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TYPE DESIGNS FOR HIGHWAY KILOMETRE STONES (Second Revision) THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS TYPE DESIGNS FOR HIGHWAY KILOMETRE STONES (Second Revision) Published by ‘THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS. ioe oe Soa Rn Monet Reine fs ie ae red Sener 300 (re igh of Pubcon nd Prato ae Berd) ‘coop ‘TYPE DESIGNS FOR HIGHWAY KILOMETRE STONES. |L1, The standard on Kilomete Stones wis poled by the Reads Congtessoiginaly in 1960, twas reviewed bythe Specifications and Standards Comite (personnel given on side font and back cover in Ocsber, 1979 wth respect to te language of nserption and certain modatons were made. 1.2, The revised standard Incorporating thete changes wat ‘approved by the Council of Indian Roads Congres at thie mectng 4eld at Guthati on 280 October, 197 ands tecommended oe option oo ll ude in the eovaty 24. Kllomeeestoaes shall correspond to the Type Designs shown in Plater 1,2 and 3 22. On National Highways, State Highways and. Major Dist Roads, the kilometre stones used shal ave two se: (0 At ome ome” mete ne nated ae vey svete of apr ze ae Pt, 2.3, On Other District Roads and Village Roads, the Kits ‘ete slones shall be uniformly of onesie as shown in Plate 3 LL. Kilometre stones may be made of suitable materials, svalable loely, such as aed stone, cement concrete es 44 scauer axp SsQUENCE OF INSCRIPTION 441. Ordinary Kilometre stones pat up on National Highways, State Highways ete. (vide Pat 1) shall be asebed iter ‘or lea language and indicate the aume and dtence tothe 1 iportant (Le. intermediate) toma” ofthe txminal)tarting station 2 the cate may be le para 42) Fithhlometre stones, on the ‘ther hand, shall be inscribed only in Roman and show the name fd distance ofthe terminallstaring tation as well as of the inter ‘mediate town (se para 4.2 and Pate 2), 42, The place names shall be ascribed in diferent soite In the following sequence, only one scigt ting used on any on€ iometre stone: oN, Sept fo pce mer Plc tse © Roman Teron sation 1 Hind (Demag Seg) Nest portant ona 3M (DereaeScrgt) Terminating station andro on, repented inthe se order 43. The above order and weightage of a erst may be sodifed by the Road Authorty if considered necenay. For instance where local stipe happens to be the sume ay Dest, innead of the sequence for eriaaty hilomete stones given it pars 42, the Klomeage to the nett iniportsot town and the ferminaltting station could Be shown om alternate stones, 44, On Klomete stones fixed on Other Disct Roads and Vilage Rosds, the inserpion may be nthe ofa lange (ce: Ming! in Devnagl script) or the sxpt ofthe recogsised regional Tangusge atthe disertion of the loc] Road Authority. Taserpe tion in Roman srpt snot necessary unless the road leade to bce of tortor tchacslogiea inert or there are ther good 4:5. In every case, the mumerts on kilomete stones sal be iseribed inthe intermotional form of Indian nomeraa. Local fe Devnagi sumests all not Be wed vide Atkle 343 (of the (Consittion of tis 46, On each hlometce stone, is number® shall Be ineibed ‘onthe side of the sone Facing the curigeway (ee Pats I, 2 and 5). Incase of tin stones made of RLEC: or some other materi ‘he digs maybe laserbed one below the ether tating fom the top. Thos 426 wil be shown as 4 2 5. SIZE, SHAPE AND SPACING OF LETTERS MUMERALS SL, Letters and numerals om lomete stones shall be of eit of sume fr Kom 20 5.2, Shaper and dimension of stndardIetersfoumerst for the stove sina given in Plater 4 and 5. For log place names the thishness of lees and the spacing between them may. 6 reduced suitably, however withowt mang any change in thie eight 5.3. When inserting teters of numesas all characters Davin an ate at topo bottom should be extended lightly above fortbelow the ine ofthe ther letersjaumeals ‘This it nace hance wih the seceped practice for rounded lees and numeri. 54 Recommended spacing between _adjcent letters) rumerainispven in Table Ty and for any combaston ean be Sorted out through a twostep process dentin the footte below the Table. This spce i the dintance measured. horizontally between the enreme right edge of the preceding leternumecl and the extreme left edge ofthe following Teter numeral. No prt ‘of any leuejmumeral ny extend into tht spe, "The other cage Clearances should bear given below 5. On lometee stones ntcribed ina Inguage other than Roman, te spe of etering shall be te ne fa genera tse, The spacing between single or compound letere shal be st ent equal {0 the thicknes ofthe vertical siokejor the thiskness of strokes of letersi ease of septs ving no vertical stokes (sich ‘Oxiga,Telopu ad Kannada) 6.1. ‘The background colour shal be white wittiask leer sd numerals for names of tins aad distnes. ‘The sem ‘ieslar portion of bfometr tones shall be punted eanaryyellow (1S. Shade 303) on National Highways, brillant een (13 Shade 221) on State Highway, and” white on Major Dist Roads, Route numbers writen on the semi-siclar portion shal bein tack colour on canary yellow and white backgrounds, and ia white colour on bilan green background 111. Noumally kilometre stones shall be located on ethan side ofthe road atone proceeds for the sttion from which the lometre count stat. ‘On divided roads having central median, lilometrewones should be provided at the eft on both shes ot ‘he oad Le independently for eich dies of tava 172, Kilometre stones shall be fed at right angles to the entre ln ofthe eariagevny- On. embaakients, these thal be located om the edge of the roadway beyond the shoulders if necessary on specially erected platforms. In et sections, thee Shall be feed clear of the shouldert at wellae the side drains, Gee Pie. Tr gy grey Ler Tha Ht) og 0 News PT ETETEL ELLE k | i | \ | i I Sse Ala ii cue| MESSE BlLila|a ¥ a] a4 te ae ar en Yona) 20d 10) and eet Table 1) or thn coer ed ter ot emer gto i ‘wre stil om th ns" ea otro oy LEVEL Plate 1 a — a ee ne SECTIONAL PLAN ! | 0 } | 100385 ++ 175-44 FACE 2 eo) THICKNESS MAY VARY DEPENDING ON THE MATERIALS USED. SIDE ELEVATION TYPE DESIGN FOR ORDINARY KILOMETRE STONE ON N.Hs.,S-Hs. & M.D. Rs. Plate 2 g ai I 3 =] \ t r i V 7 a i rwonvess war vary FR TERMINAL STATION : [faranrne sunny berenone Ov me 80. -LoMETMAGE 2 | [ ewoneraace i r * a 3 ae =a £1425) 3 3 ome HAGE 3 | [ muonermsce z foupusy wey a ace a) -— 20 4 Face 2 SIDE_ELEVATION TYPE DESIGN FOR THE 5th KILOMETRE STONE ON N.Hs,,S.Hs. & M.D. Re. ] ! Woo krsdi30Jsobso%soe ROADWAY LEVEL 1th —380—w 49 sot Face? [ETHIOKNESS may VARY DEPENOING OW THE SIDE_ELEVATION MATERIALS USED TYPE DESIGN FOR KILOMETRE STONE ON 0.0.Rs.& VILLAGE ROADS SECTIONAL PLAN aN I 5 ‘SPACING BETWEEN NUMERALS. SEE TABLE 1 I ral STANDARD NUMERALS Ae ewoanwent, curt LOCATION OF KLOMETRE STONES

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