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Ashtanga Yoga Asana Practise Sheets 2 Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga wow Said to have been first described in an ancient ext called Yoge Korants, Ashtanga Yoga is @ disciplined practice of the body land mind, whose aim is to discever our True Self and thus Ive in harmeny with the Univers. Its agout manitesting a rhythmic flow 'of energy and awareness, thal enablos us to fool conriecied, whilst promoting good health and heightened spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing ‘Around two thousand years ago, the Indian sage Patan/al! composed a work called Yoga Sutras, which attempts to outline and Handardise Cinssieal Yoga. Expounding upon Raja Yoge (how fo redetine the mind 10 serve out needs), Patanjalrs underlying principles the Eight Limbs of Classica! Yoga, which ean lead to ineration. ‘Those eight limbs are: Yemas (ethical behavioural codes: ahimsa non-violence; satya truth; asteya not stealing: branmacarye Appropriate sexcal conduct. aparigrana non-greed), Niyamae (personal behavioural observances: sauce cloariiness of body and mind, sartose contentment with what one Nas: fapas austerties and disciplines: svaahyaya sell study. avere praniabana Surrender and acceptance without expectation); Asane (postural practice, to detoxily and open the body and mind). Pranayama {vital life force, or breath control and expansion), Pratyhara (wilhdrawal of the senses Trom external stimulation), Dharana [Concentration of the mind), Dayana (meditation: Lacusing ihe mind on a single enlty) and Samadhi (a higher state of conscious Swareness, wnere tne mind goes beyond the object af meditation and the Individual self Ashianga means eight limbs, thus each of these four external and four internal disciplines make up the Ashtanga Yoga practice For most people, the easiesi way to access Ashtanga Yoga, lo via the postural practice (ihe third limb} ‘The aeana method is characterised by the powertul, synchronised breathing and movement system (vinyasa); gaze points (aris) And internal energy locks (bandhas}. The aim of ihe ebtanga asana practice is to attain the perfect aignment af the breath Grist! and movement (known 5 tisthana) and through doing so, develop a moving meditation. Throughout tne practice, very Siow innalations and exhalations through the nose. allow prana (vital energy) to be carried around the subtlo bady. ‘Coupled with ine correct execution of trsthana, stagnant energy inthe nadie (energy channels) ang around the chakras (energy centres) wil be'treed and physical or mental disturbances, dissolved. Through regular practise of a precise sequence of flowing asanas, the body becomes flexible, powerful and light toxins are femoyed and the bioad cleaned. Many aliments may be improved. Slow cartrolied brealhing and deep concentration create Incredible focus anda strong quiat md, resulting n'a faeling of calmness and peace. In today's asana system (in the tradition of Sti K Pattabhi Jois) there are six series of Ashtanga Yoga asanas: Primary (Yous Chisita) to detexily, balance, epen ana sivenginen the body: Intermediate (Nadi Soghena) Yo purity the nervaus system: Ravanced A, 8, © and D (sinira Braga Samapta) to demonstrate high levels of strength, exibilty, grace and humilily. When one asana is mastered Ina controlled graceful manor (with calm deep breathing), the next 's adjed unt'a completo series Ic practised regulary. "The format af the practice comprises the Suryanamaskara Sequences, the Standing Sequence, whichover SSeties' the practioner is working on; Back Bends and the Finishing Sequence. it takes most people, many years to mastar the Brimary Sere, with ke surrounding sections With time (as the body and mind purty, grow stronger and become more apenl, the other aspects of Ashtanga Yoga transpire Drganicaily. allowing ue to find our true Mature and sonnection to the Univ ‘Tne home of Ashtanga Yous in the tradition of Sti K Pattabhi Jols, is the KPY Ashtanga Yous Institute in Mysore, South India players : he 1 A A Lamahr RA GL Cheha hare fg § fre 2A Soe rma rast 5 ist note enna athorwise uM Standing J Sequence x wiqw.ashtangaphilippay ra om | AAAS 8 riety nose, unvass otherwise stated First Half of Primary Series enn timate 6.0 -Puentianasaat . ” ; “we ” & + & & o o Second Half of Primary Series dudh Waa lif $06 thuhak Back Bending —— aaah neni 10 Chants (cnanting mantras can be an vpiting practice for calming the mind and strengthening concentration) Opening invocation ow VANDE GURUNAM CHARANARAVINDE SANOARSITA SVATMA SUKAVA BODHE NIH SREYASE JANGALIKAVAMANE SAMSARA HALAHALA MOHASANTYAL ABAHU PURUSAKARAM SANKHACAKRAS! DHARINAM SAHASRA SIRASAM SVATAM PRANAMAMI PRTANJALI ow Closing chant (arangaia wantra) [SVAST PRAJABHYAH PARIPALAYANTAM INYAYENA MARGENA MAHI MAHISAH GO GRAHMANEBHYAH SUBHAMASTU NITYAM LOKAH SAMASTAH SUKHIN BHAVANTU (OM SANTIH SANTIH SANTIHI on ho uncovers our true self and awakens happiness Like» Jungie physician, be brings complete wel ond ean neal the poison of conditioned existence and iusion. Hie torso ie human, Carving » conch | pow to Patani (May ai be wet! with manking. May alle leaders ofthe worts rotect in every way, that keeps tothe right path day tere be goodness for those who know the earth 10 be sacred (om. Peace, peace, peace

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