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(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,356,503 B2

Breuer et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 22, 2013

(54) ROLLING MILL FOR HOT-ROLLING (56) References Cited

3,514,984 A * 6/1970 Cook ............................. .. 72/8.3
(75) Inventors: Michael Breuer, Hilchenbach
. (DE); , , 2 i gppins
ippins . . . . . . . . . ..

Ea? e(1:]:"__\fneEn 03E) Hartmut 4,430,874 A * 2/1984 Tippins et al. ................ .. 72/202
0 m e rue ( ) (Continued)

(73) Assignee: gilsijgrrriiazgggdlengesellschaft, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS

CN 1154276 7/1997
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this A * l
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 JP 7.33523 4/ 199 5
U.S.C. 154(b) by 817 days. JP 2000-271603 10/2000
(21) Appl. N0.: 10/575,601 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Machine Translation ofJP 05-161902A Konose et al. (Jun. 29, 1993),
(22) PCT Filed: Sep. 25, 2004 Pp. 1-7, translated on Feb. 11, 2010*

(86) PCT N0.: PCT/EP2004/010794 Primary Examiner * Teresa M Ekiert

(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Lucas & Mercanti, LLP;
371 (9X1), Klaus P. Stoffel
(2), (4) Date: Apr. 12, 2006
(87) PCT Pub NO: W02005/049241 The invention relates to a rolling mill (1) Which is used to hot
PCT pub Date; Jun_ 2, 2005 roll metal, in particular aluminium. Said rolling mill com
prises a hot strip mill (3) provided With a pre-rolling train (4)
(65) Prior Publication Data and a ?nishing rolling train The aim of the invention is to
improve said rolling mill such that it is more compact and/or
Us 2007/0051153 A1 Man 8: 2007 such that the systems, Which are already compact, are more
_ _ _ _ _ productive. The pre-rolling train (4) is embodied as a tandem
(30) Forelgn APPhcatmn Prlorlty Data train, Wherein the rolling product is milled in a tandem mode
for jointly involving at least tWo pre-rolling frames (8, 9)
Oct. 24, 2003 (DE) ................................ .. 103 49 950 arranged one behind the Omen Alternatively or Simulta
neously, the pre-rolling train (4) and the ?nishing train (5)
(51) Int Cl Work together as a tandem train. Milling occurs place in the
3213 41/06 (200601) tandem mode When the frame of the pre-rolling train and the
(52) US. Cl. ....................................................... .. 72/229 ?nishing train are used together_ In the ?nishing train mining
(58) Field Of Classi?cation Search .................. .. 72/225, can take place, preferably, in a reversing tandem mode,
72/229, 234, 227, 200, 148; 29/5277; 148/541
See application ?le for complete search history. 7 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets

'17 6 1B 7 8 9 L 19 1D ll l2 13

F1 m U < 51 (Z I g 1 <3
/ n LrO O '1 (F
2 [:iK
<2: 15 16 1L
1 <11:
<1: b
11 0 [
US 8,356,503 B2
Page 2

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,802,902 A * 9/1998 Rosenthal et a1. ............ .. 72/201

. . 6,182,490 131* 2/2001 GiIlZbUI et a1. .. 72/229
4,433,566 A * 984 TWP? 6 a1~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 72/229 6,286,354 Bl* 9/2001 Kajiwarg et a1. .. 72/237
4,503,697 A * 3/1985 TIPPIIIS eta1~ 72/202 2003/0051525 A1* 3/2003 Kramer ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 72/229
4,522,050 A * 6/1985 Thomas ....... .. 72/229
5,219,114 A * 6/1993 Kajiwara et a1. . 228/158
5,343,726 A * 9/1994 Reth ............................. .. 72/225 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Jan. 22, 2013 Sheet 1 of2 US 8,356,503 B2


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US. Patent Jan. 22, 2013 Sheet 2 of2 US 8,356,503 B2


US 8,356,503 B2
1 2
ROLLING MILL FOR HOT-ROLLING train. The distance betWeen the roughing train and the ?nish
METAL, ESPECIALLY ALUMINUM, AND rolling train is selected in such a Way that all of the stands can
HOT-ROLLING METHOD roll simultaneously.
In addition, it is proposed that the ?nish-rolling train have
The invention concerns a rolling mill for hot rolling metal, tWo coilers, and that the ?nish-rolling train be operated in
especially aluminum, With a hot-strip mill comprising a tandem operation.
roughing train and a ?nish-rolling train. The invention also The proposed layout is not intended only for neW construc
concerns a corresponding hot-rolling method. tions but rather is also suitable for modernization of existing
The rolling of aluminum in hot-strip mills is Well knoWn. installations. In particular, the tandem rolling in the roughing
The conventional layout 100 for a hot-rolling mill of this type, train and/ or ?nishing train makes it possible for smaller
an example of Which is shoWn in FIG. 3, comprises the installations, in Which only relatively small tonnages and
principal processing stations of the furnace region 102, the relatively small coils have been produced up until noW, Whose
rolling train 103, and possibly the ?nishing station (dressing further processing is uneconomical in some cases, to be ret
and straightening). ro?tted in such a Way that the coil Weights (strip lengths) can
An aluminum billet 1 17 is brought to rolling temperature in be increased While the length of the roller tables remains the
furnaces 120, 121, for example, hearth-type furnaces or same, so that productivity is increased.
pusher-type fumaces, passed through an edging stand 107, In a preferred layout, tWo roughing stands are provided in
and then roughed in the single-stand roughing stand 108 of the roughing train, and tWo ?nishing stands are provided in
the roughing train 104. During the roughing, the roughed the ?nish-rolling train, With each train operating in tandem
product is subjected to a ?rst cropping With a ?rst shear 122. 20 operation. All together, With this layout With four stands, one
Before entering the ?nish-rolling train 105, Which consists, as rolling stand can be saved compared to the conventional lay
shoWn here as an example, offour stands 111, 112, 123, 124, out With ?ve stands. Moreover, the tWo roughing stands in the
the mill bar 1 19 is cropped at the beginning and end of the mill neW layout can be realiZed as cost-saving tWo-high stands,
bar by the cropping shears 122, 125, Which are separated by a While the ?nishing stands are four-high stands.
speci?c distance. The strip 113 ?nish rolled in the ?nish 25 Additional details and advantages of the invention are
rolling train 105 runs along trimming shears 126 and is coiled speci?ed in the dependent claims and in the folloWing
by a coiler 114 driven by driving rolls 127. description, in Which the speci?c embodiments of the inven
An installation of this type With a furnace region 102 and tion illustrated in the draWings are explained in greater detail.
rolling trains 103 can have an enormous overall length. For FIG. 1 shoWs the compact installation layout of the rolling
example, the length x of a furnace region 102 may be 130 m, 30 mill for rolling aluminum in accordance With the invention.
and the distance betWeen the roughing stand 108 and the ?rst FIG. 2 shoWs the manner in Which the rolling method of the
stand 111 of the ?nish-rolling train may be 240 m, and these invention is carried out in a rolling mill of the invention.
distances affect the coil siZes that can be produced. In this FIG. 3 shoWs the installation layout of a conventional hot
regard, the rolling stock passes through the rolling mill instal strip mill for aluminum for purposes of comparison.
lation With the aid of extensive conveying and guiding 35 FIG. 1 shoWs the neW compact hot-rolling mill layout 1 for
devices, such as roller tables. Rolling mills of this type tend to aluminum. Comparison With the prior-art layout 100 in FIG.
operate more economically With larger coil dimensions. 3 illustrates the compactness of the installation of the inven
Installations With overall lengths of this siZe require large tion. The installation of the invention also comprises a fur
capital investment and a large amount of building area. Fur nace region 2 and the rolling train 3 With a roughing train 4
thermore, the lengthy roller tables for conveying the rolling 40 and a ?nish-rolling train 5.
stock likeWise require large capital investment. A heavy cropping shear 6 and an edging stand 7 are
Proceeding from this prior art, the objective of the inven arranged doWnstream of the fumace region 2. In the illus
tion is to create a rolling mill With a more compact type of trated embodiment, the roughing stand 4 comprises tWo
construction for hot rolling metal, especially aluminum, roughing stands 8, 9 arranged one after the other, Which
Wherein the conveyance intervals betWeen the individual pro 45 operate in reversing tandem operation. The roughing stand 4
cessing stations (furnace region, roughing, ?nish rolling) are is folloWed by a ?ying shear 10 for preparing the rolling stock
reduced. At the same time, a hot-rolling method is to be for ?nish rolling. The ?nish rolling is carried out in the ?nish
created that alloWs the rolling of strip to the ?nal rolled rolling train 5, Which comprises tWo closely arranged four
thickness With a compact construction of the rolling mill and high stands 11, 12, such that the strip 13 can be rolled in a
a high degree of economy. 50 reversing operation. For this purpose, a ?rst coiler 15 is
The basic idea of the invention is that a compact design of located upstream of the ?nish-rolling train 5, and a second
the rolling mill or the hot-strip mill arises from the systematic coiler 14 is located doWnstream of the ?nish-rolling train 5. A
utiliZation of tandem rolling in the roughing train, in the trimming shear 16 is located doWnstream of the ?rst coiler 15.
?nishing train, or in the roughing train and the ?nishing train. Compared to the previously knoWn installation, the overall
The roughing train alone and/or the ?nishing train alone or the 55 length of the installation of the invention in FIG. 1 is signi?
roughing and ?nishing train together are tandem trains, i.e., cantly shorter, especially Where the distance betWeen the end
sections of the installation in Which the rolling stands are of the roughing train 4 and the ?rst stand 11 of the ?nish
arranged one after the other (tandem arrangement). Due to the rolling train 5 is concerned. The proposed installation is very
resulting compact construction, considerable parts of the oth compact, and at the same time, it is possible to produce high
erWise necessary roller tables can be eliminated, Which 60 coil Weights. Compared to the conventional installation (FIG.
results in reduced capital expenditures. 3), only a ?ying shear 10 is additionally installed betWeen the
In accordance With the invention, it is proposed that the roughing train 4 and the ?nish-rolling train 5.
roughing train be designed as a tandem train, Which can The method itself is illustrated in FIG. 2. To carry out the
comprise tWo roughing stands arranged one after the other. hot-rolling operation, a hot aluminum billet 17 is placed on a
This roughing train preferably operates as a reversing train. 65 roller table 18 and carried into the tandem roughing train 4,
The roughing train can also be a single-stand roughing Where it is rolled out in a tandem reversing operation in the
train. It then operates in tandem operation With the ?nishing tWo roughing stands 8, 9, for example, three times back and
US 8,356,503 B2
forth, as indicated by the arrows a and designated as rolling 125 light cropping shear
step I. The tail end of the strip is subj ected to a ?rst cropping 126 trimming shears
by the heavy cropping shear 6. After a su?icient number of 127 driving rolls
reversing operations have been carried out, the mill bar 19 that x, y, Z distances
is obtained can noW be conveyed directly into the ?nish a, b, c arroWs
rolling stand 5 With the simultaneous participation of all of the I roughing in tandem operation
stands. Accordingly, a tandem operation takes place in all of II roughing in tandem operation With all stands
the stands of the roughing train and the ?nish-rolling train. IIa reversing ?nish rolling in tandem operation betWeen tWo
The mill bar 19 is ?nish rolled into strip 13 by tandem rolling coilers
in stands 11, 12 of the ?nish-rolling train 5 (rolling step II).
In accordance With another variant of the method (IIb), the The invention claimed is:
roughed product is rolled out in the ?nishing stands 11, 12 by 1. Rolling mill (1) for hot rolling aluminum, With a hot
tandem reversing rolling betWeen the tWo coilers 14, 15. After strip mill (3) comprising a roughing train (4) and a ?nish
the ?rst rolling operation With simultaneous participation of rolling train (5), Wherein the roughing train (4) is designed as
the tWo ?nishing stands 11, 12, the strip 13 is coiled With the a tandem train, in Which the rolling stock is rolled in tandem
second coiler 14. The tail end of the strip is cropped With a operation With the simultaneous participation of at least tWo
?ying shear 10. The direction of rotation of the upper and roughing stands (8, 9) installed one after the other; Wherein
loWer rolls of the stands 11, 12 is then reversed (arroW b), and the ?nish-rolling train (5) comprises as a tandem train at least
the strip 13 is draWn back into the ?nishing stands 11, 12. The tWo ?nishing stands (11, 12) installed one after other, With
strip 13 is coiled by the ?rst coiler 15 and simultaneously 20 Which the rolling stock is rolled in tandem operation With the
uncoiled from the second coiler 14, and then the direction is simultaneous participation of each ?nishing stand (11, 12);
reversed again (arroW c). The reversing operation can be and Wherein coilers (15, 14) are installed up stream and doWn
repeated according to the desired ?nal thickness of the strip stream, respectively, of the ?nish-rolling train (5), Wherein
13. the roughing train (4) operates together With the ?nishing
The use of tandem rolling in a hot-strip mill for aluminum 25 train (5) as a tandem train, Wherein the rolling stock is rolled
makes it possible to achieve a signi?cant increase in the in tandem operation With the simultaneous participation of
productivity and economy of compact plants that previously the stands of the roughing train and the ?nishing train, the
operated uneconomically. roughing train not including a coiler so that the rolling stock
passes directly from the roughing train to the ?nishing train,
LIST OF REFERENCE NUMBERS 30 Wherein the roughing tandem train (4) and the ?nishing train
(5) are operated in a reversing mode.
1 hot-rolling mill layout 2. Rolling mill in accordance With claim 1, Wherein the
2 furnace region roughing tandem train (4) comprises tWo-high stands (8, 9).
3 rolling train or hot-strip mill 3. Rolling mill in accordance With claim 1 With the folloW
4 roughing train 35 ing layout:
5 ?nish-rolling train furnace region (2) for supplying heat to an initial product
6 heavy cropping shear before shaping,
7 edging stand heavy cropping shear (6),
8 roughing stand, tWo-high stand edging stand (7),
9 roughing stand, tWo-high stand 40 tWo roughing stands (8,9) installed one after the other,
10 ?ying shear Which operate in tandem operation in a reversing mode,
11 ?nish-rolling stand, four-high stand a ?ying shear (10),
12 ?nish-rolling stand, four-high stand a ?rst coiler (15),
13 strip tWo ?nishing stands (11, 12) installed one after the other,
14 second coiler 45 Which operate in tandem operation in a reversing mode,
15 ?rst coiler and
16 trimming shear a second coiler (14).
17 billet, initial product 4. Method for hot rolling aluminum, Wherein the initial
18 roller table product is roughed and then ?nish rolled in a hot-strip mill (3)
19 mill bar, roughed product 50 With a roughing train (4) and a ?nish-rolling train (5); Wherein
100 conventional hot-rolling mill layout the initial product is roughed in the roughing train (4) itself,
102 fumace region Which is equipped as a tandem train With at least tWo roughing
103 rolling train stands (8, 9) installed one after the other, in tandem operation
104 roughing train With simultaneous participation of each roughing stand; and
105 ?nish-rolling train 55 Wherein the roughed rolling stock (19) in the ?nishing train
107 edging stand (5), Which is equipped as a tandem train With at least tWo
108 roughing stand ?nishing stands (11, 12) installed one after the other, in a
111-112 stands rolling mill (1) in accordance With claim 1, Wherein the roll
113 strip ing stock is rolled in the roughing train (4) together With the
114 coiler 60 ?nishing train (5) in tandem operation, the roughing tandem
117 aluminum billet train (4) and the ?nishing train (5) being operated in a revers
119 mill bar ing mode, all of the stands of the at least one roughing stand
120 fumace and the at least one ?nishing stand Working simultaneously
121 fumace When operating as a tandem.
122 cropping shear 65 5. Method in accordance With claim 4, comprising rolling
123 stand out the initial product in the roughing stands (8, 9) and run
124 stand ning the rolled product into the ?nishing train (5) With simul
US 8,356,503 B2
5 6
taneous participation of all stands of the roughing train (4) cropping of the roughed product (19) With a ?ying shear
and the ?nishing train (5) (step Ila). (10),
6. Method in accordance With claim 4, comprising rolling coiling of the strip (13) that has been run through the
out the initial product in the roughing stands (8, 9) and sub ?nishing train (5), Which operates in tandem operation,
sequent reversing ?nish rolling in tandem operation of the With a second coiler (14), Which is installed doWnstream
?nishing train (5). of the ?nishing train (5),
7. Method in accordance With claim 6, comprising the reversal of the direction of movement of the rolling stands
folloWing steps: (11, 12) and draWing the strip (13) back into the ?nishing
conveyance of a hot aluminum billet as the initial product train (5),
(17) into a tandem roughing train (4), coiling onto a coiler (15) upstream of the ?nishing train (5)
reversing roughing With the roughing stands (8, 9) in tan With simultaneous uncoiling from the second coiler
dem operation (step 1), (14), and
initial cropping of the roughed product (19), especially the carrying out the rolling step in the ?nishing train (5) one or
aluminum mill bar, by means of a heavy shear (6), more times (step llb).
rolling out to a predetermined roughing thickness of the 15
roughed product (19), * * * * *

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