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Read the next information and answer the activities.

Essential Vocabulary for the Internet

Do you know the following technical terms and acronyms related to the use of the Internet? Please find out
what they mean and stand for. You can use the following online glossaries or dictionaries to help you.

Glossary of Internet Terms by Walt Howe (

Glossary of Internet Terms by Matisse Enzer (

Glossary of Internet & Web Jargon by UC Berkeley


Webopedia: Computer and Internet technology definitions (

Computer Dictionary - Technology, Network & Internet terms (

Finding Materials on the Web

Search Engines and Subject Directories

Note: You can use the following sites to help you learn more information on Web search:
1. Finding Information on the Internet: A Tutorial by UC Berkeley

2. The Spider's Apprentice: A Helpful Guide To Web Search Engines


Online Concordances


A concordance is an alphabetical listing/index of the words in a text, given together with

the contexts in which they appear.

A concordancer is a computer program that allows users to search a collection of

authentic texts (i.e. a corpus) for multiple examples of selected words or phrases.

A corpus is a collection of either written or spoken texts (The plural is corpora). In fact,
the World Wide Web itself is a huge corpus that we can take advantage of to find sufficient
occurrences of language elements.

Uses of concordancers for language learning and teaching:

Users can use a concordancer to find examples of authentic usage to demonstrateword

collocations, word usage, or even the structure of a text.

Teachers can generate exercises (e.g., cloze tests) based

on authentic, interestingexamples drawn from a variety of corpora rather than made-up
traditional grammar examples.

Students can work out rules of grammar or usage and lexical features for themselves
by searching for key words in context. This helps them to raise their language awareness,
particularly in word collocations.
Explore the following online concordances.

VLC's Web Concordancer: It is a simple online concordancer available at the Virtual

Language Center of the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. It contains various types of
corpora in English, Chinese, French, and Japanese.

Online KWIC Concordancer (*KWIC: Keyword-in-Context): This concordancer allows

users to search for occurrences of selected words from many business letter corpora
(English only).

CANDLE Project - TOTALrecall, VN Collocation (TANGO), and

Collocation Checker: It contains two English-and-Chinese bilingual corpora: 1)

Sinorama 1990-2000 and 2) Records of Hong Kong Legislative Council

(English and Chinese).

*Note: When you get to their website, please click on [] or [Beta Test]. You can

try TANGO and Collocation Checker without login, but you need to register and then login
in order to be able to use TOTALrecall.

Collocation Explorer: This site allows users to search for occurrences of selected

words in English.

Simple Search of BNC (British National Corpus): This site allows users to search for

occurrences of selected words in the BNC, a very large corpus of modern British English
designed to present as wide a range of modern English as possible (English only).

WebCorp: This concordance works right across the Web as its corpus, riding on the back

of different search engines. It is slow but produces good, rich results. Operated and
maintained by the Research and Development Unit for English Studies (RDUES) at the
University of Liverpook, UK. (English only).

Google: Using Google as a simple concordance works quite well, e.g. to check for possible

collocations (multilingual).

* Note: For more information on using concordances in language learning and teaching, please
see ICT4LT Module 2.4. (
The Internet Vocabulary

Please find the definition for each term

Applet Allowing you to go back or forward to other


Plug-in An application that this downloaded from a

web page and executed by browser

FTP A piece of software that plugs into a main

program to give it added capability.

Navigation buttons Transfering files between your computer

system and another computer system

URL Allowing you to fetch and display Web

pages on the Internet.

IRC The address of a life on the Internet

Browser Allowing many people to have

conversations simultaneously on the



1. Explore the following commonly used web search engines and compare their functions. Also, take
a look at each engine's Advanced Search/Options or Help to find useful search tips and strategies.

1 Search




*You can submit questions in plain English and view suggested relevant sites.

*It searches multiple engines and directories and organizes results into topical categories


2. Explore the following academic and professional directories.

a. Academic Info gateway to college and research level Internet resources maintained by
former librarian Mike Madin and a volunteer group of subject specialists

b. INFOMINE large collection of scholarly Internet resources collectively maintained by several

libraries, including those from the University of California

c. AllLearn: Academic Directories guides to high quality directories in the academic disciplines
maintained by Oxford, Stanford, and Yale Universities; also features a small collection
of Learning Guides in academic disciplines

d. The Best Information on the Net (BIOTN) collection of academic resources maintained at St.
Ambrose University in Iowa
e. The Internet Public Library large, selective collection from the University of Michigan

f. BUBL Link UK funded project of selective resources from the University of Strathclyde Library
in Glasgow, Scotland

g. Librarians Index to the Internet carefully chosen, organized, and annotated directory
maintained by a large group of librarians in California

h. Resource Discovery Network searchable interface to major meta-sites in academic


i. The Scout Report Archives searchable database of 10,000+ critical summaries of Internet
resources for the academic and research community

j. Subject Guides A to Z extensive collection of subject pages from the University of Delaware

11. - It provides free and easy access to

government information of Taiwan.


3.Discuss the following questions with your partner and write the answers.

2. Please list THREE search engines your group members use more frequently. Compare the
three search engines and choose your favorite one and explain why this one is the best.

3. What difference does it make when you enter keywords or phrases in quotes (e.g., computer
assisted language learning) in your web search?

4. If you put the word OR between words/phrases in your web search, what does it mean?

5. You can also use these signs + , , and ~ in your web search. What function does each
sign have? Please give examples. (Be sure to include a space before a sign, but no space after
a sign. E.g., movie video)

6. There are different domain types in websites URLs. What do these domain types mean?

.com .edu .gov .org .net .mil

7. If you want to find images or sound files on the Web, what should you do?

8. In addition to providing easy access to billions of web pages, many search engines also provide
a number of special features to help people find what they want more efficiently. Please find
what special features those search engines have and choose THREE features that you like the
most each engine offers.
9. What web search problems have you encountered before? Please share some with your group
members and see if you can find solutions now. Each group needs to report at least two
common problems and your solutions (if you have found them).

4.Finding Materials on the Web

According to Boolean logic, what does it mean when you put the word OR between
radiation/nuclear in your web search?(i.e. radiation OR nuclear)
1. Results contain both radiation and nuclear
2. Results contain at least one of these terms
3. Results contain radiation but not also the term nuclear
4. Results exclude both of the two terms.

According to Boolean logic, what does it mean when you put the word AND between
radiation/nuclear in your web search? ( i.e. radiation AND nuclear)

1. Results contain both radiation and nuclear

2. Results contain at least one of these terms
3. Results contain radiation but not also the term nuclear
4. Results exclude both of the terms

According to Boolean logic, what does it mean when you put the word NOT between
radiation/nuclear in your web search? (i.e. radiation NOT nuclear)

1. Results contain both radiation and nuclear

2. Results contain at least one of these terms
3. Results contain radiation but not the term nuclear
4. Results exclude both of the two terms.

According to Boolean logic, what does plus sign + denote in a web search? (e.g global warming + green

1. NOT
2. OR
3. AND
4. None of above

According to Boolean login, what does minus sign - denote is a web search? (e.g. global warming- green
1. NOT
2. OR
3. AND
4. None of above
If you enter keywords or phrases in quotes in your web search (e.g. birds migration), which of the
following results is probably derived from such search?

1. Why are observers in temperate climates so fascinated by bird migration? Because birds make us
2. Migration of birds
3. Straits of Messina International Birds migration Survey (April-May)
4. None of above

What does the URL tell you?

1. It is a government institutions site

2. It is a commercial site
3. The web designers name is Eric
4. This site is in Taiwan

Which domain of URL denotes that a website is designed for commercial purpose?

1. .com
2. .edu
3. .gov
4. .org

Which of the following about web search engines is NOT true?

1. A search engine is a searchable database of Internet files collected by a computer program.

2. Search engines rarely contain the most recent documents posted to the Internet
3. Google is a great search engine and you can use it exclusively to find everything
4. Google ranks pages based on the number of links from pages ranked high by the service

Which of the following about subject directories is NOT true?

1. A subject directory is a service that offers a collection of links to Internet resources submitted by site
creators or evaluators and organized into subject categories
2. Academic directories contain carefully chosen and annotated list of quality Internet sites
3. Subject directories are useful for general topic, for topic that need exploring, and for in-depth research
4. Yahoo is a famous directory which carefully evaluates use-submitted content when Web pages to its

5. Pay particular attention to the following websites and find how they differ from other dictionary sites.
List special features that each of these five sites has.
- (
- Language Tools (
- (
- OneLook Dictionary Search (
- (

Did you notice that when you double-click any word on this page, you will get an instant
definition of the word? Do you like this special feature? (Note: This feature is provided
by, check Option 1)

Now try this function: type a word you don't know in the look-up box below and then you can
get its definition and much more. Do you like this feature?

Online Reference

Dictionary, Encyclopedia & more

Concise information in one click
Tell me about:

by: Look it up

(check option 2)

(Note: If you are interested in adding an online lookup box to your webpage, check the above
webpages and then copy and paste the html codes that you want onto your web source page.)

You can also add "Word of the Day" (or other free content including "Quote of the Day", "Article
of the Day", "This day in history", and "Today's Birthday" provided to
your webpage (check option 3).
Word of the Day

empennage discuss
Definition: (noun) The rear part of an aircraft.

Synonyms: tail

Usage: The pop superstar is so vain that she had her likeness
plastered across her private jet's empennage.
Word of the Day is a free service of The Free Dictionary

As a web surfer, you can download a free online dictionary to your computer and use it at any time
to help you find the meaning of unfamiliar words on the web.

For example, you can download

- MSN Encarta Right-Click Dictionary

- TheFreeDictionary right-click add-on Dictionary

- CleverKeys for Windows (provides instant access to definitions, synonyms at

- 1-Click AnswersTM for Windows

6. Evaluating your Ability to Use Browsers

Please download the form (designed by ICT4LT) to evaluate your ability to use browsers. Then make

sure you know how to do all the things listed on the form. If you don't know how to do certain things,
please ask your group members or the instructor.

Browsers: Internet Explorer

If you wish to use the World Wide Web you must be familiar with a browser. The following list relates to
Microsoft Internet Explorer, but all the tasks can be carried out using other browsers.

Now indicate what you can do: tick for yes, leave blank for no.

I can:

Start a browser

Exit a browser

Find a website by typing in its URL, e.g.

Bookmark a website

Return to a website that I have bookmarked

Navigate forwards and backwards within a website

Jump to a new website via an active link

Get back to a website from which a link was made

Get back to a previously located website

Copy a selection of text from a Web page into another application, e.g. Word, and save it

Save a graphic or picture as a file on my computer

Copy a graphic or picture into another application, e.g. Adobe Photoshop, and save it

Print a Web page

Save a Web page as a file on my computer

Play an audio sequence stored at a website

Save an audio sequence as a file on my computer

Play a video sequence stored at a website

Save a video sequence as a file on my computer

Use a search engine to locate materials stored on the Web

Delete temporary Internet files from my computer

Download a document file (DOC or RTF) from a website

Download a PDF file from a website

Download an EXE file from a website

Download a ZIP file from a website

Unzip a downloaded ZIP file

Remove Web clutter from my computer, e.g. using a package such as Window Washer

Essential things that I understand:

I understand that a new window sometimes opens when I link from one website to another

I understand how frame-based websites work

I understand that cookies need to be activated while I am browsing certain websites

I understand that plug-ins, e.g. Media Player, Flash, Acrobat, are needed to access
materials stored at certain websites
I understand the advantages and limitations of the World Wide Web as a medium for
delivering language courses

I understand that computer viruses can be transmitted via hostile websites and that up-to-
date anti-virus software is essential while I am browsing the Web

I understand that my computer can be hacked while I am browsing the Web and that a
firewall is essential

I understand the implications of copyright and plagiarism when using materials

downloaded from the Web

Evaluating Websites

The Internet is totally unregulated. There are huge amounts of good material, but there are also
amounts of material of poor and dubious quality. There is no guarantee that the information of the
websites you found through search engines is accurate. Therefore, it is important for you to determine
whether the information in a website is worth trusting and using.

7. Please read the following evaluation guideline and compare their criteria.

a) Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask by UC Berkeley


Look at the URL

- Scan the perimeter of the page (authorship, currency, credentials on the subject)

- Examine the quality of information (sources of information, completeness, authenticity,

choice of links, viewpoints)

- Check what others say

- Find out why the site/page was created

b) Evaluating Internet Resources by SUNY Albany

- Purpose

- Source

- Content (accuracy, comprehensiveness, currency)

- Style and Functionality

c) Evaluating Web Sites by Northwest Missouri State University

- Authority (credentials, impact of domain on content, contact information)

- Accuracy (bias, verified content, appropriate date)

- Audience (relevancy, type of webpage, audience characteristics)

8. Develop your own website evaluation criteria with your group members and explain why the criteria you
choose are important.

9. Choose a language-learning website and evaluate it together with your group members. Then write your
evaluation in the message board and give a brief oral report to the class.

The Internet Vocabulary

10. Find the definition for each term

Applet Allowing you to go back or forward to other


Plug-in An application that this downloaded from a

web page and executed by browser

FTP A piece of software that plugs into a main

program to give it added capability.

Navigation buttons Transfering files between your computer

system and another computer system

URL Allowing you to fetch and display Web

pages on the Internet.

IRC The address of a life on the Internet

Browser Allowing many people to have

conversations simultaneously on the
Write the plural according to the pictures:

man elephant

key teeth

mouse goose

foot house
leaf knife

box fox

Write plurals Write singular:
Ear__________ Dolls__________
Eye__________ Letters__________
Sun__________ Walls___________
Sky___________ Roses___________
Boy___________ Noses___________
Bird___________ Girls____________
Plate___________ Desks___________
Shoe___________ Doors___________
Pot____________ Leaves__________
Egg____________ Knives__________
Book___________ Mice___________
Pen____________ Men____________
Chair___________ Women_________
House__________ Daughter________


Complete the sentences, use can /cant/ could/ couldnt. Match the sentences with the
1.- The man has got the right tools. He . start working now.

2.- Linda is a good skier. He ... jump in the slopes.

3.-My uncle prepared a barbecue so we . eat a lot of food there.

4.-It was a pity. We win the football match.

5.-It is impossible, the teddy bear walk.

6.-The man has spilled coffee on his shirt. He meet the new customers.

7.-He has been running so he .. breath properly.

8.-Perhaps the photographer . take a good photo.

9.-I go to school because I had a temperature.

10.-Tom .. go to school because he has an allergic reaction.

11.-The boy wants to pull the girls hair but she . see him.

12.-Sonia . get in shape. Her personal trainer is helping her at the gym.

13.-My best friend plays the flute in the band.

14.-Her dad gave a motorbike so she ..rides it to work.

15.-The little boy . stop crying. He feels badly.

16.-Henry went fishing and he .. catch a big fish.

17.-The boy climbed the tree and now he get down because he is scared.

18.-Hannah .. play video games only on Saturdays.

19.- I read the document because of the big stain.

14.Fill in the blanks with proper modal verbs
1) When Susan was five, she _________ read and write.
2) I _________ get up early today. Because it is Sunday.
3) Birds _________ fly but lions _________.
4) This bag is too heavy for you. _________ I help you?
5) I _________ wear school uniform at my school.
6) You _________ smoke here. It is forbidden.
7) _________ you turn on the lights, please?
8) I _________ help my mother with the housework. She is tired.
9) If you go to bed late, you _________ be late for the school.
10) You _________ do your homework if you want to go out.
11) _________ you help me with the cleaning?
12) I _________ drive to work last year but now I _________ as I moved to a new
13) _________ we go out tonight?
14) She _________ walk because she has broken her leg.
15) Rose _________ obey the rules but she didnt.
16) You _________ pay the taxes regularly otherwise you _________ be punished.
17) You _________ park here. You _________ find a parkland.
18) She _________ win the match because she was ill.
19) We _________ buy tickets for the concert. Susan has already bought them.
20) My father is very talented. He _________ paint very well.
21) It is hot outside. You _________ wear you jacket.
22) It is raining heavily. You _________ take your umbrella.
23) You _________ use your mobile phone at the cinema.
24) My mother _________ go to the dentist. She has a terrible toothache.
25) _________ I borrow your camera tonight?
26) You _________ touch it. It is too hot.
27) You _________ be careful while driving
28) When I was a young man, I _________ run fast.
29) _________ elephants jump. No, they _________.
30) You _________ pick up these flowers. Otherwise, my mother _________ get
angry with you.

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