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An Article about Red Moon

In this article I will be using Miranda Gray's book "Red Moon" (ISBN
1-85230-496-0). You may be interested in purchasing it as it has far more to offer
than I can tell you in this brief discussion. For example she has a way to create a
moon dial to follow your own personal menstrual cycle and how each stage
affects you. If you are interested in looking deeply into this aspect of yourself I
would recommend your getting the book.
Many of us are used to thinking of the triple Goddess (maiden, mother, crone).
Miranda has added a fourth aspect, a hidden one representing the dark mother, the
one to whom all souls return waiting for rebirth. We find these aspects in many of
the old folk tales.
Looking at these aspects in terms of a woman's life we first see the Maiden
portrayed as energizing and dynamic, reflecting the increasing light of the waxing
moon. Next comes the Bright Mother, nurturing and fertile, reflecting the
radiating light of the full moon. Finally we see the Crone or Enchantress, holder
of wisdom and the powers of the inner world. She reflects the increasing darkness
of the waning moon. The waning moon leads us into the hidden aspect of the dark
moon. Here is where will find the dark mother or Hag, portrayed as death and the
soul of the divine. In this phase of a women's lifetime her soul is released to be
Likewise these aspects from folk tales can be seen in the wheel of the year and
our lunar month. The young beautiful virgin or innocent maiden represents the
pre-ovulatory phase of the waxing crescent moon, the dynamic energies of
Spring, and the energies of renewal and inspiration. The good mother or Queen
represents the time of ovulation, the full moon and the fullness of the energies of
Summer including sustenance and empowerment. The pre-menstrual Enchantress
or Crone represents the withdrawing energies of Autumn and the increasing
darkness of the waning moon. She holds her wise blood within which gives her
the power of deep magic. The Enchantress has the ability to enchant and
challenge men. In the old stories she is often portrayed as the initiator of death or
disaster necessary for growth. Finally we have the ugly old woman or Hag who
represents the menstrual phase of withdrawn energy and the lost beauty of the
land in Winter. If you look carefully into the incredibly wrinkled face of the Hag
you will see her love and understanding of eternity. She is the dark moon and the
bringer of transformation, gestation and inner darkness.
It is thought by many that all women used to menstruate around the new moon
and ovulate around the full moon. Whether this is true or not it is interesting to
look at the energies of our cycles according to these moon phases. For those of us
who are moon pause women (menopausal) we can follow the moon and her
energies completely. Some of you may find your periods are in phase with the
moon cycles at least part of the time. Others will not. In that case you will be
following two energy cycles throughout the month.
Some women are concerned because their cycles do not match those of the moon.
In our modern society few women's do. Also some women will find that their
'moontime' comes on the full moon instead of the new. There are some things you
can try that may help you periods come into tune with the moon. Try them if you
wish but don't be that concerned if it doesn't work.
The most obvious way is to simply spend more time gazing at Grandmother
Moon. In order to do this you need to have a sense of when she will be visible for
you. If you can remember that at the new moon the sun and moon rise and set
together you have a good base to work from. Each day the moon rises about an
hour later (she completes the cycle of 24 hours in about 29 days). So the new
moon rises about 6 am, the 1st quarter moon rises about noon, the full moon rises
about 6 pm and the last quarter moon rises about midnight. If you can keep that in
mind you will have some idea of when to look for the moon and where in the sky.
These times are very approximate as many factors go into this, but they can be an
easy guide.
Gazing at a moonless sky is wonderful as well. Some women have also tried
duplicating the moon phases in their bedroom by having a night light of some sort
The most obvious way is to simply spend more time gazing at Grandmother
Moon. In order to do this you need to have a sense of when she will be visible for
you. If you can remember that at the new moon the sun and moon rise and set
together you have a good base to work from. Each day the moon rises about an
hour later (she completes the cycle of 24 hours in about 29 days). So the new
moon rises about 6 am, the 1st quarter moon rises about noon, the full moon rises
about 6 pm and the last quarter moon rises about midnight. If you can keep that in
mind you will have some idea of when to look for the moon and where in the sky.
These times are very approximate as many factors go into this, but they can be an
easy guide.
Gazing at a moonless sky is wonderful as well. Some women have also tried
duplicating the moon phases in their bedroom by having a night light of some sort
on at full moon and having the room very dark at the time of the new moon.
Also women have found it helps if they set an intention to adapt their cycles to the
moon as a group. I have no idea how well this would work but I have noticed that
women who spend a lot of time together tend to cycle close together.
Whether these measures change your cycles or not time spending outdoors in
moon light is a beautiful gift we can give ourselves. And don't forget to look for
her during the day as well. You will be surprised how much of the time she is
looking down at you from that daylit sky.
Maiden Phase
Like the moon woman's body waxes as the womb fills in readiness for the seed.
Fluid increases in her body. Her energy usually increases as well. At this time she
is free from the procreative cycle and belongs only to herself. She is more likely
to feel self confidant and sociable. Mundane aggravations are less a problem at
this time. She feels more ambitious and can concentrate better and achieve more.
Her outlook on life is more joyous. At his time in her cycle she is prone to feel her
emotions and sexuality at a deep level. She may find that she requires less sleep.
It is a good time to stimulate you body with exercise and outdoor activities. It is
also a good time to do activities that activate your mind. Enjoy this phase and use
the energy it brings to catch up on things undone through the more inward parts of
your cycle.
Think about what you could use this renewed dynamic energy for. What project
have you been longing to start? How could you organize your life better? Its a
good time to tackle your finances.
In her book "Red Moon" Miranda Gray pictures the phase after a woman's
bleeding stops as the Maiden phase and compares it to the Virgin Goddess. If you
have a long flow this phase may even start a bit sooner.
The Maiden/Virgin is mentally and physically dynamic. It is easy for her to see
structure, to itemize and prioritize, to begin new projects and retain enthusiasm to
get them started in spite of any obstacles into the way.
She is independent and requires less support, comfort and encouragement from
others. She has an inner drive to push things through what she believes in against
any opposition. She is the protector of the weak and fights injustice.
The Virgin is the active side of women's inner nature. Deep feeling and intuitions
become the focus for determined action. Creative energies appear in inspirations.
She is ready to take on the world <G>.
This phase needs to be balanced with the other phases. If the virgin phase
dominates a woman may find herself totally involved in her career and trying to
be like a man with out honoring the other aspects of herself. On the other hand
she may shy away from expressing these energies at all because she fears the men
in her life or society in general would not approve.
Mother Phase
Like the full moon woman's womb is full and ready as it nears the time of
ovulation. A woman's body swells to fullness. She offers the potential of creating
new life. Not only in terms of having child but also in terms of beginning new
creations of all sorts. Perhaps a piece of art, or a project at work, or a woman's
group. The possibilities are infinite.
Miranda Gray pointed out to that many women unaware of this phase because this
is how they expect to be all the time. An interesting thought to me. This is when
we are how our society thinks we should be.
At this time women are naturally more loving, selfless, and able to care for and
sustain and support others. Relationships and contact with others is important at
this time. It is a good time for getting out to see friends and for spending time
with your family. You will need to be careful to avoid spreading your self too thin
as you may find you have become a magnet drawing people to you who need your
help and support.
Ask yourself how you want to use this ability to be full of openness, love, caring
and strength. How are you going to use this ability to support others? What will
group. The possibilities are infinite.
Miranda Gray pointed out to that many women unaware of this phase because this
is how they expect to be all the time. An interesting thought to me. This is when
we are how our society thinks we should be.
At this time women are naturally more loving, selfless, and able to care for and
sustain and support others. Relationships and contact with others is important at
this time. It is a good time for getting out to see friends and for spending time
with your family. You will need to be careful to avoid spreading your self too thin
as you may find you have become a magnet drawing people to you who need your
help and support.
Ask yourself how you want to use this ability to be full of openness, love, caring
and strength. How are you going to use this ability to support others? What will
you plan to do with these outgoing , creative energies.
It is a good time to build relationships, communicate with other and build ties that
will sustain you through the rest of your cycle. Sexuality you may find yourself to
be strong and open, but not aggressive. You have the energy and concern to help
those who need you. You tend to be confidant in your abilities now so it is a good
time to get stuck projects moving as well as starting new ones.
In the book "Red Moon" the phase around ovulation is described as the mother
phase. The Mother phase is a time of strength and energy but expressed in a more
selfless way than it was in the Virgin phase. The energy is more radiating than
dynamic. This phase balances the outward expression of energy with the with the
inner expression of love and caring. It is a phase that can bring contentment and
wholeness with a deep feeling of love and harmony.
The focus of the Mother phase is outward, toward others and not toward yourself
as it was in the Virgin phase. Because of this you have the ability to take on more
responsibility for others, to care for and love them offering then guidance,
counseling and compassion.
Again we need to look at the balance of the phases here. A woman who represses
her Mother energy may miss the joy of deep bonding with other people. On the
other hand a woman who lets this phase dominate can become passive, without
ambition for her own life and without self-confidence beyond the home.
Most likely if you cycle follows the moon you will be in your moontime (menses)
around the new moon. This is called the White Moon cycle. Yet we find that
many women have the opposite cycle in which they are in their moon at the time
of the full moon. This Red Moon cycle reminds us of the full moon rising through
a thick atmosphere resulting in a blood red moon.
Miranda Gray writes this in her book "Red Moon". "The Red Moon cycle shows
an orientation away from the expression of the energies in procreation and the
material world and towards inner development and its expression." So with the
Red Moon you may find when you ovulate at the dark of the moon a seed will be
planted for deep inner knowledge and awareness. You will then be able to bring
what you have learned to the light of the manifest world.
Enchantress Phase
In her book "Red Moon" Miranda Gray describes the time between ovulation and
menses as the Enchantress phase.
When the egg is released and not fertilized a woman experiences a deepening of
the inner side of her nature. Physical strength and stamina gradually wane just as
the moon wanes. Many women feel agitated and restless with an increasing need
for activity but without real direction for this need. Instead is displays itself a
restlessness and feeling of dissatisfaction with things. Though there is an
increasing need for sleep the mind is often to hyperactive to allow for this need.
Women often find themselves less able to cope with the problems and pressures
of life, especially as they near the end of the phase.
With these feeling of irritability comes the inspiration to let go of some of the
things that are not working in our life. A woman may find she is sharp, quick to
say what she thinks and intolerant of what is unnecessary.
With the Enchantress phase comes a need to interact with and learn more about
your inner world. You may find you are more interested in esoteric, spiritual or
psychological subjects. Learning skills such as herbalism, aromatherapy, healing
and astrology may interest you at this time. You my find you are more psychic
and may experience vivid visionary dreams. It is important that you find an outlet
for this increasingly inward and intuitive energy. It is a wonderful time to get out
your tarot cards and work with them.
Toward the end of this phase awareness of the material world increases, senses
sharpen, creative ideas increase. You may find yourself becoming increasingly
restless, emotional and empathic at this time. Your concentration and thought
processes may become increasingly more illogical and emotional.
Again we need to look at balance. The woman who is unable to express the
With the Enchantress phase comes a need to interact with and learn more about
your inner world. You may find you are more interested in esoteric, spiritual or
psychological subjects. Learning skills such as herbalism, aromatherapy, healing
and astrology may interest you at this time. You my find you are more psychic
and may experience vivid visionary dreams. It is important that you find an outlet
for this increasingly inward and intuitive energy. It is a wonderful time to get out
your tarot cards and work with them.
Toward the end of this phase awareness of the material world increases, senses
sharpen, creative ideas increase. You may find yourself becoming increasingly
restless, emotional and empathic at this time. Your concentration and thought
processes may become increasingly more illogical and emotional.
Again we need to look at balance. The woman who is unable to express the
enchantress energies may find that these energies emerge in negative ways such as
eating disorders or in manic or compulsive behavior. The woman who let the
Enchantress energies dominate her life may become aggressive and domineering
with little thought or tolerance for other people.
Miranda Gray wrote to me that this premenstrual phase is a wonderful phase!
"Everything comes to the surface and boils over in frustration, anger, restlessness,
creative energy, impulse, intuition, primal instinct, power, magic, desire and
mania." Nothing is left hidden. It is a perfect time to look at your life and see what
changes need to be made. Use the intolerance you feel at this time to cut away the
pressures and commitments and those aspects of relationships that are not longer
necessary or which are the cause of the problems.
As our subconscious and deeper levels rise to the surface we often find it difficult
to meet our needs resulting in frustration, anger intolerance. Our society expects
us to continue as usual but we are not the same so we become frustrated and angry
at ourselves. This can result in guilt, self- reproach and destructive self analysis.
Often I hear women putting themselves down when they are premenstrual, a if it
is a weakness in them that they should be able to control.
The restlessness and frustration during this time often develops out of the
restriction of the creative energies that have built up. The challenge here is to find
a way to let these energies flow in a creative sense. First look at how you can use
the destructive energies to clear away the old and unwanted in you life. Also try
using this energy for creative projects that you may or may not want to keep.
Some ideas that came to me are the making of a shield, the writing of a poem or
the drawing a picture of how you feel. These kinds of things are more for self
understanding than for others to see.
This energy may also be released through physical activity. Let you body tell you
what kind or how much it needs. This is not the time to make a goal in terms of
exercise. The energy comes in bursts and often you have no long term stamina.
Physically your energies decline. You have less stamina and concentration. You
need more sleep. Recognize you need for withdrawal and plan less social time and
more time for yourself during this time. Try to find time to yourself or with a
trusted when you can let your emotions flow instead of damming them up.
As you become more aware of your cycles and more understanding of yourself
you will gradually find this premenstrual times less stressful.
Dark Mother Phase
Miranda Gray in her book "Red Moon" visualizes our moon time or menses as the
phase of the Dark Mother or Hag. She is the dark moon and the bringer of
transformation, gestation and inner darkness.
I want to start by mentioning what a difference it makes to simply call your period
your moontime. It makes you fell totally different about yourself. As if you are
special and blessed by the moon. Trailstalker added even more to this picture by
posting this message.
"You might want to check the phrase "on my moon"...I used to call it that and was
somewhat sternly(?) <G> corrected by a Native American woman who informed
me that "we do not ride the moon like some huge kotex ... we are not ON the
moon.... we are IN our moontimes... they fill us and we become them".... it's like
existing in Springtime, Summer, Autumn, Winter.... Moontime.... etc. She was
really kinda indignant about it "
Miranda Gray points out that his phase brings a need for quiet and a need to be
still. "Most women's lives are so hectic that they do not allow themselves to
menstruate naturally. The body loses the blood but the tampon reduces the
woman's awareness of this and she carries on as 'normal'. Perhaps needing to push
herself even harder both mentally and physically in order to achieve her usual
working expectations. In many cases, a woman may wonder why she is so tired
and unable to work, only to remember that she is menstruating"
me that "we do not ride the moon like some huge kotex ... we are not ON the
moon.... we are IN our moontimes... they fill us and we become them".... it's like
existing in Springtime, Summer, Autumn, Winter.... Moontime.... etc. She was
really kinda indignant about it "
Miranda Gray points out that his phase brings a need for quiet and a need to be
still. "Most women's lives are so hectic that they do not allow themselves to
menstruate naturally. The body loses the blood but the tampon reduces the
woman's awareness of this and she carries on as 'normal'. Perhaps needing to push
herself even harder both mentally and physically in order to achieve her usual
working expectations. In many cases, a woman may wonder why she is so tired
and unable to work, only to remember that she is menstruating"
Miranda points out that it is important to slow your pace down at this time. Be
sure to plan some inner time for yourself and perhaps some quiet time with other
women. "Once you start to allow yourself to slow down, you will find this process
comes naturally and will alter the comparative urgency and priorities of things
you have to do."
Miranda points out that at the time of bleeding the barriers between the conscious
and sub conscious are lowered, enabling you to open up and interact body
consciousness. " Although withdrawn, the phase is not negative; there is often a
feeling of acceptance and of being a part of everything and this is an opportunity
for you to allow you inner expression in your waking mind."
It is a time of stillness, trance like withdrawal. At this time you need to sleep and
dream. You may feel a sense of interconnectedness, spiritual awareness and love.
Out of this rest can come inspiration and insight. Trust your awareness at this
time. It is a good time for meditation and prayer.
You may find that you cry easily. Do not try to stifle you tears. "Crying results in
the flow of energies which can become part of the healing during menstruation.
the emotions of grief are also a reflection of the awareness of death, and the end
of the old cycle and of loss, which are all a part of the monthly link between the
woman and the rhythms of life." Because you are very sensitive and empathic at
this time you may need to protect yourself from the TV news and the newspaper.
You cannot carry the grief and emotions of the whole world.
Again we need to look at balance. If a woman lets the nature of this phase
dominate she may develop a tendency to live in her dreams and fantasies. On the
other hand if she represses it she will also repress the inner strength and wisdom
which she holds within herself and find that she is unable to deal with change.
It will take time to change you life style enough to really value this time. Start
with something small. Like some time to yourself the evening that you moontime
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The Virgo new Moon: Embodying the True Virgin

The body is a big sagacity, a plurality with one sense, a war and a peace, a flock and a shepherd.

-- Friedrich Nietzsche

This evening the Moon joins the Sun in the constellation of earthy Virgo ushering in a rather grounding new Moon. The monthly new Moon phase offers us an opportunity to
initiate actions, plant seeds and begin over in the particular arena related to where the Sun and Moon are transiting. The astrological Virgo is the virgin goddess, she who
rules over the harvest, the natural rhythms of nature as well as physical and spiritual wellness of the body. She thrives when her world is in order and when the vessel of her
soul - her body - is healthy.

This new Moon at 23 degrees will be in close proximity to Mercury, ruler of Virgo in his/her more earthly incarnation. And, as astrologer Katie Sweetman points out, the
new Moon rises at the same degree as the day on which Mars stationed retrograde back in late January. Incidentally, this was smack bang in the middle of my trip to the
Hawaiian Islands, where I felt immersed in and enveloped by goddess energies. Hawaii happens to be ruled by Virgo which should come as no surprise to anyone who has
spent time on her lands. The energy of the divine feminine in her earthy, bountiful, healing and purifying manifestation is undeniable. I have been making pilgrimages to the
Hawaiian Islands since Harolds passing in 2006. With each visit, I am clearer about my purpose, my direction in life and my connection to the planet as a multi-dimensional
and multi-faceted woman.

The lunations of the past few months have been tapping into the upending energies of the Pluto-Uranus square which reached their peak this summer and will
continue to make significant contacts until 2015. This Virgo new Moon is, for me, bringing issues of the feminine to the fore and thus
I have thoughts of the virgin goddess on mind. Not the Judeo-Christian concept of the virgin, i.e. a chaste woman. This is not about abstaining from sex. I am not about
abstaining from sex. Virgo is most certainly not about abstaining from sex. Trining physical and sensuality-loving Taurus and sextiling the deeply erotic energies of Scorpio,
Virgo represents the body as temple and vehicle for soul. She represents the virgin/whore paradigm alive in the personal and collective unconscious. In Latin, virgo
essentially means unmarried or self-possessed and connotes not sexual purity but a self-sufficiency which made these deities eschew wifely roles. As mistress of herself,
the virgin goddess belonged to no one, and therefore acted solely from her own will, rather than as a mouthpiece or consort of a male deity. (Liz Greene, Mythic Astrology).

Mythically, Virgo has been presided and ruled over by a number of powerful feminine deities, including Demeter, the goddess of earth, hearth and harvest. In fact, the glyph
for Virgo is said to represent the harvest goddess holding grain (from Mythic Astrology by Guttman and Johnson). The constellation is also believed to have been ruled by the
goddess Astraea, known to the Greeks and Romans as the patron of justice and natural law who presided over the orderly cycles of nature. She is also, in contemporary
astrologer, thought to be ruled by Mercury whose territory is the brain, the nervous system and the links between the mind and the functions of the body. Virgo speaks
through the interplay between psyche and soma. So much of the orderliness, discernment, ritual and routine we associate with this sign is about restoring balance from the
outside inwards. And as the last of the personal signs, Virgo speaks to the body as physical boundary between the self and the world.

In the past several decades a globalized media has overwhelmed us with images of an idealized, westernized body and conditioned us to see any exception to that ideal as a
problem. The body has become an object, a site of production and commerce in and of itself. Susie Orbach, Bodies

During the month of Virgo, the virgin, it has been interesting to observe the extent to which this archetype of the self-possessed, divine feminine is so threatening to the
collective at least here in the U.S. where the ultra right has all but declared a war on womens bodies. I have been watching and listening in horror to the rhetoric around
rape and the floating of the most horrific concepts: legitimate rape and rape as a means of conception. I will not use this space to explain what these concepts constitute but
suffice it to say that the lawless way in which they are being bandied around feels a heck of a lot like nails in the coffin of already-weak national/collective values regarding
autonomy and authority over our own bodies.

As a survivor of sexual abuse and assault, I cannot help but be triggered by the prevailing rhetoric. Although, if we're honest, it's nothing new. This discourse rests upon an
historic political, cultural and economic continuum that allows for the objectification of humans based on differing aspects of our identities. Anyone who has survived
violations to or appropriation of the body understands disempowerment. We know what it feels like to be robbed of personal authority and of personhood.
So much of the commentary in response has been understandably emotionally charged and yet mostly intellectual in nature, as if the violation is occurring in our minds. As if
it is primarily our principles which are offended. Personally, I have found myself experiencing PTSD whiplash. I have noticed a well-seasoned facility for slipping into
dissociation kicking in. I have become aware of the absence of sensation from my throat, downwards. A loss of sensuality and sexuality. A disconnection from my personal

For me, this rhetoric is tantamount to a rape in my body my physical and etheric body. It is not just my ideals which are offended. I am not just morally outraged. I am sick
to my very stomach and find myself in a kind of disempowered paralysis where I almost hate my body for betraying me as political battleground. As my energetic vibrations
are lowered, so is my ability to respond creatively and my health suffers. I find myself robbed of my usually buoyant and cathartic creative inspiration, struggling to find
solutions to basic problems. I know I am not alone in responding this way.

The issue of bestowing ones gifts or ones bounty as one wishes, according to inner laws, rather than satisfying expectations to gain rewards, seem fundamental to the
mythic figure of the Virgin. Liz Greene

It is no accident that these heinous words regarding womens bodies reached their peak during the month of the Virgin. Nor is it an accident that this new Moon is occurring
just days before the second exact square aspect between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. The movement and cycles of these two planets opposing, squaring and
conjoining each other, and in a sometimes-waltz with Neptune, the great redeemer - are what define our generations and what create marked and distinct eras. During their
last aspect a conjunction in the sign of Virgo no less we witnessed the emergence of a very visible woman. She was entering the workplace with her sisters. She was
taking charge of her lifestyle, her body, her sexuality and where the three intersected and intertwined. She was speaking out on a range of issues from gender to sex to race
to economics. Men were invited to shift in relationship to their own femininity. Roles began to morph, shift, change and reverse. Woman began to encompass many different
identities as did Man and today we can choose to not identify as either man or woman.

Those were the years when my mothers family left India bound for West London. My mother reminisces about finding her independence in the London of the swinging 60s,
of experimenting with fashion, mixing up mini-skirts with saris in psychedelic prints. Of acquiring vocational skills and working for a salary. Of tasting of the world with her
own tongue and seeing through her own eyes. Of making decisions about herself for herself by herself. The same was happening for her cousins elsewhere and even for my
grandmother who had, for most of her life, experienced fulfillment in a less visible fashion.
In sum, the last significant contact between Uranus and Pluto began, amongst other things, the overhaul of the gender binary norms which had served to reign in and
constrain feminine power to the unseen and the hidden.

I felt innocent and wild, privy to secrets and gifts exchanged only in nature... Hands on the earth, I closed my eyes and remembered where the source of my power lies. My
connection to the natural world is my connection to self erotic, mysterious, and whole. -- Terry Tempest Williams, An Unspoken Hunger
In this particular go-around, a square between the planetary behemoths suggesting tension and fights, it is our outworn structures economic, political, social, familial,
persona, interpersonal and ancestral which are being overhauled. There is something of the patriarchy being cleansed and rebalanced. There is something of our relationship
to ourselves which is being honed and overhauled. There is something of the elemental balance being redressed in nature and subsequently in society and culture. We see
dramatic shifts in the planet and we, in our physical bodies, comprising 75% water just as she, are but her mirrors. As many traditional cultures know and understand, the way
we treat our bodies is a reflection of how we value the earth and vice versa.

I do believe we are being offered an opportunity to redress imbalances in the earth, in our social, political and cultural systems through our personal bodies. I am heartened,
perversely, by the fact that the time and place in which this resurgence in unbridled misogyny is occurring is one in which we have ever more options to respond creatively
and in keeping with both our humanity and our femininity. For me, the realest way to respond to the socio-cultural attacks on our bodies and ergo the earth is to elevate the
importance of our bodies. To celebrate our bodies and to care for them as the temples we often wish them to be and as, in our secret moments, we experience them to be. We
can start on a personal level because Virgo is a personal sign. We can start in simple ways which speak to Virgos healing, purifying and balancing qualities. We can create
sacred and ritual space for Mercury the healers caduceus to alchemize our concept of body as tool, machine or site of control into body as divine instrument of the universe.
We can address tendencies towards excessive hardship and labor, sleep deprivation and self-denial which keep us disconnected from the rhythms of nature and in turn block
our own instinctual and primitive wisdom. We can relearn the ancient faculty for asking not what the body can do for us, but rather, what is the body telling us. We can pay
better attention to all that you we put into our bodies from the physical and mundane such as food and drink to the spiritual and emotional such as thoughts, concepts and

At this new Moon, we have options in how we choose to avail of these powerful energies. We can busy ourselves by organizing our drawers and balancing our checkbooks
and starting a juice cleanse. Or we can go deeper. We can use the opportunity of these upending times to remember, reconnect with and reclaim the original and archetypal
meaning of Virgo the Virgin. Because [t]he healing of ourselves as healers has to take place first. Bringing ourselves to wholeness, we become more sensitive to other
people. In the change of consciousness that happens within us, we bring about change of consciousness in those around us and in the planet itself." (Marion Woodman)
The Virgin wears many faces. She is Diana and Vesta to the Romans, Brigid to the Celts, Isis to the Egyptians, and Artemis to the Greeks. She runs with wild elemental
forces, warms the hearth, influences female fertility and has a special relationship with the Moon. A gifted healer, she knows the secrets of roots and herbs. She assists
women in childbirth. (immediately after her own birth, Artemis helped deliver her twin Apollo!) The Virgin sings us into being and guides us through the healing process of
being human. She is powerful. Why, then, is the currently common view of Virgo so uptight and dry? Its as if our culture had lost its connection to the maiden, depicting
Virgo as a bespectacled librarian or spinster secretary, stripped of her natural eroticism. Virgos shadow is left to dance suggestively on videos for MTV. We have a soulful
responsibility to develop the Virgin in our Virgo houseto re-embody her strong, free spirit, to run with elemental forces. We need to study the secrets of nature, kindle the
flame of spirit in our hearths, assist others in their healing and birthing. In other words, we need to draw this goddess back into our world again. Doing this may be your
most important work. -- Dana Gerhardt, Astrologer

thics of The Modern Witch 1:

When Did Perfect Love and Perfect Trust End?
Written by Firewolf (From Witches Voice)
Today, we live in a country in which we, as followers of the Old Religion, prosper and grow at enormous rates. Our religion and craft grow larger every day,
and as a result of this rapid and seemingly unchecked growth, it appears that more misunderstandings are created through the dilution of misguided
practioners and teachers of the craft. As Witches, we seem to have forgotten the true meaning of the Old Ways. We cast our circles and perform our rites, yet
in many societies throughout our nation, the true meaning of the Old Ways is diluted and depleted as each day goes by. Of course, this is not addressed to
those who strive to fix the misconceptions, but to those important societies and organizations who are supposed to represent us, yet portray us in a negative,
if not egocentric, manner.
There seem to be many of us arguing over whether so-and-so's tradition is wrong, historically genuine, or works the best. They frown on those whose blood
and tears granted us the rights we have today, because of their arrogance and ignorance. We seem to have forgotten why we are here and that we are all
connected to each other in the universal web of life. In a manner, we have forgotten that the point is to revive the Old Ways and not suppress them. Modern
Wicca and Witchcraft is not an ancient religion; it is a revival of old pagan ways and worship. To improve the understanding of the Old Religion, and to keep
its antiquity, we must stand against the misconceptions, which most either don't believe exist or to which they turn a blind eye, and educate those who are
willing to listen.
Compassion is the key to the Witches' Magick. The ability to understand and relate to those who suffer, and to project kindness and healing to those around
us, is what true Witchcraft embodies. We stand hand in hand in our circles, but allow our egos to overcome us at times and drive us to judge those whom we
feel to be our inferiors. In the ways of the Old Religion, there is no superior or inferior. We are physically and emotionally very different, and yet we are still the
same, and we must learn to nurture the diversity each human being has to offer. In the process of accepting and respecting other's diversity, we may learn
something and place it in our own lives to act as a catalyst for growth and magick. We must all strive to show the compassion and love of the Gods in
everything we do, for love is the true key to the mysteries of the Goddess.
Now we come to those who seem to be compassionate, and yet who, in the end, suffer from hardship and disrespect. Sovereignty is the Crown of the Witch
-- it is the ability to project compassion while keeping a positive sense of self-control that grows and prospers. In my day, I have met many "weak" people who
cling to magick and spells as a resolution for everything wrong in their lives. We as witches must take responsibility for this major misconception. We must
once again have the sovereignty to educate those who have been guided onto this path of ignorance.
Within all communities there will always be differences and disagreements, but do we want the future generation of Witches to see us as arrogant, pompous,
self-absorbed Priests and Priestess, looking for a way to control others? Especially when, in reality, those who seem to control others are those who have no
control over themselves? We must learn to balance our egos -- not to suppress them -- for they are of our nature, but to balance them and understand
ourselves. Knowing ourselves creates the energy for us to grow and become better and healthier people.
We must take a stand, turn the protesting signs around, and look at what we are becoming. We are becoming what we hate: those self-righteous people who
are absorbed with in their own life but who judge the lives and spiritual progression of others. When I say "we must take a stand, " I mean in our own personal
lives. We must learn and educate ourselves so that, one day, our world will be more tolerant if not more understanding. And we must change ourselves to
become more tolerant and understanding of the things around us as well. We need to stop hiding behind these masks of weakness, arrogance, and blame,
and stand up for ourselves, and for the Gods our Ancestors so dearly treasured. The Gods, above and below, teach us to love, to dance, and sing in their
honor... and it seems we have forgotten that. Bless those who fight, honor those who have died, and show compassion to those in need.
We need to ask ourselves, "What makes a Witch?" Is it lineage, age, tradition, degree...? A true Witch strives to balance his or her own life, to bring about a
better connection with the Divine. Our Ancestors knew this, and yet it seems as though we are on a path which causes us to forget. And in the end of all
ends, what does it matter what your lineage is, or who you were initiated by? All that matters is who you are as a person and as a follower of the Old Religion,
and what is in the deepest places of your heart.
Look inside and ask yourself: are you a Witch? Are you, right now, striving to build a better connection and understand the Powers that be? If yes, then you
are on the true path of our Goddess. If no, don't give up; learn to bring about change and make a stand in your life for the better. We need to stand in our
circles of magick and connect with those around us and become channels of love and magick for the world to see.
We must learn to Honor those who teach, bless those who are willing to learn, love all of the Old Ways, not what we pick and choose to love, and to draw the
magick of Sovereignty and Compassion into our lives and use them as tools of magick and knowledge. We have no right to judge, for in the Old Ways, there
is no judgment-only love and understanding!
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust!
thics of The Modern Witch 1:
When Did Perfect Love and Perfect Trust End?
Written by Firewolf (From Witches Voice)
Today, we live in a country in which we, as followers of the Old Religion, prosper and grow at enormous rates. Our religion and craft grow larger every day,
and as a result of this rapid and seemingly unchecked growth, it appears that more misunderstandings are created through the dilution of misguided
practioners and teachers of the craft. As Witches, we seem to have forgotten the true meaning of the Old Ways. We cast our circles and perform our rites, yet
in many societies throughout our nation, the true meaning of the Old Ways is diluted and depleted as each day goes by. Of course, this is not addressed to
those who strive to fix the misconceptions, but to those important societies and organizations who are supposed to represent us, yet portray us in a negative,
if not egocentric, manner.
There seem to be many of us arguing over whether so-and-so's tradition is wrong, historically genuine, or works the best. They frown on those whose blood
and tears granted us the rights we have today, because of their arrogance and ignorance. We seem to have forgotten why we are here and that we are all
connected to each other in the universal web of life. In a manner, we have forgotten that the point is to revive the Old Ways and not suppress them. Modern
Wicca and Witchcraft is not an ancient religion; it is a revival of old pagan ways and worship. To improve the understanding of the Old Religion, and to keep
its antiquity, we must stand against the misconceptions, which most either don't believe exist or to which they turn a blind eye, and educate those who are
willing to listen.
Compassion is the key to the Witches' Magick. The ability to understand and relate to those who suffer, and to project kindness and healing to those around
us, is what true Witchcraft embodies. We stand hand in hand in our circles, but allow our egos to overcome us at times and drive us to judge those whom we
feel to be our inferiors. In the ways of the Old Religion, there is no superior or inferior. We are physically and emotionally very different, and yet we are still the
same, and we must learn to nurture the diversity each human being has to offer. In the process of accepting and respecting other's diversity, we may learn
something and place it in our own lives to act as a catalyst for growth and magick. We must all strive to show the compassion and love of the Gods in
everything we do, for love is the true key to the mysteries of the Goddess.
Now we come to those who seem to be compassionate, and yet who, in the end, suffer from hardship and disrespect. Sovereignty is the Crown of the Witch
-- it is the ability to project compassion while keeping a positive sense of self-control that grows and prospers. In my day, I have met many "weak" people who
cling to magick and spells as a resolution for everything wrong in their lives. We as witches must take responsibility for this major misconception. We must
once again have the sovereignty to educate those who have been guided onto this path of ignorance.
Within all communities there will always be differences and disagreements, but do we want the future generation of Witches to see us as arrogant, pompous,
self-absorbed Priests and Priestess, looking for a way to control others? Especially when, in reality, those who seem to control others are those who have no
control over themselves? We must learn to balance our egos -- not to suppress them -- for they are of our nature, but to balance them and understand
ourselves. Knowing ourselves creates the energy for us to grow and become better and healthier people.
We must take a stand, turn the protesting signs around, and look at what we are becoming. We are becoming what we hate: those self-righteous people who
are absorbed with in their own life but who judge the lives and spiritual progression of others. When I say "we must take a stand, " I mean in our own personal
lives. We must learn and educate ourselves so that, one day, our world will be more tolerant if not more understanding. And we must change ourselves to
become more tolerant and understanding of the things around us as well. We need to stop hiding behind these masks of weakness, arrogance, and blame,
and stand up for ourselves, and for the Gods our Ancestors so dearly treasured. The Gods, above and below, teach us to love, to dance, and sing in their
honor... and it seems we have forgotten that. Bless those who fight, honor those who have died, and show compassion to those in need.
We need to ask ourselves, "What makes a Witch?" Is it lineage, age, tradition, degree...? A true Witch strives to balance his or her own life, to bring about a
better connection with the Divine. Our Ancestors knew this, and yet it seems as though we are on a path which causes us to forget. And in the end of all
ends, what does it matter what your lineage is, or who you were initiated by? All that matters is who you are as a person and as a follower of the Old Religion,
and what is in the deepest places of your heart.
Look inside and ask yourself: are you a Witch? Are you, right now, striving to build a better connection and understand the Powers that be? If yes, then you
are on the true path of our Goddess. If no, don't give up; learn to bring about change and make a stand in your life for the better. We need to stand in our
circles of magick and connect with those around us and become channels of love and magick for the world to see.
We must learn to Honor those who teach, bless those who are willing to learn, love all of the Old Ways, not what we pick and choose to love, and to draw the
magick of Sovereignty and Compassion into our lives and use them as tools of magick and knowledge. We have no right to judge, for in the Old Ways, there
is no judgment-only love and understanding!
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust!
thics of The Modern Witch 1:
When Did Perfect Love and Perfect Trust End?
Written by Firewolf (From Witches Voice)
Today, we live in a country in which we, as followers of the Old Religion, prosper and grow at enormous rates. Our religion and craft grow larger every day,
and as a result of this rapid and seemingly unchecked growth, it appears that more misunderstandings are created through the dilution of misguided
practioners and teachers of the craft. As Witches, we seem to have forgotten the true meaning of the Old Ways. We cast our circles and perform our rites, yet
in many societies throughout our nation, the true meaning of the Old Ways is diluted and depleted as each day goes by. Of course, this is not addressed to
those who strive to fix the misconceptions, but to those important societies and organizations who are supposed to represent us, yet portray us in a negative,
if not egocentric, manner.
There seem to be many of us arguing over whether so-and-so's tradition is wrong, historically genuine, or works the best. They frown on those whose blood
and tears granted us the rights we have today, because of their arrogance and ignorance. We seem to have forgotten why we are here and that we are all
connected to each other in the universal web of life. In a manner, we have forgotten that the point is to revive the Old Ways and not suppress them. Modern
Wicca and Witchcraft is not an ancient religion; it is a revival of old pagan ways and worship. To improve the understanding of the Old Religion, and to keep
its antiquity, we must stand against the misconceptions, which most either don't believe exist or to which they turn a blind eye, and educate those who are
willing to listen.
Compassion is the key to the Witches' Magick. The ability to understand and relate to those who suffer, and to project kindness and healing to those around
us, is what true Witchcraft embodies. We stand hand in hand in our circles, but allow our egos to overcome us at times and drive us to judge those whom we
feel to be our inferiors. In the ways of the Old Religion, there is no superior or inferior. We are physically and emotionally very different, and yet we are still the
same, and we must learn to nurture the diversity each human being has to offer. In the process of accepting and respecting other's diversity, we may learn
something and place it in our own lives to act as a catalyst for growth and magick. We must all strive to show the compassion and love of the Gods in
everything we do, for love is the true key to the mysteries of the Goddess.
Now we come to those who seem to be compassionate, and yet who, in the end, suffer from hardship and disrespect. Sovereignty is the Crown of the Witch
-- it is the ability to project compassion while keeping a positive sense of self-control that grows and prospers. In my day, I have met many "weak" people who
cling to magick and spells as a resolution for everything wrong in their lives. We as witches must take responsibility for this major misconception. We must
once again have the sovereignty to educate those who have been guided onto this path of ignorance.
Within all communities there will always be differences and disagreements, but do we want the future generation of Witches to see us as arrogant, pompous,
self-absorbed Priests and Priestess, looking for a way to control others? Especially when, in reality, those who seem to control others are those who have no
control over themselves? We must learn to balance our egos -- not to suppress them -- for they are of our nature, but to balance them and understand
ourselves. Knowing ourselves creates the energy for us to grow and become better and healthier people.
We must take a stand, turn the protesting signs around, and look at what we are becoming. We are becoming what we hate: those self-righteous people who
are absorbed with in their own life but who judge the lives and spiritual progression of others. When I say "we must take a stand, " I mean in our own personal
lives. We must learn and educate ourselves so that, one day, our world will be more tolerant if not more understanding. And we must change ourselves to
become more tolerant and understanding of the things around us as well. We need to stop hiding behind these masks of weakness, arrogance, and blame,
and stand up for ourselves, and for the Gods our Ancestors so dearly treasured. The Gods, above and below, teach us to love, to dance, and sing in their
honor... and it seems we have forgotten that. Bless those who fight, honor those who have died, and show compassion to those in need.
We need to ask ourselves, "What makes a Witch?" Is it lineage, age, tradition, degree...? A true Witch strives to balance his or her own life, to bring about a
better connection with the Divine. Our Ancestors knew this, and yet it seems as though we are on a path which causes us to forget. And in the end of all
ends, what does it matter what your lineage is, or who you were initiated by? All that matters is who you are as a person and as a follower of the Old Religion,
and what is in the deepest places of your heart.
Look inside and ask yourself: are you a Witch? Are you, right now, striving to build a better connection and understand the Powers that be? If yes, then you
are on the true path of our Goddess. If no, don't give up; learn to bring about change and make a stand in your life for the better. We need to stand in our
circles of magick and connect with those around us and become channels of love and magick for the world to see.
We must learn to Honor those who teach, bless those who are willing to learn, love all of the Old Ways, not what we pick and choose to love, and to draw the
magick of Sovereignty and Compassion into our lives and use them as tools of magick and knowledge. We have no right to judge, for in the Old Ways, there
is no judgment-only love and understanding!
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust!

Esbats, Moon Phases & Moon Lore

The Lunar cycle can be classified as a solar cycle in miniature. The four phases of the Moon, which are the basis of our seven-day week, though less noticeable in their
effect, mark the lunar cycle in the same way that the solstices and equinoxes mark the cycle of the seasons, the dawn, sunset, noon and midnight mark the passage of the
The Moon in the heavens symbolises the Great Mother of all form. She is the principle, both of constancy and of change.
Month by Month she completes her cycle. starting from the New Moon, the point of conjunction with the sun when she is invisible from the earth, the moon gradually
waxes until she is resplendent in the heavens and fully reflects the glory of her Lord the sun.
We all respond to the magick and the mystery of the Full Moon, when she is in opposition to the sun. This is a period of special occult power which has an effect
throughout the nature kingdom. The Moon's power over the great tides of etheric life within the world soul is as strong as on the ocean tides in the physical world. Then
again she wanes, steadily losing light and strength until once more she appears to withdraw into complete darkness. Thirteen times a year the Moon waxes and wanes,
while the Earth makes but one revolution round the sun.
This constant change, this death and rebirth of the Moon each month beautifully symbolises the relationship of the personalities of different incarnations to the greater
self signified by the sun in the horoscope. Yet we must think of the lunar ray as in any respect inferior to that of the sun, for without the power of the Great Mother, the
Spirit would not manifest as a whole.
While the sun is positive, the light which shines and the word which creates, the Moon is the negative or passive aspect which absorbs the light and builds it into form.
We take for granted the rotation of the earth on it's own axis, which gives our 24-hour rhythm of light and darkness, varying in length according to place and season.
We know that the revolution of the earth round the sun, combined with the tilt of the earth's axis, produces the cycle of the seasons; but nowadays, unless we are
planning some event which needs moonlight or complete darkness, we are far less aware of the 28-day lunar cycle which is due to the Moon's circling the earth. Yet
many aspects of natural life, the tides of growth and decay, of rising and falling of sap, of expansion and contraction of living cells, quite as much as the tides of the
ocean, are affected by this lunar cycle.
These tides of life were studied and accepted as a matter of course by mediaeval mystics, but the knowledge gained by some of those wise old students over many years
of observation and experiement is now largely overlooked and dismissed as supersitious nonsense, although some modern researchers are beginning to experiement and
discover how closely natural life is linked with the phases of the Moon. (see for example, references in Lyall Watson, Supernature, 1973)
Undoubtedly more discoveries will follow and we may yet find that the old medieval masters will come into their own.

[ Moon Lore ] [ Moon Phases ] [ Moon Signs ]

Moon Lore
As Pagans we seek to attune ourselves with the creative forces of the universe as they are manifested in Nature, whose seasonal changes are marked by the great
Sabbats. The purpose of this attunement is to promote our own evolution toward Godhood and the Gods, while maintaining or improving our worldly condition. The
method we use is to perform rituals that at once express the seasonal condition and it's implication for human spiritual growth. Whether solitary Pagans, or practicing
with a group or coven, the weeks between the Solar Sabbats can seem long and spiritless, and the Lunar Esbats repetitious, unless we realise that the rhythms of Nature
are ever changing on a monthly, weekly, and daily level as well as seasonally, and that these gradual transitions have a timeless magic all their own. The blossoming of
certain trees, the ripening of certain fruits - each is a sacred Sabbat in itself
Here then are the Lore's
that guide, direct and influence
us during our Sabbats.
The Oak Moon
Winter Solstice - June
The Full Moon nearest the winter solstice is the Oak Moon, the moon of the newborn year, the divine child. Like the divine child who is born to die and dies to be born
anew, the ancient oak has its trunk and branches in the material world of the living, while its roots, the branches in reverse, reach deep into the underworld, symbolic
land spirit. As the roots probe downward into the gravelike darkness of the Earth, its branches grow ever upward toward the light, to be crowned by the sacred
method we use is to perform rituals that at once express the seasonal condition and it's implication for human spiritual growth. Whether solitary Pagans, or practicing
with a group or coven, the weeks between the Solar Sabbats can seem long and spiritless, and the Lunar Esbats repetitious, unless we realise that the rhythms of Nature
are ever changing on a monthly, weekly, and daily level as well as seasonally, and that these gradual transitions have a timeless magic all their own. The blossoming of
certain trees, the ripening of certain fruits - each is a sacred Sabbat in itself
Here then are the Lore's
that guide, direct and influence
us during our Sabbats.
The Oak Moon
Winter Solstice - June
The Full Moon nearest the winter solstice is the Oak Moon, the moon of the newborn year, the divine child. Like the divine child who is born to die and dies to be born
anew, the ancient oak has its trunk and branches in the material world of the living, while its roots, the branches in reverse, reach deep into the underworld, symbolic
land spirit. As the roots probe downward into the gravelike darkness of the Earth, its branches grow ever upward toward the light, to be crowned by the sacred
mistletoe. At this most magickal time of the year, as the light of the old dying year wanes and the Oak Moon waxes to full, cast your Circle wearign mistletoe in your
hair. Let the token remind you that like the oak, we too dwell in two worlds-the world of physical matter and the world of spirit. As you invoke the Goddess of the
Moon, ask that you become ever more aware of the otherside of reality and the unseen forces and beings that are always amongst us.
The Wolf Moon
Deepest winter - June
The Moon of deepest winter is the Wolf Moon, and its name recalls a time when our ancestors gathered close around the hearth fire as the silence of the falling snow
was pierced by the howling wolves. Driven by hunger, wolves came closer to villages than at any time of the year, and may have occasionally killed a human being in
order to survive.
The Storm Moon
Time of change and letting go (Death Card 13) - August
The Moon following the Wolf Moon is called the Storm moon. Whether you meet with a coven on the night of the Full Moon, salute Her in a solitary ritual, or simply
blow Her a kiss, bear in mind the magick on this night and the nature of the storms at this point of the month. Unlike the boisterous storms in the light half of the year,
which are accompained by flashes of lightening and rumbles of thunder, the storms of the month become silent.They blanket the world in coldness in keeping nature in
the dark half of the year of the wheel of the year. But beneath the blanket of the cold, silent snow, Nature rests, as we do when the realm of the Spirit that is called
death; and like those in the world of the Spirit, Nature prepares for the new life.
Blue Moon
Because we have 13 lunar months in a year, and because the first New Moon does not necessarliy co-inside with the First day of the first month, the Full Moon at the
midpoint of the lunar month, may not always fall in the month that was given here. And because there are thirteen Full Moons to a Solar year, one month will have two.
The second Full Moon to occur in a month is populary called the Blue Moon. The Blue Moon does not necessarily fall here, but this looked like it was a good place to
put it!
The Chaste Moon
Potential - September
Spring Equinox, Sun is at greatest and least.
The Moon following the Storm Moon is the Chaste Moon. Like Diana, chaste Goddess of the Moon, all at this moment is pure potential waiting to be fulfilled. The
Goddess has many forms: The maiden pure and lovely as the snow in June. The seductive enchantress of the night. Or the crone ancient and wise. As the Goddess can
change Her form according to Her will, ever renewing Herself, ever begining again, so can we, Her children always begin again by discovering new potential within
ourselves. When you have cast the Circle of the Chaste Moon, when candles have been lit and the incense burned, look deep within yourself to discover what potential
lies there waiting, like the Maiden, to be fulfilled.
Seed Moon
Beltane - October

As it is the time for the planting of seeds on the material plane, so may it be time to do so on the psychic planes as well . On the night that the seed moon of October is
full, cast your magick circle. then before the rite has ended, select the spiritual seeds you would like to plant. they maybe seeds of wisdom, seeds of understanding, or
seeds of magickal skill. Then by an act of will, plant these seeds in the fertile soil of you subconscious mind with the firm commitment that they will be nurtured and
cultivated in the months that lie ahead, so that they will grow and flower and bear fruit.
Hare Moon
Procreation - November
As the Hare Moon of November waxes full, observe the rabbits leaping and playing carefree in their mating and enjoying their games, and as you cast your esbat circle
and joyfullly dance the round, feel within your heart the carefree nature of the wild creatures that are also the children of the old Gods.
Dryad moon
Summer solstice - December

This is the time of the sacred marriage of the God and Goddess is the Dyad Moon. The time when the two become one, when all things meet their opposites in perfect
balance and perfect harmony. As you cast your circle this night of the Dyad moon, adorn it with apple blossoms and light candles of white. When the sacred round has
been danced, sit around and reflect.
Mead Moon
On the night that the mead moon waxes full, after the circle has been cast and dancing done, fill the cup with mead ( if it is available), sweet wine or an herb tea
sweetened with honey. Sip the sweet drink and sit quietly and make yourself a vessel ready to receive the inspiration of the Higer Realms. Become a mead cup ready to
be filled, not with the brew of everyday life but with the clear, bright liquid of illumination.
Every time this ritual is performed even if there are no immediate results, you are becoming a more perfect vessel for divine inspiration. If the night of the mead moon
is very close to the summer solstice the results of this exercise can be very powerful.
Wort Moon
Lughnasadh, February
As the Wort Moon of February waxes full, this is the time for the gathering of herbs. The word "Wort", is old anglo-saxon for herb. Among the magickal herbs ready to
harvest now is that most magickal of herbs Vervain, so revered by the Ancients for it's hidden powers. (magickal mugwort, too, is ready to gather at this time.) Because
this moon falls before or after the first harvest the energy that is gathered with these herbs allows them to manifest their full potency. At this time herbs are gathered to
Mead Moon
On the night that the mead moon waxes full, after the circle has been cast and dancing done, fill the cup with mead ( if it is available), sweet wine or an herb tea
sweetened with honey. Sip the sweet drink and sit quietly and make yourself a vessel ready to receive the inspiration of the Higer Realms. Become a mead cup ready to
be filled, not with the brew of everyday life but with the clear, bright liquid of illumination.
Every time this ritual is performed even if there are no immediate results, you are becoming a more perfect vessel for divine inspiration. If the night of the mead moon
is very close to the summer solstice the results of this exercise can be very powerful.
Wort Moon
Lughnasadh, February
As the Wort Moon of February waxes full, this is the time for the gathering of herbs. The word "Wort", is old anglo-saxon for herb. Among the magickal herbs ready to
harvest now is that most magickal of herbs Vervain, so revered by the Ancients for it's hidden powers. (magickal mugwort, too, is ready to gather at this time.) Because
this moon falls before or after the first harvest the energy that is gathered with these herbs allows them to manifest their full potency. At this time herbs are gathered to
be dried and stored for the on-coming cold months...
Barley Moon
Mabon/Autumn Equinox - March
As the Aramatic Herbs begin to fill the rafters in the dry heat of the attic, and the braids of onions and garlic feel the cool darkness of the root cellar, the golden grains
and yellow corn ripen in the fields under the waning moon of the March sun.
To the Ancients this was the Barley Moon. A time to contemplate athe eternal-ness of life. Just as we are decended from the first women and the first man who
decended from the Gods, so is the grain of the bread we eat decended from the first grain ever gathered. By ritually eating the Lammas bread we are participating in a
chain of events that stretches back to the times of the Gods themselves. And here before us in the ripening fields is the promise of the future.
Blood Moon
Samhain - April
At this time of the year the abundance of fruit and vegetables begin to slow. It is a time when our ancient ancestors gathered what they could store and then
supplemented their winter diets either by hunting wild animals or slaughtering domestic ones. So this luna month is called the Blood Moon.
As you cast the esbat circle on this moonlit october night and fill the cup with blood red wine, know that you will be joined in the sacred dance not only by the unseen
presence of the departed friends and family so close at this time of year but also by spirits of animals as well, perhaps those that have died so that we may have food. In
this age of the assembly line slaughter houses and meat packing plants, it is especially appropriate that on this night of the Blood Moon we who are on the Pagan Path
ritually ask the understanding of our sisters and brothers, bless them, and bid them Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet again.
Snow Moon
As the Winter wanes and the Snow Moon waxes full, cast your circle in the warm glow of the candlelight. Salute the moon in her snowy whiteness and breathe in the
coolness of her light. Become as still as the winter night, and know that the activity of the warm light months is behind us. Ahead are the dark months of the year.
The Spirit is most active when the body is most still. This means that meditation and contemplation are much needed when addressing this moon.
Excerpts taken from 'Wheel of the Year' by Pauline Campanelli
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Moon Phases
New Moon or Dark Moon
The Moon is not illuminated by direct sunlight.
Waxing Crescent
The visible moon is partly but less than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is increasing.
First Quarter
One half of the Moon appears illuminate by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is increasing.
Waxing Gibbous
The Moon is more than one-half but not fully illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is increasing.
Full Moon
The visible Moon is fully illuminated by direct sunlight.
Waning Gibbous
The Moon is less than fully but more than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is decreasing.
Last Quarter
One half of the Moon appears illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is decreasing.
Waning Crescent
The Moon is partly but less than one-half illuminatec by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is decreasing.
Waxing Moon
If you want to gain something (friendship, money, job, intelligence) do your Magick during the Waxing Moon (when the moon is getting full). The Waxing Moon is the
time of the Maiden ie. the period between New Moon and full Moon. The Sun and Moon are at right angles and the half Moon can be seen in the sky during the first
half of the night. This is a time of new beginnings when one project ends and another begins. the virgin aspect of the Goddess would be used for Invocations, Prayers
and Chants. This is a time for bringing positive works and energies into view.
Waning Moon
If you want to banish or lose something (bad habits, negative energy) do your magick during the Waning Moon (when the moon is getting small). The Waning Moon is
the period of time between the full Moon and the New moon when the Sun and Moon are once again at right angles. The Crone aspect of the goddess watches over us at
this time. She gives us the wisdom to decide what should be ended.
Full Moon
The Full Moon is a good time for Magick of all kinds. for the Full Moon brings great power to all magick. The Full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are opposite of
one another and the full light of the sun can shine on the full sphere of the Moon. This is when the unconscious, instinctual processes are at their peak. The full Moon is
the time we set aside for the worship of the Goddess in her Mother aspect. Projects begun at New Moon are reaffirmed or positive works are engaged in.
New Moon or Dark Moon
The New Moon or dark Moon is the time of the Enchantress. The Dark Moon begins when the Sun and Moon are in the same place, or conjunct. at first the Moon is not
and Chants. This is a time for bringing positive works and energies into view.
Waning Moon
If you want to banish or lose something (bad habits, negative energy) do your magick during the Waning Moon (when the moon is getting small). The Waning Moon is
the period of time between the full Moon and the New moon when the Sun and Moon are once again at right angles. The Crone aspect of the goddess watches over us at
this time. She gives us the wisdom to decide what should be ended.
Full Moon
The Full Moon is a good time for Magick of all kinds. for the Full Moon brings great power to all magick. The Full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are opposite of
one another and the full light of the sun can shine on the full sphere of the Moon. This is when the unconscious, instinctual processes are at their peak. The full Moon is
the time we set aside for the worship of the Goddess in her Mother aspect. Projects begun at New Moon are reaffirmed or positive works are engaged in.
New Moon or Dark Moon
The New Moon or dark Moon is the time of the Enchantress. The Dark Moon begins when the Sun and Moon are in the same place, or conjunct. at first the Moon is not
visible, since it rises at the same time as the Sun. (It can be seen that in Witchcraft if you banish at the Dark Moon it is with full recognition that you also must plant the
seed of procreation at the same time).
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Moon Signs
The Cycle of the ecliptic, or road through the sky, is divided into twelve equal sections known as the signs of the zodiac.
The signs are named after the constellations most closely associated with them.
The constellations or star groups appear to vary in size, but the signs always measure 30 degrees - a twelfth of the circle.
The Sun takes approximately a month to pass through each sign.
The other planets all travel the same road in the sky at varying speeds, each passing through the twelve sections of the heavens, according to their own particular
rhythms. During the course of their journey they make a constantly-varying pattern across the plane of the ecliptic in the heavens, a pattern which is mysteriously
reflected in the lives of people on Earth.
The Moon like the Sun and the planets also has a different sympathie and antipathie as she travels this path of the ecliptic. In certain signs she appears to be powerful, as
if she is vibrating in rhythm, while in the opposite signs she seems completely off beat.
The Moon just like her counterparts the sun and planets travels through the signs of the zodiac in an apparently anticlockwise diretion, all at different rates and rhythms,
while once in twenty-four hours all the constellations, signs and planets appear to swing through the twelve houses of the heavens in a clockwise direction.
So there is constant variety, an ever-changing pattern in stars and constellations all following their own particular path, but in perfect rhythm and order, daily cycles,
monthly cycles, yearly cycles, age-long cycles - each with it's own quality and purpose - cycles of expansion and contraction, growth and decay, life and death - an
inbreathing and outbreathing of the life of God and Goddess. It seems that the tropical zodiac, moving gradually through the circle of the constellations, represents the
sphere of man's consciousness; his own inner world, charted by the equinoxes and solstices which produce the seasonal cycle, by the sunrises and sunsets which govern
the rhythm of his daily life.
Enjoy reading and working with the signs. Find out how they may help you with your journey into Magick!
Good for starting things but lacks staying power. things occur rapidly, but quickly pass.
Things begun now last the longest, tend to increase in value, and become hard to alter.
Things begun now are easily changed by outside influences.
Pinpoints need, supports growth and nurturance.
Showmanship, favours being seen, drama, recreation and happy pursuits.
Favours accomplishment of details and commands.
Increases self awareness, favours self examination and interaction with others.
Increases awareness of psychic power. Ends connections.
Encourages flights of imagination and confidence.
Increases awareness of the need for structure, discipline.
Favours activities that are unique and individualistic.
Energy withdraws from the surface of life, hibernates within, secretly reorganising and re-aligning.
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