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Foster, S.

(1989) Analysis of spatial patterns in buildings (access

analysis) as an insight into social structure: examples from the Scottish
Atlantic Iron Age. Antiquity, 63 (238). pp. 40-50. ISSN 0003-598X

Deposited on: 14 March 2011

Enlighten Research publications by members of the University of Glasgow
Analysis of spatial patterns in buildings
(access analysis) as an insight into
social structure: examples from the
Scottish Atlantic Iron Age


Clearly the pattern of space in buildings can be expected to relate to the way that
buildings are used to structure and reproduce social relations. As an archaeologist,
wishing to infer social structure by its reflection in the building pattern, one may hope the
relation may be reasonably direct. Here the formal geometrical method of access analysis
is used to elucidate the pattern in a distinctive kind of prehistoric settlement form, and
thence to elucidate the social structure which both produced it and was structured by it.

The aim of this paper is to describe an archaeo- follows movements in architectural circles (e.g.
logical application of access analysis, a means Glassie 1975; Markus 1982: 4 for brief sum-
of investigating the relationship between spa- mary), and the work of geographers and social
tial order and society. As presented below this theorists (e.g. Gregory & Urry 1985). Two
is a technique based on the gamma analysis of common themes, ultimately derived from
Hillier & Hanson (1984), which looks at the Structuration Theory (Giddens 19843, seem to
patterns of relations between inhabitants and lie behind much of this work:
between inhabitants and strangers as they are 1 The belief that space is both produced by,
reflected in the use of interior space, in terms of and in turn produces and reproduces social
the patterns created by boundaries and entran- relations. Thus architecture is seen as cultu-
ces. This approach has received much criticism rally meaningful, and not just as a response
(see particularly Leach 1978) because of its to certain environmental needs. However,
extreme belief that spatial organization is a wide differences of opinion exist as to if,
function of the form of social structure. The how, or to what degree social relations might
present writer believes that without taking the be gauged from archaeological remains.
full Hillier & Hanson line, but by adopting more Leach (1978: 400) has argued that the chasm
modest horizons, this formal and vigorous tech- between basic space syntax and real life
nique can be demonstrated to be of some value sociology is wider than Hillier and his
to others who believe that spatial order does colleagues suppose. Yet others using the
carry some social information. techniques of Hillier & Hanson have demon-
There continues to be an increasing trend strated that observed spatial patterns are not
towards the interpretation of the archaeological coincidental, and can be explained in social
remains of buildings, erstwhile architecture, in terms on the basis of historic and ethnogra-
a social context, by analysis of their interior phic evidence (Yiannouli & Mithen 1986).A
space (such as Smith 1978; Boast & Yiannouli similar relationship has been noted on the
1986; Gilchrist 1988). To a certain extent this basis of observed similarities between the

* Department of Archaeology, The University, Glasgow G12 BQQ.

63 (1989): 40-50

plans of villas in Britain and Gaul (Smith Access analysis is based on syntactic relations,
1978). Total sceptics about the social rele- and considers the arrangement of different
vance of spatial organization are not so spaces as a pattern of permeabilities, that is in
vociferous. terms of the interconnections between spaces.
There will never be agreement between disci-
2 It is recognized that all social interaction is
situated within both time and space, thus plines as to what constitutes social space (e.g.
time is emphasized as an essential compare Fletcher 1977; Piaget & Inhelder 1956;
component in all social analysis. Barrett Gregory 1978; Norberg-Schulz 1971), but this
(1988) has recently suggested an archaeo- technique is important because of its descrip-
logical means of applying Structuration tive autonomy,unambiguous rules of applica-
Theory, and taking into account the factors tion, and its clear exposition of how these relate
of time and space, which he calls Fields of at the very lowest level to relations between
Discourse. inhabitants, and between inhabitants and
This note will discuss the theory and tech- strangers. Societies which might vary in their
nique of access analysis, and the relevance, if type of physical configuration and degree to
any, of this technique to the elucidation of which the ordering of space appears as a conspi-
social structure through a medium of analysis cuous dimension of culture can all be compared
such as Fields of Discourse. The archaeological on a similar basis.
application of this technique, with appropriate The technique is best explained with the use
modifications, is described using examples of the example of a small modern house, where
from the Iron Age of Orkney. only the ground floor has been taken into
consideration (FIGURE 1A). Each unit of space,
The theory and technique including transitional spaces such as a hallway,
A building is made u p of walls which define a has been represented as a dot with lines
series of enclosed spaces, the boundaries between them where there is permeability,
between which may be broken by doorways giving access between spaces (FIGURE 1B). The
allowing access from one area to another. The network of dots and connecting lines forms an
importance of doors is not only that they open, unjustified access map. This map can be justi-
but more importantly that they can close, fied, in this case from an outside perspective

effectively segregating spaces and controlling (the carrier), the stance of the stranger (FIGURE
the means of access to any particular point. IC), although it could have been from any point

carrier s p a c e
garden 0 defined s p a c e
0 transitional s p a c e


FIGURE 1. A Plan of a small

modern house, ground floor only
(P-best room, K-kitchen, G m a i n
living space). (After Hillier S.
Hanson (1984): figure 99.)
B Unjustified access (gamma) m a p
C Justified access map with
A 8 C labelled spaces.

in the building. By justification it is meant that levelled at Hillier & Hanson is that their tech-
all points of a certain depth, that is the nique cannot work fully unless something is
minimum number of steps taken to reach them already known of the relevant social structure,
from the carrier, have been positioned on the when it can be seen in retrospect how the
same horizontal line, subsequent depth values observed patterns in the spatial arrangement
on lines parallel to the first. Given the rules of relate to the known social structure (Leach
construction any line will either connect with 1978). Prehistorians do not have historical
points on the same level of depth, or two levels accounts, nor can they make ethnographic stu-
separated by only one level of depth. The dies of the populations they are studying, but
resultant map is both an aid to visual decipher- they do possess a body of primary archaeologi-
ment of the pattern, and could in theory be cal data which may provide non-spatial evi-
combined with quantification procedures (an dence for other aspects of social structure. It
aspect which is not pursued here). will never be possible to testprehistoric social
Buildings are easier to study than settlements inference derived from the spatial; one can only
because open spaces cannot be so readily sepa- explore its promptings from within a clearly
rated into analytical elements (Hillier & Hanson defined understanding of the way material cul-
1984: 16), and the richness in differentiation of ture and social structure are related.
interior structures means that they carry more
social information than exterior relations (Hill- Social inference from access analysis
ier & Hanson 1984: 154). So, once spaces are It is suggested that examination of access maps
defined, the spatial order of a structure can be and the application of the techniques of Hillier
represented in part by a diagram showing the & Hanson (1984), in combination with other
interconnections of the enclosed spaces. A evidence for architectural form and social func-
prerequisite for analysis is therefore an accurate tion, may impart social information at three
map with all access points marked. Form (the general scales, the first two of which are con-
formal properties of space and the boundaries sidered appropriate here.
which define it - its style) and function (the
purpose of buildings) must also be embraced. In 1
practice it is virtually impossible to make a The variations in spatial arrangements impart
distinction between these attributes (Markus social information about the realities of living
1982: 4-6). Hillier & Hanson (1984) minimize in, or visiting, that particular building: where
the interactive nature of these because of their and how frequently physical encounters might
apparent belief in the analytical autonomy of be made between occupants andlor between
the spatial dimension. However, these other occupants and strangers, and how these
architectural dimensions have to be brought encounters might be controlled. The inhabitant-
into consideration if the full archaeological inhabitant and stranger-inhabitant interfaces
value of access analysis is to be appreciated. can be observed in terms of relations of
The primary data demands of access analysis symmetrylasymmetry and patterns of distri-
create some problems for most archaeologists. butednesslnondistributedness (FIGURE 2)
The success of illuminating and stimulating because distribution articulates relations of
studies such as those edited by Markus (1982) boundary (the means of access to a space) whilst
on the period of the Scottish Enlightenment, or asymmetry reflects the importance of a space in
by Graves (forthcoming) on the English medie- terms of its degree of segregation or integration
val church, is in no small measure due to the (Hillier & Hanson 1984: 148):
fact that the buildings which they are studying
either still stand (albeit possibly with alter-
ations), or full architectural plans exist for those
In gamma two spaces a and b will be: symmetric if a is
which have been demolished or whose con- to b as b is to a with respect to c, meaning that neither a
struction was planned but never realized. In nor b controls permeability to each other; asymmetric if
addition these are periods for which some of the a is not to b as b is to a, in the sense that one controls
ideas of society, and the nature of values and permeability to the other from some third space c;
relationships are known because of docu- distributed if there is more than one independent route
mentary sources. One of the main criticisms from a to b including passing through a third space c (i.e

b d a b

a b a b



FIGURE 2. A a and b are in a symmetric and distributed relationship with respect to c.

B a and b are in a symmetric and nondistributed relationship with respect to c.
C a and b are in a nondistributed and asymmetric relationship with respect to c.
D a and b are symmetric to each other with respect to c, but d is in a n asymmetric relation to both with
respect to c.
E d is in a nondistributed and symmetric relation to a and b, which still remain symmetric to each other
with respect to d, or to c .
(After Hillier 6.Hanson 1984: figures 88-92.).

if a space has more than one locus of control with ties, a set of which may be thought to constitute
respect to another); and nondistributed if there is some the generic rule underlying the space in question,
space c, through which any route from a to b must pass. and which can be referred to as the genotype
(each example will undoubtedly have a different
This spatial network suggests patterns which phenotype, or actual physical realization of these
need investigating. As a result of labelling space rules). Some of the invariant properties which
in terms of use or form it is possible to observe constitute the generic rule are observable and/or
whether particular labels correspond to parti- measurable in terms of relations of symmetry/
cular syntactic positions and to investigate asymmetry and patterns of distributednessl
these patterns further. nondistributedness (see above).
Interior spaces constitute one of the the most The challenge is to explain how these
common locales for activity and social interac- observed topological patterns may relate to
tion, the places where discourse can be sus- social factors as there is unlikely to be a one-to-
tained. Social analysis should therefore one relationship between spatial organization
consider the way architecture, and the spatial and society. For example, might these expres-
organization of a settlement, intervene to struc- sions of boundary and control of space be
ture some part of the cycle of social reproduc- reflecting the relations of physical autonomy
tion (Barrett forthcoming]. Access analysis and dependence between different sectors of a
articulates an understanding of this, as community? What type of social relations
knowledge of where, how frequently, and under (gender, age or social status) might induce this
what architectural circumstances, physical spatial order and are these the social relations
encounters occur. The information on access on which society is organized? Might the repe-
maps may be static, and cannot take the tempo- titive occurrence of patterns represent the
ral frequency of discourse into account in its acknowledgement of a code whereby authority
construction, but yet is of value in the con- was sustained? If an increased investment of
sideration of potential time-space paths occu- formality into the ordering of the landscape (cf.
pied by human beings. Boast & Evans 1986) has been detected. this
must be explained.
The study of the spatial configuration of a 3
number of patterns may reveal variant proper- Finally, Hillier & Hanson believe that by recog-

nizing the basic syntactic generator, or organiz- space may vary from area to area, period to
ing principle, behind a human spatial complex period, in prehistoric structures where the con-
then different forms of social organization can cept of an entrance or division between func-
be recognized (Hillier & Hanson 1984: 82). This tional spaces may need to be liberally interpreted.
is because they argue that although there are Thus the constitution of an archaeological space
many different manifestations of spatial rela- is not necessarily defined by the theory, but is
tions, there are only a finite number of organiz- dependent on the nature of the available evi-
ing principles (Hillier & Hanson 1984: 54; dence. Provided rules are carefully formulated
summary in figure 23). Their rules reflect the and consistently applied to the data in question,
notion of social order as suggested by Durkheim then analysis may proceed.
(1984), who envisaged two types of social soli- In this study the designation of a space
darity and located their cause in different spa- depends on the physical presence of a doorway,
tial variables: an organic solidarity which a low kerb or ramparts (or being aware of their
works best when the system is large and inte- existence). It also depends, to a large measure.
grated; and a mechanical solidarity which on the ascribed function of an area; it is obviou-
works best when segments are small and sly important to distinguish an enclosed area
isolated. where sleeping rather than storage might have
This is the aspect of Hillier & Hansons work taken place. The recognition of functional
which has received most criticism (Leach 1978; zones, even if only defined by what in another
Batty 1985), and is of no relevance to a social period might have been described as furniture,
interpretation involving the use of Structur- is an obvious archaeological progression on a
ation, because it treats space as a totally technique evolved for upstanding historic
independent discourse. It is not considered in structures. For example, areas with hearths are
further discussion. especially important. All of these criteria are
subjective, which is why the method can best be
Archaeological application of access analysis applied to upstanding structures, preferably
Examples from the Iron Age of Orkney can be with a full archaeological data-set, and which
used to give an example of the application of have been fully recorded to modern standards.
access analysis and to discuss its feasibility for If we take as an example the recently exca-
archaeological remains. Here, despite subse- vated Early Iron Age house at Bu (Hedges
quent robbing and other vagaries of time, the 1987(1))then some of the archaeological pecu-
wide availability of natural building blocks has liarities of this technique can be seen more
resulted in the unprecedented survival of struc- clearly. In FIGURE 3A we see the permeabilities
tures, often to several storeys. In a few cases it is suggested by the excavator; in FIGURES 3B-C
possible to walk through doors and up stairs, lie exactly the same process as adopted for the
down in bed-neuks, and collect water from the modern building in FIGURE 1, and described
wells. Remains are always only partial, and above, is run through. Each space is usually an
each site is the product of centuries of site- area which is enclosed by orthostats, with
formation, most recently selective destruction access either through doorways (as in the case of
and presentation by archaeologists. Any FIGURE 3 B x), or over low kerbs (v) where the
analysis has therefore to evaluate carefully the access lines may therefore appear to be jumping
state of the site at any one period. It is not walls. The central service area (y) is defined by
possible to measure symbolic divisions of space a low kerb and gives access to the hearth (2);it is
(although artefactual distribution may some- divided into two areas because the smaller
times be suggestive). Nor is it possible to recog- north section is partly paved and the distribu-
nize when major features, such as earthworks, tion of artefacts (Hedges 1987(1): figure 1.57)
which may have acted as a frame for later may suggest that the southern half had a
activity (see e.g. Boast and Evans 1986), ceased different function to the northern half. Area w is
to be maintained conceptually (Haselgrove treated as a single space because the central
1984).Nevertheless this quality of data, and the orthostat was not designed to break the space
fact that in several cases the sites can be into two distinct components, and because of
examined on the ground, is particularly signi- the extent of floor deposits which are more or
ficant because the definition of relevant units of less specific to this area (Hedges 1987(1)).

' I
\ \

+. p o s i t e d access

CB c a r r i e r spac
trans i t ional /

r o o m/c o m p a r t m e n t
I 0 5m
0 sDace w i t h hearth

FIGURE3. A Pian of Bu indicating points of access. (After Hedges 1987113:figure 1.1O.j

B Bu with unjustified access (gamma) map superimposed.
C Justified access map with labelled spaces.

As there may be some uncertainty about buildings, many of which had at least one upper
whether or not a space was enclosed, the degree storey or gallery. This study is specific to
to which it was socially relevant, or when brochs in Orkney, but its implications are
access points were valid, there will inevitably significant for the Atlantic Province as a whole,
be phases in the complex history of even a well especially in areas where outbuildings are
recorded site when it is impossible to produce aassociated with the brochs (primarily Caith-
totally accurate analysis (or any form of ness, northeast Sutherland and to a certain
analysis). Yet there will be phases when a clearextent Shetland). The outbuildings can roughly
pattern does emerge, notably when buildings be divided into two forms, radial and non-
are first laid out on a virgin site. When compa-radial. The radial examples (FIGURE 4) encircle
risons are made of these major changes then the broch in a regular fashion, a passage lead-
patterns begin to emerge. In the study of Iron ing through them to the broch, which is usually
Age and Early Medieval Orkney four or five surrounded by a narrow encircling passage;
major phases can be identified, one of which, there i s a very full use of all available space
the Middle Iron Age, the period when brochs between the broch and its surrounding out-
were prevalent, is the subject of discussion works, where these exist. The non-radial form
here. may be very early in the development of brochs
(as at Crosskirk in Caithness: Fairhurst 1984)
Specific example and may in some cases precede radial outbuil-
In the Middle Atlantic Iron Age, around 100 dings (as possibly in phase 6 at Howe: Carter et
BC, brochs first appear - thick-walled circular al. 1984). A question hangs over the relative




FIGURE 4. Plans of
brochs with nucleated
i settlements. {After
\ Hedges 1987iZj;
RCAMS 1946(2); Carter
et al. 1984; Callander 6.
Grant 1934).

chronology of the brochs and both types of Howe the phase 7 outbuildings are contem-
outbuildings. This note is essentially con- porary with the broch, at Gurness they may be
cerned with the radial examples, where the primary although little is known of what, if
dating evidence rests almost exclusively on the anything, underlies them, and at Midhowe the
evidence from Howe, Gurness and Midhowe. outbuildings are of several phases, of which
These are the best understood examples, the earliest may be contemporary with the
although similar plans are suggested elsewhere broch. Whatever ones stance in this debate, it
in Orkney (Hedges 1987(3): 14; e.g. Lingro, cannot be disputed that the broch and outbuil-
FIGURE 4) and northeast Sutherland. On the dings co-existed at one point, functioning as a
basis of present evidence, outbuildings elsew- unity, in this writers opinion probably early in
here tend to be of the non-radial type. Hedges the development of the sites.
work suggests that some of the outbuildings In FIGURE 5 the nucleated settlements of
associated with these brochs in Orkney have Gurness, Midhowe and Howe have been
been built in the same phase of construction as treated as a single set of premises, drawn as
the broch, or are near contemporary justified gamma maps with an extended
afterthoughts, because the layout of some of the vocabulary of symbols to represent the
outbuildings and the broch is by and large different types of space and means of access.
systematic, and their floor areas, fittings, and These access maps therefore incorporate
furnishings are comparable (1987(2-3)). At information about the spatial properties of the

FIGURE5. Justified access (gamma) maps for Middle Iron Age nucleated settlements [reversediopen
symbols distinguish the broch from other structures).
A Gurn ess .
B Howe.
C Midhowe.

brochs and the potential functions of some outbuildings, are the very deepest, least
areas. Moreover by the use of open and closed accessible spaces. Their usage may have
symbols the differing architectural types have included storage, extra sleeping facilities and
also been indicated. The result is an all- wallheads from which surveillance might be
embracing consideration of the architecture made. Unfortunately these are the parts of the
presented in convenient diagrammatic form. structure about which Ieast is known as they
Some general trends can be observed, and were always the first to collapse or be dismant-
will be briefly described at the different scales led, and the total number of original floors is
of inference outlined above: not known. If the majority of activities and
functions was in the upper storeys then
1 obviously their exact nature can never be
At the immediate visual level, the develop- assessed and the ground plans tell us less
ment from Early Iron Age single, agricultural (although it seems most probable that the
and domestic units (such as Bu, FIGURE 3) to ground floor was the main domestic forum).
Middle Iron Age nucleated settlements reveals The larger the access maps, then the more
the introduction of a staggering hierarchical abstract and complicated they become to
use of space. The maps become considerably analyse, and it is helpful to break them down,
deeper (more asymmetric), and the deepest, for instance by dividing them into distributed
most segregated area is always the set of spaces (ringy) and nondistributed (tree-like) sub-
which constitute the broch. Upper galleries systems (FIGURE 6 for Gurness as an example).
and upper storeys, features not found in the On the very outside, globally governing the

FIGURE6 . Justified access (gamma) maps for Gurness.

A the nondistributed sub-system.
B the distributed sub-system.

interior, are earthworks which extend the therefore most movement can be monitored by
depth between the inside and outside worlds, control of its various sections.
even if in some cases they only create abstract From this first narrow passage access is
rather than real rings. Access to the interior gained to the next ring, a passageway which
proper has to be via the guardhouse or fore- encircles the broch (except at Howe). This ring
court, a relatively convex space; this is where is at the point where ingress can be gained to
the transition from the outside world to an further nondistributed spaces at a slightly
inner environment is sanctioned. From here deeper level. Ringy structures interconnect
ingress is made into a long thin passage from some apartments and outbuildings. Access to
which access to both outbuildings and broch the broch interior is from the initial passage, at
can be made. In the cases of Gurness, Howe about the same level as some of the outbuil-
and Lingro (as suggested by an early section of dings, but is deepened by guard cells, an elab-
walling: RCAMS 1946(2), figure 230) the orate doorway into a long tunnel, and a series
entrance into the settlement and the broch of vestibules. The form of the architecture is
entrance are aligned, which must have particularly relevant; the monumentality of the
enhanced the processional-like qualities of broch tower and its elaborate entrance contrast
these passages. From here the outbuildings starkly with the less substantial outbuildings,
constitute a local, large and almost totally all of which appear very similar in form, serv-
nondistributed area of settlement, spaces in ing to heighten the discrepancy between these
which strangers cannot freely circulate and spaces. Once inside the broch, the final ringy
into which they must be invited. Such structure is encountered, which is separated
branching off thus creates the maximum segre- from all the others by several depth levels. This
gation of spaces with the least expenditure of is quite complex in the case of the double
depth, both between and within domestic domestic units at Midhowe and the later levels
units. Entrance to and between the outbuil- at Gurness. The rings connect the main dom-
dings is mainly by means of this passage, estic foci (the hearth areas) and the upper

levels. Cells and compartments are arranged in identification (Hillier & Hanson 1984: 238). In
non-distributed fashion from these rings, in addition the inhabitants of a single settlement
similar fashion to the outbuildings. may feel a strong sense of identity with each
From the point of view of strangers, the other because they share a structured whole
overall hierarchical layout and the differences with others. Furthermore, the repetitive nature
in architectural form have done nothing to of these patterns may be representing the
encourage their admission to the broch. There- acknowledgement of a code of symbols, in this
fore, its interior ringy system is unlikely to case spatially determined, by which those in
have had a major r61e in articulating immediate the broch sustained their authority over the
stranger-inhabitant relations, but was probably inhabitants of the outbuildings. The ordered
a means of articulating the relationships layout of the outbuildings and the comprehen-
between the different domestic units, where sive use of space further suggests that these
they existed. The ringy sub-systems in the were laid out as a unity under the authority of
outbuildings would have played a similar role, the broch inhabitants, rather than being the
but here there is a greater emphasis on the result of the cumulative construction of out-
non-distributed component. buildings to a basic structuring principle.
From the point of view of social structure a
number of observations can be made on the Social interpretation
basis of this information. Despite some simi- These social inferences fit a model of ranked
iarities with the outbuildings, the broch society where Midhowe, most probably Lingro
obviously stands out as the most important and definitely Gurness and Howe can be inter-
area in the settlement complex because of its preted as planned nucleated villages in the
spatial importance, its prime location and its centre of which lived the pre-eminent family
monumentality. This, in combination with the or personages, surrounding whom were those
degree of controlled access to the outbuildings who payed tribute and in return received pro-
and their apartments, which are almost exclus- tection or patronage (non-nucleated
ively segregated, may suggest that the social settlements can probably be seen as dependent
structure on which these new relations were settlements; this is not to exclude the possi-
founded required strict control in order to be bility of other unrecognized elements in the
both established and maintained. settlement pattern for which a place could be
found in this scheme). Similarities in the
2 formal layout of these settlements and the
Taking an overview, the observed systems social relations they structured, suggests that
serve to emphasize the social inequalities these settlements should all be seen as part of a
existing between the broch and outbuilding wider society with similar values.
occupants, and the settlement and the outside, A clientship scheme has also been suggested
the latter distinction being the strongest. Local by MacKie (1987). Besides the different routes
relations between the internal cells are of inference, the major difference between our
basically the same except for the broch; the two schemes rests upon interpretation of the
factor of non-interchangeability has been intro- primary archaeological evidence, specifically
duced between the broch and all its surround- the chronological relationship between the
ing units. Thus this is more of a transpatial brochs and the outbuildings. Undoubtedly
than spatial system. In other words the empha- some brochs, particularly early examples, did
sis is on spatial relations which have been stand alone, but others aggregated settlement
determined by genotypic rules and produce the around them, sometimes in very formal condi-
required restrictions of encounter, even though tions where radiated settlements were the
each physical manifestation of these rules is result, on other occasions less formally, and on
different. What is more, the genotypic-model is a lesser scale, when the non-radial outbuil-
global, because it recurs, and as a result tran- dings may have been the result. MacKies
spatial relations and integration can exist scheme has a tribal aristocracy living in the
between arrangements (settlement complexes) brochs with about 100-300 people living in
because similarities in layout and comparable fragile settlements around the broch, in struc-

positioning may foster a conceptual form of tures which are as yet unrecognized in the

archaeological record. Granted that a large pro- approach is one which can be adapted and
portion of Iron Age settlement may exist totally modified for archaeological purposes. Social
unrecorded, the present scheme proposes that inferences can be derived from the spatial
a large element of the non-broch population order by circumspect consideration of the
came to live in broch outbuildings. assumptions behind every appropriate step of
the technique, and a clear understanding of the
Conclusions relationship between material culture and
In the absence of examining the broch period social reproduction. All discourse has a spatial
in the context of the Early and Late Iron Ages, element; access analysis is a useful tool for
and considering all the evidence for discourse articulating an understanding of the part space
in which the architecture may have been rel- plays in structuring social relations, and the
evant (the subject of a future paper), the true part social relations have in structuring space.
impact and significance of these spatial
arrangements have been minimized. Neverthe-
less, it is hoped that some of the archaeological
potential of the technique of access analysis Acknowledgements. I am grateful to Professor Leslie Alcock,
has been successfully demonstrated. One can John Barrett, Pam Graves, Dr Euan MacKie, Ross Samson,
and Graeme Stewart for comments on various versions of
find fault in the tenets behind the gamma this note. Errors in content and presentation are my own,
analysis of Hillier & Hanson, but the formal especially where I ignored their advice.

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