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These work assignments are made base on the hazard in the work of grinding activity (Hot Work).

Method which has been used to identify workplace hazards in this assignment is observation and

inspection, feedback / reports / referrals and job safety analysis ( JSA ) . Through these methods,

hazard had been identified and divided into two classifications which are safety hazard and health

hazard. Safety Hazard are such as trip and fall, electrocution , struck by flying object-broken disc ,

contact with rotating disc ( hand and finger injuries ) , fire and grinding machine ejection .Health

hazard are noise, iron dust produced by metal friction and ergonomic(awkward posture). Risk

assessment had been carried out for each hazard , it was found that the most critical safety hazard

is cutting hazard ( hand and finger injuries ) and for health hazard is noise .Steps to control the

safety hazard (contact with rotating disc) is to isolate the work area, administrative controls and

personnel protective equipment . However steps to control health hazard (hazard noise) are from

administrative control and personnel protection equipment .Control measures such as revision of

health and safety audit, scheduled inspections and through training and information used to assess

the effectiveness of the control measures .Beside of it , benefits or advantages of implementing

control measures proposed also disclosed.


2.1 Company Background

A global mining pioneer, Vale discovers and transforms the minerals that are essential

ingredients in the products people use every day. Vale is the global leading producer of iron ore

and nickel and a major producer of manganese, kaolin, aluminum, potassium, copper and coal. In

addition to its core mining business, the companys include research, logistics, and distribution and

energy operations. .

In 2011, Vale started the construction of an iron ore distribution center in the shores of

Teluk Rubiah, Lumut, Perak State, Malaysia. The investment of US$ 1.37 billion has just been

concluded and the center now serves as a gateway connecting our core mines in Brazil to the

consumer markets in Asia. Officially known as the Teluk Rubiah Maritime Terminal (TRMT).

TRMT is strategically located along the Straits of Malacca, one of the worlds busiest shipping

channels. The facility is comprised of a deep water wharf and five stockyards with a static capacity

of 3.2 million tons of iron ore where different types of iron ore can customised to the needs of

regional steelmakers. The distribution center has an export capacity of 30 million DWT (dry weight

tons) of iron ore per year. Equipped with an import system with the ability to unload vessels of up

to 400,000 DWT and an export one with the capacity of loading vessels up to Capsize, the

distribution centers operations are fully automated ensuring optimum efficiency in the process.

This work place assignment has been developed base on the grinding activity in one of the

maintenance workshop at the yard in Teluk Rubiah Maritime Terminal, whereby I was assigned to

take care of the occupational safety and health as a safety and health technical

2.2 Safety And Health Management System

In order to manage matters of safety and health for the operation in Teluk Rubiah Maritime

Terminal, Vale Malaysia Mineral has developed Occupational Safety and Health Policy. Please

refer to Annex 1 (Safety and Health Policy). To achieve the goal contained in the policy, Vale

Mineral Malaysia has developed to ensure the system work properly through below listed


Health and Safety Manual

Health and Safety Procedures

Safe Operating Procedure ( Sop)

2.3 Organizational Chart

The organizational structure for operation in Vale Malaysia Mineral consists of various

department, including Managers and employee, operational management, administrative

management, maintenance management , and sustainability management. Safety aspects are given

the highest priority by putting the management of safety, health and environment at the highest

point in the organizational.

Please refer to Annex 2 for organizational chart.

2.4 Activities

The activities in the workshop are consisting of various activities such as fitting, welding,

rigging and grinding. These activities are done by the maintenance team members whereby they

will be carrying out activities such as modification and rectification of an equipment failure.

2.5 Work Process

Grinding work process is a process of grinding metal surfaces, removal of iron debris or

excess iron from an iron structure and smooth surface before welding work done and also for

quality inspection purposes such as MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection) .Proses of grinding work

is very important because it will ensure the accuracy and good work done. Abrasive grinding disc

types are widely used in the process of this work. Dewalt Angel Grinder used as the disc will rotate

at a speed of 10,000 RPM.

Work processes for modification or installation works has been included in the next page












2.6 Work Environment

The workplace assignment is done in the maintenance workshop which is located in the

yard itself, where by it is sheltered and covered. In the workshop there are other work is done

simultaneously along with grinding work.

2.7 Safety Hazard On The Work Of Grinding

There are two calcification of hazard can be found in the work of grinding, which is safety

hazard and health hazard. Below is the list of safety hazard which has been identified in the work

of grinding;

a. Safety Hazard

- Trip & Fall

- Electrocution

- Struck by flying broken disc, object

- Contact with rotating disc (hand and finger injuries)

- Fire(due to spark)

- Grinding Machine ejection (using inappropriate technique to grind)

b. Health Hazard

- Noise

- Iron duct particular(from the grinding work)

- Ergonomic(awkward posture)


Below list is the objective of this workplace assignment;

a) Identified the hazard associated in the work of grinding

b) Evaluate the risk through risk assessment method ( R=L X S )

c) Through the risk rating, the hazard of most critical in the work of grinding will be


d) Identify and discuss measures to control the safety and health hazards that are most critical

to mitigate the risks.

e) Review the effectiveness of the control measures to ensure the safety and health

management system work efficiently.


4.1 Among the methods used to identify hazards in grinding work activities are;

a) Observation and Inspection

- Observation is one of the methods used to observe closely the work process from

beginning to end. Hazard associated can be identified with effectively because the

observation will be done visually. These include daily observation ' daily surveillance'

which aims to identify hazard in the work and also workers' exposure to hazards. While

the examination is conducted periodically inspection will be done once a week by the

management and representatives of employees (weekly walkabout). Periodically

inspection will be done once every 3 months (color coding) is for equipment machinery

and equipment in the workplace. Results and records of observation and inspection are

used as a reference to locate the appropriate hazard identify in grinding work.

b) Through Feedback / Report / Reference

- Feedback provided by the employer is also used as a method to identify hazards,

hazards in the work environment has been identified through the study of unsafe act

and unsafe condition or hazards arising from a work process. An example is the card

RONI (Report occurrence near missed incident). Among the report referred to is the

reporting of accidents and near-miss accident, reports of First Aid and report of noise

exposure. Apart from that questionnaire was also used for the workers in their point of

view what can go wrong in grinding work. Supervisor (Supervisor Grinder) also

interviewed about the potential -hazard arising from grinding work.

c) Job Safety Analysis

- It is also known as JSA (Job Safety Analysis and HIRARC) is a method used to identify

hazards on a systematic basis. There are 4 steps to be taken to implement the job safety

analysis, selecting the scope of work to be analyzed, detailing each step to be performed

in sequence in a work, identify and list the hazards for each step of the job and list the

control measures to each hazard, to reduce the risk.

4.2 Risk Assessment Method

Risk assessment is the process of assessing the risk of safety and health hazard caused by

hazards in the workplace. Thus it can be evaluated and estimated the hazard which has been

identified. This information can be used to understand the hazards that have a high potential to

occur and need to be taken appropriate action. Risk Matrix Method in two-dimensional table is

used to assess the risk on the hazard identified. In this table, the likelihood and severity used to

determine and measuring the hazard. Likelihood is referred here as the probability of a hazard and

the potential to cause an incident. The severity is the impact of a hazard. The risk level is the

combination of the likelihood and severity (R = L X S).



Table A indicates likelihood using the following values;

Table A

Table B indicates severity by using the following table:


Most likely The most likely result of the hazard / event being realized 5

Possible Has a good chance of occurring and is not unusual 4

Conceivable Might be occur at some time in future 3

Remote Has not been known to occur after many years 2

Inconceivable Is practically impossible and has never occurred 1


Catastrophic Numerous fatalities, irrecoverable property damage and 5


Fatal Approximately one single fatality major property damage 4

if hazard is realized

Serious Non-fatal injury, permanent disability 3

Minor Disabling but not permanent injury 2
Negligible Minor abrasions, bruises, cuts, first aid type injury 1

Table B

An example of risk matrix (Table C) is shown below;

10 | P a g e
To use this matrix, first find the severity column that best describes the outcome of risk. Then

follow the likelihood row to find the description that best suits the likelihood that the severity will

occur. The risk level is given in the box where the row and column meet.

The relative risk value can be used to prioritize necessary actions to effectively manage work place


11 | P a g e
Table D determines priority based on the following ranges:


15 - 25 HIGH A HIGH risk requires immediate action to control the

hazard as detailed in the hierarchy of control. Actions
taken must be documented on the risk assessment form
including date for completion.

A MEDIUM risk requires a planned approach to

5 - 12 MEDIUM controlling the hazard and applies temporary measure if
required. Actions taken must be documented on the risk
assessment form including date for completion.

1-4 LOW A risk identified as LOW may be considered as

acceptable and further reduction may not be necessary.
However, if the risk can be resolved quickly and
efficiently, control measures should be implemented and

Table D



(L) (S) ( L X S = R)

Contact with rotating disc 4 3 12

Noise 3 4 12



12 | P a g e
After the research study in the grinding work which has been done, I had found six safety hazard

and three health hazard. The hazard as follow below;


1. Trip and Fall

- hazard can occur during the initial stage of the work such as preparing the grinding

machine for the work. While in the preparation workers has the potential to trip and fall

due to poor cable management.

2. Electric shock

- it can occur whenever the worker touched live cable which expose due to damage cable.

3. Struck by flying broken disc, object

- occur because of inappropriate disc used in the grinding machine, disc which is

rpm(rotating per minute) are lower than machine rotating capacity and also damage or

crack on the disc which has the potential to break and fly as an object and struck.

4. Contact with rotating disc

- injury to hand and fingers while installing and replacing disc, while positioning the disc


- Wrong method used to operate the grinding machine.

- Trying to open the disc guard while the grinding machine operating.

13 | P a g e
5. Fire

- due to the spark from the friction of the disc and metal, hit on the combustible material.

6. Grinding machine ejection

- due to wrong method applied to operate the machine

- wrong method used to operate on the surface of metal edge, which can slide and eject

- using the wring disc

Health Hazard

1. Noise

- Due to the noise exposure which produce by the friction between disc and metal surface

2. Iron dust particular exposure

- Due to produce by the work of grinding process from the metal.

3. Ergonomic(Awkward posture)

- Due to prolong awkward posture while operating the machine.


Below is the table which provide on the high risk rating;



14 | P a g e
NO HAZARD 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Contact with
1 / / 12
rotating disc

Grinding machine
2 / / 6

Struck by flying
3 / / 6
broken disc, object

4 Electric shock / / 4

5 Fire / / 6

6 Trip and Fall / / 2

7 Noise Hazard / / 12

8 Iron Dust Exposure / / 8

9 Ergonomic(posture) / / 8


Likelihood Severity Risk

NO Hazard High risk
(L) (S) ( L X S = R)

15 | P a g e
Contact with
1 4 3 12 MEDIUM
rotating disc

Grinding power tool

2 3 2 6 MEDIUM

Struck by flying
3 3 2 6 MEDIUM
broken disc, object

4 Electric shock 1 4 4 LOW

5 Fire 3 2 6 MEDIUM

6 Trip and Fall 2 1 2 LOW

7 Noise (98.7db) 4 3 12 MEDIUM

8 Iron Dust Exposure 4 2 8 MEDIUM

9 Ergonomic(posture) 4 2 8 MEDIUM


Upon completion of assess the risk and stipulate the hazard which is associated in the work of

grinding. The result of the assessment estimated has been found that two most critical hazard been

16 | P a g e
found in the work of grinding, one is safety hazard and another is health hazard. Below is the most

critical hazard;

a) Contact with rotating disc (Injury to hand and finger) (Score = 12)

b) Noise ( Workers are expose to the noise) (Score = 12)


Throughout the study which was conducted in this work assignment through observation,

inspection, feedbacks, reports and reference had found cutting hazard (Injury to hand and finger)

has high risk compared to other hazard because ;

a) Frequent of changing the disc

- Based on the observation and interviews with the workers and supervisor, found that

an average of disc grinder replace are 8 times during working shift. Failure to use the

C-Spanner to remove the disc or install disc.

b) Not isolating electrical energy by unplugging the socket connection

- While changing the disc, the worker changes the disc without isolating the electrical

energy by not unplugging the socket from the connection. It has the high risk of injury

to hand and finger due to disc rotation in the event of accidently triggered the switch

on button.

c) Wearing Personnel Protective Equipment Inappropriately

17 | P a g e
- The use of inappropriate gloves such as welding glove for grinding work. The glove is

bulky and uncomfortable while holding a grinding machine.

d) Incompetent worker

- Operating the grinding machine by incompetent worker who does not have the

knowledge of safe operation procedure and correct techniques to apply. Apart from that

workers from different function operating grinding machine where by their not skilled

person to operate the machine, this has the potential to expose to rotating disc.

- There is no training provided for the grinder operator and there is no coaching and

mentoring through observation from immediate supervisor on the activity.


Noise hazard recorded at high risk score compared to other hazard because:

a) From the report of noise exposure carried in the workshop shows that the reading of noise

level are in action level where by needed action to be taken to reduce the noise level.

b) Inadequate of Personal protective equipment wearing are being practice among the worker,

it is also a vital element in scoring the likelihood of risk rating. This is because the use of

personnel protective equipment ear plug is very important because it will reduce the noise

level. However, personal protective equipment ear plug compliance will reduce the

exposure of noise level while grinding.

Overall, lack of supervision , monitoring and also human negligence factor ( user machine grinding

) as not in accordance with safe working methods , not wearing PPE , as well as the attitudes of

18 | P a g e
employees who take shortcuts and hurry during work, plays a major role in the likelihood of hazard



Based on studies and risk assessments have been made , the impacts of safety and health hazards


Contact with rotating disc hazard;

- Wound, hand and finger injuries to employee

- Disability to body parts (Amputation)

- Psychological effects

- Loss of income(salary) to the employee

Noise Hazard;

- Loss of hearing ability( chromic symptom irreversible)

- Psychological effects.

Besides that, based on the iceberg theory which states that, the hidden costs are greater than the

direct costs significantly. Among the hidden costs are:

Hidden costs are:

a) LTI (Lost Time Injury)

19 | P a g e
b) Cost of Medicine

c) Work stopped due to accident

d) The cost of hiring a new employee

e) The cost of training new workers

f) The time taken for investigation

g) Loss of productivity

h) Papers used for investigation

i) The cost of replacing or repairing equipment

j) Clearing crash

k) Explanation to authorities

l) Payment of fines

m) Loss of profit

n) Loss of experts in a particular field of work

o) Affected the company's reputation

p) The credibility of the company will be affected among the clients that may affect the iron

ore supply in the future.


20 | P a g e
There are six type of risk control element in the hierarchy of control;








There few steps had been taken to control the contact with rotating disc hazard in grinding activity

in referring with hierarchy of control as follows:

Isolation Control

- That is to unplugged the socket connection before installing, changing the disc or

repositioning the guard, with this electrical energy will be isolated and reduce the

potential hazard it is one of the effective control measure.

Administrative Control

- Provide competency training and train the workers in the safe use of gridding machine.

At the end of the course a sticker will be place to indicate the operator is new and need

more attention in observing them with the activity. And also it to identify the workers

whom has been train.

21 | P a g e
- Permit to wok shall be used for this activity as it had been classified as HOT WORK

activity. This Permit to work is to established rules and guide line to minimize the

accident as it has to be verified and approved by the supervisor prior to commence.

Below is the list of inspection carried out prior to approve;

a) Inspect the work area and identify the hazard in the activity.

b) Ensure Job Safety Analysis (JSA) was always in the place of work and

workers understand the JSA.

c) Provide briefing to employees about the control measure.

d) Ensure use of Personnel protective equipment complied

- Communicate the hazard by cascading, the aim is to ensure workers or people involved

with the hazard will be advised and reduce exposure to the hazard and reduce the risk.

Among the steps are as follows:

1) Toolbox talk before commencing work

2) Briefing Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

3) Sharing from lesson learn and safety alerts with employee from previous

accident or incident root causes, the aim is to avoid re-occurring of the

same incident.

4) Grinding awareness course will held as continues education program to

refresher the workers in identifying hazard.

22 | P a g e
5) RONI (Report Occurrence Near Missed Incident) which will encourage

the participation from all the department in the aspect safety and health.

It is also develop intervene culture among the workers if found the not


6) Having safety campaign and giving away prizes and awards the best

employee who committed in zero harm. It is also promote awareness in

health and safety culture among employee.

7) Supervision and monitoring will be carried out all time as for continual

improvement process.


Even though personnel protective equipment it is a last control measure in hierarchy of control, but

it is a significant control as it reduce the exposure of the hazard. Among the personnel protective

equipment are:

a) Safety helmet

b) Clear visor face shield

c) Appropriate glove for grinding activity.

d) Safety glass


23 | P a g e
Administrative Control

Administrative control had been used to control the noise hazard as followed;

- Displaying signs stating the level of noise in the workshop (noise area)

- Declare the workshop as the mandatory use of hearing protection devices.

- Organizing awareness program about noise exposure and explain to the employee that the

effect of noise on their health in the long run.

- Through Permit To Work that will ensure compliance with the control measures before

starting work.

- Toolbox briefing

- Supervision and monitoring of all parties, especially from supervisors who are directly

involved with work activities.

- Job rotation to reduce noise exposure to workers.

- Make medical examinations (audiometric test)

- Zero tolerance programs, if there are employees who do not comply with safety regulations,

they will be given a warning and suspended or terminated.

- Giving reward to those who practice safe work method and also the worker who intervene

others in term of safety and health.

- Having health campaign in regards to noise exposure.

24 | P a g e
Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is suitable for use is ear plugs. It should be in accordance

with the requirements of the employee's duties and comfortable for the wearer.


The revision is a process that is used to review and evaluate the effectiveness of a program or

control measures whether it achieves its objectives. It is also a process for continuous improvement

as described in OHSAS 18001(MS 1722). It involves writing documentation, reporting and review

such as:

a) Health and Safety Audit

25 | P a g e
That is a systematic evaluation or measuring the level where it will provide an

explanation and report on health and safety. It also serves to identify the parts that need

improvement. This audit will cover all aspects of safety and overall health. There are

two types of audit, internal audit and external audit or third parties.

b) Quarterly Color Coding Inspection

It is done for tools and equipment such as grinding machines. For example the periodic

inspection of once every 3 months and will be given a color code. The aim is to ensure

that the equipment used was safe and checked if there is damage then it will be removed

from the site and will be sent for repair to recover or change continue if not be used


c) Training and Information

It involves a study on reviewing, recommending and evaluation of several document

such as ;

i. Report of monthly health and safety

ii. Study treatment trends and unsafe condition through RONI(Report Occurrence

Near Missed)

iii. Reports of accident and near missed incident.

iv. Organizing health and safety course to refresh

26 | P a g e

By implementing the recommendation mention above the company will acquire positive benefits

Among them are;

a) Internal Benefit

- To provide a workplace that is safe and healthy and conducive to employee

- Promote a safe work culture in the workplace

- The development work can proceed smoothly

- The given assignment can be completed on schedule

- To avoid accidents or major damage

- Safety and health of employees protected

- The productivity will increase

- The cost of accidents can be avoided

b) External Benefit

- Reputation of the company will increase

- The client will be more confident of the company's operations

- Profit of company will increase

- The company will sustain good name with the local community

27 | P a g e
- Compliance with the law

With the benefits mentioned above, it can be concluded that by implementing the above

recommendations, it brings more positive impact on the company directly in the long run


Reference Books: Malaysian law. Occupational Health and Safety Act 1994

And Regulations.

Laws of Malaysia. Factories and Machinery Act 1967 and Regulations.

Guidelines for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control,

Department of Occupational Safety and Health. (JKKP DP 127/789/4-47)

ISBN 978-983-2014-62-1

Reference website: (abrasive grinding safety) (abrasive grinding hazards)

8.0 Appendices

1) Health & Safety Policy

2) Organization Chart

3) RONI (Report Occurrence Near Missed)

28 | P a g e
Annex 1

Annex 2

29 | P a g e
Annex 3

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