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Stationary Temperature Distribution in an Electrically Heated Conductor

Charles A. Domenicali

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 25, 1310 (1954); doi: 10.1063/1.1721551

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It is of considerable interest to observe (see Fig. 9) the end of the cylinder are absent but the curved crack
that the curved conical crack previously mentioned appears in the same position relative to the end of the
(see Fig. 2) can be produced alone without the straight explosive column. We conclude then that the curved
one. This was accomplished by loading the copper cracks are associated only with the end of the explosive
cylinders of Fig. 9 only as far as the position indicated. column while the straight cracks are the result of the
The straight cracks which we associate with the meeting interaction mechanism which depends upon the position
of the relaxation waves reflected from both the side and and geometry of the metal cylinder surfaces.


Stationary Temperature Distribution in an Electrically Heated Conductor*

Franklin Institute Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(Received January 11, 1954)

The thermodynamic theory of irreversible processes as developed by Onsager, de Groot, and Callen is
used to derive in a straightforward way the partial differential equation for the stationary temperature
distribution in an electrically heated, chemically inhomogeneous conductor. It is shown that the form of
this differential equation given in 1900 by Diesselhorst (for homogeneous media) in terms of the electrical
potential gradient V<I> is incorrect. Diesselhorst's equation reads V'KVT+O'rVT'V<I>+O'(V<I2=O, in
which K is the thermal conductivity (for zero electrical current), T the temperature, 0' the isothermal elec-
trical conductivity, and r the Thomson coefficient. The correct form of the equation, for the special case
of a chemically homogeneous conductor, is V 'KVT+ (1/O')]2-rJ VT=O, where J is the electrical current
density. The correct form can be obtained from Diesselhorst's equation by substitution of the "isothermal
Ohm's law" J = -O'V<I>, which, however, is not valid in a nonisothermal medium. The apparent difficulty
is resolved by the method of Onsager-de Groot-Callen, and it is shown that the correct differential equation
expressed in terms of electrical potential is much more complicated than the form given by Diesselhorst.

W E wish to show how the thermodynamic theory

of Onsager,l Callen,2 and de Groot3 leads in a
Thus, in the present problem of finding the partial
differential equation describing the stationary tempera-
straightforward way to the differential equation de- ture distribution in an inhomogeneous, electrically
scribing the stationary distribution of temperature in heated conductor, one needs only to set the divergence
an electrically heated conductor. This differential equa- of the total energy vector W equal to zero, where 5
tion, easy to derive in the usual way by considering
heat production rates and heat transfer within the con- W = - (lie) (TS*+iL) J-KVT,
ducting medium, has on occasion been expressed in-
correctly in terms of the electrical potential gradient -e is the electron charge, T the absolute temperature,
vcp. The form often referred to is that of Diesselhorst,4 S* the entropy transported per particle (electron), J
namely the electrical current density, and K the thermal con-
V 'KvT+O'TVT'V<t>+0'(V<t2=0, (l) ductivity (at zero electrical current). In the steady
state there can be no accumulation of energy within
in which K is the thermal conductivity (for zero elec- any arbitrary region of the current-carrying medium
trical current), T is the absolute temperature, 0' and and the divergence of W must vanish.
T are, respectively, the (isothermal) electrical conduc-

tivity and the Thomson coefficient. We shall show that O=V'W

the correct equation expressed in terms of the electrical = - (l/e)Jv (TS*+iL)-V 'KVT
potential gradient is quite complicated and in fact
consists of seven terms. = - (lje)J (TVS*+S*VT +V iL)-V KVT. (2)
One of the advantages of the Onsager-de Groot-Callen
theory is that it represents a kind of "field theory" of Now in an isotropic but inhomogeneous medium the
thermodynamics in the sense that one can describe parameter S* depends not only on temperature but
irreversible phenomena in terms of vector functions also on position, S*=S*(x,y,z; T), so that the gradient
which depend in general on position and on the time. vS* has the form VS*= (8S*18T)xiVT+V T S*, where
the subscript Xi indicates that the derivative (8S*jaT)xi
* This work has been supported by the Squier Signal Labora-
tory, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. is to be taken at a fixed point Xi( = x,y,z), and the sub-
lL. Onsager, Phys. Rev. 38, 2265 (1931); Ann. New York script T indicates that the gradient V TS* is to be taken
Acad. Sci. 46, 241 (1945). at fixed temperature. In a homogeneous material this
2 H. B. Callen, Phys. Rev. 73, 1349 (1949).
3 S. R. de Groot, Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes latter gradient vanishes.
(Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1951).
4 H. Diesselhorst, Ann. Physik 1, 312 (1900). 6 C. A. Domenicali, Phys. Rev. 92, 877 (1953).

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It has been shown,5,6 that in a non isothermal medium the simpler form
the usual form of Ohm's law, V</:>= - (l/u)J, must be
replaced by the "generalized Ohm's law" VKVT+(1/u)J2-rJVT=O. (6)

Vjl=Vf,J.-eV</:>= (e/u)J-S*VT, (3) If one substitutes J in terms of V</:> from Eq. (3) into
(6), one finds the complicated equation,
in which the electrochemical potential jl is separated
into a chemical part (the chemical potential f,J.) and an
electrical part (the electrical potential </: ; viz., jl= f,J.- e</:>.
If we then make use of Eq. (3) and the separation of
V S* into a spatial and a temperature part as described
in the previous paragraph, Eq. (2) becomes -~
U( T--2S*)
- VfJ.'VT--
e e
- T--;
s*U( S*) (VT)2

0= - (l/e)J -[T(aS*/a T) XiV T + TVTS* u 2u

+S*vT+ (e/u) J -S*v TJ-v 'KvT +_(Vf,J.)L_VfJ.' V</:>= O.
e e
= - (l/e)T(as*/aT)x i J VT- (l/e)TJ vTs*
Thus the correct equation, expressed in terms of the
-(l/U)JLVKVT. (4) electrical potential gradient, contains five extra terms
in addition to the three given by Diesselhorst's equation
The coefficient of J. VT in Eq. (4) is called2 ,3,5,7 the
(1). On the other hand, comparison of (6) and (1)
Thomson coefficient T, and - (1/ e)S*=Sabs= - IIabs/T, shows that the incorrect Eq. (1) leads to the correct
where Sabs and IIabs are, respectively, the absolute
relation (6) upon substitution of the incorrect (in a
thermoelectric power and the absolute Peltier coefficient nonisothermal region) expression J = -uV</:>. The ex-
of the material at point Xi at temperature T. Inserting planation of this difficulty is as follows. Substitution of
these quantities into Eq. (4) we find the required dif- V</:> from (3) into (7) leads back to the form (6) and not,
ferential equation specifying the stationary tempera- of course, to the Diesselhorst form (1). On the other
ture distribution in an electrically heated, inhomo- hand, if we start with (1) and use the incorrect relation
geneous conductor, V</:>= - (l/u)J, we are neglecting exactly all the terms
in Vf,J. and -S*vT in both (3) and (7), which make
(7) reduce to (1) and which make Vf,J.-eV</:>= (e/u)J
The third term in (5) represents an "inhomogeneity -S*VT reduce to V</:>= - (l/u)J.
Peltier heat" which vanishes in a homogeneous con- The correct Eq. (7) expressed in terms of V</:> is not
ductor, so that for this latter kind of medium (5) takes only complicated but is rather useless because little is
known about the chemical potential f,J. in actual sub-
6H. B. Callen, Phys. Rev. 85, 16 (1952). stances. We should, therefore, prefer to use the relation
7Callen and de Groot use a positive charge in their definitions
whereas we use -ej this accounts for the difference in sign of the (6) in practice. If the current density distribution is
Thomson coefficient. On the other hand, the electrical current and known, (6) can be used (in principle) to find the actual
the particle current in our case are in opposite directions, so that
our equations involving 'T are identical with those of Callen and stationary temperature distribution in a conducting
de Groot. region subject to given boundary conditions.

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