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Second Batch OF NCIPS Primary
and the Fifth Batch of NCIPS

NCIPS Kindergarten & Primary
June 12, 2013 1. Opening by MC. Pembukaan oleh Master of Ceremony.
2. Gaudeamus Igitur Song. Lagu Gaudeamus Igitur.
3. Procession of female and male graduate at commencement. Prosesi
We would like to invite you to attend NCIPS Kindergarten and Primary Wisudawan / Wisudawati.
Graduation Day that will be held on: 4. The Chairman of SMF and Principals enter Ceremony Room. Unsur
Day / Date : Wednesday / June 12, 2013 Pimpinan SMF dam Para Kepala Sekolah memasuki ruang sidang.
Place : Palapa Resto & Cafe
5. Graduation Day is opened by Chairman of SMF. Acara wisuda
Jl. Palapa, Oebobo, Kupang.
dibuka oleh Ketua SMF
Time : 10.00 a.m. 13.00 p.m.
6. Indonesian Anthem. Lagu Indonesia Raya.
7. Observe a brief silence by Chairman of SMF. Mengheningkan Cipta
We are extremely glad to welcome your attendance and thank you very much oleh Ketua SMF.
for encouragement and participation to succeed this program.
8. A Speech by the Chairwoman of Committee. Sambutan dari Ketua
Panitia Wisuda.
9. Scientific Oration by Chairman of SMF. Orasi Ilmiah oleh Ketua
Kupang, June 8, 2013 10. Inauguration of female and male graduate at commencement by The
Yours Truly, School Principals. Pengukuhan Wisudawan/Wisudawati oleh Kepala
11. Best Graduate Awards. Penghargaan lulusan terbaik.
12. Female and male Commencement pledge. Janji Wisudawan /
Prof. DR. Pati Servasius. Alowysia Novi Iky, S.Pd. Wisudawati
Chairman of SMF Chairwoman of Committee 13. NCIPS MARCHS. MARS NCIPS.
14. A Speech by a student as the representative of female or male
graduate at commencement. Sambutan yang mewakili
15. Prayer. Doa.
16. The Graduation Day is closed by the Chairman of SMF. Acara
Wisuda ditutup oleh Ketua SMF.
P.S.: All the guests are expected to attend this program fifteen minutes before the opening of 17. Lunch and take picture. Makan Siang dan Foto Bersama.
Graduation Day 18. Programs: Acara acara.

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