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TestKing IBM 000-268 Exam Questions & Answers

i5 iSeries RPG ILE Programmer

Exam number/code: 000-268

Exam name: i5 iSeries RPG ILE Programmer
Questions & Answers: 92 Q&A
Related Certifications: Certified Specialist

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TestKing IBM 000-268 Exam Questions & Answers

Exam: 000-268 Certification Questions & Answers

Question 1:

Give the following code segment:

DName+++++++++++ETDsFrom+++To/L+++IDc. Keywords++++++++++++++++++++++
D Arr s 15a DIM (5) INZ
D Index s 2s 0 Inz (0)

arr (1) = 'RPG is Cool';
arr (2) = ' RPG is Coll';
arr (3) = ' RPG is Cool';
arr (4) = ' RPG is Cool';
Index = % LookUp(*blank: arr: 1:2);
What is the value of field Index after the code is run?

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 5

Answer: A

Question 2:

Given the following character filed:

D Cher_Date S 10A Inz('03/19/1954')
Which of the following statement is used to test that the filed contains a valid data value?

A. ClrNOlFactorl+++++++Opcode (E)+Factor2+++++++Result+++++++Len ++D+HiLoEq

C *MDY TEST(DE) Char_Date
B. ClrNOlFactorl+++++++Opcode (E)+Factor2+++++++Result+++++++Len ++D+HiLoEq
C *USA TEST(D) Char_Date 19
C. ClrNOlFactorl+++++++Opcode (E)+Factor2+++++++Result+++++++Len ++D+HiLoEq
C *MDY TEST(D) Char_Date 19
D. ClrNOlFactorl+++++++Opcode (E)+Factor2+++++++Result+++++++Len ++D+HiLoEq
C *USA TEST(D) Char_Date

Answer: D

Question 3:

Give the following code segment:

D MyProoc PR 5P 0
D Region 2A CONST
D Customer 7P 0 OPTIONS(*NOpass)

D Region S 1A
D Rgn S 2A
D MarkUp S 5P 0
D rtnValue S 7p
Which of the following is a correct way to call MyProc?

A. Eval RtnValue = MyProc(Region)

TestKing IBM 000-268 Exam Questions & Answers
B. Eval MarkUp = MyPro(Rgn:1234567)
C. Eval RnValue = MyPro('AB':1234567)
D. Eval MarkUp = MyProc(Rgn:*NoPass)

Answer: A

Question 4:

Which of the following RPG constructs can be used to returned the user ID of the user
running the program?

A. PSDS (Program Status Data Structure)

B. INFDS(File Information Data Structure)
C. %USER (Retrieve User ID Built-in Function)
D. %JOBINF (Retrieve Job Information Built-in Function)

Answer: A

Question 5:

Given the following ode segment:

d Mypdm pr extpgm('MYPGM')
d CustName 20
Which of the following keywords, if added to parameter CustName, would allow an
expression to be passed?


Answer: A

Question 6:

Which of the following can be achieved by passing parameter by Value instead of by


A. A packed decimal field being where a data type field is expected

B. A character literal being passed where a date type field is expected.
C. A character field of length 10 being passed where a date type field is expected
D. A zoned numeric field being passed where a packed decimal field is expected.

Answer: D

Question 7:

File ORDMAS contains order and has the field CUST# which is the key to file CUSMAS01.
File CUSMAS01 contains ONLY customers on credit hold. Given the following code
TestKing IBM 000-268 Exam Questions & Answers
Following the SetLL operation, which logical condition indicates an order for a customer that
is on credit hold?

A. %Found(CUSMAS01)
B. %Equal(CUSMAS01)
C. Not %Found(CUSMAS01)
D. Not %Error

Answer: B

Question 8:

Procedure PROC1 in a Service Program must be called passing to it a 5 position field.

Which of the following code segment will accomplish this task?

A. D AField s 5A
C CallPrc 'PROC1'
C Parm AField
B. D AField s 5A
C Call 'PROC1'
C Parm AField
C. D Proc1 PR
D MyField
D AField s 5A
C Ca11P Procl(AField)
D. D Proc1 PR ExtPgm('PRC1')
D MyField 5A
D AField s 5A
C Ca11P Procl(AField)

Answer: C

Question 9:

What keyword must be added to the specification to process data from a different file that
has the same format as the one declared in the file specification without performing a
specific file override?

A. ExtFile
B. OvrDbf
C. OvrFile
D. ExtDbf

Answer: A

Question 10:

An RPG source (PGMA) contain two subprocedures and no H-specs. It is company policy
that such ILE programs should NEVER be allowed to run the Default Activation Group.
Which of the following commands should be used to create the programs?



Answer: C
TestKing IBM 000-268 Exam Questions & Answers
Question 11:

An API's documentation indicates a required parameter of type BINARY, length 4. How

should this parameter be coded in a prototype?

A. DName +++++++++++EDTsFrom +++To/L+++IDC.

d Parml 10i 0
B. DName +++++++++++EDTsFrom +++To/L+++IDC.
d parml 10 0
C. DName +++++++++++EDTsFrom +++To/L+++IDC.
d parml 4b 0
D. DName +++++++++++EDTsFrom +++To/L+++IDC.
d Parml 7P 0

Answer: A

Question 12:

A subfile program will be written to process a maximum of 200 records. Fast response time
while scrolling through the subfile is critical. How should the subfile be designed?

A. Subfile page = 10
Subfile Size = 10
B. Subfile page = 10
Subfile Size = 200
C. Subfile page = 200
Subfile Size = 10
D. Subfile page = 200
Subfile Size = 200

Answer: B

Question 13:

Given the following code segment:

DoU %EoF(Filel);
Read Filel;
*IN90 = %EoF
*IN90 = *OFF
How many times will the code inside of the DoU loop be run if File 1 contains no records?

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. indefinitely

Answer: B

Question 14:

Review the following sample subfile:

TestKing IBM 000-268 Exam Questions & Answers
The SFLNXTCHG keyword was inactive when Record 1 was written and active when each
subsequent subfile record was written. The operator has entered the "X" in the option field
for Record 3. Which subfile record will be read when the next READC operation is
performed on the subfile?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Answer: B

Question 15:

Given the following display file DDS example:

ANNO1N02N03T. Name+++++++RLen++TDpBLinPosFunctions+++++++
What is the use of the variable SFLRCD?

A. When control is returned to the program, SFLRCD will be set to the number of subfile
records that have been changed.
B. When control is returned to the program, SFLRCD will be set to the relative record
number where the cursor is currently located.
C. When displaying the subfile, the subfile record with the relative record number equal to
SFLRCD will be the first subfile line displayed.
D. When displaying the subfile, the cursor will initially be positioned on the subfile record
with the relative record number equal to SFLRCD.

Answer: D

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