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MOHAA & MOHAAS Console Commands

Type these commands into the console:

cmdlist list all console commands

meminfo gives information about memory
echo echoes text to the console
launchgamespy Launches Gamespy
bind "key" "command" bind command to a key
bind list list all key bindings
altbind "key" "command" bind command to alt+key
ctrlbind "key" "command" bind command to ctrl+key
altbindlist list all alt+key bindings
ctrlbindlist list all ctrl+key bindings
unbind "key" unbind key
unaltbind unaltbind "key"
unctrlbind unctrlbing "key"
unbindall unbind all keys
say "message" send a message to all players in the game
exec "file.cfg" execute commands in file.cfg
Kill suicide
quit exit moh
cvarlist list all variables
name "my name" sets your player name to myname
sensitivity"" sets your mouse sensitivity (5-20)
m_filter "0 or 1" set mouse filter off(0) or on (1)
fps "0 or 1" toggle display off (0) or on (1)
map "mymap" change to map mymap
kick"playername" kicks particular player
Kick all kicks all players
restart restarts server
killserver kills server
connect "ip" connects to chosen IP Address
error exits moh with error message

To activate these commands read the instructions below.

Example 1

You made a dedicated server,right now you are viewing console,

you are not actually playing the game.
All you have to do is type the commands into console.
To speak as console, type say then what you want to say.

Example 2

You made the server or you know the rcon password

All you do, is press `~ key. Then console should show up.
If it doesnt, disconnect from the server and go into "options" then
the box that says console. Now, when you re-join the server, you will be
able to see the in-game console, by pressing the same button. (`~) Now,
lets say rcon is 74153. Now you would type in rcon 74153 and then the
It will either work perfectly, or it will give you other options.
Re-type the command with the option # or phrase it told you to type.
Then the command should work. For some reason, if it doesnt work, feel
to let me know.

Thank you for reading the "console commands" ReadMe file!

For more info please email me, Rick Aldorisio
The Official =167= Clan Webpage:
Have a nice day!
R. P. Aldorisio
=167= Clan General of the Army
Have a nice day!

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