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Biometric Attendance System

Integration of BAS

Same Software
Satyendra Kumar Maurya
Purpose....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Biometric Attendance System ........................................................................................................................ 3
Elixtra Attendance System ............................................................................................................................ 4
How to Integrate Batch Processor on N4I server............................................................................................. 4
Conclusion................................................................................................................................................... 6
The purpose of this document is to describe the integration process of biometric attendance system with elixtra.

Employee attendance system is a powerful module of elixtra. The payroll and leave management system directly
depends on this module. The attendance data of employee comes from four different sources

1. Employee fills the attendance using the timesheet editor from ESS
2. Reporting manager fills the attendance using the timesheet editor of an employees overview
3. Reporting manager upload the attendance in bulk using the import facility from excel.
4. Pulling attendance records from biometric attendance system

No 4 will be described in detail in this document.

Biometric Attendance System

It has an input control and a Microsoft Sql Server 2000 database. The input control takes the notification of in and
out of an employee through finger print and stores the in-time and out-time in the database. The structure of the
table which stores the in-time and out-time is

Here is a sample of records of this table

The integration requires the following fields only

Clk_EmpId This column stores the biometric card number of the employee
Clk_InDate This column stores the attendance in-date of the employee
Clk_InTime This column stores the attendance in-time of the employee
Clk_OutDate This column stores the attendance out-date of the employee
Clk_OutTime This column stores the attendance out-time of the employee

Elixtra Attendance System

Elixtra takes the attendance records from any of the four sources (described earlier) and stores in Elixtra
database. The database looks like

The attendance records are stored in MemberTimeSheet and MemberTimeSheetDetail tables.

How to Integrate Batch Processor on N4I server

Steps to Integrate Batch Processor on N4I server

1. Create a Biometric Database (DB Name as TimeCheck) and restore SS Biometric DB( Which is sent by
Kuldeep on Dated 21th Oct 2011).
2. Open Solution HRMS.Solution.sln.
3. Do the following changes in HRMS.BatchProcessor project App.config file.
i. batchProcessorConfiguration Setting

password="ARiEaKnwq/BB9PxdvXvnqQ==" activationDuration="1" onSuccessAction="None"
onFailureAction="None" emailTo="" smtpHost=""
smtpPort="25" culture="en-US" webServiceRequestTimeOut="30"
<clearProcess />
<addProcess processName="BiometricDataCollection"
enabled="true" startDate="10/12/2011" startTime="15:30" onFixedDay="0" repeatEvery="2"
timeUnit="Hour" numberOfRepetition="10">

Here is the description of each attributes

ProcessName: Contains the Process Name.

Enabled: Contains Process Activation info.
StartDate: Contains Process Start Date and It will updated after each process
complete with next process start date.
StartTime: Contains the process start Time on Start Date.
OnFixedDay: Contains default value as 0. Used if there is any special condition to
run this process on that day only for each month. Ex. If we want to run this
process to execute on every 15th of each month then set OnFixedDay=15.
RepeatEvery: It contain the value which specify day interval between process start.
TimeUnit: It show the Time Unit that will be one of Hour/Minute/Second,
NumberOfRepetition: It show how many number of thread run at a time.

ii. biometricIntegrationConfiguration Setting

<biometricIntegrationConfiguration tableName="tblClockDetails"
biometricCardNoColumnName="Clk_EmpId" inDateColumnName="Clk_InDate"
inTimeColumnName="Clk_InTime" outDateColumnName="Clk_OutDate"
outTimeColumnName="Clk_OutTime" noOfDays="60" dateFormat="MM-dd-yyyy"
whereCondition="" serializeFileName="" dbConnectionString="Data
Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=TimeCheck;User ID=sa;Password=sambe123#@"/>

Here is the description of each attributes

tableName: This contains the table name of biometric system database where the attendance records
are stored.
biometricCardNoColumnName: The column name of the table specified in tableName property
which contains the biometric card number.
inDateColumnName: The column name which contains In-Date of an attendance record.
inTimeColumnName: The column name which contains In-Time of an attendance record.
outDateColumnName: The column name which contains Out-Date of an attendance record.
outTimeColumnName: The column name which contains Out-Time of an attendance record.
noOfDays: Specifies the no of days attendance records should be collected. If its 3 then the
attendance records of last 3 days(including today) will be collected for processing.
dateFormat: Specifies the format of dates.
whereCondition: Specifies a filter condition if required. The filter applies on the records collected
according to the value noOfDays. Here is a sample
((Clk_InDate[GTET]CAST('04-20-2011' AS SMALLDATETIME) AND Clk_InDate[LTET]CAST('05-
19-2011' AS SMALLDATETIME)) OR (Clk_OutDate[GTET]CAST('04-20-2011' AS
In this sample, [GTET],[LTET] are the keywords should be replaced as follows
[GT]: This means Greater Than and replaced by >
[GTET]: This means Greater Than Equal To and replaced by >=
[LT]: This means Less Than and replaced by <
[LTET]: This means Less Than Equal To and replaced by <=
[ET]: This means Equal To and replaced by =
serializeFileName: This specifies the xml file path if xml serialization is required for the collected
attendance records.
dbConnectionString: This specifies the connection string of the biometric attendance system

This configuration settings is mapped in BiometricIntegrationConfiguration class.

iii. Change the Web Service URL.


4. Set the HRMS.BatchProcessor project webservice HRMS.BatchProcessor\ Web References\

BatchProcessorWebServiceReference URL by their properties window.
Web Reference URL: http://localhost/EitzenIT/BatchProcessorWebService.asmx
5. Update Web Service.
6. Set the entire solution in release mode. Clean the solution and after that build the solution.
7. Go to the Physical project root project. Find the BatchProcessorSetup file from following location.
[root folder of Project]\Solution\Source\HRMS.BatchProcessorInstaller\Release folder.
8. Run this setup on N4I Server.

The following needs to be true to make this process work

1. The connection string for biometric attendance system database is valid.

2. The database server is up and running.
3. The table name specified in configuration is valid and the table exists.
4. The column names are valid and exist.
5. The windows service is up and running.
6. The web service is up and running.

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