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"Forty days before a person is conceived into this world, it is announced in

Heaven - the Divine Spirit World, that the daughter of this man is destined to
marry this man, the house in this place - is destined for their home, and this
field (livelihood / business / profession) is destined for this person". Talmud
Sota 2a. Everything is decreed in our "Destiny " as a Divine plan
for each and every person in the Divine Heavenly records

The explanation to the concept of 40 days before conception as taught in

Raziel Hamalach and Sefer Shinuyim is on the "spiritual birthday page ".

This is the original text in Hebrew - Aramaic from the Babylonian Talmud
Sotah 2a .

Foundation of Believing in "Destiny " .

The fundamental basis of understanding and believing in this fact that
everything is really is decreed in our "Destiny " in the Divine
Heavenly records is to first believe in GOD.

Until a person starts to "think spiritually", having the innate feeling that there
must a GOD and there must exist a spiritual world from where our souls came
from and to where are souls go to after this physical life has ended then a
person will continue existing a superficial life like a wandering sheep
believing that everything that occurs is simply a haphazard misfit of events,
situations and circumstances, created by themselves and others - which is
simply ridiculous as this world would truly descend into chaos and self-
destruction if that were so !

It is ONLY the fact that everything is decreed in our "Destiny " in

the Heavenly records that enables each and everyone to exist and live as
individuals and collectively as a society in a whole.

Destiny - Nothing is
Life Only Gives Your Soul the Experiences it Needs
In the idealistic spiritual realms - "nothing is wasted" - EVERYTHING that
occurs in Spirit world and in this physical world happens for a purpose. There
is no experience, coincidence, event or happening that is allowed to occur in
this physical world unless it is a necessity for our soul to learn and change.

This principle of "non-waste" helps us understand that during our physical

existence which we call "life", our soul yearns and needs lessons, situations,
tests and experiences in order to learn, transform, change, correct past-life
mistakes and elevate oneself spiritually.

The spiritual law of Destiny ensures that we all get every

experience we need in order for our soul to fulfill its maximum potential. If
one doesn't listen to the signs and guidance one is being shown in life,
discarding everything that happens in life as mere haphazard occurrence, then
one will not learn nor change, and certainly one will be unable to break the
cycle of reincarnation successfully .

Being able to break the cycle of ones life and the cycle of reincarnation
successfully one first needs to STOP and think carefully at EVERYTHING
that occurs in ones life, concentrating on the fact that everything happens for a
specific reason. Remember NOTHING happens by "chance", every
coincidence is a piece of a DESTINED DIVINE plan for ones soul.

Everything that occurs in your life is talking to you and teaching you a lesson.
It is up to you to understand what the lesson is and what is being told to you
by Spirit world. Accept the fact that NOTHING happens by chance nor
accident - so continually ask yourself - "What do i need to learn from the
experience i am going through? Why is this happening to me? & What should
i be doing with my life? & What am i being guided to do with my life?"
Lonely - Feelings of Isolation and
Alienation ?
There is no need for anyone in this world to feel isolated or alienated; every
single person is part of a whole unit - that is ones "soulmate", everything and
everyone in this world is simply a half of a whole.

Each person exists a part of a SoulMate unit and also exists as part of a
SoulGroup; if one feels isolated, alienated and lonely, this implies that one is
not connected nor feeling connected with ones SoulMate or SoulGroup.

Ones Guardian Angels and inner instinctive feelings give a person feelings of
"Isolation, Loneliness and Alienation" and hence feelings of "Depression" as a
sign of being detached from ones true destined pathway, either one is with the
wrong person/people, in the wrong place doing the wrong things for ones soul.

Most people ignore these signs until it becomes overwhelmingly intolerable

then it becomes an "EMERGENCY" to break away with many sudden

If one feels lonely, the first step is to PRAY and ask for guidance from GOD
and ones Guardian Angels; then eliminate the bad and draining connections
from ones life, but most importantly focus on the GOOD connections, which
person, place or activity in your life really brings you strong energy of feeling

The search must start in your mind and thoughts for all the good and positive
connections with souls and people in ones SoulGroup, then one will be guided
to automatically find and be with ones SoulMate. and live in the correct place
for ones soul, fulfilling ones true purpose in life.

"Destiny" is an Inexplicable Inner Feeling & Instinct

"Destiny" is an inexplicable feeling that NO ONE else can feel or explain
other than YOU. In our generation, many of us have heard amazing stories of
soulmate's meeting on the internet, overcoming barriers of each others
cultures, countries and societies, with a feeling of knowing this is their destiny
and soulmate. For the past 40 years since Air travel, has made the whole
World a more accessible place, there are many more people moving to live in
the place that they "feel" is right for their souls to live.

These feelings unique to each and every personal; one thing is for 100%
certain when a person is away from the wrong place and living in the right
place for ones soul with the right soulmate and connecting with people of ones
Soulgroup one truly feels the spiritual strength, inner reassurance of "being
connected" to GOD, and full of aliveness and happiness.

Signs of Destiny
According to the Tana Devei Eliyahu, there is a Spiritual Law is that every
situation and event in this life comes in pairs; this is meant to act as a SIGN

At the same time one is connecting with ones SoulGroup; ones Soulmate and
finding the right place to live for ones soul, simultaneously something good
will be happening in your life. It could be a new job, new business or new
home. Be assured that there will be a sign, this is simply spiritual law of
duality and pairs.

Destiny is a Key to Open the Door

To open an enormous door, you only need a tiny key. To solve a baffling
mystery, you only need a small clue. Finding your true destined destiny is
finding one of the KEYS of Life.

To open the enormous door of your destiny, all you really require is a little
piece of information. A word or two from the right person. An idea from the
right part of your own imagination. An insight from the right section of the
library. A seemingly trivial discovery is about to make a very big difference.

All this starts with a sincere prayer and many tears, as we know in "kabbala"
crying opens up a direct link to GOD, to the Eternal Divine Spirit World of
Souls, as all prayers are answered with tears, by crying many tears one can
actually make miracles !

This is especially true if one feels that one has gone away from ones destiny,
by praying and crying; this is always an instinctive feeling for everyone who
feels lonely, isolated and depressed to CRY. A tear is the KEY to OPEN THE
DOOR and will start your journey to find your true destiny.

"Destiny is Written in the Heavenly

The study of astrology and palmistry, teaches and reassures that everyone's
DESTINY is mapped out for you, and there is no need to be sad, depressed or
give-up on life.

Let the past remain in the past and consider that TODAY is the 1st day of the
rest of your life ! Smile and be Happy ! As soon as one has found ones true
destined pathway there will never be a need to ever be sad or depressed ever
again in ones life.

The Future is already Written !
The Talmud Sotah 49b explains many signs that will occur during the last
generation. This is reference to the times known as "Moshiach" which is the
time when the veil between this Physical World and Spiritual world will be
removed and everyone will see everything clearly.

The only thing that isn't written is our attitude and the way we handle
everything that occurs; the freewill choice is ours to accept everything that
happens with calmness and reassurance or to get upset. If we truly trust in
GOD then we will never get flustered nor upset by anything that happens in

Prophets & The Future

"Everything is written" in destiny; as explained on "seeing the future" from
Sefer Chochmas Yad, the only reason we are given signs, scriptures, prophets
and spiritual writings is to inform us of the future in order to reassure
everyone that DESTINY is written in the Divine Heavenly records.

It is written and given by prophets to give everyone a proof that there is a

GOD; an eternal DIVINE Creator of the whole Universe and an Eternal
Divine Spiritual World of Souls. Everything has a purpose and plan in
accordance with the will of GOD.

May it be the will of GOD that we see everything that happens in our lives for
good and be able to see the signs in our life to find our true destined pathway.

SoulGroup is the 1st Key

Finding and connecting with ones SoulGroup is the first Key to open the door
to your Destiny, the 2nd key is to find ones true loving Soulmate.

The True Soulmate

In the passage of Talmud Sotah 2a at the top of this page, it teaches that
destiny has designated each individual with a soulmate. With that soulmate
comes a "package" of a home to live and profession/job/purpose in life . The
spiritual and physical energy of planet earth resonates to the number TWO
and if you think carefully, everything on our planet comes in pairs .

Even the Earth itself is paired with the Moon, the Earth needs the Moon to
exist both physically and spiritually, in the renewal of energies monthly and
daily tidal flows ( the magnetic pull of the Moons energy causes high and low
tides - the Earth needs CHANGE to exist) .

The emphasis and importance of finding ones true soulmate is the key to
success in life . The two halves that make the whole, once together they can
lead a fulfilling and purposeful life - "their destiny". Having the "wrong half"
means one does not have the key to fulfill ones true destined purpose in life.
Without the right "key", ones life will seem frustrating and unlucky - like
stuck in a locked room full of closed doors . It maybe nice few hours, but
would be frustratingly painful to remain there for the rest of ones life !

Taking someone else's soulmate leads to complications and problems in life,

which in our modern generation has lead to unparalleled level of divorce .
Which is a blessing, that people can undo a serious mistake they have made in
this life . But has consequences that society takes a flippant attitude to the
seriousness of living with the wrong soulmate . It not only damages the
couples souls, but hurts the two "lost" souls whom are waiting for their true
soulmates .

Getting the wrong soulmate will lead to flirting with

The Rabbis 2000 years ago, chose to write this passage discussing "destiny" in
the Talmud Tractate/Mesechta of "Sotah" . Sotah is the name given to a
woman whom has been unfaithful to her husband . She is a married woman
whom has flirted, even talked lovingly to another man, kissed or actually
made love . The Rabbis discuss the origins of why a woman has been
unfaithful with her husband .

The conclusive facts, are that if the woman was with her destined soulmate,
her rightful man . (likewise if a man is with his true and correct destined
soulmate ), then making love and being together they would feel wholesome .
They will never conflict with each other, as each feels the pain and sadness,
love and happiness of the other person. They think in the same harmonious
way, and very often are so intune with each other, that they know exactly what
the other one is thinking. This is because they are indeed each others - "other

If a woman and man have flirted, this is simply a result of the fact that they
are currently with someone whom is NOT their souls destiny. Someone who is
not making their life wholesome, but is in fact conflicting with their soul. The
wrong partner will make each feel depressed, sad and lonely even in a
relationship, and will resort to suppressing their inner feelings by drinking
alcohol or smoking cigarettes, the general signs of depression and lack of
loving vitality etc., This is simply because they may have married the wrong
person, for the wrong reasons, for example lustful sexual instincts or for
security, money and wealth, etc .... these bad relationships will never last even
with all the "marriage counseling", as spiritually their souls are in pain as they
are not with their true soulmate.

As we wrote on the introduction page of this website, Reb Yehonosson

Eibeschitz explains that the thoughts and intentions at the beginning of any
venture in life, set the foundations. If they are truthful, sincere and honorable -
they will have success, if they are based on lies - they will fail .

Deepdown a person whom has married the wrong person for "non spiritual"
reasons knows the truth, but suppress the feelings of truth, as modern society
together with unspiritual "counselors" and "shrinks" - Psychologists, find it
easier to cover up deceit and lies with more deceit and lies, instead of learning
to be honest and tell the truth.

Sadly in our generation, so many young people make the mistake of marrying
for the wrong reasons, which inevitably leads to divorce. The simple sign in
"knowing" that one maybe in the wrong relationship, is a fact that one will be
adamant about the choice of NOT WANTING CHILDREN. The true purpose
of marrying is to make love and have children, having transformed into
maturity of an adult, to want to GIVE instead of TAKING. If indeed one is
with someone just for "sex" and using contraception because one does not
want children "yet", this is indicative that this is NOT the destined soulmate.
That relationship is symbolic of wanting death, waste and destruction - a
deadly cycle of taking, blocking and draining energy, instead of growing up
and maturing to learn to create love with a desire to GIVE, creating life and
being a part of the continuity of life on earth with sincere love .

Growing up
The basic transition of childhood to adulthood, means that one has matured to
become a kind generous GIVER, instead of being a TAKER . The instinctive
nature of a child is to TAKE even steal . As a responsible and correct adult ,
one has transformed to GIVE .

In a normal good society and brought up by loving parents, everyone learns

the lessons of giving and creating through LOVE, thanks, kindness and
appreciation by the age of 18 . These are the signs of true maturity and
adulthood .

Some people sadly never mature or grow up, even at the age of 30 and older
they still expect to take from others, acting like a spoilt impetulant child,
relying on their parents for energy or as a parasite - stealing and taking from
other men / women .

Growing up means to learn that, by being kind, thoughtful, generous, saying

THANK YOU and loving unconditionally, one has actually learnt that there is
no shortage in life's energy, that there is no need to take or steal energy from
others . As the act of true love and kindness actually creates energy.

Within the concept of generosity and act of giving, ones soul receives life
energy, supporting one to continue giving which actually creates a loving
desire to want to give to others. Most women once they have given birth to
one child, suddenly get a special magical energy and desire to want many
children - that is a simple spiritual fact of life ! The more one gives - the more
one desires to give, and more importantly the more one is blessed by spirit
world to be able to give .


This is an important fact - as one needs to firmly believe that every person has
a loving soulmate . There is no need to steal someone else's, if one does not
marry for the sincere reason of wanting to be with ones true soulmate, in order
to fulfill ones life purpose together, then with the wrong partner relationship
will end in sadness, tragedy or divorce .

How To Find Ones Soulmate

Please read the full explanation "How to find ones Soulmate" from Sefer
Shinuyim and Sefer Tikunim, with the prayers and spiritual knowledge of
understanding how to find ones true soulmate.

The foundation must be set, firstly by praying and being determined that you
ONLY want your soulmate and not someone else's. As discussed on the page
"ability to change" crying and praying always helps . When your prayers will
be answered, and you will first communicate, speak or see your true soulmate,
you and ONLY both of you will know . Both of you will have a warm feeling
of aliveness, that one feels when finally coming home after a long journey . In
fact the feeling is even stronger than that warmth . Every single cell in your
body will wake up and come alive from the energy of connecting with ones
true soulmate .

This is destiny of your soul, a feeling that NO ONE else can feel or explain .
In our generation, many of us have heard amazing stories of soulmates
meeting on the internet, overcoming barriers of each others cultures, countries
and societies, with a feeling of knowing this is their destiny and soulmate .

Once you have been touched by this feeling of meeting your true soulmate,
everything in your life will start to feel at ease, if you follow your pathway
with truthful honest instincts then everything good will start to "happen" for
you . Your soul will finally feel at peace with true love, a sense of "destiny"
and a purposeful life .

There will also be a SIGN, according to the Tana Devei Eliyahu, the spiritual
law is that every situation and event in this life comes in pairs, at the same
time one is meeting ones soulmate, simultaneously something good will be
happening in your life . It could be a new job, new business or new home . Be
assured that there will be a sign, this is simply spiritual law . Ask every
happily married couple - they will all have stories of "Divine coincidences"
that happened when they first met and a lovely sign from heaven ! The energy
and connection with ones true soulmate unlocks the key to ones closed room
of life .

Destiny is a Key
To open an enormous door, you only need a tiny key. To solve a baffling
mystery, you only need a small clue. Finding your soulmate is like finding this
key of life .

To open the enormous door of your destiny, all you really require is a little
piece of information. A word or two from the right person. An idea from the
right part of your own imagination. An insight from the right section of the
library. A seemingly trivial discovery is about to make a very big difference.

All this starts with a sincere prayer and a few tears, as we know in "kabbala"
crying opens up a direct link to spirit world and all prayers are answered with
tears . This especially true if one feels that one has gone away from ones
destiny, by praying and crying, there is a spiritual guarantee that you can
return to your true destiny, that is the purpose of your guardian angels to
always guide you to your destiny, even if you have been "side-tracked" and
wandered off from your destined pathway . That too is destiny, difficult
lessons that your soul needed and wanted to learn .


from 2004 - 2011"
Even the precise timing for spiritual understanding knowledge to become
popular for the next 7 years as the planet Uranus moved on December 30th
2003 into Spiritually minded Pisces . Which means the focus is on a personal,
soulful and individual spiritual development, the study and understanding of
spirituality, life-after-death, and the existence of a spirit world, hence the
phenomenal interest in Kabbalah, Reincarnation and everything truly spiritual
without the manmade fabricated laws, materialism and meaningless nuances.

The major religions have lost their monopoly on religion because of the
hypocrisy, animosity and hatred . Whereas, spirituality of life is the fact that
God is love . The divine Godly energy that creates and sustains this planet, the
solar system and all of the spirit realms is LOVE energy . For the next 7 years
the human spiritual development will be away from traditional religions and
towards an individual approach and belief in GOD . Each person will develop
their own spiritual understanding, love and appreciation of GOD and spirit
world .

Uranus in idealistic and creative spiritual pisces means that the energy will
turn all spiritual and creative people into idealistic and loving people, whom
will give of their time for free, a desire to teach other people out of a deep
spiritual love to help others.

This time will see a "spiritual essence" of spirit world impregnating itself into
this physical world, in that the same way that everything in Spirit world is
communicated through LOVE energy and the DIVINE energy of LOVE and
compassion, completely unconditional and divorced from anything
materialistic. In fact the further from materialism then the more spirituality
will be innately present. As the Torah says, "One who is wealthy and attached
to materialism cannot enter the kingdom of spiritual heaven". Hence look
forward to an idealistic time, which we are already seeing by the availability
of knowledge free on the internet !
Just consider that 7 years ago in 1996, did any of us know about the true
growth and potential of the internet . And yet all of our lives in the whole
world have been transformed by this amazing tool of communication and
encyclopedia of knowledge. Likewise in 7 years time we will all look back
and see the amazing spiritual transformation that is destined to happen .

The last time Uranus was in Pisces was in 1919-1929, which was a time of an
affluent thriving modernizing generation . Post World War One, after the
hatred, death and carnage of war, gave people the peace of mind and love, to
develop and change their lives through creativity and invention . Similarly, the
transformation we shall undergo will be away from rigid rules of hateful
traditional religions, having experienced some really awful murderous acts,
especially by hateful fanatics.

The world hopefully will transform and move towards a world of peace, love,
harmony and acceptance of all of humanity as children of the same GOD of
love. With all spiritual knowledge never being charged for by money making
"charlatans", benefiting out of other peoples misery, and only the genuine
good spiritual advisors giving knowledge completely free.

That is indeed the ideal of the "times of Moshiach" - for all nations to live in
peace - with no more wars or hatred - only kindness, peace and love .

Astrology will provide you with information you need to expand your
awareness of your specific life's purpose. Your chart is unique to you, as no
one else was born on your birthday, at the exact time and place of birth . Even
if there were other babies born in the same hospital, the chances are that they
certainly would not have been conceived at the same time . So your energy
from astrology is unique to you .

Palmistry is the knowledge of reading the unique lines on the palms of ones
hand, with the focus to re-assure that there is purpose in life, that love and
personal happiness are attainable . Palmistry is the knowledge that will help
you comprehend, that the lines on your hand contain the blueprint of your
soul, mapping out your souls journey in this life, the abilities and tools you
have been blessed with in order to accomplish your life's mission with
purpose, soul satisfaction and fulfillment.
The lines on your hand are the most precise lines anywhere on your body, and
are specifically related to the qualities of your life and your life's experiences,
the life line, head line and heart line give the general guideline, the other lines
give more details . The more sensitive one is, the more facets and life
experiences one decided to come to earth to work on, then the more lines one
will have.

The feeling of traveling along the correct pathway of your destiny is an

amazing aliveness and gift. In reflection and hindsight it makes all the pain
worthwhile, as it gives a person that "knowing" feeling that the new pathway
is indeed the correct pathway. The past was a destined mistake. This
experience in itself is a reason why your soul came to "earth- school" to learn .

Summary of "Destiny"
The basic life rules of destiny, is that life is a journey from childhood to
adulthood, learning to transform from a "taker" into a "giver" and "creator" of
loving energy .

Then "destiny" helps you find the missing piece of your life, your "other half "
of you , the soulmate of your soul and life . In finding your soulmate, the
"package" of life is complete and life "happens" for you . A home to live and
your joint purpose in life . Each and every person has a soulmate, a destiny
that is waiting for their soul to live . To be able to fulfill ones unique purpose
with ones maximum potential with ones soulmate . No one should be alone -
that is not the purpose of life on an earth of pairs !

Lift up your eyes towards the heavens, and look ...
"Who created these amazing planets & stars" ?
Image reproduced by courtesy of NASA

Astrology is the study of the physical stars and planets in our solar system,
their energies and effects on the individual person and collective universe.

The whole of the universe is continually moving in space according to a

Divine plan of precise and exact motion. The enormity, vastness and
magnitude of our solar system, the universe and stars is beyond our physical
comprehension of human imagination. This is referred to as EIN SOF -
- infinity.

The planetary movements in our solar system and the stars visible to our eyes
in the sky at night have spiritual laws and energies. Each and every planet has
energies and strengths which are coordinated to affect everyone and
everything on this planet Earth, in accordance to a Divine plan of time.
Our soul receives energy to live every second of every day from GOD. Our
spiritual soul is connected to the spirit world, and receives its vitality through
the transcending levels of energies from the spirit world. The closer we are
and more connected we are spiritually - the greater our vitality and creative
life energy. The creative life energy of this world is GOD, and GOD is LOVE,
LOVE creates life, LOVE sustains life, and the lack of love or hate means

Our soul constantly receives energy from GOD and the eternal Divine spirit
world, which is the spiritual sustenance our soul needs. Similarly our physical
body also receives energies which give our lives the variety and change we
need for our journey of life on earth. The study of the energy our physical
body receives from the planets and stars is called Astrology.

The life giving energy from GOD and Spirit world is called Yeneeka -
- "pure nourishment from heavens above".

Yeneeka is the name also given to breast-feeding, as "Yeneeka" is

sustenance that is created from thoughts of love and a desire to provide energy
to the soul through the energy of love, hence someone who does not know
how to love or has no loving energy is as good as dead, as they are blocking
the flow of life-energy to their body & soul.

The secret of Jewish astrology is to be aware that we have a soul, and that the
energy of GOD can override and supercedes everything, through the love we
have for GOD and for the love given to us by GOD, we will always receive
energy to live, if only we are open and loving to receive the Yeneeka from
GOD, through the astrological energy of the planets.
The awareness that we have a soul in our physical body is of vital importance
to understanding Jewish astrology, and will enable one to understand concepts
of Astrology perfectly with pure truthfulness.

In this chapter we shall teach the following basic Jewish spiritual astrological

#1. The concept of YENEEKA, the importance to the place of birth and where
one lives .

#2. The concept of a SPIRITUAL birthday, and ones real birthday - the day of
conception - the day ones soul and ones physical journey started on earth.
Relating this to ones actually birthday - the day one was born and started the
physical disconnection from ones mother.
#3. Understanding the 12 signs of the zodiac, the purpose of variety in
mankind. Understanding the 4 groups of signs (water, earth, fire and air), the
collective purpose of each group and reasons why instantaneously some
people connect and others don't connect.

#4. The concept of cycle of life, the 12 periods of 7 years of life. The concept
of living the 12 periods of life in ONE YEAR. The yearly cycle of life and the
lessons of each month of the year both on a personal and collective levels.

#5. "Lucky days", with Mazel, and the concept of spiritual energy for certain
days and places. Knowing the energy of the day and learning to live with the
flow of life's energy and not fighting GOD or destiny. This important
knowledge teaches which months in the year ones soul is open for changing,
resting, hyper activity and spiritual growth.

#6. The concept of individual astrology and collective areas / "national"

astrology. The balancing out of energies in the collective world hence the
importance of SATURN as a "teacher" of past-life times reincarnations, and
the importance of Uranus in Pisces.

#7. The concept that astrological influences DO NOT necessarily influence

our lives, as our soul has a pathway which sometimes fits in astrologically and
sometimes not . We shall explain the difference and the indicative signs to
know the difference .

1. The Concepts of Yeneeka Milmaala

The Importance to the Place of Birth and Where one Lives.

In the same way we eat and drink, giving our body energy to live and survive.
Our soul needs spiritual energy to survive.

- Yeneeka Milmaala - is the place where one receives ones energy

from spirit world. It is a specific place in this physical world. This is the
physical place where you should be living, and is the place your soul is
yearning and searching for your physical body to move to.

If you are not living or were not born in that place, then you will find that you
need to sleep more than most people, so that your soul can travel to that place
whilst you sleep and feel recharged and energized. These signs should identify
to you that you must MOVE from where you are living. Astrology will teach
you to identify where the energy is best for one to live.
However, before you contemplate moving, you need to ask yourself honestly,
why have you been born and put in the situation you are in. Is it because you
have made mistakes in your life and got side-tracked or have you had no
choice, and this is where your life has placed you. In either case, now that you
are aware of knowledge from your enlightened spiritual learning. It is now
time to change; your soul is now awakened and ready to make the changes.

The Place of Birth

In the spiritual concept of Yeneeka, it is vitally imperative that you consider
the place of your birth and if you can - find out the place of your conception,
if it's different, this indicates that your soul started its journey in one place,
with the energy of that place and then collected the energy of everywhere your
mother traveled until your birth. For this reason Jewish mothers are careful
where they go during pregnancy so as not to disturb nor damage the spiritual
soul of the child they are carrying.
In considering the place of birth, one should learn about and understand the
energy that town/city is famous for and at the time of your conception and

For example, Liverpool UK, became worldwide famous in 1963 when the
Beatles revolutionized the music world. The creative loving transformation
they made catalyzed a whole generation to change. The Beatles and the energy
of Liverpool identifies with rebelling against the past, encouraging freedom of
expression life through love. Anyone born or conceived in Liverpool in 1963
and 1964 has the potential energy to catalyze a change the world like the
Beatles did for the music world, culture and society.

Other examples of places of birth, with specific energies that are associated
with it; New York, considered be many to be the number 1 city of the world,
with the tallest of sky scrapers on Manhattan, and a concentrated centre of
capitalist business and materialism in the whole world; Paris - city of love and
romance; London - a stable financial centre, with an energy of printing,
publications and communications; and Rome - thoughts of the Roman Empire
and of religion of Christianity.

Similarly, places can have meanings in peoples mind as places of death,

tragedy, bad luck. Once labeled by our minds and thoughts, people born and
associated with that place carry this negative energy.

Learn about the PLACE of your conception and birth. Learn about the history
and events that occurred in the world at the time of your conception and birth.
Learn about the history of the place you are currently living in, what energies
are associated with this place? What lessons do you need to learn in living
there? What type of energy is your soul receiving? Is it life-giving good and
creatively constructive or draining and deadly destructive?

After understanding the different energies of places in the world, some blessed
and being given the gift of life and love, whilst other places are a focus of
negative destructive emotions of hatred, violence and death. Then ask and
pray for spiritual guidance to be guided to live in the right place for your soul.

In the pages of "CHANGE" on this website, we discuss how easy it is to

change and move home by connecting with a place that gives your soul
strength vitality and a desire to love and live .

2. The concept of a SPIRITUAL Birthday

"Forty days before a person is CONCEIVED into this world, it is announced

in heavenly spirit world, the daughter of this man is destined to marry this
man, the house in this place - is destined for their home, and this field
(livelihood/business/profession) is destined for this person."

40 Days of Spiritual Preparations

The start of ones life, begins in the spirit world 40 days before one is
conceived. This is known as the SPIRITUAL birthday. In these 40 days
preparations, events and plans are made for your successful journey into a
physical existence.

Each and every year on this day, spiritual plans are made for your new year. In
these 40 days prior to the anniversary of your of conception your mind and
thoughts are open to spiritual knowledge, understanding and you are flexible
to CHANGE. As all changes in a persons life starts as a spiritual thought. For
those people who understand astrology, then you will know the last period of
30 days before ones birthday represents ones 12th house - the spiritual house,
the time of inner thoughts and mystical changes in ones life.

On this spiritual birthday, ones soul connects with the divine source for a
renewal of energy and to plan the forthcoming year. This day is important,
each and every year from this day onwards for 40 days until ones birthday of
conception, extra special spiritual knowledge and guidance is being
transcended into ones soul.
Ones True Astrological Birthday
Spiritual Astrology teaches that ones physical creation is the day of
conception, the day ones soul and ones physical journey started on earth.
Spiritual and physical events happen concurrently in synchronous and
harmonious conjunction with each other. So the time you where conceived is
the time your physical journey starts.

Conception and Birth

Jewish spiritual astrology is based on the fact that the precise moment one is
conceived is the astrological identity of ones soul, as this is the moment that
the soul that transcends from the Spirit world, the astrological energies of the
planets at conception truly identifies the energy of ones soul and physical life
on earth. This major difference is the reason why some astrologers are not
able to forecast the future, as they are using the natal birthday.

The book Raziel Hamalach, , states clearly that the astrological

time of your arrival on this planet, is the moment your physical journey starts.
That is the moment of conception, ofcourse this is almost impossible to know,
unless your parents are extremely sensitive and spiritually aware to have
known this moment, when they felt your soul arrive in their bodies.

Nonetheless one should consider the Sun sign aspects of your approximate
date on your conception. This will help you identify your character, known as
the "Yesod" - Foundation Sun sign of your astrological identity.

For example, everyone assumes Librans, whom are born in September -

October, are loving, flexible, easily changeable moods, and have many
friends. Yet they are also known to be very stubborn, determined, resist
changes and have very few really close friends they can talk to completely
honestly . That is because most Librans are in essence, conceived in 9 months
prior in December - January, and during the Sun sign of Capricorn, are ruled
by restrictive, slow and gracefully moving Saturn.

And for another example, a person born in Sun sign of Pisces, is actually
conceived in Gemini, the quality of dual personality of a person conceived in
Gemini is reflected in Pisces born person, as the constant fight between right
and wrong, good and bad, spiritual and selfish materialism etc., Once this
person has transformed their character - they can become into a selfless
spiritual kindhearted Pisces natured person. This is the purpose of their
journey of life on earth.

So check out your astrology for nine months before you were born at
approximate moment of conception. Have you ever felt that something new
always comes in your life three months after your birthday? That is indeed
because astrologically it is the birthday of your physical journey in this world
- the conception.

Ones astrological character is identified by the date of ones conception

birthday, this is your intrinsic character instilled and infused within your

Your natal birthday character is the character that you as an individual -

without any parental and social influences will change into if you are 100%
detached from your parents and social circumstances. In many cases, it is the
character you are continually striving to become and change-into during your

The qualities of the character of natal birthday, is your potential result once
you have transformed and developed your character, fulfilling your purpose in
life. We all have come to earth to change and transform. This is the Sun sign
given to you to identify your pathway of change during this life.

It is well known that when children grow up and leave home, developing their
own independence and character - they can be remarkably changed from their
childhood character. This is the character of "detachment" from ones mother -
the natal birth character. If one has not yet transformed into the character, then
usually at the moment when parents die, especially if one was attached to ones
mother, this suddenly catalyses changes in the persons character. This new
and destined character is the natal birth character.

Ones real Astrological "birthday" is the

day of ones Conception. The day ones
soul and ones physical journey started
on earth.
Jewish spiritual astrology is based on the moment of conception, as a basis
and realization that we exist as a spiritual soul in a physical body. This
ofcourse differs from non-jewish and non-spiritual astrologers, and that is why
throughout the generations there has always been a different truth of astrology
in the Jewish teachings.

Spiritual and physical events happen concurrently in synchronous and

harmonious conjunction with each other. So the time you where conceived is
the time your physical journey starts.
For many spiritually awakened people whom have worked out their
SPIRITUAL birthday and have kept yearly diaries, then they have found
events happening on the same day every year. With enormous energy of
change, happiness and joy - these really are the signs of a spiritual birthday.
The Spirit world is blessing a person on this day with spiritual birthday gifts !

3 . Understanding the 12 Signs of the Zodiac

Aries 21st March - 20th April

Taurus 20th April - 21st May
Gemini 21st May- 21st June
Cancer 21st June - 22nd July
Leo 22nd July - 23rd August
Virgo 23rd August - 23rd September
Libra 23rd September - 22nd October
Scorpio 23rd October - 22nd November
Sagittarius 22nd November - 22nd December
Capricorn 22nd December - 20th January
Aquarius 20th January - 21st February
Pisces 22nd February - 21st March

The purpose of variety in mankind is to make each individual humble and aware that
one is just one piece in a whole picture, no-one is perfect nor contains the
characteristics of everything and everyone. We are all individual pieces that come
together to perform our personal and collective purpose in life. The variety in life gives
each individual uniqueness as well as an awareness and quality of belonging to the soul
group of the collective world. The 4 groups of Sun signs are categorized by the 4
elements; water, earth, fire and air.

FIRE Aries, Leo, Sagittarius .

EARTH Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn .
AIR Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
WATER: Cancer , Scorpio ,Pisces

Reb Chaim Vital, the famous Jewish kabbalist who wrote the Book of
Reincarnations Sefer Gilgulim. Explains the four elements of nature, each of
which come with its own specific mission and test in life to overcome:-

The FIRE signs have a tendency to be exceedingly selfish and proud; their
lesson in life is therefore to become more considerate of others, kind and
selfless. Also to become more humble in their behavior by learning
consideration for other people feelings and emotions. The Fire sign can be
overbearing intimidating and burn people, the fire sign needs to learn to
control its temperament, to control and provide the right amount of energy
when it is needed, and not to be so overbearing that pushes people away.

The EARTH signs have a tendency to be lazy and depressed their lesson in
life is to create activity and keep themselves busy. Additionally even when
they are busy they must make sure they have the right attitude, thinking
positive constructive thoughts, avoiding depressive, sad, negative or jealous
thoughts. Once the earth sign learns to control its energy it can provide very
solid foundations for any project or venture.

The AIR signs have a tendency to talk too much and to tell lies, sometimes
with their sharp tongues they can hurt and damage other people. They must
learn to tell the truth and communicate positive loving thoughts with other
people, giving people constructive encouragement and support with their
words. Learning to control the power of speech and communication can help
to join together all facets of society.

The WATER signs have a tendency to follow their animal instincts, instead of
thinking of the difference between right and wrong. They have a tendency for
too much and excessiveness in eating, drinking and sex. Therefore, they must
learn to control themselves and their animal instincts. Once controlled, they
provide necessary sustenance to provide life to the world.

Why do you connect wonderfully with some people, horribly with others, and
some people you don't connect with at all?

In astrological terms you are looking for someone on your level, with a vibration of
their physical and spiritual soul in harmony with yours. This is based on the 4 elements
of nature. As each astrological sign vibrates to one of 4 basic groups:-

FIRE Aries, Leo, Sagittarius .

EARTH Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn .
AIR Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
WATER: Cancer , Scorpio ,Pisces

For example in the same logical way Fire is extinguished by Water, so too
in astrological spiritual terms, the fire sign person will feel extinguished by
the water sign. Looking at each combination of each the groups:-

Fire signs
ARIES, LEO and SAGITTARIUS are the Fire signs. Though they sparkle in
different ways, they are all passionate, and restless. Dont look here for a quiet
life. Be ready for a temper that flares up at the slightest provocation but then
rapidly burns out. Be ready too, to face irrepressible ambition. Fire fancies
itself as invincible. Though it is always hungry and in a hurry, it thinks that
sooner or later, it can wear down the most resistant material and make it come
ablaze. If a Fire sign person wants you as a partner, youll find it hard to damp
down their enthusiasm. Saying no will merely make you seem like more of a
challenge. If you really dont want the heat, keep well away from the kitchen.
But some like it hot... and those who do are right in their element here.

Air signs
GEMINI, LIBRA and AQUARIUS are the Air signs who dwell in the realm of
thought and theory. Their heads are always in the clouds. From this lofty
position they can see a long way and find a lot to say. If you enjoy
conversation, debate and discussion, here's your perfect partner. Not so if you
happen to feel there's more to life than words. An Air sign person can say
pretty much anything and make it sound persuasive. So persuasive, indeed,
that they will convince themselves it must be true! Woes betide you if you
argue. That's playing right into the Air person's hands. Air likes to whip up a
wind. It also likes to be free to float. If you like things to be the same from day
to day, Air's constant changeability will drive you bananas. If though, you like
to get high on the exhilarating oxygen of brainpower, here's your source of
eternal excitement.

Earth signs
TAURUS, VIRGO and CAPRICORN are the Earth signs. They are solid and
strong. Or so, at least, they seem. Think though, of soil and the way it surges
with invisible, life-giving energy. Or consider a tree. Though very much 'of
the earth' it is constantly in a state of change. It adapts to the seasons and
never stops growing. Earth sign people, despite their image of implacability,
are sensitive, sensual and subject to slow but steady change. They possess
enormous power and love to put this to a fruitful use. The further into the
earth you dig, the more hidden treasure you find. If you seek depth and
meaning, an Earth sign person is your ideal companion and likewise, if you
want loyalty, dedication and integrity. If though, you thrive on drama,
adventure or debate, you may prefer someone with whom the ground rules are
less clearly defined.

Water signs
CANCER, SCORPIO, and PISCES are the intuitive and emotional Water
signs. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and rightly so, for their hearts
are pure and kind. Though they pretend, in different ways, to be dry, they can't
help but well up with compassion at the slightest sob story. But they can
afford to be a little more giving than the rest of us because, for all their
apparent insecurity, they can never come to real harm. It's easy to disperse
water but hard to destroy it. Sooner or later, even if it has to seep underground
or evaporate in order to escape, water always finds its way to more water. If
you seek a companion full of heartfelt feeling, look no further. If you prefer
less fluidity or you fear being swamped by ever-changing moods, you're out
of your depth here.

The combination of the groups relate to each other as

Fire and Fire
Fire is always attracted to more fire. The question, when you put two fire
people together, is not 'will they be drawn to one another' but 'will the
relationship burn itself out?' It certainly will if there's too much competition
for the same source of fuel. How then, can you prevent a Fire sign partnership
from flaring up wildly, only to go out in a blaze of glory? You need a totally
shared sense of purpose. You have to turn your fire on a common enemy, not
on each other or reach an agreement about what you are trying to achieve
together. Even with such a deal struck, sparks will occasionally fly. Fire
people love a challenge. They can't resist infuriating each other every so often.
Then again, if you thrive on passion, there are some distinct advantages to life
with someone who can always get you feeling fully inflamed.

Fire and Earth

Earth is covered in vegetation which fire can burn. Deep below the earth
there's coal and oil, even more substantial fuel for fire. It is easy then, to see
why Fire people are drawn to Earth people. They provide constant
psychological fuel for the fiery person to consume. Why though, should an
Earth person fancy a Fire person? Where's the advantage in getting together
with someone who will take all you've got to give and come back for more?
The Earth person is understandably cautious. But the Earth person does have a
need for fire. You can see this more clearly if you appreciate how sensuous
Earth types truly are. They yearn to feel the earth move and nothing makes the
earth move more dramatically than an explosion! That's why, if this
relationship gets off the ground, it turns out to be such dynamite.
Earth and Air
Without earth's gravity, there would be no air. Without air, earth would be
incapable of supporting life. People born under these two elements are
strongly drawn to one another. Air people benefit greatly from having a
partner who will ground them. Earth people (who need stimulation if they are
ever to get anywhere) enjoy the flow of ideas that only an air person can offer.
In theory then, this is a perfect union. In practice, there are a few little
problems. Tornados, for example, blow up when the Air person can find no
other way to make the Earth person shift. Or underground caverns that entice
in fresh air and then, by sealing up their entrances with a sudden rock fall, trap
it there forever. These risks though, can be avoided. And, when they are, no
relationship can match it ... in heaven or on earth!

Earth and Water

To understand this relationship, consider the contrast between land and sea.
Imagine these forces in perpetual battle; think of mighty waves, crashing
against rocks, earth and water themselves seem to enjoy unleashing all that
energy. Earth and Water people have a similar tendency to clash superficially
but form a deep, fulfilling, lasting bond. They are not always instantly drawn
together but slowly, they find a way to coexist. The more they do, the more
they see how much they can offer each other. Soil needs rain in order to be
fertile. Rivers need banks if they are to stay on track. Earth and Water people
need each other for inspiration and support. Only when they fail to keep
separate identities and try to 'merge' do we get a problem. Water mixed with
Earth makes mud ... but then, some of us feel that even this is glorious!

Earth and Earth

What happens when irresistible force meets immovable object? Put two Earth
sign people together and you'll find out! In theory, there's potential for endless
pressure; a battle for ultimate supremacy between two tectonic plates that can
only ever end in an earthquake. In fact, it rarely comes to this. Earth sign
people are never drawn to each other unless they can both sense a viable way
to share the territory. Agreement from the outset, is imperative. But lively
relationships need just a small amount of friction. If you dare not allow even
the tiniest amount of this to develop for fear of starting something that you can
never finish, the result is likely to be a partnership that trundles, uneventfully
on and on... and on...

Water and Water

What does water want, more than anything else? To find its way to yet more
water! Think how inland streams make their way across the country till they
reach first the river then the ocean. Water people have a similar, natural desire
to seek one another's company. There they find a level of empathy that nobody
else can match. Even Water sign people who happily marry individuals of
another element, will ensure they keep a fair selection of Water friends. Not
all Water relationships though, are an instant success. Warm water tends to
float, in a slightly superior way, over cold. Fresh water will try to keep itself
from salt water. Some waters merge more naturally than others and all have a
difficult time when it comes to separating. Every water/water marriage is 'for
life', no matter how often or how intensely both may try to part.

Air and Air

"Who can see the wind? Neither you nor I, but when the tree bows down its
head, the wind is rushing by. What are we to conclude though when we see
that tree nodding wildly up and down like a teenage heavy metal fan? Surely
this can only mean that it is being blown by two winds at once. Air sign
people have no difficulty forming a rapport with one another - kindred spirits
who feel, from the moment they meet, that they are renewing an old
acquaintance. When they're in agreement, they're closer than a pair of
lovebirds. When they're not, they're like clowns back to back on a tandem,
each trying to pedal in the opposite direction. It's then that the relationship
stops being a breeze and turns, instead, into a wild hurricane. Air sign people
never agree to differ. They like contradicting each other too much.

Air and Water

Put air into water and you get lovely bubbles. Put water into air and you get
soft, fluffy clouds - provided that there's not too much pressure. We all know
though, what happens to a fizzy drink if it's shaken. We also know how
atmospheric pressure can cause water in the atmosphere to turn into
something very cold and clammy. Air and water go well together... most of the
time. Air sign people provide intuitive Water people with much-needed
intellectual perspective. Water people return the compliment by compensating
for the Air person's dry attitude. But while they can visit one another's domain,
they cannot remain in it for long. The bubbles go flat after a while. Likewise,
the clouds tend to disperse. This relationship has to be constantly renewed and
revived. It is though, well worth the maintenance.

Fire and Water

Put fire under water and you get steam. Place water over fire and you put the
fire out. Everything depends, in this relationship, on who takes the lead. Hot
water is more powerful than cold. When water is changed by fire, it makes
greater impact. No wonder then, that Water people find Fire folk appealing.
They have nothing to fear. They know they can quench fire if it gets too hot.
But why should a Fire person want to get close to a natural force that can
destroy it? There is no logical answer. Water has nothing to offer Fire, but it
needs it and wants it. That's why it works so hard to attract it! Fire is willing to
be drawn because it hungers to be powerful in any way it can. It can't resist
that steamy sizzle. Fire likes living dangerously. Water likes to get excited.
This pairing may not be wise but it's hard for either to resist.

Fire and Air

Fire needs air. Without it, no matter how much fuel it has, it cannot survive.
Why though, does air need fire? It can exist quite nicely without all that
smoke. It's the heat that it seeks. As any meteorologist will tell you, air
currents are driven by temperature changes. Wind will not develop and travel
unless something warms it up. Air sign people then, find Fire sign folk useful.
They get them to stop sitting around thinking and they make them start doing
things. There is strong attraction between these elements but there's also an
ever-present danger. Fire folk glow so brightly in an Air person's company
that they forget to refuel. Then, the wind ends up putting out the fading fire.
But as long as there's even a tiny spark remaining, a breeze can rekindle it.
Thus this relationship can carry on blowing hot and cold for a lifetime.

4.The Concepts of the Cycle of Life

Life consists of 12 periods of 7 years

According to traditional Jewish astrology, a persons life is split up into 12
sections of 7 years making a total lifespan of 84 years.

The first 7 years one is like an ARIES ram, always putting oneself first
selfishly and running around causing mayhem in complete irregular fashion,
just like a newborn ram.

The next 7 years from 7 till 14, one is like a TAURUS bull, full of energy and
fighting for ones space.

From 14 until 21 one transforms and becomes like twins GEMINI, developing
a split personality from a child to an adult, with opinions and attitudes like a
child and that of an adult.

From 21 till 28 like the sign CANCER, with changeable moods as one is
sampling and tasting everything in early adulthood and adapting to changeable
views of life, in the same way that Cancer is ruled by the ever changing

From 28 till 35 one becomes to one's physical peak and strength of the LEO
lion, which identifies one's character, and usually the unchangeable course one
has taken in life.

From 35 till 42 one settles into a semi permanent, yet orderly, well organized
earth state of the intelligent young VIRGO.

From 42 till 49, one becomes the intelligent, thoughtful and communicative
LIBRAN, balancing out and harmonizing life, with experience and ability to
communicate ones thoughts sensibly.

From 49 till 56 like the Scorpio, a person develops an intense personality with
hidden depths. SCORPIO has learnt through life experiences and no longer
has fears. It can handle most situations.

From 56 till 63 like a Sagittarian full of optimism and encouragement, from

life it has learnt and matured, nurtured its one character and able to reflect
back on life positively with an exuding confidence developed and earned from
experience. Therefore one is able to convincingly instill optimism.

From 63 till 70 like a Capricorn, they start to become introverted and take a
very contemplative look at life. This can lead to depression and taking a damp
look at life, they start to take a rigid and emotionally cold outlook on life. This
stage in life they become very disciplined and fixed in their ways with little
flexibility, which can be a good attribute if they have developed a fine
character in their life, or a really depressing nuisance if they have failed.

From 70 till 77 like a unpredictable and communicative AQUARIAN, they

have extremely fixed opinions, but are prepared to share their views with
others, and start to talk and communicate their ideas and thoughts, even if
only by reminiscing.

From 77 till 84 like a spiritual deep-thinking PISCES, idealistic sensitive and

intuitive, no longer thinking about the everyday worries they had when
younger, they are learning to look at and appreciate the deeper more emotional
meaning of life . Becoming selfless and giving to others in an inspirationally
spiritual way, using all their years of experience from their whole life and
using these years to reflect on the true good memories and sensory pleasures
of life, like music, nature and art.

In some circumstances, especially in the case of reincarnated souls, a young

person may have developed their soul in previous lifetime and choose to
continue where they left this world, hence a 40 year old may already be
advising and thinking like a wise spiritual 80 year old !

The Yearly Cycle of Life Each Year Contains 12 Months

Each person has a yearly life cycle, whereby ones soul experiences the same
type of lessons each and every year at the same time of year, as their soul is
influenced by the movement of the sun in that sun sign . This yearly cycle is
known as the movement through the 12 astrological HOUSES. Each month
has its own specific energy, purpose and lessons to learn. The purpose of
understanding each months energy is in order to learn to flow with life's
energy instead of fighting the destiny of life !

Remember - Jewish astrology teaches the first month is

from the month of conception !
This is an important fact when understanding the energy of each month, the
remaining 12 houses will only make perfect sense if one calculates the start
from day/month of conception . As we explained above, the 30 days before
ones "conception birthday" is the 12th house - ones spiritual house, this period
is ones most intuitive and spiritual, as spiritual knowledge and energy flows
into ones soul at this time.

The concept of each of the 12 months of the year as a reflection in part of the
12 periods in ones whole life cycle is also relevant, but the HOUSES have a
more refined energy for each particular month.

The Twelve Houses Months of Each and Every Year

Each house represents each month of YOUR year, the 1st house starts with the
1st month from the month you were conceived. eg if you are born on 9th
September you were conceived say 9th December, then 1st house of SELF is
from 9th December till 9th January etc., each and every year the cycle of
monthly energies pertain to that month for you.
First House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to develop your
own unique identity and present it to the world. Traditionally this house is
associated with personal appearance.

Second House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to define and refine
your personal sense of values. The things, talents, and qualities that you
treasure, cherish, enjoy, and hold on to for security is here, personal
possessions and material wealth. Traditionally this house is associated with;
inner and outer talents and resources, personal values.

Third House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to organize
personal experiences to form your own unique picture of the world, and then
communicate your perceptions to others. Traditionally this house is associated
with; brothers and sisters; basic education; eye-hand coordination and manual

Fourth House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to develop your
capacity for emotional closeness; to find a feeling of security; and to face the
effects your early childhood experiences had upon you. Traditionally this
house is associated with; nurturing; inherited traits; unconditional love; the
type of home you establish.

Fifth House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to develop your
creativity and self-esteem, and to find joy in living. Traditionally this house is
associated with; children; enthusiasm; creativity; and motivation.

Sixth House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to seek
competence; to function efficiently, in your physical body and in your work.
Traditionally this house is associated with; work; health; services; habit
patterns; food; diet; pets.

Seventh House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to develop
committed relationships with others. Traditionally this house is associated
with; your attitudes toward spouses and partners; intimate relationships;
marriage; friends; dealings with the public; what you look for in others.

Eighth House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to boldly wrest all
the powers of your psyche from the deep, dark underworld; focus all that
power with ruthless intensity on the process of breaking down your reality
structure into little pieces, then reassemble all the pieces into a new whole.
Here is the place where all the taboos of society are addressed; where you dig
into your own "internal garbage" to find the treasure hidden there. Think of a
compost heap where all the bits of decaying food break down and eventually
turn into fertilizer to nourish new growth. Traditionally this house is
associated with; other peoples resources (possessions, money); sex; death and

Ninth House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to broaden your
philosophical perspectives and to realize your highest potentials. Traditionally
this house is associated with; the higher mind; higher education; law; in-laws;
grand children.

Tenth House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to earn respect and
recognition in the world. Traditionally this house is associated with; ambition;
status; reputation; career; the parent who set limits for you as a child.

Eleventh House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to establish a
relationship with group consciousness and contribute your gifts to community.
Traditionally this house is associated with; humanitarian organizations;
associations; friends; hopes, wishes and ambitions; shared ideals.

Twelfth House
This is the field of experience in which you are challenged to explore your
inner depths in solitude and silence; to discern between illumination and
illusion, between spiritual growth and escapism. Before you can transcend the
definitions of reality that confine you, you must be willing to let go of them.
These definitions often have to become uncomfortable before we want to let
go of them. Disillusionment and the experience of "bad luck" can create the
desire to move through and beyond what is causing the pain. This is the house
where spiritual knowledge and intuitive thoughts, plans and ideas flow easily
into ones mind; it also tries to create situations if one has been side-tracked
from a spiritual pathway to a materialistic pathway. This is certainly the month
one should be focused SPIRITUALLY and not materially!

For those people whom have studied astrology and wondered why certain
astrology aspects never fitted-in with reality, this is because the person was
looking at the pattern of houses from BIRTH and not conception. When one
looks carefully at each house for each month, then "astrology" starts to make
sense ! Planning the months of the year in accordance with spiritual astrology,
helps a person go with the natural spiritual flow of life and destiny.

5. Each Day has its Own LUCK

"Lucky days" with good fortune and the concept of spiritual energy for each
day of the week is knowing the energy of the day and learning to live with the
flow of life's energy and not fighting GOD nor destiny. This important
knowledge teaches which months in the year ones soul is open for changing,
resting, hyper activity and spiritual growth

The "Best Months" Energy

In the same way that we explained "Why some people connect with others and
some don't ?" is based on the 4 elements AIR, WATER, FIRE and EARTH in
section 3 above, Similarly one will experience these connections during the
corresponding SUN sign .

Hence a libran - air sign will be energized when the Sun is in Leo in August,
feel at peace and harmony in Aquarius in February, but will feel heavy in
September - Virgo and January - Capricorn. By learning the reaction of ones
element to each of the SUN signs element- it will become perfectly clear how
the energy of ones soul is revitalized, energized or depressed and sleepy
during each of the months of the year .

When a person learns the sun signs and knows the elements of each sign, then
one can optimize and maximize ones potential, using the maximum energy for
the conducively easy times, and resting, taking-it-easy, recharging during
those months when the Sun sign energy is not conducive to ones soul. There is
no point in fighting against a "bad mazel" ! There is a time to sow, a time to
reap, a time for work, a time for rest... everything in this world has a time !

The New Moon Energy

During every transit of the sun in each of the 12 sign during the year, there is a
New Moon in each of the signs. The New Moon does NOT occur when the
Sun goes into that star sign but it will occur within 28 days . Once the NEW
MOON has occurred in that SUN sign then the MAXIMUM potential of
energy in that sun sign has refreshed itself and started anew.

A new beginning occurs every month in every star sign for the purpose to
reinvigorate and energize that sun sign and all those who are affected by that
energy of the sun sign. The New moon is exceedingly important in Jewish
astrology, and that is why the Jewish people use a calendar based on the
Moon, the new moon is the 1st day of the Jewish month . (see for more information on jewish calendar).

The Best Times to Guarantee Success

There are three periods in every day of every year which are the best times for
you and your soul to maximize your potential, they are based on the Sun signs
times of your conception and birth . Because of the complexity i have written
a whole page explaining how to calculate the three best times for you in the
section on charts and tables.

The Concept of a "Birth" Every Day

In astrology, as you will see from the monthly and yearly astrological events,
that astrology is NOT just related to the time you were born or conceived, but
as we explained in "Yeneeka MilMaala". An energy that is part of your spirit
soul comes down and transcends in many stages during your life.

Therefore you could have an "astrological birthday" for your soul, on the day
of important irreversible event in your life, like the day you get married,
divorced, have a baby, move home, move to a new country, change profession,
decide to improve your personality.

Once can use "astrology" wisely in planning to start a new project career or
getting married at a good time astrologically, according to the days
astrological events, eg., the beginning of a new moon is using the astrological
new energy to energize ones life correctly.

Spiritual energy of the days of the week

Each of the days of the week, in every week has an energy that transcends
itself and infuses a similar influence of energy into each day of the week. You
may already feel that some days of the week you love, others you feel tired
and drained with no energy.

This is accepted and proven from Jewish astrology and also greek astrology.
Hence the names of our week are derived from the names of the planets that
influence that day, in accordance with Rabbi Akiva in the Talmud there is
simply no point.

The days of the week you were born

With the knowledge and understanding that each day has a specific energy, the
Talmud Shabbos 156a indicates the following characteristics of people born
and the energy of the days of the week.

The Rabbis in the Talmud gave us this knowledge in order to indicate what
and when one's weaknesses and strengths are, through knowledge and
awareness of one's weaknesses helps one become stronger by overcoming
these weaknesses.

According to spiritual Jewish tradition, the day begins at sunset the previous
evening. So "being born on Sunday" - means from sunset Saturday evening
until sunset Sunday evening. "Being born on Monday" - means from sunset
Sunday evening until sunset Monday evening etc., This is because the energy
and influence of one day begins in the evening after sunset. How your day
turns out is directly related to the events and feelings you have the evening
before. Having a lovely meal and peaceful evening and good healthy sleep in
the evening will infuse and have significant effect on you for the next day.

Likewise each days' influence begins in the evening after sunset, hence the
following are true from the Talmud, for the day of the week you were born
and the energy of each day every week :-

Gives you the energy of single mindedness, you are and can be extremely
focused on one particular goal. It can also make you a very singular person -
meaning you are of one character, all good or all bad. There is no middle
ground or two sides of your character.

Gives you the energy to be a bad tempered individual, always causing
arguments and friction amongst other people.

Gives you the energy to be a wealthy person, you will always have what you
need and more. It also has the energy that makes you desire sex and love.

Gives you the energy to be a wise and radiant person, with ability of good
memory and communication abilities.

Gives you the energy to be a very sincere and kind person, always searching
for ways to help other people. You will also have the character that makes you
independent from others. You prefer to give rather than take, so you will find
yourself in positions to give to others.

Gives you the energy to be very energetic person, always self motivated with
plenty of energy and aliveness. You have the ability to instill energy into
anything, with hyper-activity.

Gives you the energy to be a very spiritually minded person, your goals and
aims in life are not just physical, but you are searching for more meaning and
spiritual understanding in life. It may also mean that you make your own life
restrictive, as you see some activities in life superfluous and unnecessary

Spiritual Energy of the Planets

According to Jewish astrology there are 7 inner planets related to the 7 days of
the week and 7 spiritual levels of the "Sefirah" - "the Kabbalistic ladder of
Heaven and Earth". There are 7 planets known as the "SHIVA KOCHVEI
LECHES" - - the 7 inner planet .

- The Sun - (Sunday)

Anyone born with the influence of the Sun (that means they are LEO or LEO
ascendant, see charts for ascendant times throughout the years) will give you
the energy of self- sufficiency and independent minded . It will help make you
a radiant person, always shining, but will also make you like "an open book",
never being able to hide any secrets. And if this person stole anything or did
anything wrong they would be caught and exposed.

- Venus - (Friday)
Anyone born with the influence of Venus (that means they are LIBRA or
LIBRA ascendant, TAURUS or TAURUS ascendant see charts for ascendant
times throughout the years) will give you the energy to make you magnetic to
wealth and money. The energy of Venus will also make you very sexually
passionate, desiring and needing Love and sexual passion is a driving force of
Venus energy, which if directed in the right direction of one loving
relationship is an excellent aspect for a loving life , but if it makes a person a
flirt and promiscuous to more than one sexual partner will destroy the essence
of the soul.

- Mercury - (Wednesday)
Anyone born with the influence of Mercury ( that means they are GEMINI or
GEMINI ascendant, VIRGO or VIRGO ascendant - see charts for ascendant
times throughout the years ) will give you the energy to radiant and exude
confidence and brightness wherever you go , with an ability to communicate
intelligently . Mercury is the fastest moving planet in the solar system around
the Sun , it is also the brightest planet in the sky , receiving its light and
energy being closest from the sun . Similarly one whose influence comes from
Mercury will be always excitable, alive, communicative, talkative and vibrant
with a lovely radiance .

- The Moon - (Monday)

Anyone born with the influence of the Moon (that means they are CANCER
or CANCER ascendant see charts for ascendant times throughout the years )
will give you the energy just like the moon, always waxing and waning. This
person under the moon's influence and energy will always be suffering,
continually moving forward and progressing, then failing and moving
backward experiences throughout life. They will also be very much dependant
on other people for their livelihood and income . They will , however, always
be able to hide their secrets and misdeeds - which will make them great crooks
and thieves.

- Saturn - (Saturday)
Anyone born with the influence of Saturn (that means they are CAPRICORN
charts for ascendant times throughout the years ) will give you a very guided
and restrictive energy, it will seem like everything in your life has a specific
time and place . You will endure setbacks that are only their to teach you the
lesson of patience, but you will succeed .

However your thoughts and plans will always be cancelled out and blocked ,
unless you get on with your plans IMMEDIATELY and DO NOT tell anyone ,
as their energy will cancel out your plans . Even if you have started something
good , other peoples thoughts and energy can still cancel out your plans until
the action is complete . The only advantage to you of this energy is that when
people plot and plan against you , their plans will always fail . It is as if you
have friends in high places that are looking after you .

- Jupiter - (Thursday)
Anyone born with the influence of the Jupiter ( that means they are
- see charts for ascendant times throughout the years ) will give you the
energy to be kind hearted and righteous . Your desire to help as many people
in life as possible . You will always get great satisfaction in giving to others .
- Mars - (Tuesday)
Anyone born with the influence of the Mars ( that means they are ARIES or
ARIES ascendant, SCORPIO or SCORPIO ascendant - see charts for
ascendant times throughout the years ) will give you the energy of "trouble -
making", you love a good argument especially when you know you are
wrong . You enjoy hurting people's emotions and feelings , and have a
tendency to emotional and physical violence , this is even more intensified if
you are SCORPIO ( as one has the violent energy of PLUTO ) . You would
make a great soldier , butcher of meat , thief or even a solicitor / lawyer, any
profession where you have a disregard for other people's feelings, and gives
you the chance to hurt other people .

6. The concept of collective areas/national astrology

In this small world where we live, through the gift of communication of
telephone and internet we are brought closer and more connected to different
people and cultures then ever before in the history of mankind . We are all
living a collective astrological influence in many respects in our lives.

The influence of URANUS in the area of the AQUARIUS part of the sky from
1997 until 2003 influenced and energized the spread of communication of the

From March 11th until September 2003 and from December 31st 2003 until
2011, URANUS will be traveling in the spiritual sector of the sky in PISCES.


2004 - 2011

This is the precise timing for spiritual understanding knowledge to become

popular for the next 7 years as the planet Uranus moved on December 30th
2003 into Spiritually minded Pisces. Which means the focus is on a personal,
soulful and individual spiritual development, the study and understanding of
spirituality, life-after-death, and the existence of a spirit world, hence the
phenomenal interest in Kabbalah, Reincarnation and everything truly spiritual
without the manmade fabricated laws and meaningless nuances.

The major religions have lost their monopoly on religion because of the
hypocrisy, animosity and hatred. Whereas, spirituality of life is the fact that
God is love. The divine Godly energy that creates and sustains this planet, the
solar system and all of the spirit realms is LOVE energy. For the next 7 years
the human spiritual development will be away from traditional religions and
towards an individual approach and belief in GOD . Each person will develop
their own spiritual understanding, love and appreciation of GOD and spirit
world .

Just consider that 7 years ago in 1996, did any of us know about the true
growth and potential of the internet . And yet all of our lives in the whole
world have been transformed by this amazing tool of communication and
encyclopedia of knowledge. Likewise in 7 years time we will all look back
and see the amazing spiritual transformation that is destined to happen .

The last time Uranus was in Pisces was in 1919-1929, which was a time of an
affluent thriving modernizing generation . Post World War One, after the
hatred, death and carnage of war, gave people the peace of mind and love, to
developer and change their lives through creativity and invention . Similarly,
the transformation we shall undergo will be away from rigid rules of hateful
traditional religions, having experienced some really awful murderous acts,
especially by hateful fanatics.

The world will hopefully collectively transform and move towards a world of
peace, love, harmony and acceptance of all of humanity as children of the
same GOD of love. That is indeed the ideal of the "times of Moshiach" - for
all nations to live in peace - with no more wars or hatred - only kindness,
peace and love .

The Spiritual planet of Reincarnation
The concept of collective astrology of all of mankind with respect to
SATURN. The balancing out of energies and lessons of many lifetimes in the
collective world, SATURN as a "teacher" of past-life times reincarnations,
will invoke the necessary lessons for world change.

As, it has been very topical at the moment, the subject of the movement of
Saturn. Saturn is the planet that represents reincarnation re- living past
experiences in order to rectify and correct mistakes of the past . See a full
explanation of "Saturn in Leo" for July 2005 - July 2007.
The power of Love, Forgiveness and Peaceful Prayer on
all sides can change everything - even a rectification of
Saturn in Leo will teach our generation to change through
love and peace. A complete cessation to hatred and
The planets have an energy that we do not fully understand, but nonetheless
they have an energy to influence the events and people on earth, both on a
collective and individual level . The planets were created by GOD, and the
whole solar system is moving in a precise clockwork.

7. When Does "Astrology" Influence

and When Can We Override or Block
Bad Astrological Influences ?
The concept that astrological influences DO NOT necessarily influence our
lives, as our soul has a pathway which sometimes fits in astrologically and
sometimes not. We shall explain the difference and the indicative signs to
know the difference in the section "seeing the future".

Many people ask why Jewish astrologers are more precise than others. The
answer is simply that Jewish astrology teaches that we all have a soul, our
spiritual soul has a power that is instilled by the ETERNAL DIVINE

The DIVINE energy of GOD can override any astrological influences, and
hence the human with a powerful and determined spiritual energy within the
soul CAN change astrologically determined events .

For reasons of reincarnation or lessons that ones soul needs to learn, fate and
destiny may arrange events to happen that are not seen astrologically . It is
well known that the famous Jewish astrologer Nostradamus based much of his
prophecies on spiritual communication together with the astrological
knowledge. He knew events of the future from being given knowledge from
the spirit world. His knowledge was based on Jewish texts and the truth.

For example, Nostradamus was strongly committed to the belief that the world
will live for 7000 years ( 6000 years plus 1000 years of REST - "Shvii Olam
Habo"), as stated clearly in the Tana Devei Eliyahu below. By keeping to the
truth, the truthful spiritual prophecy will come to the person . As discussed on
our SPIRIT & GUIDANCE page .

The passage of Eliyahu confirming the world will live to be of 7000 years

This year 2007 = 5767 since creation of the world

By the year 6000 the MOSHIACH will definitely have arrived !

We can ALL override Astrological

Sources from the Famous Yaaros Devash by Rebbe Reb Yehonosson Eibeshitz
of Metz We have reproduced the whole passage above for those who can read

We can ALL override "Astrology"

This important passage teaches us that the SOUL can override ANY
astrological influence. This passage teaches that Ahaseurus a Babylonian King
of 2000 years ago and his astrologers knew that there are some influences due
to astrology, but there are precipitating and overriding SOUL influences that
can CHANGE destiny in everyone's life. Hence "astrologers" do not always
predict the correct future as they fail to take into account the influence of the
soul and the ability to change.

According to this Jewish text, it explains how simple it is to CHANGE, even

something that is fated and destined can be changed. This is the principle of
SEFER SHINUYIM - the book of changes and Sefer Tikunim - the book of
corrections, that through the power of ones SOUL, that is the power of LOVE

Summary of this Astrology page

In conclusion, the study of astrology is simply to make you aware that there is
a divinely orchestrated plan in ones life. With the help of the energy of the
planets, your soul chose the life you are in and the lessons you wanted to teach

The chapter of Palmistry, will also re-affirm that your life has specific
pathway, with destined love, life and occupation.

After understanding that you have a mapped out destiny, this website
continues with the Jewish teachings to explain how you can either come back
to your destiny. ( if you have been led astray in Sefer Tikunim) OR to
CHANGE your destiny for the better, climbing the spiritual ladder of
awareness of GOD, and coming closer to GOD through unconditional LOVE ,
by changing as taught from Sefer Shinuyim - the book of Changes.

Monthly Astrological Events & Email

Please see "this months" astrological events in accordance with the jewish
calendar, and to subscribe to a monthly email please send use the contact
form, we shall send a brief email of any useful astrological events for the
month, including the Jewish dates and days which are astrologically and
spiritually energized with good Mazel !

FootNotes to Astrology Page:-

Additional and useful information


Please see our new astrology website which will explain this
comprehensively. And how to obtain a FREE Natal Birthchart.

Reading "birthchart's" is simple and with the use of common sense is easy. If
you see the chart looks comfortable and balanced the the person is
comfortable and balanced, if there are planets opposing each other, then it
means the person has inner conflicts with themselves, which needs to be
worked upon through "rising above" and canceling out the "anger of
oppositions" in their chart by unconditional LOVE, as explained on "Change"
in this website and on "the Power of Love" page.

Hence sometimes we find two people attracted to each other, not because of
any other reason other than they have energies the other one needs, with
which each uses the others energy to cancel out the opposition of negative and
conflicting energies in their own birth-chart.
Example of Birthcharts
Looking at this example of a birth chart on the left below, you can see a
unbalanced chart, although there are no oppositions between any of the
planets, there are vacant / void houses. This person will always need someone
to fill the energy of these houses, that "someone" is his true soulmate.

This is very typical of many peoples charts that there will be "missing"
energies that only there true soulmate can fill, this is the simplistic explanation
as to why people connect well with one another.

The next chart on the right above is actually of an event the Allied invasion of
Europe on 6th June 1944, to free and rid europe of tyranny it is the Chart for
D-Day landings at Sunrise on Utah beach on 6th June 1944 Normandy France.

There are strong oppositions from the moon's energy to the Sun, Venus and
Saturn, the remainder of the chart reflects an enormous amount of energy. The
energy of this chart is mainly contained within the lines of OPPOSITION, this
was indeed D-Day, fighting with courage and aggression for life; It was a day
of the Full Moon, giving the maximum astrological strength of the Moon in
the month to guarantee success.

In particular to note, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in the 4th house - the house of
home, family and roots, indeed the heroic, brave and selfless actions of the
Second world war veterans on D - Day landings at Utah, Omaha, Juno
beaches and all over Normandy, reflected the determination to rid Europe of
the tyranny and evil Nazi murdering aggressors, and to change EUROPE from
Aggression to restore peace and harmony. They brought about change and
sacrificed their lives to provide safety and financial security, love, democracy
and peace in the home sector, for our benefit and for the benefit all
Nothing could be more precisely describe the heroic actions of the men on D
Day . Thanks to them we have peace today. And the tyrannical murderous
aggressive nazis disappeared.

I have received numerous emails, and thank you for enlightening me:- IF
Indeed that is fascinating, as most of us are here today because of the bravery
of the American and English soldiers on D-Day.

Jewish Traditional Astrology Texts

The secret of Jewish astrology is to be aware that we have a soul, and that the
energy of GOD and our soul can override and supercede any astrological
influences of the physical planets. This is in accordance with spiritual laws.
The awareness that we have a soul in our physical body is of vital importance
to understanding Jewish astrology, and will enable one to understand
astrology perfectly with truthfulness and perfection .

All our teachings are in accordance with the famous Raziel Hamalach , Book
of Changes - Sefer Shinuyim ,Yonatan Ben Uziel , Tana Devei Eliyahu and
Yaaros Devash of Rebbe Reb Yehonosson Eibeshitz, amongst the traditional
Jewish texts of Talmud passed down from generation to generation for over
2000 years.

Jewish Spiritual Astrology from the

Holy Book of "The Angel Raziel"
Sefer Raziel HaMalach
The Original Amsterdam Edition of
" Sefer" Book of Raziel

The Full Sefer Raziel Amsterdam Edition in pdf free download free

Small Pocket Size Books - Raziel


This Sefer - book is readily available in all good Jewish bookstores in most cities in the
world where there are religious Jewish communities. We offer this book here as a
service to those people who do not live in communities with a Jewish bookstore.
To buy a pair of these pocket "Sefer Raziel" online (each pocket book is
4cm x 6cm, weight 18grams), simply click on the "PayPal Buy Now"
above and for $18 including Postage we will send you a pair of pocket size
Sefer Raziel by Airmail.

Email me or call me UK +44 7941 810216 to

arrange payment other than Paypal or if you want to order more than 2.

Special Note - 26th December 2007

Updated every month - "This Months Astrological Events" by Jonathan Waxman

A full New Website is being prepared with a new style to include all websites:- ; - the Book of Changes ;and - The Book of Reincarnations have been completed.

To date the following pages have been uploaded on this website:- The "History and
Original Book of Raziel"; Numerology; "The 12 Sun Star Signs" ; & "This Months
Astrological Events" pages are complete & the new interactive Palmistry
website, is live and now online !
The History and Original Book of

The History and Original Book of

Firstly, we shall explain why the book was never written down, and then
why it was written from about 1000CE, and finally went to print in
Amsterdam in 1701 just over 300 years ago.

Adam and Abraham

According to Jewish traditions, the "Angel Raziel" was sent to earth to teach Adam, and
due the elevated soul of Abraham, the "Angel Raziel" returned to teach Abraham all the
spiritual knowledge and spiritual laws.
The "Angel Raziel" was sent to earth with specific purpose to teach Adam and Abraham
the ways of Nature. The Book "Raziel Hamalach" explains everything from Astrology
of the planets in our solar system, and explains how the the creative life energy starts
with a thought from the spiritual realms, transcending into speech and action in this
physical world. The eternal DIVINE creative life energy of this earth is love, the book
explains the spiritual laws of birth, death, reincarnation of the soul , and many spiritual
laws of "Change".

The Meaning of "Kabbala"

"Kabbala" is a name used to describe spiritual knowledge that has been passed by word
of mouth from generation to generation. In exactly the same way in our modern
generation, we all remember our computer passwords and PIN numbers for access to
our bank accounts, the spiritual teachings of "Kabbala" are so valuably important (much
more that a bank account!) that everyone whom has been taught this knowledge has
never forgotten or can never forget.
The spiritual knowledge known as "Kabbala" , includes the spiritual knowledge and
spiritual laws of the Book - Sefer Raziel , and Sefer Yetzirah, the
book known as the "Book of Creation" explaining the power and energy of the 22
hebrew letters and the power of the hebrew language.
"Kabbala" was always recognised as being so important and valuable spiritual
knowledge that no one could ever forget this knowledge once they have been taught. It
is engrained on the persons mind and soul. Therefore no one ever needed to write the
knowledge as everyone remembered everything they were taught.
The "Middle Ages"
During the period known as the "Middle Ages", from 500CE until 1300CE, many of the
jewish population were being forced into exile into many countries. The Jewish people
due to being expelled from some countries were forced to find new homes in new
countries and therefore Jewish communities started growing in almost all of the
Mediterranean countries, Turkey, Italy, Spain, France, Morrocco, Tunisia etc.,
The Rabbis decided that some of the knowledge needed to be written down in order to
ensure that people would never forget the knowledge. As at a time of survival for ones
life, it became very difficult to learn diligently.
This was the reason for the completion of the Babylonian Talmud around 440 CE, as the
Rabbis forsaw that the spiritual knowledge needed to be written down, before it would
be forgotten. Nontheless there was opposition and reluctance by many Rabbis to write
anything, as they could forsee people would become lazy and not value the knowledge
in the same way as if they had to remember everything they were taught. Therefore
many spiritual books were not committed to be written, such as Sefer Shinuyim, Sefer
Tikunim and this book "Sefer Raziel Hamalach".

Rabbi Sadya ben Joseph Gaon ZT"L

(882-942 CE)

Decided that it was too risky not writing the spiritual knowledge down, so he started
writing books such as Sefer Yetzirah, and some say he was the first to write
this book Sefer Raziel. Nontheless, all these books were handwritten, in the minimilistic
form so that people would have to remember the principle knowledge.
Rabbi Sadya Gaon was attributed as saying :- "All sins are atoned for by repentance,
except such as entail irretrievable harm: corrupting, misleading and misinforming a
multitude, ruining the reputation of an innocent person, and keeping knowledge from
people who need and desire to learn".

Amsterdam Press 1701

The reluctance in going "to print" was the fact that it states clearly that Spiritual
knowledge must never be profited from, no money or material benefit must NEVER be
made from spiritual knowledge. Hence they went to press in Amsterdam with thanks to
an anonymous benefactor who donated all the money and distributed copies for FREE
amongst the whole community in Amsterdam.
With thanks to my wife who inherited one of these original copies, passed down through
the past 300 years, i reproduce the pages of the original printed RAZIEL on this
website. All the pages were printed in the "RASHI" script, this is a hebrew script
adapted by the Famous Rabbi - "Rashi" - Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki of Worms (1040-
1105 C.E.), this RASHI script was used so that only well-learned and talmudic scholars
would be able to read the spiritual knowledge of such kabbalistic books.
The Original Printed "Sefer RAZIEL"
We shall be uploading the whole book to this website during December 2007-January
2008, (we hope to do this in "pdf" file ) meanwhile we reproduce some of the pages :-
We shall be uploading many more pages of this amazing Book - Sefer
Raziel and explaining - translating the hebrew, throughout this website
we have also uploaded pages that are relevant to the specific

Kemayas /
/ is the hebrew word for Jewish Amulet, sacred and holy writings on paper,
see , these writings are written at specific lucky times with the
correct and pure thoughts to help the person it has been written .
Many of the Ancient Jewish Amulets, Kemayas, and Segulas, passed down throughout
the generations have been through books like this book "Sefer Raziel Hamalach". We
reproduce the pages in hebrew teaching and descibing Jewish Amulets - "Kemayas".
And we hope one day to translate and explain everything on this website !
The Vilna Press Edition
of Sefer Raziel of 1877 & 1881
Front page of an original Sefer Raziel printed in Vilna 1881

We hope to translate many of these pages with full explanations during

the coming months. And soon we shall have the whole Sefer Raziel
available to download in pdf file format during forthcoming months -
please be patient as it takes a lot of time !!!
The Meaning of
"Raziel HaMalach - The "Angel
- "Razi" means "highest level" , " el" means "GOD"

Raziel means the Highest level in Spiritual realms of Spiritual Angels from

Special Note - 26th December 2006

I have just completed the following websites:- ; - the Book of Changes ; - The Book
of Reincarnations . Unfortunately i have no more free time to work on this
astrology website until Spring 2007.
However i shall update the popular "This Months Astrological Events" each and
every month.

Wishing you success in everything you do every moment of your life

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Waxman

The Names of Angels


The Presence of Angels
The Presence of the Shechina
Our Prayers every night before we go to sleep

Is there one Angel or many Angels with the same name and purpose ?

Physical space versus Spiritual space

This Sefer Milchemos Hashem explains that one should pray directly and
ONLY to GOD - HASHEM YISBORACH, whereas some people after
learning "kabbala" start praying through intermediary channels of "sefiras"
- "ladders" or through angels names .

' means praying to GOD and only ONE GOD, focusing ones thoughts and
prayers DIRECTLY to the ONE DIVINE GOD - "The Ribbone Shel Olam" -
- the Creator of the whole Universe, with a pure, sincere and simple loving heart .
This is profound, especially as today there is a "fashionable" interest in "kabbala"
without learning all the traditional basic jewish texts, and without keeping all the
spiritual laws . There is a pathway to spiritual learning, but it must start with good
foundations, otherwise it will collapse .

This Sefer Milchemos Hashem is actually considered by "some jews" as

unsuitable learning as its raises issues with respect to the learning of the Zohar
and the learning of Kabbala . It is an exceedingly good book "Sefer" well
worth learning.

Many learn this sefer to understand the contrary arguments to Zohar-

Kabbala . The essence of this book is that one MUST not learn kabbala -
ZOHAR alone, but one should start by learning all of torah , mishne , gemorra
- talmud , and seforim like Mesillas Yeshorim . Then and ONLY when one is
knowledgable in all parts of the TORAH, then one is ready to learn the
ZOHAR . (This is especially applicable in our generation when people, learn
"kabbala" books even before they can read hebrew properly!)

In this book, it explains that one should pray directly and ONLY to GOD -
HASHEM YISBORACH, whereas some people after learning "kabbala" start
praying through intermediary channels of "sefiras" - "ladders" or through
angels names .

' means praying to GOD and only ONE GOD, focusing ones
thoughts and prayers DIRECTLY to the ONE DIVINE GOD - "The Ribbone
Shel Olam" - - the Creator of the whole Universe, with a pure,
sincere and simple loving heart .

This is profound, especially as today there is a "fashionable" interest in

"kabbala" without learning all the traditional basic jewish texts, and without
keeping all the spiritual laws . There is a pathway to spiritual learning, but it
must start with good foundations, otherwise it will collapse . Everyone agrees
that Mesillas Yeshorim is an ideal way to start learning spiritual concepts .

Birth & Death - The Cycle of life

One very obvious clue to the pattern of life and death has been left for us in
nature. It is the example of the seasons. During the winter, everything is dead
or dormant. Life is not really dead, that is obvious to everyone . It is taken for
granted it is just resting and waiting . Our inner knowledge knows it is just
waiting to come alive again in spring . It is incubating in the earth's womb.
When spring comes, then new life will be brought forth, and restored
completely . It will grow and live in the summer of life's seasons. When
autumn / fall comes, it will wane and die back. Once again, there will be a
waiting period, and that life will spring back into existence again. It is a
never-ending cycle. Birth, death and rebirth.

If anyone will tell you , that once its dead it is dead forever , everyone will
laugh at the person for stupidity .

Similarly from our deep feelings and intelligence inside we all know and
believe the concept of reincarnation, that after we die, we can come back and
live another life. And that our soul lived before we came to earth and
continues to live after we die from this physical body .

Our Soul lived before this life and

continues to live after this physical life

Our soul ( ) , what is it ? where is it ? how can we quantify it ? None of
the questions, if i answer them, will you accept my answers . The soul, just
like belief in GOD, is a feeling and awareness that each individual has to
develope for themselves . If you are alone and not brainwashed by false
religions, then you will just know and feel you have a spiritual soul inside you

Let me give you some ideas from my own experiences to think about....

Have you ever been with someone at the moment they die ?

I have been, (too many times,) but for me in particular two life changing
special times, both were dying of cancer, they became so ill they were frail
and unable to move, sleeping most of the time in and out of coma, the doctors
could see the kidneys fail and then we realised it was soon .

At the moment of death, i remember they gave a few deep gasps of breath and
their eyes opened wide, like they suddenly came alive, saw something with
their eyes, and then they died. And i believe from Doctors that its the same for
everyone "that moment of death experience" .

Looking at the body after death, and knowing the person when they where
alive, is one of "life's experiences", it made me think and feel that the body is
not just a physical body, but a home to something more - like a soul . Then it
arrives - at that moment - an intrinsic belief in some type of life-after-death
world .

Hence clairvoyants, astrologers, palmists and mediums have always been

popular, as they help us to try to understand ourselves and re-affirm our belief
that there is life-after-death. If you have ever been to a good medium
clairvoyant, you will know what i mean, very much like the film "GHOST"
with Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg, well worth seeing, as it
deals exceedingly well with life-after-death and clairvoyants .

As for the jewish belief, may i suggest you read my article on re-incarnation
of souls, taken from the Book of reincarnation by Rabbi Chaim Vital , you will
learn to understand that a persons soul comes in many levels, some of which
exist in the physical body, some hover around the person's body in one's
AURA, and some vibrate on a higher frequency in SPIRIT world .
The spirit world is simply a world of spirit souls that surrounds us in harmony
with this physical world, but on a different vibration in a similar way that we
know the atmosphere around us is full of electromagnetic frequencies of
airwaves, anything from television and radio to mobile phones all those
signals are transmitted in the air around us ... similarly spirit souls and Divine
energy is all around us .


Birth and death are simply definitions to physical states to identify stages of
the soul and life in this physical world . However, as you will learn from our
pages on spiritual laws that there is a real beginning to your life's journey that
is the Time of Conception .

According to the book Raziel Hamalech , , states clearly that the

astrological time of your arrival on this planet, is the moment your physical
journey starts . That is the moment of conception .

If you read the article of re-incarnation, then you will learn that your soul arrives
in several stages . The most important part of which is your conception
( without conception you cannot have a birth !!!) .

Then nine months later you are born and become detached from your mother
physical, and start you own independant journey, although there is still
attachment to your mother , it becomes decreasingly less as you develope your
own independence . ( unless you are so sad -that you can never stand up on
your own two feet, and always need your mothers help !!!).

It is wellknown and accepted that babies can suffer from dietary malnutrition
and disease but can survive , because of the LOVE energy from its parents .
However, if a child has NO LOVE from its parents and abused, the child will
suffer more long term than the child deprived of food . Linda Goodman relates
the letters of "DEATH" = "HATED" .....just moved around , which teaches us
that hatred causes death , a lack of LOVE will cause death .

The aim of this God-given gift called LIFE, is to use and develope our
individual and collective spiritual energy levels upwards to unity with GOD ,
then there will be only peace LOVE and harmony on earth . No-one will ever
want , and all our needs will be provided for , by nature and earth . Greed ,
hatred and jealousy are destructive forces that corrupt our souls and cause
death .
If we live with unconditional love, we are filled with life energy, and feel alive
with a flowing of continuous loving Godly life energy . We all know many sad
people who have so experiences in life ( like everyone else) except they love
to COMPLAIN , blame others , and fill themselves with jealousy and hatred,
instead of saying nice constructive words , they are the type of people who
love to criticise and destroy others with their gossip and slander . Hence they
cause their own death and even more problems because of their bad attitude
and complaining .

So utilise this journey of life, learn to live with LOVE and vitality, radiate a
sense of happiness and learn to compliment others constructively ( or keep
quiet OF YOU CANNOT SAY ANYTHING NICE !!! ) . Then you will
continue to love and be loved , enjoying life with LOVE and vitality even
until the day you move out of your physical body to spirit world , and because
of your developed sense of strength of LOVE , in spirit world you will feel
alive and be able to send you LOVE and help to those who may need it in this
world . The cycle of life and love always continues and never dies

If you have been to a grave of a great man / woman who in their lives were
full of love and life, you can actually sense their physical presence and the
radiance of their love at the gravesites ( see for spiritual
explanation ) . Or simply think of some people from history , you have a good
feeling of admiration and love , or the opposite ...

We all arrive in this planet through sexual love of our parents, everything that
is grown and produced in this world is done through LOVE . Love is the
creative energy of planet earth . So make the decision to choose a life of
LOVE and kindness ....... and then you will always feel the LOVE of GOD,
attracting LOVE and happiness, and living life to your maximum potential
that a physical death is simply a transition to spirit world, with nothing to
frightened about as you have your love energy that will always remain in your
soul .

And at that moment in your life when you feel the LOVE of GOD work on
your heart, softening you to become full of LOVE and compassion then
nothing else matters, and all your problems dissapate .

Feeling the energy of true LOVE is truly a gift from GOD .

And where there is LOVE, there is GOD .

And where there is GOD's energy

there is life, hope, faith and true happiness .

The concept of birth every day on any day
In astrology, as you will see from the monthly and yearly astrological events ,
that astrology is NOT just related to the time you were born or conceived , but
as we explained in . An energy that is part of your spirit
soul come down and transcend in many stages during your life . Therefore you
could have an astrological birthday for your soul , on the day of important
irreversable event in your life, like the day you get married, divorced, have a
baby, move home, move to a new country , change profession, decide to
improve your personality ...etc etc ...

Using astrology to wait to start a new project career or get married at the
beginning of a new moon . Is always used in traditional orthodox jews . This
goes even further and hence the importance of the monthly and yearly
astrological charts .

The concept of birth and death every day, means that you have the potential
for CHANGE every single day . For example, if you treat yourself to a lovely
healthy meal of good food, on one day , the energy of this meal arrives in your
body whilst you eat the food , but has its effects on your energy for a few days
afterwards . Conversely , if you eat somthing rotten and have stomach ache
from this food , it can take a few days before your digestion system is cleared
out and you feel good again .

Every action commences as a thought first, the moment you decide to do

something and the second you convert that thought energy into physical action
, is a moment of importance to you and your soul . You have given your
thoughts energy at the moment of action . That moment also has a specific
astrological energy .

If you wish to understand this better look at the astrology charts for important
moments in your life, for example , the day you got married , the day you met
the love of your life, your very first time you made LOVE , the day you gave
birth , the day of your first job, the day you moved home ..... if these were
successful days or failures , compare the astrological positions of the planets
in relation to your birth charts , and you will soon identify a pattern .

Hence the ability to change becomes exceedingly easy by identifying the days
when planets are at peace and all making good aspects to each other in the
heavens above, could be exceedingly beneficial to helping you convert a
thought energy into action .
For example, if you have wanted to start a new diet, or a new project , find out
when there is a new moon , and just after the time of that new moon start the
action , and you should find within two weeks a sign if it going to be complete
success or whether you need to change your original plans . Therefore 17th
June and 17th July 2004 will be important dates to start new projects .

Similarly , if there are difficult astrological aspects , especially SQUARE's in

any planets, and RETROGRADE avoid making some actions , as they maybe
blocked by the astrological energy, or you may find yourself "undoing" what
you have done when the planets move forward after the retrograde . .

Change - The Ability to change

The purpose of life is to change .

A life without change is a living death .

There are 5 stages of life

Change can be easy, really---by changing your thoughts, you change your
feelings, and thus change your actions. In the 21st century, we have better
skills to deal with the darkness, and we are more enlightened and aware than
ever before in history. Even still, it often has to get darker before it becomes
lighter and brighter. But, in the modern world, we do not need to wait until
something happens to cause us to change. In fact, you can choose to live a
change-oriented, rich, and fulfilling life right now. To transform your life, you
need to raise your awareness, practice pro-activity, and live by your vision,
purpose, and values.

"There is nothing about a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly."
This quote illustrates the change process perfectly. The butterfly represents a
thing of great beauty. A butterfly completely transforms itself from a
comfortable cocoon into a radiant entity with wings. You are like a beautiful
butterfly waiting to be re-born and transformed.

Stage 1: Cocoon Stage

This stage is characterized by feelings of comfort, as you are beginning to
awaken to the need to change. You begin to realize you could be so much
more and recognize an error in judgment or dysfunctional pattern(s).
Stage 2: Growth Stage
This stage is characterized by feelings of discomfort, as you are beginning to
stretch yourself, your abilities, your environment. You experience new ways
of being and thinking and have the desire to transform yourself.

Stage 3: Change Stage

This stage is characterized by feelings of panic and fear, as you are beginning
to look, feel, and act differently. You have a gut instinct that this change will
be good for you, and request that Spirit assist you & provide with you with
guidance. Nontheless, during this stage, you may feel like your whole life has
fallen apart, the only hope being sadness death and misery, you will probably
be extremely fragile and sensitive . Just think of the caterpillar transforming
into the butterfly, trust that you are changing and suddenly when the time is
right you will come alive, with a brighter and more fulfilled life .

Stage 4: Flight Stage

This stage is characterized by feelings of confidence and courage, as you
spread your wings to leave your old home to find a new home. You now
recognize yourself as a beautiful creature, have excitement about future
possibilities and you just do it.

Stage 5: Conscious Stage

This stage is characterized by feelings of inner peace and joy, as you
remember and realize who you really are. You now understand that you are a
co-creator and possess the power to become whatever you want to be and do
whatever you want to do.

The Comparison of a person to a Caterpillar is from the Tiferes Yisroel on the

Mishna with respect to proving is possible, by the
proof of the transformation of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly . We shall
be uploading more to this website soon from the Sefer Shinuyim -

According to Rabbi Akiva in the Talmud Shabbos 156b the purpose of

studying astrology is to accept that there are times which are lucky and times
that are unlucky . If one starts something new in an unlucky time , for
example at the end of the moon cycle in the last few days before the new
moon , then one is relying on a miracle to be successful . According to Rabbi
Akiva it is irresponsible of us to rely on miracles, as that assumes we are
worthy and perfectly righteous .
However, in the Talmud 156b it explains clearly if one can change one's
character for the better , or has done a sincerely good deed of helping people
through charity , then one can change one's MAZEL- fortune . The Talmud
relates a story of Rabbi Akiva's daughter, who was saved from death , because
on the evening before her wedding when her house was full of visitors and
guests, there was a poor man who knocked at the door hungry and needing
food . She kindly gave him a meal , an act of unconditional love and charity
saved her and changed her fortune . ( which we will discuss in the website

The power of prayer

According to Jewish tradition and the

Famous Rabbi Akiva in the Talmud -
In life we have no right to push and
ask for the map of our future . To look
to clairvoyants to see the future is
considered wrong, as we are looking to
"CHEAT" the system . Trying to find
the future we are cheating ourselves
and GOD .
It also detracts from the truth that each
of us has the ability to change destiny
through the power of prayer and our
actions . Believing that everything is
written and cannot be changed puts a
person into complaincant mode, with
an attitude of " Why should I bother - I cannot change - its
destiny - C'est la vie !!! " . This is a wrong

attitude .
We are all here, on planet earth to learn and change . Ofcourse that means - to
change for the good !! Very often , the people whom have made the most
success in life, are the people whom have had adversities, have had to be
strong to fight for their values and beliefs, and most imprtantly have made the
most amount of CHANGES IN THEIR LIFE . A successful pilot of a plane
has the vision and knows exactly where he is going to land , but needs to
constantly make corrections and changes to his flight pathway in the skies, to
get exactly where he is destined .

Similarly , in our lives, we have an idea where we want to be at certain stages

in our lives , Although sometimes we may have NO IDEA , and simply get
carried along with everyones elses plans . However , once we have woken up
our soul , we know we are on a specific journey, and the success of our
journey will be measured by our flexibility to constantly monitor our
movement towards our goals and change when necessary .

As we explain on the page of communication , the special energy we have is

our power of speech . Saying the right words at the right time to the right
person , will make all the difference to our lives . Similarly and even more so ,
is using the power of speech to pray . Believing and knowing that the power
of your speech can change . Reading the words of the bible and praying has an
enormous effect on your soul . ( for example reading Book of Psalms ) .

Once you have experienced the power of prayer actually changing something
in your life, making life peaceful, purposeful, feeling the sense of reassurrance
and comforting love that comes with true prayer, you will find strength and a
sense of purpose in life . Most importantly you will know that you are NOT
alone , and that you always have the support of LOVE from GOD and spirit
world .

The Power of LOVE

As we have explained on our page on EARTH , that the creative energy of this
planet is LOVE, everything that is creative and constructive on this planet is
done through LOVE , conversely everything destructive is done through the
energy of hate and death .
During certain astrological aspects like SQUARES from the aggression
inclined planets like Pluto and Mars , it maybe destined that the energy is
there to cause wars, death and destruction . ( As traditional astrologers will
make people believe ) . However, according to Raziel Hamalach , the energy
of these aggressive planets and "bad mood" periods we have, are there to
motivate us to STOP whatever we are doing, and instill in our hearts the
energy of LOVE . Utilising the aggressive energy and convert this to passion
and LOVE .

Hence, very often in our society, when people feel frustrated and depressed,
instinctively they switch on MUSIC , especially LOVE songs , any type of
music that instills peacefulness and calmness and most importantly music that
you LOVE . Will help you focus on LOVING thoughts and cancel out
anything negative and destructive .

The more sensitive you are, the more OPEN you will be to planetary squares
and some difficult MOODS , from now on - you know the secret to cancel out
the difficult energies by thinking LOVE and forgiveness . Think of the
positive aspects of your life and how lucky you are in comparison with so
many unfortunately poor people in the world . And most importantly think
how lovely the world would be if everyone thought of LOVING THOUGHTS
, be an example to others . People always respect and emulate LOVING
people .

Even though they can be very jealous and hateful towards loving people - that
is simply because people who have learnt to destroy, steal , murder and hate
all their lives - would have loved to have a loving life instead of the corrupt
lives they have, and they find it so difficult to change , so they prefer to self -
destruct their own lives by hating instead of learning to change and LOVE .
( This is simply Jung's physchology of criminals ) .

Simply respect the POWER OF LOVE

, this is the key of life and the secret
power to change.
Charts & Tables
In this section i shall be uploading more useful charts and information tables
(please see here for full swiss ephemeris charts for about 3000 years).
However, the first and most important chart i have made is the chart which
indicates the energy of each start sign during the day , in each day of the year .
This chart is important as this will give you the three special times in each day
for YOU, to concentrate you efferts and energies to maximise your potential,
with the maximum energy for your body and soul to succeed .

The four most opportune moments of

the day for YOU
In each day there are three periods of time which give you and your soul the
maximum strength . They are based of the following :-

1. Your Sun sign at Conception

The moment of conception is the FIRST step your soul made in this physical
world . This is the beginning of everything you know to be in this physical
world . Therefore the placement of the sun at the time of your conception is
most important to YOU . It identifies the energy which begins everything for
you .

Naturally it is exceedingly difficult to know the exact time of conception, but

assume exactly 9 full months prior to your birth . ( Unless your parents knew
for sure the time or knew that you were pre-mature ) .

for example, if you were born 28th September ( a libran ) , then you were
conceived 28th December ( a capricorn ) .

This sun sign at conception is exceedingly important as this gives you the sign
and energy to commence anything new . Absolutely anything you do in this
world starts out as a plan in your thoughts or in speech or actions, as

The best time for you to BEGIN to

plan is during the hours of the day that
your Sun sign is in - at your
conception .
for example using the chart below , a person born 28th Septmeber therefore
was conceived in 28th December ( Capricorn ) .
If he/she wishes to begin a project whilst the Sun is in the sign of Gemini
( that is between 21st May and 21st June ) . The best times are between 6pm
and 8pm . ( this time applies to everywhere and any country in the world in
local time - unless your country has extra hour in summer - so simply make
adjustment for the extra hour ) .

similarly if he /she wishes to begin a project whilst the sun is in Sagitarrius

( between 22nd November - 22nd December ) . The best times are between
6am and 8am .

This opportune commencement time is the ideal and best energy, for you to
maximise your potential in anything in your life . It could be you want to plan
a new project, move home, take up and new hobby, start a new relationship,
learn something new . Everything that you wish to commence for the first
time , utilise this time to begin . It maybe that you just wish to sit and write
down your plans - then this is the best time to write your plans and collect
your thoughts .

2. Your Sun sign at Birth

After planning your new project during the best time based on your sun sign at
conception, the next phase is implementing your thoughts .

Many people have great plans and ideas, but very few can actually motivate
and convert those ideas and plans into successful actions .

The strongest energy which transcends itslef to your soul and body is that of
your Sun sign at birth . Your birth is symbolic of independance and your own
personality . It is the time when you physically detach yourself , and start to
survive and live for yourself, even though you still remain co-dependant on
love and supprot of your parents .

Likewise this Sun sign energy , comes every day at specific time to give you
the continual energy to live in this world . In much the same way the sun shine
is need for plants crops to grow in the field .

This stage is simple, from the small table of sun signs below, you can see the
which Sun sign you were born in . For example , your birthday is 28th
September , that makes you a LIBRA at birth .

Using the table below, look for the best time for LIBRA in each of the Sun
signs .
for example, the best time for a libran to convert his/her thoughts into actions
whilst the Sun is in Gemini ( that is between 21st May and 21st June ) is
between Noon- Midday and 2pm .

3. Your Ascendant at Birth

The Ascendant sign , is based on the time you were born . The Ascendant sign
is the STAR sign which was on the horizon in the sky at the time you were
born . And can be easily seen from the large table below

For example , If you were born between 21st May and 21st June at 6-30pm
then your ascendant is CAPRICORN . or if you were born between 23rd
September - 22nd October at 2-30pm then your ascendant is PISCES .

The Ascendant sign is extremely important as this identifies the primary

MOTIVATION in your life . This indicates the energy that actually gets you
motivated and moving . The energy that helps you translate your thoughts and
plans into ACTION .

So use the chart below to work out the best times for you to MOTIVATE
yourself and put your plans into ACTION . The best time to focus yourself on
your goals and succeed wioth your project is during the ASCENDANT time .

for example for our example above , if your ascendant is PISCES , then if you
wish to motivate yourself into action during a LEO sun sign - that is between
22nd July and 23rd August , then the best time is 6pm - 8pm .

4. Your spiritual birthday

"Forty days before a person is conceived into this world, it is announced in
heaven - spirit world, the daughter of this man is destined to marry this man,
the house in this place - is destined for their home, and this field (livelihood /
business / profession) is destined for this person."

As we explained on the page of "DESTINY" , the commencment of ones soul

in this physical world takes place 40 days before one is conceived . According
the famous Raziel Hamalach and Book of Change - Sefer Shinuyim and
Yonatan Ben Uziel . The reason the talmud expresses this number of 40 days ,
as in spirit world there is no concept of time . Time is a factor for us to live in
this physical world .

Is to teach us that we have a spiritual birthday 40 days before conception . For

example , someone born on 1st January, we assume a full nine months before
is the day of conception which is 1st April , the spiritual birthday is 40 days
before this day on the 20th February . Which indeed makes sense, as many
capricorns reflect charactersistics of aquarius and pisces .

On this spiritual birthday, ones soul connects with the divine source for a
renewal of energy and to plan the forthcoming year . This day is important
when learning about ones character in astrology .

Hence, when trying to forecast and understand your true inner spiritual
character , you need to know approximately your spiritual birthday .

The four times

In conclusion, use all these four times collectively together to plan, put into action and
motivate yourself . In order to maximise your potential and guarentee success .

Inauspicious times
In exactly the same way there are idealistically good times, there are also the times
when whatever you seem to do , nothing succeeds . This is more difficult to explain but
we shall soon explain that inauspiciuos times once the full websites is up-and-running .

It is basically based on the sun sign that is exactly the opposite . So if you a libra DO
not start anything when the dominant sign is an aries . ( but also has an equation to do
with Squares also - but i promise to come back and explain this comprehensively ) .
Table of Sun Signs
Aries .........21st March - 20th April
Taurus ......20th April - 21st May
Gemini......21st May- 21st June
Cancer.......21st June - 22nd July
Leo........... 22nd July - 23rd August
Virgo......... 23rd August - 23rd September
Libra..........23rd September - 22nd October
Scorpio .....23rd October - 22nd November
Sagitarrius..22nd November - 22nd
Capricorn.. 22nd December - 20th January
Aquarius ...20th January - 21st February
Pisces .......22nd February - 21st March


The table below indicates the Sun sign that has the
dominant energy in the sky during each of the Sun sign
periods of the year .
Simply use the top row of "Sun sign"s to indicate the time of year you are
looking at . Then find the Sun sign in the body of the table and then "read-off"
the time that this sun sign is dominant / ascendant in the sky for that time of
year .
Sun Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
4am -
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
2am -
Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio
6pm -
Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra
4pm -
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
2pm -
Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo
noon-2pm Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer

Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini
Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus
6am -
Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries


We recommend you use for the time of your birth and
apporximate time of your conception . As will accurately
calculate the position of the planets in which star signs they were situated at
the time of your birth . The using their interpretation or ours in the individual
planets below , will describe the energy of your soul has been given by the
astrology of the planets .

Please see our section on planets for full expanation of birth charts
Charts of Planets
For complete historical charts we recommend Jonathan Cainers websites

the full charts of planetary movement from September 24th 2001 until
October 2004


Special Note Monday 18th December 2006

Apologies for being unable to upload this website as planned in 2005;

However, i have just started to upload this website Jewish
Spiritual Astrology from Raziel HaMalach, & hope to complete this in the
next few weeks.

We have just completed the following websites during Autumn 2006:- Jewish Spiritual Palmistry Website ; Sefer Shinuyim -

the Book of Changes ; Sefer Gilgulim The Book of Reincarnations & The
Pathway to Enlightenment "


We shall be explaining fully how to read these charts :-

Meanwhile with thanks to the swiss ephermeris charts of

Swiss Ephemeris for Users

This area contains printable ephemeris files in Acrobat PDF format. This
format allows to view and print ephemerides in excellent quality. Each
ephemeris file covers one year and prints on six pages, with two months per
page. Besides the regular planets, the ephemeris contains the minor planet
Chiron and the mathematical point 'Lilith' or 'Dark Moon'.

The ephemeris files may be downloaded and printed for private use only. Any
redistribution of these files in electronic or printed format requires the
permission by Astrodienst in writing.

To read, view and print these files, you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
Version 3.0 or higher.

Here are the ephemeris files for 3200 years The links appearing as numbers
contain the ephemeris for this year; the links 'A' contain a list of mundane
aspects (aspects formed by the moving planets on the sky). For years marked
with 'j' like 1500j the Ephemeris is in the Julian Calendar, otherwise it is in the
Gregorian Calendar.
Centuries before 1400 are listed as browsable directories

Mercury cycle 1600-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-2099

Venus cycle data 1500-1599 1600-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-2099
0900-0999 1000-1099 1100-1199 1200-1299 1300-1399 1400-1499
0300-0399 0400-0499 0500-0599 0600-0699 0700-0799 0800-0899
-300 - -200 - -100 - -1 0000-0099 0100-0199 0200-0299
-201 -101
-500 - -400 -
-401 -301
Mars cycle data 1600-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-2099


The power of speech in this world is the energy of communication and

success, directly related to the planet mercury . As we explained in , the advantage and gift we have over the rest of life on earth
is our ability to communicate our thoughts with the power of speech .

The way we talk and communicate with other people, makes the specific
identity to our individual personality . How successful we are, is identified by
the way we talk and communicate . Do we expres ourselves lovingly , softly
spoken, precise and constructive honest words that creates positive good
energy , OR do we shout aggressively with hate , criticising and complaining,
telling lies and deceiving people.

The Choice is ours , and by making the correct choice will assist our journey
in this life . Often the biggest changes in our lives happen through the power
of speech , saying the correct words at the correct time to a specific person can
change ones life irreversably for the good or not good . The choice is ours .
The energy of our speech is also affected by astrology , sometimes we can
actually say the same thing at two different times , one time makes NO
difference , another time can make all the difference in the world .

During a retrograde of mercury is not always the best time for communication
. Words and letters , emails etc .... are more likely to get lost, confused or
misunderstood . So this is a time to be extra careful with ones speech and the
power of words . Your words maybe so misunderstood that it will have to take
until Mercury moves forward to repair the damage , and sometimes as we all
know , once something hateful or destructful is spoken, it can be difficult to
ever forget an argument, hateful words, gossip and lies . So be extremely
careful with your speech, it has the power to change your life .

Learning from the past

The timing of the position you have arrived at in your life at this particular
moment, i can assume that you have had enough experiences to actually see a
specific pattern to your yearly calendar .

Therefore write down the major events of your life , the dates they happen for
good and not good . The really happy and positive times and the sad
depressing times . I assure you you will find two months every year are
fantastically successful - specifically for you , and there are two months each
year when everything seems to fail and go wrong .

Keep a diary

By keeping a diary and writing down all the events , you will find a pattern
emerging , based on the Sun and Moon's position . ( if you wish to see more
specific charts see Historical Charts from Jonathan Cainer's website ) . This will
happen you identify specific planets of those really lucky or unlucky days of
your life .

By finding the pattern of the months of the year from your past , you can
identify , when the most successful times will be for your future .

The past

Everything that has happend in your life has had a specific reason to happen
for you . It could be you needed to feel and learn difficult experiences , it
could also be you have had to correct your actions from a previous life, in
order to release the events / person , and move onto a lovely future .

By reading this page ( and i assume that you have been reading many other
spiritual websites and books ) , you are ready to leave your past behind,
change and move to your future . You are at a point in the school of life , that
you can reflect honestly on your past , learn and understand retrospectively
the mistakes you have made ( making sure that you won't make these mistakes
again !!! ) .

You are now ready to use your past experiences to make a considerable
difference to your future . Using the past you can now really make a
difference to your life , by focusing on your aims , ambitions and goals ,
preventing yourself from being "side-tracked" and eventually succeeding, to
have a purposeful and wholesome life , where your soul is at peace within
yourself and in harmony with your physical journey in this life .

Spiritual Laws of Love

Firstly, to explain the aspect of relationships and love there are two parts:-

( 1 ) The True Soulmate

I have printed this excerpt from Babylonian Talmud Sotah 2a, written 2000
years ago, and passed down the generations as tradition and accepted truth .

Forty days before a person is conceived into this world , it is announced in
heaven - spirit world , the daughter of this man should marry this man , the
house in this place should be the place for this person and the field
(livelihood/business/profession) should be for this person.

Talmud Sotah 2a , Sanhedrin 22a , Moed Katan 18b

This is the original in hebrew .

Hence the first aspect of love and astrology is that you have a destined love,
and no matter how difficult or easy the aspect of your relationship is, you are
destined to be together and need to work through your lives together . This is
your destiny . The purpose and reason you came to earth .

There is indeed a special blessing with your soulmate, and that is the source
and essence of your souls come from the same spiritual level, which means
that you communicate with each other so easily . Even just looking at each
other - you know exactly what each is thinking . If you are not together then
you may even sense the others pain and anguish at being apart . You have the
same goals and understanding, having an identical astrological and soul
pathway through life . So my suggestion is to learn how to bring your true
soulmate into your life . When you meet you may even find that you both
suffered pain or had nice things happen in your seperate lives at exactly the
same time . ( especially the

By reading the website

page on "soulmate", that website will explain fully the idea of re-
incarnation according to Reb Chaim Vital ) . You will learn the powerful
prayer and how to attract your true soulmate in your life and make the two
halves become a whole . So if you feel that you have not missed your
soulmate or that you really wish to know how to find him/her then please read

the page on " soulmate" in that website .

I would like to add that some people, especially men, never meet their
soulmate until they are 35-40 years old, and specifically if their soul is
reincarnated, as they may have a whole agenda of other life lessons to fulfill
and learn first, alone, without the soulmate . Nontheless the true soulmate will
know on some level the pain and anguish of the other half as it too is yearning

for the wholeness of their souls . ( see also special

prayers of Rabbi Yehonossan Ben
Uziel Yarzheit 26th Sivan and prayers
for single people looking for their true
soulmate )

( 2 ) "The second best"

Before, i begin , i would like to quote Reb Chaim Vital ( see ) who says that sometimes "the second best" can be better
than the destined soulmate .

It may become necessary for you to live without your originally destined
soulmate for any number of reasons. For example, your soulmate may have
died tragically or you/ your soulmate may have developed, changed, refined
or even downgraded your/their character , and therefore the destined soulmate
no longer becomes suitable . Or in some circumstances you may have re-
incarnated without a soulmate ( see soulmate article in ) .

Therefore the need for a search for a more suitable LOVE, (as by spiritual law,
every man and woman must have a loving partner, as a person is only
considered a half of a whole ) .

The search for an ideal "second best" will be based on the level of your soul .
And the intrinsic vibration of your physical body based on your astrological
sign . The search will be done by you on a physical level, that is simply
looking at the men/women in your environment and the people you meet in
your everyday life . But also on a subconscious and spiritual level your soul
may search the whole world for someone special . You may instinctively know
that he/she is in France, and will have the inexplicable urge to want to visit
France for your holidays or ask for a transfer from your company .

In astrological terms you are looking for someone on your level , with a
vibration of their physical and spiritual soul in harmony with yours . This is
based on the 4 elements of nature . As each astrological sign vibrates to one of
4 basic groups :-

The FIRE signs .......... Aries ....... Leo ....... Sagittarius

The EARTH signs....... Taurus .....Virgo ..... Capricorn

The AIR signs .............Gemini .... Libra ..... Aquarius

The WATER signs ...... Cancer .... Scorpio ... Pisces

In the same logical way Fire is extinguished by Water, so too in astrological,

the "fire sign" person will feel extinguished by the "water sign" .

Looking at each of the groups :-

ARIES, LEO and SAGITTARIUS are the Fire signs. Though they sparkle in
different ways, they are all passionate, and restless. Dont look here for a quiet
life. Be ready for a temper that flares up at the slightest provocation but then
rapidly burns out. Be ready too, to face irrepressible ambition. Fire fancies
itself as invincible. Though it is always hungry and in a hurry, it thinks that
sooner or later, it can wear down the most resistant material and make it come
ablaze. If a Fire sign person wants you as a partner, youll find it hard to damp
down their enthusiasm. Saying no will merely make you seem like more of a
challenge. If you really dont want the heat, keep well away from the kitchen.
But some like it hot... and those who do are right in their element here.

Air signs
GEMINI, LIBRA and AQUARIUS are the Air signs who dwell in the realm
of thought and theory. Their heads are always in the clouds. From this lofty
position they can see a long way and find a lot to say. If you enjoy
conversation, debate and discussion, here's your perfect partner. Not so if you
happen to feel there's more to life than words. An Air sign person can say
pretty much anything and make it sound persuasive. So persuasive, indeed,
that they will convince themselves it must be true! Woe betide you if you
argue. That's playing right into the Air person's hands. Air likes to whip up a
wind. It also likes to be free to float. If you like things to be the same from day
to day, Air's constant changeability will drive you bananas. If though, you like
to get high on the exhilarating oxygen of brainpower, here's your source of
eternal excitement.

Earth signs
TAURUS, VIRGO and CAPRICORN are the Earth signs. They are solid
and strong. Or so, at least, they seem. Think though, of soil and the way it
surges with invisible, life-giving energy. Or consider a tree. Though very
much 'of the earth' it is constantly in a state of change. It adapts to the seasons
and never stops growing. Earth sign people, despite their image of
implacability, are sensitive, sensual and subject to slow but steady change.
They possess enormous power and love to put this to a fruitful use. The
further into the earth you dig, the more hidden treasure you find. If you seek
depth and meaning, an Earth sign person is your ideal companion. Likewise, if
you want loyalty, dedication and integrity. If though, you thrive on drama,
adventure or debate, you may prefer someone with whom the ground rules are
less clearly defined.

Water signs
CANCER, SCORPIO, and PISCES are the intuitive and emotional Water
signs. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and rightly so, for their hearts
are pure and kind. Though they pretend, in different ways, to be dry, they can't
help but well up with compassion at the slightest sob story. But they can
afford to be a little more giving than the rest of us because, for all their
apparent insecurity, they can never come to real harm. It's easy to disperse
water but hard to destroy it. Sooner or later, even if it has to seep underground
or evaporate in order to escape, water always finds its way to more water. If
you seek a companion full of heartfelt feeling, look no further. If you prefer
less fluidity or you fear being swamped by ever-changing moods, you're out
of your depth here..

So the combinations of the groups relate to each other as follows :-

Fire and Fire

Fire is always attracted to more fire. The question, when you put two fire
people together, is not 'will they be drawn to one another' but 'will the
relationship burn itself out?' It certainly will if there's too much competition
for the same source of fuel. How then, can you prevent a Fire sign partnership
from flaring up wildly, only to go out in a blaze of glory? You need a totally
shared sense of purpose. You have to turn your fire on a common enemy, not
on each other or reach an agreement about what you are trying to achieve
together. Even with such a deal struck, sparks will occasionally fly. Fire
people love a challenge. They can't resist infuriating each other every so often.
Then again, if you thrive on passion, there are some distinct advantages to life
with someone who can always get you feeling fully inflamed.

Fire and Earth

Earth is covered in vegetation which fire can burn. Deep below the earth
there's coal and oil, even more substantial fuel for fire. It is easy then, to see
why Fire people are drawn to Earth people. They provide constant
psychological fuel for the fiery person to consume. Why though, should an
Earth person fancy a Fire person? Where's the advantage in getting together
with someone who will take all you've got to give and come back for more?
The Earth person is understandably cautious. But the Earth person does have a
need for fire. You can see this more clearly if you appreciate how sensuous
Earth types truly are. They yearn to feel the earth move and nothing makes the
earth move more dramatically than an explosion! That's why, if this
relationship gets off the ground, it turns out to be such dynamite.

Earth and Air

Without earth's gravity, there would be no air. Without air, earth would be
incapable of supporting life. People born under these two elements are
strongly drawn to one another. Air people benefit greatly from having a
partner who will ground them. Earth people (who need stimulation if they are
ever to get anywhere) enjoy the flow of ideas that only an air person can offer.
In theory then, this is a perfect union. In practice? There are a few little
problems. Tornados, for example, that blow up when the Air person can find
no other way to make the Earth person shift. Or underground caverns that
entice in fresh air and then, by sealing up their entrances with a sudden rock
fall, trap it there forever. These risks though, can be avoided. And, when they
are, no relationship can match it ... in heaven or on earth!

Earth and Water

To understand this relationship, consider the contrast between land and sea.
Imagine these forces in perpetual battle; think of mighty waves, crashing
against rocks. Earth and water themselves seem to enjoy unleashing all that
energy. Earth and Water people have a similar tendency to clash superficially
but form a deep, fulfilling, lasting bond. They are not always instantly drawn
together but slowly, they find a way to coexist. The more they do, the more
they see how much they can offer each other. Soil needs rain in order to be
fertile. Rivers need banks if they are to stay on track. Earth and Water people
need each other for inspiration and support. Only when they fail to keep
separate identities and try to 'merge' do we get a problem. Water mixed with
Earth makes mud ... but then, some of us feel that even this is glorious!

Earth and Earth

What happens when irresistible force meets immovable object? Put two Earth
sign people together and you'll find out! In theory, there's potential for endless
pressure; a battle for ultimate supremacy between two tectonic plates that can
only ever end in an earthquake. In fact, it rarely comes to this. Earth sign
people are never drawn to each other unless they can both sense a viable way
to share the territory. Agreement from the outset, is imperative. But lively
relationships need just a small amount of friction. If you dare not allow even
the tiniest amount of this to develop for fear of starting something that you can
never finish, the result is likely to be a partnership that trundles, uneventfully
on and on... and on. Looking

Water and Water

What does water want, more than anything else? To find its way to yet more
water! Think how inland streams make their way across the country till they
reach first the river then the ocean. Water people have a similar, natural desire
to seek one another's company. There they find a level of empathy that nobody
else can match. Even Water sign people who happily marry individuals of
another element, will ensure they keep a fair selection of Water friends. Not
all Water relationships though, are an instant success. Warm water tends to
float, in a slightly superior way, over cold. Fresh water will try to keep itself
from salt water. Some waters merge more naturally than others and all have a
difficult time when it comes to separating. Every water/water marriage is 'for
life', no matter how often or how intensely both may try to part.

Air and Air

"Who can see the wind? Neither you nor I. But when the tree bows down its
head, the wind is rushing by." What are we to conclude though when we see
that tree nodding wildly up and down like a teenage heavy metal fan? Surely
this can only mean that it is being blown by two winds at once. Air sign
people have no difficulty forming a rapport with one another - kindred spirits
who feel, from the moment they meet, that they are renewing an old
acquaintance. When they're in agreement, they're closer than a pair of
lovebirds. When they're not, they're like clowns back to back on a tandem,
each trying to pedal in the opposite direction. It's then that the relationship
stops being a breeze and turns, instead, into a wild hurricane. Air sign people
never agree to differ. They like contradicting each other too much.

Air and Water

Put air into water and you get lovely bubbles. Put water into air and you get
soft, fluffy clouds - provided that there's not too much pressure. We all know
though, what happens to a fizzy drink if it's shaken. We also know how
atmospheric pressure can cause water in the atmosphere to turn into
something very cold and clammy. Air and water go well together... most of the
time. Air sign people provide intuitive Water people with much-needed
intellectual perspective. Water people return the compliment by compensating
for the Air person's dry attitude. But while they can visit one another's domain,
they cannot remain in it for long. The bubbles go flat after a while. Likewise,
the clouds tend to disperse. This relationship has to be constantly renewed and
revived. It is though, well worth the maintenance.

Fire and Water

Put fire under water and you get steam. Place water over fire and you put the
fire out. Everything depends, in this relationship, on who takes the lead. Hot
water is more powerful than cold. When water is changed by fire, it makes
greater impact. No wonder then, that Water people find Fire folk appealing.
They have nothing to fear. They know they can quench fire if it gets too hot.
But why should a Fire person want to get close to a natural force that can
destroy it? There is no logical answer. Water has nothing to offer Fire, but it
needs it and wants it. That's why it works so hard to attract it! Fire is willing to
be drawn because it hungers to be powerful in any way it can. It can't resist
that steamy sizzle. Fire likes living dangerously. Water likes to get excited.
This pairing may not be wise but it's hard for either to resist.

Fire and Air

Fire needs air. Without it, no matter how much fuel it has, it cannot survive.
Why though, does air need fire? It can exist quite nicely without all that
smoke. It's the heat that it seeks. As any meteorologist will tell you, air
currents are driven by temperature changes. Wind will not develop and travel
unless something warms it up. Air sign people then, find Fire sign folk useful.
They get them to stop sitting around thinking and they make them start doing
things. There is strong attraction between these elements but there's also an
ever-present danger. Fire folk glow so brightly in an Air person's company
that they forget to refuel. Then, the wind ends up putting out the fading fire.
But as long as there's even a tiny spark remaining, a breeze can rekindle it.
Thus this relationship can carry on blowing hot and cold for a lifetime.


By exploring this simple, traditional idea, you can cut out all the complication
that surrounds a relationship and gain insight into the basic chemistry behind
it. Please though, be aware that any element can 'work' with any other,
provided conditions are right. It's just that some elements have an instant
affinity while others need to go through a delicate process of adjustment.
Ultimately, this means that in love, there's hope for us all, no matter who we
are with. You just have to find some way to stay in your element whilst
allowing your partner to thrive in theirs.

Numerology - Gematria -
Numerology ( or "Gematria" as known in hebrew) is the study of
numbers on a spiritual level that identifies each number with a specific
spiritual and physical energy .

Each individual has a specific blueprint of their soul which is mapped out in
their astrological chart, which in turn infuses itself to attract the correct name
which identifies one's character and a set of numbers, that also identifies the
character of one's soul .

Numerology will give the information to understand your spiritual / physical

character , in much the same way astrology helps you understand yourself adn
your purpose in this life . It also has the gift to be able to help you change and
improve your life .

During the course of one's life, as your character developes in certain

directions, you may find that people start calling you by a different name . For
example, you may have been christened by your parents as Elizabeth, but as
you grow up, friends may call you Lizzy or Betty or Eliza , each of these
names are contained within the character you were born with - as identified by
your parents, but the course of events in your life, either developed you into a
flirtatious, communicative and happy Lizzy, or a formal Eliza with constant
dissappointments and unfulfilled dreams .

It is important to note that all numbers are good, each has a specific purpose
and set of lessons to teach our souls . If, for example, you are constantly
dissappointed and have extremely bad luck, it might be that your soul needs
those difficult lessons to enable you to develope and change . Once you have
woken up and identified the areas of your life to work upon, then you should
be able to change and release the need for dissappointments . And therefore
will be able to move to a different house with a different more lucky number,
or feel more comfortable with a different name .

For example , think back - have you ever felt that at a point in your life when
you changed you name - in college or school - that your luck changed ? you
may have changed your name amongst friends whom you thought would
respect you more because of your name - but in effect you lost your individual
character you were born with . So simply revert to your individualistic
character you were blessed with .

Birth Number

This is the number that identifies your character at birth, the day when you
finally arrived on this planet and disconnected from your mother . This is your
individual number .
Simply at the numbers together as in this example :-

24th september 1964 , in numbers is 24 - 09 - 1964 ,

add the numbers together 2+4 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 35

so the birth number is 35 , and is therefore also an 8 ( as 3+5=8 )

another example

16th November 1983 , in numbers is 16 - 11 - 1983

add the numbers together 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 30

so the birth number is 30 , and is also a 3 ( as 3 + 0= 3 )

Now that you know the birth number see the following pages which will teach
you about the specific identity of each number .

You can use the numbers below, to identify your house, and the lessons you
need to learn from where you live . For example, if you life at number 82 then
8+2 = 10 , the numerology of your house is 10 ( and you should also read
number for 1 as 1+0 = 1 )

Numerical Value of Names and Words

In traditional hebrew , there are 22 letters, that each have a specific number as
Therefore, it is accepted that the English alphabet has the following numerical
values .

It is also important to note in Numerology of names - that name-number is

identified by the letters that are sounded when pronouncing the name, and not
by the letters in the name .

For example, Laura becomes Lora , Emma becomes Ema, Paris becomes Pari
for the french and Paris for English speaking ( which is interesting as the same
city has different identity for the rest of the world who look at it, and different
meaning for the french ) .

A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=7, F=8, G=3, H=5, I=1, J=1, K=1, L=3, M=4, N=5,
O=6, P=8, Q=1, R=2, S=3, T=4, U=6,V=6, W=3, X=7, Y=1 , Z=7,

To work out the name number simply add the numerical value of the letters in
a name :-

London = 3+6+5+4+6+5 = 29
the name number for London is 29 ( also read 11 as 2+9=11 ) .

Jonathan = 1+6+4+1+4+5+1+4 = 26
the name number for jonathan is 26 ( also read 8 as 2+6=8 )

Yisroel = 1+1+3+2+1+3 = 11
the name number for yisroel is 11 ( also read 2 as 1+1=2 )

Peter is really Peeter ( as it is pronounced Peeter ) 8+7+7+4+7+2

= 35 ( and hence 8 )

Paris = 8+1+2+1+3 = 15 ( and hence 1+5=6 number

of LOVE )

But Paris to the french is pronounced

Pari = 8+1+2+1=12 (and that is so true as the french think
of Paris differently to the whole world which considers Paris the City of
Love )

Once you have calculated the name number, then simply look up the charts
above to learn about the number . Learn about you character from the numbers
that identify you, your birth number , name number, surname number, house
number, phone number, even work out the numerology of your car number
plate ( of the cars you have had in the past that have been lucky/ unlucky for
you ) your national insurance number , your passport number, your bank
account number . Each of these numbers identifies YOU . And i am sure you
will see that you have a specific number that recurrs with uncanny frequency
in your life . This is simply a sign for you so you can learn the necessary
lessons . release the past and have a happy, successful and fulfilling future .

For example the telephone country code for UK is 00 44 ,

hence the number 44 , the number of Karma - Re-incarnation, wisdom,

experience, and patience , is representative of the UK ( reduces to number 8 as
4+4=8 )

France is number of love - 33

Germany is number of stability amd steadfastness- 49

Switzerland is number of communication and intellect - 41

USA - 001, the number 1 of original action, creativity and benevolence

See for yourself and come to your conclusions, how important numbers reflect
the events in our lives and infuse the creative and God-given energy to assist
and teach our souls along life's journey .

The 9 year cycle of life

The specific traditional 9 year cycle of life, is also based on numerology, there
is a complicated calculation to finding the year in your life . However, if you
look at the 9 years below , you will easily understand which year you are in,
within the cycle . And be able to learn the purpose and cycle of life . If you are
reflective on your past, then you can work out and plan the pattern of your
future, you will also know from personal experience that every year there is
always one month which " starts " the cycle of teh year for you , it maybe June
or October , irrespective of your birthday . But there is always one month
which each year repeats itself to begin the yearly cycle of your life .

Once you learn the pattern of your life , you will realise that there are some
years when whatever you do to change a situation, its too difficult , so just
accept that life has a pattern, and provided you keep to teh spiritual laws , then
indeed you will have a good livilehood , new beginnings , a homely home ,
love and children .


This is a year of NEW BEGINNINGS! What you set in motion in this year
creates the foundation for the rest of this 9 year cycle. Decide what is best for
you and go for it. Look for new opportunities all year. Keep busy. Take
classes. Plan a career. Work alone, for only you can decide what is best for
you. How hard you work, and the kind of foundation you build, will follow
you throughout the cycle.


This is a year for Relationships and Partnerships. If you are in a bad

relationship, it will end. If you are not in a relationship, a meaningful one can
begin and be long lasting. Your concerns are on Marriage, Divorce, Love and
Affairs. Business Partnerships are often important and can grow. Let things
come to you. Work with others. Strengthen friendships. Be patient. New
opportunities can drop in your lap unexpectedly. You may feel moody and
experience nervous energies.


This is a SOCIAL YEAR. Lots of friends...old and new. Often filled with
Social Activities. If you are creative you can shine. Seek all forms of self-
expression.....acting, teaching, lecturing, music, art. You can find romance. Go
to school. Plan the career you think will fulfill your greatest ambitions, talents
and dreams.


This is a year of hard work and personal discipline. It is a year of obstacles

and limitations. It also deals with Real Estate, moves, and properties. Get your
rest. You may feel out of sorts. It can deal with dental problems.


This is a year of CHANGE. Don't change your career or business, just take a
new direction with it. It is a year of travel...unexpected things....having fun,
but dont abuse it. Meet new people. Get out of your Rut. Expand and promote
yourself. Watch your health...Stop smoking....Finish that diet. Set


This year centers around the Home and Family. You can buy, sell, or
redecorate a home or other properties. Your focus is on Personal
Relations......Marriage..Divorce.... Affairs. Others will need things from you.
Your family members are in focus. You can cement great friendships and find
new and long lasting ones.

This is your DESTINY YEAR. ....Reflect on who you are and what you want.
You will search for the real meaning of your life. You can become interested
in Metaphysical subjects. Let go of old mistakes and people.. they will be
replaced by new friends. Discard unneeded things. You can feel a bit
depressed, as you search for your real purpose in life. You can feel lonely.
Except whatever comes, as part of your destiny.


The focus this year is on MONEY POWER and BUSINESS. You can seek a
new business or career if the old one does not work. Pay and collect debts.
Focus on you increase business like...and practical. You
can get recognition for your prior years of hard work. Push your goals. Make
important contacts.


This is the year of COMPLETIONS and ENDINGS. If something in your life

doesnt work you must let it go, or it will be taken from you. You are clearing
away that which will not work in your next cycle, which begins next year.
This can be a very difficult year, particularly if you do not like change. Take
care of your health and diet.

The number 1 - One

The Number 1 , is the number of beginnings and original action .

It represents creativity, protection and kindness .

1 represents people and entities with a strong self worth and confidence, with
an extreme dislike of criticism, as they believe they are perfect . The number 1
will demand and usually always get respect . People and entities with the
number 1 will insist on controlling and organising everything and everyone
around them . They will insist on being the centre of attraction, and will not
accept anything less than the best, they will refuse to negotiate as they are
extremely stubborn . Nontheless their determination, so long as it is
channelled correctly will gain respect and understanding, if however it is used
selfishly then they become hated and resented as bullies, aggresors and
intimidators . And will in turn suffer for their arrogance and deceit . This is
because the gift bestowed upon the number 1 , must only be used for the
higher and elevated goal of being of service to others with unconditional love
and acceptance . If it used selfishly, the energy is curtailed and thwarted and
hence causes a self-destruct to undo the misjustice .

The intrinsic energy of Number 1 , means that when they are giving and being
creative they are alive , when they are being selfish and arrogant they are not
at peace with themselves, this is their in-built gauge and barometer of feelings
to indicate to themselves how to behave . Most number one people suffer
setbacks, dissappointments, failures and suffer from depression UNTIL they
learn this lesson .

Once they recognise their gifts, they will protect the weak, defend the
helpless, take on responsibilities that no-one else wants . People will sense
their genuinely intrinsic unconditional kindness and will hence respect and
come to love the number 1 . Number one will even forgive their enemies so
long as they apologise appropriately . The number 1 , will love the finest of
materialism , as this is a symbol of the justly earned respect, by its actions of
kindness to others .

The word of warning to anyone with the number 1 , this number carries with it
great responsibility as it emulates the CREATOR of the universe , the
DIVINE energy itself , it also vibrates with the energy of the Sun . Therefore,
in exactly the same way the Divine energy of the world and the SUN gives off
its energy, light and heat benevolently and unconditionally to everyone and
eveything without receiving anything in return . So too a number 1 entity must
learn to behave .

When the number 1 behaves correctly, there is immediate reation to all its
actions, and good fortune is like a flow of a river , giving out in one place and
receiving in another . The more one gives - the more one receives . Loving
and helping others and being loved and appreciated in return is as important as
breathing air .

The number 2 - Two

The number two is the number of partners, conception, childbirth and dreams .

2 represents people and entities with good imagination, parenthood and

sensitivity .

2 represents the concept of invention, this is extremely imaginative number ,

everything about a number two is imagination and thoughts . Often they are
far too thoughtful that, nothing ever gets translated from the thoughts into
actions . So number 2 can often seem like its sleepy and dreamy, whereby it is
simply thinking, and thoughts keep the person occupied .

The number 2 person or entity has the challenge of converting their thoughts
into actions. But because it has so many thoughts , they need to learn the
lesson of focusing the energy into one specific area or project .

The number two have a very dreamy and idealistic romantic nature , their
energy vibrates like the moon's energy in peaks and troughs , ups and downs ,
mood swings . Sometimes exceedingly open and loving , other times closed
and fearful . They have the potential of inner intuition and psychic energy .
But need to develope their sensitivity to ascertain to what is reality or fantasy .

The number two , has countless fears and worries of loss of love, property,
money and death . And therefore needs a stable home to come "home" to .
Even when they have difficult experiences , a stable and secure home will
protect them . If they lose their home, they feel they have lost everything .
They could never travel the world - as they require the safety and security of a
physical home . Nontheless the lesson for number 2 people , is that even when
they lose their physical stability of a home , they must learn the lesson that
stability is a "frame of mind" , an attitude of their postitive thoughts , that
whatever situation they find themselves - they should learn to trust everything
will be fine , so long as they think positive thoughts and focus their attention .

Once the number 2 person has overcome their fears and developed their mind
to find inner peace, focused their good intentions and thoughts , then they will
find life - opens up magically for them and the universe provides to fulfill
their dreams .

The Number 3 - Three

The number three is the number of Optimism , movement and expansion .

3 represents growth and a need for a foundation to seek higher values .

3 represents a basis of growth, the need for a foundation in order to fulfill and
aim for a greater ideal . They aim high and focus on nothing less than the truth
in the conquest of life. They seek truthfulness in a love affair, friendship and
in their careers, and will not be at peace with themselves unless they have
perfected truthfulness, and fulfilled their values and ideals of their lives. Some
people and entities of the 3 number achieve the goal of truth others fool
themselves into believing their own illusions, until a point in their lives where
everything falls apart, as their is no solid basis of truth .
3 represents people and energies that love their own independance, who also
seek freedom of speech and movement . They can never be tied down to
lifelong committments, as they will need the ability and flexibility to continue
changing their minds, as they know intrinsically, that they do not have the
whole truth at any moment in time, and will always want to learn more and
expand their understanding .

Because of the quest for truth a number 3 will be devoutely religious or a

committed atheist . Religion is an important part of their lives , as they are
searching for understanding about life, they will question and hence have a
deep belief in GOD or single Divine energy that created the universe, and in
so doing make excellent ministers of any religion . As they exude a confidence
that "they know what they are talking about", their character resonates an
energy of committed truthfulness in their beliefs . Other people will sense
their confidence and this brings peacefulness and reassurance to others . As
they will continually try to rationalise and analyse their beliefs of religious
understanding to suite the times and every event in life .

In the expansiveness of the 3 energy , they will probably need to "get out" of
their homes, offices or workplaces to feel fully alive, which means sports
activities walking in the countryside or simply jogging around the block . In
their expansiveness they are also inclined to "gamble" and take risks , only
when they feel convinced and absolutely certain .

The only problem with 3 people, is when they are convinced by their bad
judgements, and then try convincing others, they will even bully and
intimidate others to believing their false ways , therefore their
uncompremising arrogance of expansiveness and unwilligness to listen to
others point of view will cause resentment . There is no point in arguing with
a number 3 , they simply will not listen , the best you can do is have closure
and walk away . Life will teach them the hard way , and sometimes over many
years, eventually they will re-assess their position and belief . But never
expect an apology or admission of guilt from a number 3 person - you simply
will never get it !

Hence number 3 people , when they have deciphered life correctly, they make
excellent leaders and judges . When they have it wrong - you had best keep
away from any discussions or arguments with them .

The Number 4 - Four

The number four is the number of Stability, Individuality, Inventivesness and
Tolerance .
4 also represents the unconventional behaviour, sudden and the unexpected .

4 represents the genius, which is usually stable and acts individualistically as,
it is as stable as a four - legged table, well balanced and at peace with itself .
The number 4 because of its intrinsic stability is exceedingly tolerant of
people and any outside influences, as it has found the stability from within .
Therefore, from the peace within, it will search to bring about convenience
and stability to everyone, and can be the cause - acting like a catalayst to
energise others into sudden changes of their character to become like the
number 4, stable and at peace with themselves and with the world .

Number 4 people and entities are seldom understood by outsiders, they are a
mystery to everyone and quite unpredictable, they are in harmony with the
planet Uranus - which brings about sudden changes and surprises . They make
their own rules and hence frequently shock others by their actions and words .
They live in the future, and often are light years ahead of everyone, hence they
ignore and leave behind anyone whom is simply not living in their similar
energy and vibration . They will certainly not interfere with other peoples
lives, as they look at others as lesser people who need to learn for themselves,
their own specific pathway by their own experiences . They simply seem,
therefore, not to notice their surroundings or people around them .

The number 4 has stability and will not share it with anyone unless they see
this as bringing further stability to themselves . They will not risk changing
themselves, for common sense enthrones the number 4, and the saying - "if its
not broken - no need to fix it " applies .

Number 4 lives by the saying " live and let live " . They can also live as
comfortably and peacefully in a tent or in a house in the city . It's not
important to them as being able, to use their mind and thoughts to creating a
stable soceity . Some people consider number 4 as boring and
uncommunicative, that's not so - they are simply living in their mind
somewhere else , probably in the future . If you can open up a number 4
person and simply talk to a them about something they are interested in - you
will soon find a whole new world inside them .

The Number 5 - Five

The number five is the number of intellect - both written and spoken
expression .

5 represents communication, movement and versatility

5 represents people with a great deal of good manners and charm, this is in
order to make themselves acceptable and pleasing to others, in order that they
may communicate their thoughts and ideas more easily . They are
perfectionists and are quick to spot mistakes in others and in themselves
equally quickly .

The five person lives by the need to constantly change and move . Whether it
be change in home , relationships , love , spiritual or political opinions . The
underlying reason is because they over analyse situations, hence they are
never satisfied and never seem to find the perfect answer, they will always
feel they are lacking something and hence a constant need to change .

They make love exceedingly difficult as they are trying to understand the
reason why they love someone or why someone loves them, instead of simply
accepting that love is not an intellectual reason but rather an emotion and
expression of one's soul . Hence you will rarely find a number 5 person take a
risk on anything based on a feeling or emotion . It always has to be logically
talked about and understood .

The number 5 will probably organise meetings to discuss how to organise

more meetings . They become exceedingly and annoyingly pedantic of, even
the finest and smallest of details . ( well just think of it positively - someone
has to take care of the small print - so why not the number 5 person ) . They
are probably the only people in the world who read the small print on the side
of corn flakes boxes or the obituaries in the newspaper !!

Hence number 5 people become exceedingly good at any job that requires a
critical eye and patience to read the small print, or being able to organise
complex situations with precision and timely accuracy . ( Just think of the
swiss - whose countries vibration is that of a 5 ) .

The Number 6 - Six

The number six is the number of Love and Romance .

6 represents the magnetic attraction of people and energy to each other .

6 represents the feminine essence of compassion and love . In the number 6, is

an inbuilt, magnetic and inexplicable attraction , of attracting people, love and
energy towards them, they are genuinely loved by everyone that knows them .
Their philosophy of life is "better to be loved and liked even at the expense of
everything in the world" . They are born romantics and exceedingly
sentimental . The more they are treated in the same way, the more love they
give .
They love to settle arguments and disputes, as any unpleasantness, jealousy
and bitterness can drive deep down into their emotions and upset their whole
lives . So at any cost, they will always try and find a solution . They love to
entertain and socialise, and will often have a wide variety of friends from all
walks of life .

Money and success will always come to them when they are happy and
socialising, however if they become bitter, resentful negative or depressed,
then this will cause unneccesary blocks of success in their lives . Until they
wake up and realise that the reason for their lack of success is their attitude,
the number 6 people are the only ones who can damage or hurt themselves
,although when they are hurt , they tend to blame others, when intrinsically it
is themselves who are the cause of all the problems .

So advice to number 6 , is to socialise and love, and allow the flow of life-
giving and loving energy to continue to flow through . Success and happiness
will be for evermore, as the magnetic energy of like-attracting-like will attract
more goodness and happiness.

The Number 7 - Seven

The number seven is the number spirituality, sensitivity & mystery .

7 represents the spirituality in belief, faith and miracles .

7 represents the supernatural and mysteries of life, the unexplained and yet
believed phenomena of our every day lives . 7 days in a week, 7 weeks of the
Omer, 7 years in the crop cycle, 7 levels of the Kabbalistic Sefirah . Our life is
split up into 7 year periods representing each stage of our growth . The
number 7 has always resonated with the spiritual, it symbolises faith and
healing, and miracles . Although it is also the number of dis- illusionment
fantasy and unrealistic dreams .

The number 7 is a spiritual number and definately NOT a materialistic lucky

number, a person with the number 7 will always survive and have what they
absolutely need , but not what they may want or desire . Hence in their lives,
they take a non aggressive approach to work and money as they feel whatever
they do they will only get a certain minimum amount for their efforts .

Often people under the 7 vibration will be extremely secretive and never
discuss their ideas or plans with anyone for fear of being foiled or blocked by
others thoughts, as they are extremely spiritually and pyschically aware that
other peoples thoughts can damage their souls . So they act and pretend that
they have no plans, and fool people around them, until they are ready and
committed to act immediately . Hence we think of number 7 people often as
making quick decisions , when in reality they have been planning their move
all their life .

Intrinsically because of their senstivity, anyone or anything with 7 vibration

will make excellent writers, musicians, artists or anyone in a creative
capacity . Their freedom of spirit from within allows them to listen to their
inner intuition , and follow their instincts . And hence work exceedingly well
alone and in solitude . Because they feel - they have all the company within
their creativeness, as whilst working they are debating and communicating
with themselves - hence they feel alive and glow and radiate from within .

The Number 8 - Eight

The number eight is the number of wisdom, patience, financial security and
self control .

8 represents wisdom and stability that comes from the learning through

8 represents and is represented by the stable planet Saturn . The slow and
graceful moving planet saturn , that has much influence over everyone ,
similarly anyone with the 8 number , will have respect because of the wisdom
and understanding it has achieved through experience, stablility, patience and
responsibility . Often the 8 energy of self discipline self control and
determination, means that when everyone else has given up, the 8 person will
percervere and achieve the goal .

8 people are usually shy, quiet and reserved, they do not show their true inner
will and determination, and often seem like they are bullied, intimidated and
lied to constantly, because they give off an aura of Naivity and simpleness .
However, from within they are exceedingly strong personalities, and if you
have ever taken advantage or abused a number 8 person then be warned you
have made a deadly enemy and you will lose .

Because of their resilience they make excellent teachers, counsellors, even

politicians, or anything that requires steadfast determination . There have even
been many explorers and mountain climbers with the number 8 vibration . The
number 8 has an unbelievable amount of patience and endurance energy, and
will inevitably succeed, eventually at any plan they focus their minds on .

However , it should be noted that the number 8 is the sacred number of Karma
and re-incarnation . That is usually the number 8 has an inbuilt belief in cycle
of life and death, and feels that they came to earth to accomplish a specific
purpose or mission, which can make them very single minded individuals .
Since they desire to succeed and accomplish their "life's mission ", therefore
they take the "don't care" attitude if they must upset people along the way,
they consider casualities an inevitability and sacrifice for their mission to
succeed . Their higher purpose allows them to feel no remorse or pain in
hurting others . ( Although deep down - they will pray for their victims ) . And
hence the 8 number is capable of great sacrifices for their ideal and life's goal .

Often though, the number 8 will be isolated and lonely, and consider the
pursuit of pleasure a waste of energy and time, especially when they are
young as they are eager to experience the deep meaning of life and
accomplish their goals, as early as possible . As they grow older, and slowly
fulfilling their ambitions, they become younger . Often they act younger at 50
than they did at twenty. And live an exceedingly comfortable life in their later
years, as they have fulfilled their goals they set themselves at twenty .

The Number 9 - Nine

The number nine is the number of aggressive action, courage and conflict .

9 represents determination of character , originality, and to seek a wholeness .

9 represents a powerful "Mars-like" aggression to get what they want, even if

it is not good for them or destined for them . They initiate processes and often
act as a catalyst to get things moving . They tend to make snap decisions and
are impulsive without any thoughts , other than selfishly wanting something
and preventing other people from getting it .

Hence their ill - though-out, snap decisions are always regretted, but because
of their haughty and proud nature they will never admit their mistakes . They
make themselves vulnerable because of their shallowness of character , what
you see is what you get with the number 9 . They see everything superficially
and hence tend towards vanity - even the saying " beauty is only skin deep"
will mean nothing to the number 9 .

The instinct of "enjoy today and let tomorrow take care of itself", is the
principle by which they live . And hence this superficial life they live, with all
their assertiveness is only a facade and cover- up for a deep inner fear of life .
Once they understand, by experience that there is something more to life than
they have lived, they can begin to live life properly and enjoy exactly what
they experienced but with a changed attitude . ( if their stubborness will ever
allow the, to change !!)
The Number 10 - Ten
10 is the number of fortune . Both of rise and fall .The number ten gives
rise to extreme energy of hate or love , good or evil . There is no middle
ground . Every event is self determined by generating the good loving
energy for good results . The energy of love is created as a thought energy
first, an image in the mind, then ordained in the spoken word and it will
then materialise with the energy of the number 10 .

Sadly many 10 people fail , use their thoughts to destroy themselves and in
some cases try and take others down with them in their self destruction .
Consequently number 10 people will harbour deep emotions of frustration,
hatred and negativity which simply continues a cycle of unfulfillment and
sadness in their lives . A negative reaction is to be overly arrogant and
deceitful to cover up their intrinsic inferiority .

Where, in reality number 10 people need to learn humility and honesty ( at

least with themselves , forgiving the people whom have hurt them with
unconditional love , and then with a clean slate , think loving thoughts to
create a better more loving future for themselves and others .

The number 11 - Eleven

11 is the number of hidden trials and treachery from others , it represents
two individuals who are exactly the same - fighting for the same space, and
because they are identical they know each other exactly . But there is
always an outside influence that they are fighting for or against , that is
trying to bring conflict to the 11 energy . So they need to identify the
outside influence and learn to keep controlled and closed - as this is the
cause of the disharmony .

Consequently , someone influenced by the number 11, constantly needs to

be aware that outside influences play an important part in shaping
character, and the aim is to learn control to allow in or refuse to allow in
those influences . The hebrew word "if - "is the value of 11, which
indicates that an 11 person , will always be saying to themselves "if only i
had done this" or " if only i had not done this " . They will procrastinate and
question why they let in certain influences in their lives that have caused so
much damage .

The number 12 - Twelve

12 is a number of completeness and wholeness, yet a number that is
identified as the victim and continually the one that absorbs all the hurt and
pain of others, sometimes taking the blame for others misdeeds . There are
12 star signs , 12 years in the cycle of Jupiter, 12 sons of Jacob, etc ... 12
represents the last piece in the puzzle, but in much the same way, the
difficult pieces in a puzzle are left to the end, so too all the hard work and
difficult lessons are heavily weighted on the number 12 .

Anyone with the number 12, should accept that they will be shouldering the
burden of responsibility and will be blamed when things go wrong .
Nontheless the energy contained within the number 12, gives one the
resilience and strength to handle all life's problems .

The hebrew word for divorce get- has the numerical value of 12 ,
symbolising the energy and need to work alone is far more beneficial than
working with the enemy . The necessity to stop carrying other people's
baggage, and learn to live with one's life and responsibilities .

That is easier said than done , as the number 12 person feels a

responsibility to nurse and help others . It feels duty bound to give as much
as possible to others - the number 12 energy feels that its purpose is to help
save and rescue the whole world, even if it means self - sacrifice of its own
life . 12 is a number of service to others .

The number 13- Thirteen

13 represents perfection , it is an exceedingly God - given idealistic entity
or person . 13 is by far NOT an unlucky number . It is considered to be one
of the most special and holy number . God gave Moses 13 words of healing
and protection prayer , there are 13 principles of faith in GOD . However,
13 comes with great responsibility, a number 13 , must always act in a
GOD like and idealistic behaviour with the highest ideals, pure and loving
thoughts . If, however there is any selfishness, arrogance, greed, hatred and
jealousy, then the number 13 will come under the most strange and
abnormal events, which seem like divine intervention to punish and in
some eyes makes the number 13 an unlucky number . Even death and
misery that are inexplicable to everyone, the number 13 person will
understand this as a punishment for being less than perfect .

However, the number 13 has a special blessing, that when it behaves

perfectly and idealistically , it attracts untold good fortune and regeneration
of life . It is the gift of Karma - Re-incarnation's reward for perfecting itself
bestowed on the number 13 .
The number 14 Fourteen
14 is the number of continuity of change through movement and
communication . The number 14 has the gift of communication through
speech , writing and through any media . It has the intrinsic gift of
continually adapting to other people and situations . The continual diversity
making the life of the number 14 exceedingly exciting, being able to adapt
and rise to the challenge of so many changes . It is always on the move,
constantly adapting to all - that comes it's way . Sudden lucky and unlucky
changes will continue to flow in the life of a number 14 .

14 has the gift of intuition, provided it acts alone and not under anyone
else's influence will have great good fortune, even success in gambling and
lottery will be the gift of the number 14, but it can lose as much as it wins -
if the number 14 does not control its gambling . As the good fortune is need
to continually allow the number 14 to adapt and explore possibilities of
change and challenges of life . The purpose in winning is to create the
energy to handle new changes/travelling and not to squander in more
gambling .

The number 15 - Fifteen

15 is the number of good luck and magic . It is blessed with the gift of
peace, love and good fortune, it has an inbuilt and automatic magnetic
attraction . Even if not necessarily deserving, it will still attract good
fortune in love, money and favours from people . The reason is that when
given good fortune it reflects love and good fortune in return , and
therefore acts to magnify and reproduce love, friendliness and kindness .

The number 15 is the numerical value of God's name YA - , which never

occurs on its own ,but together with another word , like halleluYA ,
katYA..... the nature of the number 15 is to add good fortune and kindness
to everything and everyone it attaches itself to, irrespective if the entity
needs or deserves the good fortune .

The number 15 can be of good fortune without being affected itself, it

simply loves and continues to love unconditionally . If however, it becomes
bitter or resentful , then this stops the flow of goodness, and becomes
intolerable and conflicting to its core and essence . But as soon as it
recognises this and changes back to loving unconditionally , the flow of
goodness, kindness, success, love and happiness returns without any
reservation . ( just like turning a tap on / off ) .
The number 16 - Sixteen
16 the number of a continual broken heart, shattered dreams and failure .
The hebrew numerical value of heart LEV- is 32 , hence half of that is 16
, the number 16 is exceedingly unlucky and will constantly be trying to
succeed in the face of adversity, but will continue to fail . It is a number of
spiritual faith and belief ( just like the number 7 ) and therefore not a
materialistic number .

The number 16 will constantly fail and be defeated, even listening to the
spiritual inner voice, it will only be re-assured that everything will be fine
and everything has a purpose, when in fact it isn't nor will it ever be .

It is therefore incumbent upon the person influenced by the number 16 to

change and move away from this false belief that everything will be
allright, and learn release the need for failure and heartache .

The number 17 - Seventeen

17 is the number of goodness after rising and succeeding over one's re-
incarnation's lessons . It is the number of goodness and blessing bestowed
upon a person once they have succeeded in learing the lessons they came to
this world to learn . 17 is the numerical value of hebrew word - -
"Tov "which means GOOD . The number17 is like the number 8 except it
has managed to break the cycle of re-incarnation through wisdom and
experience of its actions and now able to enjoy the rewards and goodness
life has to offer as a reward for learning and overcoming the obstacles and
lessons of life .

The number 18 - Eighteen

18 is the number of conflict the spiritual versus the material . 18 represents
the physical aspect trying to destroy the spiritual aspect of life . The
conflict between good and bad , of thoughtless aggression versus
unconditional love . 18 has the energy of success through mindless
aggression, deceit and lies, but later will have to account and pay for its bad
behaviour , yet it will not have the knowledge or sense to realise that it has
been the cause of its own problems .
18 will intimidate lie and deceive others , and then have the audacity to
blame others why it has a poor life . The Rabbis throughout the generations
were aware of the mindless and insensitive behaviour of the 18 vibration,
and in order to protect it from collecting bad Karma ( bad spiritual deeds -
negative points in heaven ) , invested the 18 vibration with the hebrew
word LIFE - CHAI to symbolise that it will have a constant struggle of
good versus bad , and should always choose to do good , to overcome
amassing bad credits .

The number 19 - Nineteen

19 is the number of good luck, it is exactly the same as the number 10 ( as
19 = 1+9=10 ) but without the inherent downside of number 10's negative
emotions . This number promises continued success, happiness and
fulfillment in life - that is both in personal materialistic and spiritual
ventures alike . It is the number of innocence and luck of a youth before
he/she has tasted any kind of sin .

The number 20
20 is similar to the number two , with the exception of the gift of extra
energy to overcome the unrealistic dreams and time wasted planning of the
number 2 . The number 20 is considered the number of awakening - time to
put the plans and dreams into action . It has the intrinsic gift of success in
starting to transform any project from the thought process into action ,
provided it focuses hard and does not allow distractions to interfere .
Nontheless even though it has the energy to initiate a process and transform
thoughts/ dreams into actions - it is not a number of material success .

The number 21
21 is similar to the number 3 in that - it has the driving optimism and desire
to grow and expand, but has learnt to combine the number one energy of
single mindedness, originality in thoughts and initiation together with the
dreams and visions of the number two energy to actually create a success .
It is blessed with final rewards after a long battle of determination . The
number 21 is guarenteed of final victory against all odds and opposition .
The number 22
22 has the same stability as the number 4, but comes with a doubling of the
dreamy and mid-wandering number 2 . There are 22 letters in the hebrew
alphabet , hence every letter of communication is contained within the
energy of the number 22, but needs to be arranged into a coherent clarity
before it is comprehendable and understood by everyone . Similarly the 22
person may have lots of ideas and thoughts in their head, but needs to find
a way to express them in an orderly and clear way, in order that other
people can comprehend the message they are trying to convey . Otherwise
they will be isolated, not because there is anything wrong with them, but
simply because they have not made themselves clear to others .

Once the person with 22 energy, recognises that they have all the tools,
knowledge, gifts and understanding to enable and change their own lives,
and that it is up-to-them to determine their own future, then they will start
to fulfill their own full potential and move forward with stability . If ,
however they choose to be lazy and refuse to work on themselves with the
gifts they have been blessed with then , coincedences and events in their
lives will cause difficulties and stagnation until they wake up to their true
purpose in life .

The number 23
23 is the number of spiritual reward for having trust and faith . And is
translated into physical pleasures, health, wealth and happiness . The psalm
23 written by King David is the prayer and basis of giving thanks for
having the sense and intellect to thank GOD, trusting and having faith in
the face of adversity, giving thanks for the dark moments now that one has
arrived in the brightness and happiness of life .

It is the number of humility, that whilst one has abundance of goodness ,

one is grateful and thankful to GOD for the good fortune . Hence if the 23
person believes that it is not a gift from "Above" they may risk losing
everything until they acknowledge that all goodness is a blessing from the
angels and GOD. And a reward for doing good and serving mankind with
love .

The number 24
24 is an exceedingly lucky number, it is a reward for good Karma ( good
deeds done in this life or in previous lives ) . It will bring financial success,
power and highly esteemed position . Just like the number 6, it's magnetism
for goodness comes from the fact that it knows how to give love and loves
being loved .

The only risk associated with the 24 number is the fact that in all its love
and good fortune it can become arrogant believing in itself too much . And
if selfish arrogance settles in its attitude towards others , then it will stop
the flow of loving energy . So long as 24 continues to love, then number 24
will always continue flowing abundance of good just like a river .

The number 25
25 is a spiritual number of learning and analysis . The success of the 25
number is gained through learning from experience and undersatnding . It
has the potential to overcome failures and past mistakes , and because it
reduces to a number 7 ( 2+5=7 ) therefore it does not have the gift of
material success, even when it has succeeded in overcoming its failures and
mistakes .

The number 26
26 is a unique number within itself, it is especially blessed by one's faith,
service and belief in GOD . The numerical value of GOD's 4 letter name as
written in the bible is 26 . The person or entity influenced and represented
by the number 26 , must be of the highest, most idealistic, and genuinely
honest character .

The number 26 expects and gets perfection, it cannot tolerate deceit or lies .
Once understood and perfected, the person influenced by the number 26
will be 100% trustworthy and honest, and always relied upon . Then the 26
number will offer protection for its honest and loyal servant whom has
mastered honesty, and will attract good honest and genuine friends , good
and successful business opportunities, and a happy life .

As the number 26 reduces to become an 8 , this symbolises that the 26 is

indeed a re-incarnation and came to this world with a mission . The mission
of the number 26 is to overcome dishonesty, deceit and lies . Once it has
become the essence of truthfulness, magically it is blessed and protected .
The number 27
27 is a number of purity and simple mindedness, and a number of eternal
youthfulness . Unlike the single number of 9 which represents uneducated
aggressive action . The number 27 is of simple passiveness . It is a number
of naivety and peacefulness , of youth and innocence . It is blessed with
youthfulness so long as one retains the innocence of life , forgiving easily
and never harming anyone .

The number 28
28 is a number of strength and determination, it has similar energy of the
numbers 10 and 19, but has the extra power and energy to fight and stand
up for truth honesty and integrity. It has the energy to transform the hatred
and bitterness into love, forgivesness, peace and understanding . The
person with 28 energy, will have probably mistrusted someone
inappropriately or had a bad experience, in order to teach the lesson of
forgiveness and letting go of the past, once it has learnt to love and forgive,
then it can move to ultimate happiness and success .

The number 29
29 is exceedingly difficult number, attracting the heaviest and sadest of
energies. It compounds and magnifies the energy of 11 ( as 2+9=11) ,
intensifying the damage done by others to itself , by allowing others to
come and destroy it . The number 29 will be full of treachery and
difficulties, however the person under the influence of the number 29 , will
constantly believe ( all-be-it in fantasy - land) that everything will be
allright .

It won't be, until the number 29 person/ entity starts to wake up and live in
the real world, cutting and disconnecting from the bad influences . And
learning not to be so easily influenced by society and other people's
problems . It would proabably be safe to say that 29 people should not ever
watch TV , as they become so easily influenced by other people's lives . 29
people , once they have mastered to control influences in their lives still
need to be constantly on-guard for more tests from new areas .
The number 30
30 is the number of peaceful and intellectual thoughts . It has the ability to
analyse and deduce, coming to correct conclusions by analysis of all the
facts . It is a completely mental and intellectual number , and works best
alone . The person with the number 30 as their birth number , probably has
few friends, prefering to be alone meditatively with their own thoughts .

The number 31
31 is similar to 30 with the exception that it is even more of a recluse , and
is really in isolation . However, the number 31 does have the extra
advantage of being intellectually a genius . Sometimes though the 31 has
fears of people and situations as they have a limitation belief , they believe
by giving, it takes from their energy and strength that cannot be replaced .
So they conserve their own resources selfishly . Whereas, they should
believe that by giving in one place they will receive in another . But sadly
the 31 is so programmed their own thoughts to believe that giving is not a
good thing .

The number 32
32 is the number of Love . the wholeness and completeness of two broken
halves . 32 is the number of two like - minded individuals working
harmoniously together and most importantly communicating with aliveness
with each other and others . Thereby creating an abundance of strength that
magnetises everything and everyone they meet - through the creative
loving energy they create .

The number 33
33 is an even more luckier number than the gifted 24 ( as 3+3=6 and 2+4=6
) . This is because it reflects a doubling of positive, constructive, optimistic
and creative loving energy . The number 33 has an extra benefit , more than
6 , 15 or 24, in the fact that it rewards the person with even more gifts -
much more precious than material wealth - and that is divine inspiration
and knowledge . So long as the 33 energy continues the flow and promise
of giving to others unconditionally and continually . Recognising that all
they have is a gift from God or from "heavens above" - then the flow of
energy through the 33 person or entity will magnify and grow
immeasurably with happiness fulfillment and love .

The number 34 - same as 25

The number 35 - same as 26
The number 36
36 is an extra special number and a number of deception . On the outside it
seems full of the energy of 3 - optimism and of 6 wealth and happiness,
meanwhile in reality it is empty and void . It is the number of empty
promises, that makes a person feel good, but in false hopes .

The number 37
37 is the same as the number 10, with th exception , that whereas the
number 28 is on the happy, positive, constructively loving side of the
number 10 . The number 37 is representing the negative side of the number
ten . And therefore needs to be aware of extra carefully to generate the
good positive loving thoughts instead of the negative emotions .

The number 38 - same as 11 and 29

The number 39
39 is a curious number, where it reduces to 3 ( as 3+9= 12 and 12 =1+2 =
3 ) it should be optimistic , the 39 energy is however bordering on careful
optimistim and restriction . And contains within it the pain of the number
12 energy but not as intense - Otherwise it is exactly the same as the
number 3 . It is indeed a number of contradictions .

The number 40 - same as 31

The number 41 - same as 32
The number 42 - same as 24
with the exception that it carries even more good fortune as it represents the
42 lettered name of GOD in hebrew . So the number 42 carries with it the
blessing of 24 and need for perfection and hence the blessing of number 26
( as the Hebrew name of GOD that is 42 letters is pronounced together with
the name of GOD that has numerical value of 26 ) .

The number 43
43 although similar to the energy of 16, 25 and 34, carries with it the
energy to attract continual dissappoitments and failures . Even when there
is a slight hope, it will still attract failure . It is an exceedingly difficult
number although 52 carries even more dissappointment !!

The number 44 - same as 26

The number 45 - same as 27

The number 46 - same as 37

The number 47 - same as 29

The number 48 - same as 30

The number 49 - same as 31

49 - 100
For Numbers above 49 it is accepted that adding the two numbers together
and read the number in single numbers , although there are some
exceptions for example:-

for example

64 becomes 6 + 4 = 10

57 becomes 5+7= 12 which in turn reduces to 1+2= 3

87 becomes 8+7=15 which in turn reduces to 1+5 = 6

Although there are some notable exceptions :-

Number 52
52 is a number of intense failure, even more so than the number 16 . It
offers false hope in believing that everything will be alright , when indeed
even more failure is waiting . In hebrew 52 is the number which means
"everything" , but in the sense that everything that can go wrong , will
indeed happen for the 52 entity or person . If you are influenced by this
number , change your name or move out of the house number "52" , you
are only fooling yourself that everything will be Ok . Coincedentally 52 is
the number of perfection of the prophet Elijah - Eliyahu . But the promise
of Elijah - is in a world that is perfect , and because this world was not
perfect Elijah departed and went to heaven - to a perfect world .

Number 57
57 is a special number with unique hebrew word "zan" meaning
sustenance and is especially lucky for livelihood and always having money
to buy food . 57 reassures and promises the continual flow of fortune to
have one's needs .

Number 58
58 is the number of favours , the number 58 will always attract help from
some of the most unexpected sources at the time when it really needs help .
Because 58 has the intrinsic gift of the irresistable friendly "twinkle in the
eye", that everyone wants to help .

Number 70
70 is traditionally associated with wholeness and completeness, most
people expect to live until they are 70 . And anyone dying before 70 - it is
as if they seem not to have completed the course of life .

Number 72
72 is the number of Kindness - "chesed" - , unlike the number 9 and
27 , the number 72 carries with it a blessing of kindness from Heaven's
above .
Number 77
77 is the number of Mazel - -good fortune , it reassures the person that
even in the face of adversity , when one is strong and patient , kindness,
sincerity, honesty and good behaviour with consideration will prevail over
arrogance, deceit and lies . And for remaining steadfast in one's good
principles and not becoming influenced by the wrong people, good fortune
happiness and success will come the way of the number 77 .

Number 82
82 is one of the most powerful numbers of strength courage, transformation
and change. 82 reduces to 10 ( 8+2=10) and has the inate quality of
understanding love and hate, using the knowledge that hate is just a lack of
love in its most destructive and lowest energy, enables the "82" to convert
hate into love, with complete forgiveness. Once forgiveness has been
given, then the energy lost or destroyed by hate is converted to happiness
and love with tremendous potential creative power.

It is by no coincedence that the 82nd airbourne of the US army has been at

the forefront of fighting tyranny, oppression and hatred throughout its
existence. It was thanks 82nd airbourne (especially the the 501st division)
that landed in Normandy, France to free Europe of Nazi murderous tyranny,
and is in service to rid Afghanistan and Iraq of hateful murderous fanatics,
which they will succeed as they have the power to convert hate to love, and
annihilate hate. The number 82 gives the strength of courage to force
changes from hate to peace and love. The Number 82 is also blessed with
rewards and very good fortune once the task of transformation from hate to
love is complete.

Number 84
84 however is considered in jewish astrology as the completeness and
fullness of life, as we explained in the page of "spiritual laws" that a
person's life is divided into 12 sections of 7 years each , which makes a life
span of 84 years .

Number 86
86 is the numerical value of the divine name of GOD , invoking
punishment for one's sins with immediate effect . Anyone influenced by the
number 86 needs to be aware that they need to be perfect than perfect .
Aware that any negative thoughts or emotions will immediately reflect back
to themselves . Likewise the good thoughts are also reflected back and
therefore it is easy to handle one's emotions and feelings with this
instantaneous effect .

Number 88
88 is similar to 16 , hence has the number of constant dissappointments
with the exception that the number 88 will exert pressure to humble ( and
almost break anyone with this influence ) .

Number 91
91 is the number of saving grace, when sometimes all seems hopeless and
lost the energy of the number 91 will always come to the rescue - hence the
tradition to read psalm 91 .


The 9 year cycle of life

The specific traditional 9 year cycle of life, is also based on numerology,

there is a complicated calculation to finding the year in your life . However,
if you look at the 9 years below , you will easily understand which year you
are in, within the cycle . And be able to learn the purpose and cycle of life .
If you are reflective on your past, then you can work out and plan the
pattern of your future, you will also know from personal experience that
every year there is always one month which " starts " the cycle of teh year
for you , it maybe June or October , irrespective of your birthday . But
there is always one month which each year repeats itself to begin the yearly
cycle of your life .

Once you learn the pattern of your life , you will realise that there are some
years when whatever you do to change a situation, its too difficult , so just
accept that life has a pattern, and provided you keep to teh spiritual laws ,
then indeed you will have a good livilehood , new beginnings , a homely
home , love and children .


This is a year of NEW BEGINNINGS! What you set in motion in this year
creates the foundation for the rest of this 9 year cycle. Decide what is best
for you and go for it. Look for new opportunities all year. Keep busy. Take
classes. Plan a career. Work alone, for only you can decide what is best for
you. How hard you work, and the kind of foundation you build, will follow
you throughout the cycle.


This is a year for Relationships and Partnerships. If you are in a bad

relationship, it will end. If you are not in a relationship, a meaningful one
can begin and be long lasting. Your concerns are on Marriage, Divorce,
Love and Affairs. Business Partnerships are often important and can grow.
Let things come to you. Work with others. Strengthen friendships. Be
patient. New opportunities can drop in your lap unexpectedly. You may feel
moody and experience nervous energies.


This is a SOCIAL YEAR. Lots of friends...old and new. Often filled with
Social Activities. If you are creative you can shine. Seek all forms of self-
expression.....acting, teaching, lecturing, music, art. You can find romance.
Go to school. Plan the career you think will fulfill your greatest ambitions,
talents and dreams.


This is a year of hard work and personal discipline. It is a year of obstacles

and limitations. It also deals with Real Estate, moves, and properties. Get
your rest. You may feel out of sorts. It can deal with dental problems.


This is a year of CHANGE. Don't change your career or business, just take
a new direction with it. It is a year of travel...unexpected things....having
fun, but dont abuse it. Meet new people. Get out of your Rut. Expand and
promote yourself. Watch your health...Stop smoking....Finish that diet. Set


This year centers around the Home and Family. You can buy, sell, or
redecorate a home or other properties. Your focus is on Personal
Relations......Marriage..Divorce.... Affairs. Others will need things from
you. Your family members are in focus. You can cement great friendships
and find new and long lasting ones.


This is your DESTINY YEAR. ....Reflect on who you are and what you
want. You will search for the real meaning of your life. You can become
interested in Metaphysical subjects. Let go of old mistakes and people..
they will be replaced by new friends. Discard unneeded things. You can
feel a bit depressed, as you search for your real purpose in life. You can feel
lonely. Except whatever comes, as part of your destiny.


The focus this year is on MONEY POWER and BUSINESS. You can seek
a new business or career if the old one does not work. Pay and collect
debts. Focus on you increase business like...and
practical. You can get recognition for your prior years of hard work. Push
your goals. Make important contacts.

This is the year of COMPLETIONS and ENDINGS. If something in your

life doesnt work you must let it go, or it will be taken from you. You are
clearing away that which will not work in your next cycle, which begins
next year. This can be a very difficult year, particularly if you do not like
change. Take care of your health and diet.

The Twelve Star Signs

This world is a circular globe, everything in this Universe circles in orbit of
360 degrees . The Earth, and with her human beings, are tied up in a spiral of
rotating motion.Motions which are the same as those of the Earth, where night
follows day, winter, spring, the planetary orbits; and finally the slow
movement of the terrestrial axis in relation to remote constellations.

To the eye that observes them from the Earth all these motions are inserted in
a huge circle of 360 degrees called the Zodiac.

This band is divided in 12 sectors of 30 degrees, ( as 12 x 30 = 360 ) where

each sector corresponds to a stage, each one is step towards the process of
light and darkness, of summer and winter, of birth and death, of the ascent and
decline and all that exists on the Earth. Astrology studies the motions of the
solar system, their different positions in the zodiacal circle and the possible
influences on terrestrial events and on the nature of human beings.

The fundamental hypothesis of astrology is that any one of these rotating

motions, entering a determined sector of the Zodiac, absorbs the particular
nature of it and will influence it in turn. The ancients distinguished twelve
constellations in the zodiacal zone and named the Zodiac accordingly. This is
based on the STARS in the part of the heaven above that form a shape of the
ZODIAC star sign , like a RAM , BULL, TWINS ... SCALES ... FISH etc

This denomination points to a symbolic correspondence and not a real one.

The different constellations, in fact, often occupy a space greater or smaller
than the 30 degrees assigned to them in each zodiacal sector and in the present
day their positions have changed.

The beginning of the Zodiac coincides with the spring , the moment of
nature awakening, the first sector is called Aries.
The twelve Sectors of the Zodiac are symbolically named according to the 12
constellations; in the order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. From Aries
which marks the beginning at zero degrees, and arriving at 360 which marks
the end of Pisces.

According to the Astrological tradition, the zodiacal signs have different

natures and belong to the 4 groups of the classical elements: fire, earth, air,
water, (the fifth element ether, is considered to pertain to esoteric astrology).

These signs represent the three material layers of the 4 elements.

FIRE: Aries is the exalted Fire, the match;
Leo is the vital Fire, the bonfire
Sagittarius is the attenuated Fire, the ardent coal.
EARTH: Taurus is the plentiful Earth
Virgo is the Earth of harvest
Capricorn is the hard Earth of winter
AIR: Gemini Gemini is the proud Air;
Libra Libra is the sweet Air;
Aquarius Aquarius is the fervent Air.
WATER: Cancer is the calm Water, the shores of lakes and seas;
Scorpio is the stagnant water;
Pisces is the live and fertile Water, the Water of the Abyss.
A second classification is obtained using the seasonal cycles and the Cardinal
signs, Fixed and Mobile.

The Cardinal Signs are present at the beginning of each season. Aries fixes
the Equinox of Spring, Libra fixes the Equinox of Autumn, Cancer marks the
passage of the solstice of Summer, and Capricorn marks the solstice of Winter.

The fixed Signs are present at the height of each season, they constitute the
centre of them . These are; Taurus that marks the centre of Spring, Leo of
Summer, Scorpio of Autumn, Aquarius of winter.

The Mobile Signs are those which mark the passage from one season to
another and therefore are the most susceptible to change in the Zodiac.
Cancer marks the arrival of Summer, Libra of Autumn, Capricorn of Winter
and Pisces of Spring.
All the Planets of the Solar System occupy ever changing positions in the
Zodiac, this effect is caused by the different speeds of their orbits, which take
longer to complete as the distance from the sun increases. In their movement,
the planets determine the energy and the quality of the different phases of
Time in which we live. They keep in motion the forces that govern the game
of life. They keep in motion the forces that govern the game of our life.
The Earth, through a complete turn of its axis, determines the duration of 1
day. The Moon, orbiting around the Earth roughly determines the duration of
1 Month. The orbit of the Earth around the Sun the duration of 1 Year. The
Saturn Cycles, Kronos, or Time control the phases of our life. The movement
of Uranus the average life of a man: 84 years.

Each Planet during its orbit receives and emits forces, which transmit a
particular energy wave, which is necessary to maintain order in the Solar

From the moment of our conception and birth , It is possible to know the
quality of our future life, as it is possible to know what type of tree will grow
from a seed.

A person's astrological chart is based on all the planets, and the specific place
each where in the sky at the time of conception and birth . However, in the
same way that the most significant and strongest influence in our solar system
is the Sun , therefore the 12 star signs are based on the position of the Sun in
the sky . However, as you will learn in our section on " planets" that each of the
planets plays an important role, in making up the design and energy of your
character .

The Sun Signs

In the individual sections below we have given you a brief description .

Aries 21st March - 20th April

Taurus 20th April - 21st May
Gemini 21st May- 21st June
Cancer 21st June - 22nd July
Leo 22nd July - 23rd August
Virgo 23rd August - 23rd September
Libra 23rd September - 22nd October
Scorpio 23rd October - 22nd November
Sagitarrius 22nd November - 22nd December
Capricorn 22nd December - 20th January
Aquarius 20th January - 21st February
Pisces 22nd February - 21st March

The 12 signs knowledge above with thanks to our friends

The Planets of our Solar System

( image reproduced by Courtesy of NASA )

After checking the posistion of the planets of your approximate time of

conception and time of birth from on the free report section,
( sign in as guest user if you don't want to register your details - the website is
free and detailed precisely by Liz Greene ) which will tell you at the bottom of
that page where the planets where at the time of your conception and birth .
Then please read the following to indicate the influence of having the each of
the planets in the respective star signs


The Sun is the planet of the self, will, energy and power. It is the most
important planet in a horoscope, and a heavily afflicted Sun in a natal chart
makes it difficult for the subject to get anywhere in life, as they will not have
the basic self-belief and stamina required to progress.


The Moon is the planet of the unconscious mind, habits and emotions. The
aspects and position of the Moon in a natal chart indicate the subject's way of
dealing with the influence of others.


Mercury is the planet of the mind, intellect and communication. In a natal

chart, the aspects and position of Mercury show the ways in which subjects
use their minds and how they get their message across to others.


Venus is the planet of love, higher emotions and artistic sensibility. The
aspects and positions of Venus in a natal chart indicate how the subject deals
with relationships, sexuality and social interaction, as well as their capacity
for creating and appreciating beauty.


Mars is the planet of action and the expression of will through activity. A
heavily afflicted Mars in a natal chart may give the subject impulsive or
violent tendencies. Favorable influences may channel the energy of Mars
more positively, into strength, determination and achievement, for example.


Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and cooperation. In a natal chart, the
aspects and position of Jupiter indicate how subjects are able to expand their
horizons, and how they fit into and contribute to society.

Saturn is the planet of structure, limitation, experience and discipline. A
heavily afflicted Saturn in a natal chart can leave subjects selfish, rigid and
limited in their ability to interact meaningfully with others. Favorable
influences can make them ambitious, successful and self-disciplined.


Uranus is the planet of innovation, nonconformity, higher intuition and

inspiration. In a natal chart, a well-aspected Uranus can bring a touch of
genius to the subject, while a heavily afflicted one can lead to eccentricity and


Neptune is the planet of transcendence, higher faculties and psychic abilities.

In a natal chart, the aspects and position of Neptune deal with the subject's
ability to access higher consciousness and their grip on reality. A heavily
afflicted Neptune can lead to unrealistic expectations and self-deception.


Pluto is the planet of deep, impersonal energies and transforming forces. In a

natal chart, the aspects and position of Pluto indicate areas of life in which the
subject is capable of making fundamental changes, for better or for worse.


We recommend you use for the time of your birth and
apporximate time of your conception . As will accurately
calculate the position of the planets in which star signs they were situated at
the time of your birth . The using their interpretation or ours in the individual
planets below , will describe the energy of your soul has been given by the
astrology of the planets .

We recommend you use for the time of your birth and
approrximate time of your conception . As will accurately
calculate the position of the planets in which star signs they were situated at
the time of your birth

Birth charts are easy to read, simply apply the following logical rules:-

Lots of lines means lots of energy .

If there are oppositions in the planets, this means an uncomfortable character .

Usually an indication that the person is NOT at peace with themselves and
could never be left alone as they will self destruct . Like the chart below ,
there are lots of oppostions, this person is constantly depressed and always
relying on other people, ( in this case is getting energy from the wrong
people , but idealistically would need someone with planets in the right places
to counter balance the destructive forces and oppositions in the birth chart ) :-
This is a chart of a very well balanced person , whom is at peace with himself,
and loves life because the chart reflects energy to live and love . There are no
lines of oppostion from the planets . Hence a complete harmony and
peacefulness .

D Day Landings - 6th June 1944

As you can see from the chart plenty of energy , but also lots of oppostions in
the chart
Our advice is use the exceedingly clear website the website will explain the aspects and
oppositions very clearly
The Sun

As the Sun puts forth light, so it brings forth life. This Planet (also known as a
luminary and a star) represents the self, one's personality and ego, the spirit
and what it is that makes the individual unique. It is our identity and our face
to the world. The Sun also has a lot to do with creative ability, and the power
of the individual to meet the challenges of everyday life.

One's natural father, husbands and other male influences are ruled by the Sun,
as are children. The Sun's energy is a forceful one, and in its wake comes
authority, the ability to lead and an individual's essence or core being.
Through the will of this Planet, we learn to manifest ourselves in the world.

The Sun is majestic. In keeping with this regal air, it rules royalty and higher
office. This orb also rules our health and well-being. The Sun's golden glow is
a vital life force which imbues us with strength, energy and the will to
succeed. It is the Sun that gives strength to the other Planets, which is why
this Planet occupies a key role in Astrology.

The Sun spends about a month visiting each Sign, and takes a year to journey
through the twelve Signs of the Zodiac. It is masculine energy. It rules Leo
and the Fifth House.

The effect of the sun in each star sign is described on our page of "Sun Star
Signs" .

Since the Moon is the closest 'Planet' to Earth, this satellite literally zips
around the Zodiac, completing its circuit in less than a month. It also touches
us more deeply than most Planets.

As the ruler of the tides, it is fitting that the Moon should be the ruler of our
emotions. Still waters run deep? Making waves? A wellspring of emotion?
Yes, our emotions have long been portrayed in terms of the sea - fluid,
momentous, churning from within. Mood swings, instinct, how we feel about
things, and how our feelings affect others, are all influenced by the Moon. The
Sun gives us our spirit, but it's the Moon which gives us our soul.

The Moon is goddess-like, in that it symbolises mother and the relationship

between woman and child. This Planet (also known as a luminary) speaks to
the women in one's life and their role as nurturer. Fertility, pregnancy and
childbirth are also governed by the Moon. We see the Moon casting its silvery
glow from our earliest moments, when we were stroked and caressed by our
mother and felt her tender touch.

Our emotions manifest themselves through our being, and set the tone for our
daily lives. The Moon is party to this continuum, rendering us vital one
moment and fragile the next. We're up and down, naughty or nice, and may
laugh wildly or cry at will. Through the Moon's energy, we endeavour to
reconcile these varied emotions in order to make ourselves complete, and at
one with the world. The Moon helps us to see what we want, and to use
memory and the past as part of this process.

The Moon spends roughly 2 1/2 days in each sign and takes 28 days to
circumnavigate the Zodiac. It is feminine energy and rules Cancer and the
Fourth House.

Moon in Aries

The Moon is peregrine here. Aries tends toward initiation and the Moon is the
opposite, lethargic by comparison, cold and wet. They often feel that their
mother is independant and competitive and she may be the dominant parent.
In extreme cases the child may be abandoned by the mother. Because the
Moon represents the physical body and Aries is about survival, these natives
often have a strong survival instinct. Their consideration is first for themself,
therefore in childhood these natives have the most difficulty empathizing and
identifying the needs of others and if these tendencies are not unlearned, they
can become selfish adults, albeit great survivors.

In a dirunal chart, the feelings are more volatile, and their personal life and
relationships with women tend to be more troubled and hectic. The Moon
seeks to put down emotional roots and belong according to its cool and
inactive nature, but the day burns off excess moisture which might help create
a bond. For this reason they tend to be more emotionally detached than their
nocturnal counterparts. Those born with this position will tend to be on the
move more than average and find it hard to sit still and be patient. The
extreme is hyperactivity disorder. The excess movement (physically or
otherwise) can create feelings, or be a result of, insecurity. Occasionally, their
volatile temper may cause them to react rashly to situations on a gut level
without thinking things through before acting.

In a nocturnal chart, the moisture and cold is more easily held and
concentrated in this sign of initiatives. This translates into an intense personal
drive with a fair amount of control over its direction and usefullness,
especially if the Moon is above the horizon. There is less rashness and more
consideration for others, and often they perceive the mood of others very
swiftly. While the feelings of insecurity are still there, the native reacts by
fortifying vulnerabilities. This can create an individual who is quite
formidable in any contest.

Moon in Taurus

This is the Moons exaltation. For this reason, the cosmic soul sees more
visibly the natives domestic affairs and personal life. The Moon here creates a
need for finacial and material security. In most cases these natives do well
financially. If the lot of fortune is also here, or is the place of the acquisition,
then great wealth can be had, since this place already has a tendency to attract
the finer things of life. There is usually a streak of conservatism in these
individuals. Since the Moon represents the physical body, this also often
indicates the slowing and concentrating of metabolism. As a result there may
be problems with weight gain.

In a diurnal chart, the emotions are more contained with clear boundaries set,
and the personal life is less visible in public. The diurnal heat counteracts
some of the built in complacency and allows for individuals to more easily
accept change. The fire of the day also burns off impurities that create chaotic
situations that the Moons nature here might otherwise create. As a result they
do not feel as easily threatened by insecurities. These individuals have an
easier time keeping active and their weight under control than their nocturnal
counterparts. President Clinton has this situation and also has this place as the
acquisition. This may be the reason why this country has prospered so over
the past 7 years, as it is often said the fortunes of a nation can be read from the
chart of the leader.

In a nocturnal chart, the Moon has free reign with the expression and
sensation of emotions because the cool and moist of night allow for things of
like and unlike nature to co-exist. This person is usually very intuitive and
some may have psychic gifts. While these natives tend to enjoy greater wealth
than their diurnal counterparts, they also tend to have more problems with
slow metabolism. There can be problems with feeling insecure since the
nature of the "Other" is overpowering, creating contrariety and variety. This is
what creates a lack of clear boundaries between self and other in social
situations. The earthy/dry nature of this place keeps this situation from going
too far. Martin Luther (founder of Lutheranism during the church reformation)
had the Moon in Taurus 9th at night..

Moon in Gemini

In the most basic sense, this indicates a need for variety and intellectual
stimulation, often at the expense of emotional sensitivities. As a result, these
natives tend to spread themselves too thin, putting more irons in the fire than
they can handle because they are often unaware of the physical drain they
place on themselves (you will see why below). Because the Moon represents
one's domestic situation, it indicates a great deal of restlessness, with frequent
changes of residence and many trips. They are very adaptable to changes in
their environment. However, they are nervous when emotional issues come
up. The main reason that the Moon in Gemini indicates emotional detachment,
physical overextension and sometimes lack of sensitivity, is because the Moon
is in the 12th sign (house) from it's own domicile (Cancer), and the 12th
sign/house indicates those qualities that get ignored, and put away. The Moon
also represents the physical body. Therefore the Moon in Gemini represents
ignoring feelings, sensitivities, taboos, sometimes health, etc. The reason the
12th represents qualities that get ignored is because the 12th sign/house is the
joy of Saturn which represents the principle of agnoia (ignorance or ignoring).

In a diurnal chart, the emotions are often subject to repression and/or analysis.
There is an attempt to make sense of the emotions in a logical manner. This is
because the excess heat of the day is prone for making distinctions and
analysis of individual parts. Sometimes a talent for psychoanalysis and dream
interpretation is present. They can be very practical and resourceful.
In a nocturnal chart, the dyadic contriarial nature of both the Moon and the
duality of Gemini feed off each other. Frequently there is a tendency to take an
idea or problem and work every possibility to exhaustion. Some of these
individuals are very bright and have insights that they cannot explain very
clearly in words. Often they suffer from a certain amount of instability in the
domestic situation and in relations with women.

Moon in Cancer

The Moon is very powerful here because it is essentially dignified. This

individual is good at manipulating the public through the use of emotional
sentiment for political purposes. They are very good at expressing emotions,
dealing with relationship issues and can be talented psychoanalysts. They
rarely are at a loss to understand how they feel about any issue. They enjoy all
things domestic and usually have a comfortable home life filled with creature
comforts. They are also fond of the water and many of them become attracted
to the sea and become fishermen or sailors. Their maternal instinct can be
overpowering at times and if the Moon is afflicted here they have to be careful
not to smother those they love and learn to respect others boundaries.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day restrain the Moon's naturally
sensitive and dyadic nature. The emotions are more contained or expressed in
a more orderly fashion as a result. There may be a talent for culinary interests
or hotel and restaurant management.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night amplify the Moon's dyadic
nature. If the Moon is also above the horizon, then it is in hayz. This native
will likely live in the shadow or under the care of a powerful woman for most
of his/her life. Eventually, they can become powerful leaders. FDR had this in
his chart and is a good example of this.

Moon in Leo

Because of the Sun's stewardship of this sign, the emotions and personal
domestic life may be difficult to keep private. In fact this person may not want
their personal lives to be private. In extreme cases, the native may reveal too
much about themselves and make others uncomfortable in the process, leading
to embarassing situations. There is often a need to be recognized, admired and
applauded and this behavior is sometimes transparent. This is where the
sayings, "wearing your heart on your sleve" and "living life in a fishbowl"
come from. They are gifted in expressing themselves and getting their point
across, but sometimes lack emotional objectivity. They can become attached
to personal belongings because this is the 2nd solar house of the Moon.
In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day counteract the Moons
sensitive nature and inhibit the free expression of emotion to some extent.
However, public attention tends to be attracted to their personal life whether
they wish it or not. They enjoy public adulation and have a strong need for
recognition, although they will not let themselves appear desperate for it.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moistness of night amplify the Moons power
allowing for spontaniety of emotional expression. This Moon is very
romantic, expressive and creative. The natives mother tends to be a powerful
influence. I once had a client with this position, who tried to bring his mother
along for the reading. I said no, explaining to him the importance of personal
boundaries and the inappropriateness of the situation. This native is the more
likely of the 2 sects to try to involve everyone in their personal business.

Moon in Virgo

In most modern texts, this identifies an individual who wants the supports in
their environment set to exact specifications. They can be very picky and are
not easy to please, but they are very good at making ends meet and have an
ability to survive under harsh circumstances. Because the Moon relates to the
physical body, and the lord of this place to the intellect, they can be subject to
psychosomatic illnesses, particularly those that relate to the digestive system.
They have more talent than most for discrimination and tact in emotional

In a diurnal chart, The heat and dryness of the day attempt to inhibit the
dyadic qualities of the Moon. Emotions may be suppressed and analyzed but
given very little room for acting out. They may try to be discrete, but may
tend to lack a deep understanding of the feelings of others.

In a nocturnal chart, The cool and moist of night allow for a greater
articulation of the feelings. In fact, the Moon is essentially dignified by trigon
in this circumstance. This brings about in the native a talent for understanding
personal priorities and practical issues in dealing with the feelings of others.
Because the lord of this place functions in a metaphorical way at night, there
may be a talent for psychoanalysis.

Moon in Libra

This position shows an individual who is eager to please. They want (or need)
the admiration and love of others more than most people. The Moon here
shows sensitivity to the needs of others and a willingness to accomodate.
Because of this they need to watch out for others who may try to take
advantage of them through flattery. They need to develop self reliance and
learn to say no when they have to. If the Moon is afflicted they may be too
dependant. They may suffer to some degree from instability in relationships
because the Moon is dyadic and brings in a certain amount of unpredictability,
but they are not usually taken by surprise. They prefer a harmonious home
environment with beautiful surroundings.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness go against the cool and wet nature of
the Moon. The dryness provides distinction so that there is some degree of
social separation. This usually means that the individual is not as open in
expressing feelings and seeking the approval of others, preferring to seem
detached or more unconcerned than they are. In some cases this is because
they fear disapproval or rejection or they want to keep the peace from being

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and wet nature of the Moon is reinforced. There
is more openness in the expression of feelings and greater harmony in
relationships. There is usually an appropriate level of give and take, but this
native needs to beware of succumbing to flattery and becoming too dependant
upon others. In some cases this is reversed and the native occasionally needs
to extricate him/herself from too many social obligations and entanglements.

Moon in Scorpio

The Moon represents the physical body, feelings, attachments and support that
we have in this world, but Scorpio often is about letting go and sacrifice and
death. Therefore it should be no surprise that the Moon is in its fall in this sign
and as a result of this, that the cosmic soul sees little merit in lunar issues here.
After all, what good are emotions and a physical body when the issue of more
importance is one of letting go, sometimes through death? The Moon here,
then, goes against nature. The Moon is in the 5th house from itself which is
like Leo (exposure - lack of protection as opposed to natural cancerian Moon
which is more secluded). The native's needs and domestic support have a
harder time getting the ear of the cosmic court. Therefore, it is the case that
Mars as lord of the Moon asks for these things on the natives behalf according
to its own martial nature. Others will tend to perceive this as manipulative
because Mars can be pushy in its requests. There is also a tendency to take
emotional issues personally, and to lack objectivity for the same reason. The
underlying theme here is that the native needs to learn self reliance. If they
insist on remaining attached too long to worldly supports, they may eventually
succumb to jeolousy and revenge. On the plus side, the native is sharply aware
of emotional issues and has a deep understanding of human nature.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day counteract the cool and wet
nature of the Moon. The expression of feeling does not flow as easily and
there may be inhibition and shyness. They can be fearful of exposing their true
feelings and needs to others, preferring an indirect approach to getting what
they want. They tend to be more self reliant and sometimes it can be hard to
get to know these natives well.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night amplify the same qualities in
the Moon. The lack of distinction and separateness may lead to clingyness and
disrespect for personal boundaries. At the same time this allows for easier
expression of feelings. There is usually less shyness and inhibition but at the
same time they tend to be more dependant ocasionally leaving themselves
vulnerable to being emotionally let down.

Moon in Sagittarius

Because the Moon is in aversion to its own domicile while being in this
zoidion, it cannot see issues related to domesticity, the home and emotion very
well. For this reason, these natives are considered to be restless at heart and
have a hard time settling down in one place. Jupiter as lord of the Moon,
encourages broader range of experience than what the Moon is used to. As a
result, there are likely to be more emotional highs and lows for this person
than usual. It is an indication of life on an emotional roller-coaster. The Moon
is naturally more timid, but while in this sign, it usually indicates one who is
outgoing and friendly. Sometimes they lack reserve, and because of the
Moon's aversion to its own domicile, these natives may say something without
seeing before hand what impact it may have on another's feelings. They
usually feel they need more freedom than most and often have a hard time
finding where they belong until their later years. This may create a fondness
for the outdoors and nature. The Moon here may also indicate a single-minded
attachment to dogmatic philosophical ideals or religious principles.

In a diurnal chart, the heat of the day rarifies and purifies the emotions
represented by the Moon. This may have the effect of creating an idealistic
view of their relationships and may make it harder for them to see the flaws,
possibly creating an emotional disconnect from reality. As a result, they may
be taken by surprise at times by admissions of unhappyness from others close
to them. The emotional highs and lows are tempered significantly by a
decrease in sensitivity. Restlessness may not be as much of a problem. They
are more likely to be certain about what they want out of life and to have
dogmatic religious views or philosophical principles.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night amplify these same qualities
in the Moon. This has the effect of creating greater contrariety and swings of
mood. Both restlessness and sensitivity are increased. Some say that this is a
"seer moon" indicative of one with psychic ability. These natives are very
sympathetic to the needs of others and often go out of their way to help.
Philanthropy is common. Because the lord of the Moon is not of the sect in
favor, they may have a harder time finding their true path in life. They are
likely to be less attached to any particular religious philosophy.

Moon in Capricorn

According to medieval definitions, the Moon is in detriment here. The Moon

is ruled by Saturn which means that Saturn asks for domestic security, love
and emotional support for the native before the cosmic courtroom on the
Moon's behalf. Because Saturn does this according to its own nature and with
some degree of neglectfulness and agnoia, the Moon often feels left out in the
cold and slighted. Saturn places greater importance on responsibilities and
duties and views feelings as impractical. As a result, the native often feels
unworthy of love and appreciation, and they may be shy. Many come from a
home environment that was very traditional where emotional outbursts were
not thought to be proper. They may seek to keep the peace by repressing their
own feelings until it becomes intolerable. Some react to this in a saturnian
manner by earning the love and admiration of others through achievement or
works designed to impress others. They often seek to justify their worthiness
because of deep seated doubts caused by lack of emotional feedback in their
early years. Others will be somewhat retiring and emotionally reserved, not
easily expressing their love to others. Because the Moon represents the natives
basic emotional state, they can be subject to depression and morbidity and can
be hard to console. On the positive side these natives are cautious with money.
They are able to endure hardships more easily than most because they lack a
feeling of entitlement and were rarely spoiled as children.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness go against the cool and moist nature of
the Moon. This has the effect of drying up the emotions to a large degree.
Duty and responsibility tend to come ahead of personal needs and desires.
This individual is more likely to seek to justify their worthiness of love and
appreciation by earning it. Sometimes they aren't aware of any problems in
their personal life until it takes them by surprise.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of the night amplify these same
qualities in the Moon, increasing its dyadic, contrarial nature, but at the same
time the agnoia of Saturn is increased. Emotions are not as likely to be
repressed. Depression, shyness and loneliness may be problematic and the
home life may be stormy, but problems eventually do get aired out because
they will rebel against any traditions or expectations that make them unhappy.
Their parents (usually the mother) may see them as irresponsible in their early
years. It should be noted that the Moon is dignified by being in its own trigon
which means that it is allowed to determine whether it is conforming to the
standards set by the bound lord.

Moon in Aquarius
The Moon is a wanderer here, peregrine, with no essential dignity. Because
this sign has to do with relationship with the masses, this individual usually
seeks to belong to a group and draws emotional support from such alliances.
Friendships are very important and give the native a feeling of security.
Because Saturn is not relenting with regard to emotional matters, this
individual may develop a level of detachment after experiencing a lack of
emotional feedback in their early years. This is usually a defense mechanism
against rejection. Ironically, this individual often attains a state of uniqueness
without wishing for it because the Moon is dyadic (contrarial) in nature.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness create both greater activity with
organizations and because of the dryness, a nagging feeling that he/she doesn't
truly belong. Emotional detachment is more likely in this case.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moistness of the night limits activity and
involvment in organizations to just a few important causes. This individual is
generally more content with his/her friends and is not as likely to feel shut out
or slighted.

Moon in Pisces

The Moon is in the 9th sign from its own domicile (Cancer) here. Because the
9th often has to do with travel and exile and the Moon is, by contrast, about
belonging, there is an underlying tension created here. As a result, they often
long for a place to put down roots, but at the same time feel like they can't
stay too long in any one place. Because of the bicorporeal nature of this sign,
the Moon (feelings and emotions) lacks stability which creates moodiness in
the native. The 9th gives the Moon an ability to see the moods of others.
Sometimes this becomes overwhelming and they occasonally have to shut the
world out in order to regain equilibrium. A few have a very highly developed
psychic sensitivity (like Edgar Cayce). Because of this extreme sensitivity,
their feelings can be easily hurt. They often have a reputation for helping
those in need. They need to be careful that they aren't being taken advantage
of by others who would prey upon their compassion. Because Jupiter is lord of
the Moon, this placement is about finding the proper perspective from which
to explore their emotions.

In a diurnal chart, The heat and dryness help to moderate the excessively wet
and cold nature of the Moon. This should help to minimize the instability of
the emotions to some extent and provide some limit to your sensitivity to
others which would otherwise prove more overwhelming.

In a nocturnal chart, the cold and wet nature of the Moon is amplified.
Sensitivity is unrestrained as are mood swings. They may be so sensitive that
they shy away from too much involvement with others or they may lack a
sense of proper boundaries and get involved in co-dependent relationships

The Earth
In exactly the same way each of the planets in our solar system have an energy
the have of our physical body and on our planet earth . Planet earth emits
energy into the solar system .

Looking at earth from space , you would see a planet that has two major
spaces of land and two major spaces of water . You would also see the Planet
earth is constantly turning on its axis together with the moon .

The specific energy of planet earth is the number 2 , everything on earth

arrives and comes in PAIRS . Our physical body contains TWO of
everything , we belong in pairs, a male and female exists in every living entity
on planet earth . The creative energy of our planet is LOVE , and this LOVE
energy can only be created with at least one other entity or person . You have
to have something to LOVE , in order to create and perform an action .

Similarly we explained from the TANA DEVEI ELIYAHU in section on

spiritual laws, that all actions in our lives, have an energy of happening in
pairs . "If it happens once - it will happen twice" .

The first letter of the TORAH is a Beis - Bet , the second letter of the alphabet
, to indicate as a sign to mankind that this world is based on pairs and the
number TWO .

Mercury, much like the winged messenger of the gods, comes in on feather-
light wings and commands us to speak. Communication, intellect and
awareness are all within Mercury's domain, as are logic and reasoning, our
manner of thinking, and how we create and express our thought processes.

A mercurial nature brings to mind restlessness and motion. Rat a tat tat -
things happen fast here. Mercury is about a quick wit, quick thinking,
possibilities, opinions, reasoning and the ability to rationalise things.
Mercurial energy can be good or bad, but it will certainly be energising. This
Planet also prompts us to move from one thing to the next, and to get answers
on both a physical and psychological level. Further, Mercury's energy is both
dextrous and perceptive. Mercury is about short trips - a visit to a neighbour
or a friend across town, the workaday commute, a weekend getaway. Siblings,
and transportation in general, are also within Mercury's realm.
Speaking, writing, books, online communications and learning are all within
Mercury's domain. This Planet implores us to express ourselves often - and
well. However, when Mercury goes retrograde (the appearance of travelling
backward), our communications will be challenged.

Mercury is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun; it takes about 88 days to
complete its orbit of the Sun. It is neither masculine nor feminine energy and
assumes the gender of the Sign it is in. It rules both Gemini and Virgo and the
Third and Sixth Houses.

Let us Understand the Energy of Communication,

Anatomy of Communication

Communication requires a sender and a receiver, and a communication or

message that travels from sender to receiver, and is in fact received by the
receiver. The receiver then normally acknowledges receipt and responds, lest
the sender's attention is tied up in wondering if the receiver did receive the
communication and what did the receiver think of it. Failure to acknowledge a
communication when a relationship has been established, and acknowledge it
in a socially-agreed amount of time, is to be willing to leave the sender
hanging, leave him "hung out to dry." Unfortunately it's becoming more
socially acceptable to leave others hung out to dry, justified by being "too
busy," or "my absence or lack of response will not be missed," when in fact
that if a relationship has indeed been established, a lack of response signals a
lack of care for the sender who has taken the initiative to extend himself,
reach out, and communicate . Therefore creates a negative block themselves
and according to spirit law as they do to others , so will be done to them .
Hence creating negative and bad karma . But it does more damage than that as
the energy from Planet mercury is now left stagnating and incomplete at a
certain time and place , which will one day need to be dealt with on a spiritual
level ..... so be warned .... respect the power of communication .

After checking the posistion of the planets of your approximate time of

conception and time of birth from on the free report section,
( sign in as guest user if you don't want to register your details - the website is
free and detailed precisely by Liz Greene ) which will tell you at the bottom of
that page where the planets where at the time of your conception and birth .
Then please read the following to indicate the influence of having the
communication planet mercury in each of the following star signs :-
Mercury in Aries: Likes to pioneer in new ideas, new discoveries, interest in
leadership, vitality, likes to be right and to have thought of an idea first. Lots
of energy available for learning, study, communcations, promotions, but will
tend to take a visionary, essential, inspiring, broad-brush approach.
DETOURS: may have fixed ideas, may try to force his ideas on others, be
argumentative, angry when disagreed with, something may have to be his own
idea before he adopts it.

Mercury in Taurus: A steady and sometimes slow learner, but when he "gets"
something he really gets it. Practical mind, wants to see results, very thorough.
Interest in finances, agriculture, horticulture, business, investments, real
estate, animals, farming, values, bodywork, sensuality, music, arts and crafts.
Needs to have hands-on. experiential, kinesthetic learning. DETOURS:
frustration, anger (can be passive-aggressive), stubborn, resistant, not being
allowed to learn at his own pace - fast or slow, or not grasping the importance
of a subject, or how theory applies in practice.

Mercury in Gemini: Fast mind, interest in many things, perceptive, learns

quickly, may forget just as quickly. Interest in communication, data gathering,
literacy, and literary pursuits, vehicles, air travel, languages, translation,
interpretation, manual dexterity, variety. Learns best when he can go back and
forth between two subjects or tasks, giving the mind a rest and chance to
assimilate. DETOUR: high strung, too much speed so eventually exhausts
self, scatters forces, superficial understanding only, unfocused, mental

Mercury in Cancer: Good memory, interest in feeling, emotion, psychology,

family, history, house and garden, food, farm, geneology. Learns well is an
emotionally safe learning space, free of abuse, with lots of positive
reinforcement. DETOUR: subject not made meaningful or put in historical
context. Emotional trauma or stress sabotages learning.

Mercury in Leo: Dramatic presentation of self and ideas. Learns so he can be

on-stage and highly visible in presenting points of view. Exaggerates an idea
bigger than life so it can be seen or felt by others. Colorful speech. Lively
communicator, lots of stories, fun to listen to, may be hard to get a word in
edgewise with this person. Generous with teachings. Needs an audience.
DETOUR: may be given to exaggeration, life-drama or "acting out" if no
wholesome outlet for theatre or stage, overly attracting attention to self,
demanding attention for self, projecting blame onto others.

Mercury in Virgo: Bright student, devoted to his teachers, interest in medicine,

healing, the learning process, logic, systems, pedagogy, grammar, libraries,
technology, process-thinking - the "how" of things. Distills a subject down to
its essence, making a subject easy to understand. DETOUR: stressed out with
a gutful of repressed feelings, high strung, critiical of others or self.

Mercury in Libra: Interest in the arts, beauty, architecture, relationship

dynamics, justice, fairness, diplomacy. Gracious and diplomatic manner of
expressing himself. DETOUR: can be lazy, wanting everything to be easy,
accepts social superficialities, may go deeply enough to get to the bottom of

Mercury in Scorpio: Detective mind, likes to go to the depths, studies life and
death matters, big business, metaphysics, psychology, sexuality, power,
leadership. Likes intense learning experiences. DETOUR: should avoid
creating losses in conversation or bowling people by indulging in power plays
-- rather, learn to create win-wins instead, which allow others the safety and
comfort that you can go deeper together, become more intimate.

Mercury in Sagittarius: Tells stories, prophetic. Interest in philosophy,

religion, foreign languages, travel, international studies, nature and the great
outdoors, large open spaces, publishing, marketing, future. DETOUR:
exaggeration or distortion of truth, lying, mishandling of truth, offending
others with bald truth, insults, "big mouth" and "foot in mouth."

Mercury in Capricorn: Practical mind, needs to see results, high standards of

excellence for communications and writing. Interest in building, manufacture,
the professions, government, classical arts, finance, law enforcement,
administration, management. DETOUR: loses sight of the big picture, won't
take risks, narrow viewpoint, fixed ideas.

Mercury in Aquarius: Futuristic mind, interested in science, arts, culture,

diversity, electronics, invention, healing, intuition and prediction,
metaphysics, outer space, or unusual subjects. Fast learner when imagination
engaged. Learns by leaps and bounds. May be ahead of his time. DETOUR:
fixed ideas, won't listen to reason, only goes so far with reason then shuts
down or becomes overly detached.

Mercury in Pisces: Dreamy, imaginative, psychic, artistic, compassionate

mind. Interest in art, music, sailing, marine biology, chemistry, photography,
psychic development, psychology, imaging technology, virtual reality, liturgy,
poetry and literature, shamanic journeying, pharmacy, uses of creative
imagination. DETOUR: lack of structure or schedule, always in dreamtime.
Needs to some structure, schedule, or program to keep projects on track and
avoid drifting.

Venus is all about pleasure - preferably, the shared type. This Planet influences
love, romance and harmony along with partnerships, emotional attachments,
marriage and other unions (including business partnerships). Venus is content
to spread happiness and tenderness, while teaching us how to love and
appreciate other people, our gifts and our possessions.

We are attractive, and attract, thanks to Venus's rays. The ability to connect
and relate to others are important to this Planet, as are social affairs and

Beauty is also strongly associated with Venus. The arts (music, dance, drama
and literature, to name a few) and a sense of the aesthetic are all within
Venus's realm. It's Venus that beseeches us to drink up our world and revel in
its beauty. This Planet is inextricably linked with good taste, culture, charm
and grace.

The pleasure we derive from our possessions is also part of Venus's domain.
Luxuries (jewellery, paintings), good food and drink, a beautiful home and an
attendant sense of refinement are all pleasing to Venus. This Planet asks us to
appreciate the exquisite nature of things. It's a sensual (not necessarily sexual)
world as far as Venus is concerned.

Venus needs 225 days to complete its orbit of the Zodiac; it is never more than
47 degrees from the Sun. It is a feminine energy and rules both Taurus and
Libra and the Second and Seventh Houses.

Venus in Aries

Ordinarily Venus is inclined to passive social interaction, but the initiatory

nature of this sign creates a stir. As a result, these natives are not as content to
wait for pleasure but seek it actively, creating individuals with outgoing
natures. They have little reticence in pursuing the object of their affections.
Consequently, women born with this are more likely to ask men out for a date.
Men with this position tend to become playboys, and enjoy showing off what
they own.

In a diurnal chart, especially if Venus should be oriental (rising before the Sun
on the morning of birth) these natives can be very self centered in the pursuit
of pleasure and can have coarse manners. This is especially true if Mars
should be square or oppose or be copresent. They may be subject to
scandalous liasons and social embarrassment, though they may not care.
Courtney Love is a good example of this type of Venusian expression (though
I don't know where Venus is in her chart; could also be due to other factors).
At night, particularly if Venus is occidental, there is more consideration for the
feelings of others and a great enough reticence to keep out of social scandal,
unless there is some affliction coming from one of the malefics. These
individuals form close, passionate and personal relationships that tend to last
longer than their diurnal counterparts. There is a greater emphasis on
committment and stability.

Venus in Taurus

Venus is in its own house here and is therefore more able to administer to
issues involving love, money, pleasure, artistic expression, and material
luxuries because the cosmic soul perceives clearly her presence in this sign
and her asking for these things for the native on his/her behalf. This sign also
makes all things, including those above, more permanent and lasting. For this
reason, a lasting love and financial security is especially important for the
natives. They are loyal and perservering, but can also be possessive and
jealous. They find committment to a single relationship much easier than most

In a diurnal chart, Venus is more active because of the heat and dryness of the
daytime counteract her naturally cool and moist nature. The native is therefore
more inclined to actively seek pleasure and situations that will enhance
security, financial and otherwise. In the past it was seen as more socially
acceptable to wait for things of this nature to come to you, else you were
considered a hedonist or were too "foreward", etc... This is especially true if
Venus was rising before the Sun on the morning of the natives birth. This
Venus has a special name: "Phosphorous" which in Greek "phos" means
"light" which is where we get the term "photons" from. The bible calls the
same "lucifer" which means especially translucent and brilliant. The danger
hinted at here is that too much vanity leads to pride and then a downfall which
in this case will most likely take the form of social ostracization. This is more
likely yet if Mars happens to be in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius (solid

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist nature of Venus is amplified by the
cool and moist of night, especially if Venus was visible in the evening of birth
after sunset. This has the effect of multiplying the positive and negative
effects of Venus in this sign. There will usually be more security and
happiness unless Saturn happens to be in one fixed/solid signs. Along with it
there is increased dependency and lack of willingness to go after what one
wants, though normally this position is very fortunate for marriage, finance
and artistic expression, especially if Taurus should be one of the signs
possessing a pivotal house with respect to the ascendant.

Venus in Gemini
The old stereotype is that Venus here is indicative of fickleness in love. If the
lot of marriage is here or Gemini is in the 7th house, then this may be the case
because Gemini is bicorporeal. This bicorporeal nature tends to multiply the
instances of whatever signification is expressed. In any case, variety in social
life and romantic interests is usually supported, which also means that these
individuals have a harder time settling down. These natives think that smart is
sexy. If also angular, there is usually an interest in music and poetry.

In a diurnal chart, there is a greater attraction to public life. Connections

between people are not as deep but tend to be more numerous. This is because
the heat and dryness of the day creates distinctions in relationships asserting
appropriate boundaries. Also, the heat creates higher levels of activity in
social circumstances.

In a nocturnal chart, the relationships you have with other people are not as
superficial or politically based. The cool and moistness of night lowers
activity and creates connections, so your social circle will tend to be smaller
and more intimate. These natives settle down with more ease than their diurnal

Venus in Cancer

Due to the Moon's stewardship of this sign, Venus here indicates an individual
who tends to prefer a more personal social environment. These natives will
probably prefer to stay at home and entertain rather than going out on the
town. They seek emotional support and security from their relationships
instead of using others to get ahead in business or for some objective outside
of the home. They are very sensitive to the needs of others and can be very
accomodating. There may be a tendency for overindulgence, so weight may be
a problem. This is especially likely if they are somehow cut off from other
people and feel alone.

In a diurnal chart, the heat of the day makes the native more socially outgoing
than would otherwise be the case. According to Dorotheus, Venus is also
essentially dignified here because it is in its own triplicity. The rarification
causes them to be close to fewer people but have a greater number of loose
affiliations. The native is less emotionally sensitive, but still aware of the
needs of others.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moistness of night amplify the receptive
nature of Venus. This individual prefers a few close personal alliances and
loves to entertain at home. They also tend to be very good at interior

Venus in Leo
Venus is ruled by the Sun in this sign. This indicates a noetic quality and ideal
as to what is beautiful. They like elegance and are attracted to a social
atmosphere filled with important and interesting people and are especially
fond of large parties. They are romantic and tend to be physically attractive to
the opposite sex. They sometimes have an interest in modeling or they may be
involved in work with theatrical makeup or casting for plays or movies. Under
negative aspects they may be accused of social climbing or of being snobs and
can be too class conscious; or their idea of what is beautiful borders on the
gawdy and trashy. Under some rare conditions where Venus is afflicted, it can
be an indication that the native is a social outcast, because the Sun as ruler
shows one who stands alone, unique and separate from others.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day cause a rarification of the
social atmosphere of the native, making for contacts with important people.
The native is very outgoing and active in the local nightlife. They tend to be
quite popular, and occasionally become well known and famous. However,
they may become involved in scandal from time to time because Venus is not
of the sect in favor.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moistness of the night supports the easy
going nature of Venus. They tend to be less self conscious as a result. The
native is elegant and refined and often has modeling potential, but is a little
less interested in climbing the social ladder. They prefer intimate romantic
settings and are fortunate in love.

Venus in Virgo

Venus is in fall here according to both ancient and modern tradition. This
means that the cosmic soul does not perceive venusian issues to have great
merit when Venus is in this sign. In other words, beauty takes a back seat to
utilitarian concerns. It is a bit like Cinderella, who wishing she could go to the
ball, got stuck doing dirty house chores. Venus here is the antithesis of
glamour. It may be indicative of shyness or reserve under social
circumstances, or it could indicate a tendency to be out of fashion or a
tendency to be seen as a nerd. Paradoxically, because Virgo is a human sign,
the ancients said that there is a tendency for the native to be well formed and
attractive (even if they don't show it very well). They are probably those that
stand to benefit the most from a makeover.

In a diurnal chart, Venus becomes essentially dignified by triplicity while also

being in its fall. Theoretically this gives Venus the power to discern whether it
adheres to the standards set by the bound lord. This may create greater
leniency on the natives behalf or possibly laziness towards responsibilities.
Not enough is known about the system of Hermes to conjecture this with
certainty yet. Aside from this, I would expect a more active and outgoing
personality and less reserve.

In a nocturnal chart, the cold and moist of night create greater reserve and
shyness because the cold inhibits activity. Also because the cold groups that
which is alike and unlike together in closer proximity with the wetness
creating less distinction, one gets the picture of uncomfortable social
circumstances and potential embarassing and awkward situations. Tact would
seem to be very important here. What Venus does have going for it is that it is
of the sect in favor.

Venus in Libra

Venus is essentially dignified here. This means that Venus has a strong voice
for the advocacy of issues like beauty, love, popularity, marriage and
partnerships on behalf of the native before the cosmic courtroom. These
natives are therefore socially refined and graceful. They tend to be attractive
to the opposite sex and are generally quite popular. They make excellent hosts
and do everything possible to make their guests feel at ease. Their list of
friends seems to be endless. This is because Venus is friends with all of the
planets except Mars. They have a tendency to collect beautiful but otherwise
useless items to decorate their surroundings. They may have a fear of being

In a diurnal chart, the heat rarifies and the dryness makes distinctions. The
rarification creates greater refinement in social atmosphere while the dryness
creates distinctions of class and status. This aids in the popularity for those
seeking elected office. They are likely to be more outgoing and socially
popular, but they may have a tendency to be superficial. If Venus is also
oriental, they are more aggressive in approaching others, especially the
opposite sex.

In a nocturnal chart, the coolness brings these natives into contact with people
from many different backgrounds. The wetness blurrs distinctions so that the
native can easily put themselves in another's shoes. They are very sympathetic
and friendly and the social atmosphere these natives prefer tends to be less
formal. They are very polite and well mannered and do not pursue
relationships aggressively.

Venus in Scorpio

According to medieval tradition, Venus is in detriment in this sign. This means

that issues like beauty, elegance, social refinement and diplomacy are not well
supported here. Because Venus is being represented by Mars, the line between
love and hate can seem very thin. Love often takes on a magnetic quality and
can become a fatal attraction. Attractions tend to be very strong and repulsions
equally strong. In the event of rejection there is the tendency for these natives
to take it much more personally than most. Jeolousy and possessiveness are
very common and they often expect faithfulness even if they tend toward
sexual promiscuity. Like those with the Moon in this sign, they have a hard
time with self reliance, letting go, forgiveness and tend to hold grudges. When
they find the right mate it is usually a very enduring relationship, although it
may be somewhat rocky at times.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day counteract the cool and
moist nature of Venus. Because the heat rarifies and purifies, there is less
liklihood of promiscuity unless Venus is oriental of the Sun. The dryness tends
to create social separation. As a result, these natives may tend to play hard to
get in romantic settings.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night intensify the same qualities in
Venus. There is greater sexual magnetism and because of the blurring of
distinctions there may be more sexual promiscuity. The cold groups that
which is alike and unlike together in closer proximity. The combination may
create a tendency for the native to not understand where personal boundaries
lie, causing strong attractions and repulsions, clingyness, and stalking, to be a
significant issue in their life.

Venus in Sagittarius

Venus here is indicative of an individual who is romantic but at the same time
isn't deeply serious. They like to flirt and are very outgoing and sociable but
are generally disinclined towards serious committment in romantic
relationships. They often have ardent affections for others for a time and then
with little warning it evaporates. They may be prone to fall in love at first
sight. Because this sign is bicorporeal, if Venus is lord of the lot of marriage
or the 7th house or if Sagittarius has taken on the role of the 7th house, then it
is indicative of one who marries more than once. It can also indicate marriage
to one from a different culture or religious background. They are popular and
have many friends, and seek relationships for adventure or fun. They
especially enjoy social occasions linked to sporting events.

In a diurnal chart, The heat and dryness of the day have the effect of
increasing both social activity and distance. Intimacy is a little harder to come
by. There is a desire for adventure and fun in relationships but less serious
committment. This is indicative of one who is more public, outgoing and
sometimes flirty. They are more demonstrative of their affections.

In a nocturnal chart, the moistness creates a greater sense of unity allowing

others to identify with you and vice versa. Intimacy is heightened and
commitments are easier to come in relationships by as a result. The coldness
groups alike and unlike together in closer proximity, therefore, this individual
deals more closely with foreigners than most. If Venus is in difficult aspect,
this could indicate one who often gets stuck in the middle of a tense culture

Venus in Capricorn

Venus relies upon the stewardship of Saturn to ask on her behalf for love,
romance, wealth and happiness for the native. If Saturn is well situated and
receives Venus, then the individual is fortunate and will usually attain a long
lasting relationship. Sometimes this creates a larger age gap between the
native and the other person than is recognized as normal. The native often
approaches romantic involvement from a practical point of view making them
appear calculating to others. In ancient times arranged marriages were the
standard, but now these natives are likely to be set up by others on a blind date
(due to Saturn's agnoia). Most astrologers currently believe that Venus feels
insecure and vulnerable in this sign, causing the native to be hesitant to get
involved too quickly in romantic affairs. This is probably true in most
circumstances unless Venus is oriental in a day chart squared or opposed by

In a diurnal chart, Venus is dignified by being in its own trigon but is not of
the sect in favor. The heat rarifies romantic interests and the dryness may
make them more picky because of the sharper distinctions, which probably
means that they are monogamous but if there are hard aspects to Mars while
Venus is represented by Saturn, then the ancient texts often make reference to
lewd and scandalous behavior (especially if Venus is oriental). This may be
because Venus determines whether it is conforming to the standards set by the
bound lord according to its own lenient principles. They are likely to be more
socially outgoing than their nocturnal counterparts, especially if Venus is
oriental of the Sun.

In a nocturnal chart, the cold and moist of night magnifies these same qualities
in Venus and her lord, Saturn. Venus is of the sect in favor and Saturn sets
stricter standards for conduct. This individual is not likely to be as outgoing
and usually prefers to be passive in romantic encounters, particularly if Venus
is occidental of the Sun. Their tastes tend to be more refined and they are
more reserved in social settings. If Venus is not received, then the individual
may tend to be a loner.

Venus in Aquarius

Venus is a bit reserved in this sign. This is because Saturn tends to cool the
social activity that Venus is prone to create. Typically, this person tends to feel
a social or cultural gap between who they are and who they have dealings
with. Often there are large differences in status and class to contend with, or
prejudice. One might say that this position represents the epitome of political
correctness, because Venus does not want to create social tension in public,
and Aquarius is very public. The coolness of the social atmosphere does not
mean that this native is not popular, quite the contrary, they have many
friends, just very few close friends.

In a diurnal chart, the heat of the day creates a more outgoing personality to
the point that this individual is quite social. The dryness though does create a
separateness and distinctiveness between people in your relationships which
tends to prevent close alliances.

In a nocturnal chart, the coolness of night reduces activity and brings people
closer together in tighter relationships with you. The moistness tends to blurr
distinctions so that there is ambiguity in where your friends stand on certain
issues, but they are not likely to care as much. This is because the lack of
distinction creates at least the illusion of unity.

Venus in Pisces

Venus is in her exaltation while in this sign. This means that issues like love,
relationships, compassion, beauty and art have greater merit before the cosmic
court. These natives are often fortunate in matters of love and romance. They
are artistically inclined with a gift for music and poetry. They are very
sympathetic, sensitive, intuitive and understanding of others and have little
difficulty in forgiving transgressions. They are attracted to beautiful
surroundings and are often the object of affection of many. If they are not
involved romantically with anyone, they may feel more lonely than most, as
these individuals are not used to going it alone. Socially, they are very popular
and sometimes they may have trouble in limiting the crowd and retaining their
privacy. If this place is the 11th sign from the lot of fortune, they are
exceedingly lucky in love and it is also extremely beneficial financially. Since
this is a prolific sign, if the lot of children falls here or this sign is the 4th, 5th,
10th or 11th sign from the ascendant, then it is indicative of having many
children and being blessed by them.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day work against the cool and
moist nature of Venus. There is moderation to their sensitivity and
compassion. While they are more outgoing socially, they are also more likely
to keep some individuals at arms length. Love may have a slightly less
romantic quality.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night amplify these same qualities
in Venus. These individuals are exceedingly sensitive, intuitive, romantic and
artistic. They are less socially outgoing, but usually have no trouble attracting
romantic partners. If afflicted, they may have more trouble keeping
undesirable people out of their life than most.

Mars is the action Planet of the Zodiac. The 'Red Planet,' after all, should be
pretty fiery, and Mars does not disappoint. Energy, passion, drive and
determination are all right up Mars's alley. This Planet commands you (and
yes, Mars does rule the military) to stand up and be noticed and to get things
done - you'll need to go somewhere else in the heavens to get away with
sitting on the sidelines. Simply put, Mars speaks to the power and confident
expression of the individual spirit.

Competition is also within Mars's realm. Whether it's at work or on the

playing field, Mars encourages us to face challenges and to be our best - or
even better. Aggression is part of the plan here, although Mars also values
courage and honour. Assertiveness and a daring, fearless nature please this

It's important to note that Mars's energy can be constructive or destructive. As

the God of War in ancient times, Mars could be brutally violent. While this
energy still emanates from the Planet, it also asks us to harness this force for
good. Stamina, ambition and achievement are all part of Mars' mantra.

Mars rules our sexuality and sexual energy, and governs weapons, accidents
and surgery (the last two illustrating the yin and yang nature of this Planet). In
the end, however, the energy of Mars can be endlessly useful if worked right.

It takes nearly two years for Mars to complete its orbit through the Zodiac. It
is masculine energy. It rules both Aries and Scorpio and the First and Eighth

MARS represents

The way you "take action"

The way you defend yourself
The way you support what's important to you
Your tactics for achieving goals
Your sexuality

Mars describes the way you invest your physical energy, the way your
sexuality operates during the time this placement is in effect, and how choices
you could make to be more compatible with the energy of Mars in Taurus can
help you work with the flow of your life and not against it.
Mars brings a wonderful boost of inspiration and initiative to some
astrological signs ... and represents frustration and irritability for others

Action with Intensity, Initiative, and Courage

When Mars is in Aries, people focus on actions and favor ambitions that are
adventurous, pioneering, and assertive. With Mars in Aries, they use tactics
and perspectives that are independent and aggressive. With Mars in Aries,
actions rely on individual initiative, have a distinct element of competition,
and respond well to a "direct approach."
Mars in Aries is in the sign of its rulership and very powerful here. It confers
energy, physical prowess and an extremely competitive, combative nature.
Care needs to be taken to guard against head injuries. Mars in Aries people
may get into fights, so need to learn to control the Arian temper.

Action with Determination, Fortitude, and Practical Common Sense

When Mars is in Taurus, people focus on actions and favor ambitions that are
stable and well-planned, financially profitable, and conserving of physical
energy and other resources. With Mars in Taurus, they use tactics and
perspectives that are gracious, helpful, patient, gentle, and "nice." With Mars
in Taurus, they definitely prefer to "catch flies with honey" - and to do it as
effortlessly as possible." Mars in Taurus represents an area of life where
action, often action involving money, is taking place.
Mars in The Venus-ruled sign of Taurus is stabilized and appreciative to
beauty, but stubborn. Mars here will stick with a project or relationship until
the bitter end. There is too much energy for Taurean weight gain to be a real
problem. It will all be muscle, as long as you keep using it!

Action from Several Directions at Once

When Mars is in Gemini, people focus on actions and favor ambitions that are
intellectual and inventive. With Mars in Gemini, they use tactics and
perspectives that are clever, imaginative, quick-witted, and versatile. With
Mars in Gemini, their projects center around talking, reading, study, or
Mars in Gemini is restless and active with a scathing tongue when angered.
But usually there is good humour and a quick wit. It is not wise to engage
Mars in Gemini in a verbal battle of wits, because they always win. The
energy is likely to be scattered over too many projects at once, so some things
will remained unfinished.

Action with feeling, compassion, and sensitive understanding

When Mars is in Cancer, people's actions and ambitions are strongly colored
by emotional considerations. With Mars in Cancer, they are concerned about
issues involving security and protection. With Mars in Cancer, their tactics
and ideas are indirect, unobtrusive, quiet, and far more passive than active.
Mars in Cancer defends the home front, and is a strong protector of the weak.
There is a tendency to temper tantrums, and they can be moody and resentful
without giving a reason. The energy works best in long bursts, but there is
usually no problem in finishing a project, particularly if it involves the home
and family.

Action that puts YOU in the spotlight

When Mars is in Leo, people focus on actions and favor ambitions that are
confident, charismatic, powerful, and which showcase their ego issues and
leadership potentials. With Mars in Leo, they use tactics and perspectives that
are powerful, optimistic, purposeful, and determined. The energy of Mars in
Leo is known for being commanding, dignified, authoritative - and more than
a little "stuck on itself."
Mars in Leos make great leaders, especially for young people. There can be
considerable sporting prowess, as they like to keep fit. Mars here likes to be
the centre of attention so they also do well in the field of entertainment. The
big generous Leo heart and the boundless Martian energy can make this
combination a tireless worker for charity.

Action with Precision, Analysis, and Careful Attention to Details

When Mars is in Virgo, people focus on actions and favor ambitions that are
efficient, industrious, methodical, practical, and "work-oriented." With Mars
in Virgo, they use tactics and perspectives that are meticulous, perfectionistic,
discriminating, and careful. The energy of Mars in Virgo is known for being
detail-conscious, concerned with obtaining "useful results," and taking on
loads of tedious, mundane work with little complaint.
Mars in Virgo confers mechanical ability and knowledge. These people can be
usually found fixing things. This is a very hardworking placement for Mars
and the Virgo perfectionism makes them good employees. They like to see a
project through to completion and get a great deal of satisfaction from a job
well done.

Action with Diplomacy, Tact, and Gracious Cooperation

When Mars is in Libra, people focus on actions and favor ambitions that are
sociable, charming, and cooperative. With Mars in Libra they look for projects
that involve partners and "teamwork." With Mars in Libra, people use tactics
and perspectives that are "nice," indirect, inoffensive, concerned with
"harmony," and which emphasize fairness and justice.
Mars in Libra can either make a great diplomat, or someone who just loves a
good argument! This venus-ruled sign does not like to be an only, so there will
be active energy put into finding a compatible partner. The energy works in
bursts though, as Mars is often too much for Libra to cope with.

Action with unshakeable resolve, covert agendas, and permanent
improvements in mind

When Mars is in Scorpio, people focus on actions and favor ambitions that are
intense, powerful, willful and transforming. With Mars in Scorpio, they use
tactics and perspectives that are aggressive and controlling. With Mars in
Scorpio, they are also extremely possessive, and capable of great endurance.
Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio, so it is very powerful here, bringing out
Scorpios more agressive qualities. Mars in Scorpio people can be stubborn
and vengeful, and are quite prepared to wait until the time is right to seek
revenge. There is great sexual energy here, and physical activity can be
sustained for long periods of time.

Action with ethics, enthusiasm, and principles

When Mars is in Sagittarius, people are expansive, optimistic and educational.

With Mars in Sagittarius, they hold ideas and take actions that are candid,
honest, inspirational, and moral. With Mars in Sagittarius, actions are sincere,
and generous.
Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio, so it is very powerful here, bringing out
Scorpios more agressive qualities. Mars in Scorpio people can be stubborn
and vengeful, and are quite prepared to wait until the time is right to seek
revenge. There is great sexual energy here, and physical activity can be
sustained for long periods of time.

Action with Organization, Self-Discipline, and One's Public Image in Mind

When Mars is in Capricorn, people focus on actions and favor ambitions that
are conservative, disciplined, and well-organized. They use tactics and
perspectives that are steady, controlled, and persistent. This energy is known
for its patience and great capacity for endurance.

It is traditionally "active" regarding matters of career and professional

attainment, and concerned with issues of one's public reputation, community
standing, and matters of personal "fame." There is also emphasis on attaining
positions of authority, honor and prestige ... so as to be remembered by society
and the world at large. There is special concern with "being somebody," and
making long-lasting and substantial contributions to "society" ... or at least
having discernible impact in one's immediate vicinity. This is a very
constructive, status-conscious, and ambitious energy -- which seeks to be
publicly noticed, and in its fullest expressions is interested in "empire

It is notably concerned with achieving personal authority and dealing

effectively with established authority and authority figures, including such
large-scale institutions as government and the political system, business power
structures, and the hierarchies of large corporations.

Under stress, people may act in ways that are unsympathetic, unbending,
overly "rules-conscious," intolerant, unapproachable, and concerned with
concepts like "chain of command." They may feel frustrated, limited, and
fearful regarding professional status and the attainment of their ambitions.
Despite tremendous effort and desire, they may feel they are just "getting
Here the Martian energy is directed at personal goals and ambitions. Mars in
Capricorn people make effective but very strict leaders. This is an ambitious
placing that usually will not stop until it gets to the top. Obstacles will be
pushed aside or climbed over. Mars in Capricorn people can be very cutting
and sarcastic and subject to stress.
For a young person, you are quite ambitious, and you are willing to work very
hard for something that is real and important to you. You are practical, rather
than idealistic, and you like to work for tangible results. For your age, you are
quite disciplined and can take on considerable responsibility.
You can be quite courageous, but you are not willing to fight for any cause
unless you see the point of it very clearly. The one danger that you should try
to avoid is measuring people's value according to their income or their social

Action with Innovation, Ingenuity, and an Eye on Progress for the Future

When Mars is in Aquarius, people use actions and attitudes that are altruistic,
humanitarian, adventurous, and extremely future-oriented. With Mars in
Aquarius, their tactics and aims are adventurous, unorthodox, imaginative,
and versatile. The energy of Mars in Aquarius is "active" regarding group
ventures such as clubs, associations, educational classes and seminars,
philanthropic organizations, social networks, and activities shared with
Those with Mars in Aquarius are likely to take up a cause and fight for it tooth
and nail. They make excellent group leaders, rallying the believers to tackle
injustice head on. Mars in Aquarius has a keen sense of fair play, and can be
useful judges in sporting events. The energy is restless and usually propels out
of any situation that becomes too boring in search of new excitement.

Action with Empathy, Selfless Support, and Hidden Reserves of Strength

When Mars is in Pisces, people are creative, peaceful, retiring, visionary, and
transcendent. With Mars in Pisces, their perspectives are compassionate,
sensitive, and idealistic. With Mars in Pisces, they are unusually imaginative,
and sympathetic.
Mars energy is weakened in the diffusing sign of Pisces, where it does better
providing the impetus to start a project than the will to finish it. Mars in Pisces
people dream of great things but often just stay at the dreaming stage. Mars
can aid creative visualization here, and can be helpful when it is used to create

Jupiter is the thinking person's Planet. As the guardian of the abstract mind,
this Planet rules higher learning and bestows upon us a yen for exploring
ideas, both intellectually and spiritually. Intellectually speaking, Jupiter assists
us in formulating our ideology. In the more spiritual realm, Jupiter lords over
religion and philosophy. A search for the answers is what Jupiter proposes,
and if it means spanning the globe to find them, well, that's probably why
Jupiter also rules long-distance travel. In keeping with this theme, Jupiter
compels us to assess our ethical and moral values. It also addresses our sense
of optimism.

Luck and good fortune are often associated with Jupiter, and for good reason.
This is a kind and benevolent Planet, one that wants us to grow and flourish.
Jupiter may be judge and jury, but it's mostly an honourable helpmate, seeing
to it that we're on the right path. While our success, accomplishments and
prosperity are all within Jupiter's realm, this largesse can, at times, deteriorate
into laziness and sloth (Jupiter, at its worst, is associated with weight gain).
More often than not, Jupiter will, however, guide us down the primrose path.

Leisure time also lies within Jupiter's realm. Sports of all kinds, games of
chance, and a stroll in the park with the family pet (Jupiter loves animals) are
all ruled by this Planet. Finally, Jupiter often presages great wealth, material
and otherwise. This is a good friend in the heavens.

It takes Jupiter about twelve years to circle the Zodiac (the Planet visits an
average of one Sign a year). It is a masculine energy and rules both Sagittarius
and Pisces and the Ninth and Twelfth Houses.

Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter adds heat and moisture where dryness already exists. For this reason,
the quality of dryness is minimized to some degree. Consequently, these
natives are inclined toward group endeavors and enterprises where the
involvement of others is more critical. This individual often seeks to lead such
a group, and because Jupiter is associated with philosophy, these natives
sometimes have inspiration which they want to share with the crowds. These
natives often have an attitude of self importance, enthusiasm, and self
confidence, that inspires others to action.

In a diurnal chart, the excess heat creates the danger of the natives
overreaching themselves and instead of leading others, leaving them in the
dust. Because there is also moisture added to heat, mist is created. This leads
to an inability to see clearly through the fog of enthusiasm, leading to
overconfidence or carelessness. Fanaticism may result. There is however an
increased faith since the airy quality of Jupiter is supported and is in sect. If
the native can overcome occasional blindness to reality, they may become
great leaders.

At night, Jupiter creates more introspection and thoughtfulness in the natives.

These individuals are less inclined to take action on faith and are more
discerning and less overconfident. Here the nocturnal moistness is more likely
to create leaders who can bring together coalitions that accomplish some
useful purpose, though usually on a more modest scale than their diurnal
counterparts. While Jupiter is out of sect at night, it is in its own trigon and
therefore is more easily heard by the cosmic soul which makes Jupiter a more
effective advocate on the natives behalf.

Jupiter in Taurus

Most modern astrologers say this indicates an ability to manage resources well
and make investments grow to great potential. As a result, these people may
end up in corporate investment firms or other types of financial institutions. It
is also common to find involvement in real estate and agriculture, if Jupiter is
angular and strong in this sign. These natives make especially good gardeners.
The reason for this is that according to aristotlean principles, Jupiter is warm
and moist in effect. When placed in a fertile sign of spring, it brings
considerable growth.

In a diurnal chart, the warmth is increased. Jupiter then indicates faster growth
potential of investments and wealth. Since according to Aristotle, heat rarifies,
those of lower class or financial status are separated from the native. The
potential result is snobbery and jeolousy from subordinates. If Jupiter is also
squared, opposed or joined by one of the malefics, especially Mars (by sign),
then, there may be over indulgence, financial wrecklessness, waste and
indifference to the material needs of others. This may cause controversy, and
plots, and corruption if there later is a need to cover up wrecklessness in the
natives behavior. Beware especially if the lot of accusation should fall in this
place or in the solid quadruplicity. Venus making an aspect to Jupiter in this
condition helps alleviate the potential for plots, controversy or accusation, but
it can also indicate an increase in self indulgence.

In a nocturnal chart, cold is increased. As a result, Jupiter is slower to bring

about an increase in investments and financial holdings. Coldness, according
to Aristotle, is that which concentrates things of like and unlike nature
together in a tighter space. For this reason, the native is likely to be in closer
contact with commoners, less aristocratic and more sympathetic to the needs
of others. But because of the slowness of attaining wealth, there will likely be
a streak of conservatism. If Saturn happens to be in one of the solid/fixed
signs as well, then there is some inhibition to overcome in the attaining of
wealth. If the lot of debt should be in this quadruplicity in this circumstance, it
indicates contracts or mortgages which restrict owning what one has.

Jupiter in Gemini

According to medieval and later astrologers, Jupiter is in debility here.

Elementally though, they appear to be in agreement because air (Gemini) is
warm and moist and so is Jupiter. These natives seem to suffer from the
dilemma between facts and faith, and between seeing and believing. It seems
to indicate a struggle for perspective because the lord of this place (Mercury)
focuses on the details, whereas Jupiter focuses on the big picture. Frequently
these natives show an interest in philosophy, religion, education and law.
Modern astrologers say that these natives have the opportunity for expansion
of the mind which makes sense considering the inherent dilemma in this

In a diurnal chart, theoretically, faith gains ground over reason in the natives
life. This is because Jupiter is in sect and is more heavily emphasized. While
the different possibilities are magnified, there is still enough heat to make
appropriate distinctions. The daylight has always had connotations toward the
good, whereas night, towards the evil.

Theoretically, in a nocturnal chart, the opposite is the case, and reason should
prevail over faith. The moistness of the night blurrs distinctions. Doubt,
second guessing and indecision in uncertain matters is a logical outcome. This
is because Jupiter is out of sect, but still magnifies the possibilities, all of
which tend to be micromanaged.

Jupiter in Cancer

Because Jupiter is exalted in this sign, the cosmic soul perceives its testimony
on behalf of the native more easily. According to Robert Schmidt, this is like
an issue that because of its greater merit is given more immediate
consideration. It is interesting that a place administered by the Moon would
give greater merit to Jupiterian issues. It is like the stomache placing great
importance on candy and cake. Weight may be a problem for some. In any
case, this is an indication that the native is fortunate with regard to matters
domestic and feels supported by friends and family. This has the effect of
sheltering the native from the cruel realities of life to some extent. Wealth is
not unusual, especially if fortune should be here; and they are generous with
philanthropic tendencies. Frequently their wealth comes from their parents
through inheritance. This is also said to be fortunate for any journey that takes
place on the water, and the native may be a natural born sailor, due to Cancers
association with water and Jupiter's association with wind.
In a diurnal chart, the heat rarifies (purifies) support based relationships
making for clearer boundaries in relationships with others. There is greater
loyalty and trust amongst friends. The clearness in social status makes for
fewer awkward or embarassing situations.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moistness of night limit Jupiters ability to
protect the native from some harder realities. The social circle is usually more
inclusive as a result. There is usually greater wisdom about how the world
really works.

Jupiter in Leo

This creates in the native a strong air of nobility. They have leadership
capacity and are ambitious and enthusiastic. They rarely have a blue day and it
is hard to keep this individual down. This is because Jupiter has a benevolent
jovial influence upon the heart. They are very good with the public, so a
career in politics is a possibility. They may be prone to speculate and enjoy
risk and games of chance. Obviously, with hard aspects or afflictions to
Jupiter there can be problems with gambling addiction. They also should
watch a tendency to overdo in work or anything else that gains their interest,
since Jupiter adds excessively to the Sun's striving for largeness and greatness.

In a diurnal chart, the heat rarifies, adding an air of nobility to this individual.
Because Jupiter is of the sect in favor, this person often has great faith in God.
Because of their faith they may be more inclined to gamble or take chances,
feeling that little can go wrong. They tend to have a strong moral center, and
may be interested in a career in politics, or the law, but prefer being a judge to
being a lawyer.

In a nocturnal chart, Jupiter is essentially dignified by being in the trigon of

fire. The coldness of the night lowers activity which helps keep the native
from overdoing. Also because the quality of "cold" is that which brings
together that which is like and unlike, this is the opposite if rarification,
creating less emphasis on qualities of nobility. Because of the sect status, they
are not as likely to take blind gambles, preferring seeing to faith.

Jupiter in Virgo

According to medieval tradition, Jupiter is in detriment in this sign. This

means that Jupiter's propensity for expansion and prosperity is not well
supported. This is because the lord of this place, Mercury prefers to "travel
light" and is frugal with money and possessions. It is commonly said that
people with this position have a tendency to make something out of nothing.
This is due to Jupiter making more of the details provided by Mercury.
Therefore these natives need to focus on maintaining a proper perspective and
a valid set of priorities more than most. One could also argue that because
Virgo belongs to the fall quadrant, that it is melancholic by nature with a
propensity for dryness and cold. This is in conflict with Jupiter's warm and
moist nature. Gardening may not be their strong point. Since Jupiter is
indicative of children, these native tend to have few or no children.

In a diurnal chart, the dryness is amplified placing emphasis on details. The

heat supports Jupiter's propensity for expansion. Together it is more difficult
to keep perspective of what is important and there is a greater tendency to
make something out of nothing. In the opposite direction, there also may be a
tendency to make assumptions because it is seemingly impossible to take into
account all of the details, with errors being the result. If the native happens to
be a genius, then this may not prove to be a problem, but a blessing, showing
an encyclopedic memory and an ability for abstract reasoning.

In a nocturnal chart, the cold groups like and unlike together and the wetness
blurrs the distinctions. Jupiter may not have as much power to expand issues
out of proportion, but the mind is not functioning as much on an analytical
level. This shows that the native tends to think metaphorically. They may be
good at interpreting dreams.

Jupiter in Libra

While Jupiter has no essential dignity here unless it should be in its own
bounds, this shows one who tends to be very popular and well liked by the
public. They make good lawyers, public advocates, public relations officers,
and judges. Because this place has to do with awareness of others, the native
usually has more than a passing interest in moral/ethical issues relating to
relationships and rules of conduct. As a result, they are very well mannered,
socially refined and are generous. They encourage and have a tendency to
bring out the best from other people. If necessary, they give the benefit of the
doubt and can be lenient, but they will not forsake their principles.

In a diurnal chart, the airy quality of Jupiter is enhanced in part through an

excess of heat. This makes the native very active socially and the process of
rarification may bring the native and abundance of contacts with important or
famous people. The dryness creates distinctions that give the native a clear
sense of moral values.

In a nocturnal chart, the moisture limits distinctions and may create ambiguity
about what is best or right in social circumstances. The coolness brings an
abundance of people from many different backgrounds into the natives life.
The native may be less outgoing socially and prefer the company of close
friends to excitement out on the town.
Jupiter in Scorpio

Because Jupiter is ruled by Mars which is in aversion to Aries forthrightness,

these natives may be interested in philosophical and religious matters related
to death and ethical issues relating to secrecy or privacy. The native may be
fortunate with regard to inheritance or acquisition due to negligent or ill
conceived actions of others. They sometimes become involved in expeditions
which involve treasure hunting and be unusually fortunate in this area.
"Finders keepers, losers weepers" comes to mind because Scorpio often deals
with what is lost or let go. There is probably interest in the occult and often
the native finds him or herself trying to find the correct path to follow under
morally or ethically ambiguous circumstances. Conflicts of interest and the
need to recuse onesself for the sake of integrity is commonplace. For those
born with this position, the answers to life's questions always seem to bring up
more questions than answers. This is because there is often a war being fought
over the truth.

In a diurnal chart, the heat of the day purifies the native's philosophy and the
dryness helps makes the path clearer for otherwise normally ambiguous
situations. They are good at handling the resources of others and may be
fortunate with inheritance. They may also gain from the rash actions or
wrongful behavior of others. They may be good at investigating losses and
finding hidden resources or lost objects. Archaeology may be a key interest.

In a nocturnal chart, the coolness of night creates complications in the natives

philosophical path because things of like and unlike nature are concentrated
together while the wetness blurrs distinction between what is right and wrong.
The native may be tempted to give up on morality and issues of ethicality
because there is a constant war fought over the truth. Justice when finally
arrived at may be poetic.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Jupiter is in his own sign here and is essentially dignified. Therefore, Jupiter
has an easier time asking for things from the cosmic soul based upon its own
nature. As a result, the native is very enterprising and optimistic and is
generally fortunate, especially for the topics (houses) that Jupiter rules. They
are high minded and often have an interest in philosophy and ethics or
religion. They often rise to positions of importance, easily gaining the trust
and promotion of others. They are more adept at dealing with foreign affairs
and customs than most, and have good luck while traveling. They seem to be
presented with opportunities at just the right moment to be able to make the
most of them. They are good at bringing out the best in other people by
inspiring them and making them feel good about themselves. They often have
farsighted visions of what is possible but prefer to have others work out the
details. With difficult aspects, they can be pushy, indiscriminate, self
righteous, narrow minded and fanatical.

In a diurnal chart, the heat purifies the vision and the dryness makes it distinct.
If Jupiter is also above the horizon, it is in hayz in addition to being of the sect
in favor. As a result, their faith is beyond the need for verification, and they
are good at matters of philosophy, religion or ethics. They are easily trusted
and promoted because they are well liked by superiors. These natives rarely
ever have problems with depression and are very good at motivating others as
well as themselves. If Mars aspects, they should watch a tendency to be
fanatical or self righteous.

In a nocturnal chart, the moistness of night blurs distinctions and the coldness
makes the vision impure by grouping like and unlike together in closer
proximity. As a result, faith is less reliable, and seeing takes precedence. The
hint here is that with seeing comes lack of trust and a need for verification.
The native is likely to be caught up in ethical ambiguities from time to time.
This is all the more likely if Saturn aspects. It should be noted that Jupiter is
dignified by being in its own trigon by night in addition to being in its own
domicile, so this position is fortunate in that Jupiter is able to determine fairly
if the standards being set by the bound lord are being adhered to. This should
help to clear up the ambiguities to some extent.

Jupiter in Capricorn

Jupiter is in its fall in this sign, which means that the cosmic soul is not able to
perceive jovian issues like happiness, breadth of understanding, optimism,
etc... with regard to the natives life very clearly. This affects more strongly the
houses that Jupiter rules and not the general issue of happiness. This is
because jovian issues are believed to have less merit when the issue is
seriousness, caution, a focus of understanding (or lack thereof), pessimism,
etc... Antiochus says that where Mars is exalted (war, violence and death),
there Jupiter falls (life and breath). Jupiter is associated with air in ancient
times and mountains are typically saturnian. It is interesting from an
astrological perspective that as you near the summit of a mountain that there is
increasingly less air. What this means on a personal level is that you are likely
to be quite conservative and practical and can be very uncomfortable with
overly optimistic expectations. You may be afraid to get your hopes up and
tend to lower your expectations for the reason that you fear being let down
and disappointed. There may be a tendency to look gift horses in the mouth.
You may be overly cautious when it is unnecessary. Some astrologers say that
this is good for those in business because Jupiter brings abundance and profit
and Capricorn is the sign of business. However this would seem to be illogical
because of the fall hindering the ability of Jupiter to speak to the cosmic soul
about profit. Perhaps under some circumstances where Jupiter is received it
can be heard, despite its inability to be seen while in its "depression". On a
spiritual level, this position seems to be about the ability to perceive
opportunity and overcome the illusion of the nothingness (agnoia) presented
by its lord Saturn.

In a diurnal chart, the heat of the day supports this same quality in Jupiter.
Jupiter is of the sect in favor, allowing it to function within the principle of
limitation through faith. These natives are very practical and can be very
persistent in striving towards their goals. They tend to consistently put a little
effort in every day rather than trying to gain success all at once. They may be
content with the illusion that they cannot make their circumstances any better
or progress faster.

In a nocturnal chart, the cold of the night inhibits the abundance producing
ability of Jupiter. This can mean that the individual suffers from a lack of
financial resources or that they fail to properly perceive opportunities for
advancement because of an excessively conservative or overcautious streak. If
this individual learns to think positively, they will find that seemingly
insurmountable obstacles to success are often illusions created by its lord,
Saturn (agnoia).

Jupiter in Aquarius

This individual is often noted for their humanitarian and philanthropical

tendencies. This is a good position for lawyers, judges and politicians, because
Jupiter here shows that it is likely that the majority of the people will have
respect for this native. Jupiter is very inclusive, so the natives social circle
may potentially be very large and span across ideological, ethnic and racial
boundaries. As a result, he/she develops a very broad perspective and
sympathy for people. This individual feels at ease in large gatherings.
Generally this native will tend to lean to the political left.

In a diurnal chart, the heat makes Jupiter more socially active and popular.
This person has faith in people and is generally more trusting. This position is
best for politicians especially if Jupiter should also be above the horizon. This
is because Jupiter is of the sect in favor, in hayz, and is supportive of the air

In a nocturnal chart, faith gives way to reason, trust gives way to inspection. It
is still favorable at the social level but with the cold decreasing activity and
concentrating people both alike and unlike in tighter spaces, the native is
likely to prefer involvement in smaller groups and is less active within them.

Jupiter in Pisces
Jupiter is in his own domicile here and is therefore essentially dignified by
house. This means that Jupiter can speak on its own behalf for the native
concerning things like faith, justice, benevolence, etc... These individuals tend
to be easy-going and laid back. They are very sympathetic to those less
fortunate than themselves and often desire to help. They are generally very
fortunate themselves so they can end up trying to help alot of people and
stretch themselves too thin. They tend to have great faith in the goodness of
human nature and may turn a blind eye to the underbelly of the world. This
can be their undoing because they can be easily taken advantage of. Their
friendliness and love of animals makes them very popular and they would
make good veterinarians. Because this place is watery, they may need to
watch their weight, especially if Sagittarius or Pisces rises. As with Venus in
Pisces, this is a favorable indication for children if the lot of children should
be here or Pisces is either the 4th, 5th, 10th or 11th sign from the ascendant.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day help to dry up some of the
wetness of this place. They usually have a more realistic view of the character
of those around them. They are not as easily moved to acts of compassion as
their nocturnal counterparts, but seek to help fairly. Theoretically, weight gain
should be less of a problem.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night add the the wetness of this
place showing that there is lack of distinction for whom this individual is
sympathetic to. They are more easily swayed by emotion and appeals to
charity and can be more easily taken advantage of as a result. Theoretically
the coldness slows the metabolism making weight gain more of an issue.

Saturn doesn't make things easy. The taskmaster of the Zodiac, Saturn
commands us to get to work and to work hard. Discipline and responsibility
are important to this Planet.

Much like Father Time, Saturn implores us to look at the clock (its glyph, after
all, is the sickle of Chronos, the God of Time). Is there time for everything we
want to do, or are there limits? Those limitations are important to Saturn and
we must learn to manage them. Restrictions are the province of this Planet, as
is any form of discipline or delay.

In keeping with the passage of time, Saturn governs old age, along with the
lessons it teaches us. Learning life's lessons is key to this Planet, in keeping
with its role as teacher. The majesty of older age also brings with it a certain
sense of tradition, conventionality (our learned patterns of behaviour) and
wisdom, and Saturn is mindful of these characteristics. This Planet applauds
our perseverance and the fact that we've withstood the test of time (yes, time
comes up once again). This senior status brings with it a further measure of
authority, and Saturn lords over that as well.
Structure, order and the way in which we conduct our affairs are all ruled by
this Planet. Contraction and the reining in of assets are also important here.
Lastly, Saturn, as teacher, concerns itself with karma and the lessons which
past experiences might have to teach.

It takes Saturn 28-30 years to complete its orbit of the Zodiac. It is masculine
energy and rules Capricorn and Aquarius and the Tenth and Eleventh Houses.

Saturn - The Gatekeeper and controller

Saturn is representative of the Law of Economy on all levels of the

personality. It is not an agent of deprivation, as much as it is a testing ground
to prove a persons level of maturity and responsibility in dealing with what
he has learned or achieved. We can say that the relationship with Saturn and
the Sun has a great deal to do with physical vitality, and thus we see the
application of the Law of Economy to the physical level. When we examine
Saturn in relationship to the Moon, this Law extends itself into the emotional
area of the personality life. The relationship of Saturn to Mercury conditions
the extent of the lower mental aspect of the lower self.

Saturn, is the Lord of Karma. He stands at the Gates of Spirit world , with the highest of
angels MICHOEL - . Ready to put all who approach and are prepared to enter this
phase of life , to the tests of life . As Abraham and Job ( IYOV ) were put to the test .

From an astronomical point of perspective, Saturn is the furthest planet visible from the
Earth with the naked eye. And its planetary rings are its most impressive feature. The
rings are, of course, symbolic of the Laws of Karma. The position Saturn holds in space
is indicative of the fact that a person cannot incorporate the energies of the furthest
planets - Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, into his individualised consciousness without first
passing the various tests of personal responsibility so that he proves himself capable of
handling the energies of a more evolved state. We can note this particular ~guardianship
of consciousness~ in Saturns rulership over the throat chakra. In order to awaken the
potentials of the two highest vital centres, located at the brow and the crown, an
individual first has to stimulate personal awareness from the level of the throat.

Another term for Saturn is ~Dweller on the Threshold~. This is another of Saturns
many titles, duties and responsibilities in the unfolding of the Path. As such, Saturn
represents the crystalisation of the past, so that ~debts~ may be paid and one may
undertake present opportunities for the future.

~Opportunity~ is one of the most descriptive words that can be applied to Saturn, as he
offers those crises and life situations that bestow conscious freedom of choice. It is
through our restrictions, and the pain which often accompanies thwarted desires or
aspirations, that we come to a greater comprehension of the Laws of Manifestation. The
structure and administration of these Laws are also under the rulership of Saturn.
Eventually, through the opportunities Saturn gives us, we have balanced a great deal of
past karma and have reached a place where conscious choices becomes an actual
possibility. At this point the choices we have to make for our evolutionary advancement
become clear to our wakening eyes. We know that if we accept the work and service in
front of us, we shall be tested. Yet our vision encourages us to shoulder some of the
collective burden for advancing humanity and the expression of Love/Wisdom in the
world. Saturns house position will reveal where our dharma/duty lies in this respect and
where we may expect tests of restriction and self discipline to arise.

Once these tests are taken and passed - once the Path of Discipleship has been achieved
- the very advanced individual passes onto the Cardinal Cross where, it is said, ~Saturn
cannot follow men~ Once human consciousness has reached this initiate state, the Laws
of human Karma have been learned and incorporated into oneself and the ~gate~ which
Saturn guards and protects has swung open.

Saturn and the Earth are very closely related, due to their dual connection with the Third
Ray. Saturn controls the creation of structural patterns for mental energy. It is the
~form~ side of the term ~thought forms~, that is, the crystallization of mental energy so
that the Active Intelligence of Divinity may manifest in the outer world and on the
Earth. It is on our planet therefore, that the karma of out solar system consolidates into
physical form. So does the opportunity for the purification of karma and the eventual
upliftment and ~greater sacredness~ of both humanity and the planet upon which we
live. As the planet of the "Law of Cause and Effect", Saturn also bestows positive
reward. He is definitely the ~Grim Reaper~, but he is also the benevolent Father. The
rewards and punishments we receive are especially true relative to the way we handle
the Earths resources and the energies of the lesser kingdoms: mineral, vegetable and
animal. The synthesis of these three other kingdoms has once more to do with our
administration of the Law of Right Human Relations.

Saturn, as ruler of Capricorn is directly related to the process of Initiation. But Saturn on
the exoteric level is also the co-ruler of Aquarius. It will be through the correct
application of the Laws and Principles of the New Age, so very much influenced by this
planetary ~Gatekeeper~, that we shall be able to co-create and fulfil our individual
karma relative to humanitys collective life in the Aquarian Era.

The position of Saturn in the signs is particularly indicative of several major


1. The sign will point to which Ray qualities may be inhibited on the personality level,
so that such energies are brought into much more objective manifestation by the

2. Such tests and crises will be reflected by the forms of such restrictions in the personal
life, that Is, some will be affected financiallys, others romantically, others physically,

3. The sign position also reveals what the Soul is seeking to perfect in the present
incarnation, in order to foster its own growth and aid in the externalization of the Plan
for humanity.
4. The combination of sign and house placement will point to the urge for the
fulfillment of a specific type of karma, and the kinds of circumstances which will bring
about the necessary testing in ones life.

5. It must be clearly understood that these tests and trials are invoked through the Soul-
centred individuals conscious choice. This is part of living on the Fixed Cross and
indicative of one who is assuming the responsibility for co-creating the structure of his
spiritual life and material destiny. The right use of the mind, and the tests of polarisation
of the emotions and the personal life to the mental plane and the impersonal life, will be
definitely encountered along the Way.

Saturn through the Signs

Saturn in Aries

From the soul-centred perspective this is an excellent place for Saturn yet not from the
level of the personality where Saturn ~falls~ the farthest. We have to take the term
~fall~ from an occult point of view as the meaning is very collective in its orientation
and refers to the fact that when the sons of Mind {humanity} ~fell~ into incarnation, the
Lord of Karma ~fell~ right along with us. We all certainly know this is the case, and no
mater how hard we try, it is impossible to escape the Law of Cause and Effect.

Mercury as esoteric ruler of Aries, blends its energies with Saturn, allowing the Third
Ray energy full access to the Messengers entire range of communication. The Soul-
centred purpose for this position is involved with the ability to properly discipline and
structure the mind for the constant birthing of new ideas. If this does not occur,
problems could arise from a lack of responsibility in the proper use of mental energy.
Once the right use of will accompanies the right use of mind, Saturn in Aries is an
excellent position.

Saturn in Taurus

There is a very strong connection between this most earthy sign and the Earth itself.
From a practical perspective Saturn in Taurus can be extremely helpful in the structuring
of those ideas that can precipitate material abundance into ones life. Yet, if one is
polarized in the desire nature (which is so much a part of personality centred Taurus
energy), such manifestation of resources can be greatly inhibited. The soul-centred
purpose has a great deal to do with harnessing material possessions and the treasures of
the Earth for the service of the Soul and needs of humanity. Once the re-orientation of
values is accomplished on the Fixed Cross, this position of Saturn is a very positive and
powerful one. Look to Saturn in Vulcans sign to break through and destroy anything in
the formative world that inhibits the movements of Active Intelligence from the place of
the Soul.
Saturn in Gemini

The earlier part of the life can indicate certain difficulties in personal relationships, as
Venus rules this Second Ray sign. In order to achieve right loving, one may have to go
through many tests, disappointments, and restrictions. The individual may not be well
understood or may choose partners with whom communication is very difficult. Yet this
is a very potent position from the standpoint of the conscious and intelligent use of
mind. The soul-centred purpose is for the individual to become an agent for the Law of
Right Human Relations. The duality and crises in his own relationships are the training
ground for a deeper understanding of the dynamics that exist between the personal and
the transpersonal facets of his life. Once these lessons are learned, Venuss rulership of
Gemini and Saturns exaltation in Libra become the vehicles of great Joy.

Saturn in Cancer

The Lord of the ~Gate Out~ of incarnation finds himself in the sign of the ~Gate Into~
incarnation, and is thus in quite a restricted set of circumstances. The individual with his
placement may find that as a soul, they are in conflict with the physical, emotional,
and/or mental environment of the personality. They struggle against the restraints and
restrictions that seem to limit their higher expression and deepest sensitivity. In order to
bring about a transformation of their attachment to the earlier difficulties of their family
life and surroundings (characteristics which often accompany this position) they have to
undertake certain personal responsibilities. These require the offering up and
detachment from their pains and emotional suffering. Thus pain is viewed objectively,
and the associated suffering on the personal level is used as a vehicle for greater
compassion and worldly understanding. What is required to bring about this
transformation if the construction of a stronger mental body. The potent Third Ray
contact which Saturn and Cancer hold is the key to success in this respect. ~Give up the
personal pain and grow mentally~ is the message.

Saturn in Leo

On the personality level, a person with this position often has difficulty with the
administration of personal power. The lesson here has to do with the alignment of the
will in order that the mind may create the proper structures for the Will-to-Love. The
boundless urge for power and the incredible frustrations of lost opportunities, so much a
part of this combination when working through the Mutable Cross, work out quite
differently from the perspective of the Fixed Cross. Here, the structures of personal
power are directed toward the service of the group. From the point of view of the Ray
energies, this transition is quite a natural one to make, as Leo and Aquarius are both on
the Fifth Ray. Libra, ruled exoterically by Venus (also the Fifth Ray) and the sign of
Saturns exaltation, helps to bring about proper judgment in the administration of the
Will (Leo and Capricorns contact with the First Ray).
Saturn in Virgo

The Soul-centred purpose of this position is to build the correct structures in life (as
always with Saturn, they are centred on the mental plane) for the unfolding of the Christ
consciousness. The urge is to create those patterns of interchange that foster the process
of synthesis, and thus serve a healing capacity. From the Soul level, this position gives
an intuitive perception of what ~works~ in a given life situation. Its focus of practicality
comes from knowing what will create an inclusive wholeness in life. Saturn joins with
the Moon when it is placed in Virgo, and therefore the form nature becomes a very
important tool in the exteriorization of those conceived patterns of Active Intelligence.
Virgo (the Moon, the Fourth Ray) births these patterns into form where they may be put
at the service of humanity (Second and Sixth Ray characteristics of Virgo).

Saturn in Libra

The true strength of this position can be seen in its fullness if we examine all the Ray
relationships inherent to it. We then find that through Saturn and Capricorn we have the
energies of the First, Third, and Seventh Rays, whilst Venus, exoteric ruler of Libra
brings in the Firth Ray, and Uranus, esoteric ruler of the Scales, further emphasises the
Seventh. The latter is the Ray for the externalization of the Laws of Manifestation
(symbolised by Saturn in Libra) into the world of form. Thus, a Soul-centre individual
with this position will function to administer right judgment in the economic use of
energy, whether this be in terms of money, sex, or human justice. In effect, Saturn in
Libra bestows the ~Mind of Solomon~ with an impartiality and attunement to what is
right and fair in any given life situation. On the personality level, the individual will
always be seeking out the answers to lifes apparent imbalances, especially in the
interchanges in relationships.

Saturn in Scorpio

This is not the easiest position to handle, as it combines the influences of Saturn and
Mars, and thus the Third and the Sixth Rays. Mental energy often clashes with the
emotionally polarized focus of Mars. It is through the Fourth Ray of Scorpio that
harmony will have to be established out of this very basic conflict. On the personality
level, this position may give some very distinct difficulties in dealing with ones sexual
nature. The latter can either be used as a device for controlling others, or can be a great
source of personal frustration because of restraints in its expression. Once one has
mounted the Fixed Cross, Saturn in Scorpio helps in the transformation of personal
desires. It works to break down the compulsive nature of non-regenerative emotional
habit patterns, so that more refined mental structures may be built for the externalization
of the Soul.
Saturn in Sagittarius

Both the planets of the Third Ray - Saturn (mental structure and patterns) and the Earth
(the practical application of such patterns), blend their energies in this position. While
the Archer gives access to the Purpose for walking the Path, the two planets involved in
this combination reveal those pragmatic steps along the Way. On the personality level,
Saturn in Sagittarius may produce a person who is so attached to his personal
philosophy that he is restricted in developing a wider and more inclusive comprehension
of the world, its creeds and religions. From the Soul level, the individual can take from
all the ~noble pathways~ and develop those methods for sharing and teaching the
Wisdom which transcends (and includes) all differences.

Saturn in Capricorn

As Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn both on the exoteric and esoteric levels, this position
is especially powerful. It allows the individual the opportunity to build the ~spiritual
Mountain~ which is the goal for human evolution of the Earth. When accompanies by
love and wisdom, the Saturn-in-Capricorn person can serve to create those structures
and steps that may lead them and others to this Mountain tip. Saturn in Capricorn is thus
a ladder up from the material to the spiritual (the Seventh to the First Rays and planes of
consciousness) as well as down from the heavens to the Earth, as the inner Will-to-Be
unfolds and anchors itself and the outer Plant. The Third Ray is at its most potent and
active when expressing itself through Saturn in Capricorn, endowing the soul-centred
person with astute mental abilities and a very strong dynamic magnetism. One of the
biggest pitfalls along the Way for the personality centred individual with this placement
is the tendency to take the Law into their own hands. This is often expressed by the
lesser self thinking that it is the Law and thus abusing power.

Saturn in Aquarius

From the esoteric level this is one of the most benevolent positions for the Gatekeeper.
It combines the influence of Jupiter (exoteric ruler of Aquarius) and the Second Ray,
plus Venus, ruler of the Fifth Ray, upon which we find the Water Bearer. Venus is also
brought into play through Uranuss rulership over Libra esoterically, and Aquarius
exoterically. We thus find a Soul-centred individual who can be hard at work creating
those social structures and networks that will anchor the new archetypal ideas of the
Age into human consciousness. This position gives an inherent ability to blend those
ideas from the past that have proven their usefulness with those unfolding concepts for
the future. This differs markedly from Saturn in Aquarius on the personality level. Here,
a person is totally circumscribed by his own ideologies and concepts which, for the
most part, have been socially conditioned and inherited from the past. It is to these ideas
that one tenaciously adheres, no matter what their more collective value in the wide
field or human need or experience.
Saturn in Pisces

On the personality level, Saturn in Pisces is indicative of the creation of walls and
barriers without logical reference to actual circumstances. It is a combination that,
unless otherwise mitigated in the natal chart, is fraught with fears and foreboding. One
feels continuously on the verge of being trapped or restricted, and yet doesnt
necessarily know by what or whom. Unless one displays a certain mental brilliance (in
which case this position is excellent for the laboratory, scientist, engineer, etc} Saturn in
Pisces on the personality level usually brings a great deal of confusion into the life. But
on the Soul level, another perspective presents itself. Pluto joins with Saturn in a most
powerful combination to pierce the veils of glamour and illusion which block and
restrict the passage of Active Intelligence into the world. Thus the individual with this
placement is able to uncover many of the hidden, subconscious problems and fears that
plague humanity and, once uncovered, destroy, transmute and restructure them.


SATURN IN CANCER - Summer June July and August 2004

One of my insights mentioned in the

lecture i gave, was with respect to
Saturn on Victory in Europe VE day
on 8th May 1945 saturn was 7 degrees
14' in Cancer, and will be at that
position between 5th April and 20th
April 2004 , let us hope and pray the
end of terrorism and wars .
Also the dates 6th & 9th August 1945
was the atomic bombs were dropped
on japan to finally end the Second
World War, Saturn was at 18 degrees in cancer , which
corresponds to July 18th to July 25th
2004 . I wonder what will happen ? is
that why we all have an inner feeling
that something is going to happen ?
coincendentally this coincedence with
the Jewish mourning period, known as
Tisha B'Av for the destruction of the
Temple 2000 years ago in Jerusalem .
An Obvious omen for the Jewish people to CHANGE their ways of non-
agression, and settle ALL disputes with palestinians . Likewise for the
palestinians and muslems to change and leave their past hatred behind,
learning to LOVE democracy and the Western civilisation .

Good Morning 15th April 2004 , it has

just been announced that Osama Bin
Laden wants a truce in Europe . ( see
BBC news ) . And President Bush and
Ariel Sharon have just announced an
agreement to withdraw from the Gaza ,
which will pave the way for
independent palastinian state . So
hopefully peace in the middle east at
last . However, in comparing the
position of Saturn of the next few
months to the position of Saturn in
1945 , it maybe that USA will still be
involved in conflict, as they were until
August 1945 .
In addition i would like to add that
Saturn was in the same position in
Gemini at the attack of Pearl Harbour
in Dec 1941, as it was on September
11th 2001 which brought the USA into
a war . Interesting ?
The planets have an energy that we do
not fully understand, but nontheless
they have an energy to influence the
events and people on earth . The
planets were created by GOD, and the
whole solar system is moving in a
precise clockwork .
I am sure, one day we will all come to
understand and respect GOD 's
creations .
The Planet Uranus wasn't discovered until 1781. As one of the outermost
Planets, it moves rather slowly through the Zodiac. The result is that its effect
is felt more generationally than individually.

Uranus brings with it a new way of looking at things, and its approach is best
met with an expanded consciousness. Originality, inventions, computers,
cutting-edge technologies and future events are all ruled by this Planet.
Uranus sees no need to stick with the status quo, preferring instead to break
with tradition and create a new mould. The building blocks (science,
electricity) are safe here; this Planet would rather focus its gaze on a new
world order. To that end, rebellion, revolution, dictators, an autonomous state
and free will all fall under the aegis of this Planet.

No one would ever characterise Uranus as subtle. This is the Planet which
incites erratic and bizarre behaviour and Byzantine schemes. A bohemian,
utopian society is more in keeping with Uranus's bent, as are humanitarian

Freedom and creativity are important to this Planet; Astrology is also within
its realm. Lastly, in keeping with its sudden, sometimes violent and often
unexpected manner, Uranus rules earthquakes and other natural disasters.

It takes Uranus 84 years to complete its trip around the Zodiac. It is an

androgynous energy and rules Aquarius and the Eleventh House. Uranus is
considered to be the higher octave of Mercury and the first of the
transcendental Planets.

Uranus in Aries

Uranus is a near perfect match for the nature of Aries; both are very dry.
Modern astrologers often say Uranus rules Aquarius, but if the issue is one of
affinity then Uranus is much more suited to take care of the affairs of Aries (I
do not propose this idea in all seriousness; it is just an argument to make you
think). Mars is of a similar nature to Uranus, in fact, the scientific symbol for
Uranus is a cross between the sword and shield of Mars and the circle and dot
of the Sun; all hot and dry symbols. Uranus is said to cause sudden breaks and
behaves as a maverick, unpredictable in nature. Those born with Uranus here
belong to a generation with heightened instinct for the correct time for action.
Many have been pioneers in the technological fields.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness agrees well with the aristotelean idea
that dryness separates and does not conform easily to the shape of its
container. This would seem to bring about an unrestrained individualism and
eccentricity in the character of this generation. The daylight does not easily
allow for surprises though and frequently those born in the day are seen to be
more constant and forthright in their ambitions. This is because the
unpredictable quality is often associated with the realm of Platos "Other",
which is of nocturnal (cool and wet) nature. I theorize that a diurnal Uranus
here probably operates more in the realm of Nous, or as modern astrologers
are fond of saying, the higher mind. This creates those capable of receiving
inspiration with the ability to initiate leadership on a grand scale if Uranus is
closely joined by any of the inner planets.

In a nocturnal chart, the heat and dryness is directly counteracted by cool and
wet, so perhaps Uranus is more conforming to its role of being unpredictable
in the sense of being less expected and conscious by the native. It may also be
possible that in a nocturnal chart, the effects here are seen to be more physical
than in a dirunal chart. For this reason, this generation may be more prone to
experience unpredictable events or urges as happening to them rather than
their initiating change consciously through the mind of Nous. Such
individuals may experience mishaps as inconveniences to be overcome, rather
than opportunities for change. While malefic planets like Uranus generally
benefit the native when their elemental nature is counteracted, Rob Hand once
said that "some drynesses should not be moistened".

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus is very much at odds with the symbolism presented by Taurus. Most
modern astrologers believe Uranus to be hot and dry in nature. Uranus is
indicative of change, extremes, revolution, upsets, revelations and insight.
Taurus is about a continuance of issues in a steady, slow, consistent and
predictable manner. In effect, Uranus contradicts the Taurean notion of
security. For this generation, security is not something that can be taken for
granted. Uranus was in this place back in the 1850's during the gold rush and
again in the 1930's during the great depression, hence showing the extremes
that Uranus gives signs for when in this sign of capital finance and sense of

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of Uranus is strengthened, making for
greater extremes in what one values during the course of life. There is also
greater uncertainty for this half of the generation. There may be artistic insight
and great creative talent. If any inner planets are closely configured with
Uranus, then this is especially true for you personally.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night counteract and moderate the
extreme nature of this planet. As a result, this half of the generation suffers
sudden change less frequently and not as completely. Usually there is greater
stability, but not as much progress in personal goals, unless inner planets are
closely configured with Uranus.

Uranus in Gemini

This generaton probably has more than its share of geniuses. Uranus is the
planet representing the higher mind and lightning fast insight according to
modern astrologers. Gemini provides little contrast, being a sign associated
with the intellect and wit because of its stewardship by Mercury. Obviously,
not everyone born during this 7 year period will be ingenius, but if you have
close conjunctions or aspects from personal planets in this sign, you are likely
to have a special talent according to the nature of that planet. There were alot
of talented electrical engineers born during the last transit of Uranus in this
sign. When this generation grew up in the mid 60's, Uranus entered Virgo and
the counterculture revolution was born, ushering in many unconventional
thinkers. In general, this is a very unpredictable combination due to the
mutable nature of Gemini and the instability that Uranus signifies.

In a diurnal chart, the hot and dry nature is amplified. Uranus will be
operating more in accordance with its true nature. You may consciously allow
for variety and change and may actively seek stimulating intellectual

In a nocturnal chart, the hot and dry nature associated with Uranus is muted to
some extent, perhaps leading to greater stability. The mind may be more
subject to associative thinking rather than analysis.

Uranus in Cancer

During the last period Uranus was in this sign (1949 - 1956), we began to see
the infiltration of all sorts of electrical gadgetry into the home, such as TV sets
and home appliances such as refridgerators, toasters and washing machines.
Women were taking on new roles within the home for the first time, and some
were getting work outside the home. As a result of this empowerment of
women, men were becoming confused about their own roles within the
societal structure. This turned upside down the old assumptions of what makes
a family function as a family. The principle is that Uranus introduces new and
exciting changes into domestic circumstances. This is sometimes at odds with
the cancerian need for security. Those born during this time with close aspects
to Uranus may have some doubts about personal security. Some may express
this energy by creating innovative homes for themselves or working as an

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day amplify a tendency to break
with the status quo. Depending upon other indicators within the chart, this
individual may react with rebellion or may feel insecure wishing for the status

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night counteract the hot and dry
nature of Uranus. This is likely to create a more serene domestic environment.
Domestic changes that may be due to this would tend to begin on a more
subconscious level without the native instigating changes with awareness of
any goal

Uranus in Leo

Uranus is a good fit for Leo. I disagree that it is in detriment in this sign
because some say that it is the ruler of Aquarius. Uranus represents such
things as sudden breaks, originality, electricity and rebels. It is hot and dry by
nature. The Sun, as administrator for Leo, is also considered hot and dry by
nature. The only possible conflict I see is between the fixed nature of Leo
(representing repetitive action) and Uranus's inclination for change. Some
with this position have made technical advancements for the theatre and
movie industry. It is certainly a great help to all those who want to be seen as
unique in the world. Those with close aspects from inner planets to Uranus in
this sign have a better than average chance of great achievement. Also, since
the Sun is representative of Nous and Uranus is representative of the higher
mind, it is indicative of those with a great vision and inspiration. But again, it
is only likely that those with close aspects to Uranus here will be set as
examples of this before the world.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness are magnified. This would
theoretically increase the "voltage". The natives are more dynamic and
spontaneous and may be full of surprises and inspiration.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night would theoretically inhibit the
process of hyper-individualization.

Uranus in Virgo

Uranus was last in this sign from 1962 - 1968. During this period the
transistor replaced the vacume tube, greatly reducing the size of electronic
components. Virgo seems to place emphasis on smallness possibly because it
is a counter response to Leo's concern for largeness and greatness. Uranus in
Virgo is an excellent combination for those of this generation who have an
interest in technology. Uranus is considered to be the "higher octave" of
Mercury and is associated with electricity. Mercury is associated with
knowledge and information. Therefore it is especially suited to advances in
computer science and information and internet technology.
In a diurnal chart, the dryness is amplified and the heat rarifies. This is a
natural environment for computers and this generation seems to take to
technology easily. Logic and analysis come more quickly for this generation
and those with inner planets in close contact with Uranus in this sign may end
up working in the media or making important contributions in technology.
There may be problems with anxiety and nervousness if afflictions exist.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night work against the hot and dry
nature of Uranus. On the plus side, there is a more laid back attitude and there
is less liklihood that the native may suffer from anxiety. There may be less
interest in technology, though with close aspects from inner planets there is
still great talent.

This also means that anyone born in this period 1962- 1968 , have between
2003 - 2011 to make their mark in life , as Uranus in pisces is currently
oposing their birth Uranus . This is the time in their lives that for the past 14
years they have been preparing for , in order to make a positive difference in
undoing the mess and mayhem the past selfish generations have damaged the
planet and society, but also to be a catalyst for the next generations to guide
them to a good way of life and idealism of love consideration, tolerance and
kindness for all like minded good people .

Uranus in Libra

Uranus was last in Libra from 1968 to 1975. This generation has some rather
non-traditional ideas about marriage and partnership. They tend to be non-
committal and unpartisan in their affiliations. They seek excitement and
variety in their relationships and see them as stepping stones to personal
growth. As a result, they tend to have a wider social circle than most. They
tend to bring with them the "free love" and flower child ideals of their parents.
Their relationships will become especially rocky in middle age when Uranus
enters Aries and they want to do their own thing. Those with inner planets in
close aspect to Uranus in this sign will tend to be known for free spirited
ideals and unique personality. They certainly have been a cause to some of the
promiscuity in society for their freedom in sexual relationships, and from
2011 will have to face the consequences of their actions when Uranus enters
their opposite sign .

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness amplify the power of Uranus to disrupt
the status quo and engage in unconventional standards for relationship.
Marriage may not be a closed monogamous ideal to these natives and they
will frequently prefer open relationships. They dislike jeolousy and consider it
a sign of a lack of understanding and insecurity.
In a nocturnal chart, the cool and wet nature of the night go against the hot
and dry nature of Uranus. There tends to be more moderation of social values
and they seek a middle ground between tradition and avant garde in
relationships. They tend to be a little more conservative than their diurnal
counterparts. In some cases, when change happens in their relationships it
takes them by surprise because they were not conscious of the need for it.

Uranus in Scorpio

Uranus was last in Scorpio between 1975 and 1981. During this time the first
personal computers were being developed, consumer electronics were
becoming more compact and videotape recordings were made possible. Some
say that Uranus is exalted in this sign. This is probably because Scorpio was
associated with change by psychological astrologers who were uncomfortable
with Scorpio's negative "death" image. All signs involve change, but the
change for Scorpio is more dramatic. Uranus is also an indicator of sudden
change and surprises and hence the match. The scientific symbol for Uranus is
the circle with a dot in the center with an upward pointing arrow. It is like
combining the Sun and Mars into one symbol. Both the Sun and Mars are
exceedingly hot and dry in nature. This generation will probably have a
rebellious undercurrent and will probably try to upset the status quo more than
most generations. Many will have a talent for computer science, engineering
and mechanics and may make breakthroughs in artificial intelligence.

In a diurnal chart, the hot and dry nature of the day amplify these same
qualities in Uranus. The result is that some individuals with close aspects from
inner planets will be prone to open rebellion. They will tend to stick to their
principles. They generally have good insight into how to use technology to
their advantage and make excellent engineers who are able to work around
difficult problems.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night inhibit the hot and dry nature
of Uranus so that rebellion is either more covert or eliminated. For those with
close aspects from inner planets to Uranus in this sign, change may be abrupt
and tend to take them completely by surprise because they were not conscious
of the need for it.

Uranus in Sagittarius

Uranus was last in this sign between 1981 and 1988. The changable nature of
Uranus agrees well with the mutable nature of this sign and will not allow the
status quo to stand. It was a time when televangelism was widespread and
religious ideas took advantage of technology. Ironically the "prince of the air"
(electricity - but also Satan) became the medium for these messages. Pope
John Paul II began to travel more than any other pope and was widely
considered to be somewhat unorthodox at the time. Churches looked for ways
to liven up a worn out message and some debated the rules. The issue of
women taking over pastoral roles was in the spotlight as well. The hot and dry
nature of Uranus tends to bring sudden insights and fresh perspectives while
in this sign. This generation will value their freedom more than most and
many will question authority and established truths. Those with close aspects
from inner planets to Uranus here will be set as examples before the public for
fresh insights in philosophy and avant garde technologies often through new

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day amplify these same qualities
attributed to Uranus. This half of the generation will tend to be more openly
rebellious and more circumspect of established truths.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night counteract the hot and dry
nature of Uranus. This half of the generation will prefer to approach
philosophical (and other) changes with a little more subtlety and less

Uranus in Capricorn

Uranus was last in this sign between late 1988 and 1995. Uranus represents
sudden breakthroughs, change and enlightenment, but the lord of this sign,
Saturn has to do with anangke (agnoia - ignorance), traditions and oppression.
Sometimes traditions are practiced so long that no one remembers why they
started and what they are for. They have the effect of limiting questioning and
thought of how things can be changed for the better. Because this place has to
do with government, it shows unrest and change in the balance of power
world wide. Uranus entered this sign under an eclipse in early Capricorn in
late 1988. At the same time the PanAm 103 disaster struck. A few months later
the Tienamen Square massacre took place (June 4, 1989), and by November
the Berlin wall fell effectively signifying the end of communism in eastern
Europe. The old order continued to fall and questions about the integrity of
government institutions was wide spread which led to the Waco disaster and
the OK City bombing. Interest in technology also reached a pinnacle during
this period when the Windows operating system became viable because of
advances in micro-chip technology. Those born with Uranus in this sign will
have to reconcile the need for stability and security and the need for change.
This issue becomes all the more pointed when you have inner planets in close
aspect or conjunction to Uranus here, in which case you should not be
surprised if you become involved with, or become the focus of some
movement for social change at some point in your life. It is likely that most of
this generation will have an acute distrust of government institutions and a
latent fear of big brother. They are also likely to be talented technicians and
problem solvers.
In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day amplify these same qualities
in Uranus. The need for change and a break from traditions and establised
thought patterns will over power the need for stability and continuity.
Depending upon which house this is in, it will tend to create havoc and
instability in those areas, particularly if Uranus is closely aspected. When
change happens it is likely to be a conscious decision and unlikely to be a

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night counteract the excessively hot
and dry nature of Uranus. Change becomes more difficult and often the native
feels that something is not quite right (often related to the house Uranus is in),
but they just can't seem to put their finger on it. If something changes abruptly,
it is likely to be more surprising.

Uranus in Pisces

Uranus was last in this sign between 1919 and 1927 and will be there again
between 2003 and 2011. The changable nature of Uranus agrees well with the
mutable/bicorporeal quality of this place, but the extreme dryness of Uranus
does not agree well with the cold and wet nature of Pisces. This has the effect
of slowing down transitions, submerging rebellions into the underground and
creating passive resistance. If I'm not mistaken, it was during this time that
Gandhi first led his passive resistance movement to free India from the
British. It is also interesting that during this time prohibition became law in
the USA (Pisces = alcohol), but was widely ignored and resisted covertly.
When Uranus enters in 2003 there is likely to be increased interest in
exploring the oceans and new technology to help make it happen. There will
likely be many more surprising discoveries in oceanography. Remote vacation
spots may become more popular. Technology will become more common
place in third world nations and India may experience a renaissance because
of this. Those of this generation born with Uranus in high focus here may
follow the example of Gandhi as a leader in passive or underground resistance
to authority. They will have to find a balance between personal freedom, and
personal sacrifice.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day strengthen Uranus's hot and
dry nature. These individuals will tend to value personal freedom over
sacrifice. They are likely to be more rebellious as a result, but in a subtle,
more passive way.

In a nocturnal chart, the cold and moist of night counteract the hot and dry
nature of Uranus. As a result, these individuals are less likely to value
personal freedom or are more willing to sacrifice it for the greater good. In
some cases it may be that they lack the spirit to fight for freedom even though
they value it.
Currently as Uranus is in pisces from December 30th 2003 until 2011

It's been a while since I've written anything non-technical and it is fitting that I
am doing this on the same day Uranus ingressed into tropical Pisces. I've
noticed that alot of you have been searching for this information on the web,
but I haven't had time to respond until now (now that I've finished a recent
update of my software). Actually, I'll be talking about that and what I see as
coming dangers from Uranus in Pisces over the next 7 years.

Uranus in Pisces is a sharp contrast to Uranus in Aquarius. Elementally they

are quite different. Aquarius is a fixed/solid air sign, and Pisces is
bicorporeal/water. The last transition was much smoother as there is less
difference between Capricorn and Aquarius (as Saturn administers for both).
While Aquarius is generally regarded as the sign of knowledge (air), and
because of the "ongoing" (fixed) nature of this sign, it was a good time for
practical and sustained achievement in technical issues. The internet had been
"under construction" when Uranus was in Capricorn, but it really started to
realize its significant traffic potential when it entered Aquarius 7 years ago.
Saturn had been restraining and redirecting uranian impulses toward practical
and intellectual issues while in Aquarius, but now Uranus is under the
jurisdiction of Jupiter/Neptune in his other "anything goes" sign. While this
transition is going to be more bumpy than the last, it still pales in comparison
to the extreme transition of Uranus into Aries, from water to fire, 7 years from
now. For this (and other reasons), the end of this decade will be especially

In Religion (Pisces):

Pisces is a sign that has been associated with self undoing, self sacrifice, and
christianity. For instance, the catholic practice of eating fish on friday, is
related to the exaltation of Venus in the sign of the fish (Pisces - in French:
Vendredi = Friday, Venus = Friday). It is also associated with oil, not just
motor oil, but things like fish oil and olive oil. Some say that this is because
Neptune represents oil (oil is a very wet substance elementally in that it blurs
distinctions). Pisces also belongs in the cold quadrant which creates a
coalescence of things that are like and unlike eachother. This is in essence
what the christian church does (anoint us in oil and bring us together with
people from different backgrounds). Under uranian influence, unrest is likely
to intensify in the church. Aside from the obvious probablilty that there will be
a new pope (St Malachi is said to have stated the next pope will be known as
the "Glory of the Olives"), there will probably be a significant declaration of
rebellion or schism in church philosophy due to some sort of revelation(s).
The issue of identity, soul and spirit will become more important in spiritual
issues and will be reflected in legal issues such as cloning (because Uranus is
sometimes known as "the Sun behind the Sun" which represents Nous and
ego, etc...).

The question on most people's minds these days is whether the US will go to
war in Iraq, but in the background, Uranus is reflecting changes in many
people's beliefs and faith. The dogma attack after Sept 11th has subsided in
the US for the most part and people in the US seem to be more open to other
points of view as would be expected with Uranus in Pisces. Now is a good
time for all people to examine how their individual beliefs may have been
shaped by the collective over the past 7 years. You may find that ideas that
you once held as gospel are very far from the truth, which brings me to the
other signification of this combination: sudden insight that leads to
disillusionment. As time wears on it will become more apparent that there is
much behind the scenes that is not as it appears.

The clash between christian, jewish and islamic faiths will come to a head
because during this time Pluto in Sagittarius will be receiving a square from
Uranus. The basic lesson for humanity now is to learn what it means to see
"the Sun behind the Sun" and to have compassion for and understanding of
the basic duality (or bi-corporeality of the body politic) of human nature. For
example, here in the USA it is still extremely unpopular to say anything
positive about Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, etc... But if you
are to be completely honest, you have to admit the good with the bad. Failure
to do so as Jung would have said can lead to the creation of a powerful
shadow that can be very dangerous. It seems that we currently have a
collective shadow in the USA that is very similar to the zeitgeist that existed
in the early 1940's. To test your susceptability to this shadow, read the

Hussein is doing for the Arabs what Hitler did for the Germans, in organizing
them and lifting them up out of dire straits, educating them with higher levels
of literacy than anywhere in the Arab world and this is what the west is really
afraid of: that someone with power like this in the middle east could become a
world leader ahead of the USA. This is also what is really behind the west's
support of Israel, particularly Britain and the USA since they've been
imperalistic partners. They know Israel will oppose Arab domination of the
world. The 3rd world is primarily islamic and if they catch the same wave of
prosperity that the USA did in the 1800's and 1900's then the USA will have to
relinquish its world power status because the GNP of the rest of the world will
be far greater than the US's. The IRS is already hated by millions of americans
and our govt is hated by many abroad. I suspect that our own government
fears this wave of prosperity in the 3rd world and how it can destabilize their
power base.
If you feel particularly sick to your stomach right now, you are probably pretty
susceptible to this shadow. Whether you like it or not, the first part of it is
factual, Hussein has been working on the Iraqi infrastructure since the early
70's and has raised the literacy rate and standard of living for many Iraqi's
(albeit using draconian measures). He has helped some and he has hurt others.
Now, president Bush hasn't gassed us, but some are suggesting that he let a
known possible attack on the WTC to pass for political purposes. I suppose
we will never really know for certain. Now if you're saying to yourself that
there is no comparison, that Bush is far better than Hussein, I'd argue that you
are missing the point, because the truth is that we all have both good and bad
in us. If you say that Saddam's road to power is paved with bloodshed, so too
can one say it of the USA because the US came to world power paved in the
blood of 55 million indians and countless slaves from Africa. To say that one
is better than another or focus only on one individual will tend to hide other
issues that are also true and need addressing. Uranus in Pisces is about
searching for hidden reasons that rarely see the light of day, such as the reason
why the US and UK support Israel, and that this war is not just for oil or to
stop terror for which these reasons are more obvious (however the link to
terror is not established in my mind). When there are multiple reasons for an
action, it is easier to disguise the true reason for doing something. Politicians
find this useful in taking the criticism away from politically unpopular actions.

As for the possibility of war, this is an unusually "hot" period, as both Saturn
and Mars will come unusually close to the earth this year. Saturn is the closest
to the Sun that it has been for several centuries this year, and Mars this Sept
will be at the most brilliant opposition that it's had in our lifetimes. However, I
don't think that the configuration in the sky is as volatile as it will be in 2009-
2011. I have not had the chance to look at charts for the USA or Iraq to see
how they interact with the current configuration so I don't have anything more
to offer in this area.

In Technology (Uranus):

Here, Uranus in Pisces is likely to introduce significant difficulty over the

next several years. The main problem is that as a main significator for
technology, Uranus is hot and dry by nature. Pisces is cold and wet. Everyone
knows what happens if you drop a powered up laptop into a bath tub full of
water. It will fizzle out because the wetness of the water causes the
distinctions of the circuits in the motherboard to become blurred. This is
merely an aristotelian way of looking at it. Circuits need fine distinctions
(sharply defined pathways) so a short doesn't result. Electricity has a quality
of "Otherness" (in terms of Plato's other), and needs a certain amount of
containment. It is very unpredictable, unlike other areas of physics. On a
metaphorical level this represents a time when ideas and information that are
not alike will have to share close quarters (because the cold of Pisces
concentrates like and unlike together). This will create the need for higher
tolerance of different cultures and ways of living.

Programmers have a concept known as "information hiding" which is the

foundation of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). This is very helpful in
maintaining complicated code so that information access is limited only to
data structures that are supposed to have access. The problem is that the
wetness of Pisces tends to overpower the dryness of Uranus (I get the feeling
there is an awful pun here somewhere). This represents access to information
that is not supposed to occur and may become a security hazard. I wonder if
the Microsoft .NET framework is up to the task in making the different
platforms able to communicate with eachother in a safe (dry) way?
Technically, I know this is possible, but as a programmer, I also know that it is
impossible to think of everything and account for it ahead of time. We may
see some rather colossal security breaches in the IT field over the next few

Pisces represents the underground, hidden and forgotten areas of life that can
lead to undoing of self (some link this to the 12th house or to Neptune).
Because Uranus is a prime significator for technology, we are likely to see the
more negative manifestations of technology: such as the widespread misuse of
information, piracy, and computer viruses. Authors will have a harder time
protecting their intellectual property and copyright infringement will become
even more commonplace than it already is (I personally have been the victim
of dozens (if not hundreds) of copyright infringement and bandwidth theft
cases, not to mention software piracy, some of which my lawyer, Phil Frankel
has been looking into). Efforts that are likely to succeed on the technological
front are those that are not geared towards personal achievement, but more
towards altruistic merit. Linux and other open source projects are likely to
progress and do well in this period. The down side is that as IT workers get
paid less, the quality of the work will suffer. It will probably be more
commonplace for programmers and other high tech area employees to be seen
in soup kitchens and rescue missions. If this happens, a few years into this
Uranus position may see an interest in "antique software" begin to develop
during this period as a throwback to the "good old days" when tech jobs
commanded higher respect.

In closing, I would like to say that it is unlikely that there will be many
outward sudden changes in the status quo in most areas. Uranus in Pisces is
more for reflection and a period of transition in which subtle under the surface
changes accumulate with an eventual surprising result. There will of course be
some surprises (possibly for instance, as indicated by the presidential death
cycle), but the prevailing trend is that of undermining stability and subtle
change. By the end of this decade, outward and obvious changes in political
and governmental institutions will manifest themselves based in part upon
what we have done with this period of reflection.

Neptune, another of the outer Planets, was discovered in 1846. Its slow orbit
around our Zodiac ensures that its effect is generational in nature.

Much about this Planet is fluid (Neptune rules the oceans of the Earth),
changeable and illusory in nature. Dreams, illusion, abstract thought and the
mysterious are all governed by Neptune. Our spirituality is important to this
Planet, as is how we harness that energy for our personal betterment. Neptune
invites us to let its energy wash over us and to use a meditative state to gain
insights and heightened awareness. Poetry, music and dance are among the
trancelike activities which this Planet favours.

Neptune does have its showier side, too, as it rules movies, television, theatre,
fashion and all forms of glamour. In essence, Neptune is creating an illusion -
of what is enchanting on the outside and captivating within. Neptune has a
mystique, which doesn't reveal itself easily. It can be a poser, too, dabbling in
flattery and subversion.

The shadow side of Neptune is akin to the ageing stage star who cannot make
one more curtain. When the lights are low, this Planet plays in a netherworld
of drugs, alcohol, trances and hypnosis. On its darker days, Neptunian energy
reeks of escapism; it's a sea of delusion, hypochondria and abnormality. Sleep
and dreams are also ruled by this Planet.

It takes Neptune 165 years to complete its whirl around the Zodiac, spending
roughly 14 years in each Sign. Its feminine energy rules Pisces and the
Twelfth House. Neptune is known as the higher octave of Venus and is the
second of the transcendental Planets.

Neptune in Aries

Neptune is nearly the opposite in nature to Aries and is exceedingly cold and
wet. While Aries tries to be pure to a cause and rarify its surroundings
(medieval view), the coldness of Neptune aggregates and brings together
things of unlike nature that are often contrary to the directness of this sign.
Neptune seems to put forth the issue of compassion wherever it is located and
in this case it is in the sign of action and leadership. The danger comes
because of the impossiblilty of satisfying all, creating indecision and the
appearance of weak or inept leadership. This generation may suffer, as a
result, a heightened lack of confidence in its leadership or develop a cynicism
of the future of the cohesiveness of its nationhood. Civil war is not

In a diurnal chart, an individual from this generation may be able to see

through the fog of uncertainty a bit more clearly, clarifying priorities and
setting the needs of others in proper order in a more conscious manner, or
because the moistness and cold is counteracted by the heat and dryness of the
daytime, there may be a insensitivity to the larger issues of society and a
preoccupation with personal concerns. What they seem to have in common is
the lesson that ones actions cannot help but affect the whole in some way and
that a conscious compromise must be reached.

In a nocturnal chart, the clarity and decisiveness is doubly counteracted by the

cool and moist of Neptune and the night. The balance here for the individual
from this generation seems to be in favor of consideration for others and
making allowances for exceptions. As before in a nocturnal chart, the
manifestations may be more physical than conscious, meaning that the native
is more likely to experience events as happening to them and not being
initiated by them. Neptune in this situation may represent one who cares for
those who are victims of war or violence, if there is close contact between any
of the inner planets and Neptune.

Neptune in Taurus

While Neptune agrees with the medieval view of the elemental nature of
Taurus, it has the potential to be just as upsetting as Uranus. With Uranus
there is a sharp contrast to let you know abruptly that there is a problem with
your sense of values. In comparison, Neptunes inherently wet nature blurrs
distinctions allowing your senses to become confused. For this reason, those
of this generation who have inner planets in close configuration to Neptune in
Taurus may suffer from confused values and deception in finance.

In a diurnal chart, Neptune's wet nature is indirectly counteracted by the heat

of the day. This should minimize any potential problems in seeing financial
issues clearly, unless the chart is inherently wet and lacks earth or air in its
overall makeup. Unless inner planets are closely configured with Neptune,
this is likely to be more of a background issue of this generation rather than a
personal issue.

In a nocturnal chart, Neptune's inherently wet nature is indirectly amplified by

the cold of night. This potentially creates a greater lack of perspective of
financial and other value related issues until it is too late. Again, unless inner
planets are closely configured with Neptune, this is likely to be more of a
background issue of this generation rather than a personal issue. On the plus
side, it can create artistic genius, particularly if Venus or Mercury aspect
Neptune here.Unless inner planets are closely configured with Neptune, this is
likely to be more of a background issue of this generation rather than a
personal issue

Neptune in Gemini

Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions and vision. The last time Neptune
was in this sign was in the late 1800's. H. G. Wells wrote "The Time
Machine", and it was the beginning of all sorts of ideas relating to how
technology can bring the world closer together. The telephone and automobile
were becoming a reality at this time; both are Mercurial inventions brought
about by a grand vision. Those individuals with close conjunctions and
aspects to Neptune in this sign were in many cases instrumental in starting this
revolution. However, in many cases these mercurial ideas did not have a very
realistic or practical application. Such is the influence of Neptune.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness theoretically counteract the cool and
wet nature of Neptune. Conversely, a nocturnal chart would seem to amplify
the effects of Neptune in this sign (or any sign). I have not done any research
to see whether those of this generation with the greatest impact with regard to
these issues came from one sect more predominantly than the another.

Neptune in Cancer

Neptune was last in Cancer between 1901 and 1915. This generation was
patriotic and willing to sacrifice themselves for their family and their country.
Neptune is very idealistic and because of its cold and wet nature does not
distinguish well between self and others, which is why sacrifice comes more
easily to this generation. This is a time in which ideals for proper governance
within nations for the proper care of its citizens were gradually becoming a
reality. The Bolshevic revolution was the result just as Neptune left this sign
and communism went from being a Marxian abstraction to an imperfect
reality. Because Neptune sometimes has to do with release and letting go, it
may indicate that the native is freed from the parents. Obviously, because this
is present for all born during a 15 year period, there needs to be other
indications of this in the chart.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day provides an antidote to
Neptunes idealism. They tend to be a little more pragmatic about domestic
issues if other indicators back this up.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night amplify the idealistic
tendencies of Neptune. They can be very self sacrificing for their families. In
some cases it may indicate orphanhood, or a strange relationship with the
Neptune in Leo

The last time Neptune was in this sign was between 1915 and 1929 and for
most of this time it could be described as glamorous and a time of unrealism.
In terms of the stock market, it was a time of wild and unrealistic investments
which came to an end when Neptune entered the frugal sign of Virgo in 1929.
This was the time of the "roaring 20's". Oddly enough, the adjective "roaring"
was used for when it was in the sign of the lion. Prohibition was instituted at
this time (Neptune represents alcoholic beverages). Oddly enough, Leo is
considered a dry sign. After all, cats hate to get wet! Neptune is good for the
idealistic and romantic side of Leo. It is great for musical creativity (Jazz was
born during this time). Speculation and exaggeration are problems for this
generation. Because Neptune represents self undoing, and Leo is about self
identity, some will come to an ignominious end. It can also represent a distaste
for authority. Close aspects from inner planets to Neptune here may set the
native as an example of these traits before the public.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day go directly against the cool
and moistness of Neptune. If there are no inner planets aspecting Neptune
here then it may go unnoticed. Neptune may operate but probably to a lesser

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night amplify these qualities in
Neptune, theoretically enhancing its power to create illusion, and romance.

Neptune in Virgo

Neptune was last in this sign between 1929 and 1943. In some ways this is
symbolic of a detriment, because Neptune's idealism is not well supported by
Virgo's analysis and attention to realistic detail. As a result, when Neptune
first entered this sign, it deflated investments sending the stock market into
chaos. Neptune in Virgo symbolized that there was no harvest. It caused
disillusionment in many, and the great depression ensued. Because Leo
emphasized play, it was now time to focus on work, but Neptune has the
tendency to expand without adding anything of substance. As a result, work
became scarce and there was record unemployment. The "New Deal" was
proposed and enacted by FDR to help get America back into prosperity. In
order to counteract the differences in wealth, welfare and social security came
into being and work conditions came into high focus with unionization
growing in strength. In other parts of the world communism was becoming the
standard for economic survival. Those born during this time became known as
the beatnik generation. Those with close aspects from inner planets to
Neptune in this sign are set up as examples before the public for these ideals.
In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness counteract Neptune's cool and wet
nature. Because heat and dryness separate and rarify, this half of the
generation will be less sympathetic to the needs of others. Unless there are
close aspects from personal planets to Neptune in this sign, this is not likely to
become an issue. If there are, the native may be confronted with problems that
show that no man is an island.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and wet of night agree with Neptune's nature.
There is a feeling of more commonality and unity. Organizations like the Red
Cross and the Heifer Foundation may appeal to the native. Those with close
aspects from inner planets to Neptune in this sign may make important
contributions in medecine and pharmaceuticals.

Neptune in Libra

The last time Neptune was in Libra was between 1943 and 1956. This
generation tends to be very idealistic about their relationships and will
generally have a harder time seeing and accepting other people as they are.
They can also be artistically inspired and gifted in music. Those with close
aspects from inner planets to Neptune in this sign may become known for
their musical or artistic talent. They tend to dislike exclusion or segregation
and believe in integration of social and cultural values. They are humanitarian,
compassionate and peace loving, but with negative aspects thay can become
dependant upon others, addicted to drugs, and disillusioned.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day counteract the cool and wet
nature of Neptune. They are more likely to become disillusioned and see
others for what they are. In a few cases they become paranoid, worried that
they are involved with people who lack character or good morals.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and wet of night are in agreement with Neptune's
nature. They are very compassionate and humanitarian and idealistic and they
have appreciation for social diversity. Artistic or musical ability is probably

Neptune in Scorpio

Neptune was last in this sign between 1956 and 1970. This period started with
the mob being attacked and brought down from within by those who betrayed
confidence. "The Untouchables" was a popular TV series at the time which
combined Neptune's illusory quality with Scorpio's underworld. This was the
era in which America lost its innocence when it assassinated its inspiration
and ideals through JFK, MLK and RFK. The beginnings of the drug culture
took root in ghettos and then spread to the hippie movement as a result. Many
born during this time have escapist tendencies. A few will be mystical and
visionary and may have psychic ability or musical talent. They tend to set
themselves against the status quo and may appear degenerate if Neptune has
great importance in the chart.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day counteract the cool and
moist nature of Neptune. These natives will be less sensitive to drugs and less
likely to abuse them than their nocturnal counterparts. They are less prone to
psychic ability but may be talented in music if they have close aspects from
inner planets to Neptune here.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night amplify these same qualities
in Neptune. This half of the generation will tend to be more escapist and drug
oriented. Some will instead have psychic ability and seek to use their talents in
an inspiring manner.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Neptune was last in this sign between 1970 and 1984. Neptune has the effect
of eroding the righteousness and truth represented by the lord of this sign,
Jupiter by introducing a cold and wet nature into these issues. This brings
about impurity of philosophy (hypocrisy) due to the coldness and the wetness
blurrs distinctions such that rationalizations often take place about the
lowering of standards and corruption. The Watergate scandal is the supreme
example of many during this period. Many were left with doubt and
disillusionment over the integrity of legal standards and trust was lost. Those
born during this time feel a need for less hypocritical legal, philosophical and
religious standards. This generation may be somewhat unorthodox in
searching for the truth and are unlikely to stick to established philosophies.
They will most likely prefer to establish their own belief system. Those with
close aspects from inner planets to Neptune here will search very hard for the
meaning of life and will be set as examples of great teachers and philosophers.
Their words may be prophetic. Those who seek careers in the legal system
may be disappointed with scandal.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day tend to minimize the cool
and moist nature of Neptune. This may have the effect of rendering it
invisible, but more likely, this half of the generation will tend to idealize
issues of truth and justice and may be blinded to the warning signs of
corruption or hypocrisy until it is too late. Scandal may take them by surprise.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night magnify these same qualities
attributed to Neptune. Because the lord of Neptune is not of the sect in favor,
seeing takes precedence over faith. The result is that hypocrisy and corruption
is more easily sensed by this half of the generation. They are very sensitive
and prophetic and seek the meaning of life seriously.
Neptune in Capricorn

Neptune was last in this sign between 1984 and 1998. Because of Neptune's
excessively wet nature, Saturn's dryness which promotes distinctions is
inhibited. This has the effect of undermining, in a subtle way, the structures
and institutions of government such that their integrity is questioned. Scandal
is often the result. In the USA, the period began with the idealism of patriotic
values under Reagan and ended with the impeachment of Clinton. Because the
energy level of Neptune is low, resistance is often passive in nature. It is
similar to Jupiter's transit of this place in that one has to evaluate what is truly
real and what is just illusion. Communism was strongly affected by this transit
because Neptune is inclusive and idealistic and Saturn seeks to organize this
into a political reality. This generation will be prone to idealistic values with
regard to what the proper role of government should be. Those with inner
planets in close aspect or conjunction to Neptune here may promote a form of
government in the future with religious or philosophical overtones.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day counteract the cold and wet
nature of Neptune. Therefore, Saturns ability to create and maintain structure
is upheld. Neptune may only be felt as a sort of idealizing influence upon the
structures that Saturn has created in your life. As a result, you may be blinded
or rationalize any problems related to the house position of Neptune. You may
find it difficult to let go of traditions.

In a nocturnal chart, the cold and wet of night amplify these same qualities in
Neptune. These natives will have to face and discern reality from illusion in
order to create effective structures represented by the house placement of
Neptune. They are less likely to have idealistic values related to government
and patriotism and are more likely to passively resist injustices.

Neptune in Aquarius

Neptune is idealistic by nature, and because of its inherently cold and wet
disposition, it is inclined to promote social unity and discount the individual
differences between people. Those born of this generation may be inclined
towards utopic visions of how people should live together. Communism in
some altered form may come back into fashion when those born during this
time mature. On a more mundane level, this has the effect of placating the
masses so that they might not take action when they should and become
apathetic about social issues. Some will be disillusioned with humanity and
become misanthropic as a result. Those with the inner planets closely
aspecting Neptune will be the ones who will be set as examples for these
In a diurnal chart, Neptune is not as wet and cold, but that is not to say that it
supports making fine distinctions, just that it is less inclined to unify and
idealize social situations. This half of the generation will be more active in
promoting utopic ideals.

In a nocturnal chart, Neptune's cold and wet nature is amplified. Social and
moral issues are more supported but there is less motivation to act on behalf of
promoting change. These natives are more inclined to promote passive
resistance as an answer to social change.

Neptune in Pisces

Neptune was last in Pisces between 1847 and 1861 and will re-enter Pisces in
2012. Neptune blends in very well here and some consider it to be dignified
by being in its own sign. During this time, slavery was coming to an end and
many slaves were escaping to freedom through the underground railroad. A
new form of art called impressionism became popular through the works of
Monet and Cezanne and many people chased their dreams of wealth during
the gold rush. In general, those born during this time will have high
philosophical and moral ideals. It is not usually profound in a physical sense
but very much so in a spiritual sense. They can be very idealistic and if
Neptune is brought into high focus while in this sign then these natives will be
inspired. However, without some grounding in earth, they will tend not to be
very practical and may find it hard to make the vision a reality. This
combination is indicative of spiritual and philosophical breakthroughs such as
existentialism. It is interesting that the next transit of Neptune here will
coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar.

In a diurnal chart, the heat and dryness of the day counteract the cold and wet
nature of Neptune. This may cause it to be less of an issue in the chart by
taking away Neptune's propensity for inspiration, but while functioning under
the principle of limitation, the native may find that they are more able to make
practical use of Neptune's energy.

In a nocturnal chart, the cold and wet of night amplify these same qualities in
Neptune. Theoretically, this should create greater spiritual insights, but with
the principle of limitlessness in operation, the native may find it more difficult
to find support for a firm foundation for their insights.

As the outermost Planet in our solar system, Pluto is also the farthest from the
Sun. It has only recently been discovered, having come to light (albeit dimly)
in 1930.
Pluto's energy may be subtle, but its results will hit you like a ton of bricks.
This Planet is about transformation, regeneration and rebirth. Things aren't
pretty with Pluto, but they do get done. Pluto says, 'Out with the old and in
with the new,' and we'd better be ready for it. If we're not, this Planet will
simply have us wallow in our misery. Pluto asks us to transcend what we
know, redeem ourselves in the process, and come out stronger as a result.

For all that Pluto (re)creates (it also governs the reproductive system), it loves
to destroy just as much. This Planet rules destruction, death, obsession,
kidnapping, coercion, viruses and waste. That's certainly not pretty. Pluto also
governs crime and the underworld, along with many forms of subversive
activity (terrorism, dictatorships). This Planet is about all that is secret and
undercover, that which is hidden from view. Is this the story of good versus
evil? Yes.

No one will deny Pluto's power (it rules atomic power, too) and intensity. This
Planet's energy is often focused on the masses and what the collective will do.
Pluto beseeches the masses to look inward, to their subconscious, to see
what's there. It may be scary, but Pluto doesn't care. This Planet knows how to
push buttons.

It takes Pluto approximately 248 years to complete its orbit around the Zodiac.
Due to the eccentricity of its orbit, it takes this Planet between 12 and 31 years
to pass through a Sign. It rules Scorpio and the Eighth House. Pluto is the last
of the transcendental Planets and is the higher octave of Mars.

Get ready to _RUMBLE_!! Pluto is symbolized by the volcano that harbors

red hot lava deep within, smoldering and smoldering for years, then one day
somewhat unexpectedly (impossible to predict the exact moment!), the
volcano explodes and fountains great masses of lava down the mountainside
and onto the surrounding landscape. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth,
power and transformation. Pluto deals with great sweeps of life-changing
energies in one's personal life, and societally in the political and government
arenas. Pluto operates at the most intimate personal level as well as in the
consciousness of the masses.

Pluto deals with deeper truths that may seem at first very mysterious, esoteric,
but are definitely metaphysical/energetic in relation to the physical. Pluto is
here to tell you "it's not about what you think" or what's in your conscious
mind. It's about WHAT IS, and your way of being in the world. Pluto is about
your true power, your true will, beyond the conscious mind. The conscious
mind is just the tip of the iceberg. Pluto deals rather with what is subliminal,
partly emerging to consciousness and capable of being described somewhat,
but hinting at a big mass and iceberg below, hinting at a vast deeper reality,
the borders of which we cannot fully discern.

With Pluto, we ideally learn to be fully open, appropriately self-disclosing,

"out-there," getting the inside outside, feeling connected to the ground of
being and the whole universe. And we learn to associate with persons who are
also committed and able to be fully open. The more you and your associates
can stay in communication about that subliminal area of "what's coming up"
the more success you will have in your personal life and in relationships, as
well as leadership.

Pluto operates deeply on the level of being and energy. Pluto relates to the
_ground of being_, the spiritual substance that is immanent in what we see
and what happens around us, and literally stands under what is visible.
Another word for this ground of being is "God immanent," or that expression
of spirit or will of God that I call "the Energy." Where what we think already
aligns with the energy, the energy is easy to understand. However, where what
we think does _not_ align with the energy, we need to go deeper, deepen our
perception to get a feel for the energy of a situation. If we orient to the energy,
we can adjust our thinking accordingly. Until then, our thinking may be false
and unworkable and we don't even know it - we keep trying to make our
thinking work in the world where there is no energetic support for it. Here's
where the conscious mind can be the "slayer of the Real," a usurper of power
in our system, when we would be better off to identify ourselves *as spirit*
and align with something much greater and intelligent than our ordinary
conscious minds, then use the discursive intellect to name the Energy and
make useful distinctions.

"Grounding" means to be IN our body as spirits, not partially or fully out-of-

body. Grounding means to be optimally embodied, it does not mean to be
trapped in a body. Healthy grounding allows us to be fully in our bodies, yet
allows us to know ourselves as spirit and to be dis-identified with our bodies
at the same time and therefore free to roam the universe at will. Grounding is
related to the ground of being, in that as we connect energetically with our
bodies and the earth, we also connect with the life energy in both which is
sourced in spirit. God is omnipresent. There is no place where God is not.
Likewise there need be no place in our personal universe where our own life-
energy or substance is not. As we ground and engage deeply with the world in
spiritual awareness, we find that a shift takes place and we feel more
connected with all of life, God, and the whole.

Both the ground of being and grounding are sources of authentic

empowerment and a stable way of being in the world. Secular and insight
therapies miss this connection, with severe consequences. With connection to
the ground of being and grounding, we identify ourselves differently, are
transformed to perceive ourselves in relation to the greater universe in a
different way, we enter into relationships in a different way, we enter a new
level of ethics, appropriate action, timing, and can create a new sense of
meaning and purpose.

What Emerges, What Shows Up

Whatever manifests does so from the power of energy or substance
underneath it, not thought from ordinary mind. We do not manifest from
thought alone. Even spiritual creative ideas must be in alignment with energy
in order to manifest. You cannot make or force the energy to align with
thought. If our thoughts are not manifesting, our thinking is likely out of
alignment with present-time energy. The energy may change by itself later, or
we may need to deeper work to determine what underlying energetic factors
are operative in the situation. The imperative is to find the truth of the
situation at an _energy_ level, then allow for or facilitate a free flow of spirit
and energy into all planes of our being. Our thoughts will naturally then align
to the energy if we allow them to do so, which resolves the disparity and
tension. The energy has to be named correctly though, for reconciliation to the
energy to happen.

It's an old esoteric maxim that "energy follows thought," and to some extent
that's true, because our most heartfelt and essential thoughts are creative and
spiritually-based. But not if our thoughts don't align with the energy. It's also
true that "thought follows energy," in the sense that _what we have attention
on_ has some energetic "juice," or we would probably have our attention
somewhere else.

Ethics and the Will

Ethics is about uses of the will and willingness. Ethics is about what we will,
and what we're not willing to do. Ethics is about puruit of "the good life," and
answers the question, "How shall we live?" Ideally, ethics flows from
character [which I define as values lived habitually asvirtues]. Goodwill [the
will-to-Good] is such a virtue. Goodwill in turn comes from spiritual efforts
and striving to know the will of God and the Idea of the Good as instantiated
in particular-case situations. In order to do that, we tune in and attempt to read
the energy and spirit of the moment with everything we can muster, and bring
what's is relevant to bear on the situation, including invocation of spirit. These
acts and intentions of ethical will are Plutonian. They seek the greater Life, the
highest good for all, and everyone who is in goodwill will feel deeply the truth
of the best outcome. The classical Greek "fatal flaws" were _hubris_ and
_idios_, and the two are related. Hubris is arrogance. Idios, from which we
get our words "idiot" and "idiocy," refers to a social isolation. Hubris and idios
are a sort of chicken-and-egg situation, since feeling socially isolated can lead
to arrogance as a cover for feelings of inadequacy, but arrogance turns others
off to the point we end up more socially isolated. So it becomes a vicious
circle. But the bottom line is, the person is not connected to the greater whole,
including not being connected to healthy relationships.

Pluto relates to aloneness, and many Pluto situations throw us into unexpected
aloneness, such as the death of a loved one, the death of a relationship, or the
death of a deeply desired future, for example. On the one hand, many
Plutonians (especially those with Pluto close to the Ascendant in the 1st or
12th houses) prefer to spend a lot of time alone, yet they may feel "different"
and experience difficulty in finding others who can meet them at the deep and
intense level they like to live life. The dilemma of preferred aloneness vs. the
sensation of enforced aloneness haunts many a Plutonian throughout his
lifetime. The imperative is go even deeper into core to connect with what is
alive and well in everyone, and to reaffirm intense deeper Life wherever the
Plutonian walks.

What I'm describing or setting forth above is adifferent ethics and decision-
making process from what is normally done consciously. I do think a large
percentage of people of goodwill practice this method unconsciously. This is
not a derogatory-sense "situation ethics" with unprincipled, inconsistent, and
unstable decision criteria, but rather a stable absolutist ethics based in the
spirit of the law and life-energy, with an applicability appropriate to the
particular-case situation and a flexible use of principles which enhance
intelligiblity. The difference between what is asserted here and standard
"situation ethics" is subtle. The orientation point for "situation ethics" is a
worldly situation. The orientation points for the ethical transformation
proposed here are spirit and life-energy that stand under, and are brought to
bear on, a worldly situation.
After checking the posistion of the planets of your approximate time of
conception and time of birth from on the free report section,
( sign in as guest user if you don't want to register your details - the website is
free and detailed precisely by Liz Greene ) which will tell you at the bottom of
that page where the planets where at the time of your conception and birth .
Then please read the following to indicate the influence of having the planet
pluto in each of the following star signs :-

PLUTO IN ARIES: A generational indicator for transformation of the will,

willingness, revolutionary ideas, inventions, a taste for adventure.

Pluto's elemental nature seems to be similar to that of Mercury, very

changable and not easy to define. For this reason it seems to belong to the
twilight zone in the same way that Mercury rejoices when it is near the
ascendant. Pluto has been synonymous with death, transformation and
regeneration and therefore may rejoice near the descendant (theoretically).
Aries is about war and machinery and during the early to mid 1800's there was
great change in industry and in firearms technology. This is where we get the
"shadowy outlaw" image of the old west. Pluto here seems to emphasize
survival of the fittest philosophy. It is an interesting coincidence that the mass
extermination of the red man (indian warriors - Aries) began when Pluto
entered this sign.

In a diurnal chart, there may be a greater possibility for awareness of the

shadowy side of the soul and a greater ability to purge or purify (or at least
segregate) the underbelly of the self from the idea of the image of ones self.
These characters may consciously embody the "John Wayne" mystique as a
way of manipulating survival circumstances in their favor. Though I have not
researched this, it would not surprise me if Jesse James or some of the more
infamous outlaws had close contacts between inner planets and Pluto in Aries.

A nocturnal chart may move the individuals survival perspective to the more
unconscious and instinctive. Because Pluto's sect/elemental nature is
undetermined, it does not seem useful to speculate further.

PLUTO IN TAURUS: A generational indicator for transformation of farm,

agricultural, horticultural, building, and financial practices. Body-oriented
therapies, grounding.

Modern astrologers believe Pluto transforms what it contacts. Theoretically

then, a transformation of financial institutions and the financial status of
nations should take place when Pluto is in this sign. Pluto was in Taurus from
the early 1850's until the early 1880's. During this time, the industrial
revolution had reached maturity (Uranus return upon its discovery) and the
beginnings of great wealth was created in Europe and the USA through the
growing middle class. Prior to this time, there were rich and poor, but very
few in between. In the USA, the gold standard was set up as a way to back the
currency. Since Pluto's elemental nature is undetermined, it seems useless to
speculate about any differences related to the chart sect.

PLUTO IN GEMINI: A generational indicator for transformation of levels of

literacy, education, spiritual communications, psychometry, transportation
vehicles for the masses.

Pluto was in this sign last at the same time Neptune was during the late 1800's
(1891 was the conjunction at 9 degrees Gemini). Pluto is said to deal with
generation and corruption. It fits nicely with the changes seen around this time
associated with technology. In fact, the conjunction of Neptune and Pluto
every 492 years seems to represent the birth and death of civilizations. This
may be because in the history of the last several thousand years, Neptune and
Pluto has always reached a conjunction in this sign (Gemini has been
associated with the first signs of civilization and literary works such as
Beowulf, etc...).

Because Pluto's sect nature is undetermined, it does not seem useful to

speculate about its significations in this area.

PLUTO IN CANCER: A generational indicator for transformation of family

life, family therapy, psychotherapy related to family-of-origin, home
ownership and group living arrangements for the masses. Dealing with the
consequences of repressed emotion and emotional needs.

Pluto was last in Cancer from 1913 to 1938. According to Robert Schmidt,
Pluto is the principle of alogos, meaning that Pluto represents an aversion to
the principle of logos. Logos means to "go between" or ratio and proportion;.
In a sense it means that there is no "in between" or transfer taking place. This
intuitively leads to extremes and lack of compromise, and proportion. Pluto
was discovered in 1930, which means that it was present in this sign at its
discovery. The atom bomb is symbolic of its absolute power and the cancerian
drive for national security based upon that power. People born with close
aspects from personal planets to Pluto in this sign will often experience power
struggles and fights based upon nationality and partiotism. They are a
generation who seem to suffer from the effects of war upon their families and
country. Because of the indeterminate sect nature of Pluto, it does not seem
useful to speculate upon differences based on chart sect.

PLUTO IN LEO: A generational indicator for transformation of self-

confidence, self-expression, the arts, child-rearing, and the creative process.
Opening the heart [chakra] and keeping it open regardless of personal history.
The me-generation.

Pluto was in Leo between 1938 and 1957. It represents the ultimate in power
and authority. The atom bomb was created at this time and the world seemed
filled with dictators. There is a streak of selfishness and ruthlessness
underlying this generation which may be why this was called the "me"
generation. It is ironic that they were also called the "boomer" generation in
light of the fact that the bomb being dropped in Hiroshima led to the end of
WWII and the birth of most of these children. Of course, most have learned to
downplay these traits. On the positive side, individuals with aspects from
inner planets to Pluto may be set up for great fame and recognition. Since
Pluto's sect status is undetermined, there is little sense in speculating about
differences based on sect.

PLUTO IN VIRGO: A generational indicator for transformation of ecological

waste, ergonomics, personal empowerment in the workplace, health
maintenance organizations for wellness in society, study of the genetic code,
revolutionary approaches to health.

Pluto was last in Virgo between 1957 - 1971. Pluto is often correlated with
such things as generation and corruption (death and resurrection), atomic
energy, secrecy (alogos according to Schmidt), dictatorships and power
struggles. During this time the "Cuban Missile Crisis" nearly ended the
existence of our civilization. Atomic power was also perfected and put to
work in typically Virgoan fashion in the form of nuclear power plants and
nuclear submarines. Workers unions had peak enrollment at this time after
which it began to decline. Workplace safety and consumer rights became
issues for the first time as Ralph Nader took on major corporations. Efficiency
and convenience led to more free time. Pluto, which is alogos is in aversion to
the concept of logos, Mercury which often shows how one occupies ones
time. Those with close aspects from inner planets to Pluto in this sign may
have an interest in forensic medicine and working with cadavers and may
have important contributions to add to this field. They may have a talent for
probing and investigating occult subjects, mysteries and unsolved crimes.
They can be incredibly reserved and secretive and make good spies. Since the
sect of Pluto is indeterminate, I will not speculate about differences based
upon this.

PLUTO IN LIBRA: A generational indicator for transformation of

relationships, relationship healing, deeper honesty and communication in
relationships, sweeping changes in the justice system and law enforcement,
warfare, also in sports and sports psychology and therapy. Fine arts available
to the masses. Deeper, more complex themes portrayed through art.

Pluto was last in Libra between 1971 and 1983. It was a time when the
balance of power was fairly well established during the cold war through
mutually assured destruction. It is interesting that some consider Pluto the
"higher octave" of Mars because it seemed like a time of stalemate and
military indecision. Pluto also is "alogos" according to Robert Schmidt, and
may represent the quality of secrecy and hidden social agendas of this time.
Terrorism became a tool for political manipulation and organized crime
syndicates became more powerful. The watergate scandal exposed political
corruption, and social and moral decay became an important issue. Women
began taking a more powerful role in government in order to placate a public
that had become angry and had lost faith in the legitimacy of public officials.
This generation is keenly aware of the effect relationships have upon personal
power. Few are likely to be naive and have rosy idealistic humanitarian
values. This is nearly the opposite of what their parents had with Neptune in
Libra. Those with inner planets closely aspecting Pluto here will have a talent
for dealing with the underbelly of society and will know how to manipulate
political power to their advantage. Since the sect of Pluto is indeterminate, I
will not speculate upon differences based on this.

PLUTO IN SCORPIO: A generational indicator for transformation of toxic

waste, excesses anywhere, sexual expression, the dying process. Massive
financial institutions. Therapies for executives. Study of the genetic code and
genetic therapies. Breakthroughs in psychology and psychotherapy,
integrating primitive parts of the brain with sophisticated modern life.
Shamanism as a spiritual path.

According to Dane Rudhyar, Pluto is at its fastest pace in this sign which he
called its "seed phase". I find it interesting that Pluto spends the least amount
of time in a sign that some consider to be its dignity. Combining this with
what Schmidt said about Pluto being "alogos" and "inauthentic", it is as if
Pluto is trying to avoid itself here (aversion). Pluto was in Scorpio between
1983 and 1995. This period sparked the beginning of the new age movement
and great advances in medical technology and genetics. Homeopathic and
other alternative medical practices were flourishing. Communism collapsed
and was hailed as a victory for democracy, but led to greater uncertainty and
insecurity because the enemy became "unknown" able to advance through
terrorism. Concern developed over nuclear power, the Chernobyl disaster and
"loose nukes". The symbolism speaks of generation and corruption and the
power of life and death. Those with close aspects from the inner planets to
Pluto in this sign may have important roles in national security or intelligence
agencies. Some may become famous by personal association with national
incidents. Since Pluto's sect nature is undetermined, I won't waste my time
trying to delineate any differences based on this.

PLUTO IN SAGITTARIUS: A generational indicator for transformation of

spirituality, world communications and travel, big stakes in sports, breaking
down domination of our freedom of thought, paradigm breaking,
breakthroughs in thinking and understanding how and why we form beliefs
and how to free ourselves from unworkable beliefs at an energy level.
Revolutionary philosophies picked up by the masses. Corruption in religious
organizations, and purging it. Ethical watchdog groups. Unethical acts done in
the name of ethics.

Pluto entered Sagittarius in 1995 and will stay until 2009. This is symbolic of
terrorism based upon religious or philosophical zealotry. The Tokyo subway
sarin gas attack, the OK city bombing and the OJ trial verdict started off this
period. There is focus on violence in schools and legal regulations regarding
firearms. The public school system is widely thought to need an overhaul
because of its broken down state and lowered learning standards. This should
be no surprise because Pluto represents alogos (aversion to understanding),
along with generation and corruption. Because Pluto often represents issues of
life and death, it makes good drama. Because it is in Sagittarius the drama is
in the legal system as evidenced by the flourishing of court based shows like
Court TV. Those with close aspects from inner planets to Pluto in this sign
will have a powerful effect in the shaping of the legal system. They will tend
to use truth or its omission as a weapon. Propaganda often takes the place of
cool headed reason and some will use emotionalism to subvert what is right.
Since Pluto's sect nature is indeterminate I will not speculate upon differences
based upon sect.

PLUTO IN CAPRICORN: A generational indicator for transformation of

business anddesign toward essentials, and ruthless elimination of what does
not work. Research into best business practices. Troubleshooting into root
causes of business problems. Exaggerated and distorted reputations of public
figures by competitors and the media. Negative campaigning. Spin-doctoring
to mold public opinion, with vast consequences.

Pluto will enter this sign again in 2009 and stay there until 2025. Because
Pluto is associated with generation and corruption, it would not be surprising
to see the fall of many more governments and institutions than usual during
this time. Since Capricorn is related to concern over the world at large there
will no doubt be cries that the world is about to end. It won't end, but it may
change drastically. There may be renewed concerns over the use of nuclear
power and there may be a new nuclear threat at this time that we had not
conceived of before. The outer planet transits of 2009 are strangely
reminiscent of 1989 in which the early degrees of cardinal signs were active.
There may be a push for a world government at this time to take over the
chaos likely to be present. Those with close aspects from inner planets to
Pluto in this sign will have strong leadership potential. The last time Pluto was
here the USA declared independence from Britain, and Napoleon was born.
Speculation upon differences based on sect is probably pointless for the same
reasons as discussed before.

PLUTO IN AQUARIUS: A generational indicator for transformation of group

dynamics, social systems. Profound intuition, systems thinking. Science looks
deeper into root causes. Ethnic pride and honoring diversity. Healing
intolerance, group hatreds. Psychological themes in the fine arts.

The last time Pluto was in this sign, the French revolution was underway and
the United States began ammending its newly drafted constitution. Pluto in
Aquarius is symbolic of power in the hands of many. Pluto itself is symbolic
of generation and corruption, and enters this sign after being in the sign of
Capricorn indicating the decay and breakdown of governments. Many from
this generation will be anarchists, preferring that power be decentralized. As
usual, those with the inner planets closely configured with Pluto will be those
set as examples before the public. Since Pluto's sect nature is undetermined, it
does not seem useful to speculate about any differences based on this.

PLUTO IN PISCES: A generational indicator for transformation in

psychotherapy, spiritual practices and liturgy, oceanography. Deep
communication with dolphins and whales. Revolution in hospital, welfare, and
prison systems. Many therapies made available for the masses at low or no
cost, that were formerly available only through a professional. Meditation,
centering, and knowing oneself intuitively in relation to the whole. God-
immanent experiences are strong. Many spiritual gifts demonstrated. The
power of spirit on the earth is high at this time, and those born at this time will
carry the energy of that forward throughout their lifetimes.

Pluto was last in Pisces between 1798 and 1823 and will re-enter in 2043.
Pluto often has to do lessons related to power, death and renewal of life and
when Pluto is here, these lessons are idealized. In the early 1800's Napoleon
followed his dream of building a new Roman Empire. In a sense this was a
time of reliving the glory days of the past. Historians have since referred to
this as the romantic period. It is interesting that Pluto was in the 5th place
from its own sign while in Pisces and that the 5th has to do with romance, but
because this is a transpersonal planet, the "romance" was made impersonal.
Individuals with Pluto in close aspect or conjunction to inner planets here will
be very charismatic and powerful in their expression. Because Pluto's sect
nature is indeterminate, I will not speculate upon differences based on this.


This is probably the first time this has ever been written on any website ..

According to the Book Raziel Hamalach , there are 12 planets in

our solar system . The reference is taken from Bereishis - Genesis chapter 37
verse 9 , where Joseph saw the Sun, the Moon and Eleven Planets .

The Source of a knowledge of a 10th Planet.

In Jewish tradition and belief is that this world in year 2005 is just 5765 years
old from creation by GOD . And that the length of life on this world in a
physical state will be 6000 years , then there will be 1000 years of a mixed
physical and spiritual state, where there will be total peace and harmony in
this world . ( In much the same way that 6 days we work and the seventh day
is the Shabbos - Sabbath )

This teaching of TANA DEVEI ELIYAHU , teaches that the period of 6000
years in this world is split into 3 periods of 2000 . The First 2000 years "tohu"
a vacant period . The Second period of 2000 years of Torah, life guided by
bible teachings and learning . The third period of 2000 years anticipating the
Messiah "Moshiach Ben Dovid" .
In chronologial terms of the Jewish calender, see here for a history of the
years from . You will see that from creation until the
birth of Abraham was 1948 years , according to the famous Rabbi Maimon -
THE RAMBAM , Abraham was 52 when he had divine inspiration and
recognised GOD . Which is the year 2000 .

Then in the year 3948 , this was the year when the Oral Laws and tradition
given to Moses at Mount Sinai when he received the Torah - Bible, where
completed by the Rabbis to have been written in the MISHNA .

10th Planet has a 500 Year Orbit .

According to Jewish Astrology there is a major planet that has orbit in our
solar system of 6000 years . According to Reb Chaim Vital who names this as
Planet of Binyomin - Benjamin - after the 12 and youngest son - tribe of Jacob

Therefore in accordance with astrology there are 12 star signs . This planet
Binyomin stays in each star sign for 500 year periods , therfore 12 signs X 500
years = 6000 years .
If you check the chronological table of history ( see here for a history of the
years from . ) There are major changing every 500
years . for example

1948 - birth of Abraham

2448 Exodus of Jewish people from Egypt

2489 Jewish people entered the Promised land of Israel

2935 King Solomon builds the temple in Jerusalem

3948 End of Mishnaic era , All the Bible and Oral law fixed and written down
in the Mishna

4895 Maimonodes ( The RAMBAM ) born in Spain , started a new period

with the jewish laws and explanations to the concepts of the TORAH, made
more understandable for everyone in the MISHNE TORAH .

5458 - The Baal Shem Tov born , a Rabbi who taught coming closer and
service to GOD , was more than just fulfilling laws . He taught the importance
of belief is the mind and soul of every person .

5500 equating to the year 1740, this was the year when the great Rabbis in
Europe like Rebbe Yehonosson Eibeshitz and the Shaages Arye - Rabbi Arye
Ginzburg , transformed learning to a higher level of understanding , with the
printing of books by Reb Chaim Vital - The book of Re-Incarnation . This
allowed everyone to understand principles and spiritual knowledge that was
previously in the hands of the few .

This passage below is from the TANA DEVEI ELIYAHU , written almost
1800 years ago , which quotes that the Orbit of GALGAL CHAMA is 500
years . ( some people have foolishly interpreted this to be the sun as CHAMA
also means SUN, but as we know the earth's cycle around the sun is just one
year ) .

This passage refers to GALGAL CHAMA being 500 years and also the "Tree
of KNOWLEDGE " - "THE ETZ CHAYIM" being 500 years .
Therefore currently this year is 5765 ( the year of 2005) we are in the last
period ( since 1740 in CE or 5500 in Jewish Years ) . According to my teacher
- Reb Akiva Ginsburg , this last period is assumed to be in the house of
PISCES , which symbolises that spiritual knowledge ( and all knowledge ) has
and will become in the hands of everyone . Readily available , unlike any
other time in history . Just think of the changes this world has undergone since
1740 . Progression, knowledge and understanding available to every human
being unlike no other period in history .

Therefore, i expect the scientists to find this 10th Planet in the star sign of
Pisces at the current angle in year 2005 of 15.9 degrees Pisces, and expect it to
be at a distance from the Sun that gives it a 500 year orbit, which considering
Pluto has an 84 year orbit makes "Binyomin" over 5 times further from the
Sun than Pluto .

The Spiritual knowledge passed down over the generations is always correct,
so we just wait for the scientists to prove that it is correct in these years of

There was a Sefardic Mekubal who said in 1946 just after horrendous news of
what had happend in world war 2 by the nazis, who announced that, within 7
years of the 10th Planet being found the majority of the world would believe
is GOD and Spirit world, and in all spiritual knowledge ESPECIALLY
PALMISTRY, the lines on the hand that map out a persons destiny.

There are some who predict that when Uranus in Pisces conjuncts "Binyomin"
in Pisces at 16 degrees in Pisces in the week 26th - 31st March 2007 and again
from 24th - 30th September 2007, we can "expect the unexpected" spiritual
surprise !

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