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Evaluation of Clinical Methods for Diagnosing

Bacterial Vaginosis
Robert E. Gutman, MD, Jeffrey F. Peipert, MD, MPH, Sherry Weitzen, PhD, and Jeffrey Blume, PhD

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the current clinical crite- ciated with increased risk of preterm delivery,3 prema-
ria for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis can be simplified by ture rupture of membranes,4 amniotic fluid infection,5
using 2 clinical criteria rather than the standard 3 of 4 chorioamnionitis,6 postpartum endometritis,79 pelvic
criteria (Amsels criteria).
inflammatory disease,10 12 and postoperative infec-
METHODS: This was a prospective observational study of tions.13,14
269 women undergoing a vaginal examination in the Currently, the clinical criteria for diagnosing bacterial
Womens Primary Care Center, Division of Research, or
vaginosis requires the presence of 3 of the following 4
Colposcopy Clinic at Women & Infants Hospital. All 4
criteria: 1) a thin, homogeneous discharge, 2) vaginal pH
clinical criteria for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis were
collected, and Gram stain was used as the gold standard. greater than 4.5, 3) a positive whiff test or release of
Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for each individ- amine odor with the addition of base, and 4) clue cells on
ual criterion, combinations of criteria, and a colorimetric microscopic evaluation of saline wet preparation. These
pH and amine card. Receiver operating characteristic criteria are based on the original work of Amsel et al.15
curve was generated to estimate the preferred pH and The Gram stain is believed by many to be the gold
percentage of clue cells for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis. standard for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis. However,
RESULTS: The prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in our interpreting the Gram stain requires experience, and it is
study population was 38.7%. Vaginal pH was the most often difficult to get timely results for the clinical diagno-
sensitive of all the criteria, at 89%, and a positive amine sis of bacterial vaginosis. Thus, it is important to have
odor was the individual criteria with the highest specificity, simple and reliable clinical criteria that clinicians can use
at 93%. Similar specificity was seen with combinations of 2 in practice. Because many clinicians do not routinely
criteria and Amsels criteria. Receiver operating character- evaluate patients for all 4 of Amsels criteria, it would be
istic curve analysis yielded a preferred pH and percentage
helpful to know if different combinations of criteria can
of clue cells of 5.0 and 20%, respectively. However, a pH of
be used to accurately diagnose bacterial vaginosis.
4.5 or greater improves sensitivity with minimal loss of
specificity. Although many research studies have looked at the
sensitivity and specificity of Amsels criteria, few have
CONCLUSION: The clinical criteria for diagnosing bacterial
looked at these criteria individually and in various com-
vaginosis can be simplified to 2 clinical criteria without loss
of sensitivity and specificity. (Obstet Gynecol 2005;105: binations using the Gram stain as the gold standard. We
551 6. 2005 by The American College of Obstetricians conducted a MEDLINE search from 1966 to November
and Gynecologists.) 2003, using the terms bacterial vaginosis, BV, and
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II-2 nonspecific vaginitis. We were unable to find any
studies that evaluate all of the different combinations of
Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infec- clinical criteria for the purpose of simplifying and possi-
tion, with a prevalence of 9 37%, depending on the bly improving the accuracy of current clinical methods
population studied.1,2 Bacterial vaginosis has been asso- for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis.
We hypothesize that the current clinical criteria for
From the Division of Research, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women diagnosing bacterial vaginosis can be simplified by using
& Infants Hospital, and the Center for Statistical Sciences, Brown University, 2 clinical criteria, rather than the standard 3 of 4 criteria
Medical School, Providence, Rhode Island. (Amsels criteria), without loss of sensitivity or specificity.
Preliminary data presented at the Infectious Disease Society of Obstetrics and Furthermore, we believe that the addition of the FemExam
Gynecology (IDSOG) Annual Meeting in Quebec City, Canada, August 9, 2001. card (CooperSurgical Inc, Trumbull, CT), a colorimetric
The authors thank CooperSurgical for the donation of the FemExam cards used in pH and amine card, will have better sensitivity and speci-
this study. ficity when compared with Amsels criteria.

VOL. 105, NO. 3, MARCH 2005

2005 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 0029-7844/05/$30.00 551
Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. doi:10.1097/01.AOG.0000145752.97999.67
MATERIALS AND METHODS point score was assigned. According to Nugents crite-
We performed a prospective observational study of 269 ria,16 a score of 7 or greater defined the gold standard
women recruited from various locations at Women & diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis.
Infants Hospital over a 20-month period, beginning Au- We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, and 95%
gust 1, 2000. Any woman undergoing a speculum exam- confidence intervals for each of the individual criterion,
ination at the Womens Primary Care Center, Colpos- combinations of the criteria, Amsels criteria, and the
copy Clinic, or Division of Research was eligible to FemExam card. Patient characteristics were compared
participate in the study. Because all specimens were between women with and those without bacterial vagi-
nosis by using the Student t test and Wilcoxon rank-sum
taken in patients who were already undergoing exami-
test for continuous data and 2 test for nonparametric
nations, the study was approved by our Institutional
categorical data. We generated a receiver operating char-
Review Board as a residual tissue study. Thus, a sepa-
acteristic curve to estimate the preferred pH and percent-
rate, specific informed consent was not obtained, and
age of clue cells for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis.
information from the study was not used for clinical care
or the management of the patient. Women were ex-
cluded if there was a large amount of vaginal bleeding on RESULTS
examination. Routine pelvic examinations were per-
The prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in our study pop-
formed by select second- through fourth-year obstetric ulation was 38.7%. Table 1 displays the demographic
and gynecology residents, research nurses, or an attend- and clinical characteristics of the participants. Women
ing gynecologist (J.F.P.). All of the examining staff were with bacterial vaginosis had slightly higher mean age
trained in the use of the FemExam card by a CooperSur- (25.4 versus 23.3 years, P .03) and median parity (1.0
gical representative. versus 0, P .01). Black and Hispanic women had a
Descriptive variables obtained during evaluation in- higher prevalence of bacterial vaginosis than white
cluded age, pregnancy status, parity, ethnicity, presence women (P .02). Our population consisted of 37.5%
or absence of symptoms, and a sexually transmitted dis- white women, 30.4% black women, and 27.6% Hispanic
eases history. The following procedures were used to estab- women. Women with bacterial vaginosis were more
lish the presence or absence of the 4 Amsel criteria: vaginal likely to be symptomatic, with individual symptoms of
discharge was characterized according to its color and the vaginal discharge and foul odor being more common
presence of a thin homogeneous discharge. Swabs of the (P .01). Those with bacterial vaginosis were also more
vaginal secretions were taken from the sidewalls. We likely to have a history of Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection
placed the secretions from one swab on ColorpHast pH (P .04) and trichomoniasis (P .02), but a history of at
indicator strips (EM Science, Gibbstown, NJ) with a pH least one sexually transmitted disease was not signifi-
range of 4.0 7.0 to determine vaginal pH. Vaginal secre- cantly increased in the women with bacterial vaginosis.
tions were then combined with 2 drops of normal saline on Examination and recruitment location did not affect the
a slide and covered with a coverslip for the wet mount. prevalence of bacterial vaginosis.
Examination under high-powered microscopy identified The sensitivity and specificity and their respective
the percentage of clue cells. We added 10% potassium 95% confidence intervals of individual criterion and
hydroxide solution to the vaginal secretions from the sec- combinations of criteria are shown in Table 2. Vaginal
ond swab, and the release of a fishy amine odor signified pH was the criteria with the highest sensitivity, at 89%.
a positive whiff test. We then rolled the third swab along The sensitivity of the remaining 3 individual criteria
a glass slide and allowed it to air dry for the Gram stain. An ranged from 67% to 79%, and any combination of 2
assistant placed vaginal secretions from the final swab on criteria ranged from 61% to 69%. Amsels criteria had a
the FemExam card. This card has 2 colorimetric test circles sensitivity of 69%. Positive amine odor was the individ-
for the detection of vaginal pH of 4.7 or greater and volatile ual criteria with the highest specificity, at 93%. Similar
vaginal fluid amines. The individual test circles form a blue specificity was seen with combinations of 2 criteria and
plus () sign when the result is positive and blue minus () Amsels criteria (86 95%). Thin, homogeneous dis-
sign when the result is negative. To minimize bias of the charge had the lowest specificity, at 54%.
clinical evaluation, the examiner read the FemExam card The sensitivity, specificity, and 95% confidence inter-
immediately after recording all other information. vals of the FemExam card criteria are shown in Table 3.
Patients found to have bacterial vaginosis by clinical The FemExam card had a similar sensitivity, but lower
criteria were treated according to the current standard of specificity for pH, and a similar specificity but lower
care. We sent the Gram stain to Magee Womens Hos- sensitivity for the presence of amines when compared to
pital research laboratory where a standardized 0 10 the whiff test. When 1 of the 2 criteria was present on

552 Gutman et al Clinical Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients
Bacterial Vaginosis No Bacterial Vaginosis
(n 104) (n 165) P
Age (y) (mean SD) 25.4 7.8 23.3 6.5 .027
Median parity (range) 1.0 (05) 0 (07) .008
Pregnancy status .085
Pregnant 9 (9) 26 (16)
Nonpregnant 95 (91) 137 (84)
Ethnicity .015
White 28 (27) 75 (46)
Black 37 (35) 43 (26)
Hispanic 31 (30) 41 (25)
Asian 0 2 (1)
Other 8 (8) 4 (2)
Any symptoms 47 (45) 41 (25) .001
Vaginal discharge 39 (38) 25 (15) .001
Foul smelling odor 26 (25) 12 (7) .001
Vaginal itching 5 (5) 12 (7) .418
Vaginal burning 1 (1) 6 (4) .180
History of STD 57 (55) 78 (47) .223
Trichomonas 14 (13) 9 (5) .022
Gonorrhea 19 (18) 16 (10) .042
Chlamydia 45 (43) 54 (33) .081
Herpes 4 (4) 10 (6) .426
HIV 0 1 (1) .426
Other 9 (9) 16 (10) .774
SD, standard deviation; STD, sexually transmitted disease; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
Data are presented as n (%) unless otherwise indicated.

the card, the sensitivity was 89% and specificity was 61%. A receiver operating characteristic curve was gener-
When both of the criteria were present, the sensitivity ated for pH and clue cells on wet preparation. We
was 40% and the specificity was 95%. visually estimated the point of inflection on the receiver

Table 2. Sensitivity, Specificity, and 95% Confidence Intervals of the Clinical Criteria for Diagnosing Bacterial Vaginosis
Sensitivity 95% CI Specificity 95% CI AUC 95% CI
Thin homogeneous discharge 0.79 0.690.87 0.54 0.460.62 0.77 0.690.84
pH 4.5 0.89 0.820.95 0.74 0.660.80 0.82 0.760.86
Positive amine odor 0.67 0.570.76 0.93 0.880.97 0.80 0.750.85
Clue cells present ( 20% per hpf) 0.74 0.650.82 0.86 0.800.91 0.80 0.750.85
pH 4.5 and thin homogeneous discharge 0.69 0.590.79 0.86 0.800.91 0.78 0.720.83
pH 4.5 and amine odor 0.64 0.540.73 0.95 0.910.98 0.80 0.740.84
pH 4.5 and clue cells 0.69 0.590.78 0.92 0.860.95 0.80 0.750.85
Clue cells and amine odor 0.63 0.530.73 0.95 0.900.97 0.79 0.740.84
Clue cells and thin homogeneous discharge 0.61 0.500.71 0.91 0.860.95 0.76 0.700.81
Amine odor and thin homogeneous 0.58 0.470.68 0.94 0.890.97 0.76 0.700.81
Amsels criteria ( 3 of 4 criteria) 0.69 0.590.78 0.93 0.870.96 0.81 0.760.86
CI, confidence interval; AUC, area under the curve; hpf, high-power field.

Table 3. Sensitivity, Specificity, and 95% Confidence Intervals of the FemExam Card for Diagnosing Bacterial Vaginosis
Sensitivity 95% CI Specificity 95% CI AUC 95% CI
pH positive 0.88 0.800.93 0.64 0.560.72 0.76 0.700.81
Amine positive 0.41 0.320.51 0.91 0.850.95 0.66 0.600.72
pH or amine positive 0.89 0.810.94 0.61 0.530.68 0.75 0.690.79
pH and amine positive 0.40 0.310.50 0.95 0.900.97 0.67 0.610.73
CI, confidence interval; AUC, area under the curve.

VOL. 105, NO. 3, MARCH 2005 Gutman et al Clinical Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis 553
black and Hispanic women, who appear to be at higher
risk of having bacterial vaginosis than white women.17
We confirmed the findings seen in another large cross-
sectional study, which showed that patients with bacte-
rial vaginosis are more likely to have vaginal symptoms,
specifically vaginal discharge and foul odor.17,18 A study
by Larsson et al19 revealed similar risk factors for sexu-
ally transmitted diseases and bacterial vaginosis, includ-
ing lower age of first intercourse and higher number of
lifetime sexual partners. Yen et al17 displayed a lower
rate of bacterial vaginosis among the nonsexually ex-
perienced and a higher rate among those with multiple
sexual partners in the past 3 months. However, in our
study and in Yens, a history of a sexually transmitted
disease was not associated with an increased prevalence
Fig. 1. Receiver operating characteristic curve for pH. of bacterial vaginosis.
Gutman. Clinical Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis. Obstet Gynecol 2005. We confirmed the findings of Eschenbach et al18 that
vaginal pH had the highest sensitivity, but the lowest
operating characteristic curve. A pH of 5.0 or greater specificity, of all clinical diagnostic criteria. The low
maximized sensitivity (83%) and specificity (82%). How- specificity is not surprising considering that elevated pH
ever, a pH of 4.5 or more improves sensitivity to over may be altered by semen, cervical mucus, and blood. An
89% while still maintaining a relatively high specificity of elevated pH is more common in postmenopausal wom-
74% (Fig. 1). Sensitivity and specificity of clue cells appears en20 and can also be seen with trichomoniasis infections.
to be maximized with a cutoff of more than 20% clue cells The high sensitivity should serve as an asset in screening
on saline wet preparation (Fig. 2; sensitivity 74%, specific- algorithms. Our findings for amine odor also support
ity, 86%). previous studies that found it to have the highest speci-
ficity and lowest sensitivity of the individual criteria.18,21
The combination of any 2 criteria decreased sensitivity
DISCUSSION and increased specificity. However, the sensitivity and
The prevalence of bacterial vaginosis was higher in our specificity of each pair of criteria is similar to those
study (39%) than in most studies,1,2,17 and thus repre- observed for Amsels criteria. This implies that there is
sents a high-risk population. Although the ethnic diver- no clear advantage to using Amsels criteria ( 3 of the 4
sity of this population is not representative of most U.S. criteria). This supports our hypothesis that the current
communities, it provides us with a better sampling of clinical criteria for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis (Am-
sels criteria) can be simplified by using 2 clinical criteria,
without significant loss of sensitivity or specificity.
One study evaluating an objective colorimetric test for
amines found a sensitivity of 87% and specificity of 98%
compared with Gram-stain criteria.22 The authors con-
cluded that these tests are more sensitive than the whiff
test for detecting the presence of amines. We found the
FemExam card to have less sensitivity than the whiff
test for detecting amines and lower specificity for detect-
ing an elevated vaginal pH. The difference in pH may be
due to the different cutoff points: 4.5 for our study and
4.7 for the FemExam card. Overall, we felt the majority
of the differences could be explained by the difficulty in
reading and interpreting the results of the card. Although
it is conceptually easy to distinguish between a plus sign
and a minus sign, the results often had very faint blue
Fig. 2. Receiver operating characteristic curve for clue signals that were difficult to interpret. The findings may
cells. also be biased because the card was read after the clinical
Gutman. Clinical Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis. Obstet Gynecol 2005. criteria were collected and recorded, although we would

554 Gutman et al Clinical Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

have expected this to falsely raise the sensitivity and tests are negative, then additional tests should be per-
specificity. Also, the slight delay in reading the cards may formed until a diagnosis is made. This algorithm is only
have resulted in suboptimal outcomes. Ultimately, the indicated for the detection of bacterial vaginosis and
pH measurements are not statistically different based on cannot be used to rule out other infectious processes that
the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve may occur in conjunction with bacterial vaginosis. Ap-
and 95% CI, but the amine measurements appear to be propriate testing, including microscopy, should be per-
worse for the card because of the reasons listed above. formed as clinically indicated to rule out other infectious
This difference persists when pH and amine are both etiologies. In more complicated cases of recurrent or
positive because of the large discrepancy in the sensitiv- persistent bacterial vaginosis, a Gram stain should be
ity of amine measurements. The findings of this study considered to corroborate the diagnosis.
fail to support routine use of the FemExam card to In conclusion, we believe that the evidence in this
improve sensitivity and specificity. study supports simplifying the clinical diagnosis of bac-
The receiver operating characteristic curve confirms terial vaginosis. We recommend using any 2 of the 4
previously set cutoff points for pH and percentage of clue clinical criteria to achieve a test performance similar to
cells. The presence of greater than 20% clue cells on that achieved by using the criteria established by Amsel
saline wet preparation appears to optimize sensitivity et al.15
and specificity (Fig. 2). Although a pH of 5.0 or greater
appears to optimize sensitivity and specificity, we prefer
a pH of 4.5 or greater to improve sensitivity with an
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556 Gutman et al Clinical Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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