Anda di halaman 1dari 3


1. All of the following is true about solid models, except:

a. they are equivalent to surface models
b. they are 'watertight'
c. a CSG model is one type
d. they are typically manifold models

2. A ___________ modeler defines the model with surfaces bounding a region.

a. wireframe
b. primitive
c. B-rep
d. CSG



5. All of the following are elements needed to define a generalized sweep, except:
a. Intent
b. Profile
c. Direction
d. Workplane

6. A sweep is dependent on the location of the axis/vector relative to the

a. Path-based
b. Linear
c. Revolved
d. Blend

7. Which two methods of defining a workplane both define the workplane parallel to a
planar face?
a. Tangent and Through
b. Offset and Tangent
c. Angle and Orientation
d. Through and Offset
CHAPTER 5 3-D Solid Modeling

8. All of the following are examples of implicit constraints, except:

a. Same size
b. Intersection
c. Overlap
d. Tangency

9. A parent feature should always be relative to its child feature

a. in a separate model
b. created at the same time
c. above in the feature tree
d. created after

10. Which type of sweep definition takes the sweep infinitely far?
a. to next
b. offset
c. blind
d. through all

11. All of the following are feature definition parameters that typically can be
modified, except:
a. side of profile to work on
b. type of operation
c. sweep direction
d. sweep distance

12. The view camera:

a. is not controllable by the operator
b. is a metaphor used to describe the model viewing process
c. only controls the zoom and pan
d. is the same as the viewport

13. When changes in the model alter the views in the drawing view of the model but
not vice versa, the associativity is:
a. nondirectional
b. bidirectional
c. unidirectional
d. all of the above

14. A(n) in an assembly defines surface coplanar with the direction vector
opposing each other.
a. Mate
b. Offset
c. Align
d. Integrate

CHAPTER 5 3-D Solid Modeling

15. What type of analysis helps evaluate how a model responds to forces acting on it?
a. Ergonomics
b. Finite Element Analysis
c. Kinematics
d. Mass Properties

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