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An Introduction to Activating your Self-Healing Potential

by Tekhiyah
As I put my fingers in the soil, to the clean the unwanted herbs and grasses away from the organic crops, I was
touched by sense of wellbeing. It felt so good to touch and absorb the minerals in the soil. My spirit was lifted.
My mood? Changed. Another level of healing was obtained. Is all of this possible by simply returning to
nature? If so, how much more health would we be blessed with once each of us apply more natural methods to
help us feel better daily?

Each of us has inherit self-healing potential for biological survival, which is affected by culture, thoughts,
genetics, prayer, stress relief, hydration, introspection, exercise, nutrition, health status, meditation,
forgiveness, medical history, lifestyle, massage and other bodywork, environment, affirmations, relationships,
agethe list goes on. It is a self-healing capacity that is dynamically changeable given the right knowledge,
understanding, and of course application thereof.

Without understanding the relative, natural laws that help the body to maintain and heal itself, health will
deteriorate if one mis-uses the body or conversely, health will improve if one takes good care of the mind, the
body and the spirit.

After studying healing for almost two decades, and assisting others to heal themselves through various
techniques, it has become very clear to me that we all have an unlimited capacity to heal and change.
However, most of us have not learned yet how to access this self-healing power, trust, believe in such a
potential or even desire real change.

With a thought, we create and manifest the world around us, our experiences within it and even our health;
thought precedes substance. This means that whatever we dwell upon, within our mind, our body and our
spirit, we will manifest within our mind, our body, our spirit and in our environment. The interesting thing is
that it affects not only you, but ripples out on the wind, the spirit, into your immediate environment and
beyond. Each of us then becomes subtly affected and influenced by the thoughts, actions and behaviour of
others. Once the thoughts are negative, the result is a collective effort of mass consciousness which will
literally makes us sick and unable to heal. So imagine if each of us is positive, loving and forgiving all the
time? Would it improve your HEALABILTY and that of your neighbours and your community? This is called
the People-To-People Ecology.
Activating your own HEALABILITY starts with Self; your own thoughts. There are spiritual, mental and
physical practices, exercises and tools that one must apply to strengthen the mind, body and spirit, the temple,
once ones desire is to achieve Everlasting Life.
Raising our level of conscious awareness begins with analysing our thought processes and therefore, what we
are creating in our world. After all, creating heaven on earth starts with a having heavenly state of mind. If
you experience sadness, negativity, depression, heartache, pain, what are the thoughts you are constantly
dwelling on that are bringing these experiences into your life? It may be time to analyse your thought
processes or find ways to undo this problem in the mind that has created the conflict, self-deception or fear
affecting your body and soul (inner organs).

12 keys are offered as an opportunity for you to explore and utilize your own HEALABILITY.

1. BE POSITIVE. Focus on health and healing rather than dis -ease. Remember you have within you
the power to CREATE the ease and UNCREATE the dis-ease by your thoughts with the potential to
spontaneously heal. Surround yourself with positive life-supporting people, positive thoughts choosing
health, wellness and life over sickness, disease and death.
2. SELF MOTIVATION. List reasons you want to heal. The more incentives you have the better.
Showing love and appreciate, counting your blessings in life and in Creation makes life worth living
(e.g. a smile from a stranger, a hug from a friend, eating a good meal, a beautiful sunset, loving-
kindness in your family circle).
3. SELF AWARENESS. See the opportunity to learn and grow. Look within Listen... Tune inward
to awaken and hear your innate guiding voice. Your bodys talk makes sense (i.e. a pain in the neck)
and may relate to a past injury, trauma, or emotional conflict. Work on releasing the past to allow
physical/spiritual healing to occur (i.e. through Introspective Healing, meditation, affirmations, prayer,
Energy Healing, Reiki, EFT, exercise, massage and other body work...).
4. EFFECTIVE PRAYER. Pray continuously until something happens. Pray towards the Temple in
Jerusalem to the Holy One of Israel. Give honour, respect, praise and thanksgiving for your blessings
to the Almighty Creator; make your supplication or plea for guidance and direction Never give up on
healing with the help of the Most High God.
5. MEDITATION. Breathe deeply and visualize a healthy body daily. Relaxing the mind through
meditation has been shown as effective treatment for chronic illnesses; it activates the immune system.
Find a quiet, peaceful place, sit back and breathe deeply while visualising. The effects are immediate;5
minutes equals 30 minutes of sleep!
6. AFFIRMATIONS. Reprogram your subconscious mind. Stating positive and specific affirmations
orders your subconscious mind to do what you really want it to do. This frees your conscious mind,
and empowers your purpose, in the now by changing your fundamental belief system. For example: If
you have pain, repeat I create ease and comfort within.
7. NOURISH YOURSELF. Give your body proper nutrition, well nurtured with clean, peaceful,
healing foods; grown naturally in the soil with an affinity to nourish and cleanse, resting the soul every
7 days with fasting. Consult a professional naturopathic doctor, nutritionist or herbalist to find the
proper way to nutritionally support your body.
8. RELIEVE STRESS. Rejuvenate your mind, body & spirit with bodywork. Healing occurs when
our body is well rested. The trusting touch of another allows the benefits of your chosen form of
therapeutic massage, to provide deep healing through stress relief. Never underestimate the mental,
spiritual and physical healing benefits of a good massage.
9. LAUGH. Laughter Heals. If you are depressed, if you are unhappy, you cannot heal. So, change your
mood. Extensive research has shown people healing themselves through laughter and dissolving dis-
eases such as cancer and ankylosing spondylitis (inflammation of the spine). Laughing that stimulates
the hormones of the endocrine system, changing moods!
10. DETOXIFY. Cleanse and purify your temple by increasing the flow of wastes, toxins and
negativity out of your body. This may be achieved by drinking sufficient water, increasing fibre
intake with cleansing foods and herbs for the colon, liver and kidneys, releasing the past or repeating a
cleansing affirmation.
12. CULTIVATE YOUR OWN ORGANIC FOOD. Create your own organic garde n free from
chemical fertilisers and pesticides. An article in the Journal of Applied Nutrition indicated that
organic foods have higher nutrient levels than non-organic food. Dont forgetThere is also mental
and emotional HEALABILITY to be gained from simply touching the minerals of the soil.

These 12 keys allow you to access your self-healing potential and accelerate your own healing processes.
There is nothing you can do wrong - just enjoy watching and feeling your health and wellness return. The
aspects of HEALABILITY will be discussed detail in subsequent issues. Peace.

He aling Ts O rganic Basket & Rebirth!Wellness.
Te khiyah provide s transformational and regenerative wellness events, organic produce baskets, gluten free & vegan specialty e ats
Email: te

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