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Dana-Teodora Anton-Paduraru1, Carmen Oltean2, Laura Mihaela Trandafir1,
Amalia Maria Mineata3
3-rd Clinic of Pediatrics, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi
Childrens Emergency Hospital Sf. Maria, Iasi
Hiperclinica Medlife, Iasi

Vegetarianism may have implications on the growth of children and adolescents. There are different types of
vegetarian diets: some may be suitable for children, other deficient in essential nutrients. If a vegetarian diet is
done properly and includes fortified foods it can promote health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases.
Restriction or exclusion of products of animal nature can lead to low intake of essential nutrients.

Keywords: vegetarianism, child

Childhood is the period when nutritional habits TABLE 1. Types of vegetarians

are acquired, when growth is intense and when de- Classic vegetarians New vegetarians
posits of essential nutrients are stored. Ovolactovegetarians Vegetarians consuming small
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, amounts of meat
vegetarianism is defined by the consumption of a Lactovegetarians Vegetarians to a large extent
Ovo-vegetarians Semi-vegetarians
diet that contains vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals
Vegans1 Pesco-vegetarians2
and sometimes eggs and dairy products (1). 3
Consumers of the RAW diet Vegetarians consuming
Vegetarianism may have severe implications on puddings
the growth of children and adolescents, therefore it Seed consumers
is necessary to assess the nutritional status of veg- Fruit consumers
etarians to insure optimum growth and a good Macrobiotic vegetarians4
health state and to prevent potential deficits. 1
consume a diet lacking in any animal product, including meat, eggs
There are different types of vegetarians (1) and all ingredients deriving from these products
consume food from vegetal sources and fish
Table 1. 3
uncooked vegan diet
Each of these diets has implications on the nutri- 4
consume grain as a food basis and avoid processed and refined
tion and health of children and adolescents. The products
reasons for which one adheres to a vegetarian diet
are different:
economic reasons: in some countries, vegeta- ecological reasons: the effect of meat pro-
bles are cheap; duction on the environment involves the in-
the risk of omnivorous diets and the negative efficient use of the planet resources;
publicity on the diseases emerged as a conse- religious reasons: seventh-day Adventists,
quence of the consumption of animal prod- some Hindu, Buddhists;
ucts; philosophical reasons: transcendental medi-
moral reasons: the belief that eating meat in- tation, yogis, anthroposophists, macrobiot-
volves cruelty and environmental degrada- ics;
tion; animal-rights militants; social influences (1).

Corresponding author:
Dana-Teodora Anton-Paduraru, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 16 Universitatii Street, Iasi



A study done in the USA in 2003 shows that 2% ic disease. The study done in Poland in vegetarian
of the children between 2-17 years are vegetarians children in the prepubertal period emphasized low-
and approximately 0.5% are vegans (2). Along with er leptine-polypeptid concentrations playing an im-
the increase in the popularity of the vegetarian di- portant role in bone growth and weight adjustment
ets, more and more parents encourage their chil- (4).
dren to adopt them. The degree of adherence to the The risks of the vegetarian diet are:
vegetarian diets varies, therefore the nutrients in- emergence of rickets;
take varies from one vegetarian to another. The risk of deficiency in vitamin A and subse-
American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of quently in keratomalacia;
Canada considers that a carefully planned vegetar- the emergence of anemia as well as the defi-
ian diet can be healthy and suitable from the nutri- cit of proteins and zinc (1,2).
tional point of view and can have benefits in the
prevention and treatment of certain diseases (1). GUIDES REGARDING NUTRIENT INTAKE
The vegetarian diet, including the vegan one, FOR VEGETARIAN CHILDREN
must observe the daily nutrition recommendations
(DNR) for proteins, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin D, Caloric intake
vitamin B6 and B12, vitamin A, omega-3 fatty ac- The appropriate energetic intake must ensure
ids and iodine. In some cases, the use of fortified growth according to the growth curves. The recom-
foods or supplements may be useful in covering the mendations regarding the caloric intake are similar
recommendations for each nutrient. to the ones for the general population. Caloric
The benefits of the vegetarian diet are: sources accepted for babies and children are soy,
low intake of saturated fats, cholesterol and vegetables, nuts, oil and nut butter and fruit juices.
animal proteins; The recommendations for the nutrient intake are in-
high levels of carbohydrates, fibers, magne- creased by up to 2 standard deviations over the
sium, vitamins C and E, carotenoids; DNR average to compensate for the potential in-
body mass index lower than that of non-veg- take deficits. Furthermore, the recommendations
etarians; for the same nutrient may vary in different coun-
lower incidence of obesity, coronary disease, tries (5).
hypertension and diabetes mellitus type 2;
improvement of the lipid profile; Protein intake
vegetarian adolescents are less affected by Despite the low caloric density of strict vegetar-
acne, allergies and gastro-intestinal disor- ian diets, especially if the weaning takes place ear-
ders; ly, the nutrition intake is usually enough to cover
decrease of mortality caused by cardiovascu- the protein needs. Plant proteins can cover the ener-
lar diseases, shock, cancer (1,3). getic needs if a variety of plants is consumed. Com-
It has also additional implications: plementary proteins must not be consumed in the
moderate consumption of or abstinence from same meal. Different studies (1.6) showed that due
alcohol and other stimulating products (nico- to low digestibility of plant proteins, the necessary
tine); proteins must be 30-35% higher than in vegan ba-
increased involvement in physical activities; bies, 20-30% in vegans between 2 and 6 years and
vegetal products have lower caloric density, 15-20% in vegan children over 6 years old.
therefore they predispose less to obesity (1). The 5 major plant protein sources are: vegeta-
Another benefit has been reported in children bles, cereals, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetal
with an anthroposophical life style. This style in- products. Each of them have advantages and disad-
volves the increased consumption of organic foods, vantages:
including naturally fermented vegetal products and vegetables and cereals provide relatively
products with live lactobacilli, as well as the re- large amounts of high quality proteins, but
strictive use of antibiotics, antipyretics and vac- they must be cooked and processed to be-
cines. A study that assessed the intestinal flora in come tasty and to eliminate substances that
children under 2 years old with this life style in decrease digestibility such as amylase inhibi-
comparison to the one of children with a traditional tors, lecithin and tannin;
life style showed that the microflora characteristics the amount, quality and digestibility are con-
differ in two groups: this diversity of the bacteria cern reasons, especially when vegan/ vege-
may contribute to the lower prevalence of the atop- tarian diets are used in babies;

the quality of plant proteins vary: isolated the squash of the vegetal products may increase
soy proteins ensure the necessary proteins their digestibility, and the partial replacement of
just like the animal proteins, while the wheat whole-wheat with refined cereals poorer in fibers
proteins are 50% les usable in comparison to may increase the energetic intake. The ovolacto-
the animal proteins; vegetarians usually consume appropriate not ex-
the lysine content is lower in all plants in cessive amounts of fibers (5).
comparison to the animal products, and the
methionine and cysteine content is low both Vitamin intake
in vegetables and in fruits; Vitamin A: as vegetal foods contain only carot-
the content of essential amino acids (threo- enoids, the necessary vitamin A must be covered by
nine) is low in cereals, and tryptophan in 3 portions/day of vegetal products rich in beta-car-
fruits (1). otene such as vegetal products and yellow or or-
ange fruit. The beta-carotene absorption is less ef-
Lipid intake
ficient when the vegetal products are uncooked or
Even if the dietetic fat intake in vegetarian chil- raw than when they are cooked, chopped or mashed
dren over 2 years old (25-35% from calories) is or when small amounts of fats are added upon
lower than in omnivores, the effects on growth cooking or consuming (7).
seem to be low. Still, when the intake supplies un- Riboflavin: the riboflavin intake seems similar
der 15% of the calories, the intake of essential fatty in vegetarians and omnivorous. Occasionally, peo-
acids must be ensured. The minimum 3% of the ple on very restrictive or macrobiotic diets may
calories must be ensured from linoleic acid (omega face deficits of riboflavin. Sources of riboflavin:
3) and 1% from linoleic acid (omega 6). The rec- soy, wheat germs, fortified cereals, yeast, enriched
ommended ratio omega 6: omega 3 varies between grains (1,5).
2:1-4:1. The linoleic acid is to be found in nuts, Folic acid: usually, the consumption of an in-
seeds and grains. The alpha-linoleic acid is found creased amount of fruit and vegetables ensures a
in green leaves, phytoplankton, seaweeds, certain suitable intake of folic acid. People who consume
seeds, nuts and vegetables as well as in flax, hazel- vegetal products boiled or roasted at high tempera-
nuts, soy. These may be transformed in non-saturat- tures and rarely eat cereals fortified with folic acids
ed fatty acids (arachidonic ARA, eicosapentae- or fruit juices may face deficiencies (1,5).
noic EPA, docosahexaenoic DHA). The fatty Vitamin B12: no vegetal food, even fortified
acids must supply 3-10% of the total calories. ARA contains vitamin B12. Mushrooms are often con-
is found in meat and eggs; EPA and DHA in fish sidered a source of vitamin B12, but actually they
and seafood. Vegans/vegetarians have no sources contain a compound structured similarly to vitamin
of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and obtain them B12 that does not act like vitamin B12 in the organ-
from the alpha-linolenic acid (7). ism. Ovolactovegetarians receive sufficient amounts
The pregnant women that are vegan, vegetarian of vitamin B12 if they consume dairy products reg-
or are on a macrobiotic diet and do not eat fish or ularly. The typical vegetarian diets are rich in folic
eat small amounts of fish and animal products do acid that may mask the deficit hematologic symp-
not get these fatty acids. The risks are high for ba- toms, leading to a tardy diagnosis. The regular in-
bies that can be premature, as their capacity of de- take of foods fortified with vitamin B12 or dairy
saturating the alpha linolenic acid in DHA is limit- products must be encouraged in vegetarians and
ed. especially in breastfeeding mothers (1,5).
Vitamin D: children must consume daily foods
Fiber intake such as cow milk, certain types of soy milk, rice
Depending on age and gender, the recommend- milk, cereals enriched with vitamin D2 or D3. The
ed daily fiber intake is of: bioavailability of vitamin D2 is lower, consequent-
19 g/zi for 1 to 3-year old children; ly the needs are high for certain vegetarians. If sun
25 g/zi for 4 to 8-year old children; exposure and the intake of fortified foods is insuf-
38 g/zi for adolescents. ficient, then supplements are recommended (8).
For very small children, the low energetic den-
sity of diets rich in fibers can make difficult the suf- Mineral intake
ficient caloric consumption and may inhibit the ab- Iron: is vital in all ages, especially in babies,
sorption of certain minerals. The cereal grind and adolescents and pregnant women. The iron deficit

is the most frequent micronutrient deficit in vege- man milk or different milk formulas have appropri-
tarian children, as well as in non-vegetarian chil- ate calory and nutrient sources (iron vitamin B12,
dren. It is more frequent especially in vegan chil- vitamin D) ensuring their normal growth. For the
dren, as vegetal foods contain non-heme iron, in vegan babies that are not naturally fed, the soy milk
comparison to the animal products, which contain is the only option, but just like rice and goat milk it
heme iron. Non-hem iron is more sensitive to fac- does not contain an optimum ratio between nutri-
tors inhibiting iron absorption such as phytates, cal- ents and can lead to unbalances. The guides for the
cium, plant tea, cocoa, certain spices and fibers. nutrition diversification are similar in vegetarians
Vitamin C and other organic acids from fruits and and non-vegetarians. Babies older than 6 months
vegetal products that increase iron absorption. In run a potential risk of deficiencies due to the re-
vegetarians, the recommended intake is 1.8 times strictive diet, being more vulnerable if they receive
higher than in non-vegetarians due to the low bio- a macrobiotic diet and can develop a psycho-motor
availability of iron in vegetarian diets and lower retard. By the age of 6 months the iron reserves of
iron deposits of vegetarians, despite the fact that the organism are exhausted and the diet must in-
serum ferritin is usually within normal limits (4,5). clude foods rich in iron, in order to increase the ab-
Zinc: in American diets approximately half of sorption of iron, the consumption of foods rich in
vitamin C is recommended (citrus fruit, green leaf
the zinc comes from meat and fish. Foods such as
products rich in vitamin C (citrus fruit, green leaf
red meat contain high zinc and protein amounts
products) (1,5).
that increase its bioavailability. Human milk does
not contain sufficient zinc for babies over 6 months Recommendations for children
old. The bioavailability of plants relatively rich in
zinc, such as whole-cereals, soy, grains, nuts, peas, This period is important for the development of
lentil, tends to be low as many of them contain phy- nutrition habits that can be the basis of a healthy
tates and fibers that inhibit the zinc absorption. In diet during adulthood. Vegetarian children, except
ovolactovegetarians, the zinc absorption is approx- those who receive extremely restrictive diets (non-
imately one third lower than in omnivorous. In veg- macrobiotic vegan diets) experience a growth com-
parable to that of non-vegetarian children of the
ans, the daily necessary must be 50% higher. Sources
same age. Vegan children may need large quantities
of plants rich in zinc are whole-cereal bread made
of proteins due to the differences in the digestibility
with yeast and zinc fortified cereals (4,5).
of proteins and in the profile of amino acids. They
Calcium: is important for bone health; approx-
also need a suitable intake of calcium, zinc, iron.
imately 45% of the bone mass is formed by the age
Special attention must be paid to allergy preven-
of 8, 45% between 8-16 years and 10% in the fol-
tion. Foods such as nuts, grapes, honey or corn
lowing decade. In vegans, the calcium intake tends syrup must not be fed before the age of three, espe-
to be low in comparison to the lactovegetarians and cially to children with family history of allergy, ec-
non-vegetarians. Although the plant oxalates, phy- zema or asthma (1,5).
tates and fibers reduce the availability of calcium in
vegetal products, it is higher than in milk. Calcium Recommendations for adolescents
in contained by broccoli, cabbage, turnips, and kale
leaves (4,5). Even if they have recently become vegans or
they are vegans from their early childhood, nutri-
Iodine: if iodised salt is consumed, the iodine
tional unbalance has major consequences in adult-
deficit is rare. Vegans whose diets are restrained to
hood. The vegetarian practices at this age can be a
non-iodised sea salts and contain substantial intake
marker in the identification of adolescents tending
of goitrogenic foods such as broccoli, mustard,
to have eating disorders or weight obsession. It has
cabbage, kales, have iodine deficit risk. They are
been noticed that 30% of the vegetarian adolescents
recommended iodine fortified foods (4,5).
receive the recommended calcium intake of 1,300
mg/day (1,5).
Vegetarian mothers and natural nutrition
Recommendations for babies If the diet is correct, human milk may be suffi-
Until the age of 4-6 months, the vegetarian and cient for the baby up to 6 months. The diet must
non-vegetarian babies diets are identical, the hu- contain:
man milk being the best food for this period, due to proteins from nuts, eggs, dried grains, lentil
its well-known advantages. Babies that receive hu- and tofu;

dairy products (cow milk, cheese, yoghurt) the human milk of the vegetarian woman, if her diet
or calcium fortified soy products; contains flax and rape seed oil (9).
fortified or whole cereals;
fruits and vegetables (green leaf vegetal prod- CONCLUSIONS
poly-/ monosaturated oils. 1. The more restrictive the diet and the younger
Breastfeeding vegan mothers need vitamin and the child is, the higher the deficiency risk.
mineral supplements. If these mothers diet contains 2. Vegetarians must be assessed individually by
small amounts of vitamin B12, then their milk will frequent nutrition questionnaires regarding the di-
contain insufficient amounts of vitamin B12. They etetic intake.
will need vitamin B12 supplements or will have to 3. Vegetarian diets may cover the children and
consume vitamin B12 sources (fortified cereals, soy, adolescents nutritional needs if carefully planned
oat extract). The vitamin D content of human milk and monitored.
varies depending on the mothers diet and her sun 4. Even if the vegetarian diet observes the current
exposure. The docosahexaenoic acid is necessary for recommendations for all nutrients, the use of sup-
the development of the eyes and brain, and vegetar- plements and fortified foods is necessary to prevent
ians source is the alpha-linolenic acid contained by deficiencies.

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Diets. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2009; 56(5):1085-103 Vitamin A and E Status in Vegetarian Children. Med Wieku Rozwoj.
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4. Laskowska-Klita T., Chechowska M., Ambroszkiewicz J., M., Struciska M., Otarzewski M., Laskowska-Klita T. Effect of
Gajewska J., Klemarczyk W. The Effect of Vegetarian Diet on Vitamin D Supplementation on Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Bone
Selected Essential Nutrients in Children. Med Wieku Rozwoj. 2011; Turnover Markers Concentrations in Vegetarian Children. Med Wieku
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5. Van Winckel M., Vande Velde S., De Bruyne R., Van Biervliet S. 9. *** Vegetarian Diets And Children.
Clinical Practice: Vegetarian Infant and Child Nutrition. Eur J Pediatr.
2011; 170(12):1489-94
ef Lucr. Dr. Dana-Teodora Anton-Pduraru1, Dr. Carmen Oltean2,
Asist. Univ. Dr. Laura Mihaela Trandafir1, Dr. Amalia Maria Minea3
Clinica III Pediatrie, Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie Gr. T. Popa, Iai
Spitalul de Urgene pentru Copii Sf. Maria, Iai
Hiperclinica Medlife

Vegetarianismul poate avea implicaii asupra creterii copiilor i adolescenilor. Exist diferite tipuri de diete
vegetariene: unele pot fi adecvate pentru copii, altele deficitare n nutrieni eseniali. Dac o diet vegetarian
este realizat adecvat i include alimente fortifiate, poate promova starea de sntate i reduce riscul de boli
cronice majore. Restricia sau excluderea produselor de natur animal poate conduce la aport sczut de nu-
trieni eseniali.

Cuvinte cheie: vegetarianism, copil

Copilria este perioada n care se formeaz obi- TABELUL 1. Tipuri de vegetarieni

ceiurile alimentare, n care creterea este accelerat Vegetarieni clasici Noii vegetarieni
i n care se acumuleaz depozitele de nutrieni Lacto-ovovegetarieni Vegetarieni care consum mici
eseniali. cantiti de carne
Conform Merriam-Wester Dictionary, vegetaria- Lactovegetarieni Vegetarieni n mare parte
Ovovegetarieni Semivegetarieni
nismul se definete prin consumul unei diete care
Vegani1 Pescovegetarieni2
conine vegetale, fructe, nuci, cereale i, uneori, ou
Consumatori ai dietei RAW3 Vegetarieni care consum
i produse lactate (1). budinci
Vegetarianismul poate avea implicaii severe Consumatori de semine
asupra creterii copiilor i adolescenilor astfel n- Consumatori de fructe
ct este necesar s se evalueze statusul nutriional Vegetarieni macrobiotici4
al vegetarienilor pentru a asigura o cretere optim 1
consum o diet fr nici un fel de produs animal, incluznd
i o stare de sntate bun i pentru a preveni poten- carnea, oule i toate ingredientele care deriv din aceste produse
consum hran din surse vegetale i pete
ialele deficite. 3
diet vegan fr foc
Exist diferite tipuri de vegetarieni (1), Tabelul 1. 4
consum grne ca baz alimentar i evit produsele procesate i
Fiecare dintre aceste diete are implicaii asupra
nutriiei i sntii copiilor i adolescenilor. Moti- mediului; militani pentru drepturile anima-
vele pentru care se ader la o diet vegetarian sunt lelor;
diferite: motive ecologice: efectul produciei de carne
motive economice: n unele ri vegetalele asupra mediului implic folosirea ineficient
sunt ieftine; a resurselor planetei;
riscul dietelor omnivore i publicitatea nega- motive religioase: adventitii de ziua a 7-a,
tiv despre bolile aprute ca urmare a consu- unii hindui, buditii;
mului de produse de origine animal; motive filosofice: meditaia transcedental,
motive morale: credina c folosirea crnii n yoginii, antroposofitii, macrobioticii;
alimentaie implic cruzime i degradarea influene sociale (1).

Autor de coresponden:
ef Lucr. Dr. Dana-Teodora Anton-Pduraru, Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie Gr. T. Popa, Str. Universitii nr. 16, Iai



Un studiu efectuat n SUA n 2003 arat c 2% a bacteriilor poate contribui la prevalena mai sc-
dintre copiii cu vrsta ntre 2-17 ani sunt vegetarieni zut a bolii atopice. Studiul efectuat n Polonia la
i aproximativ 0,5% sunt vegani (2). Odat cu cre- copii vegetarieni n perioada prepubertar a evi-
terea popularitii dietelor vegetariene, tot mai muli deniat concentraii mai sczute de leptin poli-
prini i ncurajeaz copiii s adere la acestea. peptid cu rol n creterea osoas i reglarea greutii
Gradul de aderare la dietele vegetariene variaz i, (4).
prin urmare, i aportul de nutrieni variaz de la un Riscurile dietei vegetariene sunt:
vegetarian la altul. American Dietetic Association apariia rahitismului;
i Dietitians of Canada consider c o diet vege- risc de deficien n vitamina A i, subsecvent,
tarian atent planificat poate fi sntoas i adec- de keratomalacie;
vat din punct de vedere nutriional i poate avea apariia anemiei, precum i a deficitului de
beneficii n prevenirea i tratamentul unor boli (1). proteine i zinc (1,2).
Dieta vegetarian, inclusiv cea vegan, trebuie
s respecte recomandrile zilnice alimentare (RZA)
pentru proteine, fier, zinc, calciu, vitamina D, vita-
mina B6 i B12, vitamina A, acizi grai omega-3 i
iod. n unele cazuri folosirea alimentelor fortifiate
Aportul caloric
sau a suplimentelor poate fi util n asigurarea reco-
mandrilor pentru fiecare nutrient n parte. Aportul energetic adecvat trebuie s asigure
Beneficiile dietei vegetariene sunt: creterea conform curbelor de cretere. Recoman-
aport sczut de grsimi saturate, colesterol i drile cu privire la aportul caloric sunt similare cu
proteine animale; cele pentru populaia general. Sursele de calorii
niveluri crescute de carbohidrai, fibre, mag- acceptate pentru sugari i copii sunt soia, legumele,
neziu, vitamina C i E, carotenoizi; nucile, uleiul, untul din nuci i sucurile de fructe.
indice de mas corporal mai mic dect al non- Recomandrile pentru aportul de nutrieni sunt cres-
vegetarienilor; cute cu pn la 2 deviaii standard peste media RZA
inciden mai sczut a obezitii, bolii coro- pentru a compensa potenialele deficite n aport.
nariene, hipertensiunii i diabetului zaharat Mai mult, recomandrile pentru acelai nutrient pot
de tip 2; varia n diferite ri (5).
ameliorarea profilului lipidic;
adolescenii vegetarieni sunt mai puin afec- Aportul de proteine
tai de acnee, alergii i tulburri gastro-intes-
n ciuda densitii calorice sczute a dietelor ve-
getariene stricte, n special dac nrcarea are loc
reducerea mortalitii prin boli cardiovascu-
devreme, aportul alimentar este de obicei suficient
lare, oc i cancer (1,3).
pentru a acoperi nevoile proteice. Proteinele din
De asemenea, prezint i unele implicaii adiio-
plante pot acoperi nevoile energetice dac este con-
sumat o varietate de plante. Proteinele complemen-
consum moderat de alcool sau abstinen,
tare nu trebuie consumate la aceeai mas. Diferite
precum i al altor produse stimulante (nico-
tin); studii (1,6) au artat c, datorit digestibilitii sc-
implicare mai crescut n activiti fizice; zute a proteinelor din plante, necesarul proteic tre-
produsele vegetale au densitate caloric mai buie s fie cu 30-35% mai mare la sugarii vegani,
mic i astfel predispun mai puin la obezitate 20-30% la veganii cu vrsta ntre 2-6 ani i cu 15-
(1). 20% pentru copiii vegani cu vrsta peste 6 ani.
Un alt beneficiu a fost raportat la copiii cu un stil Cele 5 surse majore de proteine din plante sunt:
de via antroposofic. Acest stil implic consumul legumele, cerealele, nucile i seminele, fructele i
crescut de alimente organice, inclusiv vegetale fer- vegetalele. Fiecare dintre acestea prezint avantaje
mentate natural i alimente cu lactobacili vii, pre- i dezavantaje:
cum i folosirea restrictiv a antibioticelor, antipi- legumele i cerealele furnizeaz cantiti re-
reticelor i a vaccinurilor. Un studiu care a evaluat lativ mari de proteine de calitate, dar trebuie
flora intestinal la copii mai mici de 2 ani cu acest gtite sau procesate pentru a deveni gustoase
stil de via comparativ cu cea a copiilor cu un stil i pentru a elimina substanele care scad di-
de via tradiional a artat c difer caracteristicile gestibilitatea cum ar fi inhibitorii amilazei,
microflorei la cele dou grupuri: aceast diversitate lecitina i taninul;

cantitatea, calitatea i digestibilitatea sunt Pentru copiii foarte mici densitatea energetic
motive de ngrijorare n special cnd dietele sczut a dietelor bogate n fibre poate face dificil
vegane/vegetariene sunt folosite la sugari; consumul caloric suficient i poate inhiba absorbia
calitatea proteinelor din plante variaz: pro- unor minerale. Mcinarea cerealelor i zdrobirea
teinele izolate din soia asigur necesarul la vegetalelor poate crete digestibilitatea lor, iar nlo-
fel ca i cele animale, n timp ce proteinele din cuirea parial a cerealelor integrale cu cereale ra-
gru sunt cu 50% mai puin utilizabile com- finate mai srace n fibre poate crete aportul ener-
parativ cu cele animale; getic. Lacto-ovovegetarienii consum de obicei can-
coninutul n lizin este mai sczut n toate titi adecvate, dar nu excesive de fibre (5).
plantele comparativ cu alimentele de origine
animal, iar coninutul n metionin i ciste- Aportul de vitamine
in este sczut att n legume, ct i n fructe;
Vitamina A: deoarece alimentele de origine ve-
coninutul n aminoacizi eseniali (treonin)
getal conin numai carotenoizi, nevoile de vitamina
este sczut n cereale, iar triptofanul n fructe
A trebuie acoperite prin 3 porii/zi de produse vege-
tale bogate n betacaroten cum ar fi vegetale i
Aportul de lipide fructe galbene sau portocalii. Absorbia betacarote-
nului este mai puin eficient cnd vegetalele sunt
Chiar dac aportul dietetic n grsimi la copiii nepreparate sau raw dect atunci cnd sunt gtite,
vegetarieni mai mari de 2 ani (25-35% din calorii) tocate sau sub form de piure sau cnd sunt adugate
este mai sczut dect la omnivori, efectele asupra mici cantiti de grsimi la preparare sau consum
creterii par s fie mici. Totui, cnd aportul furni- (7).
zeaz sub 15% din calorii, trebuie asigurat aportul Riboflavina: aportul de riboflavin pare s fie
n acizi grai eseniali. Minimum 3% din calorii similar la vegetarieni i omnivori. Ocazional, poate
trebuie asigurate din acid linoleic (omega 3) i 1% fi deficient la cei cu diete foarte restrictive sau ma-
din acid linolenic (omega 6). Raportul recomandat crobiotice. Surse de riboflavin sunt: soia, germenii
ntre omega 6: omega 3 variaz ntre 2:1 4:1. Aci- de gru, cerealele fortifiate, drojdia, boabele mbo-
dul linoleic se gsete n nuci, semine i grne. gite (1,5).
Acidul alfa-linolenic se gsete n frunze verzi, Acidul folic: de obicei, consumul unor cantiti
fitoplancton, alge, unele semine, nuci i legume, crescute de fructe i legume asigur un aport adec-
ct i n in, alune, soia. Acetia pot fi transformai n vat de acid folic. Cei care consum vegetale fierte
acizi grai nesaturai (arahidonic ARA, eicosa- sau prjite la temperatur nalt i care mnnc rar
pentanoic EPA, docosahexanoic DHA). Acizii cereale fortifiate cu acid folic sau sucuri de fructe
grai polinesaturai trebuie s furnizeze 3-10% din pot avea deficiene (1,5).
totalul caloriilor. ARA se gsete n carne, ou; Vitamina B12: nici un aliment de natur vege-
EPA i DHA n pete i fructe de mare. Veganii/ve- tal, chiar i fortifiat nu conine vitamina B12. Ciu-
getarienii nu au surse de aceti acizi grai omega-3 percile sunt considerate adesea o surs de vitamina
cu lan lung i trebuie s transforme acidul alfa-li- B12, dar n realitate conin un compus cu structur
nolenic n acetia (7). similar vitaminei B12 care nu acioneaz ca vita-
Gravidele vegane, vegetariene sau cu diet ma- mina B12 n organism. Lacto-ovo-vegetarienii pri-
crobiotic i care nu consum pete sau consum mesc cantiti suficiente de vitamina B12 dac pro-
cantiti mici de pete i produse animaliere nu pri- dusele lactate sunt consumate regulat. Dietele ve-
mesc aceti acizi grai. Riscurile sunt crescute pen- getariene tipice sunt bogate n acid folic care poate
tru sugari care pot fi prematuri deoarece capacitatea masca simptomele hematologice de deficit, condu-
lor de a desatura acidul alfa linolenic n DHA este li- cnd la un diagnostic tardiv. Aportul regulat de ali-
mitat. Aceste persoane necesit suplimente cu DHA mente fortifiate cu vitamina B12 sau de produse
fie din ulei de pete, fie din microalge cultivate. lactate trebuie ncurajat la vegetarieni i n special
la mamele care alpteaz (1,5).
Aportul de fibre
Vitamina D: copiii trebuie s consume alimente
n funcie de vrst i sex, aportul zilnic de fibre ca laptele de vac, unele tipuri de lapte de soia, lap-
recomandat este de: tele de orez, cerealele mbogite cu vitamina D2
19 g/zi pentru copii 1-3 ani; sau D3. Biodisponibilitatea vitaminei D2 este mai
25 g/zi pentru copii 4-8 ani; mic i, prin urmare, nevoile sunt crescute pentru
38 g/zi pentru adolesceni. unii vegetarieni. Dac expunerea la soare i aportul

de alimente fortifiate sunt insuficiente, atunci se re- RECOMANDRI PE GRUPE DE VRST

comand suplimente (8).
Recomandri pentru sugari
Aportul de minerale
Pn la vrsta de 4-6 luni dietele sugarilor vege-
Fierul: este vital la toate vrstele, n special la tarieni i non-vegetarieni sunt identice, laptele uman
sugari, adolesceni i gravide. Deficitul de fier este fiind cel mai bun aliment pentru aceast perioad
cel mai frecvent deficit de micronutrieni la copiii datorit avantajelor binecunoscute. Sugarii care
vegetarieni, la fel ca i la non-vegetarieni. Este mai primesc lapte uman sau diferite formule de lapte au
frecvent n special la copiii vegani, deoarece ali- surse adecvate de calorii i nutrieni (fier, vitamina
mentele de natural vegetal conin fier non-hem B12, vitamina D) care le asigur o cretere normal.
comparativ cu cele de natur animal, care conin Pentru sugarii vegani care nu primesc alimentaie
fier-hem. Fierul non-hem este mai sensibil la facto- natural, laptele de soia este singura opiune, dar
rii care inhib absorbia fierului cum ar fi fitai, cal- acesta, la fel ca i laptele de orez i de capr, nu
ciu, ceai din plante, cacao, unele condimente i fibre. conine un raport optim ntre nutrieni i poate con-
Vitamina C i ali acizi organici din fructe i vege- duce la dezechilibre. Ghidurile pentru diversificarea
tale cresc absorbia fierului. La vegetarieni, aportul alimentaiei sunt similare la vegetarieni i non-ve-
recomandat este de 1,8 mai mare dect la non-vege- getarieni. Sugarii mai mari de 6 luni prezint risc
tarieni datorit biodisponibilitii sczute a fierului potenial de deficiene datorit dietei restrictive,
din dietele vegetariene i depozitelor mai sczute fiind mai vulnerabili dac primesc o diet macro-
de fier ale vegetarienilor, cu toate c feritina seric biotic i pot prezenta retard psiho-motor. La vrsta
este n limite normale de obicei (4,5). de 6 luni se epuizeaz rezervele de fier ale organis-
Zincul: n dietele americane aproximativ ju- mului i este necesar includerea n diet a alimen-
mtate din zinc provine din carne i pete. Alimente telor bogate n fier. Pentru creterea absorbiei fie-
precum carnea roie conin cantiti crescute de rului se recomand consumul de alimente bogate n
zinc i proteine care cresc biodisponibilitatea aces- vitamina C (citrice, vegetale cu frunze verzi) (1,5).
tuia. Laptele uman nu conine suficient zinc pentru
sugarii mai mari de 6 luni. Biodisponibilitatea plan- Recomandri pentru copii
telor relativ bogate n zinc cum ar fi cerealele inte-
Aceast perioad este important pentru dezvol-
grale, soia, boabele, nucile, mazrea, lintea tinde s
tarea obiceiurilor alimentare care pot fi baza unei
fie sczut deoarece multe conin fitai i fibre care
diete sntoase n perioada de adult. Copiii vegeta-
inhib absorbia zincului. La lacto-ovovegetarieni,
rieni, cu excepia celor care primesc diete extrem
absorbia zincului este cu aproximativ o treime mai
mic dect la omnivori. La vegani necesarul zilnic de restrictive (diete vegane non-macrobiotice) pre-
trebuie s fie cu 50% mai mare. Surse de plante bo- zint o cretere comparabil cu a copiilor de aceeai
gate n zinc sunt pinea din cereale integrale pre- vrst non-vegetarieni. Copiii vegani pot necesita
parat cu drojdie i cerealele fortifiate n zinc (4,5). cantiti mai mari de proteine datorit diferenelor
Calciul: este important pentru sntatea oase- n digestibilitatea proteinelor i n profilul aminoa-
lor; aproximativ 45% din masa osoas se formeaz cizilor. De asemenea, necesit aport adecvat de cal-
pn la vrsta de 8 ani, 45% ntre 8-16 ani i 10% ciu, zinc, fier. O atenie deosebit trebuie acordat
n urmtoarea decad. La vegani, aportul de calciu prevenirii alergiilor. Alimente ca nuci, struguri,
tinde s fie sczut comparativ cu lactovegetarienii miere sau sirop de porumb nu trebuie introduse
i non-vegetarienii. Cu toate c oxalaii, fitaii i naintea vrstei de 3 ani, n special la copiii cu is-
fibrele din plante scad disponibilitatea calciului din toric familial de alergie, eczem sau astm (1,5).
produse vegetale, aceasta este mai mare dect cea
Recomandri pentru adolesceni
din lapte. Calciul este coninut n brocoli, varz,
gulii, frunze de napi. Pentru copiii care consum Chiar dac au devenit recent vegani sau erau ve-
soia se recomand produse fortifiate cu calciu (4,5). gani nc din mica copilrie, dezechilibrul nutriio-
Iodul: odat cu introducerea srii iodate defi- nal are consecine majore pentru perioada de adult.
citul de iod este rar. Veganii ai cror diete sunt res- Practicile vegetariene la aceast vrst pot fi un
trnse la sruri de mare care nu sunt iodate i care marker n identificarea celor cu tendine la tulburri
au un aport substanial de alimente guogene ca alimentare sau obsesie privind greutatea. S-a ob-
broccoli, mutar, varz, napi prezint risc de deficit servat c numai 30% dintre adolescenii vegetarieni
n iod. Pentru acetia se recomand alimente forti- primesc aportul recomandat de calciu 1.300 mg/zi
fiate n iod (4,5). (1,5).

MAMELE VEGETARIENE I ALIMENTAIA Acidul docosahexanoic este necesar pentru dezvol-

NATURAL tarea ochilor i creierului, vegetarienii avnd ca
surs acidul alfa-linolenic coninut de laptele uman
Dac dieta este corect, laptele uman poate fi su- al femeii vegetariene dac dieta sa conine ulei de
ficient pentru sugarul cu vrsta pn la 6 luni. Dieta semine de in i rapi (9).
trebuie s conin:
proteine din nuci, ou, boabe uscate, linte i
produse lactate (lapte de vac, brnz, iaurt) 1. Cu ct dieta este mai restrictiv i vrsta co-
sau produse din soia fortifiate cu calciu; pilului mai mic, cu att riscul pentru deficiene este
cereale fortifiate sau integrale; mai mare.
fructe i legume (vegetale cu frunze verzi); 2. La vegetarieni este necesar evaluarea indivi-
uleiuri poli- / mononesaturate. dual prin chestionare alimentare frecvente a apor-
Mamele vegane care alpteaz necesit supli- tului dietetic.
mente de vitamine i minerale. Dac dieta acestor 3. Dietele vegetariene pot acoperi nevoile nutri-
mame conine cantiti mici de vitamina B12, atunci ionale ale copiilor i adolescenilor dac sunt atent
i laptele acestora va conine cantiti insuficiente planificate i monitorizate.
de vitamina B12. Ele vor necesita suplimente cu 4. Chiar dac dieta vegetarian respect recoman-
vitamina B12 sau consumul unor surse de vitamina drile curente pentru toi nutrienii, folosirea supli-
B12 (cereale fortifiate, soia, extract de ovz). Con- mentelor i a alimentelor fortifiate este necesar
inutul n vitamina D al laptelui uman variaz n pentru a preveni deficienele.
funcie de dieta mamei i de expunerea sa solar.

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