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Generalized versus

selected descriptions of quantum LC-circuits

E. Papp
Department of Theoretical Physics, West University of Timisoara, 300223, Romania

C. Micu
Physics Department, North University of Baia Mare, 430122, Romania
arXiv:0710.2620v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 14 Oct 2007

O. Borchin
Department of Theoretical Physics, West University of Timisoara, 300223, Romania.

L. Aur
Department of Theoretical Physics, West University of Timisoara., 300223, Romania
(Dated: January 1, 2014)
Proofs are given that the quantum-mechanical description of the LC-circuit with a time dependent
external source can be readily established by starting from a more general discretization rule of the
electric charge. For this purpose one resorts to an arbitrary but integer-dependent real function F (n)
instead of n. This results in a nontrivial generalization of the discrete time dependent Schrodinger-
equation established before via F (n) = n, as well as to modified charge conservation laws. However,
selected descriptions can also be done by looking for a unique derivation of the effective inductance.
This leads to site independent inductances, but site dependent ones get implied by accounting for
periodic solutions to F (n) in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions. Many-charge generalizations of
quantum circuits, including the modified continuity equation for total charge and current densities,
have also been discussed.
Keywords: Quantum LC-circuits; Charge discretization; Discrete Schrodinger equations; Many-charge gen-

I. INTRODUCTION technological developments.

We shall then use this opportunity to discuss in some
more detail the quantum-mechanical description of the
A fundamental concept which is responsible for sensi-
mesoscopic LC-circuit with a time dependent voltage
ble effects in electronic devices is the discreteness of the
source Vs (t). So far the discrete Schrodinger-equation
electric charge [1]. Quantizations of the conductance in
characterizing the LC-circuit has been established by
units of e2 /hc [2,3], or of the magnetic flux in units of
starting from the concrete charge eigenvalue equation
hc/e [4], can also be mentioned. Note that the charge
of the electron is e, as usual. Handling the discretized
charge also means that the application of the discrete
calculus, such as done by left ()- and right-hand () Qq |ni = nqe |ni , (1)
discrete derivatives, is rather suitable. Looking for ex-
planations, we have to realize that looking for low di- where Qq denotes the Hermitian charge operator and
mensional nanoscale systems on discrete spaces provide where n is an integer playing the role of the discrete co-
a deeper understanding of phenomena [5]. The same con- ordinate. Equation (1) shows, of course, that the elec-
cerns discrete tight binding models relying naturally on tric charge is quantized in units of the elementary electric
semiconductor quantum wells and nanoelectronic devices charge qe = e. One could also say that qe = 2e when deal-
[1,6]. In latter cases the coherence length gets larger ing with Cooper-pairs [14,15]. However, more general dis-
than sample dimensions, which leads to wealthy man- crete Schrodinger-equations concerning LC-circuits can
ifestations of quantum interference phenomena. Much also be derived. For this purpose we shall begin by per-
progress has also been done in the field of miniaturiza- forming a charge mapping like Qq Q e q = F (Qq ), where
tion of circuits. In this context it has been found that the F (n) is a real function of n. Applying discrete derivatives
quantum mechanical description of LC [7-10]-, L [10,11]- to the eigenvalue equation of Q e q , i.e. to
and RLC [12,13]-circuits can be done by resorting once
more again to the charge discretization. Studies in such
fields are promising, as they produce ideas for further e q |ni = F (Qq ) |ni = F (n)qe |ni
Q . (2)

results, surprisingly enough, in a generalized counterpart

of the discrete Schrodinger-equation relying on (1), as
Electronic address: well as in non-trivial modifications of the charge conser-
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The first task concerns the derivation of the canonically

conjugated observable, i.e. of suitable magnetic flux op-
erators. We shall then obtain a pair of non-Hermitian but [Q, ] = i~c , (8)
conjugated magnetic flux operators. The product of such in which case one gets faced with the flux-operator [16]
operators is then responsible for the kinetic energy-term,
i.e. for the Hermitian operator of the square magnetic
flux. Within the next stage of our approach we shall
= i~c . (9)
look, however, for selected realizations of F (n) yielding Q
a reliable description from the physical point of view.
This proceeds by establishing in a well defined manner However, a such realization is questionable because the
the effective impedance for the quantum circuit one deals electric charge, such as defined by (1) is not a continu-
with. Many-charge generalizations of quantum-circuit ous observable. This means that the introduction of a
equations can also be readily established. discretized version of (9) like


We have to recall that the classical RLC-circuit is de- for which +q = i~c/qe is in order. The Hermitian
scribed by the balance equation time-dependent Hamiltonian of the quantum LC-circuit
can then be established as

dI Q
L + IR + = Vs (t) , (3) +
q q
e 2q
dt C Hq = + e q Vs (t)
Q , (11)
2Lc 2 2C
in accord with Kirchhoffs law, where the current, the
inductance, the capacitance and the resistance are de- in which Hq = + 2
q q /2Lc has the meaning of the
noted by I = dQ/dt, L, C and R, respectively. Periodic kinetic energy. This amounts to solve the discrete
modulations of the voltage like Vs (t) = V0 cos(t) are Schrodinger-equation
frequently used, in which case the circuit is characterized
by the impedance

Hq < n | (t) >= i~ < n | (t) > (12)
1 working, of course, within the charge-number represen-
Z = R + i L . (4)
C tation. The Hermitian momentum operator an also be
readily introduced as Pq = (q + + q )/2.
Inserting, for convenience, R = 0, leads to the Hamilto-
Note that right- and left-hand discrete derivatives re-
ferred to above proceed as [17]
2 Q2
Hc Q, = 2
+ QVs (t) , (5) f (n) = f (n + 1) f (n) = (exp(/n) 1) f (n)
c 2Lc 2C (13)
where = ILc stands for the magnetic flux. Accord- and
ingly, (3) is produced by the Hamiltonian equations of
motion f (n) = f (n) f (n 1) = (1 exp(/n)) f (n)
dQ H so that + = and = . In addition, one
I= = = , (6) has the product rule
dt (/c) Lc

(f (n) g (n)) = g (n) f (n) + f (n 1) g (n) ,
d H Q and similarly for .
= = + Vs (t) , (7)
dt c Q C

as usual. This also means that the electric charge and the III. GENERALIZED VERSIONS OF THE
magnetic flux divided by c, i.e. Q and /c, are canoni- ELECTRIC CHARGE QUANTIZATION
cally conjugated variables. This result suggest that the
quantization of the LC-circuit should be done in terms Next let us apply discrete derivatives presented above
of the canonical commutation relation both to (2) and |ni. One finds

which leads to sensible effects. Under such conditions the

anisotropic discrete Schrodinger-equation for the single-
e q = qe F (n + 1) + qe F (n)
Q , (16) charge amplitude Cn (t) =< n | (t) > is given by
~2 (1 G(n)) ~2
Cn+1 (t) C (t) + (27)
e q = qe F (n 1) + qe F (n) . 2Le (n) qe2 e (n) qe2 n1
Q (17)
eq = "   #
Performing the Hermitian conjugation gives Q ~2 G (n) qe2 2
e e + e
qe F (n) and Qq = qe F (n) , where Qq = Qq . Ac- + 1 + F (n) qe F (n) Vs (t) Cn (t) =
e (n) q 2
L 2 2C
cordingly e

h i
Qe q , = qe F (n) (1 + ) , (18) = i~ Cn (t) .
and which works in accord with (2) and (12). It is clear that
(27) reproduces the usual result [7]
h i
Qe q , = qe F (n) (1 ) . (19)  
~2 qe2 2
Cn (t) + n qe nVs (t) Cn (t) = (28)
Now we are ready to introduce rescaled magnetic flux 2Lqe2 2C
operators like

  = i~ Cn (t)
e q = i~c

, (20)
qe F (n) via F (n) n.
which can be viewed as the generalized counterparts of
e + = i~c


. (21) One sees that (27), which differs in a sensible man-
qe F (n) F (n) F (n)
ner from (28), has a rather complex structure such as in-
Accordingly, the interaction-free Hamiltonian is given by volved by the n-dependence of coefficient functions. Such
structures exhibit a certain similarity to Schrodinger
equations with a position dependent effective mass [18].
q q
e q(0) = Furthermore, we have to realize that (27) as it stands
Hq(0) H , (22)
2Lc2 provides useful insights for more general descriptions. In-
deed, (27) produces a modified continuity equation like
which can be rewritten equivalently as

e (0) = ~2 e . n (t) + Jn (t) = gn (t) , (29)
H q (23) t
e (n) q 2
2L e
This time the inductance gets rescaled as
n (t) = qe | Cn (t) |2 , (30)
e (n) = L (F (n)) 2
LL , (24)
denotes the usual charge density, whereas
whereas the discrete right hand derivative is replaced
anisotropically by ~ 

Jn (t) = Im Cn (t)Cn1 (t) , (31)
e = (1 G(n))
. (25)
stands for the related current density. The additional
One has term in the continuity equation is

 2 e + 1)
F (n) L(n
G (n) = 1 , (26) gn (t) = qe G(n) Jn+1 (t) , (32)
F (n) e

which shows that there are additional effects which are where 1 and 1 are parameters, for which the effective
able to affect the time dependence of the charge density. inductance is Le 1 = 2 L. The rational charge quantiza-
This results in the onset of an extra charge density like tion is performed in terms of the fixings 1 = 1/P and
1 = 0, where P is a non-zero integer. Periodic func-
tions with unit period could eventually be considered.
e + 1) Z
L(n However, in such cases one has F (n) = F (n) = 0,
(t) = G(n) Jn+1 (t )dt , (33) which means in turn that such solutions can not be ac-
cepted. Note that (40) produces sensible modifications
going beyond (28). Indeed, the wave function acquires
relying typically on the nonlinear attributes of the gen- an additional phase via
eralized charge discretization function. The total charge
density is then given by
Cn (t) Cn (t) exp 1 qe Vs (t )dt , (41)
n(tot) (t) = n (t) + (dif
(t) , (34) ~
(dif f )
in which it has been assumed that n (t) 0 when whereas the voltage is supplemented by an additional dc-
t . component, as indicated by the superposition

1 qe
V. INTRODUCING THE EFFECTIVE Vs(1) (t) = 1 qe n Vs (t) . (42)
This time the shifted harmonic oscillator term is given
Equation (27) can also be interpreted in terms of an
effective anisotropic inductance by assuming three dif-
ferent realizations, namely L1 (n) = L(n)/ (1 G(n)),
L2 (n) = L(n) e
and L3 (n) = L(n)/ (1 G(n)/2). How- qe2 21 2 qe2 12
VHO (n) = n + , (43)
ever, the isotropy can be restored via 2C 2C
so that the total potential energy reads V (tot) = Vs (t)+
L1 (n) = L3 (n) = L(n) , (35) VHO (n). Moreover, we are in a position to introduce the
effective n-independent impedance
in which case
e1 1
Ze1 = i L , (44)
G(n) = 0 . (36) C

Accordingly, one should have which proceeds in accord with (4), (24) and (40), where
now R = 0.
Equation (39) has to be solved in terms of periodic
F (n) = F (n) , (37) functions of double period 2, i.e. in terms o trigonometric
and/or Jacobian elliptic functions. In the former case we
by virtue of (26), so that can propose the solution

F (n) = F (n + 1) 2F (n) + F (n 1) = 0 , (38) F (2) (n) = 2 sin(n + 2 ) + 2 , (45)

or producing an oscillatory charge, for which

F (n + 1) = F (n 1) , (39) F (2) (n) = 22 (1)n sin 2 . (46)

respectively. Under such conditions the modifications to The corresponding n-independent effective inductance is
the continuity equation are ruled out, as one might ex- e 2 = 422 sin2 2 , so that the impedance, say Z
given by L e2 ,
pect. can be readily established in a close analogy with (44).
Equation (38) has two kinds of solutions. First there A further solution working in terms of Jacobian elliptic
is the linear realization functions such as given by

F (1) (n) = 1 n + 1 , (40) F (3) (n) = 3 sn(2nK + 3 ) + 3 , (47)


can also be proposed. Here sn(u) denotes the sine am-

plitude, u stands for the argument, whereas K = K(k) N
is the well known complete elliptic integral of modulus Y
| n; N >= | nj > (54)
k [19]. Just note that sn(u) = sn(u), sn(u + 4K) =
sn(u) and sn(u + 2K) = sn(u). Now one has
so that (53) gets reproduced as
F (n) = 23 sn(2nK + 3 ) , (48)
e (j)
Q q | n; N >= qj Fj (nj ) | n; N > . (55)
which shows that this time one deals with the effective
n-dependent inductance Accordingly, the flux operator relying on the j-charge is
given by
e 3 (n) = 423 sn2 (2nK + 3 )L
L , (49)
so that the same concerns the related impedance (j)
q = i j (56)
1 in which case
e e
Z3 (n) = i L3 (n) . (50)
For convenience, we have restricted ourselves to periodic (j)+
q = i j (57)
Fi (n)-functions (i = 2, 3) defined in terms of odd func- qj
tions, as shown by (45) and (47). This corresponds to where this time j f (nj ) = f (nj + 1) f (nj ) and
the linear 1 n-term in (40), but the flux dependence of j f (nj ) f (nj 1).
persistent currents in Aharonov-Bohm rings could also We then have to solve the discrete Schrodinger-
be invoked [20]. Further clarifications concerning this equation
point remain, however, desirable. Two-point impedances
can also be established [21], which proceeds in terms of
eigenvalues of related Laplacian matrices.
Hq(MC) Cn;N (t) = i~ Cn;N (t) (58)

VI. MANY CHARGE GENERALIZATIONS OF by accounting for the factorization ansatz

Many-charge generalizations of (11) like Cn;N (t) < n1 , n2 , ...nN | (t) >= Cn(j)
(t) . (59)

X Having obtained single charge amplitudes via
Hq(MC) = Hq(j) (51)
where Hq(j) Cn(j) (t) = i~ C (t) (60)
t nj
opens the way to establish the N -charge amplitude in
(j)+ (j) e (j)2
q q Q q e (j) Vs (t) terms of (59). This separation produces a unique solution
Hq(j) = + Q q (52)
2Lj c2 2Cj if N = 2. This means that (59) has to be understood as a
reasonable extrapolation of the well defined N = 2-result
can also be proposed. The charge operators, the induc- towards N 1 3. The many charge version of (27) is then
tances and the capacitances are denoted by Q e (j)
q , Lj and given by
Cj , respectively, where now j = 1, 2, ..., N . Such Hamil-
tonians are synonymous to many-body counterparts of ~2 (1 Gj (nj )) (j) ~2 (j)
Cnj +1 (t) C (t) +
(11). Accordingly, (2) gets generalized as 2Le j (nj ) q 2 2 e j (nj ) q 2 nj 1
j j
e q(j) | nj >= qj Fj (Q(j)
Q "   #
q ) | nj >= qj Fj (nj ) | nj > (53) qj2 2
~2 Gj (nj )
+ 1 + F (nj ) qj Fj (nj ) Vs (t)
where the nj s are integers which are responsible for the e j (nj ) q 2
L j
2 2Cj j
charge eigenvalues. For the sake of generality, several
charge scales, say qj instead of qe , have also been as-
sumed. The present charge eigenfunctions are expressed (j)
Cn(j) (t) = i~ C (t) .
by products like j
t nj

for j = 1, 2, ..., N , where VII. CONCLUSIONS

e j (nj ) = Lj (j Fj (nj ))2

L (62) In this paper we succeeded to establish a more general
quantum-mechanical description of LC-circuits by start-
and ing from a generalized discretization rule for the electric
charge. To this aim one resorts to a real, but integer
j Fj (nj ) dependent function F (n) instead of n. This leads to the
Gj (nj ) = 1 . (63) generalized discrete Schrodinger-equation (27), which re-
j Fj (nj )
produces the usual result as soon as F (n) = n. A such
Repeating the same steps as before leads to the gener- generalized equation is able to incorporate additional ef-
alized version of the modified continuity equation fects going beyond the charge conservation proceeding
usually in terms of ingoing and outgoing electron flows.
(j) Selected realizations of such generalized descriptions are
(t) + j Jn(j) (t) = gn(j) (t) (64)
t nj j j
able to be done by resorting to additional physical re-
where quirements. For this purpose we found it suitable to
look for a unique derivation of the effective inductance,
as shown by (35). This leads to a linear realization of
(j) (j) 2 F (n) such as indicated by (40), but additional periodic
nj (t) = qj | Cnj (t) | (65)
solutions with double period 2 can also be proposed. Ac-
cordingly, one gets faced both with trigonometric and
~   elliptic solutions. Such solutions are illustrated by (45)
Jn(j) (t) = Im Cn(j) (t)Cnj 1 (t) (66)
e j (nj )qj
j and (47), but other selections can also be done specif-
ically. One sees that the effective inductance remains
and independent of n both in terms of (40) and (45), but
(49) exhibits clearly a non-trivial n-dependence. Many
e j (nj + 1) (j)
L charge generalizations of quantum LC-circuits can also
gn(j) (t) = qj Gj (nj ) Jnj +1 (t) . (67) be done, as indicated in section 6. The modified continu-
e j (nj )
ity equation concerning total charge and current densities
Our next step is to perform the j-summation in (64). has also been discussed.
This leads to the derivation of total charge and current It is worthy of being mentioned that the capacitance
densities as is sensitive to the discreteness of the electronic charge,
too [22]. This means that the conduction is suppressed
X at low temperatures and small applied voltages, but this
n(tot) (t) = (j)
nj (t) (68) phenomenon of Coulomb blockadecan be removed by
j=1 periodically modulated capacitive charging. Such effects
and have also been discussed by resorting to pure capacity-
design circuits [8].

(tot) n o The charge discretization is also able to serve to the
J n (t) = Jn(1)
(t), Jn(2)
(t), ..., Jn(N
(t) (69) quantum description of other systems which are rele-
vant in nanoelectronics, namely miniaturized LC ladder-
respectively. Correspondingly, the continuity equation circuits. First steps along this direction have already
reads been done, but further investigations are in order [13,
23]. Such circuits contain cells coupled capacitively, so
that currents (In ), voltages (Vn ), charges (Qn ) and mag-
n (t) + J n(tot) (t) = Gn(tot) (t) (70)
t netic fluxes (n ) are site dependent. Within the linear

regime the current obeys the equation
where = {1 , 2 , ..., N } and

X d2 In
In = LC , (72)
Gn(tot) (t) = gn(j)
(t) . (71) dt2
and similarly for Vn . We have to remark that these
The conservation of the total charge would then occur equations are equivalent to a linear Toda lattice [24].
(tot) However, nonlinearities may occur, in which case n =
when Gn (t) = 0 irrespective of t. This happens if
Fj (nj ) j nj + j , but the same concerns realiza- Li0 fN L (In /i0 ) instead of n = LIn , where i0 denotes a
tions complying with (45) or (47), respectively. Alter- current scale. This yields the modified equation
natively, there are mutual cancellation effects leading to
Gn (t) = 0, which are worthy of being considered in d2 fN L (In /i0 )
some more detail. In = i0 LC , (73)

which shows that a site dependent inductance such as different from being a macroscopic condensed matter sys-
given by LN L (n) = L fN L (In /i0 ) has to be accounted tem. First, the number of constituents is by now rather
for effectively. The same remains valid for a nonlinear small. However, the main point is that the miniatur-
capacitance given by CN L (n) = CgN L (Vn /v0 ), in which ization makes the coherence length to be larger than
case the sample dimensions. This opens the way to the oc-
currence of unexpected quantum interference phenom-
ena, such as Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of the conduc-
d2 gN L (Vn /v0 )
Vn = v0 LC , (74) tance with respect to the external fields, persistent cur-
dt2 rents, or Coulomb-blockade effects. It should be stressed
where v0 is the voltage scale. We have to realize that that such effects work in conjunction with the discrete-
the present n-dependent inductance L(n)e may be related ness of the charge. Moreover, there are parity depen-
or even identified to LN L (n). So we found a possibility dent period doubling effects in the oscillations of persis-
to handle charge and/or field dependent parameters of tent currents in Aharonov-Bohm rings, but when such
the quantum LC-circuit in terms of corresponding pa- rings are discretized only [5,28]. In addition, one deals
rameters of the nonlinear Toda-lattice. It is understood with nontrivial dynamic localization effects characteriz-
that time dependent charges for which In = dQn /dt d ing electrons under the influence of a time dependent
Qe q /dt should be approached within the Heisenberg rep- electric field [25] when the 1D line is replaced again by
resentation. the 1D lattice. These latter effects show that the dis-
Preserving, however, both anisotropy and generality creteness of the space has to be accounted for, too. In
of (27), means that the effective inductance is given by other words, one deals specifically with new physics re-
e e lying on a new quantum phase [29], for which neither
(24), so that the effective impedance is Z(n) = i( L(n)
the thermodynamic limit nor the ensemble averaging re-
1/C). Under such conditions general nonlinear realiza-
main valid. Nevertheless, signatures of the many-body
tions of the charge discretization function F (n), although
Kondo effect are still able to be identified, such as found
interesting from the mathematical point of view, are not
before in the case of junctions between Aharonov-Bohm
easily tractable. Indeed, they lead to position depen-
rings and leads [30,31]. In other words we have to ac-
dent hopping amplitudes, to anharmonic effects as well
count for interplays between new and former effects, as
as to complex valued energy dispersion laws. Moreover,
one might expect. Furthermore, the application of usual
in such cases the equivalence between the L-ring circuit
relativistic QED to miniaturized composites looks rather
and the electron on the 1D lattice under the influence of
unsuitable. This time there are novel effects relying on
the induced time dependent electric field is lost and the
non-local currents and quantum non-locality [32] or on
same concerns dynamic localization conditions [10, 25].
the advent of nonlinear relationships to the detriment of
However, there are reasons to emphasize that (27) is a
Ohms law [33], which prevent usual QED from being
promising starting point towards applications concerning
relevant to mesoscopic systems.
the complex motion of electrons or of other carriers under
So we are in a position to realize that being discrete
modified charge conservation laws.
opens the way to a deeper understanding of mesoscopic
Unusual commutation relations like
phenomena. The canonical quantization should then be
h i   done by applying discrete derivatives instead of usual
Q e q = i~c 1 + i qe F (n)
eq , eq , (75) ones. This results in a promising perspective towards a
~c suitable description of mesoscopic systems, now in terms
and developments provided by the application of quantum
mechanics to low dimensional systems on discrete spaces.
h i   The same concerns, of course, the successful description
eq ,
e+ qe e + F (n) of new phenomena characterizing mesoscopic structures
Q q = i~c i F (n) q , (76)
~c F (n) in terms of appropriate tight binding hopping models.
have also to be mentioned. Such relationships can be
viewed as non-Hermitian versions of generalized canon- Acknowledgments
ical commutation relations acting on non-commutative
spaces [26, 27], which looks rather challenging. Going
back to (40) yields, however, a closed algebra encompass- The authors are indebted to CNCSIS/Bucharest for
financial support.
ing the kinetic energy, the momentum and the charge, as
indicated before [10].
Finally let us address the question of whether meso-
scopic systems like quantum circuits should lie definitely
under the incidence of usual quantum electrodynamics
(QED) and of usual condensed matter theory or not.
Strictly speaking the answer seems to be negative. In-
deed, being mesoscopic or respectively nanosized is rather


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