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Jessica Miles

Ms. Giovannetti

English 1H 4-7-17 Period 3

Love is intangible

Love is something that everyone experiences and there are many different types and forms of

love that people experience in their everyday lives which shows that love is intangible. In the texts,

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovidius Naso, My Shakespeare

by Kate Tempest , and Duty by Pamela Rafael Berkman there are an excessive amount of different

types of love that are expressed in each text. In the four texts, Romeo and Juliet, Pyramus and

Thisbe, My Shakespeare, and Duty there are three types of love that are expressed to show how

love is intangible which are the two types of love eros and agape and the element of love which is


Eros is a type of love that is passionate and romantic towards another individual. The

type of love which is eros is expressed to show how love is intangible in the two texts Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare and Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovidius Naso. In the story, Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespeare two young lovers are between two families who are rivals and are forbidden to be

together even though they love each other very deeply. For example the text states that, O Romeo,

Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name! Or, if thou wilt not, be but

sworn my love, And Ill no longer be a Capulet (Shakespeare II.II.34-36). This shows the type of love

which is eros by expressing Juliets passionate and romantic love for Romeo when she says that she will

no longer be a Capulet so that she can be with her lover Romeo. This is important because this truly

shows the amount of love that Juliet has for Romeo which shows how love is intangible. In the story

Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovidius Naso two lovers who live in houses next to each other want to marry

each other but are forbidden to be married by their parents, but still love each other and want to be

together no matter what. For example the text states that, The lovers kneeled, confessing their passion,

sealing their two fates with a fracture (Naso 42-43). This explains the type of love which is eros by

explaining how Pyramus and Thisbe love each other so much that they decided to die together so that they

could always be together. This is significant because it shows their passionate and romantic love of eros

by explaining how they both decided their own fates and died together since they would never be able to

be together if they were alive. Even though the type of love eros was represented in the two stories,

Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe there are also different types of love like philia that are

represented in other texts.

The type of love agape is a universal love that is considered to be a deep connection and love

for all humanity. This type of love represents how love is intangible in the two texts, My Shakespeare

Kate Tempest and Romeo and Juliet. In the story, My Shakespeare by Kate Tempset the love that

Kate has for William Shakespeare as a poet and author is expressed in her story and how William

Shakespeare has made an impact in her life as well as in others lives. For example, the text states that,

his words have tangled round our own and given rise to expressions so effective in expressing how we

feel, we can't imagine how wed feel without them (Tempset 33-35). This explains the type of love

by demonstrating how William Shakespeare has been able to help others express their feelings through

with his words. This is important because it shows how love is intangible with the universal love of agape

by showing how William Shakespeare has impacted many of people's lives with his words in poetry and

writing by being able to help them express their feelings. In the story, Romeo and Juliet by William

Shakespeare the type of love of agape is represented to show how love is intangible. For example, the text

states, In one respect Ill thy assistant be; For this alliance may so happy prove To turn your households

rancor to pure love (Shakespeare II.III. 90-92). This expresses the type of love agape by showing how

Friar Laurence is offering to help out Romeo by saying he will help Romeo and Juliet get married because

he thinks that the marriage will last. This is significant because it's showing the universal love of agape by

explaining how Friar Laurence is willing to help Romeo and Juliet get married. Even though the type of

love of agape is represented in the two texts, My Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet there are

elements of love like violence that are represented in other texts.

The element of love which is violence is a strength of emotion or an unpleasant destructive


force. This element of love is represented in the two texts Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovidius Naso and

Duty by Pamela Rafael Berkman. For example in the text, And then he drew his dagger from his belt

and thrust it harder into his guts. And as he died, he wrenched the dagger from his gushing wound

(Ovidius 94-97). This shows the element of love which is violence by demonstrating the harmful way

Pyramus killed himself so that he could be with his lover Thisbe. This is important because it shows how

love is intangible by showing the element of love which is violence by explaining the cruel way Pyramus

killed himself with the dagger so he could finally be with his lover Thisbe. In the story, Duty by Pamela

Rafael Berkman the parents and loved ones of Romeo and Juliet have to deal with the awful and violent

death of Romeo and Juliet. For example, the text states, They are coiled like pale snakes, young serpents

of death, he contored more awfully, by cause of the poison. She stabbed herself instead (Berkman

11-14). This demonstrates the element of love which is violence by explaining how Romeo and Juliet

violently killed themselves. This is significant because it is explaining how love is intangible by showing

with the element of love which is violence how Romeo and Juliet decided to cruely kill one another.

Love is intangible in many ways and can be expressed in many ways as well. Some of the ways

how love is intangible is expressed is through different texts and types of love. The texts that are able to

express how love is intangible are the four stories, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare,

and Thisbe by Ovidius Naso, My Shakespeare by Kate Tempset, and Duty by Pamela Rafael

Berkman. These four texts expressed how love is intangible through the two types of love eros and agape

and the element of love which is violence. The two stories, Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and

demonstrated how love is intangible with the type of love eros by explaining how both of their loves were

forbidden and wanted to be together no matter what. In the two stories, My Shakespeare and Romeo

and Juliet showed how love is intangible through the type of love agape by explaining how William

Shakespeare helped express peoples feelings with his words and how Friar Laurence decided to help

Romeo and Juliet get married. In the two stories, Pyramus and Thisbe and Romeo and Juliet

how love is intangible with the element of love which is violence by showing how both set of lovers

violently took their lives so that they could be together. All in all, the concept of how love is intangible

expressed in the four texts, Romeo and Juliet, Pyramus and Thisbe, My shakespeare, and Duty

through the two types of love eros and agape and the element of love which is violence.

Works Cited

Duty. Palmea Rafael Berkman. California Collections. Ed. Kylene Beers, Martha

Hougen, Carol Jago, William McBride, Erik Palmer, and Lydia Stack. Orlando:

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017. 55-68. Print.

My Shakespeare. Kate Tempset. California Collections. Ed. Kylene Beers, Martha

Hougen, Carol Jago, William McBride, Erik Palmer, and Lydia Stack. Orlando:

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017. 55-68. Print.

Pyramus and Thisbe. Ovidius Naso. California Collections. Ed. Kylene Beers, Martha

Hougen, Carol Jago, William McBride, Erik Palmer, and Lydia Stack. Orlando:

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017. 55-68. Print.

Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare. California Collections. Ed. Kylene Beers,

Martha Hougen, Carol Jago, William McBride, Erik Palmer, and Lydia Stack.

Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017. 55-68. Print.


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