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AM Pretest and Posttest Individual Comparision

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3 Pretest

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AM Pretest and Posttest Question Comparision



# Answered Correctly



1 2 3 4 5 6
Question Number
PM Pretest and Posttest Individual Comparision

Number Correct

3 Pretest

Students Name

PM Pretest and Posttest Question Comarpision



Number Answered Correctly


1 2 3 4 5 6
Question Number
Pretest Reflection

After administering the pretest, I was able to pin point the students that particularly

struggled with the questions on Presidents Day. In my AM class, William, Emmett, and Nolan

were the ones that stood out to me the most that struggled with the pretest. In my PM class,

Jael, Marie, Traydyn, Ryker, and Lily were the ones that struggled the most. These were the

students that I would make sure I gave extra attention to during my lessons and make sure they

were participating. Overall, in my AM class questions four and six were the most missed so I

knew I need to focus on those questions the most. Overall, in my PM class questions two and

six were the most missed so I made sure to emphasize those questions in my lesson. I noticed

that a lot of the students were guessing on the questions so I took that into count when

preparing my lessons.
Posttest Reflection

I realized that question number 5 was too easy/obvious for the students so on my

posttest, I made it a little more difficult by making the choices harder. I believe this is the

reason why my AM class did worse on it during the posttest. Only two of my students did worse

on the posttest than they did on the pretest. The rest did the same as or better on the posttest

than they did on the pretest in both my AM and PM class. This shows me that my lessons were

effective. I think the students were able to understand what a president is and that we have

had a lot in the past. My students enjoyed making George Washington masks and pretending

they were him for the rest of the day. They also enjoyed learning that Abraham Lincoln was on

the penny and being able to take home a penny. I would change how much I emphasizing what

each president looks like. I did put up their pictures in the room after the lessons but I would

describe them more when I am teaching. Another thing I would like to teach is what voting is. If

I had time to do one more lesson plan, thats what it would be on.

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