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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of Popular Power for Education

High School San Agustn of Caricuao

4th year section C

Violation of Human Rights in Venezuela


Carmen Luisa


Angel Barrios # 6

Vctor Crdenas # 12
Caracas, June 9th 2017

The systematic violation of all human rights that has characterized

the Venezuelan Castro-communist regime has intensified since
Nicolas Maduro illegitimately makes manifest the transformation of
Venezuela into the financial colony of Cuba and the results of
transculturization of the Venezuelan people that today has led to
submissive living, and in the Greatest miserllynall senses.

The news published by social networks and the very few private
media that still exist in the midst of the communist hegemony of the
regime, show and speak to all those who want to see and hear what
is happening In Venezuela today

Opinion polls describe the socio-political situation of the country in

terms that do not favor the regime at all. Just to mention one: the
Keller Survey conducted between 12/2 and 3/3 of 2016 shows as
findings of a survey that 92% of Venezuelans think that the situation
of shortage and supply have worsened and that equal Percentage
also sees the socio-political crisis in the country as severe, while
only 7% believe that it is not as serious. 80% of Venezuelans blame
Nicolas Maduro for such a disaster.

In the 2015 annual report of the Inter-American Commission on

Human Rights (IACHR) of the OAS, Venezuela again appears as a
state violating human rights. It qualifies the Venezuelan Judicial
Power as lacking in independence and autonomy. In Venezuela
there are dozens of political prisoners subjected to any amount of
physical and psychological abuse, plagued by delays in trials, court
judges, impunity, torture, impediments for human rights defenders to
perform their duties, false accusations. The common prisoners also
do not know justice, the Venezuelan jails suffer from overcrowding
and in them they command the pranes.

We chose this theme, apart from emphasizing the situation that we

live all Venezuelans, governed by an authoritarian, selfish and lying
government, to remind everyone that power should only be
exercised by a few people.

Venezuela has had ups and downs, but none as the current crisis. In
the XXI century, where technology keeps a boom in progress,
society and its ideologies are progressing and increasing the
efficiency of daily activities thanks to economic and social stability,
not all Venezuelans have to progress within the country, because
we are older Problem is to get food, wait for the government to
facilitate that same obtaining, to save in the minimum so that the
minimum wage reaches and the insecurity of both delinquents as
well as the national police

The greatest sins are being committed by them, Gluttony, Avarice,

Envy and forget that we Venezuelans thus have any ideal or social
position, we are human, just as we are brothers.

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