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Endodontic Topics 2003, 6, 160–170 Copyright r Blackwell Munksgaard

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved ENDODONTIC TOPICS 2003

Treponemes and endodontic


The pathogenic potential of spirochetes and their significance in the development of oral diseases, as well as in
infections in other organs, have gained new interest for several reasons. First, these bacteria have the potential to be
pathogenic because of their number and frequency at infected sites, their production of tissue irritants, their ability
to invade tissues, their abundance in mixed infections, and their methods to evade host defense mechanisms.
Second, of the microbial species that are associated with oral infections, spirochetes are infectious agents that cause
severe diseases in other body sites. Third, during the past few years, new techniques have made it possible to obtain
more information about spirochetes at the genetic level. Thereby, we have gained better knowledge of these
bacteria, even though many cannot be cultured in the laboratory yet. Such knowledge includes the diversity of oral
species as well as antigenic similarities between the species commonly found in the oral cavity and known pathogens
such as the syphilis agent Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, Lyme disease agents Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato
group, and the swine dysentery agent Brachyspira (Serpulina) hyodysenteria. This review covers the main areas of
what is known to date about Treponema. It focuses especially on factors related to their taxonomy, epidemiology,
and biology, with special emphasis on their presence and possible role in endodontic infections.

The issue of uncultivated organisms rings loudly in the in endodontal and periodontal diseases. In many
ears of microbial ecologists, particularly those con- communities, including the oral flora, it is not known
cerned with the interaction of cells in communities. It whether active but uncultivated microbes contribute to
has been estimated that 99% of all microbial species community activity, and it remains a source of active
have not yet been grown in culture, and many, in fact, debate and investigation.
may be resistant to cultivation by available techniques Spirochetes are notoriously difficult to cultivate and
(1). As a result, there are limited opportunities of study, but they are also special in that they include
studying the genetic, biochemical, and metabolic many known pathogens from infections such as syphilis
capacities of the vast majority of single-celled organ- (2), lyme disease (3, 4), swine dysentery (5), and
isms. This paradox, that most of the microbes in the leptospirosis (6, 7). Spirochetes are also likely causative
world cannot be studied in fine detail in the laboratory, agents of noma (8) and animal digital dermatitis (9),
is a major problem for our understanding of the and many spirochetes, including Treponema, Borrelia,
microbial world (1). and Leptospira, are highly invasive organisms (10–12).
Oral biofilms offer a good demonstration of this gap Spirochetes are thus associated with infections in many
in our current knowledge. When viewed in the sites of the body. It is not clear whether the Treponema
microscope, it is clear that half the organisms in dental species commonly found in the oral cavity are specific
plaque are spirochetes, with a distinct spiral-shaped to the mouth. Still, for practical reasons, the terms oral
morphology and corkscrew motility, but most of the spirochetes or oral treponemes will be used throughout
observed cell types have not yet been grown in culture. this review, which covers the main areas of what is
Many such uncultivated organisms are apparently known to date about Treponema. It focuses especially
active in the community, and they appear to play a role on factors related to their taxonomy, epidemiology and

Treponemes and endodontics

biology, the similarities between oral species and the contains species of the genera Leptonema and Leptos-
syphilis spirochete, and the pathogenic potential of pira. Spirochaetaceae contains species of the genera
treponemes in endodontic infections (Fig. 1). Borrelia, Brevinema, Cristispira, Spirochaeta, Spirone-
ma, and Treponema (15).
In terms of the genetic determinants of physiological
characteristics, the facultatively parasitic Leptospira
Morphology and taxonomy of oral interrogans differs extensively from the strictly parasitic
treponemes pathogenic spirochetes, Treponema pallidum and Bor-
Taxonomy, also known as biosystematics, gathers relia burgdorferi, although similarities exist in the genes
organisms into defined groups, provides appropriate that govern their unique morphological features (6).
nomenclature for the different groups, and is involved Spirochetes are a medically important and ecologi-
in the identification of previously unknown micro- cally significant group of motile bacteria with a distinct
organisms. To establish these groups, microbial typing morphology. Most are helically shaped (16, 17), but
data are mandatory for the definition of so-called some species have a flat sinusoidal or meandering
species. The definition of a species is a primary waveform (11, 12). In addition to a typical bacterial
underlying concept; however, it is controversial and is plasma membrane surrounded by a cell wall containing
undergoing continuous refinement (13). When the peptidoglycan, they have an outer lipid bilayer mem-
diverse microbial world is considered, many species of brane, also referred to as an outer membrane sheath.
microorganisms have been described on the basis of Characteristic of this outer sheath is a high-molecular-
phenotypic characteristics without any clues to their mass oligomeric protein. Ishihara et al. (18) have
phylogenetic status being available. Such is the case for demonstrated that a PrtP (dentilisin)-deficient mutant
many oral spirochetes, although they were among the has decreased amounts of this protein and that
first bacteria described when van Leeuwenhoek wrote dentilisin activity plays a major role in the structural
about the ‘animacules that bent their body into curves organization of the outer sheath of T. denticola. The
in going forwards’ on September 17, 1683 (14). loss of dentilisin activity and the following structural
The organisms belonging to the order Spirochaetales change in the outer sheath also affect the pathogenicity
are divided into three families: Brachyspiraceae, Leptos- of T. denticola (18, 19).
piraceae, and Spirochaetaceae. The first family contains Within the outer sheath is the protoplasmic cell
the genus Brachyspira (Serpulina). The second family cylinder and subterminally attached periplasmic flagella
(10). The space between the protoplasmic cell cylinder
and the outer membrane sheath is referred to as the
periplasm (10). The spirochetes are unique, as their
periplasm contains these periplasmic flagella that are
similar in many respects to the external flagella of rod-
shaped bacteria (Fig. 2). Each periplasmic flagellum is
attached subterminally to only one end of the cell
cylinder and extends toward the opposite end. For
spirochetes, translational motility requires asymmetrical
rotation of the two internally located flagellar bundles.
Consequently, they have swimming modalities that are
more complex than the well-studied mechanisms of
other motile microorganisms (10) (Fig. 3).
There are many unknown factors with respect to
Fig. 1. Darkfield micrograph of oral spirochetes isolated motility and chemotaxis gene regulation in spirochetes.
from infected root canal of human tooth. The long, For example, little is known about the factors that
helically shaped Treponema cells can be seen in addition to control periplasmic flagella length and number. Spir-
particles from the culture medium. During in vivo
ochete species vary with respect to the size and number
microscopy these cells typically exhibit vigorous flexing
and turning movements as they swim around in the liquid of periplasmic flagella. The organisms can be quite
medium. large: For example, Cristispira are 0.5–3 mm wide,

Dahle et al.

phylotypes have been identified in the human oral micro-

biota (21). So far, T. amylovorum, T. denticola, T. leci-
thinolyticum, T. macrodentium, T. maltophilum, T. orale,
T. parvum, T. pectinovorum, T. scoliodontum, T.
socranskii, and T. vincentii have been named (21, 22).
To demonstrate the difficulties in handling these
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a spirochete illustrating organisms in the laboratory, T. macrodentium, T. orale,
the outer membrane, the cell wall surrounding the
and T. scoliodontum have apparently been lost from
protoplasmic cell cylinder, and one periplasmic flagel-
lum attached at each end of the cell. The two flagella are culture collections and these organisms need to be
located inside the outer membrane, and stretch along isolated again to regain a standing in treponemal
two-thirds of the cell length so that both are located inside taxonomy. T. vincentii have no deposited type strain
the middle third of the cell. and is thus not fully accepted as a separate species and
often referred to as ‘T. vincentii’ (21, 22).
The agent of syphilis and type species of Treponema,
T. pallidum subsp. pallidum has never been cultured
continuously in vitro (23). This is also the case for many
other spirochetes, but the agent of syphilis demon-
strates, yet again, how difficult it is to culture these
organisms as the attempts to isolate and study this
organism have undoubtedly been many throughout
the centuries. Syphilis quickly reached epidemic pro-
portions in Europe after it was first reported in the late
1400s. It spread across the world during the early 16th
century and has been called the acquired immune
deficiency syndrome of that era (23). In 1939, Sir
Fig. 3. Transmission electron micrograph of Treponema Winston Churchill said ‘Syphilis is a riddle, wrapped in
vincentii. The cell is helically shaped and carries 5 flagella
a mystery, inside an enigma’. Although the syphilis
at each end of the cell. One flagellum is detached and
protrudes outside the cell as a result of the preparation epidemic is currently under control, largely thanks to
procedures for microscopy. penicillin and lack of antibiotic resistance in T. pallidum
subsp. pallidum, this quote may still be illustrative of
our understanding of this and other spirochetes.
30–180 mm long, and have over 100 periplasmic T. pallidum subsp. pallidum is an obligate human
flagella attached at each cell end (10). In contrast, the parasite, but the mechanisms of its pathogenesis are
Leptospiraceae (which include Leptospira and Leptone- poorly understood. No known virulence factors have
ma sp.) are approximately 0.1 mm in diameter, 10– been identified and the outer membrane is mostly lipid
20 mm long, and have only one periplasmic flagellum at with a paucity of proteins. Thus, diagnostic tests for
each end. syphilis are not optimal and no vaccine has yet been
For bacteria, a species is defined as an entity in which developed (23). The T. pallidum subsp. pallidum
members have a DNA–DNA homology value of at least genome was among the first complete chromosomes to
70% (20). Typing systems are used to define specific be sequenced, and it offered a wealth of basic
characteristics of the object under study. The proce- information when it was published (23). It also
dures are specific for different phenotypic or genetic provided a foundation for the development of a culture
parameters and can be general (i.e. applicable to any medium for T. pallidum subsp. pallidum, but no such
microbial species) or species or genus specific. How- medium has yet been found, thus still postponing
ever, no clear definition exists for a genus, and oral further taxonomic, genetic, and virulence studies of
spirochetes are often classified as Treponema based on both T. pallidum subsp. pallidum and oral Treponema
their morphological appearance alone (Figs 2 and 3). species.
It is believed that all spirochetes found in the oral cavity That treponemes constitute a diverse genus that has
belong to the genus Treponema and more than 40 been demonstrated through numerous studies. The

Treponemes and endodontics

G1C ratio of oral treponeme DNA varies from 34 to (ORF) encoded within a gene but also associated
52 mol% (24). Choi et al. (25) have demonstrated that promoter elements, and thus information necessary to
one patient with severe destructive periodontitis may study how expression of a gene is regulated (31). The
harbor up to 81 spirochetal clones. If even the strictest results of this analysis further support the conclusion
definition of a species-level cluster was set (98% or that the spirochetes are evolutionarily closely related
greater sequence similarity), the clone sequences were (10).
found to represent 23 different species (25). Such great Methods to study bacterial epidemiology need to not
diversity within a genus complicates studies, as it is not only separate the species (identification) but also to
likely that all these species are pathogenic. Also, because separate the different strains within a species (typing).
they are difficult to culture and isolate, spirochetes are In addition, the bacterial characteristic that is studied
often referred to as one group of bacteria. must be stable enough not to separate all isolates of a
Since they are difficult to culture and analyze in the strain. Typing of bacterial species is important (1) for
laboratory, spirochetes have commonly been typed surveillance of transmission between patients, (2) to
based on morphologic characteristics, such as the size determine risk factors for infection, (3) to identify and
and number of endoflagella. Traditionally, oral spir- decipher outbreaks, (4) to differentiate re-infection and
ochetes have been divided into three main categories: new infection, as well as (5) to evaluate prophylactic
small-, intermediate-, and large-sized morphotypes measures that have been employed. Since spirochetes
(26). They range in size from 0.15 to 0.40 mm, and in are such diverse bacteria, it has been difficult to find
length from 5 to 20 mm (27). Even larger spirochetes methods applicable to all strains within a species.
have been observed, but remain to be cultured (27). It has been demonstrated that fresh clinical isolates
Spirochetes are motile thanks to their internal flagella, and laboratory reference strains of Treponema species
commonly known as periplasmic flagella. The same represent genomic groups, irrespective of previous
number of flagella is attached at each end of the cell and species assignment, and that characterized cultures may
run within the cell for two-thirds of its length (Fig. 2). contain more than one species (32). Thus, when
The cell will thus contain twice as many flagella in the scientists study spirochetes from the oral cavity, they
middle third, as in the two terminal thirds of the cell. cannot always trust that they are dealing with a
This has been a popular way of characterizing oral pathogenic organism. Neither can they trust that the
spirochetes and it has given rise to a nomenclature for culture they are working with contains only one species.
spirochetes. If a cell has one flagellum in each end, it is This may in part explain why microbiologists often find
thus named a 1 : 2 : 1 spirochete (Fig. 2). it difficult to identify spirochetal cultures. Problems
Organisms as diverse with respect to size, metabo- related to culturing and isolation of the organisms are
lism, and ecological niche as the spirochetes indicate therefore only the first obstacle to solve in order to
that their existence could be the result of convergent conclude on the pathogenicity of spirochetes in oral
evolution. Alternatively, the spirochetes could have infections. These problems will be followed up by
evolved divergently from a common ancestral spir- developing methods to identify and to type the strains
ochete. To address these hypotheses, the 16S rRNA before the much-needed pathogenicity studies com-
genes of several pathogenic, parasitic, and free-living mence.
species have been sequenced. The results indicate that
the spirochetes are an ancient group of bacteria, and
that they evolve from one common ancestral proto-
Virulence factors of oral treponemes
spirochete (15). In fact, they are one of the few phyla of
bacteria that can be identified solely from morphology Genome analysis of microbial pathogens has provided
(15, 28). Recently, the entire genomes of T. pallidum unique insights into their virulence, host adaptation,
subsp. pallidum, B. burgdorferi, and T. denticola have and evolution. The advent of post-genomic approaches
been sequenced (24, 29, 30). The genome sequence is and the sequencing of the human genome will enable
the blueprint of all the working parts of a bacterium, scientists to investigate the complex and dynamic
and its completion is the first step toward determining interplay between host and pathogen. In the last 8
how all the parts function and interact. The DNA years, more than 130 bacterial genomes have been
sequence reveals not only the open reading frame sequenced and more than 120 similar projects are

Dahle et al.

currently being conducted. This information is already on the bacterial cell surface. Treatment of HGFs with
being used in search for new antibiotics, vaccines, and periodate (which oxidizes saccharides) also inhibits
for markers of pathogenicity. In June 2003, The bacterial adhesion (35). Thus, attachment of T.
Institute of Genomic research (TIGR) in Maryland denticola to HGFs probably involves protein–protein
and Stanford University in California announced that and protein–carbohydrate interactions. Although Tre-
they were starting up projects to sequence the genomes ponema adhere to a range of host proteins, the
of all microorganisms (metagenomics) present in the interactions of T. denticola and T. pallidum subsp.
oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, and the vagina of pallidum with fibronectin are the most fully examined.
human beings (33). This is expected to generate a Fibronectin-mediated adhesion has been implicated in
wealth of information that will catalyze the develop- many important bacterial infections caused by a range
ment of new intervention strategies to reduce the of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, and in
burden of microbial-related disease also in the oral some instances invasion of host tissues is fibronectin
cavity. However, until such results are available, the dependent (10). Fibronectin is a 220-kDa glycopro-
information on Treponema virulence will remain tein, present as two polypeptide chains that are
piecemeal since only three of the many species have important for cell adhesion, migration, repair, and
yet been fully sequenced. blood clotting. Fibronectin also seems to be important
In order to succeed as a pathogenic parasite, a for T. denticola adhesion to HGFs, as adhesion is
microorganism must be able to transmit between inhibited by anti-fibronectin antibodies (36). Binding
carriers, adhere to a host surface, evade the host of T. denticola cells to HGFs results in profound
defense mechanisms, and/or produce products that morphological alterations of the cells because of
cause an unwanted reaction in the host. It is also cytoskeletal rearrangements, and then leads to HGF
important that the pathogen does not kill or cause life- cell detachment from the substratum. These processes
long immunity in a host before it has been transmitted are independent of each other and detachment may be
to another host. There is little doubt that treponemes related to degradation of fibronectin by T. denticola
have ample opportunities to spread by salivary transfer proteases (37).
since oral infections (where they are present) are long- The component in T. denticola responsible for
lasting, even life-long infectious diseases. It has also inducing cytoskeletal rearrangements has been identi-
been demonstrated that oral treponemes can adhere to fied as the major surface protein (Msp) (38–40). This
human surfaces, evade the host defense mechanisms, protein is one of several surface proteins identified in T.
and produce tissue-destructive enzymes (22). It is not denticola and mediates binding to host cells and
completely understood, however, which of the oral extracellular matrix and function as porins. It is a
Treponema species hold these characteristics of patho- trypsin-resistant protein that perturbs calcium signal-
genic organisms. Research has focused on T. denticola ing by uncoupling store-operated channels, whereby
that is often considered a representative species of the Ca21-release from endoplasmic reticulum stores is
oral treponemes. retarded and subsequent calcium influx is inhibited
Among the anaerobic oral spirochetes, the species T. (41). Msp binds both putative epithelial cell surface
denticola can be cultivated in the laboratory and is receptors and cytoplasmic proteins, and the Msp
studied not only in its own right as an oral pathogen but complex forms ion channels in the cytoplasmic
also as a relative of the syphilis spirochete and membrane of epithelial cells (40). These properties
representative of other oral spirochetes (34). As the can contribute to the cytopathic effects of T. denticola
gingival epithelium is a primary colonization site for on host epithelial cells.
human oral Treponema species, interactions of bacteria Many spirochetes, including Treponema, Borrelia,
with gingival cells are highly relevant to understanding and Leptospira, are highly invasive pathogens. Motility
disease progression. The binding of T. denticola to is likely to play a major role in many disease processes,
human gingival fibroblast (HGF) cells is sensitive to including some in the oral cavity. These organisms can
proteinase K but not to trypsin, suggesting the swim in highly viscous, gel-like media, such as
involvement of a trypsin-resistant proteinaceous adhe- methylcellulose, that slows down or stops most
sin. Adhesion is also inhibited by mannose and externally flagellated bacteria (10). This attribute may
galactose. This implies a role for lectin-like adhesins allow T. denticola and other spirochetes to penetrate,

Treponemes and endodontics

invade, and adapt to specific ecological niches that The migration of T. denticola through epithelial
exclude other bacterial species (16). Studies of infec- tissue is dependent upon motility and an intact
tions such as acute necrotizing and ulcerating gingivitis chemotaxis system. T. denticola penetrates to a greater
(ANUG) and noma have demonstrated that spirochete degree than T. socranskii or T. vincentii. Additionally,
species in such tissue are diverse (42). Spirochetes have spirochetes isolated from fresh dental plaque seem to
also been observed to invade surrounding tissues of penetrate the endothelium to a greater extent and/or
ANUG sites (42), and they are major candidates to in greater numbers than reference strains (54). As
cause noma (8). opposed to intercellular penetration, which is the mode
A chymotrypsin-like protease complex, which is of penetration used by T. pallidum subsp. pallidum to
composed of the 72-kDa PrtP protein and two auxiliary pass through endothelium, it seems that oral spiro-
proteins with molecular masses of approximately 40 and chetes may utilize intracellular passage as well. Both
30 kDa, is also involved in localization and oligomeriza- inter- and intracellular penetration occurs with B.
tion of the T. denticola Msp (39, 41–45). This protein burgdorferi (55, 56).
complex has been named dentilisin. It is implicated in Recently, T. denticola mutants (in flgE, cheA, dmcA,
degradation of host cell molecules as it degrades and dmcB genes) were found to be deficient in the
fibronectin and host cell protease inhibitors (39, 43– penetration of gingival epithelial cell layers (57, 58).
46). Dentisilin also contributes to tissue invasion and These results suggest that both motility and chemotaxis
probably plays an important role in the ability of are involved in tissue penetration. Motility-deficient T.
spirochetes to invade host tissues and spread infectious denticola mutants, lacking the central kinase of the
disease within the host. Outer membrane (OM) extracts chemotaxis pathway, are unable to penetrate epithelial
of a PrtP-deficient mutant of T. denticola has dimin- tissues (57). T. denticola cells demonstrate high affinities
ished stress fiber-disrupting activity in HGF than the for binding to type I and type IV collagen as well as to
OM extracts of the parent strain. The OM extract of the gelatin (59). T. vincentii adheres to collagen type I, III,
parent strain completely disrupts epithelial resistance, IV, and V. Collagen adhesion has been attributed to the
while that of the mutant has negligible effects (47). activity of Msp (60). These interactions of Treponema
Interestingly, isogenic msp mutants of T. denticola that with tissue matrix components such as collagen and
are inactivated at a centrally located site of the msp gene hyaluronan (61) probably facilitate penetration of host
produce increased amounts of dentisilin. In contrast, if cell layers. It thus seems that for the oral bacterium T.
mutations are constructed near the 3 0 end of the msp denticola, the epithelium of the gingival tissue consti-
gene, T. denticola produces a truncated Msp and no tutes a natural site of entry into the host (57, 58).
dentisilin (45). Thus, important interactions between Spirochetes have been identified in dental plaque
Msp and dentisilin transport or assembly of the outer using monoclonal antibodies to putative T. pallidum
membrane complex exist. subsp. pallidum-specific proteins. Also, serum from
Spirochetes that may be suspected to be associated subjects with necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis has been
with the pathogenesis of a disease are motile bacteria shown to contain immunoglobulin G to molecules
that can be found in the most advanced regions of considered to be restricted to T. pallidum subsp.
infected tissue (48). Previous studies have shown that pallidum (62). Serum from subjects with periodontitis
the motility of spirochetes is a key virulence factor, since may contain IgA, IgG, and IgM antibodies that cross-
spirochete motility mutants fail to infect their host (49, react with 47-, 39-, and 15-kDa molecules from T.
50). While it is evident that pathogenic spirochetes do pallidum subsp. pallidum. However, there is no
move within the tissues of their respective hosts, it is association of cross-reactive immunity to T. pallidum
still unclear whether these cellular movements are subsp. pallidum with the detection of these oral
random or directed by chemotaxis systems. Genome spirochetes in subgingival plaque. This means that oral
sequence analyses of Borrelia burgdorferi, Treponema treponemes harbor antigenic similarities to those of T.
pallidum subsp. pallidum, and T. denticola have pallidum subsp. pallidum. Such findings help indicate
revealed that these spirochetes not only have complete that oral treponemes may serve as models for the
flagellum-based motility systems but also possess the specific syphilis pathogen.
genes necessary for chemotaxis that may direct the In the absence of antibiotic therapy, T. pallidum
flagellar movement (23, 29, 51–54). subsp. pallidum establish lifelong persistent infection

Dahle et al.

in a host, despite humoral and cellular immune presently it is well known that invasiveness is an
responses. The mechanisms by which these organisms important aspect of the virulence of many oral
evade the immune response to persist for decades are pathogens. Thus, during the spread of inflammation in
not yet fully known. However, outer surface molecules the pulp, bacteria may well be present both in the part of
of many bacterial pathogens undergo antigenic varia- the pulp that has become necrotic and in the super-
tion. This allows organisms to evade the host immune ficial layers of the subjacent vital tissue. The front of
system and establish a chronic infection, since immune infection, in other words, will be the transition zone be-
response mechanisms may not recognize the infectious tween the necrotic and vital (inflamed) pulp tissue (71).
agent. This also appears to be the case for some The invasive capacities of spirochetes are well
spirochetes. The large number of serotypes of the established (72, 57), but their possible role in the
relapsing fever Borrelia spirochete, Borrelia hermsii, is development of pulpal inflammation is not really
in part due to gene conversion occurring in the vsp and known. However, spirochetes are commonly present
vlp genes (63, 64). The Lyme disease agent B. in the necrotic pulp of non-vital teeth as evidenced by
burgdorferi also undergoes antigenic variation to both anaerobic culture (27, 32, 73, 74) and scanning
produce a high level of diversity of the vlsE gene (65– electron microscopic findings (27, 75). Using a novel
67). Changes in the vlsE variable regions have been method for recovering spirochetes, Dahle et al. (73)
shown to alter VlsE antigenicity during infection with have reported the findings of previously unidentified
B. burgdorferi (68). Recently, LaFond et al. (69) have oral species. One spirochete from the root canal of a
demonstrated that tprK sequences in T. pallidum tooth with apical periodontitis was characterized
subsp. pallidum obtained directly from syphilis patients morphologically (27). This spirochete was seven times
are heterogeneous. Also, tprK sequences from a rabbit- longer (140 mm) and five times thicker (2 mm) than
propagated isolate reveal that individual variable previously observed spirochetes (26). The bacterial cell
regions have different levels of diversity. The expression had a structured surface with small scales similar to
of new TprK proteins may, in part, explain how T. those described for several Treponema species (76).
pallidum evades the intense immune responses in an Protruding processes from the cell gave an impression
infected host, as well as being able to re-infect of feet-like appendages with an average length of
previously exposed individuals. The tpr family of genes 1.5 mm in several areas. Based on the morphology,
is believed to be central to pathogenesis and immunity motility, and site of isolation, it was assumed that this
during syphilis infection and some of these genes in organism belonged to the genus Treponema.
T. pallidum have homology to the msp genes of Recently, molecular genetic analyses have confirmed
T. denticola (38). the presence of oral treponemes in endodontic infec-
tions, and T. denticola, T. socranskii, T. vincentii, T.
maltophilum, T. pectinovorum, T. amylovorum, T.
Treponema in endodontic infections medium, and T. lecithinolyticum have all been detected
in infected root canals (77–82). With the checkerboard
DNA–DNA hybridization technique, T. denticola and
Root canal infection
T. socranskii have been identified in as many as 40% and
More than a hundred years ago, Miller (70) reported 60% of root canals from teeth with necrotic pulps (77).
the occurrence of spirochetes in endodontic infections With PCR-based identification, T. denticola was
and suggested that these bacteria were involved in the detected in 78%, T. socranskii in 41%, T. maltophilum
pathogenesis of pulpitis and apical periodontitis. It is in 39%, and T. lecithinolyticum in 26% of necrotic pulps
assumed that the pulp will not be infected as long as it is (80, 81). The findings of the genetic analyses are of
vital. Rather, it is bacterial products that initially cause special interest in the light of the studies on margi-
pulpal inflammation, either through a direct cytotoxic nal periodontitis where the ‘red cluster’ bacteria
effect or indirectly by their antigenic properties. The T. denticola, P. gingivalis, and P. forsythus have been
classic opinion is that not until the pulp injury is so found to have a decisive influence on the progression of
severe that a localized area of necrosis has developed, disease in patients with active marginal periodontitis.
will it be possible for bacteria to enter the pulp cavity These findings, and the fact that a significant relation-
and establish colonies in the necrotic tissue. However, ship has been observed between treponemes and

Treponemes and endodontics

P. gingivalis also in root canals of teeth with apical species, including those found in infected root canals,
periodontitis (79–82), seem to suggest that trepo- are known to be highly invasive to host tissues (57, 58).
nemes are involved in the development of disease also Spirochetes isolated from infected root canals of teeth
in the pulp. and from periodontal pockets of patients with marginal
periodontitis have been shown to carry several putative
Extraradicular infection virulence factors identical or similar to invasive organ-
isms such as T. pallidum (38, 62). Also, when genes in
As in the root canal, the infection of the periapical these putative endodontic pathogens are mutated, the
lesion is characterized by a wide variety of combinations bacteria lose their ability to penetrate tissue (57, 58).
of bacteria (83–85). In situ hybridization studies of Chemotaxis and motility may be essential for the
periapical granulomas, using a universal bacterial spirochetes to migrate from infected sites into adjacent
probe, have demonstrated several spirochete-like or- tissues and thus contribute to the progression of the
ganisms of different sizes (84, 86, 87). The spirochetes infection.
were seen in biofilm-like settings, coaggregating and Our understanding of treponemes and other micro-
forming microcolonies with bacteria of different organisms, pathogenic or otherwise, certainly will be
morphologies, and also as single cells or in groups, altered by the increasing availability of whole genome
free in the granulation tissue. In scanning electron sequences. Virulence studies using targeted mutants
microscopic studies, spirochetes are seen interspersed are currently being performed in oral spirochetes, and
with other bacteria in bacterial aggregates that have the now that genetic tools have been and are being
form of granules of up to 3–4 mm in diameter (‘sulfur developed, such studies are expected to provide
granules’) (86). important new insights into their biology. It will be
Using the checkerboard DNA–DNA hybridization exciting in the near future to relate specific gene
technique, T. denticola and T. socranskii were identified functions, including the genes involved with chemo-
in about 60% of periapical endodontic lesions (83, 87). taxis and motility, to virulence and possibly to
With fluorescence in situ hybridization, T. vincentii was pathogenesis of endodontic infections.
detected directly inside the periapical granuloma (84).
T. vincentii and T. vincentii-related organisms, which
are Group 1 treponemes, have been associated with Acknowledgement
periodontal diseases (25, 42, 48, 88). Since T. vincentii
We thank Dr Ellen Namork for taking the electron micro-
has been recovered by molecular methods both from
graph of the negatively stained ‘T. vincentii’.
the root canal (79), the periapical lesion (84), and from
pus of endodontic abscesses (80), this group of
organisms may play a role in endodontic infections as
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