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number AnD AlgebrA Number aNd plaCe value


1. Numbers are organised by place value.

2. The first place value is the units. Each place value to the left of this column has a place
value 10 times as great as the value in the previous column.
3. Numbers can be placed in order by comparing their place values. For whole numbers,
the more digits, the greater the number. If two numbers have the same number of digits,
they are ordered by comparing the digits with the highest place value.

2A place value
iNdividual FlueNCy
1 We1 Write the following numbers in expanded notation.
eBook plus a 925 b 1062 c 28 469 d 43
e 502 039 f 800 002 g 1 080 100 h 22 222
Activity 2-A-1
Whole numbers 2 Write the following numbers in words.
doc-0275 a 765 b 9105 c 90 450 d 100 236
Activity 2-A-2
More whole numbers 3 Write the numeral for each of the following.
doc-0276 a Four hundred and ninety-five
Activity 2-A-3 b Two thousand, six hundred and seventy
Advanced whole
c Twenty-four thousand
doc-0277 d One hundred and nine thousand, six hundred and five
4 Give the value of the digits (in brackets) in the distances to the following destinations in these
road signs. Use words to state these values.
a b

i Broken Hill (2) i Geelong (2)

ii Yancannia (4) ii Ballarat (1)
iii White Cliffs (8) iii Bendigo (3)
c d

i Katherine (0) i Balladonia (8)

ii Alice Springs (2) ii Eucla (7)
iii Adelaide (1)

28 maths Quest 7 for the australian Curriculum

number AnD AlgebrA Number aNd plaCe value


5 a mC Which of the following numbers is the largest?

A 4884 B 4488 C 4848 D 4844 E 4888
b Justify your answer to part a using mathematical reasoning.
6 mC Which of the following numbers is the smallest?
A 4884 B 4488 C 4848 D 4844 E 4888
7 We2 In each of the following, write the numbers in descending order.
a 8569, 742, 48 987, 28, 647 b 47 890, 58 625, 72 167, 12 947, 32 320
c 6477, 7647, 7476, 4776, 6747 d 8088, 8800, 8080, 8808, 8008, 8880

8 In each of the following, write the numbers in ascending order.

a 58, 9, 743, 68 247, 1 258 647 b 78 645, 58 610, 60 000, 34 108, 84 364
c 9201, 2910, 1902, 9021, 2019, 1290 d 211, 221, 212, 1112, 222, 111

9 Did you know that we can use the abbreviation K to represent 1000? For example, $50 000 can
be written as $50K.
a What amounts do each of the following represent?
iii $6K ii $340K iii $58K reFleCtioN
b Write the following using K as an abbreviation.
What strategies will you use to
iii $430 000 ii $7000 iii $800 000 place numbers in order?
c Find a job or real estate advertisement that uses
this notation.

2b adding and subtracting positive

Integers are positive and negative whole numbers, including zero. Integers are denoted by the
letter Z.

addition of positive integers

To add larger numbers, write them in columns according to place value and then add them.

WorkeD exAmPle 3

Arrange these numbers in columns, then add them.

1462 + 78 + 316
Think WriTe

1 Set out the sum in columns. +1 462

2 Add the digits in the units column in your head (2 + 8 + 6 = 16). Write the +1 478
6 in the units column of your answer and carry the 1 to the tens column, as + 31116
shown in red. +1 856
3 Now add the digits in the tens column (1 + 6 + 7 + 1 = 15). Write the 5 in
the tens column of your answer and carry the 1 to the hundreds column, as
shown in orange.
4 Add the digits in the hundreds column (1 + 4 + 3 = 8). Write 8 in the hundreds
column of your answer, as shown in green. There is nothing to carry.
5 There is only a 1 in the thousands column. Write 1 in the thousands column
of your answer.

Chapter 2 Positive integers 29

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