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ISSN 1995-4255, Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2016, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 783789. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2016.

Original Russian Text M.Ts. Itigilova, N.A. Tashlykova, E.Yu. Afonina, 2016, published in Sibirskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal, 2016, No. 6, pp. 935942.

Heavy Metals in Phyto- and Zooplankton

of Lake Kenon (Transbaikalia)
M. Ts. Itigilova*, N. A. Tashlykova, and E. Yu. Afonina
Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology, and Cryology, Siberian Branch, Chita, 672014 Russia
Received March 3, 2016; in final form, April 19, 2016

AbstractThe content and accumulation of particular heavy metals in phyto- and zooplankyon from the
technogenically transformed Lake Kenon (Chita, Transbaikalia) have been studied. Algae contains the high-
est concentrations of Zn and Sr. Zooplankton is characterized by concentrations of Ni, Cu, Cd, and Hg either
below or equivalent to those known for other water bodies. It has been shown that the distribution of heavy
metals in the studied water body is differentiated. Their greatest concentration has been registered in the
plankton of technogenically contaminated sitesCHPP and Oil Tank Farm.

Keywords: phytoplankton, zooplankton, heavy metals, accumulation coefficient, Lake Kenon, Transbaikalia
DOI: 10.1134/S1995425516060056

INTRODUCTION 2010). It is known that different groups and particular

species of hydrobionts are capable of condensing and
Contamination of the aquatic environment, along accumulating chemical elements that are present in
with the deficit of freshwater, is a global ecological extremely low concentrations in their habitat environ-
problem (Moiseenko, 2003; Aktualnye, 2004; Atli ment (Vernadsky, 1978; Timifeeva-Resovskaya, 1963;
and Canli, 2007). The content of anthropogenically Polyakov et al., 2012). In the view of this problem, spe-
generated substances dissolved in water bodies that are cial interest is paid to plankton (phyto- and zoo-) sen-
toxic for most aquatic organisms, even in low concen- sitive to short-term contaminations of the aquatic
trations, has been increasing (Aktualnye.., 2004; Moi- environment and, being characterized by a vast general
seenko, 2006). sorption surface, capable of rapid uptake, retention,
Heavy metals are the most ecologically dangerous and assimilation of various technogenic contami-
substances (Nikanorov and Zhulidov, 1991). It has nants, resulting in their involvement in the structure of
been found that even essential metals such as copper, body organs and tissues. Furthermore, as a link in food
nickel, zinc, and cobalt are a potential danger for living chains, plankton is a source of contamination for
systems (Mason and Jenkins, 1995; Dethloff et al., organisms at higher trophic levels (Chebotina et al.,
1999; Yang and Chen, 2003; Atli and Canli, 2010). 2011; Polyakov et al., 2012).
They can disturb the integrity of physiological and
biochemical processes and cause significant changes
in the metabolic reactions of hydrobionts (Hogstrand MATERIALS AND METHODS
et al., 1999; Basha and Rani, 2003; Atli and Canli, Lake Kenon has been a cooling reservoir of the
Chita CHPP-1 (SDPP) since 1965. During these years,
the lake has turned into a technogenically transformed
Table 1. Hydrogeographical characteristics of Lake Kenon water body (Itigilova et al., 1998) in the western and
(Itigilova et al., 1998) northwestern parts of the city of Chita in the interfluve
Parameter, unit Value area of the Ingoda River (Fig. 1). Lake Kenon is
included in the Chita-Ingoda steppe-kettle district of
Basin area, km2 227 the Ingoda-Onon kettle-middle mountain province of
Surface area, km2 16 the South Siberian mountain area (Itigilova et al.,
Average depth, m 4.4
The main hydrographical characteristics of the lake
Maximum depth, m 6.8
are given in Table 1.
Length, km 5.7
To assess the ecological state of Lake Kenons eco-
Width, km 2.8 system, planktonic organisms were used as biogeo-

784 ITIGILOVA et al.



n on
2 Ke
ke Chita

Kadala Stn.

Fig. 1. Schematic map of Lake Kenon. Sites where the material was sampled are shown with dots: (1) CHPP, (2) Center, (3) Oil
Tank Farm, (4) Kadalinka River Estuary, and (5) WCF.

chemical indicators. This method can be widely used them into groups, phytoplankton at the site was col-
to assess the degree of contamination of ecosystems lected by trawling a net with a mesh size of 87 m hav-
with toxic metals as a result of the influence of indus- ing a sewed-in cone made of bolting cloth with mesh
trial productions on the environment (Ivashov, 1992; size of 106 m for separating the large zooplankton
Leonova, 2004; Vses. seminar..., 1988). Plankton is fraction. The samples were concentrated using a bolt-
responsive to short-term contaminations of the ing cloth with a mesh size of 87 m, on which the
aquatic environment, and it transforms the habitat material was subsequently weighted and dried in an
when performing its physiological function and con- ES-4620 drying cupboard to a stable weight. Zoo-
densing chemical elements in the body (Leonova, plankton was sampled at each site by filtering the water
2004, 2007; Leonova and Bychinskii, 1998). Theoret- with the help of a Juday net (inlet diameter 24 cm and
ical developments and fundamental ideas of this scien- filtering cone made of a sieve with a mesh size of 60 m).
tific field were initiated by V.I. Vernadsky (1978) as In order to separate zooplanktonic organisms into
part of his study of the biosphere. One of the most large and small fractions, a sieve 112 m in size was
important biogeochemical concepts introduced by used. Dinophytes and diatoms, as well as nauplia of
V.I. Vernadsky in biogeochemistry is the idea of the cyclops, diaptomuses, and detritus, were included in
concentration function of living matter. the small fraction. The samples were dried up to the
Plankton samples were taken at five stationary sites air-dry weight.
(Fig. 1) chosen according to differences in the habitat
environment of hydrobionts: (1) CHPP (central heat- The total content of heavy metals in hydrobionts was
ing and power plant (brown coal is the main fuel)) determined in the Analytic Certification Testing Center
(3.54.0 m)discharge of thermally enriched waters; of the Institute of Microelectronics Technology and
(2) Center (4.55.0 m); (3) Oil Tank Farm (3.5 High Purity Materials, Russian Academy of Sciences,
4.0 m)industrial area; (4) Kadalinka River estuary using the method of ACRM no. 520-AES/MS Deter-
(depths of 2.03.0 m)runoff from the catchment mining the Elemental Composition of Natural, Drink-
area, abundant development of aquatic plants; and ing, Waste, and Sea Waters by the Methods of Atomic
(5) worsted cloth factory (WCF) (2.03.0 m)urban Emission and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spec-
infrastructure, recreation area. trometry. The reference samples were used to control
the quality of analyses: SRS 9055-2008 for hydrobionts.
The standard methods were used for sampling and
determining the qualitative and quantitative composi- The biological accumulation coefficient of plank-
tion of phyto- and zooplankton (Kiselev, 1969; Sad- ton was determined as a ratio between the concentra-
chikov, 2003). Phyto- and zooplanktonic organisms tion of the element in the wet weight of plankton and
occur together in nature. For this reason, to divide in the water (Leonova et al., 2012).




Fe 1

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 50 100 150 200

Concentrations, g/g Concentration, g/g


Cr Co

0 5 10 15 20 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Concentration, g/g Concentration, g/g

Fig. 2. Average content of some chemical elements (dry weight) in large (1) and small (2) zooplanktonic and phytoplanktonic (3)
organisms of Lake Kenon.

Since special attention was focused on the exces- The problem of identifying the structure of main
sive contents of class IIII heavy metals, the analysis trophic chains for plankton inhabiting different areas
was based on 10 elements (Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, of Lake Kenon is very difficult. This concerns, first
Cd, Hg, and Pb) for phytoplankton and 11 elements and foremost, the composition of the zooplankton
(Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Hg, and Pb) for community. Assuming that zooplankton of the lake
zooplankton. consists mainly of filer feeders, predators constitute
only 616% of the total biomass and the feeding of fil-
ter feeders depends on the size selectivity of forage
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION organisms (Gutelmacher, 1986). We believe that filter
feeders are characterized by only size selectivity of
The sampled phytoplankton was represented by four objects in their feeding, which is associated with the
orders: Cyanoprokaryota, Chlorophyta, Dinophyta, morphology of the filtering apparatus and consume all
and Bacillariophyta. Green algae were most abundant types of forage organisms proportionally to their
(7098%). Dinoflagellates were characterized by the occurrence. Filter feeders account for 8494% of bio-
highest biomass (6095%). Among green algae, the fol- mass in the zooplankton community. Therefore, we
lowing multicellular chlorococcales occurred most fre- consider only two links in the trophic chains of the
quently: Tetradron minimum (A.Br.) Hansgirg, Tetras- water column: small-sized plankton (60 m; phyto
trum komarekii Hindak, Scenedesmus quadricauda and bacterioplankton, detritus, and crustacean nau-
(Turp.) Brebisson, etc. Among dinophytes, the macro- plia) and large-sized zooplankton (more than 112 m;
cellular alga Ceratium hirundinella (O.F.M.) Bergh was populations of C. quadrangulata, N. incongruens, and
dominant. The quantitative parameters of algae other cladocerans).
changed from 76 to 322 c/L with a biomass of 130 Data obtained during the period of study on the con-
1070 mg/m3. tent of heavy metals showed that the absolute concen-
Zooplankton of Lake Kenon comprises crustaceans trations of these elements in phytoplankton inhabiting
and rotifers. The average total biomass of zooplankton Lake Kenon varied within values of four orders of mag-
was about 1.1 g/m3. The zooplanktonic community nitude. The highest concentration was registered for Fe
consisted mainly of filter feeders: Ceriodaphnia quad- (104105 g/g of phytoplankton dry weight) (Fig. 2). As
rangulata (Mller) (3655%), Neutrodiaptomus incon- the concentrations decrease, the following series of ele-
gruens (Poppe) (1330%), Daphnia galeata Sars, and ments are observed: Cu, Zn, Sr (102103 g/g); Cr, Ni,
other cladocerans (719% of the biomass). As, Pb (10102 g/g); Cd and Hg (110 g/g). The


786 ITIGILOVA et al.

Table 2. Content of chemical elements (minmax) in planktonic organisms of Lake Kenon

Littoral zone
Pelagic zone
(WCF, Oil Tank Farm, Kadalinka
Elements (Center, CHPP)
River estuary)
(kg/g dry mass)
zooplankton forage plankton zooplankton forage plankton
(<112 m) (<60 m) (<112 m) (<60 m)
r 1.32.6 1.63.5 1.45.6 0.6612.4
Fe 5811479 8731645 6183339 3607044
Mn 122148 109556 231544 951242
Ni 2.03.6 2.12.8 1.63.4 2.16.5
o 1.11.2 0.800.87 0.511.5 0.423.1
Cu 8.926.7 24.933.1 21.431.2 12.224.9
Zn 154160 99187 139157 96147
As 10.413.3 6.47.1 5.46.5 3.114.9
Cd 0.20.45 0.260.27 0.120.38 0.120.27
Hg 0.080.1 0.110.21 0.130.24 0.040.33
Pb 10.326.7 10.326.7 3.96.4 3.26.9

content of heavy metals found in planktonic algae of elements in algae were found in the estuary of the
Lake Kenon is consistent with occasional data pro- Kadalinka River: 6.6, 45.5, 98, 0.46, and 10.3 g/g,
vided by other researchers (Trapeznikov et al., 2008; respectively. The content of Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb in
Chebotina et al., 2011; Polyakov et al., 2012). The plamktonic algae increased in the series Kadalinka
exception was Zn and Sr, the concentration of which River estuary WCF Center CHPP Oil
in algae from Lake Kenon was one order of magnitude Tank Farm. In the case of cadmium, this series was as
higher than in phytoplankton from the Beloyarsk Res- follows: Center WCF Kadalinka River estuary
ervoir and Indian rivers (Polyakov et al., 2012; Kumar CHPP Oil Tank Farm.
et al., 2010). The study of the spatial distribution of chemical
The concentrations of heavy metals in zooplankton elements in zooplankton revealed that the high con-
also varied within four orders of magnitude: Fe (10 4 centrations of Co, Cr, Ni, As, Fe, and Mn were char-
105 g/g of dry weight); Mn, Zn (102103 g/g); Cu, acteristic of such sites as the Oil Tank Farm, CHPP,
As (10102 g/g); and Cr, Ni, Co, Cd, Hg, and Pb (1 and Kadalinka River estuary (Table 2).
10 g/g) (Fig. 2). It was noticed that the concentration It was revealed that the content of d and Hg in
of elements such as Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, and As in planktonic organisms from Lake Kenon significantly
the small (forage) fraction of plankton is higher than in exceeds the Clark values for living matter (according to
large zooplanktonic organisms (see Fig. 2). A compar- Vinogradov (1967) and Dobrovolskii (1983)) (Fig. 3).
ison of data obtained on zooplankton from Lake The calculation of the coefficient of biological
Kenon with those from other water bodies and courses accumulation for these elements (Table 3) allowed us
showed that the concentrations of elements such as to find the features of their accumulation and build a
Ni, Cu, Cd, and Hg are similar to those revealed for series of bioaccumulation that follow the pattern from
small lakes in Finland and some lakes of the United the minimum to maximum value in the following
States (Tulonen et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2000), and series: for Zn, Center CHPP Oil Tank Farm
are lower than those in water bodies of Siberia (Leo- WCF Kadalinka River estuary; for Cu, Oil Tank
nova, 2007), Lake Balaton (Hungary) (Farkas et al., Farm Center CHPP WCF Kadalinka
2003), Lake Egirdir (Turkey) (Atiai et al., 2008), urban River estuary; for Cd, CHPP Kadalinka River estu-
water bodies in the northeastern United States (Chen ary WCF Oil Tank Farm; for Mn, CHPP
et al., 2000), the Danube River delta (Burada et al., Center Kadalinka River estuary Oil Tank Farm
2014), and Beloyar Reservoir (Polyakov et al., 2012). ECF; for As, WCF Kadalinka River estuary
The spatial distribution of heavy metals in plankton WCF Oil Tank Farm Center.
along the water area of the lake was heterogeneous. In the case of zooplankton, the highest coefficients
The highest concentrations of Ni (24.4 g/g), Cu of biological accumulation (the relationship between
(228 g/g), Zn (311 g/g), Cd (1.3 g/g), and Pb the concentration of an element in large filter-feeding
(53 g/g) were found in planktonic algae collected at organisms and the concentration of small (forage)
the Oil Tank Farm. The lowest concentrations of these organisms) were registered for Fe, Co, Mn, Cd, Hg,




C, g/g/Clark




Cr Ni Cu As Pb Fe Mn Zn Co Cd Hg

C, g/g/Clark




Cr Ni Cu As Pb Fe Mn Zn Co Cd Hg
Center WCF Oil Tank Farm CHPP-1 Kadalinka
Fig. 3. Ratio of the concentration (, g/g) to the Clark value for forage organisms (more than 60 m) (a) and zooplankton (more
than 112 m) (b) at the sites of Lake Kenon.

and Pb at the following stations: Kadalinka River estu- the absolute concentrations of elements in phyto- and
rary, WCF, and CHPP (Fig. 4). zooplankton during the period of study varied within
Therefore, the evaluation of the content of some four orders of magnitude (from 105 to 1 g/g of dry
heavy metals in plankton of Lake Kenon showed that weight). The comparison of the concentrations of

Table 3. Coefficient of biological accumulation of heavy metals (considering the wet weight) in planktonic algae of Lake
Chemical element Center Oil Tank Farm WCF CHPP Kadalinka River estuary
Cr 1874
Cu 15689 25647.1 7359 14745 5058
As 48 54 100 75 90
Pb 18
Mn 3638 1891 1874 9048 3197
Zn 14612 5012 4934 9244 4259
Cd 1102 1655 4826 3826
Hg 47


788 ITIGILOVA et al.

Accumulation coefficient

0.1 Cr Ni Cu As Pb Fe Mn Zn Co Cd Hg
Center WCF Oil Tank Farm CHPP-1 Kadalinka

Fig. 4. Coefficient of accumulation of chemical elements by large zooplankton from forage organisms at different sites of Lake

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