed how the lack of a government in Somalia in 1991
created a lawless society teetering on the brink of starvation, that vacuum was exploited by unscrupulous
western nations disposing of toxic waste.As soon as the government was gone, mysterious European
ships started appearing off the coast of Somalia, dumping vast barrels into the ocean. The coastal
population began to sicken. He narrated how the coastal population and their children suffered from,
strange rashes, nausea and malformed babies. Following the 2005 Tsunami hundreds of leaking barrels
washed up on shore. People suffered from radiation sickness and more than 300 died. Ahmedou Ould-
Abdallah, the UN envoy to Somalia confirmed the presence of nuclear waste in Somalia:
Somebody is dumping nuclear material here. There is also lead, and heavy metals such as
cadmium and mercury you name it. Much of it can be traced back to European hospitals and factories,
which seem to be passing it on to the Italian mafia to dispose of cheaply. When I asked Ould-Abdallah
what European governments were doing about it, he said with a sigh: Nothing. There has been no clean-
up, no compensation, and no prevention.Abdi Samatar said the following of the situation in Somalia:
The Ethiopian invasion, which was sanctioned by the US government, has destroyed virtually all the
life-sustaining economic systems which the population has built for the last fifteen years. Abdi Samatar,
professor of Global Studies at the University of Minnesota, (Democracy Now).

The Ethiopians and Somalians have historically engaged in bloody protracted wars, since Ethiopia is 48%
Coptic Christian and about 41% Muslim with the remaining 11% of the population practicing indigenous
animist beliefs. At the same time, other European ships have been looting Somalias seas of their
greatest resource: seafood. We have destroyed our own fish-stocks by over-exploitation and now we
have moved on to theirs. More than $300m worth of tuna, shrimp, lobster and other sea-life is being
stolen every year by vast trawlers illegally sailing into Somalias unprotected seas. The local fishermen
have suddenly lost their livelihoods, and they are starving. Mohammed Hussein, a fisherman in the town
of Marka 100km south of Mogadishu, told Reuters: If nothing is done, there soon wont be much fish left
in our coastal waters.
Out of the preceding scenario, the pirates, arose out of Somalia, it is a well-documented fact
that , Somalian fishermen, in an attempt to stymie, the flow of trawlers and dumpers destroying
their livelihood, attempted to impose a tax, on foreigners fishing and dumping waste in their
waters. The Somali catastrophe that saw American troops in Somalia in the 1990s was
exacerbated in 2006 during the Bush administration. In 2006 the Bush regime bolstered an
alliance of Somali warlords calling themselves the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). The
TFG established a base of operations in the western city of Baidoa, with the help of the Ethiopian
army, the US Navy warships, AC-130 gunships and western mercenaries, the TFG captured
Mogadishu with the help of the aforementioned forcing the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), out of
Mogadishu. Presently the resistance has re-captured most of Somalia, in the wake of the
foregoing, Al-Shabaab has emerged seemingly out of nowhere, with a clear anti-western
agenda, given Somalias recent history Al-Shabaab (the youth) is a reaction to the many modern
western incursions into Somalia. The latest round of fighting in Somalia has created a
humanitarian disaster rendering more than 1.3 million people homeless, continued instability,
drought, high food prices and the local currencys collapse have served to worsen the dilemma.
Paul Salopek wrote in the Chicago Tribune that:(Somalia) is a covert war in which the CIA has
recruited gangs of unsavory warlords to hunt down and kidnap Islamic militantsand secretly
imprison them offshore, aboard U.S. warships. The British civil-rights group Reprieve contended
that as many as 17 U.S. warships may have doubled as floating prisons since the Sept, 11
terrorist attacks.

Somalia is one of the great unrecognized U.S. foreign policy failures since 9/11, said Ken
Menkhaus, a leading Somalia scholar at Davidson College in North Carolina. By any rational
metric, what weve ended up with there today is the opposite of what we wanted. (Paul Salopek,
US Appears to be Losing in Somalia Chicago Tribune). Presently Al-Shabaab is receiving aid
from Al-Qaida in Libya and the LIFG, Somalia is a safe haven and breeding ground for militant
Islamists, bent on jihad, the US interventions in the Islamic world have all been monumental
disasters, this is the reason I opined that only the Somalis are remotely capable of handling their
own affairs. In the pre-modern period of Somalias history protracted wars were waged, with the
Ethiopians even in modern times, as was the case with the Italo-Ethiopian wars, in the Ethiopian
emperor Menellek II, time the Battle of Adowa, was fought against the Italian invaders.
Image: The emperor Menellek II claims lineage from King Solomon and the queen of Sheba.The
images at right are an example of Ethiopian soldiers during Menellek II, time it was soldiers like
these that routed the Italians at the battle of Adowa. Even during the reign of Haile Sellassie, the
Ethiopian soldiers were outfitted with weapons and clothing of the type, that the soldiers above
are displaying.

Menellek II was the grandfather of the successor to the throne Lej Iyasu. Lej Iyasu was
imprisoned by Haile Sellassie after he was captured, in a battle between his forces and that of
Ras Tafari. Lej Iyasu was captured in 1921 and imprisoned. Josef ben Jochannan claimed that
Haile Sellassie poisoned him, in order to usurp the throne. The poisoning of an enemy
imprisoned for nearly twelve years seems highly unlikely. There are even more unlikely tales
and rumours abounding concerning Haile Sellassie not the least of which was the one concocted
by Timothy White in his book Catch a Fire. White is undisputably a great writer, who blends
fiction and fact in his book creating an Epic type narrative, to titillate his readership. An example
of Whites fiction and fact blending, is page 36 of Catch a Fire, where he claims Lej Iyasu was
chained in golden chains and fed opulently enjoying a life in captive luxury, where he could
freely cohabitate with the many concubines that Haile Sellassie had sent to him for his pleasure.
Not only is that narrative highly unlikely, it is culturally inaccurate and also most importantly he
can cite no source that would verify his claims. Another example of his meanderings and
deliberate mythologizing of Haile Sellassie are his claims that an old abbot examing Tafaris
palms upon discovering stigmata there, fled from Tafari, terrified. The stigmata of the Roman
Catholic Institution, are the so called nail prints in the palm of Jesus. What purpose could such
embellishments serve but to reinforce, the beliefs and sympathies of those Whites book is
marketed to? Not Rastafari as such but people open to the type of innuendo and suppositions that
are rife throughout Whites book.

I have viewed thousands of hours of video and now DVD footage of Haile Sellassie, read and re-
read hundreds of books, replete with pictures of him waving and some with both hands fully
exposed, I have yet to see any nail prints in the palm of his hand, and I am yet to find anyone
who can credibly prove with documented factual evidence, that such was ever the case, I rest my
case (no pun intended).

Menellek II was emperor of Ethiopia; during the attempted invasion of Ethiopia by the Italians,
the Italians were routed, in what became known as the battle of Adowa in 1896.

I have not stated my personal opinions here, nor am I attempting to convert anyone or change
another persons point of view, every person has the right to believe whatever they want to, but
no one can change facts.

I have laid bare the facts researched by highly skilled professors who have shown, that the actual
origins of Rastafari are esoteric and not bible based. The foundation of Rastafari is in tantricism
not in the bible as so many erroneously state. The aim of this book in this section is to furnish
facts hereby equipping persons in the African Diaspora, to identify between various aspects of
our experience in the Diaspora.
Image: Zaouditou wife of emperor Menellek and mother of Taitu. The title of Empress of
Ethiopia or Queen of the Kings of Ityoppia ,was conferred on her in 1917, by the Monophysite
Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Shoan nobility.Muslims, led by Iyasu were seeking to
subvert three Milennia of Solomonic succession. Iyasu who had been excommunicated by the
leaders of the Orthodox Church, upon his conversion to Islam, was Menelleks chosen successor.
The recently named Ras Tafari, prevailed upon Zaouditou to name him as regent, she acquiesced
to his request preferring to keep the royal scepter out of the hands of the Muslim apostate Lij
Yasu. Zaouditou was empress in name only, even with her immense influence it was the
strikingly handsome, Tafari Makonnen with his electrifying magnetic presence and his direct
descent from the Shoan imperial dynasty who the common people and increasingly some in the
nobility regarded as a potent force, who may one day ascend to the highest office in Ityoppia that
of Negusa Nagast, King of the Kings of Ityoppia/Emperor or Atse.
Image: This photo is of a young Tafari Makonnen with his father Ras Makonnen. Queer tales
circulated about the young Tafari ability to communicate with animals, Kapucinski in his book
The Emperor stated, that former intimates of Haile Sellassie, told him Sellassie himself was
the source of the rumours. Even though many Ethiopians claimed to be Christians, they were and
still are a deeply superstitious people who still revert to the pre-Christian practices of their

Lady Taitu seen at far right of page, embroidered on the front of her garment are the two lions
and the crown in the middle. The lions are symbolic for the Lion of Judah which the Ethiopian
imperial house identified with as the messiah/savior of the Ethiopian people; this was in keeping
with Orthodox teaching.
Image: This building is called the Zaouditou Building, after Menellek II daughter.
Figure: Sellassie in his office in the Jubilee Palace. At right iconic photo of Sellassie, with his
piercing gaze.

Figure: Haile Sellassie with pilots for an Ethiopian, air force all of whom were either from the
Caribbean or, were African-Americans.
Figure: Sellassie and his wife, with servants in tow and their chained Lions. At right Sellassie
posing with Leopards on his palace steps. His penchant for posing with jungle animals led to
rumours circulating that he could communicate with them. The Ethiopians are known for their
superstitious nature; the rumours only lent to Sellassies already growing personal legend and
lent an air of mystery and mystique that he obviously relished in cultivating.
To fully understand the Rastafari one must first examine the man they revere as a god. Haile
Sellassie was born on July 23, 1982 an Amhara, this group was the dominant ethnic group, or
ruling class at the time.The Oromo fell on the lower stratum of the social hierarchy and were
largely Muslim; with the Amhara being predominantly, Coptic Christian, presided over by

Haile Sellassie, s father was a duke, Ras Makonnen, he was related to the emperor Menelik II,
his wife lady Yishimabet was the mother of Haile Sellassie. Tafari the precoronation name of
Haile Sellassie was raised by his fathers Cousin Fitawrari Haile Sellassie Abeynah who was a

Born in Ejarsa Gora, raised in the lush Harage province eighteen miles from Harare, his birth
name was, Emmanuel later his baptismal name Haile Sellassie Light of the Trinity, to his
consternation would be intoned by men thousands of miles away from his birthplace, but the
child had no way of knowing, oblivious to all else he clung hungrily to his mothers breasts
savoring, the velvety smoothness of the life giving milk, he hungrily satiated himself on. On the
day of the childs birth, his father according to tradition kept a silent vigil like a sentinel outside
the round thatched hut, with its conical roof made of wattle-wood.
Image: Ras Makonnen wore a bandolier of cartridges around his waist not unlike the one on the
man in the photo above, standing next to a seated Haile Sellassie.
Dressed completely in black, his bombazine tunic, made the haft of his jewelled sheathed sword,
stand out against the stark black background. He wore atop his head an Italian-made fedora of
the finest suave felt, around his waist was a bandolier of cartridges, tucked in at his waist was a
finely carved ivory-handled custom made pistol. The customary gun bearer stood several paces
behind his master, maintaining the respectful distance; he cradled the fine rifle, sheathed in fine
silk, the color of which was purple. Farther from both men, fanned out, standing at ease, was a
large contingent of soldiers in full ceremonial regalia, each man held a fully loaded carbine.
Beyond the massing men a tight semi-circle of peasants knelt, reverently chanting zemas
(prayers),their chants filled the pitch black night with, a soul felt reverence that all the devout
soldiers present acknowledged, with bowed heads muttering prayers of their own under their
breaths. In the small hut, physicians and servants ministered, to lady Yashimabet watched by
priests who held their malwamiyas, reverently since they were consecrated, the prayer sticks
were never laid on the ground or used as a walking stick. The baby who would become Tafari
Makonnen was washed and anointed, with the finest oils, while his lips were daubed in melted,
butter blessed by priests. Hundreds of guns were fired by the soldiers outside, when the father
finally emerged from the little hut, intoning with raised voice; a boy, he is a boy.

The gunshots from hundreds of rifles rang out in the night, shattering the silence and eclipsing
the softly chanted prayers and psalms, the deafening cacophony echo and reverberate endlessly,
lightning flashed, once, twice, three times, brightly illuminating the contingent, the mens spirits
are uplifted, filled with joy at their lords good providence.

Ras Makonnen knows the child will have to learn the art of state craft from his youth up. The
palace intrigues were filled with low deeds in high places, rife with deceit, betrayals and
disloyalty at every turn, a Dejazmatch hoping to become a ras needed, to be trained even in the
ways of the west, since a broad ranging knowledge was helpful and useful in enhancing ones
skill sets, thereby increasing ones chances in successful, diplomacy. With his sons future on his
mind Makonnen, hired the French Martinican father Vitalien as his sons tutor. I deliberately
related the preceding in story-like prose as a means of conveying the mileu that Haile Sellassie
grew up in and was born into. A brilliant young boy, who would grow up to be a seemingly
frail man, eventually he would be emperor of Ethiopia, the scion of the Shoa dynasty would
carry the Solomonic legacy into the 21st century, in the process he would become a god, to
thousands , only to be deposed in a coup, even in death he is hailed as,Jah Rastafari by many,
this portion of the book will examine him, and the people that hail him as their, living god.
Father Jarousseau the French Roman Catholic, was one of his earliest tutors. It was from
Jarousseau, that Tafari learnt the French language, which he was quite fluent in.

In later years when Tafari nearly drowned, it was the French priest who saved his life, the priest
drowned in the incident. Above right the young child Lij Tafari (Haile Sellassie) wearing the
pectoral cross given to him by Jarousseau.
Left to right Tafari Belew, Tafari Makonnen (Haile Sellassie), middle Beru the childrens
attendant and last Imru Haile Sellassie who later became a Ras. At right Tafari or Teferi, at age
twelve just months before he was named Dejazmatch, or governor of some of Harage province,
by his father.

Dr Joseph Vitalien, a black Catholic physician from Martinique, also tutored Ras Tafari.

Lej Iyasu the crown prince at the time converted to Islam and caused much consternation, when
he began firing Christian government appointees and placing Muslims in their stead, he was
finally deposed in a military coup.

With the most powerful nobles and the greater part of the military supporting him Ras Tafari
was crowned on November second 1930 along with his wife Empress Mennen.

Menen was of the Gala people and not Amharan like Haile Selassie.

The actual events surrounding the coronation itself are worth recounting herein; in order to
establish the significance of the Coptic Church, and specifically the centrality of the Christian
faith to the imperial office, and the importance placed on the observance of the Christian faith by
the emperor himself.
A significant event that occurred prior to the coronation, was the return of the royal sceptre to
Ethiopia by the Duke of Gloucester, he came representing his father who was unable to make the

It is a highly paradoxical development that some today, would attempt to divorce Haile Selassie
from his openly Christian adherence and his constant veneration of Jesus as his Lord and
Saviour. It is with that thought in mind that I will attempt to describe what has been described by
many authors over the years, which are the actual events and ceremonies surrounding the
coronation of Haile Selassie, the recounting of said events herein are to highlight the significance
of Christian doctrine to the Ethiopian royal house at that time.

Image: The state coach above was purchased from the Austrian emperor Franz Josef, drawn by a
team of spotless white Hapsburg stallions, the coach gleamed resplendently in the sun. The
driver was a former employee of Franz Josef hired by Ras Tafari, to drive him and his empress.

In Addis Ababa new roads had to be built to accommodate the large amount of traffic that would
abound in November the date of the coronation. Invitations were sent to dignitaries all around the
world. In mid-October the dignitaries began streaming into Addis Ababa via Djibouti on the Gulf
of Aden, through French-Somaliland and through Ethiopias mountainous interior by railway.
Amongst the many dignitaries were, the Duke of Gloucester, Isaburo Yoshida a Japanese
delegate, Marshal Franchet dEspercy a Frencman,Rear Admiral Prince Udine an Italian,
Muhammad Tawfiq Nasim Pasha an Egyptian. The German President dispatched a private
airplane bearing 500 bottles of fine Rhine wine. In a service at the Saint Georgis Cathedral on the
eve of the coronation the emperor and his bride took part in an all-night prayer vigil. Ras Tafari
and his wife prayed along with, the priests and the church deacons, dancing, singing the priests
and deacons held their prayer sticks, swaying in time to the music, of harps , lyres, drums
,tambourines and an assortment of other instruments. The female choir singing, from time to
time ululated as is the custom of Ethiopian women at such events.

Sunday November 2, 1930 at 7:00 most of the official guests were seated in the opulently
decorated hall at the west side of the cathedral. At 7:30 A.M., the doors of the inner sanctum
opened, and hundreds of priests made their way out chanting as they went, Haile Sellassie
followed them out, as incense filled the cathedral shrouding him in a swirl of smoke, dressed in
white silk communion robes Tafari Makonnen made his way slowly to his throne, and sat down.

The emperor was presented with the imperial symbols of his high office: the insignia of royalty,
the gold embroidered scarlet robes, a saber encrusted with precious stones, the royal scepter, and
the orb, the ring of Solomon, (a ring with a rampant gold lion set in onyx or obsidian), two
diamond rings, and two lances.

Then the Abuna anointed his brow and placed the majestic crown fitted with jewels, diamonds
and precious stones on his head, the crown of the emperor and empress were valued at one
million U.S. dollars, the crowns were fashioned in such a manner that they incorporated the seal
of Solomon and the Lion of Judah crest (the hand-delivered crowns were kept by the priests
according to sacral tradition in order for them to be prayed over by the priests for the required
21 days prior to the coronation), the Abuna crowned Ras Tafari: Haile Sellassie I Power of The
Trinity, Two Hundred Twenty fifth Emperor of the Solomonic Dynasty, Elect of God, Lord of
Lords King of kings Conquering Lion of The Tribe of Judah.The Abuna then invoked the
following prayer: That God may make this crown a crown of sanctity and glory. That by the
grace and blessings which we have given you may have an unshakeable faith and a pure heart, in
order that you may inherit the crown eternal. So be it. Crown Prince Asfa Wossen knelt before
the emperor in a posture of sublime submission; one hundred and one cannons elicited a
thunderous salute to H.I.M., outside the sanctuary. Though the peasants and common people
were barred from attending the coronation they, nevertheless celebrated the crowning of the

Haile Selassie broke with tradition and was coronated along with his consort empress Mennen.

In her book The First Rasta, Helen Lee the French female journalist claims that Haile Selassie
considered himself to be in her words white, a Caucasian, nothing could be farther from the
truth. Selassie claimed an Amharic heritage, which is an African ethnic group.

The word Semite in reference to Amhara Ethiopians is an invention of white racist academicians,
culturally, and ethnologically, Haile Selassie was in the strictest sense an African. An example
of his African cultural heritage can be seen, on the BBC documentary of Haile Selassie during
the Italo Ethiopian war, several warriors can be observed dancing, and chanting , and boasting of
their valorous acts before the emperors throne, and recounting their valorous deeds, the scene is
very African and possesses a decidedly non-European character.

The Semitic connection was introduced into his gene pool through the union of Solomon, and the
queen of Sheba or queen Makeda her African name. (authors note: examine the photo of Haile
Selassie father and his pronounced African features. The arrogance and crassness of certain
European scholars when writing about Africans borders on the neurotic. Below emperors
Tewodros and Johannes sporting the braided hairstyles so popular amongst blacks in the West
and in Africa. Many European scholars identified these men as white, yet their culture, language
and ethnic heritage is identical in so many aspects to that of Africans on the continent and
elsewhere that the true reason for claiming them as Europeans become apparent. Were the
Europeans to acknowledge the African for what he is at the outset they would have had no basis
at all for their racist theories and suppositions. Therefore having no basis in fact for them to
claim an entire continent and its inhabitants to be their inferior. They had to invent a Caucasian
heritage for all outstanding African cultures. therein lay the downfall of Western academia for in
teaching and perpetuating fiction as fact they robbed generations of their own people of the true
value of factual empirical knowledge and for the most part intellectually crippled them and the
descendants of the African in their midst. Scholarship of the type you are reading is an attempt to
right the injustice, yet it is a minuscule droplet in a sea of decadence and ignorance.
The above newspaper article contains some examples of the type of stupidity spouted by certain
western scholars. No doubt Helen Lee was influenced by the innuendo and outright lies of the
type shown above. I will include the article dated July 24th 1954 in its entirety here. Hailes
gold medal awarded to Rogers. NEW YORK- By imperial command of emperor, Haile Sellassie,
J.A. Rogers was summoned to the Waldorf Astoria last Thursday, presented with a gold medal
and given an order of 128 copies of Rogersbook, Worlds Great men of Color, 3000 B.C. to
1946 A.D. After the presentation Mr Rogers said: This ought to squelch the belief that he
considers himself white and is not interested in colored Americans. I first met him at his
coronation in 1930. At 61 the emperor is in excellent health, he underwent a physical exam at
the Harkness Pavillion of the Presbytarian hospital and passed with flying colors. Mr Rogers
revealed he is working on two new books; one of them is a book of amazing facts entitled, A
book of amazing facts about the colored American from 1512 to the present. Mr Rogers says he
has enough important facts to fill several volumes. Commenting on John Gunthers story in the
Readers Digest in which said Gunther, The Ethiopians consider themselves to be white no
matter what their color is. This is an entirely false interpretation. Ethiopians do consider
themselves the equal of anybody, which is something entirely different, says Rogers. I
discussed this with many of the Highest Ethiopians they regard themselves as Black people,
Africans. There are many more such articles to be found in Western media with direct quotes
from Haile Sellassie himself with regards to his ethnicity; suffice it to say that I am satisfied with
the evidence presented in this book thus far on the preceding.

The Ethiopian imperial structure was centralized in the person of the emperor.

The inability of the average West Indian to fully grasp Ethiopian culture, is understandable the
complexities of distinguishing between the Amhara, for instance and the Falasha, or the Gala, or
any other ethnic group in existence in Ethiopia quite frankly, would be far too staggering for the
average high school dropout in the West Indies. It is exactly because of this handicap that men
like Howell were able to preach and teach an erroneous doctrine to ignorant persons.

Figure: Close examination of the throne will reveal two lions heads on the right and the left of
the throne on which Haile Sellassie is seated. This picture has been included to show, the
pronounced Jewish influenced traditions in the Solomonic dynasty of Haile Sellassie, no one can
deny that the Ethiopians had previous contact with Jews.

Before I go any further, I would like to say here for the record that Haile Sellassie confessed
Jesus as his personal lord and savior. I esteem his person very highly, I regard him as a great
personal influence, and motivation in my own life, with that said I would like to include here a
quote from Haile Sellassie himself as pertains to his personal regard for the bible and I quote.
We in Ethiopia have one of the oldest versions of the bible, but however old the version may be,
in whatever language it might be written the word remains one and the same. It transcends all
boundaries of empires and all conception of race it is eternal.

No doubt you all remember reading in the Acts of the Apostles how Philip baptized the Ethiopian
official. He is the first Ethiopian on record to have followed Christ and from that day onwards
the, word of God has continued to grow in the hearts of Ethiopians. Moreover, I might say for
myself that from my early childhood, I was taught to appreciate the bible and my love for it
increases with the passage of time. All through my troubles, I have found it a cause of infinite
comfort (quoting Jesus). Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give
you rest. Who can resist an invitation so full of compassion?

Because of this personal experience in the goodness of the bible, I was resolved that all my
countrymen should also share its great blessing, and that by reading the bible they should find
truth for themselves. Therefore, I caused a new translation to be made from our ancient
language (Geez) into the language which the old and the young understood and spoke

Today man sees all his hopes and aspirations crumbling before him. He must realize that the
bible is his refuge and the rallying point for all humanity. In it man will find the solution of his
present difficulties and guidance for his future action.

And unless he accepts with clear conscience the bible and its great message, he cannot hope for
salvation. For my part I glory in the bible.

The name Haile Sellassie is an Amharic word, the Amharic language is classified as a Semitic
language in the same language group as Hebrew, which is a fallacious attempt to divorce
Ethiopians from their African ethnicity, an impossibility that is still being attempted by certain
Caucasian pseudo-scholars.

The name literally means power of the trinity the Hebrew equivalent of the word Selassie is
Shlee-shee the word means third , Tafari his childhood name prefixed by the title Ras in the
Hebrew is Tiph-ah-rah and Tiph-eh-reth in the English transliteration it is rendered Tiferet the
word means beauty or glory .

Some attribute messiah ship to Haile Selassie; indeed he did execute the role of a political savior
in that he defended the sovereignty of Ethiopia valiantly. It was because of the steadfast faith in
God, of the Ethiopian warriors that they were able to defeat the Italian hordes, yet there is no
biblical proof nor shred of evidence supporting or promoting any claim that Haile Selassie was
God incarnate the Messiah of the ages.
As can be seen from his own account Haile Sellassie considered himself a mere mortal and a
subject of Jesus the Messiah.

Haile Selassie is a product of a culture that has co-opted many aspects of Judaism into its Canon,
from his triple crown to his kingly scepter and royal globe/orb signifying universal or perpetual
ruler ship all these are adaptations of the Hebrew Theocratic way of life.

Which was God ordained kingship Government ruled by God.

The Ethiopians co-opted Judaism which remains to this day a deeply religious society, the fact
that, the Ethiopian religious culture bears resemblances to the Hebrew religious culture attests to
the fact that the Hebrews influence was far flung, and far ranging from its infancy until today.
Hebrew culture has influenced the earths population and will continue to do so.

Tafari Makonnen would later become known by his baptismal name, Haile Sellassie,

This became his regnal appellation upon his coronation as emperor.

Figure: Haile Sellassie marching with his troops into battle. Sellassie is in the front row sixth
from right.The Ethiopian soldiers would chant: Negus, our Negus, only you can save us, our
lines in the south have been caught in a rout. And to the north of Makale all our tactics are folly.
Negus, our Negus give me shot give me powder.

Figure: Benito Mussolini at left dressed as a General; at right he is second from left in the photo
at right.

The October 12 1935, Italian aggression against Ethiopia orchestrated by the fascist Benito
Mussolini, was the second attempt by the Italians to conquer Ethiopia.

At Maichew, March 31, 1936, the emperor led his troops on the battlefield.
During the Italo-Ethiopian war poison gas bombs (Mustard gas), were dropped wholesale by the
Italians on men, women, children, and animals as well as crops. The photo above at right of the
page shows Mussolini and some of his cohorts, hanging, upside down, murdered by the adoring
masses, of Italians who mere months prior hailed them as heroes.

The very refinement of barbarism consisted in carrying ravage and terror into the most densely
populated parts of the territory the points farthest removed from the scene of hostilities. The
object was to scatter fear and death over a great part of the Ethiopian territory. These Fearful
tactics succeeded. Men and animals succumbed. The deadly rain that fell from the aircraft made
all those whom it touched fly shrieking with pain. All those who drank the poisoned water or ate
the infected food also succumbed in dreadful suffering. In tens of thousands the victims of Italian
mustard gas fell. It is in order to denounce to the civilized world the tortures inflicted upon the
Ethiopian people that I resolved to come to Geneva.

Figures: Left and right both photographs depicting, Hitler and Benito Mussolini who were allies
at the time.
Figure: The Fasciae national symbol of Italy at the time of Mussolinis reign.
Figure: Oblivious to his own safety Haile Selassie walked on unexploded bombs on his palace
grounds and collected some, that he could carry and painstakingly logged information
concerning the makeup of the bombs into a logbook that he carried.

Haile Selassie issued a general mobilization proclamation to the Ethiopian people before the war,
the proclamation read: People of my land of Ethiopia. You know that Ethiopia has moved on
her way continuously from the time of Menelik the first, and has endured, has been recognized,
and respected in her liberty.

Previously, forty years ago, Italy, proud in her skill and in her strength, desired to destroy the
liberty of Ethiopia, and to enslave her people and to rule over them: she came into the midst of
our land and fought against us.

Our God, who loves not violence, aided us and gave us the victory; but we did not seek to
recover that part of our land, which had gone from us.
Pushing forward on the frontiers by Hamasien and Somalia, they took our territory: and you can
see with your eyes and hear with your ears how our brothers, in that land they took, have borne
the yoke of slavery.

While we grieve at the violence perpetrated against them, we do not seek the territory, which has
gone from us.

Now once again they are planning to cast the yoke of slavery upon the people dwelling in the
whole of our country.

They brought troops by stealth into Ogaden and killed our men who were seeking no quarrel:
they have broken the treaty we concluded with them.

We had already entered the League of Nations, which was established to maintain the peace of
the world, therefore we gave notice to the League of Nations, so that the quarrel at Walwal might
be looked into by arbitrators according to the law, and the guilty party might be recognized.

Figure: This photo is of Haile Selassie addressing the League of Nations, hoping to avoid war by
a policy of non-aggression in 1936. His efforts however were futile, Italian journalists seeking to
create a disturbance and diminish the effectiveness of his speech vociferously and rudely heckled

Before descending the rostrum, Sellassie uttered these prophetic words, Today for us tomorrow
it will be you, his words came to fruition in the Italian defeat at the hands of the allies, and the
subsequent execution of Benito Mussolini by his own countrymen.
Selassie hoped to appeal to the collective conscience of the League. With quite determination
and a steely resolve taking a deep breath steadying his nerves, he knew this was a pivotal
moment his countrymen depended on him he was their servant and representative before the
largest world body politic, the hypocritical League of Nations what would histories verdict be?
he wondered. With his unwavering faith in God the austere monarch began to outline his policy
speaking in his native Amharic, the beleaguered Sellassie championed the very values that the
league claimed to defend, in 1936.Twenty seven years later Sellassies prophetic words had
come to pass, he would again go before the world body which was by then the United Nations,
vindicated and victorious. Clearing his throat Haile Sellassie uttered the following words before
the hypocritical league, on October 1963:

Twenty-seven years ago, as Emperor of Ethiopia, I mounted the rostrum in Geneva,

Switzerland, to address the League of Nations and to appeal for relief from the destruction which
had been unleashed against my defenseless nation, by the Fascist invader. I spoke then both to
and for the conscience of the world. My words went unheeded, but history testifies to the
accuracy of the warning that I gave in 1936.

Today, I stand before the world organization which has succeeded to the mantle discarded by its
discredited predecessor. In this body is enshrined the principle of collective security which I
unsuccessfully invoked at Geneva. Here, in this Assembly, reposes the best - perhaps the last -
hope for the peaceful survival of mankind.

In 1936, I declared that it was not the Covenant of the League that was at stake, but international
morality. Undertakings, I said then, are of little worth if the will to keep them is lacking. The
Charter of the United Nations expresses the noblest aspirations of man: abjuration of force in the
settlement of disputes between states; the assurance of human rights and fundamental freedoms
for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion; the safeguarding of international
peace and security.

But these, too, as were the phrases of the Covenant, are only words; their value depends wholly
on our will to observe and honor them and give them content and meaning. The preservation of
peace and the guaranteeing of man's basic freedoms and rights require courage and eternal
vigilance: courage to speak and act - and if necessary, to suffer and die - for truth and justice;
eternal vigilance, that the least transgression of international morality shall not go undetected and
unremedied. These lessons must be learned anew by each succeeding generation, and that
generation is fortunate indeed which learns from other than its own bitter experience. This
Organization and each of its members bear a crushing and awesome responsibility: to absorb the
wisdom of history and to apply it to the problems of the present, in order that future generations
may be born, and live, and die, in peace.

The record of the United Nations during the few short years of its life affords mankind a solid
basis for encouragement and hope for the future. The United Nations has dared to act, when the
League dared not in Palestine, in Korea, in Suez, in the Congo. There is not one among us today
who does not conjecture upon the reaction of this body when motives and actions are called into
question. The opinion of this Organization today acts as a powerful influence upon the decisions
of its members. The spotlight of world opinion, focused by the United Nations upon the
transgressions of the renegades of human society, has thus far proved an effective safeguard
against unchecked aggression and unrestricted violation of human rights.

The United Nations continues to sense as the forum where nations whose interests clash may lay
their cases before world opinion. It still provides the essential escape valve without which the
slow build-up of pressures would have long since resulted in catastrophic explosion. Its actions
and decisions have speeded the achievement of freedom by many peoples on the continents of
Africa and Asia. Its efforts have contributed to the advancement of the standard of living of
peoples in all corners of the world.

For this, all men must give thanks. As I stand here today, how faint, how remote are the
memories of 1936.How different in 1963 are the attitudes of men. We then existed in an
atmosphere of suffocating pessimism. Today, cautious yet buoyant optimism is the prevailing
spirit. But each one of us here knows that what has been accomplished is not enough.

The United Nations judgments have been and continue to be subject to frustration, as individual
member-states have ignored its pronouncements and disregarded its recommendations. The
Organization's sinews have been weakened, as member-states have shirked their obligations to it.
The authority of the Organization has been mocked, as individual member-states have
proceeded, in violation of its commands, to pursue their own aims and ends. The troubles which
continue to plague us virtually all arise among member states of the Organization, but the
Organization remains impotent to enforce acceptable solutions. As the maker and enforcer of the
international law, what the United Nations has achieved still falls regrettably short of our goal of
an international community of nations.
This does not mean that the United Nations has failed. I have lived too long to cherish many
illusions about the essential high-mindedness of men when brought into stark confrontation with
the issue of control over their security, and their property interests. Not even now, when so much
is at hazard would many nations willingly entrust their destinies to other hands.

Yet, this is the ultimatum presented to us: secure the conditions whereby men will entrust their
security to a larger entity, or risk annihilation; persuade men that their salvation rests in the
subordination of national and local interests to the interests of humanity, or endanger man's
future. These are the objectives, yesterday unobtainable, today essential, which we must labor to

Until this is accomplished, mankind's future remains hazardous and permanent peace a matter for
speculation. There is no single magic formula, no one simple step, no words, whether written
into the Organization's Charter or into a treaty between states, which can automatically guarantee
to us what we seek. Peace is a day-to-day problem, the product of a multitude of events and
judgments. Peace is not an "is", it is a "becoming." We cannot escape the dreadful possibility of
catastrophe by miscalculation. But we can reach the right decisions on the myriad subordinate
problems which each new day poses, and we can thereby make our contribution and perhaps the
most that can be reasonably expected of us in 1963 to the preservation of peace. It is here that the
United Nations has served us - not perfectly, but well. And in enhancing the possibilities that the
Organization may serve us better, we serve and bring closer our most cherished goals.

I would mention briefly today two particular issues which are of deep concern to all men:
disarmament and the establishment of true equality among men. Disarmament has become the
urgent imperative of our time. I do not say this because I equate the absence of arms to peace, or
because I believe that bringing an end to the nuclear arms race automatically guarantees the
peace, or because the elimination of nuclear warheads from the arsenals of the world will bring
in its wake that change in attitude requisite to the peaceful settlement of disputes between
nations. Disarmament is vital today, quite simply, because of the immense destructive capacity
of which men dispose.

Ethiopia supports the atmospheric nuclear test ban treaty as a step towards this goal, even though
only a partial step. Nations can still perfect weapons of mass destruction by underground testing.
There is no guarantee against the sudden, unannounced resumption of testing in the atmosphere.
The real significance of the treaty is that it admits of a tacit stalemate between the nations which
negotiated it, a stalemate which recognizes the blunt, unavoidable fact that none would emerge
from the total destruction which would be the lot of all in a nuclear war, a stalemate which
affords us and the United Nations a breathing space in which to act.

Here is our opportunity and our challenge. If the nuclear powers are prepared to declare a truce,
let us seize the moment to strengthen the institutions and procedures which will serve as the
means for the pacific settlement of disputes among men. Conflicts between nations will continue
to arise. The real issue is whether they are to be resolved by force, or by resort to peaceful
methods and procedures, administered by impartial institutions. This very Organization itself is
the greatest such institution, and it is in a more powerful United Nations that we seek, and it is
here that we shall find, the assurance of a peaceful future.

Were a real and effective disarmament achieved and the funds now spent in the arms race
devoted to the amelioration of man's state; were we to concentrate only on the peaceful uses of
nuclear knowledge, how vastly and in how short a time might we change the conditions of
mankind. This should be our goal.

When we talk of the equality of man, we find, also, a challenge and an opportunity; a challenge
to breathe new life into the ideals enshrined in the Charter, an opportunity to bring men closer to
freedom and true equality and thus, closer to a love of peace.

The goal of the equality of man which we seek is the antithesis of the exploitation of one people
by another with which the pages of history and in particular those written of the African and
Asian continents, speak at such length. Exploitation, thus viewed, has many faces. But whatever
guise it assumes, this evil is to be shunned where it does not exist and crushed where it does. It is
the sacred duty of this Organization to ensure that the dream of equality is finally realized for all
men to whom it is still denied, to guarantee that exploitation is not reincarnated in other forms in
places whence it has already been banished.

As a free Africa has emerged during the past decade, a fresh attack has been launched against
exploitation, wherever it still exists. And in that interaction so common to history, this in turn,
has stimulated and encouraged the remaining dependent peoples to renewed efforts to throw off
the yoke which has oppressed them and its claim as their birth right the twin ideals of liberty and
equality. This very struggle is a struggle to establish peace, and until victory is assured, that
brotherhood and understanding which nourish and give life to peace can be but partial and

In the United States of America, the administration of President Kennedy is leading a vigorous
attack to eradicate the remaining vestige of racial discrimination from this country. We know
that this conflict will be won and that right will triumph. In this time of trial, these efforts should
be encouraged and assisted, and we should lend our sympathy and support to the American
Government today.

Last May, in Addis Ababa, I convened a meeting of Heads of African States and Governments.
In three days, the thirty-two nations represented at that Conference demonstrated to the world
that when the will and the determination exist, nations and peoples of diverse backgrounds can
and will work together, in unity, to the achievement of common goals and the assurance of that
equality and brotherhood which we desire.

On the question of racial discrimination, the Addis Ababa Conference taught, to those who will
learn, this further lesson: That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another
inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until there are no longer
first-class and second class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man's skin is of no
more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally
guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world
citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued
but never attained; And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola,
in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed;
Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by
understanding and tolerance and good-will; Until all Africans stand and speak as free beings,
equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven; Until that day, the African
continent will not know peace. We Africans will fight, if necessary and we know that we shall
win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil.

The United Nations has done much, both directly and indirectly to speed the disappearance of
discrimination and oppression from the earth. Without the opportunity to focus world opinion on
Africa and Asia which this Organization provides, the goal, for many, might still lie ahead, and
the struggle would have taken far longer. For this, we are truly grateful.

But more can be done. The basis of racial discrimination and colonialism has been economic,
and it is with economic weapons that these evils have been and can be overcome. In pursuance of
resolutions adopted at the Addis Ababa Summit Conference, African States have undertaken
certain measures in the economic field which, if adopted by all member states of the United
Nations, would soon reduce intransigence to reason. I ask, today, for adherence to these
measures by every nation represented here which is truly devoted to the principles enunciated in
the Charter.

I do not believe that Portugal and South Africa are prepared to commit economic or physical
suicide if honourable and reasonable alternatives exist. I believe that such alternatives can be
found. But I also know that unless peaceful solutions are devised, counsels of moderation and
temperance will avail for naught; and another blow will have been dealt to this Organization
which will hamper and weaken still further its usefulness in the struggle to ensure the victory of
peace and liberty over the forces of strife and oppression. Here, then, is the opportunity presented
to us. We must act while we can, while the occasion exists to exert those legitimate pressures
available to us, lest time run out and resort be had to less happy means.

Does this Organization today possess the authority and the will to act? And if it does not, are we
prepared to clothe it with the power to create and enforce the rule of law? Or is the Charter a
mere collection of words, without content and substance, because the essential spirit is lacking?
The time in which to ponder these questions is all too short. The pages of history are full of
instances in which the unwanted and the shunned nonetheless occurred because men waited to
act until too late. We can brook no such delay.

If we are to survive, this Organization must survive. To survive, it must be strengthened. Its
executive must be vested with great authority. The means for the enforcement of its decisions
must be fortified, and, if they do not exist, they must be devised. Procedures must be established
to protect the small and the weak when threatened by the strong and the mighty. All nations
which fulfill the conditions of membership must be admitted and allowed to sit in this
Equality of representation must be assured in each of its organs. The possibilities which exist in
the United Nations to provide the medium whereby the hungry may be fed, the naked clothed,
the ignorant instructed, must be seized on and exploited for the flower of peace is not sustained
by poverty and want. To achieve this requires courage and confidence. The courage, I believe,
we possess. The confidence must be created, and to create confidence we must act courageously.

The great nations of the world would do well to remember that in the modern age even their own
fates are not wholly in their hands. Peace demands the united efforts of us all. Who can foresee
what spark might ignite the fuse? It is not only the small and the weak who must scrupulously
observe their obligations to the United Nations and to each other. Unless the smaller nations are
accorded their proper voice in the settlement of the world's problems, unless the equality which
Africa and Asia have struggled to attain is reflected in expanded membership in the institutions
which make up the United Nations, confidence will come just that much harder. Unless the rights
of the least of men are as assiduously protected as those of the greatest, the seeds of confidence
will fall on barren soil.

The stake of each one of us is identical - life or death. We all wish to live. We all seek a world in
which men are freed of the burdens of ignorance, poverty, hunger and disease. And we shall all
be hard-pressed to escape the deadly rain of nuclear fall-out should catastrophe overtake us.

When I spoke at Geneva in 1936, there was no precedent for a head of state addressing the
League of Nations. I am neither the first, nor will I be the last head of state to address the United
Nations, but only I have addressed both the League and this Organization in this capacity. The
problems which confront us today are, equally, unprecedented. They have no counterparts in
human experience. Men search the pages of history for solutions, for precedents, but there are
none. This, then, is the ultimate challenge. Where are we to look for our survival, for the answers
to the questions which have never before been posed? We must look, first, to Almighty God,
Who has raised man above the animals and endowed him with intelligence and reason. We must
put our faith in Him, that He will not desert us or permit us to destroy humanity which He
created in His image. And we must look into ourselves, into the depth of our souls. We must
become something we have never been and for which our education and experience and
environment have ill-prepared us. We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous,
greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty
prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human
community. Certainly one of his most enlightened speeches, undoubtedly Haile Sellassie, was a
visionary far ahead of his time many of the points he conceptualized in his speeches, have yet to
see their enactment in our times, on the contrary the use of science in the Western hemisphere,
seems to be an impossibility in the present geo-political context. Although I cannot uphold the
United Nations as an actual answer to mankinds myriad malaise, the things that he
conceptualized could conceivably be put into practice. The leadership in the world today
particularly the western hemisphere, are part of a Global Military Industrial Complex, headed by
the United States of America, the economic strength of this global juggernaut lies in Wall Street
and London. The Military Industrial Complex is powered by the multi-national corporations
which are chiefly owned and operated by Anglos largely of a European or American nationality.
Increasingly Asian nations, such as India and China are vying to supplant the western militarized
industrial complex with their own. The world is being continually divided into spheres of
influence, all in direct fulfillment of bible prophecy. That Haile Sellassie saw our future is a
testament of his vision and thorough understanding of geo-political affairs, no mere
intellectual, the spiritual insight that he was endowed with was certainly God given, yet he was
astute enough to present a humble exterior, which belied his wisdom. Haile Sellassie in this book
is presented as a seminal figure, in the context of his historical import and his cross cultural
influences and global impact, regrettably more could not be included in this book pertinent to
such an elusive and legendary figure as Haile Sellassie. The actual proclamation was included; as
an aid in the general understanding of the reader, into the actual events that took place, and
especially, into the temperament of Haile Sellassie at the time that the actual events unfolded.

Famed black history teacher and icon D.R. Joseph Ben Jochannan has gone on record stating,
that Haile Selassie was installed as emperor illegally, and that he was a murderer of both queen
Zawditu, and Lej Iyasu, through my own studies of the man I have found

Not one shred of evidence to support such a theory, I personally have found Haile Selassie to be
a good and godly man.
From left to right Tafari, as Dejazmatch (Dejazmatch literally Keeper of the Door), middle Beru
Tafaris childhood attendant , the smaller man to the left is claimed by many to be Lij Iyasu his
childhood name, who became a Moslem, and opposed Tafari militarily, he was captured and
imprisoned, he died twelve years later. Iam in serious doubt as to the authenticity of those claims
since Iyasu was the emperor Menelleks grandson, who was next in line for the throne, in the
photo above at left, the last man at right in photo, most likely was a servant of Ras Tafari. The
photo at right with Ras Tafari and his servant Beru, who was also his childhood attendant i.e.
servant. In all pictures except those of Tafari and other high ranking children of the Ethiopian
nobility, the nobility are photographed wearing shoes whereas the servants always were shown
without shoes. The pictures above only show Ras Tafari wearing shoes while the other men are
in their barefeet, denoting their servile status. It is inconceivable that Lij Iyasu would pose in a
manner servile to Ras Tafari since he was higher in the imperial hierarchy at that time than Haile
Sellassie. The second photo the man next to Ras Tafari (Haile Sellassie), is being alleged to be
Iyasu he is clearly Beru, since he has been pictured with Haile Sellassie from their youth up and
he is quite recognizable to those familiar with photos from the period in question.
Figure: Haile Sellassie and his empress Menen Asfaw, and some of their children. To the right of
this page Empress Menen Asfaw.

Few leaders in the twentieth century displayed the type of love and compassion for his
fellowman, as did Haile Selassie; he was a true leader in the fullest sense of the word. Diaspora
Christians should carefully study his numerous books and works; in so doing they will gain, a
much needed understanding into the character, and Christian lifestyle of Haile Selassie.

His life of prayer and his steadfast faith in God are rarely if ever discussed, yet in his book My
Life and Ethiopias Progress he begins the book with a prayer to God, the same God that
Christians worship, yet some decry Haile Selassie as a murderer and a thief falsely and
erroneously. I want to include here an appropriate speech given by Haile Sellassie at Asmara
University on August 1st 1971: There is nothing more worthwhile and rewarding in life than to
work for the benefit of others. One can derive more pleasure from giving than from receiving.
We believe that each and every one of you who in leaving this institution for his or her respective
calling has come to realize that education is seldom prized merely on account of its usefulness to
individuals. Nor is it intended to be a mere ornament and a mark of distinction and prominence
to the persons who are fortunate to receive it. Those who have had the opportunity to learn
should always be at the disposal of those who have not had its benefit. Therefore, it is not only
the individual but the community at large which should benefit from the virtues of education.
The words of the Holy Bible, "Give and it shall be given unto you," are worth observing in your
daily lives. This momentous event should be a time in which you should reflect and pose to
yourselves the questions, "what kind of service are we going to render to our country and what
do we intend to accomplish in life?" It is our firm belief that if you forego self-love and self-
indulgence and break away from worldly desires that you will be able to make great
contributions to your family, community and country."

Sadly, because of lack of resources and a clear-cut understanding of bible prophecy, many
Jamaican Rastafari have spread a false doctrine of the divinity of Haile Selassie, equally guilty as
some Christians of defamation of the character of the gentle Haile Selassie. It is the intent of this
work to present as much as possible, well researched factual data on the man and his beliefs and
value system.

I will like to introduce here some excerpts from the book written by Karl Philpots Naphtali in
his book The Testimony of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie defender of the faith.

Karl Philpots is a Rastafari who adheres to the doctrines taught by Vernon Carrington better -
known as Prophet Gad.

On page 109 we read that Vernon Carrington prophet of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, stated
according to Philpots Naphtali that there is no name whereby mankind can be saved but by the
name Jesus .

In his book Philpots acknowledges Jesus as the saviour of mankind through the process of
atonement, brought to fruition through the death burial and resurrection of Jesus.
Figure: Haile Sellassie on horseback surrounded by a host of servants all in their bare feet
denoting their servile status.
Figure: Haile Sellassie in full parade uniform atop his snow white charger, this picture was often
cited by early Rastafari and proto-Rastafari, as proof that Sellassie was the returned messiah
spoken of in Revelations. Above right Haile Sellassie, on the cover of TIME magazine,
testament to his widespread appeal and western acceptance at the time.

Figure: Sellassie and his wife, with servants in tow and their chained Lions. At right Sellassie
posing with Leopards on his palace steps. His penchant for posing with jungle animals led to
rumours circulating that he could communicate with them. The Ethiopians are known for their
superstitious nature; the rumours only lent to Sellassies already growing personal legend and
lent an air of mystery and mystique that he obviously relished in cultivating.
Figure: The following account is taken from The Emperor: Down Fall of an Autocrat, by
Ryszard Kapuscinski, the celebrated Polish Journalist. It was a small dog, a Japanese breed his
name was Lulu. He was allowed to sleep in the emperors great bed. During various ceremonies,
he would run away from the emperors lap and pee on dignitaries shoes. The august gentlemen
were not allowed to flinch or make the slightest gesture when they felt their feet getting wet. I
had to walk among the dignitaries and wipe the urine from their shoes with a satin cloth. This
was my job for ten years.

Figure: Ethiopian Rases with the traditional headdress made from the pelts of Lions.
Figure: An example of the Ethiopian Monophysite Orthodox Church art. Saint Abbo the
saint who talked to animals is shown to the right of the painting. Haile Sellassie, it was rumoured
could talk to animals, obviously whoever was the source of said rumours, were basing their
suppositions on this particular saint mythology.

Philpots throughout his book openly stated that Haile Sellassie was only an anointed man, as per
the Solomonic order that he inherited through his ancestral lineage to the Davidic throne he also
mentioned the Davidic Covenant, and stated that Christians should teach the Davidic Covenant
and the gospel of The Kingdom.

From the words of Karl Philpots I realize that he is very much in line with Apostolic teaching
for it is in the Apostolic or fivefold ministry wherein it is taught that the Kingdom of Heaven is
on earth now the Davidic Covenant is also taught within Apostolic doctrine.

Thusly we can see from the writings of one Karl Philpots Naphtali a declared Rastafari that he is
a believer in the divinity of Jesus or Yeshua Ha Masshiach and he acknowledges him as the one
who will return in a second advent to rid the world of all corruption and injustice.

I highly recommend his book to all interested in the Rastafari organization the Twelve Tribes of
Israel they are in fact the only Rastafari who can clearly and concisely lay down their beliefs in a
biblically accurate manner.
His book was endorsed by long time Rastafari stalwart Mortimer Plano (now deceased).

The Twelve Tribes clearly propagate and spread a doctrine of the messiah ship of Jesus and they
actively proselytize in line with that thought. It is my opinion, that Christian teachers preachers
of the gospel of the kingdom, should be active in the advancement of the gospel, in a more
proactive way in reaching out to organizations like the twelve tribes of Israel and forming some
sort of consensus or at the very least an exchange of information. This type of informational
exchange or discourse will serve to block the teachings of extremist organizations within all
denominations of Rastafari and Christianity. These extremist teachers are only negative and
divisive elements in the region and are increasingly appealing to Christian youth in the region;
this development should be alarming to most so-called leaders in the churches regionally as it
points to their seeming inability to appeal to the young men in their congregation. The only
Christians in the West who truly reflect the fullness of the gospel are those that live out the
principles given to the apostles they wield the scepter of kingship, and the globe signifying
universal conquest or rightful ruler ship .

The mandate of the sevenfold ministry is to take back dominion in the earth.

Through the preaching of the gospel of Jesus, the Messiah unto salvation and then the end of all
things will come.

The Falasha Black Jews, are one of the most glaring modern day examples of Ethiopians with
a pronounced Jewish heritage. A well-known Falasha prayer is: Deliver me and unite me with
your people Israel, because thou hath justified us Lord. Their prayers literally saw fulfilment in
the Operation Moses, joint CIA , Mossad and the Amnul Dawla the Sudanese Secret Service
were rumoured to be involved in the operation which will be briefly discussed in the following as
a means of shedding light on who the Falashas are. The book by English writer Tudor Parfitt
which was translated into the Dutch language entitled Operatie Mozes or Operation Moses in
English is the source of much of the information in this section of the book, (I of course had to
translate from the Dutch language into English, resultantly sentence syntax and structure may
prove somewhat difficult to understand here). Parfitt claims to have had clandestine meetings
with an Ethiopian Jew, who called himself Joshua ,one of which was held on the terras of the
Grand Hotel close to the Blue Nile: I told him very briefly about the report that, I wanted to
write about the Falashas and about what I discovered in Tewawa. He looked at me searchingly.
Very slowly and with a thick accent he said in English: Iam very sorry that you discovered
this. That entire operation is strictly secret. The Amnul-Dawla agents in Gedaref must keep the
operation hermetically sealed. If one word of the operation is leaked to the press, the people in
the camps will have to remain, in the most inhumane conditions. Hundreds have died already
and hundreds maybe thousands more will die, if we cannot succeed in rescuing them from
there.You may be asking yourself why the Falashas are any different from thousands of other
Ethiopians, who are dying in camps in the east. I will tell you why. The Falashas are Jews just
like me. But that is not the greatest difference the Christian and Muslim refugees from Ethiopia
cannot escape the hunger and the camps because they cant go anywhere. No country wants
them. It has been for as long as I can remember not often that Jews had the chance to escape
when they were threatened. This time they do have a chance to escape. Israel wants them-these
black Jews as a result have a chance to escape. Butif this plan leaks, then even that chance
will be lost to them. The preceding underscores the dire straits that the Falasha found
themselves in, in Ethiopia at that time. The Falashas are Ethiopians of the Agau ethnic group.
They lived in hundreds of villages spread out from each other, on a height of about 2000 meters,
in the majestic mountains north of the Tana River, where the Blue Nile begins in the Semien
highlands in the northeast of Gondar province. Smaller groupings are to be found in Wollo and
Tigre. They live in far off unimpassable areas and until recently they had absolutely no contact
with the outside world. From 1137-1270 Ethiopia was ruled by the Zagwe-dynasty of the Agau-
Figure: Two highly detailed maps showing the routes that the Beta Yisrael followed from the
Gondar region in Ethiopia, into Sudan. The long and dangerous journey claimed countless lives.

The Agau imperial family, are not revered in the Ethiopian imperial chronicles since they were
not direct descendants of the Solomonic dynasty. The Falasha experienced a relatively peaceful
existence when the Zagwe dynasty were in power in Ethiopia, the Zagwes were of the Agau
ethnic group the same as the Falashas. In 1270 Yekuno Amlak an Amhara emperor, claiming to
be a direct descendent of Solomon and the queen of Sheba. The negus Yekuno Amlak vowed to
break the dominance of the Falashas, also because they were unreliable allies in the fight against
the Islamic Caliphate in southern Ethiopia. The Islamist hordes were a frightening wave of
genocidal, fanatics that threatened to eradicate Christianity from all of Ethiopia. The battles
fought in Ethiopia between Christian and Muslim armies would last for four hundred years,
where both sides indiscriminately slaughtered innocents as well as combatants in the name of
religion. During the reign of Amda Seyon (1314-1344), the Falasha leader Gideon decided to
form an alliance with the Muslims, the arch-rivals of the Amhara Christians. But the Muslims
betrayed the alliance and decimated the Falasha settlements north of the Tana River. Amda
Seyon ordered his troops to forcibly convert the Beta Yisrael. The epithet Falasha, was
associated with them, in 1413 when Negus Yeshaq decreed that any Beta Yisrael people who
converted to Christianity and were baptized could inherit his fathers land if not let him be a

Figure: This map depicts the most important concentration of Falasha, villages in the Gondar

By the 15th century the Beta Yisrael were landless peasants, without a king. The Negus Zara
Yacob (1434-1468), in the Ethiopian chronicles he is known as the destroyer of the Jews,
strongly undermined the position of the Beta Yisrael. In his book The book of Light, Zara
Yakob peddled the blood libel myth that Jews ate children, a myth that was adopted from the
xenophobic European Christians. During the reign of Zara Yacob and his successor Baeda
Mariam (1468-1478), countless Beta Yisrael were slaughtered. For five hundred years from the
date 1478, to 1989 the Beta Yisrael plight was death, starvation, land seizures and genocidal
repression by Ethiopian kings, and into modern times the Dirgue, and successive governments
murdered and tried to forcibly convert them to either Christianity, or Communist ideology, both
of which were anathema to the Beta Yisrael. During the reign of Haile Sellassie, the Beta Yisrael
were treated as ordinary Ethiopians, the Mossad trained the Secret Service of Haile Sellassie and
the Israelis established agrarian and industrial projects in Ethiopia scientific and cultural
projects were also being experimented with. After the Yom-Kippur war, the Israeli-Ethiopian
alliance was broken and the new Marxist government did not move to renew ties between the
two nations. Yet Israel maintained its delivery of Israeli weapons, military advisors, and spare
parts for American weapons to the Ethiopian Marxist government of Haile Mengistu. When
Manachen Begin attained the Presidency in Israel, there was a sign of a rapprochement between
the two nations. Begin sent an official communiqu to Mengistu informing him of Tel-Avivs
resolve to solve the Falasha, issue in the most humane manner possible. In 1978 the secret
Israeli-Ethiopian pact came to light when Moshe Dayan , the Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister,
during a press conference in Switzerland revealed that the Israeli government was delivering
weapons to the anti-Zionist , Marxist regime in Ethiopia headed by Haile Mengistu. Due to the
pioneering efforts of Jacques Faitlovich, the Beta Yisrael were being heralded in the international
press, rapidly becoming a cause clbre. By the end of October 1979 the Beta Yisrael organized
a peaceful protest in front of the Israeli Knesset, with their primary demand being a speedy
emigration of all Beta Yisrael from Ethiopia to Israel. The Beta Yisrael had by 1979, become a
sophisticated political lobby group in Israel and were becoming a political force to be reckoned
with. The Israeli government was being pressured by international and local groups to allow the
Falashas, to live legally in Israel. The charge of racism was hurled at the Zionist government,
as a reason for the lethargic Falasha policy of the government.

Falasha is an Amharic derogatory term denoting strangers or sojourners, these men and women
call themselves Beta Yisrael or House of Israel, in Zephaniah 3:10, it states From beyond the
rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.

The above quoted scripture was a prophecy that was fulfilled in the events that transpired from
1989 to 1991.From 1872 onwards individual Ethiopian Jews began literally walking from
Ethiopia to Israel, passing through Sudan, many died during the journey, fraught with untold life
threatening dangers, such as snake bite, malaria, shiftas roving bandits who robbed small
vulnerable groups and raped women and girls. In 1980 Nathan Shapiro the then president of the
AAEJ (American Association for Ethiopian Jews), said: The Jews in Ethiopia are being
slaughtered, tortured and sold into slavery and the Israeli government is doing absolutely nothing
to bring them to Israel. Because of the global media in North America the type of rhetoric
previously mentioned, was hurting the image of the Israeli government on the international stage,
the same month that those statements were made February 1980, the Mossad began clandestine
operations to remove Ethiopian Jews from Ethiopia and repatriate them to Israel. From 1989-
1991 in several spectacular operations, operation flying Carpet, operation Moses and
operation Sheba, tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews were airlifted from Sudan to Israel.

When over 60000 Beta Yisrael/Falasha, were flown from the Ethiopian highlands to Israel.

The religion of these people is Torah based, Beta Israel, communities are led by a High Priest.

They observe the Sabbath and all the Jewish laws of ritual uncleanness et al, the Beta Yisrael
practices circumcision as per the biblical precept.

All of the Jewish festivals and High Holy days are observed and kept by the Beta Yisrael

Many of these men and women never set foot on a plane; they lived in relative isolation from the
rest of Ethiopia. Amongst some of the people on this plane and others at the time, were Mossad
agents, who were themselves Beta Yisrael, they were specially hand-picked by senior Israeli
Mossad for the purpose of guiding their people through the dangerous Ethiopian highlands in the
Gondar region into Sudan.

The Ethiopian Hebrew connection is well documented in Psalms, Isaiah, and many more
chapters of the bible.
What we have done is re-establish primarily, that God made a covenant that still stands today.
That he will use black men to lead the house of Israel to their promised position of restoration,
today he will once again raise up black prophets as was already prophesied, A people who were
no people and a nation who was not a nation shall provoke my people to jealousy.

Today the African in the Diaspora will lead one of the greatest revivals in the history of the
world the provocation of the Jews.

The Azusa street revivals under William Joseph Seymour were the beginning of the raising up of
black prophets, and deliverers in the Western hemisphere.

The fruition of this move of God is the full body ministry not what your denomination is nor the
name of your church.

The Black Consciousness movement and certain Rastafari claim that the bible, the word of God,
is a white mans religion. I have shown from the bible that the black man had a relationship with
God through Noah, and from Noah we can go back to Abraham, everyone on the planet is linked
as the human family through the loins of Noah in his three sons we are all brothers after the

In the following I will resume my examination of claims made by some concerning Marley as a
prophet in light of biblical teaching.

Marley was given many names and titles one of these is prophet there is no documented evidence
that he ever prophesied anything at any time he was knowledgeable of the bible.

The bible is a book often quoted by people on a daily basis out of context to prove or disprove
some assertion.

Most of the persons quoting scripture do not themselves live up to the principles contained in the
quoted scripture. Bob Marley was of this type he was a former Christian who was already
familiar with the bible, his usage of the bible was in the same vein of many in the Caribbean.
Bob Marley might be a hero to some ,his advocation of Cannabis as sacrament, and his worship
of Haile Selassie as a god are called idolatry in the bible obviously he chose to overlook those
scriptures that stated a married man was not to be involved in extra marital affairs .

The obvious sinful lifestyle of Bob Marley disqualified him from being a true prophet of God.

There are those that contend that Marley upon his baptism into the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
denounced his belief in the divinity of Haile Selassie, yet his mother Cedella Booker maintains
that he in fact retained his belief in the divinity of Haile Selassie. Many people make uninformed
statements concerning famous persons, without truly knowing the facts, the above mentioned are
factual statements that can be found in just about any autobiographical work on Marley.

The Bahitawi are relatively unknown outside of Ethiopia, they seldom mingle with the populace
and lead an ascetic life. They are said to live in caves, their outward appearance resembles the
Rastafari of the west. I have no first-hand knowledge of these monks, what I do have is a written
account from one Kessis Kefyalew Merahi in his Ethiopian published book entitled Christianity
in Ethiopia. The book was brought to me from Ethiopia and it is from that book that I will quote:
In the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido context, men of the spiritual world are known as
Bahitawian or hermits. These holy persons live apart from society in deserted or isolated places.
They do not take vows; they do not follow any human order or established places. More like the
Old Testament prophets, these hermits live an extremely solitary life, having little or no formal
connection with a church. Often practicing mortification of the flesh, they will on occasion
appear in a city or a town, crying aloud the word of god as it has come to them in a vision or a
dream saying, Take heed and give alms to the poor. Hermits in Ethiopia are regarded as
messengers of God who appear at different times to shout out their message.

As is clear from their account then the Ethiopian Tewahido faith is similar in many respects to
the Orthodox Christianity of the West and contains even Roman Catholic influences. Salvation is
gained in the Tewahedo faith through works and not grace.
Figure: a Bahitawi monk that some claim is Haile Sellassie. The Ethiopian Bureau of Tourism
first circulated the original picture of this monk below. The fact that the bureau of tourism
circulated this, should cause people to question its authenticity as a portrait of Haile Sellassie
since the bureau of tourism is an extension of the government which is a Marxist influenced
regime, that has been and still is, an anti Sellassie propaganda machine. The painting at right by a
Rastafari of the monk at right, standing with two lions, reinforces the mythic notion that he is
Haile Sellassie , since Sellassie posed in many photos throughout his life standing with lions.
The modern Rastafari are recreating, their mythology and imagery, reinterpreting same for their
Figure: The Bahitawi shown previously. The first I became aware that this man, was supposedly
Haile Sellassie, was from the book by Tyson Brown, entitled Abba Keddus. Brown states on
more than one occasion, that it is his belief, that the man above is Haile Sellassie. Many persons,
even Rastafari agree with my assertion here that, the above photo is not Haile Sellassie.

Many, in seeking to justify their own beliefs, have throughout history created myths and fables
as a means of bolstering their beliefs, that their belief maybe built on a falsehood seems of little
consequence, to the ilk of Tyson Brown. I will like to include here a statement from a Rastafari
pertaining to my book in showing how persons can selectively, use words in defence of their
agenda/agendas: This book called Rastafari and its Shamanist Origins. It tries to say that
Rastafari is a pagan religion that does not worship JAH and that it is actually a pagan spirit
voodoo Hindu religion. I and I think this is complete (expletive)!!!!!! Rastafari has Hindu and
African influences but it is not satanic!!!!!!!

He uses the Bill McNeil interview to say that Haile Selassie denied being God, but as we Rastas
know, that interview was mistranslated and Haile Selassie I never ever denied being GOD!!!!!!!

He also uses Marcus Garvey words that he said while under the influence of Babylon
propaganda. This erroneous statement is from messenger Eleazer 1234 Sent: 1/22/2008
11:48:45 AM. At no place in this book or any other written by me , have I ever stated that
Rastafari is equated to Satanism, I have clearly stated that it is a Shamanic, cultural, spiritual
value system, with pronounced Hindu as well as African shamanist borrowings, which the
person that wrote the preceding so ably pointed out. He publicly admits that Rastafari has taken
on Hindu characteristics, I have shown from researched data that Hinduism and all African
spiritual practices are steeped in paganism, however, I have, using the Bible as the main
reference point shown from, proven historical, scientific and anthropological evidence that,
paganism, particularly Shamanic sorcery, has always been a governing principle globally in all
cultures from mankinds earliest epoch, till the present. I have equated Buddhism, Hinduism,
Shamanism and even pre-Islamic Arabic culture as well as all the European forms of spirit
worship, with pagan spirituality. Pagan in this book means the original spirituality practiced by
people. This book has even shown from documented imperical data from Bishop Alexander
Hislop that even Roman Catholicism is a pagan, spiritual value system and it is not by any
means holy, it is a form of goddess worship namely that of the ancient Kemitian goddess Isis
and her son Horus. Peter Tosh a well-known Rastafari, has been recorded on his own Red X
Tapes, visiting with an African Shaman in Zimbabwe or Zambia, for the purpose of gaining the
power to become invisible, to achieve such a blood sacrifice, had to be made upon his return
to Jamaica. To deny that some Rastafari do dabble in Obeah/Voodou , is to deny reality even
so on the same Red X Tapes, some of Toshs closest friends Rastafari and none Rastafari
expressed vehemently that they were against all forms of Obeah and wanted absolutely no part
with it. Leonard Howell ostensibly dubbed the First Rasta, was an admitted occult dabbler
even by his own sons admission and close associates, as well as some of his still living at that
time lovers. What I have already stated in this book is the reality of people in the Caribbean
period. Obeah which is witchcraft is part of the daily life in this region, and many people from all
walks of life dabble in it, from the perspective of the Holy Bible , which I equate in this book
with Gods handed down laws to humanbeings witchcraft is the honouring of demon spirits
which is an abomination unto God. Resultantly all and any dabbling or outright practicing of
any form be it so called white or black magic is condemned by God himself. The premise of this
book remains Apostolic doctrine i.e. the teachings of Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah. Last but not
least even when the Rastafari delegation visited Haile Sellassie in Ethiopia, he told them that he
was no god. The Bill McNeil interview was not mis-translated, Sellassie did state
emphatically, that he was a mortal, his words are included here from the book by Esther Firke-
Sellassie Antohin (born April 30, 1960 the fourth of six children born to HIH princess Edjigaheu
Asfa Wossen and Dejazmach Fikre Sellassie Hapte-Mariam . Her mother was the eldest daughter
of crown prince Asfa Wossen aka Amaha Sellassie son of H.I.M Haile Sellassie). Esther
Sellassie made a statement in her book which I will include herein as well as the Bill McNeil
interview that the Rastafari criticizing my book was referring to: In recent years, the Twelve
Tribes of Israel, a particular Rastafarian group (who took its name from the ancient Israelites),
through an interview with the founder of this group, prophet Gad. The claim was made that Zara
Yacob the only son of Asfa Wossen, a grandson of Haile Sellassie is a member of the Twelve
Tribes. If this claim is accurate it stands in stark contrast to the patriarchal role played by Atse
Haile Sellassie. While he was eager to embrace the Rastafarians, he was also firm in his own
faith and devotion to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Furthermore, he categorically denied the
claim that he is god. In an interview conducted by Bill McNeil, a Canadian Broadcasting
Company (CBC), reporter in 1967, he was asked: There are millions of Christians throughout
the world your Imperial Majesty , who regard you as the reincarnation of Jesus Christ to which
the emperor replied I have heard of that idea . I also met certain Rastafarians. I told them clearly
that Iam a man, that I am mortal, and that I will be replaced by the oncoming generation and that
they should never make a mistake in assuming that a human being is emenated from a deity.
(From Ethiopians and Rastafari by Esther Antohin Sellassie published by Lulu).
Christafari the gospel reggae i.e. Christian reggae band, an oxymoron in and of itself there is
no such thing as Christian Reggae. Reggae is a creation of Rastafari, the explanation that I quote
from Bunny Wailer, elsewhere in this book, is excerpted here;

The Wailers music is to rastarize the world and introduce them to the faith of his imperial
majesty. What was the Wailers music if not Reggea? How then could a person calling himself a
Christian, from North America no less claim to be spreading the Gospel, using reggae music
as a vehicle? Mohr an ordained minister trained at the Biola University an ostensibly Christian
University. The outward appearance of Mark Mohr the leader of the Christafari band, is
according to him, being all things to all men.

In reality Mohr and his cohorts have co-opted the Reggeae musicians star appeal in order to
position themselves to reach a broader audience. Mohr by his own account was trained as a
seminarian under Bob Beeman of the Sanctuary mission. Sanctuary is a North American based
program established by Beeman to reach persons into Heavy Metal and the other sub genres of
that type of music, most of the people that Sanctuary claims to reach are persons into Satanism
and the occult, Wicca et al. According to Mark Mohr, Vengeance rising was a Christian Trash
Band that was part of the Sanctuary Christian Metal movement and dissolved some years ago
when lead vocalist, Roger Martinez fell into super-duper, heresey, Satanism! another
controversial band connected to Sanctuary is the band called Stryper. It should not come as a
surprise that these so called Christian Heavy Metal i.e. Rock n Roll bands are turning out to be
actual Satanists. John Todd, in the Chick Publications published books, Spellbound and Angel
of Light, outlined very clearly the satanic agenda through Rock Music and all sub genres
spawned by Rock Music. How can one spread the Gospel using a music created expressly by
devil worshippers for the purpose of mass indoctrination into Satanism as a Christian tool?
Christian or Gospel Reggae, Christian Hip Hop and all such foolishness are all gimmicks created
by people who are either not truly saved, or were nominal pseudo Christians to begin with.

The message of all the forms of music mentioned above are antithetical to the true Gospel,
therefore there is no compromise as the very bible in which they claim to believe admonishes,
the kingdom of darkness hath no part in the kingdom of light.

Christafari then and other gimmicks of its type are a dangerous and misleading totally
unscriptural development, created by men under direct demon influence. Mohr has established
his own church, in Trinidad which he called an intimate community. The meetings are called
gatherings another play on Iyaric (Iyaric is the way that Rastas talk). The Mark Mohr
phenomenon is dangerous and cultish and should be renounced by true men of God until now the
silence is deafening. The ability for charismatic figures to rise within the ranks of Christianity
and create havoc is astounding to say the least, Jim Jones was one such figure, Mohr is a
charlatan of a different sort, one out to establish a cult like following of fans that idolize him as
a music superstar. The danger in adapting the trends of the world and dubbing them Christian is
apparent; all around us truly saved persons would do well to bear them in mind. The name
Christafari is a play on the words Christ and Tafari, Christ is the Greek for anointed one/messiah
and Tafari is the precoronation name of Haile Sellassie. Why is the name Tafari an Amharic
word associated with the Rastafari movement, being used by an ostensibly Christian band?
A Christian Gothic band Virgin Black. These persons could never be truly saved. Their very
demeanour and dress is the opposite of holiness. The incidence of people who call themselves
Christian preachers and musician in North America and being heavily tattooed is another sign
that they are not truly saved, as the bible admonishes against tattooing of any sort.

Figure: The Album by Carlos Santana Shaman speaks for itself, Santana an admitted musician
who actually draws from Shamanism and incorporates such into his music, sang on many
recordings with Christian recording artists.

Most if not all of the big names in the Christian Music Industryincluding Shirley Ceaser, have
had Santana on their albums and CDs. What then is the criteria for these persons when making
what they call gospel music, is it then simply a business to make money at all costs? Whether
they do what they do consciously or not once they make the claim to be born again, they
become responsible for the content that they put out in their music. If you call yourself spreading
the gospel through music and you use an admitted Shamanic practioner, you are going against
biblical principles as such you are sending mixed messages, where souls are concerned such a
message becomes a critical component in whether someone will accept or reject the gospel that
you claim to be spreading.

In the book The First Rasta: documented proof was given concerning the rise of Rastafari, and
one of the earliest leaders of that movement on the island of Jamaica. Bob Marley was only a
boy when certain events took place, in the earliest phases of Rastafari; Marley was not yet born
since the movement was already developing in the early 20th century. Marley was probably told
of the legend of Gong, or Leonard Howell.

Howell was the archetypical Rastafari, he was the standard to emulate, and Marley yet a boy
probably for most of his career, tried to set a high standard of leadership not unlike the leadership
style of Leonard Howell.

The Rastafari icon Bob Marley as he is being emulated by many today, also emulated another in
his time that man was Howell who in his earliest beginnings worshipped and chanted mantras to
none other than the Hindu demon prince Jai Krishna.

Figure: Rama and Maha Devi: the mother goddess and her three children Shiva, Vishnu, and

In this portion I will examine the The Hindu Influence in Rastafari.

The word Hindu is of Indian origin and designates a religious system as well as a social system.

The Hindu religion consists of three main gods namely Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahman, these three
forms a sort of triumvirate all three of these spirits take on different personalities and are
honored and worshipped with various rituals by different sects throughout the year.

Shiva in the past as well as Vishnu was honored until the late 1800,s with the sacrifice of a
young virgin boy.

Hinduism is the major religion of India more than 90% of Hinduisms 500 million adherents live
in India. There are also Hindu communities in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Kenya, South Africa,
Trinidad Tobago and Guyana.

Hinduism spans a variety of beliefs and practices the basic philosophy of Hinduism is as follows
behind the temporal is one universal spirit called Brahman.

The soul or (Atman) of every being in the universe is a part of Brahman at death the soul
transmigrates into another body where it is reincarnated as a new life.
Hinduism has certain laws that they believe in, the law of Karma, Karma means action by his
action a person determines for example whether they will be reborn as a man, an insect or cow.

Proper conduct or morality is called Dharma the Hindus adhere to a legalistic doctrine of
morality which they believe will get them to their version of heaven someday, release from the
wheel of karma this release is called Nirvana attainment of godhood.

Figure: The blue boy Krishna as an infant.

The most popular gods of the Hindus are Vishnu, Rama, and Krishna.

There are two forms of or incarnations of Vishnu with ten avatars Krishna is one of his avatars
and Rama is also one of his avatars.

Krishna is a many facetted hero who according to Hinduism was once a religious leader turned
Figure: Here the blue boy Krishna plays the hero.

Shiva is called the destroyer; Brahman is indicated as their supreme creator the Hindu scriptures
are comprised of the Vedas and Upanishads.

The texts are written in Sanskrit, Hinduism has four distinct paths that men may pursue in their

Artha wealth and power, karma is pleasure and the satisfaction of desires especially that of sex.

Dharma signifies morality, right conduct, quality and duty Moksha is complete release from
rebirth. They believe that the soul is enslaved to the wheel of reincarnation Hinduism is a system
of social order or hierarchy rigid in its structure and one that makes a man a slave or lord at birth.

Society in Hinduism consists of several thousand castes or Jati, s a Hindu

is one caste at birth and may not change this during his lifetime, a person must also marry within
their caste.

In the caste system the social hierarchy consists of the Brahmin the priestly class, following are
the merchant classes, the farmers , artisans and menial laborers with the untouchables being the
lowest on the rung of their social ladder, the untouchables are deemed worthy only to clean the
excrement and blood of the castes higher up in the hierarchy .

Vishnu can appear in his Rama incarnation his wife then is called Sita.

This poster can be found in many Hindu homes throughout the Hindu world.

The couple is a model for married Hindu couples. Take note of the Lotus plant in the left hand
of Sita, the Lotus is sacred to Hindus.

Both of them: with the Nimbus or Halo about their heads.

Figure: (Pancha-Mukhi) Hanuman.

Hanuman is a very important Hindu god. Here in an act of devotion, he tears open his chest and
inside is Rama and Sita, the act demonstrates his total devotion to Rama.

Hanuman is central to Rama he was specifically summoned to aid Vishnu in his Rama
incarnation his expedition against Ravana. Hanuman is a monkey god, king of Hindustan and
the patron saint of learning.
Figure: Hanuman, the monkey god, is worshiped as the greatest devotee of Rama. He is also
known as Hanumat and Pavan-Suta. His parents are Vayu (lord of winds) and Arijana. He is the
god of wrestlers.

Hanuman, along with Ganesha and Garuda, is one of the three major Hindu deities with
animalistic physical features. He is loved all over India as the monkey-god ,who faithfully
served Rama, Vishnu's seventh avatar or incarnation, in the battle against Ravana, the demon
king. This painting shows Hanuman, Rama, Sita, and Lakshman the brother of Rama. As one
can see, Hanuman is bowing in worship of Rama who is Vishnu hence the blue color of Rama.
Below Rama as a warrior hero.
The three most important demon-gods revered by the Hindus will be examined here.

Figure: Vishnu, Brahman, Shiva.

Vishnu is known as the preserver he is depicted in paintings as a dark blue demon bearing in his
four arms the items that are his symbols, the discus, the mace, the lotus and the conch shell.
He is sometimes portrayed with his wife Lakshmi the goddess of fortune. Vishnus avatars are
fish, tortoise, boar, man-lion, dwarf, Rama with the axe, Krishna the hero who has many aspects,
Vishnu is also called, Vasudeva.

Nine incarnations of Vishnu are believed to have appeared and a tenth the Kalki is

the hopeful expectation of all who desire the destruction of alien faiths such as Christianity and
Islam. (Authors note: The Hindu value system according to their own texts actually awaits a
messiah who will destroy Christianity and all other opposing religions).

Figure: A Hindu woman worships cobra snakes on the occasion of the Hindu festival of Naag
Panchami, as devotees wait in a line to enter a temple in the northern Indian city of Allahabad.
Naag Panchami is a unique festival dedicated to honour the snake god.

As I have shown repeatedly throughout this work the Cobra snake is one of the most revered
animals in Hinduism. Above at right, Hindu devotees carry their children as they hang from
wooden poles using hooks pierced through their back and are part of a ritual, Aadi festival in the
Southern Indian city of Chennai. Thousands of faithful devotees offer sacrifices and perform acts
of devotion, during the festival in honour of and in hopes of gaining favour with their goddess
Figure: The goddess Lalita: with her left foot resting on the Sri Yantra Chakra. Used for

invoking the gods in Hinduism. The Sri Yantra was introduced in the West largely through
Rock Music.

Figure: Narishima and Vishnu both are holding what resembles a Hexagram, an occultic symbol
used in the invocation of demons.
Figure: The horse headed Hindu deity corresponds to Anuket of Egyptian religion. Anuket is
usually depicted with a horse head the rendering above. She is called Demeter by the Greeks.

Figure: Surya the Hindu god incarnate of the Sun he correlates to the Egyptian Ra.
Figure: The Egyptian Sun god Rah corresponds to the Hindu sun god above. The Marvel
character Fireman, was inspired by mythology, the character above right is a painting of a Hindu
Sun deity, mythology influenced popular culture in the past and continues to do so today.

Figure: This illumination shows Krishna as Avatara or Maitreya of Vishnu.

Krishna is also the bearer of the Bhagavad-Gita his holy book, Krishna is the ideal human or an
ascended being rendering him a demi-god as per Hinduism a half human and half god, take note
of the halo around the heads of these creatures exactly the same as the Roman Catholic portrayal
of their gods.

Shivas devotees the Shavites hold that destruction, or chaos is a preoccurence of creation, out of
chaos came order.

Shiva in their worldview would be a god of destruction, Shiva takes on many forms.

This CD cover from the Reggae singer Reemah is clearly displaying her Hindu leanings. The
third eye clearly displayed, the balances alluding to Maat of Justice. There are many reggae
albums of this type, I present my evidence and let the reader decide.
Figure: a devotee of Shiva in subsequent chapters, Shiva will be examined in depth. To the right
of the page is a photo of Donesha Prendergast granddaughter of Rita Marley sporting Hindu
inspired jewelry in the middle of her Forehead, symbolically representing the Third Eye.

She stated on videos on the Internet that Rastafari and Hinduism are the same and could be seen
with the red paint on her forehead in the video. I will quote here from Prendergast; It came from
India with indentured labourers, who were brought to Jamaica and other British colonies, to
replace the slaves since slavery was abolished by the British in 1833.

When they brought the ganja seed with them, it was a sacramental seed that only the Indians
used. Then being in Jamaica, it spread. When Rastafari as movement really began to gel in the
1930s, a man by the name of Leonard Howell who was the first Rasta, his best friend was an
Indian indentured labourer and they shared a lot of cultural practices which included the
marijuana seed. This from an avowed Rastafari bearing up the claims made in this book,
concerning the Sadhus and their influence on Rastafari in its inception. Presently Prendergast is
a leader in the Occupy Pinnacle movement. The Leonard Howell Foundation, The Howell
family, The Nyabinghi Order, attorney at law Miguel Lorne, other Rastafari and even Jasmine
Rand the celebrity lawyer of the Trayvon Martin case, have been before the Jamaican court
system in Spanish Town St Catherine. Their objections are over the attempt by the St Jago Hills
developers to evict Rastafari from occupying the land at Pinnacle, in Sligoville.

Figure: Jasmine Rand is pictured above second from right on the front page of the Jamaican
newspaper, the Daily Observer. Miguel Lorne the Rastafari attorney and Publisher is pictured
second from left.

The following is a letter to the New York Times by celebrity civil rights attorney Jamine Rand:
Ode to Rastafari: Stop Eviction of Rastafari from Pinnacle Ancestral Grounds!

Posted: 02/19/2014 6:54 pm EST Updated: 04/21/2014 5:59 am EDT

I am petitioning the Jamaican government to stop the eviction of the Rastafari and preserve the
ancestral lands at Pinnacle. As the epicentre and birthplace of the Rastafari faith and movement,
Pinnacle provided refuge and promoted self-reliance to Blacks in Jamaica at a time when they
were relegated to second-class citizenry. Although Pinnacle remains a Jamaican legal issue, it
has international historical significance as Rastafari brought the world a freedom message that
encouraged oppressed and impoverished peoples of many nations to fight against colonization
and systemic inequities. Bob Marley delivered the message of Rastafari composed over the beat
of reggae to the world, and in turn shone an international spotlight on Jamaica. What good does
it do to gain the world and lose your soul? Out of Saint Ann was born a messenger. Out of
Pinnacle was born the message. We have preserved the site of the messenger, now we must
preserve the ancestral land of the message.

The Jamaican government honors Bob Marley's societal contributions and legacy as part of its
national history; as it honors his life it must respect his faith and preserve the land that birthed his
truth and gifted a freedom soundtrack unto the world. As I pen this letter, artists travel
throughout Africa performing "Redemption Song" in honor of Nelson Mandela; encapsulating
the dignity, honor and struggle of his life's challenge to free South African people from colonial
oppression. Who can forget the images of Zimbabwean independence as Bob Marley took stage
celebrating the deliverance of a nation back unto its people from the hands of foreign
subjugation? President Barack Obama often acknowledges reggae's influence on his personal
development, that Bob Marley's lyrics encouraged his self-acceptance and raised his social
consciousness. On an international scale, no other music parallels reggae's -- henceforth
Rastafari's -- influence on past and modern human rights movements and leaders.

As a civil and human rights attorney, reggae music and Rastafari inspire many of my
philosophical underpinnings. In spring 2012 I taught a theory on music as a form of social
change at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. My students listened to Bob Marley's
lyrics and dissected Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speeches, learning to lead a spiritual revolution
based in love and to challenge oppressive systems that plague society with the illness of inequity.
As I stood before my students lecturing on these principles, I did not know that within two
weeks' time they would come to lead a protest based on Florida's failure to arrest George
Zimmerman for the racially motivated killing of an innocent 17-year-old. My students coined the
phrase that became an international movement and cry for justice: "I am Trayvon Martin." I
cannot quantify the influence of Rastafari on the movement, but I can say that teachings of its
principles lived within my students.

The King of Morocco recently undertook national judicial reform to implement democratic
principles throughout their legal system, and thus invited United States' attorneys and judges to
consult on the reformation project. Last month, as I worked to ensure human rights norms
applied to people within Moroccan borders, I dressed in my suit while listening to "Zimbabwe,"
"War" and "Africa Unite" every morning. These songs based in Rastafari principles
communicate a blueprint for the world as it should be; I wanted these philosophies to reflect in
the small contribution I made to the legal reform of a nation. While in Morocco I also lectured at
a law school on the persistence of cultural and systemic racial disparities in the United States,
and my nation's violations of international human rights standards. My entire speech translated
into French and Arabic, until my last few words in which I charged the students in the Kingdom
of Morocco to: "Get up, stand up. Stand up for your rights!" In the 120 minutes I spoke, only
nine words needed no translation. As a smile spread across their faces I knew that for the first
time in two hours I reached my students with a humanity that no language barrier could impede.
Through reggae Bob Marley empowered impoverished and oppressed peoples to fight for
freedom and live in love and equality; a universal language called truth that needs no translation.
A language based in Rastafari. Respect.

Learn from the mistakes of my nation. The United States displaced and mistreated its native
people, forcing them from their sacred homeland destroying their culture and trampling on their
faith. Teach a different lesson to your children. Show them Jamaica's pride in Rastafari and
preserve Pinnacle so they will learn that the true wealth of a nation is not its GDP or material
gain, but the richness of its people, its culture, its history. I pray that the Jamaican government
will adhere to its own creed -- out of many you are one. As a wise man once said and a soul rebel
sang, we will fight, "until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of any nation."
I stand beside the Rastafari to protest the destruction of their ancestral lands in Pinnacle in a
spirit of ubuntu -- a South African saying meaning, "I am because you are." I and I. As a
practitioner of human rights and leader of a recent international movement to fight oppressive
systems that devalue Black life -- I can attest that every time I speak some amount of the cadence
in my voice is ode to the wisdom of Bob Marley delivering the message of Rastafari fused to the
reggae-rhythm that beats within my soul.

The letter itself and the language contained in it is a testament to the pronounced influence of
Rastafari on this particular individual, as well to precisely how much of popular culture it has
become, in that an American female attorney of Moroccan heritage is proudly and publicly
identifying with what a few years ago in most Caribbean islands even in the 1990s and today, is
still considered a fringe cult, is testament to the huge popularity of the Bob Marley, variety of
Reggae music. Her language is liberally peppered with Iyaric, again it points to the wholesale
adoption of Bob Marley by many in western academia, so-called progressive, entertainment and
even intellectual circles, whilst this may be a bonus for a certain segment within Rastafari, the
average Caribbean man or woman in Rastafari regionally remains virtually unaware of and
untouched by movements such as occupy Pinnacle. Another real danger , for lack of a better
word, is the perpetuation of ignorance through imitation that is being displayed by many
Europeans and Caucasian Americans in that , they attempt to mimic Jamaican patois, which is
nothing more than the creolization, of language throughout the Caribbean with each island
having their own brand of creolized English. The adaptation by middle class Caucasians from
Europe and North America of the mannerisms and speech patterns of West Indians, in an
attempt to portray authenticity as Rastafari, is no bonus to Rastafari nor the regions people, it
is rather a negative development brought about by popular-culture, however on the other hand
since persons of Jasmine Rands education and status can be persuaded or influenced because of
a perceived affinity with the peoples of the region to take on formally unpopular causes and
make them popular as a result of her/his mass appeal, hereby creating real opportunities to
address on a grassroots level the myriad of social malaise plaguing the region then in that sense a
great good would be achieved anything else reduces the peoples culture to a thing which can be
coopted, used, misused and abused by any charlatan or dubious character anywhere as a means
of furthering their own agenda, much in the manner Reggae music and commentary has now
become the exclusive domain of North American Caucasian males and a few females, such as
Stephen Davis and Helen White who have literally established quite lucrative careers, strictly off
of black Caribbean and African peoples culture, even though they tend to focus mostly on
Rastafari music and culture. Rastafari did not develop in a cultural vacuum as I have shown in
this book numerous times; the entire region was instrumental at some point as active participants
in the Ethiopianist movement which gave birth to Rastafari. The point in this narrative is that
Caribbean writers and artists need to ensure that we are ultimately the ones reaping the massive
million dollar benefits being reaped by the North American and European writers, writing about
our lived reality.


Above an example of the frustration of some in Rastafari with the appropriation of Rastafari
symbols, by the government and commercial interests for financial gain. The tourism industry in
Jamaica has literally expropriated Rastafari symbolism, in their garish commercials, as a means
of attracting tourists to Jamaica. The greedy actions of the establishment, is a glaring example of
misguided government policy. By marginalizing Rastafari and continuously profiteering from
the movement, the establishment and the capitalist interests that uphold it are serving to further
divide the Jamaican society along dangerous class and social lines. The paradox in the
symbolism above is simply mind boggling to put it mildly. The symbol of the imperial house of
Ityoppia being used to adorn a rum bottle is egregious on many levels. Alcohol is one of the
leading killers of black people and Caribbean people, Rastafari which is a Cannabis culture is
essentially a culture opposed to the consumption of Rum et al. Another interesting point
overproof Rum is one of the stronger types of Rum on the market. The insanity in the matter can
be elucidated ad -infinitum. Colonialism and its child post colonialism has charted the destiny of
the Caribbean for hundreds of years. Although this book is in disagreement with Rastafari on
many levels, the active deceit and nefarious chicanery of the Jamaican government in the
Pinnacle matter and the misappropriation of Rastafari symbolism given the historical evidence of
the murder and discrimination of Rastafari, at the hands of the Jamaican government is a gross
and diabolical injustice.

In the Jamaica Observer entertainment section an article dated Thursday, March 29, 2012

By Basil Walter was written. Above at left of this page Irvin Jarret practicing Reiki at Wickie
Wackie Bull Bay.

Here are some of the highlights of the article. In Reiki I use music. Its all about energy. It is all
about frequency so the music is part of the healing process, the certified third-degree teacher
explained. I also use aroma therapy and oils. Jarrett was quick to rebuff the perception that
Reiki is a form of devil worshipping. It is because they (detractors) do not understand it. Reiki
is the same thing that Jesus Christ used, he said. Jarrett who is currently doing his
naturopathic doctorate at The Trinity School of Natural Health in Indiana, United States said
his venture into holistic healthcare was as a result of his observation. I used to look at the faces
of the audiences who used to come to the concerts and enjoyed the music. They walked away
feeling good within hearts but in a couple of days that wears off. So I said to myself, how can I
touch them beyond that moment? he told the Jamaica Observer. The former percussionist has
since formed CREED Group Entertainment, a production entity designed as an umbrella
framework for health and educational projects. CREED is the acronym for Consistent Rhythmic
Energy Enticing Dance. Jarrett was part of the classic line-up of the Third World and played on
some of the band's hit songs including 96 in the Shade, Always Around and Now That We
Found Love. Here we have the words of Jarret acknowledging that he is a Reiki practioner and
equating such to the works that Jesus performed

Not all Shavites are Sadhus entire families are Shavites; Shiva is honored around a household
shrine where families conduct rituals and daily devotions, in honor of Shiva before his shrine.

An assortment of food is left on the altar as an act of honoring the spirit.

Figure: Mother Cow, the goddess is here portrayed as a cow, the epitome of nurturance and
motherhood, with its many teats to give suck it is the matronly ideal in not only Hinduism but
many other Shamanist and fertility cultures.
Figure: Goddess Hathor portrayed her as a cow. The Hebrews or children of Israel in the bible
agitated for Aaron the brother of Moses to create a golden calf in order for them to worship it,
the imagery of a cow as deity then is consistent with the above portrayal.

In this book I allege that Hinduism is a creation or a child rather, of a people, either descended
from the ancient people of Egypt. If they were not descended from then they were most certainly
influenced by the Egyptians. The Dravidians of India and the many dark skinned tribes in areas
such as Orisha in India, have been confirmed by archaeologists and Paleontologists to have
been the original inhabitants of India before the indo Aryans came, who called themselves
Brahmin and imposed through conquest their ironclad racist caste system. Sri Lakshmi Devi with
the Swastika in her lower right palm. The goddess of fortune in Hinduism there are certain
deities sic demons, that preside over wealth, fortune et al, just as in Witchcraft and Satanism,
the corresponding characteristics and abilities of the demons in all of the above mentioned, is
proof of their origin being identical said origin being fallen angels.
Sometimes as an ascetic or ash-white Sadhu in a state of perpetual blissful meditation;

he reclines on a tiger hide, high up in the Himalayas, Cobras ring his neck. The crescent moon
rests above his head; this demon is also portrayed as a dreadlocked man.

Shiva is a deity of destruction out of the chaos of destruction comes renewal, thus destruction
must of necessity precede rebirth.

The pink Lotus plant in the illustration is highly significant, in the context of this explanation,
the virtual unlikely occurrence of a Lotus growing in the Himalayas is deliberate, the magical
effect and the belief in magic is stressed here the drawing is in keeping with the value system
that Iam examining. The Lotus plant is recurrent in both Buddhism and Hinduism; the fragile
seeming Lotus has braved extreme conditions defiantly clinging to life only to magically become
the instrument of cosmic renewal.

Figure: right is a cover of the Times newsmagazine, pictured is Kali in full self-destruct mode as
the country of India.

The cover suggests that India is self-destructing; unfortunately for the Times and those who
promoted that false concept, India is fast becoming a global power to be reckoned with. The field
of technology is increasingly being taken over by Asians and particularly East Indians, even in
the US many of Silicone Valleys brightest stars are increasingly of East Indian and Asian

From destruction, life is birthed; the cosmos is renewed the unending cycle, to be repeated ad

In Hinduism Brahman, the ever-constant deity re-emerges from the middle of the Lotus, the
golden portion represents the Earth, as I said previously the themes of Chaos and renewal in
Hinduism are inextricable, and are characteristics of the deities they honor.

In his Nataraja incarnation Shiva is a hermaphrodite, a creature with both a male and female sex
organs, this is also the nature of Satan male as Lucifer and female as Diana.
The earliest inhabitants of India the Harappa were replaced by Indo Aryan immigrants they came
from Central Asia, their language was Vedic which later became Sanskrit. Sanskrit is related, to
the Iranian language group, the Indo Aryan Iranians consisted of a cohesive tribal makeup this
according to archaeologists and historians. A cursory glance at the world map will show the
close proximity of the Indian subcontinent in the second Millennium B.C. through an
intermingling of cultures worldwide paganism spread. The astute reader may remember from
previous reading done on your own or from this work that Kali is the wife of Shiva one of the
three main Hindu demon-gods.

Figure: Bharat Matha, the painting above represents India as a mother goddess. The Hindus
again and the continental Aryans are of the same lineage as has been proven in this work. The
Irish Celts call one of their goddesses Tara, it means Earth. Gaia the Earth mother is a similar
concept again showing the oneness of paganism, irrespective of geographic location and racial
Figure: Jwaala Gwala Devi, of Hinduism, with a trident surrounded by flames. In Hinduism the
gods and goddesses can take on demonic characteristics, good and evil are all part of the same
cosmic consciousness.
Figure: Shiva is also called Kala, Kala is the masculine of Kali and Shiva is the lord of death
hence the name of his consort Kali meaning the eternal time, death and night. Kali is also Durga
the warrior goddess, of ecstatic sexual rites, rite as in worship.

In Hinduism, the female principle takes precedence over the male, as the feminine in Hinduism
is the most powerful aspect. The preceding concept is clear even in the names of the two demons
portrayed in the painting above, Shiva or Kala comes from Kali, she preceded him in the
cosmogony of Hinduism. In the painting kali stands on Shiva in order to pacify her anger, the
subservient position of Shiva to Kali is a perfect rendering of the type of Goddess worship the
Hindus engage in.
Figure: the Kali Yantra necessary when invoking Kali, naturally it is vaginal in shape an ode to
the overt sexual nature of Kali.

Today Kali is a goddess, much revered in the West by Western Wiccans and she, is even being
incorporated into feminist thought as symbolic of the power that women can wield. Males who
engage in the worship of Kali bow themselves to women, as they consider women to be their
rightful masters. The sex ritual depicted in the pictures above of Kali dominating Shiva is a
dance of a sexual nature, Shiva becomes the wife in this role, the term dominatrix has its
origins in goddess worship. Below is a drawing of Ceres the Greek goddess of Agriculture, next
to her is a photo of Opium poppies which were sacred to Ceres. The Opium poppy is a plant
sacred to Lilith.

Figure: The throne of Ceres is designed to resemble a flowering poppy, her staff is also reflective
of a poppy in bloom, atop the staff in its hollow Opium is burning as savour in honor of the
goddess. Naturally her adherents would imbibe Opium as a means of entering ecstatic trances in
order to gain contact with and to become possessed, by Ceres (sorcery).

Throughout this book I have stressed that all pagan cultures have their origins in fallen angels. In
every culture known to man throughout the globe the same demon spirits keep appearing in
mythology, folktales, epic tales and songs, art, architecture , religio magical rites et al.

It is no coincidence that every pagan culture has a god or goddess that corresponds to another
culture somewhere else, the source or power that is worshipped is one and the same in this book
I call that source demons according to biblical standards.
Figure: Chinamasta one of the ten goddesses or Maha Devis. They are all varying
manifestations of Kali.

The similarities in the practices of the Canaanites and the Hindus are astoundingly similar. The
Canaanites worshipped the free love aspects of the Goddess Asherah. Canaanite women refused
to accept the recumbent/passive position during coitus, or to only receive vaginal penetration.
Instead, the women of Canaan, like those of Greece and Sumeria, favored the active position
astride the man when not engaged in fellatio or Sodomy, all the above were strictly forbidden by
the God of Israel. Another interesting aspect of Lilith is the Opium poppy which is sacred to her,
showing her, as Ceres, the Greek goddess of agriculture, the red rose is also sacred to her.

The red rose is representative of feminine sexuality and the white rose symbolizes the pure virgin
Goddess. In ancient Canaanite ritual sacrifices, to Ashtoreth and Baal, red rose petals were
sprinkled on the consecrated altar before blood was shed.

After the sacrifice had taken place, white petals were scattered in order to represent the new
found purity believed to have been born from human or animal sacrifice.
Figure: a painting of Chinamasta with splayed vaginal orifice and her two ladies in waiting with
exposed privates. Obviously: a goddess of virility and feminine sexuality.

Her foot rests on the chest of Shiva revealing that Chinamasta is simply Kali in another
manifestation, albeit a more savage and bloodthirsty version.
Figure: Shiva and Parvatti hisother wife. With Kali Shiva takes on the role of Parvatti as the
patient suffering wife. Note the pronounced swell of the breasts on Parvatti, the stress here is on
fertility, the act of reproduction is sacred, in all pagan cultures consequently sexual intercourse
becomes a form of worship.

The idolatrous nature of some of these cultures cannot be denied, it is within the adaptation of
these cults, (authors note: the word culture has its etymology in the word cult a cult essentially is
the deification of a particular culture), that Howell and so many other Rastafarian leaders, and
black consciousness intellectuals have erred.

Many in Black academia, and the so called elite intelligentsia, are doing black youth a great
disservice in their promotion of certain aspects of paganism as intellectualism, and an alternative
spirituality .Rastafari, which should be rightfully called modern day shamanism, has its roots in
ancient mysticism, and esotericism this can be observed from the previous facts in this work. The
mystical character of Rastafari can also be observed in their veneration of the Cannabis plant as

In Jamaica the birthplace of Rastafari; Howell was emulated by Bob Marley in such a distinct
manner, that Bob Marley purposed within himself , he would never be forgotten hence his title,
Tough Gong, a direct emulation of the title of the original Gong Leonard Howell.

The lifestyle of Bob Marley mirrored that of Howells in many ways. From his house on Hope
road, being a focal point for Rastas to meet, his financial support of over 4000 persons, to his
extra marital affairs, and the role of Rita Marley as queen mother of his large and extended

Bob Marley the Rastafari shaman was baptized in New York into the Ethiopian Orthodox
Church as a Christian.

He was given the Amharic name Berhane Selassie (Light of the Trinity), the eulogy at his funeral
was performed by an Ethiopian Orthodox bishop.

One of Marleys closest associates at that time according to written documentation and audio
video archives Alan Skill Cole had to shoulder aside an Ethiopian Orthodox bishop during the
funeral eulogy service to get in a word edgewise.

Marleys mother was adamant in her criticism of many of his closest associates at that time,
referring to some of Marleys fellow Rastafari in typical Jamaican slang she said Dem would
pop dem big laugh and draw the herb and tek no exercise and call Bob bwoi to him face. In
Standard English this means Marleys friends in her estimation were unscrupulous characters,
who had, no respect whatsoever for Bob Marley and were simply out for what they could get

The last days of Bob Marley and the Wailers were very different from the image they portrayed
of idealistic young black lions out to conquer the world.

The other founding members Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer left the band in earlier years, they
attributed this to variations in lifestyle and temperament and opinions.
These three men personified the ideals of Rastafari and were a great influence regionally as well
as internationally. Bunny Wailer stated the following on the mission of the Wailers:

The Wailers music is to Rastarize the world and introduce them to the faith of his Imperial
Majesty, King Of Kings, Lord Of Lords, Conquering Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah. Many have
not gone past the 'fandom' of the music and the messengers and have just hovered around the
herbs, Bob Marley, The Wailers. Give thanks that they have left Babylon and ventured onward to
the true Zionite Kingdom, but they are many moons away from the glory of this faith if they do
not accept the godhead and just stay with the musichead!
He outlines a specific mission in his words to Rastarize, the world and to get people to accept
Haile Sellassie as God. No other statement encapsulates and validates the theme of this work
more than the above words of Bunny Wailer one of the founders of the Wailing Wailers. Indeed
the Wailers did succeed in the words of Bunny Wailer to Rastarize the world, since the
Wailers music was a key element in the spread of Rastafari globally.

When Rastafari became a globally accepted cultural value system in the 60s and 70s, the
Jamaican middle class began to flock to Rastafari. Another element in the acceptance of
Rastafari in University and intellectual circles in Jamaica, was the 1960s report (Report on the
Rastafari Movement in Kingston Jamaica), already mentioned in this book by Rex Nettleford,
M.G. Smith and Roy Angler. As a result of that report the book Rasta and Resistance, Horace
Cambell 1985, was eventually developed lending further credence to Rastafari as more than a
mere folk cult, but a global force to be reckoned with. Walter Rodneys (The Groundings With
my Brothers 1969) was a pivotal work as Rodneys attempt to use Black Nationalism fused with
Marxism as intellectual linchpins in organizing Rastafari in Jamaica to affect a revolution, his
words emphasis mine. The impact that Rodney made on the Rastafari movement in the 60s and
70s is ignored by most scholars, as they tend to focus on what Rastafari seemingly has
become today, which is a universalist movement that tends to focus more on (love for humanity),
more than on its original black nationalist creed in its infancy and its 1960s and 70s heyday.
The Rastafari of today have changed so drastically that a Jewish white man who claims to be a
Twelve tribes member can lecture black Rastafari on how to behave as Rastafari, with nary a
voice raised in protest, such a thing was unheard of in the 60s and 70s and virtually impossible
in the 1930s.
The Rodney Affair, as the surveillance around Rodney was dubbed by the Jamaican
intelligence services and the American intelligence service namely the C.I.A offers interesting
insight into the relationship that Walter Rodney had with the Rastafari in Jamaica. That
relationship was documented in depth in his book (The Groundings with My Brothers), shown
above. The Guyanese born Walter Rodney was an ardent Black Nationalist who maintained ties
to Claudias Henry (The Henry Affair), the notorious preacher that preached the deity of Haile
Sellassie and who attempted along with his son to start an actual revolution on the island of
Jamaica. The self-proclaimed Rastafari scholar Helen Lee is virtually silent on the impact of
Rodney on Rastafari, as she has to pander to her audience with their peace and love
sensibilities. No true study of Rastafari can ever be attempted without the inclusion of Walter
Rodney as I will show in this work using written accounts and memoirs from the persons in

Here I think it would be instructive to some of the readership to include a bit of

background on Dr Walter Rodney, since his influence in the Caribbean, Europe, most of
Anglophone Africa, The Soviet Socialist Republic and North America was multi-layered. I must
insist that this is not an apologetic on Rodney nor is it an attempt to endorse or glorify him. What
it most certainly is is an attempt to truthfully document the realities of the Caribbean and the
birth of Rastafari, which was not limited to esotericism and Cannabis consumption. The
Rastafari was a black nationalist Pan Caribbean Pan African movement at its inception and men
like Rodney were heavily involved in the ideological reasonings, development of certain
elements within Rastafari in the 60s and 70s few writers have ever acknowledged that fact,
none of the type that pander to the neo Hippies in North America like Timothy White, who
recycle Rastafari literature and reshape Caribbean history in order to distort and create their own
niche market, using Caribbean literature as their niche. Writers and I use the word writer loosely
of Whites ilk have never acknowledged the existence of Dr Walter Rodney, let alone
documented, his activity in Jamaica amongst the Rastafari.
As a result of the dismal state of affairs outlined above I will attempt to illuminate the
events surrounding the (Rodney Affair), the (Henry Affair) and the subversive methods used by
the American government as a means of repression of the creation of progressive political
elements within the region. The American government has contributed to an atmosphere of
messianism and terrorism in the Caribbean the factual evidence to concretize my statements will
be given in chapter three of this book.

The Robert W. Woodruff Library (Atlanta University Center: Archives and Special
Collections), published the Walter Rodney Papers: processed by Karen L Jefferson 2008.

The paper will be referenced and quoted here in establishing, the background on Rodney
along with some of his own writing and commentary from some of his contemporaries including
Professor Robert Hill author of (Dread History).

Dr Walter Anthony Rodney was born in Guyana on March 23 1942. Rodney was the
second of six children, of Percival Edward and Pauline Worrell Rodney. Walter Rodney was a
Pan Africanist, historian, educator, well respected scholar, who epitomized the scholar activist.

An author, Rodney wrote over nine books and numerous articles, essays and book

His work: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa first published in 1972, has been
translated into Portuguese, German, Japanese, and is used as a text in numerous colleges and
universities in the U.S., Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean. Though he was a Marxist historian
Rodney interpreted Marxist theory within the context of African peoples history and
circumstances. Walter Rodney sought to bring awareness and understanding to issues such as
race, class, slavery, colonialism, neo-colonialism, capitalism, imperialism and its impact and
legacy on working class people and their struggles for social justice and economic development.
In his formative years he excelled academically and was awarded scholarships to attend the
prestigious Queens College in Georgetown Guyana. He went on to further his studies at the
UWI, Mona campus in Jamaica, there he completed a bachelors degree in history with first class
honors. Rodney received an award to study at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the
University of London. In 1965, Walter Rodney married Patricia Henry; also Guyanese who was
in London studying nursing.To this union three children were born: a son, Shaka, born in
London; and two daughters, Kanini and Asha, born in Tanzania.

While in London, Walter Rodney was active in student activities and community
actions, and joined a West Indian study group who met regularly with revolutionary intellectual,
C. L. R. James, the Trinidadian Marxist scholar, best known for his history of the Haitian
revolution, Black Jacobins. In 1966, at age 24, Walter Rodney received a doctorate in African
History. His dissertation entitled: A History for the Upper Guinea Coast, 1545- 1800 was
published in 1970 by Clarendon Press, Oxford, England. (From: The Walter Rodney Papers).
Rodney began teaching at the University of Dar es Salaam where he taught from 1966-1968.
Upon his return to the UWI in Jamaica, he taught African history and he established direct ties
with the poor working people, youth gangs, and various Rastafari groups including the church
of the revolutionary Claudius Henry, the so called Repairer of the Breach. More depth will be
given to what became known as the Henry affair in chapter three. Much has been written about
Rastafari in the past and presently, but hardly any writers have written anything on Walter
Rodney in conjunction with Rastafari although he was one of the few Caribbean intellectuals
with direct access to Rastafari. Helen Lee wrote extensively about Claudius Henry in her book
The First Rasta, but she uttered nary a peep about Walter Rodney, which is historically and
contextually impossible since they were in direct contact with each other.

Horace Cambell wrote that; Walter Rodney, The Pan Caribbean , Pan African scholar
had perceived the potential of the Rastafari movement, and sought to enrich their understanding
of Africa in sessions he called: The Groundings with my Brothers. Campbell went on to state;
Rodney sought to break with the idealism of the Pan Africanists of the 1930s whose
contribution to the study and understanding of Pan Africanism was to insist on the existence of
African kingdoms and civilizations prior to European colonialism. This work among the
Rastafari coincided with forms of Jamaican music which sought to inspire the youth. Horace is
an excellent analyst and he ably and masterfully showed that Walter Rodney was contemporary
with all the well-known Rastafari in both the spiritual, intellectual and cultural/musical spheres
of the movement.

The habit then of most writers specifically Caucasian writers of omitting the intellectual
contribution of Walter Rodney to Rastafari can only be deliberate, therein lays the truth in the
maxim, one cannot leave it to another to record your history.

The former has proven true time and again, whenever certain Caucasians have attempted
to record the history of continental Africans or those in the Diaspora.

Rodneys socialist ideals and Pan Africanist ideology placed him in direct conflict with
the Jamaican two party system. Upon Rodney being denied re-entry to Jamaica in1968, riots
broke out. The riots began initially as a student protest, but when lumpen elements joined the
protest it got out of hand and quickly degenerated into mass looting, murder and police killing
some of the rioters, along with millions of dollars of property either damaged or completely
destroyed. The 1974 appointment of Rodney to the chair of the history department, at the
University of Guyana was rescinded, by the Guyanese government. The government was
intimidated by Dr Rodney and his Pan Africanist and Marxist ideology. Rodney redoubled his
efforts accepting speaking engagements, researching and writing, and lecturing in the United
States, Canada, Caribbean, Europe, and Africa. In the seventies Guyana like much of the
Western hemisphere was in the throes of political and economic crisis. The Black Power
movement took on a global dimension and Guyana like the rest of the Caribbean was caught in
its seductive spell. Walter Rodney became the face of the radical revolutionary movement in the
Caribbean, his international lecture circuit gave him a platform to promulgate his views and gain
mass economic and political support where ever he went, this made him the worst nightmare of
the American, Caribbean and Guyanese political establishments. (see, (Ward Churchill and Jim
Vander Wall, The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBIs Secret Wars Against
Domestic Dissent (Boston: South End Press, 1990); Kenneth O'Reilly, Racial Matters: The FBI's
Secret File on Black America, 1960-1972 (New York: Free Press. 1991).Rodney worked in the
leadership of the Workers Political Alliance (WPA), mass demonstrations, workers strikes and
pickets were organized by the WPA. The government backlash was swift and brutal with
intimidation tactics and harassment the more vocal opposition leaders and their supporters were
kidnapped, beaten and others murdered. Rodneys international supporters and colleagues were
clamoring for him to leave Guyana amidst the rapidly deteriorating situation. On July 11, 1979,
Walter Rodney and seven others were charged with arson in the burning of two government
office buildings. Mass rallies were organized in support of the accused. A trial was set for June
2nd 1980 a week into the trial the government requested a temporal adjournment of the trial. On
June 1980 Dr Walter Rodney was assassinated in a car bomb explosion in Georgetown Guyana,
Rodney was 38 years old at the time. Many Guyanese and the global audience and the support
base of Walter Rodney were outraged and called for an immediate investigation, naturally none
would be forthcoming since he was murdered by the Guyanese government. Over 35,000 people
took part in the funeral procession for Walter Rodney on June 23rd, and memorial services were
held in the U.S., Britain, Germany, Nigeria, and Tanzania. The large turnout for the funeral of
Dr Walter Rodney, should give the reader unfamiliar with the man, an idea of his international
standing and the esteem he was held in, within academic, Marxist, and Pan Africanist circles
around the globe. Rodney during his lifetime transcended the boundaries of the Caribbean and
was revered by many for his intellect and forthrightness, he was not only loved by students,
workers and intellectuals the impoverished revered him and indeed they almost burned down
Kingston when he was barred from Jamaica, the Rastafari one of the most despised elements in
Jamaican society at the time also held him in high esteem. In contemporary times specifically in
Guyana the Walter Rodney Commission, convened recently, testimony from several people
were heard, including Dr Patricia Rodney the wife of Dr Rodney. I will include hear some of her
statements, which may be helpful to those not familiar with the Commission, to better understand
present trends, in Guyana pertinent to Rodneys legacy. In the Daily Herald a report on Tuesday,
October 28 2014 captioned: Rodneys widow relived bitter-sweet memories of the love of her
life, contained the following: on the stand Rodneys widow tearfully detailed intimate parts of
her relationship with Rodney and gave insight into some of their political activity: Every Friday
night, the home of CLR and Selma James was the usual meeting place for some Caribbean
students, including the late Professor Norman Girvan, Richard Small, Orlando Patterson and
Margeret Carter Hope. I would accompany Walter to these gatherings whenever I was off duty.
These political discussions influenced a number of progressive Caribbean scholars. She spoke
on Rodneys involvement in African liberation struggles while he taught at university in
Tanzinia and said: this environment was very conducive to the writing of How Europe
Underdeveloped Africa. I can still see Walter sitting at his desk typing with two fingers on his
typewriter,and with,our baby son, Shaka,on his lap. In those days there were no computers.
Contrary to unsubstantiated reports, we were never banned or asked to leave Tanzania. We
remained friends and colleagues with many leaders in African countries including the presidents
and ministers of government of Angola, Mozambique, Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, South
Africa and Ghana, to name a few, many of them wer Walters students from the University of
Dar-es-Salaam. Walter and I grew up in Guyana during the 1950s, which was an important
period in the development of a nationalist movement working towards independence and we
observed African and Indian Guyanese working together. She went on to reconstruct the events
leading up to Rodneys assassination, and gave a vivid description of the state of paranoia, that
was her and her childrens lives, in the aftermath of her husbands murder, she also spoke of the
time when Rodney returned to Guyana from Tanzania, his employment at the University of
Guyana was revoked nevertheless he chose to stay insisting that he loved Guyana. Patricia
Rodney continued her narrative before the Commission: once he decided to stay and become
involved in local politics, including his participation in the Working Peoples Alliance (WPA),
the harassment really started, we felt that this was due to the large crowds that would gather to
hear Walter speak; people from all races and backgrounds would attend. Meetings were broken
up; crowds scattered and our home, our parents home and those of others in the WPA were
often searched. A number of friends who were civil servants and frequently attended WPA
meetings told us that they were notified that they could lose their jobs if they did not stop. Non
uniformed security personnel were seen writing down numbers. After a while people would park
their cars and walk long distances to the meetings. The Police Death Squad searched our house
and our parents constantly, with two to three vehicles, and 10 to 15 persons at a time.We
believed our house was bugged; there was a constant clicking sound in the line. We were
warned that a bomb would be placed in our car. Dr Rodney died on June 13th, 1980 on a Friday.
That month Mrs Rodney and the three children escaped the PNC government and travelled to
Barbados, with tickets bought by their friends, Barbadian writer George Lamming and Margaret
Carty Hope. She and her children never returned to live in Guyana.

Most repressive governments in the Caribbean were aided and abetted by the American
government in their repression of the working class population the situation has not changed
drastically as is evinced by the situation in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic both countries
were invaded by the US government. The Grenada invasion is another example of the US using
the so called (Communist) backed subversive government argument, as a pretext in encroaching
upon another nations sovereignty. The so called Henry affair in Jamaica that saw actual
terrorist, planning and revolutionary activity on a Caribbean island led to several copycats
regionally the most well-known was the popular youth uprising in the island of Dominica called
The Dreads. The Dreads were described as a violent group of disaffected youth, responsible for
terrorist attacks on tourists with the goal of destabilizing the regime by attacking the actual
means of income [the tourists]. In 1974, the island of Dominica was in the throes of a state of
terror and anarchy. The Prohibited Unlawful Societies and Associations Act was passed,
commonly called The Dread Act. In 1981 a group of dreads assisted by the security force, were
discovered to be planning the overthrow of the government of Dominica.

The Rastafari in Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean, as will be proven by presenting
factual evidence in chapter three of this book, were heavily influenced by the revolutionary
ideology of the time, even Bob Marley and the Wailers were influenced by the black power
movement as is evident by their musical out put at the time of the events described previously.
Marley, Don Taylor his former manager alledged, was attempting to unite the warring political
gangs, much like Walter Rodney in an attempt to use the united gangs as the military wing, of a
mass popular uprising against the established order. The existence of actual militarily organized
revolutionary fronts in the Caribbean is still evident today in the Jamaat Al Muslimeen of
Trinidad and Tobago which is the movement responsible for the successful coup and overthrow
of the government of Trinidad. As a result of the many violent and attempted violent upheavals
throughout the Caribbean in the 1960s 1970s into the 1990s regionally, governments in
collusion with their US counterparts have increasingly depoliticized the region through the
means of mass media and narcotics, i.e. Dance Hall music, Hip Hop/Gangsta Rap music,
Cocaine trafficking and Cannabis trafficking, all in an attempt to destroy the political uprisings
regionally. The statements made in the above might seem shocking to some, but there are myriad
well documented facts to bear them up as will be proven in chapter three of this book. Although
this is an apostolic work, I can never rest until the true events that shaped the Caribbean to its
present manifestation are revealed. Many European and American scholars, have made claims
in their attempts to document Caribbean events, particularly pertaining to Rastafari, their
attempts are shocking to say the least in their garish and buffoonish portrayals of Caribbean
people. A gigantic global intellectual power house, like Walter Rodney and his contemporaries
are never mentioned, they write about Reggae music and Bob Marley and the Wailers, as if they
existed in a vacuum and came upon their ideology totally independently of regional influence
from their living contemporaries, contenting themselves to rehash the trite drivel of previous
writers, it is with those thoughts in mind that I have included Rodney and I can include many
more but I will contend myself with the presented facts for now. The Shamanist aspect of
Rastafari was stressed in this book as a spirituality that is diametrically opposed to biblical
Christianity. Rastafari, present character was not only formed by Shamanism in chapter three of
this book, I will offer more depth into the present structure of Rastafari. This book places great
emphasis on Rastafari as it is the greatest ideological grounds for the mass politicization of youth
in the Caribbean.Since this book examines the global significance of Globalism and the
spirituality behind it. Rastafari as a culture that is increasingly being used to benefit the
Globalists agenda, in some cases unbeknownst to its adherents, will be examined in this book
to the chagrin of the supporters of Rastafari presently.The same can be said for the, Christian
Industrial Complex, and its various offshoots such as contemporary gospel music and all its
contemporary alternatives, such as the Christian industrial complex, was birthed out of the
Charismatic movement.
I will attempt to draw a relationship between charismaticism and the globalist agenda that
is led by Satanists, using as always their own words as a means of bearing up statements made
in this book.

The worship of human beings and veneration of nature as sacred are fundamental
components of Shamanism.

The widow of Bob Marley Rita Marley in her autobiography often complained of the
extramarital affairs of her husband his reply to her complaints was Man must have (nuff)
woman. We can observe here that an adulterous lifestyle was the norm and still is normal for
many in Rastafari we know that a true prophet of God would not live in continued rebellion to
the God ordained laws pertaining to the union between a husband and wife.

Pictured: famed Rastafari philosopher Mortimer Plano, ascending the Tarmac of the emperors
private plane and imploring him to descend the stairs, after Haile Sellassie saw the crowd and
hesitated disembarking the plane. Plano implored him to come out, an awkward silence ensued,
as the emperor surveyed the expectant sea of people below, then with a humility rarely seen in
modern rulers, Haile Sellassie wept and gracefully descended the Tarmac as the crowd
breathlessly parted to allow the object of the curiosity of many and the god of some to pass
through the throng of massing humanity jostling for a view of royalty.

Rita Marley also made claims concerning Haile Sellassie claiming that she saw a nail
print in his palm while he waved at her, during his 1963 Jamaican visit. Rita Marley stated in her
autobiography that the bible states we will know Jesus by the nail prints in his hand. Due to her
general lack of knowledge concerning the history of the bible she made a claim concerning Haile
Sellassie as messiah, if she indeed had this vision it could not have been inspired by the God of
the Torah/Bible as it contradicts the scripture. Later on in this work the obvious contradictions in
Rastafari theology will be examined in light of bible teaching. In an attempt to lend credence to
Rita Marleys wild tale Timothy White who admittedly saw Bob Marley as a hero and a father
figure, wrote in his Catch a Fire, that a priest discovered stigmata in Haile Sellassies hand as a
child. That is an example of Whites type of writing, skillfully blending fact with fiction, all in an
attempt, to titillate and cater to a certain type of readership.

The following statements are in no way a theological dissertation, nor are they meant to
be seen as such. The intent of this work as has already been stated is to function as a vehicle to
spread the message of Jesus being the one true messiah as pertains to his fulfillment of bible
prophecy since he fulfilled all 72 of the biblical prophecies concerning messiah, the last being
when he will return as The Conquering Lion of Judah.

Many Rastafari claim that Haile Sellassie fulfilled the revelation 19:16 prophecy
concerning messiah. Presently on Sint Maarten Rastafari has made great in- roads into the
mainstream and has now become economically viable and palatable to the masses there are now
Rastafari restaurants and coronation celebrations, honoring Haile Sellassie are organized yearly
on Sint Maarten.

Muta Baruka will be a featured speaker at the most recent coronation celebration. Muta
Baruka is an avid supporter of Hinduism and can be seen walking around metropolitan Kingston
barefooted. He openly on Jamaican radio promoted the Tao Ti Ching or the way an ancient
Chinese occult art, he said this was preferable to the Fire and brimstone message forced unto
people by Christian preachers.

Now that we have a little background on the emperor I will like to examine the
shamanistic aspects of Reggae music. The Nyabinghi drum often used in Rastafari gatherings is
an African shamanist manifestation, the call and response pattern is African. I do not claim here
that African culture is evil or bad I am enlightening especially the Body of Christ as to the actual
forces that their children in particular are exposed to when listening to certain types of music .

Kumina a purely shamanist drum style is played by mainly the Rastafari of the mystic
order of Nyabinghi also Burro drumming is incorporated into many grounations that Rastafari
organize.The event is mystical in nature and is designed, to calm lull and allay a persons mind
body and soul, making them susceptible to so called positive vibrations which are in reality
spirits that influence the hearers of the music.

Those being channeled are usually unaware of this subtle activity.

A Shaman is defined, as per their own explanation as the following:


'Sh-mn: From Evenki (Tungusic language of Siberia) amn, derived from the
Sumerian sham-an, Eagle of Heaven.

1 Sham: from the Sumerian shem or sham meaing eagle or vehicle of flight.

2) An - from the Sumerian, heaven or celestial.

A Shaman is:

The Eagle of Heaven

One who flies as the Eagle into the Celestial Domains

3) One who is capable of spiritual flight (Astral Travel/Astral Projection can be attained
through the means of ingesting plant matter such as mushrooms et al or plants such as Cannabis
Sativa whether smoked or ingested otherwise).

Astral Travel is also attainable through meditation (Trance Channeling).

The knowledge of good and evil has its beginning in Shamanism. You are in the regions
of Hell now. Quote from the book by Apostle S.D. James the Occult and Satanism 6/10/88).
Shamanism uses techniques of ecstasy in order for men to use them their souls must be sold to
Satan, quoted from the aforementioned work.

The following is an excerpt from Terrance McKenna on Shamanic spirit contact and
communication with the spirit world. His description of such is classic occultism and witchcraft.

We are not talking about passive agents of transformation, we are talking about an
intelligence, a consciousness, an alive and other mind, a spirit, which of course have no place in
our society. Nature is alive and is talking to us. This is not a metaphor. Terrance McKenna.
From earliest times it has been recognized that knowledge goes beyond sensory
awareness or the rational way of understanding the world. Entering into a communion with the
plant consciousness or spirit is a way that can take us directly to an experience that can show us
that there is no such thing as an inanimate object. Everything in the universe is alive, possesses
awareness and has a spirit. It offers a significant challenge for the rational Western mind to come
to terms with the plant spirit consciousness, and a leap of imagination is required to incorporate
the otherness of the plant. The magical world to which we are transported by plants is not
accessible through the verbal rational mind but through dream language or an expansion of the
imagination. Thus dreams and the power of our imagination act like doorways and allow us to
be in communion (in the true sense) with the plant spirit consciousness (Howard G. Chairing.
He is the author of the best-selling book, Plant Spirit Shamanism (Destiny Books USA), and has
published numerous articles about plant medicines). The knowledge of good and evil has its
beginning in Shamanism. You are in the regions of Hell now. Quote from the book by Apostle
S.D. James the Occult and Satanism 6/10/88). Shamanism uses techniques of ecstacy in order
for men to use them their souls must be sold to Satan, quoted from the aforementioned work.

The following is an excerpt from Terrance McKenna on Shamanic spirit contact and
communication with the spirit world. His description of such is classic occultism and witchcraft.

We are not talking about passive agents of transformation, we are talking about an
intelligence, a consciousness, an alive and other mind, a spirit, which of course have no place in
our society. Nature is alive and is talking to us. This is not a metaphor. Terrance McKenna.

From earliest times it has been recognized that knowledge goes beyond sensory
awareness or the rational way of understanding the world. Entering into a communion with the
plant consciousness or spirit is a way that can take us directly to an experience that can show us
that there is no such thing as an inanimate object. Everything in the universe is alive, possesses
awareness and has a spirit. It offers a significant challenge for the rational Western mind to come
to terms with the plant spirit consciousness, and a leap of imagination is required to plants is not
accessible through the verbal rational mind but through dream language or an expansion of the
imagination. Thus dreams and the power of our imagination act like doorways and allow us to
be in communion (in the true sense) with the incorporate the otherness of the plant. The
magical world to which we are transported by plant spirit consciousness (Howard G.Chairing.
He is the author of the best-selling book, Plant Spirit Shamanism (Destiny Books USA), and has
published numerous articles about plant medicines).
These Rastafari in Antigua are holding a picture of the Voodoo/Vaudou goddess Ezili
Danto. The goddess is one of myriad in the Voodoo pantheon called Loa. The practioners claim
that their goddess is older than Isis though she is also identified as Isis by many. The poster in
the mans hand at left of this page has above the head of the woman Revelation 12. The
Revelation 12 chapter speaks of a woman who fled into the wilderness and gave birth to a man
child. The woman in Revelation 12 refers to the nation of Israel with the twelve stars
representative of each tribe. The man-child represents Jesus the Messiah of all Ages. The young
men above have accepted aVoodoo deity as an icon and are vainly attempting to use scripture to
validate their beliefs.
The above photo is of the Ugandan high priestess called Muhumusa an early 20th century
resistance fighter against the German colonialists. Her followers believed that she was possessed
by the ancient Kushite queen Nyabinghi. She attracted a vast following of lion worshippers who
smoked Cannabis Sativa. The mythological Nyabinghi woman warrior, was associated with the
Egyptian goddesses Tefnut middle and Sekhmet, they possess the same attributes but they are
two distinct dieties, shown above at right of this page. The ancient Nyabinghi orders in Africa
unlike the western Rastafari sects that bear its name were led chiefly and in many instances
exclusively by women, when a man did lead the sect he was always said to be possessed by the
spirit of Sekhmet. Jede Uwechia had this to say about the Nyabinghi priestess and her modern
day following: As the story goes, the spirit of this African Empress, this dread lioness Queen of
Queens, avenger of her father and son, subsists in Africa and the diaspora until this day,
manifesting her presence and actions in this physical domain through spiritual possession,
inspiration and mental transformation. Through possession is one of the ways in which he
describes the manifestation of the (Nyabinghi/Sekhmet) spirit, here then is a clear explanation of
a Shamanic culture. As should be clear from the above Rastafari Nyabinghi culture though not
following explicitly the spiritual culture of their namesake have taken on some of the aspects of
this Shamanist culture.
Bobo Shanti Rastafari: The Bobo Shanti are a highly disciplined religious sect within
Rastafari. They are mainly broom vendors. The Bobo Shanti as they are called today was formed
by Prince Emmanuel Edward; Sizzla Kalonji the world famous reggae star is a Bobo. Below in
the photo, Haile Sellassie presenting a medallion to Prince Edwards Emmanuel, the founder of
the Bobo Shanti order. Above is a communique that Emmanuel sent to the queen of England he
wrote pamphlets and booklets that were Black supremacist, in nature and quasi- religious.
Emmanuel communicated directly with the British royal house because he considered himself to
be above the Jamaican colonial system, since he claimed to be a messiah.
Image: Haile Sellassie presenting Prince Emannuel founder of the Bobo Ashanti in
Jamaica, with a medallion.
All cultures and ways of life needs to attract members and fresh energy in order to live,
and find expression in the earth without men women boys and girls a culture will eventually die
and cease to exist.

Cannabis is smoked by Rastafari sacramentally sacrament is derived from the word

sacrifice and sacred these words denote a burnt offering blessed atoning, holy , religious or
ceremonial .

We know that in ancient times all cultures performed a sacrifice to their god or gods.

In the case of the Rastafari their sacrifice is to Haile Selassie, let us examine what the
bible has to say about sacrifices and burnt offerings.

Here are some scriptural references for the benefit of the reader, Gen 8:20,

Ex 10:25, Num 7:17, Num 29:19, Jer 44:17.

We see from the above read scripture references that God abhorred offerings offered up
to other gods, i.e. demons this was a direct abrogation of his established order, in Matthew 4:10
we see that it states, worship Adonai your God and serve only him.

The present day Rastafari incorporates a number of means to bring them into balance.

The use of Marijuana over a certain period will cause a person to become out of balance
and lose control of their equilibrium, ways of maintaining balance can include meditation, Yoga,
chanting mantras et al.

All persons involved in the smoking of Cannabis products and any other drug for that
matter are involved with various forms of esotericism and or occultism (occult here denotes
esoteric or hidden), whether this is done consciously or unconsciously.

I want to conclude this chapter with a book by Esther Sellassie Antohin great
granddaughter of Haile Sellassie (Ethiopians and Rastafari 2007 Fairbanks Alaska).On page 80
in her book, Esther shows a passport photo, that depicts her in August 1977 after her escape
from Ethiopia into Nairobi Kenya, in the wake of the 1974 Dirge overthrow of the monarchy
ruled by Haile Sellassie. In a claim that turns the accepted view of Haile Sellassies family
heritage completely on its head, she writes of her father Dejazmatch Fikre-Sellassie: My father
and his sister, and my aunt were full Oromo from Nekemte Wellega, although she and my father
were educated in England and had spent their youth in the household of Haile Sellassie. Their
father Dejazmatch Hapte Mariam Kumsa, had died during the Italian war, while his children
were still in their early childhood. They were deeply committed to their roots. Here is
documented proof that Haile Sellassies lineal offspring were and are not pure Amhara, but are
an admixture of the Ethiopian peoples as confirmed by his great granddaughters testimony.
Image: Haile Sellassie was arrested by the Dergue. The troops of the Dirge confronted
him in his office in the Jubilee Palace (the same office shown previously in this book).
Kapuscinski gave a vivid account as told to him by Selassies personal manservant worthy of re-
enactment here: At the end of August the military proclaimed the nationalization of all the
Emperors Palaces. There were fifteen of them. His private enterprises met the same fate, among
them the Saint George Brewery, the Addis Ababa metropolitan bus company, the mineral-water
factory in Ambo. The exact sum of the Emperors accounts will probably never be known. The
propaganda bulletins spoke of four billion dollars. At daybreak the soldiers came for H.I.M: His
Imperial Majesty will please follow us. Where to? H.S. asked, to a safe place, explained the
major. Everybody left the Palace, in the driveway stood a green Volkswagen. You cant be
serious the Emperor bridled Im supposed to go like this? However he presently fell silent and
sat down in the back seat of the car. The Volkswagen set off followed by a jeep full of armed

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