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“There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise...The
locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands” (Prov30:24,27)

One of the wonders of the earth is the discovery of the flying metals; I mean Aeroplanes. If
you have never wondered about this great discovery then you have not thought deep. Have
you ever asked yourself what an average aeroplane weighs? Couple with its weight it carries
a great multitude of people. A Boeing 747 contains at least seventy people. Let’s say each
weighs 60Kg that means it carries a weight of 4200Kg minus its own weight, there are planes
that carries much more than this. It is really incredible to imagine especially when you
consider the law of motion that everything that goes up must come down.

They call it the law of lift or aerodynamics. Yet this great ingenuity is founded on the
concept of bird’s flight. Yes, birds and of course the divine wisdom of God directed them on
how to annex these facts even if they don’t acknowledge Him. There is a scripture in the
Bible that says “to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.”
(Ecc3:1) Under heaven is simply the earth. If you will grasp this truth, you will come to the
understanding that nothing discovered to alleviate man life on earth is without God. In fact
the time they were discovered was appropriate with God’s timing. As smart as man may
think he is he is just a puppet in the hand of his maker. Period!

Let me take a little time to expand Ecc3:1 for your understanding; ‘things’ denotes the end
result of that which is desired, ‘purpose’ is what God had in mind, His delight and will.
‘Season’ speaks of the windows of opportunities God brings our way to fulfil his purpose;
while ‘time’ is when you act. Time in itself has no relevance until it is attached to timing. For
example the time 8:00am means nothing only if you have an appointment that will change
your life for that time. If you are to resume duty at your work place by 8:00am Monday to
Friday them the timing is important because of the importance attached to it. So we can re
write the scripture to say “every good thing man desire always line up with what God has in
mind and He creates opportunity for man to act appropriately to bring it to pass.”

From this scripture we can deduce that an aeroplane (thing) was desired as a means of
speedy transportation (purpose), the thought of this inventions was conceived in some
minds and the equipment needed were already discovered and available in their raw state
(opportunity) and then some people after series of trial and error made this a reality (time).
If God in His infinite wisdom had not made it possible for the fabricating machines as well as
the raw materials to have been discovered, aeroplane will remain a figment of man’s
imagination. The same reality goes for every one discovery you can ever think of, even the
modern day computers. Isn’t God wonderful? The Bible say, “He makes everything beautiful
in His (not man’s) time” (Ecc3:11 Emphasis added)

Having established the invisible hand of God in the general existence of man, let us now
reflect on our base scripture. In summary, the bible says that the locusts though small, are
very wise. God expects us to learn the wisdom of these fragile little insects. Some of the
wisdom of locust are what we shall be discussing here and try as much as possible to relate
them with our lives. The scripture said though the locusts have no king, they (collectively) go
forth as band. I particularly like the Message, Good New and God’s Word translations. They
said ...”they strip the field like an army regiment.””...they move in formation.” “...all of them
divide into swarms by instinct.” I will try to put more light on that later, but now what I want
you to take note of is that the whole lot of locust do not have a leader, each are self
governed, yet they work in harmony. They are self motivated. They are not waiting on just
one of them to provide direction, they each have goal, they have a purpose, and they know
where they are going. This is the most powerful kind of leadership.

It is time for you too to have self motivation, you do not have to wait for a prophesy before
you know what next to do, don’t let your born again experience become a religion, hence it
will become your Opium (a drug) so you must wait to go to church to get high every time
rather develop your own time of fellowship with your God so you can always be filled with
the spirit. Let your fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit make you an unstoppable
majority be strengthened by His ever abiding presence in your life. Don’t wait to be told “it
is well”, tell yourself so, and be determined to walk your way to the top. Instead of thinking
about the problem, be focused on the solution. Be motivated!

The locust are self disciplined, they move as a “band” but The Message translation say, they
are “like an army regiment”, they advance in rank and they never break ranks, they are
relentless (unstoppable). Wherever they set off to, they go, nothing stops them, not even
fire, rather than the fire stopping them some of them will sacrifice their life to quench the
fire, anything that get on their way they strip. Because in flight they arranged themselves in
“formation” like army marching, they form layers on each other to about one and half to
two feet thick, so when they are on air their flight obscures the sun and casts a thick shadow
on the earth (Ex10:15) like darkness upon the land of their invasion. They are a fearsome lot
even till this moment to any land and their crop because they are awesome and very

In spite of these devastating effects they are able to perpetuate, the locust cannot fly. Yes
they don’t fly like birds! I am going to take some time to describe to you how they move in
the air. Although they can travel up to 4miles (0.25m) they cannot fly, their wings are too
straight, too thin, too light and narrow to fly. Yet they travel a long distance in the air.

The strength of the locust is not in its wings but in its legs it can jump and leap, it has a
spring like mechanism in its legs and stores energy in the muscles of its legs. At full stretch it
can jump 200times its own length and it can leap forward 40times its own body length. The
key to the locust ability is not its ability to jump; rather it is when it jumps. The locusts does
not just jump to flight, before it jumps, it listens patiently for the sound of the rustling in the
wind. Once they hear the sound of great wind coming, they lock their wings and gets ready
to jump. In 1/50sec they collectively leap into the wind and the wind carries them for miles
and once in the air, they spread their wings.

The locusts are not flying with their wings but with the wind (Ex10: 13,19). Once they jump
into the wind, they have no control to navigate, they go with the wind and wherever the
wind goes so does the locusts. The location of their ear which is at the base of their
abdomen causes them to hear the sound of the mighty rushing that others cannot.
I have gone this far to let you know child of God that if you like the locust will join the band
of the word motivated and relentless born again spirit filled children of God, the
environment will no more be determinant of the way you act to things, you will like David in
the midst of chaos be able to encourage yourself in the Lord your God because you are
seeing beyond your physical surrounding into the spiritual (eternal), you are able to discern
the signs of the times. Be rest assured like never before that nothing can stop you as long as
you move in the power of the spirit. So address every hindrances like Zerrubabel “who are
thou mountain? You shall become a plane.”
Like the locust, your strength is no more dependent on your physical ability, not on your
educational qualifications alone, not on your connections, intelligence, ability, sex, or any
other physical means alone. The extra of God is upon your ordinary and now you can do
extraordinary things you have become supernatural. The devil is looking at the wrong
direction by just looking at your abilities or inabilities, he can’t stop you anymore, for when
you are weak now is when you are strong by the grace of the Lord upon you. You have the
power to surpass yourself now, you are limitless.

As the locusts also, child of God, you are to be listening in unusual places for counsel and
direction. Don’t allow the stock market, the budget of the nations, the happening in the
world, the gossips around you or your feelings determine your decisions anymore. Be a man
with an ear to the ground. Let the voice of the spirit override the voice of reasoning, be
sensitive not rush in your decision but be led. Don’t do things just because it is a good idea
from the experts, do things because it is God idea from heaven. If you will listen carefully in
the midst of the famine like Elijah you can hear the sound of the abundance of rain

When you hear with the ear of the spirit, then you can take the leap of faith to move
according to the direction of the spirit. With such hindsight you can never miss your purpose
in life neither will you miss your season, rather you will be right on time to achieve the
things for which you are created. When you learn to flow with the wind (spirit), you will
receive what the scientist calls quantum leap, which is what we call breakthrough, you will
surpass yourself, by the help of the Holy Spirit you will achieve beyond your natural ability,
you will soar, not because you can fly but you allow the wind of the spirit to carry you. The
Lord said to David, “When you hear the sound of shuffling in the trees, get ready to move
out....” (2Sam5:24a Msg) and he got the breakthrough from God over his enemies, you too
can and will get your own breakthrough over sickness, bareness, lack, poverty, curses,
bondages, stagnancies and the likes when you hear what the spirit is saying to the church
(the message is for listening believers [locusts])

As the locust, you must learn to depend on the Holy Spirit to navigate your life. Don’t
struggle with Him just go with the flow, keep on flying without wings. Let Him (the Holy
Spirit) be the determinant of what you do, how you do, where you do and who you do
everything with. One thing you can be sure of, you can never lose with the Holy Spirit
steering your life affairs. Be wise then and yield to Him.

This is my challenge to you as we enter the second half of this year, it is not too late yet, and
God is still able to grant you speed to pursue, overtake and overcome. There is nothing too
hard for your God, and there is nothing too hard for you too if you believe God enough to
act upon His instructions and you will find yourself without wings mounting up on eagle’s
wing. I believe the Lord in the last half of the year will take you beyond your wildest
imaginations, what had been dreams to you will become real, you will breakthrough to the
right hand side and to the left. Your fame will go abroad, you shall be sought after and you
will stand out in all your undertakings. What have not been enough for you before, God will
multiply it till it is more than enough, what had been a struggle for you in the past you will
experience the refreshing of Lord. But all of these will only come to reality if you will take up
the wisdom of the locusts that though they are inconsequential in size, yet they are
devastating collectively, though they have no king, yet they are co-ordinated and though
they incapacitated by their thin wings yet they fly with the wind. On the wing of the spirit
you shall fly till the end of the year in Jesus name. Amen!

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