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PART II: advanced functionality

how was your week?

Have you created a sheet with a Gantt chart?
Have you started to use smartsheet for your RFP assignment?
what well do today
Creating web forms, using the cards view
Gantt chart dependencies, linking cells, formulas
Exporting and reporting
Smartsheet advanced
smartsheet part II
creating web forms
Use web forms to manage event registrations, collect postings or
track requests. You can start web forms from a from a blank sheet,
choose from the template gallery or add a form to an existing
Prepare your sheet with the columns of the info you'd like to
Click on Create New Form. By default the title and the forms
fields will correspond with the names of the sheet columns.
You can edit all of the details on the form without altering the
name of the columns of your sheet.
You can remove any fields you do not want to have on the form
but have in your sheet.
You can also add fields by dragging and dropping them,
including an upload button for any attachments.
You can save and preview your file at any time.
By going to form options you can choose what happens once a
form is submitted. You can display a custom message, and
send confirmation emails to each submitter and also specify if
new entries appear at the top or bottom of your sheet.
Once finished creating the form click - save.
At the Web Forms dashboard you can view the status of your
entries. You can send your web form by sharing the link or smartsheet p5
copying the URL on a web page.
smartsheet part II
gantt dependencies
You can create a Gantt Chart with dependencies by importing it
from Microsoft Project, starting from a template with
dependencies, or enabling dependencies to any Gantt timeline.

Enabling Dependencies:
Click the dropdown arrow down-arrow under any column
header and select Edit Project Settings.
In the project settings form, under Dependencies, select
the Dependencies Enabled checkbox.
Select which columns in your sheet should be used as the
Predecessor column and the Duration column. (If you don't
have columns set up for this, Smartsheet will insert
columns named Predecessors and Duration for you when
you enable dependencies.)
Here you can also chose how to display your Gantt and its
dependencies and working days and hours. You can also
enter dates that are blocked from the calendar
Note that duration is linked with the start and end dates so
removing one will remove the other.
Once you set up your work days and hours it will
automatically account for the weekends or days that you've
blocked such as holidays smartsheet p6
smartsheet part II
gantt dependencies continued
Predecessors Editing your Gantt
Adding in the order in which tasks need to be complete will Select the bar you want to edit and right click and select
automatically add dependencies to the Gantt colour. You can also use conditional formatting to change the
You can also add dependencies by clicking and dragging colour - this is useful for adjusting tasks to show by person
between the tasks and then the predecessors will be added they are assigned to. You can also change task duration by
to you grid. If you move things in the Gantt it will dragging the Gantt bar or by changing the value in the
automatically update your grid so by dragging and moving the duration column.
entire sheet will be updated and also account for days off.
You can edit the Predecessors Type to define the relationship % complete
and account for lag time e.g. Finish-to-Start. To display the status of your project add a Percent Complete
To edit predecessors, click on the small pencil icon. Here you column. Insert a new column, name it percent complete,
can change the number of lag days and also change the select text number, add the percentage format, then go to Edit
dependency types. (e.g. you can modify a dependant task to Gantt Settings, and assign the percent complete column
start at the same time as its predecessor by changing the under Options.
type to Start-to-Strat and number of lag days to 0) Percentages of completed task is a weighted average based
To set a milestone set duration to 0 or enter the same start on the duration of the task - so longer duration will have
and end date it will then appear as a black diamond. greater weight.
Duration is the amount of working time between the start With dependencies turned on you can also see more detail in
and end dates of a task. A tasks duration can be calculated your parent rows - so parent rows will now show the start from
automatically based on a tasks start and end date or you the first task and the end of the last task. And will also show
can manually enter it in the tasks Duration column. To the overall percentage of completed tasks.
format values in the duration column change the ending smartsheet p7
(w=weeks, d=whole days, h=hours, m=minuets, s=seconds)
smartsheet part II
formulas and cell linking

Formulas in smartsheet allow you to automate calculations
on the data in your sheet.
Cell Linking
Every formula starts with an equal sign (=) and uses + for
Cell linking is used to consolidate information from
addition - for subtraction / for division * for multiplication
multiple sheets in to one master sheet.
and ( ) used to specify the order of operation.
To link cells, select a single cell or multiple cells
Cell references are constructed using the column name and
(you can select up to 500 cells at a time).
row number.
Then click the cell linking icon from the tool bar.
If the column name in your cell contains multiple words or
Find the sheet you want to link from and select the
ends with a number you'll need to use brackets around the
cells you would like to link.
column name when you enter it into your cell reference.
Destination cells are designated by a light blue
Cell references can be made manually, by clicking directly on
arrow on the ride side of the cell.
the cell, or dragging to select multiple cells. You can also
Note that the destination cell can have only one
reference an entire column as a cell range.
inbound link.
If you add rows above or below a formula, the new row will
To delete a link right click on the cell and select
automatically inherit the formula and any formatting. When
Remove Link
adding new child rows the data will also automatically
appear under the parents rows.
smartsheet p8
smartsheet part II
Exporting from smartshet Export to Excel
Any sheet in smartsheet, including reports, can be exported Open the sheet you want to export, click the Sheet
to Microsoft Excel, Google Spreadsheet, or to PDF Format. Actions icon on the left toolbar. Select Export, then
Project sheets that include a Gantt Chart can also Export to Excel.
be Exported to Microsoft Project, or Exported to Image Note that excel doesnt support a Gantt chart
(PNG) Format. format so exporting a Gantt chart to Excel will only
NOTE: When you export a sheet, attachments are not export the task list.
included. To include attachments, create a backup of the Excel also does not support certain column types
sheet instead. (drop down lists, contact lists, check box, etc.), so
exporting these will only preserve the text values
Export Google Spreadsheet entered into the column.
You can export any sheet in your smartsheet account to Formulas are also not preserved on export. It is
Google Spreadsheet. best to save formulas as text and then add them
Open the sheet you want to export, click the Sheet Actions again in excel.
icon on the left toolbar. Select Export, then Export to If rows are filtered out, or collapsed in the sheet,
Google Spreadsheet. they will be hidden in the Excel export as well.
As Google does not support a Gantt chart format, exporting
a Gantt chart to Google will only export the task list. Google
Spreadsheets also doesn't support certain column types
(dropdown lists, contact lists, etc.); so exporting these will
only preserve the text values entered into the column.
In Google Spreadsheets formulas are also not preserved on smartsheet p9
smartsheet part II Exporting to PDF
Open the sheet you want to export, click the Sheet Actions
exporting continued icon on the left toolbar and select Export to PDF. The Print
Setup (PDF) form will appear.
If you are printing a Gantt chart or Calendar, you can either
Printing a sheet include all the dates in your PDF, or select a custom date
When you print in smartsheet, you'll first create a PDF file. range to print.
The file can then be printed, viewed with your preferred PDF Note that when using a custom date range, the actual
viewer, or emailed. timespan shown will be dependent on your primary timeline
Note that it's also possible to print the contents of a single display choice - e.g. if your primary timeline display is years
row (Grid View) or a card (Card View). To do this, right-click and you choose March 1st as your start date and June 30th
the left edge of the row or right-click anywhere in the card as your end date, the resulting PDF will still show a complete
and click Print. year due to your primary timeline choice. Changing your
To create a printable PDF: primary timeline choice to quarters or weeks would let you
Click the Print icon in the left toolbar to display the Print narrow down the printed timeline.
Setup (PDF) form. Either choose to print to Scale, or Fit to Width. You can alter
Note that options in the Print Setup (PDF) form will differ the percentage value in the scale field to increase or
depending on the view you select prior to printing. decrease the size of the data in the PDF. Selecting Fit to
Width will decrease the size of the data such that it fits the
width of a single page.
Select any additional options, and then click OK. The sheet
will begin downloading to your browser as a PDF file.

smartsheet p10
smartsheet part II
exporting continued
Exporting to Microsoft Project Exporting to Image (PNG Format)
Any sheet including a Gantt chart can be exported to Any sheet that includes a Gantt chart can be
Microsoft Project format. To export to MS Project, the sheet exported to an image (PNG format). To export to
must be in Gantt view. PNG, the sheet must be in Gantt view.
Open the sheet you want to export and click the Sheet Open the sheet you want to export, click the Sheet
Actions icon on the left toolbar. Actions icon on the left toolbar.
Select Export then Export to MS Project to download the Select Export, then Export Gantt to Image (PNG) to
XML of your sheet. display the export Gantt to image form.
Open Microsoft Project to import the XML file. You can choose to export the entire sheet or
Because smartsheet and Microsoft Project differ in their selected rows. (If the selected rows option isnt
functionality, the exported sheet may display differently in available, close the Gantt to image form, select the
either application. In these cases, you may copy data from rows to print, and then reopen the form.)
one, and paste into the other using the copy paste shortcut Choose to include all dates, or select a custom
- [Ctrl] + C and [Ctrl] + V keyboard shortcuts. date range to display in the exported Image.
Select which columns to include in the image in
On importing from MS Project to smartsheet the options section. By default, only the primary
You can import tasks, duration and start / finish dates into column is included, but you can click on the
smartsheet but you lose dependency, budget, baseline and primary column name, or the Edit button, to
all the other rich data and formula categories you can use include additional columns.
in MS project.

smartsheet p11
smartsheet part II
creating reports in smartsheet

smartsheet p12
smartsheet part II
smartsheet p13
smartsheet part II Open Sheets

shortcuts [Ctrl] + [/]: Displays the Open a Sheet form.

Save, Undo, Redo Navigate within a Sheet

[F2] / [Fn] + [F2] for Mac Users: Enters edit mode on selected cell [Ctrl] + [G]: Displays the Go To Row form. Type in the row number you'd like to
[Ctrl] + [S]: Saves all unsaved information scroll to and then click OK.
[Ctrl] + [Z]: Undo the previous action since last save [Home]: Takes you to the first cell of the row you are currently on.
[Ctrl] + [Y]: Redo the previous action since last save [End]: Takes you to the last cell of the row are are currently on.
Open Sheets [Ctrl] + [Home]: Takes you to the top left cell of your sheet.
[Ctrl] + [/]: Displays the Open a Sheet form. [Ctrl] + [End]: Takes you to the bottom right cell of your sheet.
[PgUp]: Moves you up in your sheet.
Use Formatting [PgDn]: Moves you down in your sheet.
[Ctrl] + [Enter] or [Alt] + [Enter]: Inserts a carriage return or line break in
Text/Number cells. In order to see the carriage returns in the sheet, apply
Date Column Cells
wrap formatting to the cell by clicking the Wrap iconin the left toolbar.
[t]: Inserts today's date.
[Ctrl] + [K]: Indents Primary Column only
[+]: Enters date x days from today.
[Ctrl] + [M]: Outdents Primary Column only
[-]: Enters date x days before today.
[Ctrl] + [I]: Italic
[Ctrl] + [U]: Underline
More shortcuts can be found here:
[Ctrl] + [B]: Bold
[Ctrl] + [D]: Fill down (also available by dragging cell corner) smartsheet p14

*NOTE: Mac users should use [Cmd] instead of [Ctrl] unless otherwise noted.
Now its your turn!
Class exercise time
smartsheet part II
class exercise

1. Using the sheet you created last week:

Add Dependencies and Predecessors
Add % Complete and colours to your Gantt
Export your sheet to excel
Print (create pdf) of your Gantt

2. Create a web form

3. Create a summary sheet by consolidating information from multiple sheets

smartsheet p16
next week
Reading week!
On Monday 7th November well learn visualisation tools!

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