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A Schneider Electric Company

DNP3 Protocol
Technical Manual
Automatic Circuit Reclosers
Load Break Switches
CAPM-4/5 Controllers

This document describes the DNP3 Protocol and Database Implementation on
Nu-Lec Automatic Circuit Reclosers and Load Break Switches using CAPM-4/5


Document Part No: N00-324

Document Revision Level: R39


DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual

Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd.

ACN 085 972 425
37 South Street,
QLD 4178,
Tel +61 7 3249 5444
Fax +61 7 3249 5888


This document is copyright and is provided solely for the use of the recipient. It is not to
be copied in any way, nor its contents divulged to any third party, nor to be used as the
basis of a tender or specification without the express written permission of Nu-Lec
Industries Pty Ltd.
This document discloses confidential intellectual property that belongs to Nu-Lec
Industries P/L. This document does not invest any rights to Nu-Lec Industries intellectual
property in the recipient. Moreover the recipient is required not to disclose any of the
intellectual property contained in this document to any other party unless authorised in
writing by Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd.

Public Access: \stdprod\N00\N00-324R39.pdf

Source: \R&D\CAPM4\manuals\N00-324.doc

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual

Revision Control

Revision Author Date Comment

R18 LM 31/08/99 Added password protection section
Corrected the explanation to Analogue Input 11
R19 LM 06/09/99 Changed the defaults for DL Cf Reqd and DL Max Retries
Changed the wording for CTS
Revised the wording for sections 7.3.3, 7.3.5, 7.4
R20 LM 08/09/99 Changed the Apl Cf TO maximum value
Corrected small Analogue set IO list classes to match full.
R21 LM 22/11/99 Added OFF field to port selection
Fixed I and X terminology statement
Added W Series support details to appendices
Added Initialisation time to Appendix A Protocol Timing
Added loop automation points to Appendices D and F
Changed Gas Pressure deadband to 5kPaG
R22 LM 09/12/99 Added in functionality for FORCED Unsolicited Behaviour
Added Loop Automation ON/OFF control to appendix H.
Corrected Source Voltage Status terminology (App D BI 76)
R23 LM 31/01/00 Added new binary and counter object support to Device Profile
Added Loop Automation Trip/Close Request to Appendix H
Added Dummy Circuit Breaker to Appendix H
R24 LM 18/02/00 Reworded protection data operation + loop auto trip/close pending
R25 LM 02/03/00 Corrected/improved numerous point descriptions in appendices
Reformatted/improved parameter setting descriptions
Corrected Max value for counter, kPa max to 300, PSI max to 44
Added phase designation and power flow direction notes to
R26 LM 05/07/00 Changed ownership to Nulec Industries
Added High/Low threshold alarms for A, V, kW
Removed event log appendicies
R27 LM 25/07/00 Updated the DNP device profile and implementation table
R28 LM 06/10/00 Added new Aux Fail Alarm to Binary Inputs in App D
Limited the max DNP3 addresses to 65519 (0xFFEF)
Added DNP3 VT objects and note to implementation table
Added support for Collision Avoidance
Changed Pre-transmission lower limit to zero
Added support for limited unsolicited response retries
Added DNP3 analog input deadband object support
Added DNP3 technical bulletin support list to App C
R29 LM 30/01/01 Clarified DNP3 technical bulletin support list
Increased the resolution of Collision Avoidance
Reworded analogue input deadband section
Clarified the analogue input alarm section
Configurable deadband low limit set to 1.
Added ACR Control Status online/offline support
Moved Tx Delay location and reworded for CA usage

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Changed operation such that changing only the DNP3 addresses,

unsolicited mode and Analog set will result in warm restart of
protocol handler
Added Maximum average daily demand point
R30 RDM 17-Jan-2001 Added LBS Appendices and amended associated wording
Extended support include CAPM5 controllers.
R31 LM 1-Mar-2001 Added IIN1-4 to device profile
Removed aux overvoltage BI from points list
R32 LM 7-Mar-2001 V25/26 Released
R33 LM 3-May-2001 Added comment note for analog phase-phase voltage range
Corrected some LBS map comments
R34 LM 22-July-2001 Added work tag (hot line tag) trip to ACR binary input list
R36 LM 16-Sept-2001 Added Paknet interface to P8 RS-232 port
R37 DPC 20-Nov-2001 Corrections to Appendix P Paknet Call Procedures
R38 PJM 29-Jan-2002 Additions for Close flags, ACO and Live Load blocking.
R39 PJM 20-Feb-2002 Toggled meaning of ACO Mode Binary Status.

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual

1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 1
2 Overview................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Status Points ...................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Controls .............................................................................................................. 2
2.3 Data Configuration.............................................................................................. 2
2.4 Password Protection........................................................................................... 2
2.5 LBS vs ACR Point Mapping................................................................................ 2
2.6 Year 2000 Compliance Statement...................................................................... 2
3 SCADA System Design ............................................................................................ 3
4 Applicability............................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Control Cubicle Software .................................................................................... 4
4.2 DNP3 Protocol.................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Switchgear Type................................................................................................. 4
4.4 Terminology........................................................................................................ 4
5 Protocol Configuration .............................................................................................. 5
5.1 Transmission Services Configuration ................................................................. 5
5.1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 5
5.1.2 Transmission Services Parameters..................................................................... 5
5.1.3 Use of Application and Data Link Confirmation/Retries....................................... 7
5.2 Unsolicited Response Configuration................................................................... 8
5.2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 8
5.2.2 Unsolicited Response Parameters ...................................................................... 8
5.2.3 Event Buffering.................................................................................................. 12
5.3 Data Configuration............................................................................................ 12
5.3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 12
5.3.2 Database Parameters ....................................................................................... 13
5.3.3 Database Size Permutations............................................................................. 14
5.3.4 Default Database Data Objects......................................................................... 15
5.3.5 Analogue Deadband Parameters ...................................................................... 16
Analogue Alarm Reporting ......................................................................................... 17
5.3.7 Analogue Alarm Parameters ............................................................................. 18
6 Physical Layer ........................................................................................................ 20
6.1 Communications Ports Supported .................................................................... 20
6.2 RS-232 Communication Specifications ............................................................ 20
6.2.1 RS-232 Hardware Signals................................................................................. 20
6.2.2 RS-232 Character Definition ............................................................................. 20
6.2.3 RS-232 Configuration Parameters .................................................................... 20
6.2.4 Carrier Detect.................................................................................................... 24

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6.2.5 Transmitting a DNP3 Packet ............................................................................. 24

6.2.6 DTR................................................................................................................... 25
6.2.7 Dialling Modem Support .................................................................................... 25
6.2.8 PAKNET Configuration ..................................................................................... 25
6.3 V23 FSK Communication Specifications .......................................................... 27
6.3.1 V23 Hardware Signals ...................................................................................... 27
6.3.2 V23 Configuration Parameters .......................................................................... 28
6.3.3 V23 Handshaking Signals ................................................................................. 32
6.4 Communication Statistics ................................................................................. 32
Appendix A Protocol Timings ............................................................................................ 34
Appendix B DNP3 Device Profile ...................................................................................... 35
Appendix C DNP3 Implementation Table.......................................................................... 38
Appendix D ACR - Binary Input Points (Status) ................................................................ 44
Appendix E ACR - Analogue Input Points (Status - Small Set) ......................................... 56
Appendix F ACR - Analogue Input Points (Status Full Set)............................................ 58
Appendix G ACR - Counter Point...................................................................................... 64
Appendix H ACR - Binary Output Points ........................................................................... 65
Appendix I ACR - Analogue Output Points........................................................................ 70
Appendix J LBS Binary Points Data (Status).................................................................. 71
Appendix K LBS - Analogue Input Points (Status - Small Set) .......................................... 77
Appendix L LBS - Analogue Input Points (Status Full Set)............................................. 80
Appendix M LBS - Counter Points..................................................................................... 84
Appendix N LBS - Binary Output Points ............................................................................ 85
Appendix O LBS - Analogue Output Points....................................................................... 88
Appendix P PAKNET Call Procedures .............................................................................. 89
Incoming Call (Poll or Control) Service Signals Disabled .................................... 89
Outgoing Call (Unsolicited CoS) Service Signals Disabled ................................. 89
Outgoing Call Failure and Retry Mechanism .......................................................... 90
Incoming Call (Poll or Control) Service Signals Enabled ..................................... 90
Outgoing Call (Unsolicited CoS) Service Signals Enabled .................................. 90
Outgoing Call Failure and Retry Mechanism .......................................................... 91

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual

1 Introduction
This document describes the Nu-Lec DNP3 implementation for Automatic Circuit
Reclosers (ACRs) and Load Break Switchs (LBS) on Control and Protection Module types
4 and 5 (CAPM).
For more information about the Recloser mode or Load Break Switch refer to relevant
technical manual for your switchgear type.
This implementation is more complex than most telemetry protocols. It is essential to read
the Overview section in order to set up the SCADA system correctly.

2 Overview
The Nu-Lec CAPM controller combines the functions of protection relay and switchgear
controller into a single intelligent electronic device (IED).
The controller provides a user friendly operator interface on a four line LCD control panel
that allows configuration and control of the switchgear.
In addition the controller generates time tagged events which are displayed on the
operator control panel. These events show the history of the switchgear operation for the
benefit of the operator and for post fault analysis.
Examples would be:
Operator Actions such as trip or close
Protection Pick up
Protection Trips
Fault Current Levels
Auto-reclose actions
These events are optimised to give the operator the most useful information.
Electricity supply utilities frequently link the controller into their SCADA systems as a
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU).
To make this simple the controller provides:
Mounting room for a radio or modem in the control cubicle.
Power supply for the radio or modem in the control cubicle.
Embedded protocol handler for the required SCADA protocol in the controller
The DNP3 protocol allows digital and analogue data to be sent from the controller to the
SCADA system with time tags attached. This facility has enabled Nu-Lec to provide a
sophisticated SCADA system interface that not only provides the SCADA system with
status information but also allows the SCADA system to re-create the Event Log display
on the operator control panel.

2.1 Status Points

This implementation provides a set of status information about the switchgear that can be
used by a SCADA system to generate displays and events for operational purposes. This
data is called the Status Points. Refer to appendices D, E and F for ACR status points or
appendices J, K and L for LBS status points.
For example:
Open or Close Status
Lockout Status
Fault Flags

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual

Line Currents and Voltages

Time tags are optional. If enabled, these status points are returned with time tags of either
10 or 500 millisecond resolution.

2.2 Controls
A list of the controls supported by the protocol handler is detailed in Appendices H and N.
All controls have a corresponding binary status point. The master station must use these
status points to verify that the control action has been successful. Sometimes a control will
be rejected because of an underlying controller condition preventing the action. These
conditions are detailed in the table in the appendices.
The DNP3 protocol handler can trigger two events to be recorded in the controller event
log - DNP3 Trip Req and DNP3 Close Req. This event log reporting indicates only that
the protocol handler has requested a trip or a close from the controller. It does not
necessarily mean that the action has been taken. As detailed above, the request may be
over-ridden by operational conditions.
The DNP3 protocol handler is designated as a remote user. Refer to the equipment
manual for more information.

2.3 Data Configuration

Several means are provided to configure the data points required. These include:
Selection of three sets of analogue points full, small and none.
Default data object type with/with out flag/time; analogue size
Point class assignment.

2.4 Password Protectio n

All DNP3 panel fields require password entry unless described as Display only or
otherwise stated.
For more information on operator control panel usage refer to the equipment manual.

2.5 LBS vs ACR Point Mapping.

The DNP3 protocol handler supports independent point maps for the ACR and LBS
switchgear types. The mapping for each is listed in the appendices. The type supported by
the protocol handler is firmware dependant and determined by the controller on power up.
If the incorrect configuration is supplied please refer to Nulec Industries or your distributor.
Use of DNP3 for LBS switchgear is only available with CAPM V25.01.00+ software.

2.6 Year 2000 Complia nce Statement

The DNP3 protocol software complies with rules 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the British Standards
Institute Year 2000 Conformity Requirement (DISC PD2000-1 A Definition of Year 2000
Conformity Requirements). A copy of this statement can be found on the Nu-Lec
Industries Pty Ltd web site (

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3 SCADA System Design

It is recommended that the SCADA system engineer reads the rest of this manual and
discusses the options for implementation that this protocol implementation provides with
the operations staff.
Some SCADA system implementation options are.
Build Screens using the Status Points and use their time tags to generate SCADA
system events.
Build Screens using the Status Points and use the Event Points to generate the
SCADA system events. This means that the SCADA system event log will
replicate the controller event log.
Build Screens using the Status Points and use their time tags to generate SCADA
system events.
There are many other configuration parameters for the protocol such as data rate, device
address etc. refer to section 5.
The controller has a fixed set of functionality and the point mapping has been
implemented to reflect this by providing the sets of data points described in the
appendices. The SCADA engineer has the ability to select from a variety of points sets
and to configure some aspects of the point mapping as described in section 5.3.

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4 Applicability
4.1 Control Cubicle So ftware
This document applies to Nu-Lec pole top reclosers and load break switches using a
CAPM Controller which displays DNP3 Manual N00-324R39+ on the controller
capability pages.
To find these pages refer to the main equipment manual.
Some features described in this manual may only be available on later releases of the
software. In this case the manual will declare which version of software applies.

4.2 DNP3 Protocol

The protocol version implemented by Nu-Lec is DNP3 and is described in the following
documents: -
Basic Four Documentation Set :
DNP3 Application Layer, DNP3 User Group, dnpal.doc rev 0.03
DNP3 Transport Functions, DNP3 User Group, dnptf.doc rev 0.01
DNP3 Data Link Layer, DNP3 User Group, dnpdl.doc rev 0.02
DNP3 Data Object Library, DNP3 User Group, dnpdol.doc rev 0.02
Subset Definitions Document:
DNP3 Subset Definitions, DNP3 User Group, subset.wp6 rev 2.00
Technical Committee Bulletins:
Control Relay Output Block Minimum Implementation, DNP3 User Group,
DNP Confirmation and Retry Guidelines, DNP3 User Group, 9804-002
Cold/Warm Restart Sequence, DNP3 User Group, 9701-003
Analog Input Reporting Deadband, DNP3 User Group, 9809-001.
These documents are obtainable from the DNP3 users group, which can be contacted via
the web site
4.3 Switchgear Type
Applicable to the following switchgear types.
N-Series ACR, all models with CAPM-4/5 controllers.
U-Series ACR, all models with CAPM-4/5 controllers
W-Series ACR, all models with CAPM-4/5 controllers
RL-Series LBS, all models with CAPM-4/5 controllers
4.4 Terminology
The terminology used in this document is that Earth Fault or Ground Fault is described as
Earth / Ground Fault and Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF) or Sensitive Ground Fault (SGF) is
described as SEF/SGF.
Also, bushing terminology used in this document is for U and W series switchgear ie I and
X for the switchgear terminals. On N or RL series switchgear the 1 side is described as I
and the 2 side is described as X.
Also note that the phase terminology is ABC and refers always to the phase set by the
Terminal Designation or Phasing option, never to the physical bushing or terminal on the

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5 Protocol Configuration
The DNP3 protocol handler adds several pages to the System Status menus. The
additional pages fall into the following groups,
Transmission Services Configuration (refer Section 5.1)
Unsolicited Response Configuration (refer Section 5.2)
Data Configuration (refer Section 5.3)
Communications Configuration (refer Sections 6.2 and 6.3)
Communication Statistics (refer Section 6.4)
All protocol configuration parameters can be viewed, modified and stored on a personal
computer with the WSOS utility.

5.1 Transmission Serv ices Configuration

5.1.1 Overview
The DNP3 protocol has a number of data link and application layer parameters that form
transmission service functions. The controller permits configuration of a number of these:
Data link layer confirmation
Data link time out
Application layer confirmation time out
Control select / operate time out period
Time Synchronisation request operation

5.1.2 Transmission Serv ices Parameters

These pages allow the SCADA engineer to determine how the Data Link and Application
Layer of the DNP3 protocol handler transmits DNP3 data packets.

---- DNP Transmission Services 1 ----S

DL Max Retries 2 Apl Cf TO 84000ms
Arm Select 10000ms

---- DNP Transmission Services 2 ----S

DNP Address 5 Time Dly Rq 0min

Parameter Description
DL Cf Rqd Data Link Confirm Required
On some communications links it is required to have extra
communications integrity to ensure that all data link frames are
successfully received by the master station.

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Parameter Description
If NEVER, the protocol handler will not request acknowledgment
messages from the master station for data link frame transmissions. It
assumes all data link frames are received by the master station and
relies solely on application layer message integrity checking.
If SOMETIMES, the protocol handler requests a data link
acknowledge response from the master station only on multi-frame
DNP3 messages.
If ALWAYS, the protocol handler will expect a data link
acknowledgment message from the master station to all data link
frame transmissions.
Factory default is SOMETIMES
DL Cf TO Data Link Confirm Timeout
When the controller DNP3 data link layer transmits a frame that
requires an acknowledge response from the master station, it starts a
timer. The timer is triggered upon transmission of the last byte of a
If an acknowledge frame is not received from the master station with-
in the data link confirm time out period, DL Cf TO, then the frame is
If the communications link has failed then the controller will continue
retransmissions until DL Max Retries failures occur after which it
informs the application layer of the failure.
Range: 50 to 65535 ms.
Factory default is 4000 ms
DL Max Data Link Maximum Retries
Retries Maximum number of times a frame is re-sent before communication
failure is identified.
Range: 0 255.
Factory default is 2
Apl Cf TO Application Layer Confirm Timeout
When the controller transmits some DNP3 messages, such as a
application layer messages that contain change of state data, a DNP3
application layer confirm message is expected from the master
station. When the last byte of one these messages is transmitted by
the controller a timer is started.
If an application layer confirm message is not received from the
master station with-in the time out period then the message is deemed
failed. Refer to section 5.2.3 for more information regarding failed
application layer message handling.
If the application layer message is too large for a single data link
frame then the protocol handler segments the application message
into multiple data link frames. The application confirm timeout period
must therefore allow for multiple data link frames.
If DL Cf Rqd is set to either SOMETIMES or ALWAYS then for correct
operation of the confirm timeouts Apl Cf TO must be set using the

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Parameter Description
following formula:
Apl Cf TO >= ((DL Max Retries + 1) x DL Cf TO x 7)
The controller calculates this value and automatically overwrites a
value that is entered which is less than the calculated value.
If DL Cf Rqd is set to NEVER then the minimum Apl Cf TO is 0ms.
Range: 0 or (Apl Cf TOCalculated) to 3600000 ms.
Factory default is 84000 ms
Arm Select Arm Select Timeout
Maximum time permitted, in milliseconds, between receiving a select
command message and an operate command message from the
master station for the control action to be deemed valid.
Range: 50 to 65535 ms.
Factory default is 10,000 ms
DNP Address DNP3 Station Address
The station address of the controller on the communication link.
Changing this parameter will cause the DNP3 handler task to perform
a warm restart. This will mean a re-initialisation of all communication
parameters such as FCB, sequence numbers, restart internal
indication etc. A temporary loss of communications with the master
station may occur. Also, any queued events will be deleted.
This field is not configurable via WSOS if Nulec DNP3
communications is used.
Range: 0 to 65519
Factory default is 5
Time Dly Rq Time Synchronisation Request Delay
The DNP3 protocol allows for the master station to send time
synchronisation messages independently or at the request of the
controller or both.
Time Dly Rq is the amount of time, in minutes, after the last master
station time synchronisation message that the controller will wait
before setting the Time Synchronisation Required internal indication
bit (IIN1-4). This bit is sent to the master station in every controller
DNP3 message.
If this field is set to 0 then the internal indication bit is never set and
the master station solely determines time synchronisation operation.
Range: 0 65535 minutes
Factory default is 0 minutes

5.1.3 Use of Application and Data Link Confirmation/Retries

The use of application and data link confirmations and retries depends upon the nature of
data transfer on the communications link ie whether controller unsolicited responses are
used or the master frequently polls for data.

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When the controller is configured to transmit unsolicited response messages, it is

recommended that only the controller be configured to use of data link confirmations and
retries. It is the controller responsibility to ensure that data is successfully transmitted to
the master station so it will attempt to retry sending a message if it detects a failure. If the
master station also performs integrity polls on the same communications link then it should
do so infrequently to limit collision problems.
Alternatively, if a master station polls slaves frequently and controller unsolicited
responses are not used then it is recommended that only the master be configured to use
data link confirmations and retries. It is the master stations responsibility to gather data. If
the master station detects a communication failure and moves on to poll the next device
on a multi-drop communication link whilst the controller is performing retries then collisions
will occur.
For more information refer to the DNP3 User Group Technical Bulletin 9804-002 DNP
Confirmation and Retry Guidelines.

5.2 Unsolicited Respon se Configuration

5.2.1 Overview
The protocol handlers DNP3 event processing informs the master station that a change in
a binary input has occurred or an analogue input has exceeded its deadband range.
The transmission of event data can be performed using two methods:
Master initiated polling for event data.
Controller initiated transmissions (called Unsolicited Responses).
Events can be reported in three data classes:
Class 1 - high priority event class
Class 2 - medium priority event class, and
Class 3 - low priority event class
Note that the fourth DNP3 data class, Class 0, is not an event class. It is used in the
reporting of current (static) value of data and not change of state events.
The event class of DNP3 binary and analogue points can be configured using WSOS.
Setting a point to class 0 will prevent the protocol handler from reporting change of state
events for that point to the master station. The point will remain accessible via static data
The following controller display pages allow configuration of Unsolicited Response

5.2.2 Unsolicited Respon se Parameters

--------- DNP Unsolicited 1 --------S

Unsolicited OFF Master Addr 3
Unsol Retries 255 Unsol Dly 90s

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--------- DNP Unsolicited 2 --------S

C1 Count 1 C1 Delay 1s
C2 Count 3 C2 Delay 5s
C3 Count 5 C3 Delay 10s

--------- DNP Unsolicited 3 --------S

C1 Timeout 0s C1 Buffered 0
C2 Timeout 0s C2 Buffered 0
C3 Timeout 0s C3 Buffered 0

Parameter Description
Unsolicited Enable/Disable Unsolicited Responses
Note 1 If OFF, change of state events are buffered but only sent as
responses to event polls from the master. Any Enable or Disable
Unsolicited Messages commands received by the controller will
result in the controller responding with its Function Code Not
Implemented internal indication bit set.
If ON or FORCED, change of state events are buffered and are
transmitted when:-
A class count is exceeded, or
A class notification delay timer expires, or
As a response to a master station event poll.
When a class count is exceeded, or class notification delay timer
expires, then only the events for that class are transmitted. Any
other classs events remain stored in the controllers buffer.
If the master station issues an Enable or a Disable Unsolicited
Messages command to the controller after the controller has sent
its initial unsolicited Null message then the mode of the controller
will be overridden regardless of ON or FORCED setting.
1. If ON, the unsolicited reporting ability in the controller is
enabled. The controller will inform the master station of this
ability via an initial unsolicited Null message and will only
transmit unsolicited response change of state events after it
receives an Enable Unsolicited Messages command from the
master station.
Setting this field to ON will mean that the controller DNP3
implementation is compliant with the DNP3-1999+
2. If FORCED, the controller will transmit unsolicited response
change of state events immediately without waiting for the
Enable Unsolicited Messages command from the master

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Parameter Description
Setting this field to FORCED will cause the controller DNP3
implementation to be non-compliant with the DNP3-1999+
specification and is not recommended. This parameter setting
has been provided for compatibility with legacy master station
implementations that are in conflict with the specification.
Factory default is OFF
Master Addr DNP3 Master Station Address
Note 1 This is the DNP3 address to which the unsolicited responses are
If the controller is set up to communicate with WSOS using Nulec
DNP3 Radio communications then it is recommended that this
field should not be set to the WSOS DNP3 master address.
Range: 0 to 65519
Factory default is 3.
Unsol Retries Unsolicited Response Number of Retries
Maximum number of attempts to re-transmit an unsolicited
response without getting a confirmation from the master.
Refer to section 5.2.3 below for more information.
This limitation does not apply to an initial unsolicited Null
message. (A DNP3-2000 requirement.)
A value of 0 means that only a single transmission is made and
no re-transmits are attempted.
A value of 255 means unlimited retries ie maximum limit is
Range: 0 to 255
Factory default is 255
Unsol Dly Unsolicited Response Retry Delay
If the controller has not received a confirmation from the master
station to an unsolicited response within Apl Cf TO period then
this parameter determines when the next unsolicited response will
be sent.
The Apl Cf TO timer and Unsol Dly timers are started at the same
time ie started immediately after the transmission of the last byte
of a controller message that expects a response from the master.
If Unsol Dly is greater than Apl Cf TO then it will wait until Unsol
Dly seconds after transmission of last message before sending a
Unsol Dly should never be set to less than Apl Cf TO.
Range: 1 to 86400 seconds
Factory default is 90s
C1 Count Unsolicited Response Class 1 Notification Max Count
The number of events which must occur in Class 1 before they
will be reported.

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Parameter Description
Range: 1 to 255
Factory default is 1 event.
C2 Count Unsolicited Response Class 2 Notification Max Count
The number of events which must occur in Class 2 before they
will be reported.
Range: 1 to 255
Factory default is 3 events.
C3 Count Unsolicited Response Class 3 Notification Max Count
The number of events which must occur in Class 3 before they
will be reported.
Range: 1 to 255
Factory default is 5 events.
C1 Delay Unsolicited Response Class 1 Notification Delay
The maximum time an event in this class will wait to be reported.
Range: 1 to 86400 seconds
Factory default is 1s.
C2 Delay Unsolicited Response Class 2 Notification Delay
The maximum time an event in this class will wait to be reported.
Range: 1 to 86400 seconds
Factory default is 5s
C3 Delay Unsolicited Response Class 3 Notification Delay
The maximum time an event in this class will wait to be reported.
Range: 1 to 86400 seconds
Factory default is 10s
C1 Timeout Unsolicited Response Class 1 Notification Time
The number of seconds remaining before an unsolicited response
class 1 transmission. (Display only)
C2 Timeout Unsolicited Response Class 2 Notification Time
The number of seconds remaining before an unsolicited response
class 2 transmission. (Display only)
C3 Timeout Unsolicited Response Class 3 Notification Time
The number of seconds remaining before an unsolicited response
class 3 transmission. (Display only)
C1 Buffered Unsolicited Response Class 1 Buffered Events
The number of queued events in the unsolicited response class 1
buffer. (Display only)
C2 Buffered Unsolicited Response Class 2 Buffered Events
The number of queued events in the unsolicited response class 2
buffer. (Display only)
C3 Buffered Unsolicited Response Class 3 Buffered Events
The number of queued events in the unsolicited response class 3
buffer. (Display only)

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1. Changing this parameter will cause the DNP3 handler task to perform a warm restart.
This will mean a re-initialisation of all communication parameters such as FCB,
sequence numbers, restart internal indication etc. A temporary loss of communications
with the master station may occur. Also, any queued events will be deleted.

5.2.3 Event Buffering

Multiple DNP3 change of state events can be transmitted in the same message. When
events are transmitted, the software tags them as sent and retains them in the event
buffer. All messages containing events require an application layer confirm response from
the master station.
If the application layer receives an confirm response within the application layer
confirmation time out period (Apl Cf TO), then the tagged events are deleted from the
If a confirm message is not received within the application layer confirm time out period
(Apl Cf TO) then all tagged events are untagged and are retained in the event buffer and
the protocol handler behaves as follows:
If unsolicited response messages are not enabled then the events are retransmitted
when next requested by the master station.
If unsolicited response messages are enabled then the protocol handler either waits for
the retry delay timer (Unsol Dly) to expire before attempting to send another unsolicited
response. The new unsolicited response message is not an identical retry of the failed
message but may contain the same data. All message identification parameters (eg
sequence numbers) are incremented.
If the maximum unsolicited response retry limit is enabled then after Unsol Retries the
protocol handler will cease attempting to send unsolicited responses until either:-
a successful application layer message, of any function code, addressed to it is
received from the master station, or
a new event is queued in the buffer.
If the 250 binary event buffer, or the 200 analogue event buffer, is full then the oldest
queued event will be over-written by a new event.

5.3 Data Configuration

5.3.1 Overview
Data configuration is available for: -
Assigning default dead bands and high/low alarming to match the line conditions,
these are set separately for
Phase Currents (A, B, C)
Earth / Ground Current
Phase Voltages (A, B, C)
System Power (kVA, kVAR, kW)
Selection of analogue point sets (full, small, none) based on the operational
requirements and transmission bandwidth available, particularly during an integrity
poll. Refer to appendices for points lists.
Enabling / Disabling event points.

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Point class assignment. The classes shown in the appendices are factory defaults.
The class of each point can be assigned using the WSOS utility on a PC or via a
DNP3 Assign Class commands from the master station.

5.3.2 Database Paramete rs

These pages allow the SCADA engineer to determine the size of the DNP3 Database and
the type of data object reported in a class event or integrity poll.

----- DNP Database Configuration 1 ---S

Analogue Alarms OFF Analogue Pnts SMALL
Binary Time ON Analogue Time OFF
Analogue Size 16bit Analogue Flag OFF

----- DNP Database Configuration 2 ---S

Binary Output OFF

Parameter Description
Analogue Alarms Analogue Alarming Operation
This field determines if analogue threshold alarming is enabled
or disabled.
If ON, the operation of binary alarm points are enabled. All
alarms are independent of the protocol handler analogue
configuration. eg The event class of the analogues does not
effect alarm operation. Similarly alarming is not effected by
whether the analogues are in the configured Analogue Pnts set.
If OFF, alarms are disabled. All binary alarm points are cleared.
Refer to section 5.3.6 for more information.
Range: OFF, ON
Factory default is OFF
Analogue Pnts Analogue Point Set
This field determines which, if any, of the analogue point
mapping sets are included in the controllers DNP3 Points list. A
summary of all the available mapping permutations is given in
section 5.3.3.
Changing this parameter will cause the DNP3 handler task to
perform a warm restart. This will mean a re-initialisation of all
communication parameters such as FCB, sequence numbers,
restart internal indication etc. A temporary loss of
communications with the master station may occur. Also, any

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Parameter Description
queued events will be deleted.
Factory default is SMALL.
Binary Time Binary Time Tag Usage
Determines whether or not a time tag is included with DNP3
binary change of state events transmitted to a master station by
the controller.
Range: ON, OFF
Factory default is ON.
Analogue Time Analogue Time Tag Usage
Determines whether or not a time tag is included with DNP3
analogue change of state events transmitted to a master station
by the controller.
Range: ON, OFF
Factory default is OFF
Analogue Size Default Analogue Data Object Size
Determines the size of the controller DNP3 default analogue
objects. This size is transmitted by the CAPM for all static and
event data responses where the master does not explicitly ask
for data size.
Range: 16, 32 bits (signed)
Factory default is 16 bit
Analogue Flag Analogue Flag Reporting
Determines whether or not a byte containing the analogues
status data is included with its value in a controller response to a
static data scan.
If ON, the controller will always send a flag of either 0x01 (point
online) or 0x21 (point online and overrange). It is recommended
that this field should only be set ON if the use of the analogue
flag bits is a master station requirement.
Range: ON, OFF
Factory default is OFF
Binary Outputs Binary Output Status Reporting
Determines whether or not the Binary Output status data is
included in a controller response to an integrity poll.
If ON, the controller will always include the Binary Output status
data to the end of an integrity poll response.
Range: ON, OFF
Factory default is OFF

5.3.3 Database Size Perm utations

To enable optimisation of communication bandwidth, three binary and analogue input
point sets are available. The selection of a set will determine the size of the logical

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database used by the controllers DNP3 protocol handler and thus determine the size of
an integrity poll response.

Analogue Binary Point Table(s) Analogue Point Table(s)
OFF Appendix D No analogues
SMALL Appendix D Appendix E
FULL Appendix D Appendix F

Analogue Binary Point Table(s) Analogue Point Table(s)
OFF Appendix J No analogues
SMALL Appendix J Appendix K
FULL Appendix J Appendix L

5.3.4 Default Database D ata Objects

When master stations perform change of state or integrity data polling then the reported
data object variation is typically not specified. The request simply asks for any data for a
specific DNP3 class type and it is left to the controllers protocol handler to determine
which DNP3 object variation is to be transmitted. The controller determined object
variations are referred to in this manual as the Default object variation. Some default data
object variations can be configured. The table below lists the selectable variations and
identifies the relevant configuration parameter required.

Controller Configuration Field

DNP3 Data Object Binary Analogue Analogue Analogue
Time Tag Time Tag Size Flag
Binary Input Change without time
(Object 2 Variation 1)
Binary Input Change with time
(Object 2 Variation 2)
32 Bit Analogue Input
32 ON
(Object 30 Variation 1)
16 Bit Analogue Input
16 ON
(Object 30 Variation 2)
32 Bit Analogue Input without flag
32 OFF
(Object 30 Variation 3)
16 Bit Analogue Input without flag
16 OFF
(Object 30 Variation 4)
32 Bit Analogue Change Event without time
OFF 32
(Object 32 Variation 1)
16 Bit Analogue Change Event without time
OFF 16
(Object 32 Variation 2)

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Controller Configuration Field

DNP3 Data Object Binary Analogue Analogue Analogue
Time Tag Time Tag Size Flag
32 Bit Analogue Change Event with time
ON 32
(Object 32 Variation 3)
16 Bit Analogue Change Event with time
ON 16
(Object 32 Variation 4)
16 Bit Analogue Input Deadband
(Object 34 Variation 1)
32 Bit Analogue Input Deadband
(Object 34 Variation 2)

The rest of the default data objects used by the controller are:
Binary input status (Object 01 variation 01),
Binary counter status (Object 20 variation 05),
Frozen counter status (Object 21 variation 09), and
Binary output status (Object 10 variation 02).
These object types are not configurable.

5.3.5 Analogue Deadban d Parameters

All the protocol handlers analogue inputs have a non-volatile default deadband value - refer
to Appendix E, Appendix F, Appendix K and Appendix L for the values. Some default
deadbands can be configured. These configurable deadbands are listed in the table below.
Upon controller startup, protocol handler restart, or a default deadband setting change, the
protocol handler copies all default settings to volatile memory over-riding any previous
settings. The protocol handler uses the volatile values in its deadband reporting logic.
All volatile analogue input deadbands are configurable from the DNP3 master station on a
per point basis. If volatile deadband changes are to be maintained after the protocol handler
has restarted then it is the master stations responsibility for re-sending any updated
deadband values.
Deadband values are not reported in integrity or event polling. They are only available via
reads and writes of DNP3 analogue input deadband objects.
All deadbands supported by the protocol handler are fixed value format - ie the deadband
value represents an analogue inputs absolute value difference between the last reported
value and the threshold value that the current value must exceed in order to generate an
analogue change of state event.
For more information on DNP3 analogue deadband objects and behaviour refer to the DNP3
User Group Technical Bulletin 9809-001 Analogue Input Reporting Deadband

-------- DNP Default Deadbands -------S

Phase Current 10A Phase Voltage 100V
Earth Current 5A System Power 250

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Parameter Description
Phase Current Phase Current Default Deadband
The A, B and C phase current analogue inputs will have their
deadband set to this value.
Range: 1 to 999A
Factory default is 10A.
Phase Voltage Phase Voltage Default Deadband
The A, B, and C phase voltage analogue inputs will have their
deadband set to this value. All phase-phase as well as phase-
earth/ground voltages are effected.
Range: 1 to 38000V
Factory default is 100V.
Earth/Gnd Earth/Ground Current Default Deadband
Current The earth/ground current analogue input will have its deadband
set to this value.
Range: 1 to 999A
Factory default is 5A.
System Power System Power Default Deadband
All power analogue inputs will have their deadband set to this
value i.e. KVA, KVAR, and KW.
Range: 1 54000 units
Factory default is 250 units.

5.3.6 Analogue Alarm Re porting





The protocol handler has four configurable alarm analogue types: phase voltage, phase
current, earth current and system power. Each analogue type has a configurable high
alarm threshold value as well as a configurable low alarm threshold value.
Each of these analogue types also has a pair of binary alarm points in the protocol handler
database. If an analogue value passes the alarm threshold (eg H1 or L1 above) the binary
alarm becomes active. A binary alarm change of state event is put into the DNP3 event
buffers for reporting to the master station.

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If, after a HI Alarm, all analogues of the same type are below the high alarm reset
threshold (eg H2 above), then the HI binary alarm is turned off and a binary alarm change
of state is put into the DNP3 event buffers for reporting to the master station.
If, after a LOW Alarm, the analogues of the same type are above the low alarm reset
threshold (eg L2 above), and all other, then the LOW binary alarm is turned off and a
binary alarm change of state is put into the DNP3 event buffers for reporting to the master
Alarming is enabled/disabled via configuration of the protocol handlers Analogue Alarms

5.3.7 Analogue Alarm Pa rameters

These pages allow the SCADA engineer to determine the high and low alarms for phase
current, phase voltage, ground current and system power.

---- DNP High Alarm Configuration ---S

Phase Current 999A Phase Voltage 38000V
Earth Current 999A System Power 54000

Parameter Description
Phase Current Phase Current High Alarm
The A, B and C phase current analogue inputs will have their
high alarm threshold set to this value.
Range: 1 to 999A
Factory default is 999A.
Phase Voltage Phase Voltage High Alarm
The A, B, and C phase voltage analogue inputs will have their
high alarm threshold set to this value.
The type of voltage monitored, phase-phase or phase-
earth/ground, is determined by the configuration of the controller.
Refer to the equipment manual for more information.
Range: 1 to 38000V
Factory default is 38000V.
Earth/Gnd Earth/Ground Current High Alarm
Current The earth/ground current analogue input will have its high alarm
threshold set to this value.
Range: 1 to 999A
Factory default is 999A.
System Power System Power High Alarm
All power analogue inputs will have their high alarm threshold
set to this value i.e. KVA, KVAR, and KW.
Range: 1 54000 units

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Factory default is 54000 units.

Note: If a high alarm threshold is set lower than, or equal to, its corresponding low alarm
threshold then the protocol handler will automatically reset the high threshold back to its
previous value.

---- DNP Low Alarm Configuration ----S

Phase Current 0A Phase Voltage 0V
Earth Current 0A System Power 0

Parameter Description
Phase Current Phase Current Low Alarm
The A, B and C phase current analogue inputs will have their low
alarm threshold set to this value.
Range: 0 to 998A
Factory default is 0A.
Phase Voltage Phase Voltage Low Alarm
The A, B, and C phase voltage analogue inputs will have their
low alarm threshold set to this value.
The type of voltage monitored, phase-phase or phase-
earth/ground, is determined by the configuration of the controller.
Refer to the equipment manual for more information.
Range: 0 to 37999V
Factory default is 0V.
Earth/Gnd Earth/Ground Current Low Alarm
Current The earth/ground current analogue input will have its low alarm
threshold set to this value.
Range: 0 to 998A
Factory default is 0A.
System Power System Power Low Alarm
All power analogue inputs will have their low alarm threshold set
to this value i.e. KVA, KVAR, and KW.
Range: 0 53999 units
Factory default is 0 units.

Note: If a low alarm threshold is set higher than, or equal to, its corresponding high alarm
threshold then the protocol handler will automatically reset the low threshold back to its
previous value.

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6 Physical Layer
6.1 Communications P orts Supported
The controller can communicate to the Master station via one of the following ports.
RS-232 Port P8 (refer to section 6.2)
V23 FSK Port P10 (refer to section 6.3)
6.2 RS-232 Communic ation Specifications
The RS-232 communications on P8 can be configured to in one of three modes:
P8 RS-232 for direct or PSTN/radio modem communications
P8 PAKNET for communications to a PAD on a X.25 network (no service signals)
P8 PAKNET SS for communications to a PAD on a X.25 network using service

6.2.1 RS-232 Hardware S ignals

P8 Pin Direction Description
2 From controller Tx Data (TxD)
3 To controller Rx Data (RxD)
4 From controller Request To Send (RTS)
5 To controller Clear To Send (CTS)
7 - Signal Ground
8 To controller Carrier Detect (CD)
20 From controller Data Terminal Ready (DTR)

The controller uses RTS/CTS hardware handshaking. If not supported by the master then
a loop back is required at the controller end of the communications link.
For P8 RS-232 the DTR is set upon protocol handler start up kept permanently asserted.
For P8 PAKNET and P8 PAKNET SS the DTR line is toggled as described below.
Also, the controller does not support any XON/XOFF software handshaking.

6.2.2 RS-232 Character D efinition

RS-232 characters are 8 bit, 1 stop bit, no parity

6.2.3 RS-232 Configurati on Parameters

The following communications configuration pages allow the user to specify parameters
required for operation of the physical link between the recloser and the master station.

-------- DNP Communications 1 ------S

Pre-Tx 250ms Post-Tx 35ms
Baud 9600

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-------- DNP Communications 2 ------S

Pre-amble DISABLED First Char 0x55
Repeat First 3 Last Char 0xFF

-------- DNP Communications 3 ------S

DCD Ignore CA Delay 1000ms
Tx Delay 0ms

None of these fields are configurable via WSOS if Nulec DNP3 communications is used.

Parameter Description
Port Selection
This field selects the communications medium the DNP3 protocol
uses for transmission.
OFF When OFF is selected, the protocol handler is disabled.

P8 RS-232 When P8 RS 232 is selected, the protocol uses the P8 serial

port for all data. Also, the DNP Communications 1 and 2 pages
are automatically updated to reflect relevant RS-232 data as
detailed below.

P8 PAKNET When P8 PAKNET is selected, the protocol handler uses the P8

serial port to communicate through an X.25 network via a
PAKNET Pad without using the Service Signals.

When P8 PAKNET SS is selected, the protocol handler uses the

P8 serial port to communicate through an X.25 network via a
PAKNET Pad using the Service Signals.

P10 V23 FSK When P10 V23 FSK is selected, the protocol uses the built in
V23 modem on P10. Also, the DNP Communications 1 and 2
pages are automatically updated to reflect relevant FSK data.
Refer to section 6.3 for the P10 configuration details.
Range: OFF, P8 RS-232, P8 PAKNET, P8 PAKNET SS,
P10 FSK V23
Factory default is P8 RS 232

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Parameter Description
Protocol Status
Indication of the current status of the communications. (Display
RUNNING RUNNING means that the protocol handler has connected to the
communication port (P8 or P10) and is running.
INACTIVE INACTIVE means that the protocol handler has been disabled via
the OFF state above or has been unable to connect to a
communication port. This is usually caused by another
application already having exclusive access to the port.
Pre-Tx Pre-Transmission Period
The time delay between asserting RTS to when the message
Note: CTS must be asserted for transmission to occur else
message is held until it is asserted.
Range: 0 to 1000 ms.
Factory default is 250 ms
Post-Tx Post-Transmission Period
The time after the last character is sent before RTS is negated.
Range: 0 to 1000 ms.
Factory default is 10 ms
Baud Communications Baud Rate
Range: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 192001 baud.
Factory default is 9600 Baud
PSTN Dial Up Number
Dialup Number The PSTN number that the protocol handler will call when it
needs to send an Unsolicited response. This field supports a
maximum of 18 digits.
DISABLED If this field is set to Dialling DISABLED then the protocol will not
try to dial the modem.
Factory is Dialling DISABLED with default number field blank
Pre-amble Preamble Usage
Determines whether the protocol transmits some preamble
characters prior to the start of a protocol message. The message
itself is not otherwise modified. Some modems require these
characters to assist with message reception and synchronisation
at the master station. Start of frame filtering at the master station
ensures identification of the protocol message.
ENABLED ENABLED means that the preamble characters are transmitted
prior to a protocol message.
DISABLED means that protocol message are transmitted without
any preamble characters.

19200 baud is only available with CAPM5 controllers.

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Parameter Description
Factory default is DISABLED
First Char Preamble First Character
This is the first character to be transmitted as a preamble. The
character is specified by entering its ASCII code in hexadecimal
Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal.
Factory default is 0x55
Repeat First Number of Preamble First Characters
This is the number of times the first character will be repeated as
part of the preamble.
Eg if all preamble settings are at default values then the
preamble sent is 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xFF
Range: 0 to 20.
Factory default is 3
Last Char Last Preamble Character
This is the last char that will be sent as part of the preamble. The
character is specified by entering its ASCII code in hexadecimal
Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal.
Factory default is 0xFF
DCD Usage
DCD Ignore If the modem does not support a Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
signal this parameter should be set to DCD Ignore.
Even if the modem does support a DCD signal this parameter is
usually set to DCD Ignore. This is because most point-point
systems using conventional modems run as full duplex so that
the DCD is always asserted during normal operation.
When set to this mode, the protocol uses any received data to
build an incoming packet irrespective of DCD input signal. Also
the protocol will transmit irrespective of the DCD input signal.
If the modem supports a Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal this
DCD Dont
parameter can be set to DCD Dont Ignore. When set to this
mode, the protocol will only read data and build an incoming
protocol packet when DCD is asserted. In addition, the protocol
will not transmit when DCD is asserted. This is necessary for
multi-dropped systems or ones shared with voice users or some
Range: DCD Ignore, DCD Dont Ignore
Factory default is DCD Ignore
CA Delay Collision Avoidance Delay
On a multidrop communications link this parameter can be used
to provide priority access.
If the controller prepares to transmit and finds the link busy (DCD

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Parameter Description
asserted), it waits until it is no longer busy, then waits a back off
time as follows:

Back off time = CA Delay + ([random delay with range 0.0 to 1.0] x CA Delay)

After the back off time the device tries again. If still unsuccessful
then the controller will continue in an indefinite loop until
If radio modems are used then Tx Delay must be configured to a
value slightly larger than the master stations post-transmission
time. This is necessary to ensure that the incoming messages
tail does not trigger back off operation.
If the DCD usage is configured to DCD Ignore then the back off
time is disabled.
Range: 0 to 180000 milliseconds
Factory default is 1000 ms
Tx Delay Transmission Delay
Additional time in milliseconds between receiving a request and
sending the response.
This field is used when the master station requires time to
disable its transmitter. If collision avoidance delay, CA Delay, is
configured then this field should be set to a value slightly greater
than the master stations post-transmission period.
Range: 0 to 65535 ms.
Factory default is 0 ms

6.2.4 Carrier Detect

When DCD Ignore is configured, the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) input is not used. All
data is received and transmitted irrespective of the state of the DCD signal.
When DCD Dont Ignore is configured, the controller will not begin to transmit a packet
until DCD is negated, and will only receive data when DCD is asserted. Refer to the DCD
Usage parameter description for more information.
When Dialup Number is configured, the DCD input is used exclusively by the dialling
modem and the DCD Ignore/Dont Ignore parameter is not used. Refer to section 6.2.7
for more information.

6.2.5 Transmitting a DNP 3 Packet

Transmission of a DNP3 packet follows the steps below
1. RTS line is asserted
2. Controller waits until the pre-transmission delay expires (Delay set from the panel)
and CTS is asserted.
3. The pre-amble is transmitted (Optional. Set from the panel).
4. Checks CTS is asserted.
5. The DNP3 packet is transmitted
6. Waits until the post-transmission delay expires (Delay set from the panel)

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7. RTS is negated

6.2.6 DTR
DTR is asserted by the protocol handler at power-up or upon P8 selection.

6.2.7 Dialling Modem Su pport

The controller can support a Hayes compatible modem with dialling / auto answer
capability on port P8 for remote dial up access using DNP3. The protocol uses dialling
modem support mode if the dialling field is DNP Communications 2 shows a telephone
number. If modem is active then the DCD Ignore parameter is ignored. The protocol
handler uses the state of the DCD input from the modem to determine the modems
status. If DCD is asserted the modem is online. If DCD is negated the modem is
considered offline.
The modem must be setup to auto answer any call. It should not return results codes nor
echo commands.
When the modem is online (DCD asserted) the protocol will examine the data being
received and decode it as DNP3 packets.
When the protocol needs to transmit data it will first check if the modem is currently online.
If the modem is online the protocol will send the data immediately. If the modem is offline
the protocol will first dial to the master station.
To connect to the master station the protocol handler sends ATDT and then the phone
number setup on the status page above to the modem. The protocol handler will then wait
up to 90 seconds for the modem to assert the DCD line. If the modem fails to assert the
DCD line within 90 seconds the current packet will be discarded. The protocol handler will
try to connect again when the Unsolicited retry timer expires.
The protocol handler will hang up the modem after a delay of 30 seconds with no valid
packet received or transmitted. To hang up the modem the protocol handler will:-
Wait 1 second
Send +++
Wait 1 second
And then send ATH
Wait 5 second
The protocol handler will then check to ensure the modem has negated the DCD line.
If this sequence fails to disconnect the line the protocol handler will turn the radio power
supply off (AUX+) for 1 minute to disconnect power from the modem and reset it.

6.2.8 PAKNET Configura tion

The following communications configuration pages allow the user to specify parameters
required for X.25 based communications between the recloser and the master station. In
this configuration, the controllers interface to the X.25 network is via a PAKNET Radio
PAD. The PAKNET PADs conform to a subset of the V.24 and X.28 standards.
Users should consult the PADs Configuration Guide to ensure that its parameters are
configured in a manner that is compatible with the controller. X.25 Connection Parameters

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-------- DNP PAKNET Settings -------

DTR Low Time 500ms Tx on line 5s
NUA Address 0

Parameter Description
DTR Low Time
DTR Low Time The time that DTR is held low in order to clear a call
Range: 10 to 5000 ms
Factory default is 500 ms
NUA Address PAKNET NUA Address
PAKNET NUA Address for dialing. Supports both short and long
address schemes.
Range: 0 to 99999999999999
Factory default is 0
Tx on line Tx on line Time
The time the call is maintained after the last character is
transmitted. The call is cleared by lowering DTR for a period of
time specified by the DTR Low Time parameter. Calls are only
cleared by the controller if it initiated the call.
Range: 0 to 120 seconds.
Factory default is 5 seconds Communications Retry Parameters

----- DNP PAKNET Call-Out Timers ----

Min Retry 60s Max Retry 3600s
Multiplier X 2
Timeout 12s

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Parameter Description
Minimum Retry Time
Min Retry The initial time between retries if a call-out sequence to the master
station fails.
Range: 5 to 86400 seconds
Factory default is 60 seconds
Max Retry Maximum Retry Time
The maximum time allowed between retries if call-out sequences
to the master station continue to fail.
Range: 5 to 86400 seconds
Factory default is 3600 seconds
Multiplier Retry Multiplier
The factor by which the current retry interval is multiplied to obtain
the new retry interval. For example if the multiplier is set to 2 and
the retry interval is initially set to 60 then the second retry will
occur after 120 seconds, the third after 240 seconds etc until the
Max Retry Interval is reached.
Range: 1 to 10
Factory default is 2
Timeout Retry Timeout
The number of seconds remaining before the retry timer expires.
Note: P8 PAKNET assumes immediate low level connection, so
this low-level timeout is unlikely to be used. Higher level DNP
timeouts come into play if there is not a valid P8 PAKNET
connection (eg.DL Cf To).
The delay between retry countdowns is due to multiples of 5sec
waits and DTR low times.
Range: 0 to 86400 seconds
(Display only).

6.3 V23 FSK Communi cation Specifications

6.3.1 V23 Hardware Sign als

Standard Cable P10 Pin Direction Use

Type N03-530
15 Way D Female
5 5 - Signal Ground
4 4 To controller Receive, 10kOhm impedance
Sensitivity 0.1V to 2V pk-pk
15 15 From controller Press To Talk (PTT)
11 11 From controller Transmit(Tx), 600 Ohm impedance

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Level 2.5V pk-pk

6 6 To controller Busy, 10kOhm impedance

Signal frequencies conform to V23 standard.

The protocol only supports half duplex (ie receive and transmit can not occur at the same
time) when using the V23 port.
Baud rate is fixed at 1200 Baud.

6.3.2 V23 Configuration Parameters

The following communications configuration pages allow the user to specify parameters
required for operation of the physical link between the recloser and the master station.

-------- DNP Communications 1 ------S

Pre-Tx 250ms Post-Tx 35ms
Busy Sense LOW

-------- DNP Communications 2 ------S

Pre-amble DISABLED First Char 0x55
Repeat First 3 Last Char 0xFF

-------- DNP Communications 3 ------S

DCD Dont Ignore CA Delay 1000ms
Tx Delay 0ms

Parameter Description
Port Selection
This field selects the communications medium the DNP3
protocol handler uses for transmission.

OFF When OFF is selected, the protocol handler is disabled.

P8 RS-232 When P8 RS 232 is selected, the protocol uses the P8 serial

port for all data. Also, the DNP Communications 1 and 2 pages
are automatically updated to reflect relevant RS-232 data. Refer
to section 6.2 for the P8 configuration details.

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Parameter Description
P8 PAKNET When P8 PAKNET is selected, the protocol handler uses the P8
serial port to communicate through an X.25 network via a
PAKNET Pad without using the Service Signals. Refer to
section 6.2 for the P8 configuration details.

When P8 PAKNET SS is selected, the protocol handler uses the

P8 PAKNET SS P8 serial port to communicate through an X.25 network via a
PAKNET Pad using the Service Signals. Refer to section 6.2 for
the P8 configuration details.

When P10 V23 FSK is selected, the protocol uses the built in
P10 V23 FSK
V23 modem on P10. Also, the DNP Communications 1 and 2
pages are automatically updated to reflect relevant FSK data as
detailed below.
Range: OFF, P8 RS-232, P8 PAKNET, P8 PAKNET SS,
P10 V23 FSK
Factory default is P8 RS-232
Protocol Status
Indication of the current status of the communications. (Display
RUNNING RUNNING means that the protocol handler has connected to
the communication port (P8 or P10) and is running.
INACTIVE INACTIVE means that the protocol handler has been disabled
via the OFF state above or has been unable to connect to a
communication port. This is usually caused by another
application already having exclusive access to the port.
Pre-Tx Pre-Transmission Period
The time delay between keying PTT to when the data is
During this period the carrier is transmitted on the Tx line.
Range: 0 to 1000 ms.
Factory default is 250 ms
Post-Tx Post-Transmission Period
The time after the last character is sent before PTT is negated.
During this period the carrier is transmitted on the Tx line.
Range: 0 to 1000 ms.
Factory default is 35 ms
Busy Sense Polarity of Busy Signal
This field determines the polarity of the input signal from the
radio (P10 pin 6) that the controller uses as BUSY.
LOW LOW means that a low input signal will assert BUSY.
HIGH HIGH means that a high input signal will assert BUSY.
Range: LOW, HIGH

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Parameter Description
Factory default is Busy Sense LOW.
Transmission Mode
This field can be used to test the radio transmitter.
Tx NORMAL Tx NORMAL means that the protocol handler controls the radio
for normal DNP3 transmissions.
Tx TEST Tx TEST means that the protocol handler will send continuous
text strings of TX TEST. This string is transmitted as an
asynchronous message with 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, 1 start bit
Factory default is Tx NORMAL.
BUSY Signal Status
The status of the BUSY signal into the controller (Display only)
Rx IDLE, Rx IDLE indicates that the signal is in the not BUSY state.
Rx BUSY Rx BUSY Asserted indicates that the signal is in the BUSY
state. This usually means that the radio squelch has opened.
Range: Rx IDLE, Rx BUSY
Pre-amble Preamble Usage
ENABLED When ENABLED the protocol handler inserts a string of
characters in front of a message packet. The message frame is
otherwise not affected. Start of frame filtering at the master
station will ensure identification of the message. This parameter
is sometimes required for modems to aid with their keying.
DISABLED When DISABLED the protocol handler does not insert any
preamble characters.
Factory default is DISABLED
First Char Preamble First Character
This is the first character to be transmitted as a preamble. The
character is specified by entering its ASCII code in hexadecimal
Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal.
Factory default is 0x55
Repeat First Number of Preamble First Characters
This is the number of times the first character will be repeated
as part of the preamble.
Eg if all preamble settings are at default values then the
preamble sent is 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xFF
Range: 0 to 20.
Factory default is 3
Last Char Last Character of Preamble
This is the last char that will be sent as part of the preamble.
The character is specified by entering its ASCII code in

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Parameter Description
hexadecimal format.
Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal.
Factory default is 0xFF
DCD Usage
DCD Ignore The DCD Ignore mode is used when there is no busy signal
available. eg A twisted pair link. To operate in this mode the
Busy Sense needs to be set to HIGH so that the receiver is
busy at all times. When set to this mode, the protocol uses any
received data to build a DNP3 packet. The protocol is able to
DCD Dont Ignore transmit at any time.
The DCD Dont Ignore mode is the normal operating mode for
radio systems that have a busy signal available. When set to
this mode, the protocol will only read data and build a DNP3
packet when busy is asserted. Also, the protocol will not
transmit when busy is asserted. This reduces clashes with voice
Factory default is DCD Dont Ignore
CA Delay Collision Avoidance Delay
On a multidrop communications link this parameter can be used
to provide priority access.
If the controller prepares to transmit and finds the link busy
(DCD asserted), it waits until it is no longer busy, then waits a
back off time as follows:

Back off time = CA Delay + ([random delay with range 0.0 to 1.0] x CA Delay)

After the back off time the device tries again. If still unsuccessful
then the controller will continue in an indefinite loop until
If radio modems are used then Tx Delay must be configured to a
value slightly larger than the master stations post-transmission
time. This is necessary to ensure that the incoming messages
tail does not trigger back off operation.
If the DCD usage is configured to DCD Ignore then the back off
time is disabled.
Range: 0 to 180000 milliseconds
Factory default is 1000 ms
Tx Delay Transmission Delay
Additional time in milliseconds between receiving a request and
sending the response.
This field is used when the master station requires time to
disable its transmitter. If collision avoidance delay, CA Delay, is
configured then this field should be set to a value slightly greater
than the master stations post-transmission period.
Range: 0 to 65535 ms.

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Parameter Description
Factory default is 0 ms

6.3.3 V23 Handshaking S ignals

The protocol can operate in two separate modes depending on the state of the DCD
Ignore flag.
DCD Dont Ignore
When the BUSY line gets asserted, the controller will scan for a valid DNP3 packet. When
BUSY gets negated, then the Rx data is no longer read.
The sensing of the BUSY line can be setup on the controller panel to be Busy Sense
LOW or Busy Sense HIGH.
The controller checks the status of the BUSY line before transmission. If the BUSY line is
negated the CAPM is free to transmit.
The controller then asserts the PTT line before it begins transmission. The controller waits
until the pre-transmission timer expires, then waits for the optional pre-amble to be
transmitted, then immediately begins transmission. After transmission, the protocol waits
for the post-transmission timer to expire, and then negates PTT.
DCD Ignore
The protocol receives any characters coming in on the RX line and attempts to decode
these as DNP3 packets.
The controller is free to transmit at any time.
The controller then asserts the PTT line before it begins transmission. The controller waits
until the pre-transmission timer expires, waits for the optional pre-amble to be transmitted,
begins transmission. After transmission, the protocol waits for the post-transmission timer
to expire, and then negates PTT.

6.4 Communication St atistics

The communication statistics give communication information, such as octets not being
sent, received or processed or frames being incorrectly addressed. The communication
statistics page appears as below:

---- DNP Communication Statistics ---S

Tx Count 946 Rx Count 582
Rx Length Error 0 Rx CRC Error 0

Statistic Description
Tx Count Transmission Message Count
The number of DNP3 datalink messages transmitted from this
recloser into the DNP3 link.
Range: 0 to 32768
Rx Count Receive Message Count
The number of DNP3 datalink messages received by this
recloser from the DNP3 link.
Range: 0 to 32768

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Rx Length Error Receive Message Length Error Count

The number of message packets received with a length error
Range: 0 to 999
Rx CRC Error Receive Message CRC Error Count
The number of message packets received with a CRC error
Range: 0 to 999

All of the above counters are zeroed when: the controller is reset; a DNP3 cold or warm
restart message is received; or a configuration parameter is changed that triggers a DNP3
handler warm restart; or the reset all button is selected in Windows SOS.
Any field can be cleared via the operator control panel by selecting it and pressing either
the left or right keys.
All communication statistic parameters are not password protected.

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Appendix A Protocol Timings

Initialisation Time
The protocol handler will not respond to master station requests for about 10 seconds
after power up whilst it waits for the controller database to be initialised and for high
priority boot up tasks to be completed.
Turnaround Time
The turnaround time for the protocol, from the end of receiving a message until the start of
the pre-transmission time, is typically < 40 milliseconds with a range of 5 to 100
Latency of Data
The protocol task examines the real-time database every 500 ms to see if anything has
changed and to construct the underlying protocol database which is sent to the master
station. This introduces a delay between the actual event and updating the protocol
database of up to 500 milliseconds. This is the data latency.
Accuracy of Time Tags
For points tagged to 500 milliseconds accuracy, the time tag accuracy is 10 / + 500 ms
relative to controller processor clock.
For points tagged to 10 millisecond accuracy, the points correspond to those in the
operator panel event record.

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Appendix B DNP3 Device Profile

The controller implementation complies with the DNP3 Subset Definitions document.
Additional implementation information is given in this section.

The DNP3 device profile defines the mapping of all data points used, in the standard
format recommended by the DNP3 users group.

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual

DNP3 Device Profile

DNP3 Device Profile

Vendor Name: Nu-Lec Industries P/L, Device Name: CAPM-4 Controller

Brisbane, Australia

Highest DNP3 Level Supported

For Requests: 2 Device Function: Slave
For Responses: 2

Conforms to DNP3 level 2 subset definition requirements with many additional level 3 features built
These extra features include the parsing of read requests (FC 1) for the following objects and/or
Binary Input (Object 1 Variations 0 Qualifiers 00, 01,07,08,17,28)
Binary Input (Object 1 Variation 1 Qualifiers 00, 01, 06,07,08,17,28)
Binary Output (Object 10 Variation 0 Qualifiers 00, 01, 07, 08, 17, 28)
Binary Output (Object 10 Variation 2, Qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 28)
Binary Counter (Object 20 Variation 6 Qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 28)
Frozen Counter (Object 21 Variation 10 Qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 28)
Analogue Input (Object 30 Variation 0, Qualifiers 00, 01, 07, 08, 17, 28)
Analogue Input (Object 30 Variations 1, 2, 3, 4 Qualifiers 00, 01, 06,07,08,17,28)
Analogue Change Event (Object 32 Variations 1, 2, 3, 4 Qualifiers 06, 07, 08)
Analogue Input Deadband (Object 34 Variations 1, 2, Qualifiers 00, 01, 06,07,08,17,28)
Analogue Output Status (Object 40 Variation 1, 2 Qualifiers 00, 01,07,08,17,28)
Analogue Output Block (Object 41 Variation 1, 2 Qualifiers 00, 01, 07, 08, 17, 28)

Also, the following functions are included:

Function codes 7, 8, 9, 10 for Binary Counters (Object 20 Variation 6)
Function code 14 - Warm Restart
Function code 20 - Enable Unsolicited Messages
Function code 21 - Disable Unsolicited Messages
Function code 22 - Assign Data Classes

Maximum Data Link Frame Size (octets): Maximum Application Fragment Size (octets):
Transmitted: 292 Transmitted: 2048
Received: 292 Received: 249
Maximum Data Link Retries: Maximum Application Layer Retries:
Configurable 0..255 None
Requires Data Link Layer Confirmation:

Configurable, 3 settings Never, Always, Sometimes (on multi frame fragments only)

Requires Application Layer Confirmation:

Sometimes (only when reporting event data or when sending multifragment responses)

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Timeouts while waiting for:

Data Link Confirm: Configurable
Application Confirm: Configurable
Need Time Delay: Configurable (on power up, an additional device start up delay
applies. Refer to appendix A).
Select Operate Delay: Configurable
Unsolicited Response Notification: Configurable
Unsolicited Response Retry Delay: Configurable
Timeouts not supported:
Complete Appl. Fragment: None
Complete Appl Response: None
Executes Control Operations:
WRITE Binary Outputs: Never
DIRECT OPERATE: Always Count > 1: Never
DIRECT OPERATE - NO ACK: Always Pulse On: Always
Max number of controls that can operate Pulse Off: Always
simultaneously: 1 Latch On: Always
Pattern control operations are not supported Latch Off: Always
Trip/Close: Sometimes
Raise/Lower: Never
Queue: Never
WRITE Analogue Outputs: Never Clear Queue: Never
DIRECT OPERATE: Always Pulse On and Pulse Off times are ignored
Max number of outputs that can operate
simultaneously: 1
Maximum Select/Operate Delay Time:
Configurable 1 .. 65535 ms
Reports Binary Input Change Events when Reports time tagged Binary Input Change
no specific variation requested: Events when no specific variation requested:
Configurable with / without time Binary Input Change with Time
Sends Unsolicited Responses: Static Data in Unsolicited Responses:
Enable/Disable Unsolicited supported Never
Supports Collision Avoidance: Collision Avoidance Detection Method:
Configurable DCD
Default Counter Object: Counter Roll Over at:
Default Object: 20 65535
Default Variation: 06

Sends Multi-Fragment Responses: Yes

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Appendix C DNP3 Implementation Table

CAPM DNP3 Implementation Table

(slave must parse) (master must parse)
Obj Var Description Func Codes Qual Codes Func Qual
(dec) (hex) Codes Codes
1 0 Binary Input - All Variations 1 22 00, 01 06 N/A N/A

07, 08, 17, 28

1 1 Binary Input 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01

07, 08, 17, 28
17, 28 Note 4
1 2 Binary Input With Status 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08,
17, 28
17, 28
Note 4
2 0 Binary Input Change - All 1 06, 07, 08 N/A N/A
2 1 Binary Input Change without Time 1 06, 07, 08 129, 130 17, 28
2 2 Binary Input Change with Time 1 06, 07, 08 129, 130 17, 28
2 3 Binary Input Change with Relative 1 06, 07, 08 N/A N/A
10 0 Binary Output - All Variations 1 00, 01 06 N/A N/A
07, 08, 17, 28
10 2 Binary Output Status 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08, 17, 28
17, 28 Note 4
12 1 Control Relay Output Block 3, 4, 5, 6 00, 01, 07, 08 129 Echo of
17, 28
20 0 Binary counter All Variations 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 00, 01 06 N/A N/A
07, 08, 17, 28
20 1 32 Bit Binary Counter with flag 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08, 17, 28
17, 28 Note 4
20 2 16 Bit Binary Counter with flag 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08, 17, 28
17, 28 Note 4
20 5 32 Bit Binary Counter without flag 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08, 17, 28
17, 28 Note 4
20 6 16 Bit Binary Counter without flag 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08, 17, 28
17, 28 Note 4
21 0 Frozen Counter All variations 1 22 00, 01 06 N/A N/A
07, 08, 17, 28
21 1 32 Bit Frozen Counter with flag 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08,
17, 28
17, 28
Note 4

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(slave must parse) (master must parse)
Obj Var Description Func Codes Qual Codes Func Qual
(dec) (hex) Codes Codes
21 2 16 Bit Frozen Counter with flag 1 00, 01, 06. 129 00, 01
07, 08,
17, 28
17, 28
Note 4
21 9 32 Bit Frozen Counter without flag 1 00, 01, 06. 129 00, 01
07, 08, 17, 28
17, 28 Note 4
21 10 16 Bit Frozen Counter without flag 1 00, 01, 06. 129 00, 01
07, 08, 17, 28
17, 28 Note 4
30 0 Analogue Input - All Variations 1 22 00, 01 06 N/A N/A

07, 08, 17, 28

30 1 32 Bit Analogue Input 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08,
17, 28
17, 28
Note 4
30 2 16 Bit Analogue Input 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08,
17, 28
17, 28
Note 4
30 3 32 Bit Analogue Input without 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
Flag 07, 08,
17, 28
17, 28
Note 4
30 4 16 Bit Analogue Input without 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
Flag 07, 08,
17, 28
17, 28
Note 4
32 0 Analogue Change Event - All 1 06, 07, 08 N/A N/A
32 1 32 Bit Analogue Change Event 1 06, 07, 08 129, 130 17, 28
without Time
32 2 16 Bit Analogue Change Event 1 06, 07, 08 129, 130 17, 28
without Time
32 3 32 Bit Analogue Change Event 1 06, 07, 08 129, 130 17, 28
with Time
32 4 16 Bit Analogue Change Event 1 06, 07, 08 129, 130 17, 28
with Time
34 0 Analogue Input Reporting 1 00, 01, 06, N/A N/A
Deadband All Variations 07, 08,
Note 6 17, 28
34 1 16 bit Analogue Input Deadband 1, 2 00, 01, 06, 129, 130 17, 28
reporting 07, 08,
Note 6 17, 28
34 2 32 bit Analogue Input Deadband 1, 2 00, 01, 06, 129, 130 17, 28
reporting 07, 08,
Note 6 17, 28
40 0 Analogue Output Status - All 1 00, 01 06 N/A N/A
Variations 07, 08, 17, 28

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(slave must parse) (master must parse)
Obj Var Description Func Codes Qual Codes Func Qual
(dec) (hex) Codes Codes
40 1 32 Bit Analogue Output Status 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08, 17, 28
17, 28 Note 4
40 2 16 Bit Analogue Output Status 1 00, 01, 06, 129 00, 01
07, 08,
17, 28
17, 28
Note 4
41 1 32 Bit Analogue Output Block 3, 4, 5, 6 00, 01, 07, 08, 129 Echo of
17, 28
41 2 16 Bit Analogue OutputBlock 3, 4, 5, 6 00, 01, 07, 08, 129 Echo of
17, 28
50 0 Time and Date 1 00, 01, 06 129 00, 01
07, 08, 17, 28
17, 28, Note 4
50 1 Time and Date 2 00, 01, 06 129 00, 01
08, 17, 28 17, 28
07 Note 4
(quantity = 1)
1 00, 01, 06 129 00, 01
08, 17, 28, 17, 28
07 Note 4
(quantity = 1)
52 2 Time Delay Fine N/A N/A 129 07,
(quantity 1)
60 1 Class 0 Data 1 06 N/A N/A

60 2 Class 1 Data 1 06, 07, 08 N/A N/A

20,,21, 22
60 3 Class 2 Data 1 06, 07, 08 N/A N/A

20, 21, 22
60 4 Class 3 Data 1 06, 07, 08 N/A N/A

20, 21, 22
80 1 Internal Indications 2 00 index = 7 N/A N/A

112 Virtual Terminal Output Block 2 00, 01, 06, N/A N/A
Note 5 08, 17, 28
113 Virtual Terminal Event Data 1 06, 07, 08 129 17, 28
No Object 13 14 23 N/A N/A N/A

1. All shaded areas are the additional level 3 or above function, objects, variations and/or qualifiers supported
by controller.
2. Bold italics response function codes represent controller default objects. These are the object variations that
the controller will issue as in its response to an event (class 1, 2, 3) poll, an integrity (class 1, 2, 3, 0) poll, in
a response to a variation 0 read request, or in an unsolicited response message. Where more than one
data object variation is highlighted then default object can be configured. Selection of default objects is
explained in section 5.3.
3. All Request and Response options marked N/A are Not Applicable.
4. For static (non-change-event) objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are only responded when a request is sent
with qualifiers 17 or 28, respectively. Otherwise, static object requests sent with qualifiers 00, 01, 06,

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual

07, or 08, will be responded with qualifiers 00 or 01. (For change-event objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are
always responded.)
5. The Virtual Terminal Objects (112 and 113) are used to transport SOS data between WSOS and the
controller. No other data is supported.
6. A write with an analogue input deadband value of zero will be rejected. The response will have the
parameter in qualifier, range or data field not valid or out of range internal indicator bit (IIN2-2) set.

DNP3 Function Codes

Request Response
Function Description Function Description Function Description
Code Code Code
1 Read 9 Freeze and Clear 129 Response
2 Write 10 Freeze and Clear, No Ack 130 Unsolicited
3 Select 13 Cold Restart (Note 1) Response

4 Operate 14 Warm Restart (Note 1)

5 Direct Operate 20 Enable Unsolicited Msgs
6 Direct Operate, No Ack 21 Disable Unsolicited Msgs
7 Immediate Freeze 22 Assign Class
8 Immediate Freeze, No Ack 23 Delay Measurement

1. When a cold or warm restart command is received by the controller it will restart the DNP3 protocol handler
only. The CAPM itself does not restart.
It is recommended by the DNP3 User Group that master stations do not ask for a data link acknowledgement
nor an application confirm on restart commands (refer to Cold/Warm Restart Sequence, Technical Bulletin
The controller reports a time object of 500ms for both restart types. The master station should not initiate any
message sequences for this period. However, if the controller has unsolicited messages configured ON then it
will automatically establish communications on restart. This may be within the 500ms period.

DNP3 Qualifiers
Qualifier Use in a Request Use in a Response
00, 01 A range of static points, or a single point with a Static Objects
point number.
Object headers use either 8 bit (Q=00) or 16 bit
(Q=01) start and stop range indices.
06 All points. Not valid
Object headers and data sizes are determined by
controller configured parameters.
07, 08 A limited quantity of events or a single point with A single point with no number (eg Time and Date)
no number (eg Time and Date).
Object headers have either 8 bit quantity fields
(Q=07) or 16 bit quantity fields (Q=08).
17, 28 Controls (usually one or more unrelated points) Event objects (usually one or more unrelated
Object headers have either 8 bit quantity field with points)
8 bit indices (Q=17) or 16 bit quantity field with 16
bit indices (Q=28)

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DNP3 Internal Indication Bits

The following DNP3 response internal indication bits are not supported.
IIN1-6 Device trouble. For system health status refer to the Abnormal Operator Conditions binary input
point that is described in Appendix D.
IIN2-4 Request already executing.
IIN2-5 Corrupt Configuration

DNP3 Object Status Flags

Binary Inputs.
Only the on-line and status bits are supported. This means that, depending upon the points status, the reported flag
will always be either 0x01 or 0x81 since the controller always regards its points as on-line.
Binary Outputs.
Only the on-line and status bits are supported. Refer to the relevant binary output appendix for on/offline condition
Analogue Inputs
Only the on-line and over-range bits are supported. Since the controller always regards its points as on-line, the flag
will always be reported as either 0x01 or 0x21.

DNP3 Control Operation

The success or failure of control operation is returned in the control response message. The controller
support for control success is shown below.

Controller Control Response Description
Status Value
0 Control request accepted
1 Control request denied. Select/Operate timed out. The time out parameter is configurable.
2 Control request denied. Operate without select message OR operate/select application
sequence number mis-match.
3 Control request denied. Formatting error
4 Control request denied. Control operation not supported
Trip control sent to a point that supports only Pulse or Latch operations. The supported
operations are indicated on a per point basis in the table in Appendix H or Appendix N.
The binary output (or analogue output) point number is out of range.
The analogue output value is out of range.
5 Control request denied. Already Active
6 Control request denied. Control rejected by controller because of an underlying condition
preventing the action. These conditions are indicated on a per point basis in the table in
Appendix H or Appendix N.

All binary output points have a matching binary input status point. The master station must always use the
corresponding binary status for the control to verify the success of the action.

DNP3 Technical Bulletins

Technical Description Nulec Manual Comment

Bulletin Version

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual

2000-004 Application Layer Confirmation Messages N00-324R20

2000-003 Change Management - Note 1
2000-002 Control Retries N00-324R28
2000-001 Sequential File Transfer Objects - Not Applicable. Note 2
9912-003 Broadcast Message Confirmation and N00-324R33
Address Reservation
9912-002 Unsolicited Event Reporting; Retry N00-324R28
9905-001 Qualifier Code 11 - Not Applicable. Note 2
9809-001 Analogue Input Reporting Deadband N00-324R28
9804-008 Unissued Object and Variation Numbers N00-324R20
9804-007 Clarification of Collision Avoidance N00-324R28
9804-006 Analogue Object Floating Point Variations - Not Applicable. Note 2
9804-005 8 Bit Unsigned Integer Object 102 - Not Applicable. Note 2
9804-004 Virtual Terminal Objects 112 and 113 N00-324R27
9804-003 Recommended Layer Terminology N00-324R20
9804-002 DNP3 Confirmation and Retry Guidelines N00-324R20
9804-001 Rules for Synchronising Application N00-324R20
Sequence Numbers
9704-007 Implementation for Reset Link Frames N00-324R20
9701-006 Extension of Engineering Units for - Not Applicable. Note 2
Floating Point Objects
9701-004 Octet String Objects 110 and 111 - Not Applicable. Note 2
9701-003 Cold/Warm Restart Sequence N00-324R20
9701-002 Control Relay Output Block Minimum N00-324R20
9701-001 Datalink Restart Recovery N00-324R20

1) It is Nulec policy that all technical bulletin rules that are required for the controller to be DNP33 level 2
compliant are implemented.
2) The following data types are not used by the controller:-
File transfer objects
String objects
Analogue input floating point and analogue output floating point objects
Variable arrays objects
8 bit unsigned integer objects

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

Appendix D ACR - Binary Input Points (Status)

Time resolution is as shown. Refer to Appendix A for more information on timing.
W series support is indicated below by a Y. If indicated as N then value is always OFF.
The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual
for more information.
Phase and terminal terminology is explained in section 4.4.
DNP3 Implementation
Static: Object 01 Variation 01 Single Bit Binary Input
Event: Configurable refer to section 5.3
Request Function Code: 01 Read

ACR Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


0 Abnormal Y 1 For any of the None of the specified This flag shows that the
Operator following conditions:- conditions are true operator has the ACR in an
conditions Trip or Close abnormal state such as work
Isolated, tag applied. This means that it
will operate differently to its
normal mode of operation.
locked open (if 500ms
Work Tag
1 ACR Tripped Y 1 ACR Tripped ACR not Tripped These are repeats of the
(open) mechanism travel switches.
2 ACR Closed Y 1 ACR Closed ACR not Closed When the ACR is disconnected
from the control cubicle they are
both cleared.
3 Controller Y 2 LOCAL control LOCAL Control The controller is either in
Mode Disabled Enabled LOCAL or Remote Controller
Remote control Remote Control Mode. This affects the closing
Enabled Disabled command the permission to
set/remove work tag.
4 Maintenance Y 1 For any of the No maintenance The controller has detected one
Required following conditions:- required or more conditions which
Battery not require maintenance.
normal This point cannot become Set
Capacitor charge until at least five minutes after
failure controller start.
Low power mode 500ms
Low SF6 gas
pressure (if
ACR data not
valid (includes
connection to an

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

ACR Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


invalid switch
Any vacuum
contact life is
less than 20%
5 Work Tag Y 2 Work Tag Applied Work Tag Removed The controller can have a work
tag. This affects the closing
6 Prot A Active Y 2 Protection Group A is Protection Group A is not
active active
7 Prot B Active Y 2 Protection Group B is Protection Group B is not
active active
8 Prot C Active Y 2 Protection Group C is Protection Group C is not Only one protection group is
active active active at any one time.
9 Prot D Active Y 2 Protection Group D is Protection Group D is not
active active
10 Prot E Active Y 2 Protection Group E is Protection Group E is not 500ms
active active
11 Prot F Active Y 2 Protection Group F is Protection Group F is not
active active
12 Prot G Active Y 2 Protection Group G is Protection Group G is
active not active
13 Prot H Active Y 2 Protection Group H is Protection Group H is not
active active
14 Prot I Active Y 2 Protection Group I is Protection Group I is not
active active
15 Prot J Active Y 2 Protection Group J is Protection Group J is not
active active
16 Earth / Ground N 2 Earth / Ground Earth / Ground 500ms
Protection Protection ON Protection OFF
17 SEF/SGF N 2 SEF/SGF protection SEF/SGF protection 500ms
Protection ON OFF
18 Auto Reclose Y 2 Auto Reclose ON Auto Reclose OFF 500ms
19 Cold Load Idle Y 2 Cold Load is Idle or is Cold load is NOT Idle. 500ms
turned off. This means that the
This means that the threshold multiplier is
threshold multiplier is being raised by the cold
not being affected by load pickup function in
the cold load order to pick up cold
function. load.
20 High Current Y 2 High Current Lockout High Current Lockout 500ms
Lockout Protection ON Protection OFF
21 Loss of Phase N 2 Loss of Phase Loss of Phase Protection 500ms
Protection Protection ON OFF

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W Series

Set = 1


22 Sequence Y 2 Sequence Control Sequence Control OFF 500ms
Control ON
23 Live Load Y 2 Live Load blocking Live Load blocking OFF 500ms
blocking ON
24 Protection Y 2 Protection Enabled Protection turned OFF 500ms
25 Switchgear Y 3 Set for Load Break Clear For Recloser
Family Switch 500ms
26 Power Flow Y 2 Source X, Load I Source I, Load X The power flow direction
Direction (source/load designation) is
determined by the user. Refer
to the Power Flow Direction
binary output for more
Protection Trip Operation Flags
This group of points indicates what happened in the last protection sequence. For example the recloser may have
tripped, closed, tripped again and locked out. Or it may have tripped, closed and stayed closed because the fault
was cleared.
In both cases the flags below are set to show the causes of the trips and whether the lockout state has been
reached or not.
A set of flags is available for each trip in a protection sequence.
In addition analogue data is available which shows the fault currents which occurred during the sequence and the
number of trips which took place (refer Appendix F)
Note that a sequence starts when there is a protection trip or a sequence advance.
Most of these flags are cleared either by protocol command or when the switchgear is tripped/closed by the
operator or when a new protection sequence starts.
This data is volatile i.e. it is zeroed on controller software reset.
General Protection Flags
27 Sequence in Y 1 Start of sequence This shows that a protection
Progress That is a protection sequence has started and not
trip or sequence yet completed.
advance has End of sequence. Either Note that operator trip does not
occurred. lockout or reclaim. cause a sequence in progress.
Event time is the time of the trip
or sequence advance.

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ACR Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


28 Protection Y 1 End of sequence, All fault flags are cleared This shows that the protection
Data Valid either lockout or by one of the following sequence is over and the other
reclaim actions :- flags are set.
Reset Fault Flags This could be used to drive an
and Currents operator alarm at the SCADA
protocol control system to alert him to the fact
command that a protection sequence has
Any Operator Close occurred. Note that operator trip
action alone does not cause a
Controller software protection data valid
reset (data is Event time is the time of lockout
volatile) or reclaim.
At the time of the
next trip the flags 10ms
29 Single Shot Y 1 Single Shot are refreshed atOne flag only provided because
Protection Protection was active this time old flags
a single shot trip forces lockout.
at the time of the trip. are cleared and the
Event time is the time of the
cause of the mostpickup.
recent protection 10ms
operation set.
30 Loss Of Phase Y 1 Trip was caused by One flag only provided because
Trip Loss of Phase Protection turned LOP protection forces lockout.
Protection ON
Event time is the time of the trip.
31 Loss Of Phase Y 1 Phase A was lost at Set if A Phase is lost at time of
- Phase A time of Loss of Phase Loss of Phase trip
trip 10ms
32 Loss Of Phase N 1 Phase B was lost at Set if B Phase is lost at time of
- Phase B time of Loss of Phase Loss of Phase trip
trip 10ms
33 Loss Of Phase N 1 Phase C was lost at Set if C Phase is lost at time of
-Phase C time of Loss of Phase Loss of Phase trip
trip 10ms
34 High Current Y 1 All fault flags are cleared One flag only because High
Lockout by one of the following Current Lockout forces lockout
actions :- Time stamp as for flags above.
Reset Fault Flags Event time is the time of the
and Currents lockout event.
The high current
lockout function protocol control 10ms
forced the controller command
to lockout during the Any Operator Close
last protection action
sequence Controller software
reset (data is
Start of a new
35 Lockout Y 1 The controller is in Cleared by any close This flag shows that the
lockout action controller is in lockout.
Therefore no auto-reclosing will
take place.

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ACR Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


If the ACR is closed this flag will
be clear. Therefore when this
flag is clear and the ACR is
closed it indicates that the
protection sequence cleared the
fault. Event time is the time of
the trip
36 Operator Trip Y 1 The most recent trip Cleared by any close One flag only because operator
was caused by a action trip forces lockout.
local or remote
Event time is the time of the trip
operator (eg IOEX,
Protocol, or panel) 10ms
Protection Trip 1
37 Phase Over Y 0 Trip was caused by All fault flags are cleared
Current Trip Phase Overcurrent by one of the following
Protection actions :-
Reset Fault Flags 10ms
and Currents
protocol control
38 Earth / Ground N 0 Trip was caused by
Over Current Earth / Ground Any Operator Close
Trip Overcurrent action
39 SEF/SGF N 0 Trip was caused by
controller software
Over Current Sensitive Earth /
reset (data is 10ms
Trip Ground Fault
40 Sequence Y 0 Sequence advance Start of a new
Advance occurred. sequence
Protection Trip 2
41 Phase Over Y 0 Trip was caused by All fault flags are cleared
Current Trip Phase Overcurrent by one of the following
Protection actions :-
Reset Fault Flags 10ms
and Currents
protocol control
42 Earth / Ground N 0 Trip was caused by
Over Current Earth / Ground Any Operator Close
Trip Overcurrent action
43 SEF/SGF N 0 Trip was caused by
controller software
Over Current Sensitive Earth /
reset (data is 10ms
Trip Ground Fault
44 Sequence Y 0 Sequence advance Start of a new
Advance occurred. sequence
Protection Trip 3

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Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


45 Phase Over Y 0 All fault flags are cleared
Current Trip by one of the following
Trip was caused by actions :-
Phase Overcurrent Reset Fault Flags 10ms
Protection and Currents
protocol control
46 Earth / Ground N 0 Trip was caused by
Over Current Earth / Ground Any Operator Close
Trip Overcurrent action
47 SEF/SGF N 0 Trip was caused by
controller software
Over Current Sensitive Earth /
reset (data is 10ms
Trip Ground Fault
48 Sequence Y 0 Sequence advance Start of a new
Advance occurred. sequence
Protection Trip 4
49 Phase Over Y 0 All fault flags are cleared
Current Trip by one of the following
Trip was caused by actions :-
Phase Overcurrent Reset Fault Flags 10ms
Protection and Currents
protocol control
50 Earth / Ground N 0 Trip was caused by
Over Current Earth / Ground Any Operator Close
Trip Overcurrent action
51 SEF/SGF N 0 Trip was caused by
controller software
Over Current Sensitive Earth /
reset (data is 10ms
Trip Ground Fault
52 Reserved N 0 Start of a new
Always 0
Accumulated Protection Trip Operation Flags
Multiple Flags can be set in this section because they accumulate all the trips in the sequence
53 Phase Over Y 1 One or more trips All fault flags are cleared
Current Trip were caused by by one of the following
Phase Overcurrent actions :-
Protection Reset Fault Flags
and Currents
protocol control
54 Earth / Ground N 1 One or more trips
Over Current were caused by
Any Operator Close
Trip Earth / Ground 10ms

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Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


55 SEF/SGF N 1 One or more trips
Over Current were caused by controller software
Trip Sensitive Earth / reset (data is 10ms
Ground Fault volatile)
56 Sequence Y 1 One or more
Start of a new
Advance sequence advances 10ms
End of Protection Flags
57 Close Isolate Y 2 Close Isolate Switch Close Isolate Switch Shows the state of the Trip &
OFF/ISOLATE(i.e. ON/ENABLE (i.e. Close Close isolate switches on the
Close is disabled) is enabled) control panel
58 Trip Isolate Y 1 Trip Isolate Switch Trip Isolate Switch 10ms
OFF (i.e. Trip is ON(i.e. Trip is enabled)
59 Locked Y 1 ACR Locked Open ACR not locked open Shows that the ACR is
mechanically and electrically
locked in the open position. Not
supported on the N-Series
where it will always be zero.
60 ACR Memory Y 2 ACR Memory Data ACR Memory Data Valid Shows that the controller has
Data Invalid not valid retrieved the data from the ACR
memory. When invalid the
switchgear attributes and the
gas pressure are zeroed,
61 Auxiliary Y 2 Auxiliary supply has Auxiliary supply is 500ms
Supply failed normal
62 Switchgear Y 2 Switch disconnected Switch connected from
Shows the connection state of
Connection from control cubicle. control cubicle. the cable between the
switchgear and the controller.
When connected to the ACR
Trip, Close and Locked
indications are valid.
When disconnected from the
ACR data will be forced invalid
63 SF6 Gas N 2 Gas pressure Low or Gas Pressure Normal, or Only set when switchgear is
Pressure Low Invalid Not Known, or Not a connected and ACR memory
or Invalid switchgear which has data is valid and switchgear
SF6. type has SF6.
64 Battery Supply Y 2 Battery supply not Battery supply normal 500ms
This includes :-
Battery Off
Battery Overvolt
Battery Low Volts

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Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


65 Contacts Life Y 2 When any vacuum When all vacuum 500ms
Low interrupter contact life interrupters have contact
is less than 20%. life >= 20%
66 Reserved N 2
67 Capacitor Y 2 Capacitor Charge Capacitor Charge OK The Trip/Close Capacitors have
Charge Failed failed to charge
Failure 500ms
68 Mechanism Y 2 Mechanism Failure Mechanism OK The switchgear has failed to
Failure Trip or Close electrically
69 Phase Ai Live Y 1 Phase is live Phase is dead Shows if the phase bushings
70 Phase Bi Live N 1 are above or below the live line
71 Phase Ci Live N 1 threshold.
72 Phase Ax Live Y 1
Note 3
73 Phase Bx Live N 1
Note 3
74 Phase Cx Live N 1 10ms
Note 3
75 Source Y 1 Shows that any of the All of the source side are Note that these points are
Voltage Status three phases of the Terminals dead different to the Load/Source
76 Load Voltage Y 1 designated Source Live/Dead events in the
side or Load side are All of the load side are controller event record
live. Terminal dead
Note 3 10ms
77 Load Current Y 1 Current of 2.5A or Current of less than 2.5A
On more is flowing in at is flowing in all three 10ms
least one phase phases
78 Loop Auto On Y 2 Loop Automation is Loop Automation is Off Note 1
On 500ms
79 Loop Auto Y 2 Loop Auto Restore is Loop Auto Restore is Off Note 1
Restore On On 500ms
80 Loop Auto Y 2 The Tie recloser is The Tie Recloser will Note 1, 2
Tie Restore configured to restore only restore supply to its 500ms
On supply in both Load side or the
directions Recloser type is not set
to Tie
81 Loop Auto Y 2 Recloser type is set Recloser type is not set Note 1
Type Feeder to Feeder to Feeder 500ms
82 Loop Auto Y 2 Recloser type is set Recloser type is not set Note 1
Type Midpoint to Midpoint to Midpoint 500ms
83 Loop Auto Y 2 Recloser type is set Recloser type is not set Note 1
Type Tie to Tie to Tie 500ms
84 Reserved N Reserved Reserved

85 Reserved N Reserved Reserved

86 Loop Auto Y 2 Set when Loop Normal state, cleared on Note 1
Trip Request Automation issues a next internal scan after 10ms
Trip Request. set

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Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


87 Loop Auto Y 2 Set when Loop Normal state, cleared on Note 1
Close Request Automation issues a next internal scan after 10ms
Close Request. set
88 Dummy Circuit Y 2 DCB Closed DCB Not Closed The dummy circuit breaker is
Breaker an internal point useful for
Closed SCADA system testing. The
value of the DCB is non-volatile.
89 Automatic N 2 APGS is ON APGS is OFF 500ms
90 Supply Y 2 Supply Outage Supply Outage 500ms
Outage Measurement ON Measurement OFF
91 Door Open N 2 Cubicle Door Open Cubicle Door Closed This point only valid if hardware
option installed.
92 Phase Current Y 2 Phase Current Alarm Phase Current Alarm 500ms
93 Phase Current Y 2 Phase Current Alarm Phase Current Alarm 500ms
94 Phase Voltage Y 2 Phase Voltage Alarm Phase Voltage Alarm 500ms
95 Phase Voltage Y 2 Phase Voltage Alarm Phase Voltage Alarm 500ms
96 Earth Current N 2 Earth Current HI Earth Current HI Alarm 500ms
HI Alarm Alarm ON OFF
97 Earth Current N 2 Earth Current LOW Earth Current LOW 500ms
LOW Alarm Alarm ON Alarm OFF
98 System Power Y 2 System Power HI System Power HI Alarm 500ms
HI Alarm Alarm ON OFF
99 System Power Y 2 System Power LOW System Power LOW 500ms
LOW Alarm Alarm ON Alarm OFF
100 Auxiliary Y 2 Auxiliary Supply has Auxiliary Supply has 500ms
Supply Fail failed for more than been restored for more
(Delayed) 120 seconds than 20 seconds
101 Most Recent Y 1 Set if the most recent All fault flags are cleared 10ms
Trip Phase A trip was caused by a by one of the following
Overcurrent A Phase Overcurrent actions :-
Protection Trip Reset Fault Flags
and Currents
protocol control
102 Most Recent Y 1 Set if the most recent Any Operator Close 10ms
Trip Phase B trip was caused by a action
Overcurrent B Phase Overcurrent
Protection Trip

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ACR Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


103 Most Recent Y 1 Set if the most recent Protection turned 10ms
Trip Phase C trip was caused by a ON
Overcurrent C Phase Overcurrent
Protection Trip
104 Instantaneous Y 1 The peak current for At the time of next 10ms
Most Recent the most recent trip trip - the flags are
Trip was greater than the refreshed
instantaneous setting
105 Under Y 1 Under frequency Under frequency Note 4. 500ms
Frequency protection ON protection OFF
106 Over Y 1 Over frequency Over frequency Note 4. 500ms
Frequency protection ON protection OFF
107 Normal Y 1 Enable Normal Enable Normal Note 4. 500ms
Frequency Frequency Close Frequency Close
Close protection ON protection OFF
108 Source Dead Y 1 Source Dead Source Dead Protection Note 5 500ms
Protection Protection ON OFF
109 Source Dead Y 1 Set if a lockout Cleared by: Note 5 10ms
Lockout caused by the Dead protocol command
Lockout feature
any operator close
or operator trip. This
includes remote
control commands.
Start of a new
110 Work Tag Trip Y 1 Work Tag Protection All fault flags are cleared One flag only provided because
was active at the time by one of the following a work tag trip forces lockout.
of the trip. actions :- Event time is the time of the
Reset Fault Flags pickup.
and Currents 10ms
protocol control
Any Operator Close
controller software
reset (data is
Start of a new
111 IOEX Input 1 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 1
112 IOEX Input 2 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 2
113 IOEX Input 3 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 3
114 IOEX Input 4 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 4
115 IOEX Input 5 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 5

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Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


116 IOEX Input 6 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 6
117 IOEX Input 7 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 7
118 IOEX Input 8 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 8
119 IOEX Input 9 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 9
120 IOEX Input 10 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 10
121 IOEX Input 11 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 11
122 IOEX Input 12 Y 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
input 12
123 Most recent Y 1 Set if the most recent Cleared by one of the One flag only provided because
trip Under trip was caused by following: there is no auto reclose after a
Frequency an Under Frequency protocol command frequency trip.
condition 10ms
any operator close
124 Most recent Y 1 Set if the most recent or operator trip. This
trip Over trip was caused by includes remote
Frequency an Over Frequency control commands.
condition Start of a new
125 Operator Y 1 Set if the most recent Cleared by: 10ms
Close close caused by local ! 'Reset Flags and
or remote panel close Currents' protocol
request. command
126 IOEX Close Y 1 Set if the most recent ! Controller Software 10ms
close caused by an Reset (data is
IOEX close input. volatile)
127 Protocol Close Y 1 Set if the most recent 10ms
! At the time of the
close caused by a
next Close
protocol close
128 Automation Y 1 Set if the most recent 10ms
Close close caused by a
Automation close
request (ie Loop
Automation or Auto
129 Normal Y 1 Set if the most recent 10ms
Frequency close caused by
Close Normal Frequency
close request

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ACR Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


W Series

Set = 1


130 External Close Y 1 Set if any of the 10ms
following caused the
most recent close
CCEM external
button on N-
action. The
detected as
closed without a
close request
Electrical action
(only available
on the Advanced
131 ACO N 2 ACO Autorestore ON ACO Autorestore OFF Whether to automatically
Autorestore change back to master supply if
it returns live.
132 Auto N 2 Auto-changeover is Auto-changeover is Turn ACO on/off
Changeover enabled disabled 500ms
133 Auto N 2 Break before Make. Make before Break.
Changeover 500ms
134 ACO Rank N 2 ACO Master ACO Slave 500ms
135 Live Load Y 1 Live Load Blocking Live Load Blocking 10ms
Blocking Active Inactive
136-160 Reserved

1. These point are only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration and
are otherwise always reported as OFF (0).
2. The power flow direction (source/load designation) is determined by the user. Refer to the Power Flow
Direction binary input for status and binary output for control.
3. Not available on standard U-series ACR without external CVTs, value will always be 0.
4. Not available on CAPM4 controllers
5. Only available in Version 26 onwards.

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

Appendix E ACR - Analogue Input Points (Status - Small Set)

This is the reduced set of analogue status points available from the controller.
All analogue points have 500ms accuracy time tags. Refer to Appendix A for more
information on timing.
All analogues in the small analogue data set can fit in a signed 16-bit DNP3 data object
except where noted.
W series support is indicated below by a Y. If indicated as N then value is always 0.
The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual
for more information.
Phase and terminal terminology is explained in section 4.4.
DNP3 Implementation
Static: Configurable Object 30 Variation 1, 2, 3, or 4 (refer to section 5.3)
Event: Configurable Object 32 Variation 1, 2, 3, or 4 (refer to section 5.3)
Deadband: Configurable Object 34 Variation 1, 2 (refer to section 5.3)
Request Function Code: 01 Read

ACR Analogue Input Points (Small)

Dead Band
W Series



Line Currents and System Power

0 A Current Y 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
1 B Current N 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
2 C Current N 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
3 Earth / Ground Current N 0 16000 1A 5 A. 1
4 System kVA Note 2 Y 0 1.9GVA 1 kVA 250 kVA. 1
5 System kVAR Note 2 Y 0 1.9GVAR 1 kVAR 250 kVAR. 1
6 Operations Counter Y 0 65535 1 1 2
Operation Operation
Cumulative Protection Sequence Data
These points show all sources that record a max current event in the event log during a protection
sequence. If the same source has more than one max current event then the value in the point will be
the max current from the last trip of the sequence.
All fault currents are cleared to zero by one of the following actions:-
Reset Fault Flags and Currents protocol control command
Any Operator Close action
controller reset (data is volatile)
Start of a new sequence
7 A Fault Current Written on Y 0 16000 1A 1A 1
an A-Max event.
8 B Fault Current Written on N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
a B-Max event.
9 C Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a C-Max event.

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ACR Analogue Input Points (Small)

Dead Band
W Series


10 Earth / Ground Fault N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
Current - Written on a G-
Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.
11 During a protection Y 1 4 1 1 1
sequence the value
increments indicating the
current trip or sequence
After a protection sequence
the final trip or sequence
advance that occurred.
12 Protection Group that was Y 0 9 1 1 1
in service at the start of the
0 = Group A
1 = Group B

9 = Group J
Voltage Measurements
Voltage measurements are provided for all terminals with voltage measurements. This varies depending upon
the model of ACR.
All x side voltages are not available in standard U-series ACR without external CVTs. Value always zero.
The source/load designation of the voltages is determined by the user. Refer to the Power Flow Direction
binary input for status and binary output for control.
13 Ai Phase-(Earth / Ground) Y 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
14 Bi Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
15 Ci Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
16 Ax Phase-(Earth / Ground) Y 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Volts Note 3
17 Bx Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Volts Note 3
18 Cx Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Volts Note 3
19 to 69 Reserved

1. The deadband for all analogue points can be configured, refer section 5.3.5 for more information.
2. These points may exceed the 16 bit limit and can be obtained using 32 bit analogue input objects.
3. Not available on standard U-series ACR without external CVTs, value will always be 0.

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

Appendix F ACR - Analogue Input Points (Status Full Set)

This is the complete set of analogue status points available from the controller.
All analogue points have 500ms resolution time tags. Refer to Appendix A for more
information on timing.
All analogues in the full analogue data set can fit in a signed 16-bit DNP3 data object
except where noted.
W series support is indicated below by a Y. If indicated as N then value is always 0.
The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual
for more information.
Phase and terminal terminology is explained in section 4.4.
DNP3 Implementation
Static: Configurable Object 30 Variation 1, 2, 3, or 4 (refer to section 5.3)
Event: Configurable Object 32 Variation 1, 2, 3, or 4 (refer to section 5.3)
Deadband: Configurable Object 34 Variation 1, 2 (refer to section 5.3)
Request Function Code: 01 Read

ACR Analogue Input Points (Full)

Dead Band
W Series



System Line Currents and Power

0 A-Phase Current Y 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1

1 B-Phase Current N 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1

2 C-Phase Current N 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1

3 (Earth / Ground) Current N 0 16000 1A 5 A. 1

4 System kVA Note 2 Y 0 1.9GVA 1 kVA 250 kVA. 1
5 System kVAR Note 2 Y 0 1.9GVAR 1 kVAR 250 1
6 Operations Counter Y 0 65535 1 1 2
Operation Operation
Cumulative Protection Sequence Data
These points show all sources that record a max current event in the event log during a
protection sequence. If the same source has more than one max current event then the value in
the point will be the max current from the most recent trip of the sequence.
All fault currents are cleared to zero by one of the following actions:-
Reset Fault Flags and Currents protocol control command
Any Operator Close action
controller reset (data is volatile)
Start of a new sequence
7 A Fault Current Written Y 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on an A-Max event.
Note 10
8 B Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a B-Max event.
Note 10

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ACR Analogue Input Points (Full)

Dead Band
W Series


9 C Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a C-Max event.
Note 10
10 Earth / Ground Fault N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
Current - Written on a G-
Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.
11 During a protection Y 1 4 1 1 1
sequence the value
increments indicating the
current trip or sequence
After a protection sequence
the final trip or sequence
advance that occurred.
12 Protection Group that was Y 0 9 1 1 1
in service at the start of the
0 = Group A
1 = Group B

9 = Group J
Voltage Measurements
Voltage measurements are provided for all terminals with voltage measurements. This varies
depending upon the model of ACR.
All x side voltages are not available in standard U-series ACR without external CVTs. Value always
The source/load designation of the voltages is determined by the user. Refer to the Power Flow
Direction binary input for status and binary output for control.
All voltages have a common deadband which can be configured (refer section 5.3.5).
13 Ai Phase-(Earth / Ground) Y 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
14 Bi Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
15 Ci Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
16 Ax Phase-(Earth / Ground) Y 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 10
17 Bx Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 10
18 Cx Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 10
19 A-Bi Phase-Phase Voltage N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 2
20 B-Ci Phase-Phase Voltage N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 2
21 C-Ai Phase-Phase Voltage N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 2
22 A-Bx Phase-Phase Volts N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 2, 10

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ACR Analogue Input Points (Full)

Dead Band
W Series


23 B-Cx Phase-Phase Volts N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 2, 10
24 C-Ax Phase-Phase Volts N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 2, 10
System Status
25 System Power (kW) Y -1.9GW 1.9GW 1 kW 250kW. 1
This can be a signed
quantity that indicates
direction of power flow, or
an unsigned quantity that is
always positive regardless
of the direction of the power
flow. This is determined by
the controller configuration
Note 2
26 System Power Factor Y 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 1
Note 6
27 Gas Pressure, kPag. N -100 300 1 kPaG 5kPaG 2
Note 3, 9
28 Gas Pressure, psi N -14 44 1 psi 1psi 2
Note 3, 9
29 Code Version Y 0 99,999,999 1 1 0
Note 2, 4
30 Configuration Number Y 0 99,999 1 1 0
Note 2, 5
31 CAPM Serial Number Y 0 2147483647 1 1 0
32 ACR Serial Number Y 0 2147483647 1 1 2
Note 2
33 I Contact Life Y 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
Note 7
34 II Contact Life N 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
Note 7
35 III Contact Life N 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
Note 7
36 Protection setting selection Y 0 9 1 1 1
0 = Group A
1 = Group B

9 = Group J
37 Transmitted frame count Y 0 32768 1 1 0
38 Received frame count Y 0 32768 1 1 0
39 Received message length Y 0 999 1 1 0
40 Received message CRC Y 0 999 1 1 0

N00-324.doc R39 Page 60

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

ACR Analogue Input Points (Full)

Dead Band
W Series


Protection Sequence Data
These analogue points record data about the protection sequence including maximum fault
currents. These are derived from the max current events that are seen in the Operator Control
Panel event record and record the current for each phase and for earth/ground.
For any one protection trip or sequence advance more than one fault current can be set. For
example a Phase/Phase fault might set an A-Phase current and a B-Phase current.
Other data recorded includes the number of trips in the protection sequence and the Protection
Group that was active at the time of the protection operation.
Data is cleared to zero by the following actions:-
Reset Fault Current remote control command defined below
Any Operator Close or Trip action
Start of a new sequence.
This data is volatile, ie they are zeroed on controller software reset.
Protection Trip 1
41 A Fault Current Written Y 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on an A-Max event.
42 B Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a B-Max event.
43 C Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a C-Max event.
44 Earth / Ground Fault N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
Current - Written on a G-
Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.
Protection Trip 2

45 A Fault Current Written Y 0 16000 1A 1A 1

on an A-Max event.
46 B Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a B-Max event.
47 C Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a C-Max event.
48 Earth / Ground Fault N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
Current - Written on a G-
Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.
Protection Trip 3

49 A Fault Current Written Y 0 16000 1A 1A 1

on an A-Max event.
50 B Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a B-Max event.
51 C Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a C-Max event.
52 Earth / Ground Fault N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
Current - Written on a G-
Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.

N00-324.doc R39 Page 61

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

ACR Analogue Input Points (Full)

Dead Band
W Series


Protection Trip 4

53 A Fault Current Written Y 0 16000 1A 1A 1

on an A-Max event.
54 B Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a B-Max event.
55 C Fault Current Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a C-Max event.
56 Earth / Ground Fault N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
Current - Written on a G-
Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.
57 Loop automation time Y 0 1800 1 second 10 second 2
remaining prior to a trip or
close action occurring. For
no action pending value is
Note 8
58 Maximum Average Current N 0 16000 1A 10A 1
of all phases for the
previous day ending at
59 Frequency N 45 65 1Hz 0.1Hz 2
Note 11

60 Auto-Changeover Status N 0 15 1 1 1

0 Auto-Changeover OFF
1 Auto-Changeover ON
3 ACO load SLAVE
4 ACO No SLAVE comms
5 ACO abort - status 1
6 ACO abort - status 2
7 ACO abort - status 3
8 ACO abort - status 4
9 ACO abort - status 5
10 ACO abort - status 6
11 ACO abort - status 7
12 ACO abort - status 8
13 ACO abort - status 9
14 ACO abort - status 10
15 ACO abort - status 11
61 to Reserved

1. The deadband for all analogue points can be configured, refer section 5.3.5 for more information.
2. These points may exceed the 16 bit limit and can be obtained using 32 bit analogue input objects.

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

3. If ACR Memory Data Invalid binary status is set then value is 0

4. The code version is an eight digit number that has the form XXX-XXX.XX with the dash and point
formatting removed.
5. The configuration number is a five digit number that has the form XXXXX. It identifies the configuration
loaded into the controller database.
6. Power factor has a built in scale factor of 10 i.e. range 0.0 to 1.0 with resolution 0.1 is transmitted as 0 to
10 with resolution 1.
7. Contact life has a built in scale factor of 10 i.e. range of 0.0% to 100.0% with resolution 0.1% is
transmitted as 0 to 1000 with resolution 1.
8. This point is only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration and is
otherwise always reported as zero.
9. Not available on U-series ACR, value will always be 0.
10. Not available on standard U-series ACR without external CVTs, value will always be 0.
11. Frequency has a built in scale factor of 10 i.e. range 45 to 65 with resolution 0.1 is transmitted as 450 to
650 with resolution 1. This option unsupported on CAPM controllers.

N00-324.doc R39 Page 63

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

Appendix G ACR - Counter Point

W series support is indicated below by a Y. If indicated as N then value is always 0.
DNP3 Implementation
Binary Counters
Static Object: Object 20 Variation 05 32 Bit Binary Counter without Flag
Request Function Codes: 01 Read, 07 Immediate Freeze,
08 Immediate Freeze, No Ack, 09 Freeze and Clear
10 Freeze and Clear, No Ack
Frozen Counters
Static Object: Object 21 Variation 9 32 Bit Frozen Counter without Flag
Request Function Code: 01 Read

ACR Counter Points

W Series



0 KWH Cumulative Note 1 Y 0 2147483647 KWH

1 Source Outages Note 2, 3 Y 0 2147483647 Counts
2 Source Outage Duration Y 0 2147483647 Seconds
Note 2, 3
3 Load Outages Note 2, 3 Y 0 2147483647 Counts
4 Load Outage Duration Y 0 2147483647 Seconds
Note 2, 3

1. This accumulates the total kWH flowing through the ACR.
If the controller is set for Power Flow Unidirectional then the cumulative total increases irrespective of
the direction of power flow to show the total power that has passed through the device.
If the controller is set for Bi-Directional power flow then the cumulative total can increase or decrease
reflecting the nett power flow.
2. Resetting any Outage counter via a protocol counter reset command will result in the resetting of all
outage counters.
3. The power flow direction (source/load designation) is determined by the user. Refer to Power Flow
Direction Binary Input for status and Binary Output for control.

N00-324.doc R39 Page 64

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

Appendix H ACR - Binary Output Points

Changing some of these settings affects the currently active protection group. The change
is put into effect immediately and is permanent for that group. In other words, it is the
equivalent to selecting that protection group on the operator control panel, changing the
setting and then putting the change into service.
All binary output points have a matching binary input status point. The controller does not
return binary output object status in response to a class 0 or an integrity poll. It is
recommended that the master station use the controls corresponding binary input status
to verify the success of an action.
If W series is indicated as Y below then point is supported otherwise no action is taken.
DNP3 Implementation
Binary Output Status
Static Object: Object 10 Variation 02 Binary Output Status
The status of the offline/online bits is determined by the reject conditions shown in the table below. A
point is reported offline if it cannot be forced to the alternate state due to condition listed. Note that
not all conditions that prevent a control from succeeding are listed. Some conditions (eg mechanical
failure) may be undetermined at time of read.
Request Function Code: 01- Read
Relay Control Block
Control Object: Object 12 Variation 01 Control Relay Output Block
Control relay output block parameters supported:
Control types are accepted on per point basis as shown in the table below.
TC = Trip/Close, P = Pulse ON/OFF, L = Latch ON/OFF.
Set (1) = Close, Pulse ON, Latch ON
Cleared (0) = Trip, Pulse OFF, Latch OFF
Recommended control types is shown in bold font.
Note: Pulse OFF is not supported on most master station systems.
The count, on-time, off-time, queue, and clear parameters are ignored.
Request Function Codes: 03 Select, 04 Operate, 05 Direct Operate,
06 Direct Operate, No Ack
Response Codes: Refer to Appendix C for a table of reported status values

ACR Binary Output Points

Control Type
Cleared = 0
W Series

Set = 1

0 Earth / Ground Fault N Enable Earth / Ground Earth / Ground L, P

protection Protection Protection OFF and
Rejected if: SEF/SGF Protection
earth/ground fault OFF
OFF is not allowed. Rejected if:
earth/ground fault
OFF is not allowed.
1 SEF/SGF protection N SEF/SGF protection Disable SEF/SGF L, P
ON and protection
Earth / Ground
Protection ON

N00-324.doc R39 Page 65

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

ACR Binary Output Points

Control Type
Cleared = 0
W Series

Set = 1
Rejected if:
SEF/SGF is not
2 Auto Reclose Y Auto Reclose ON Auto Reclose OFF L, P
3 ACR Control Y Close Trip TC,
Rejected if: Rejected if: L, P
Close coil is Trip coil is isolated
isolated SF6 gas pressure
controller is in is low (if applicable)
LOCAL control AND low gas
mode lockout is ON
SF6 gas pressure Switchgear data
is low (if applicable) invalid
AND low gas
lockout is ON
Work Tag is
Switchgear data
interlocked (if
Live load blocking
ON AND any load
side terminal live
Trip and/or Close
capacitors are
charging or failed
4 Work Tag Y Applies Work Tag. Removes Work Tag. L, P
Rejected if: Rejected if:
controller is in controller is in
5 Cold Load Idle/Max Y Set cold load time to its Set cold load time to L, P
maximum value. This zero. This means that
means that the cold the threshold multiplier
load threshold current will not be affected by
will be set to its the cold load function.
maximum value Rejected if:
Rejected if: Cold load support
Cold load support is OFF
is OFF
6 High Current Lockout Y Enable High Current Disable High Current L, P
Lockout Lockout
7 Loss of Phase Protection N Enable Loss of Phase Disable Loss of Phase L, P
Rejected if: Protection Protection
LOP and Loop Auto
Single Phase switchgear.
8 Sequence Control Y Enable Sequence Disable Sequence L, P
Control Control
9 Live Load Blocking Y Live Load blocking ON Live Load blocking OFF L, P

N00-324.doc R39 Page 66

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

ACR Binary Output Points

Control Type
Cleared = 0
W Series

Set = 1
10 ` Reset Fault Y Resets all Object 30 No Action L, P
Flags and Currents Fault Currents to zero
Note 1 and clears all Object 01
protection trip flags
11 Protection Control Y Enable Protection Turn ALL Protection L, P
Rejected if:
protection OFF is
not allowed
12 Power Flow Direction Note 4 Y Source X, Load I Source I, Load X L, P
13 Protection Group A Note 1, 3 Y Group A ON Note 5 No Action L, P
14 Protection Group B Note 1, 3 Y Group B ON Note 5 No Action L, P
15 Protection Group C Note 1, 3 Y Group C ON Note 5 No Action L, P
16 Protection Group D Note 1, 3 Y Group D ON Note 5 No Action L, P
17 Protection Group E Note 1, 3 Y Group E ON Note 5 No Action L, P
18 Protection Group F Note 1, 3 Y Group F ON Note 5 No Action L, P
19 Protection Group G Note 1, 3 Y Group G ON Note 5 No Action L, P
20 Protection Group H Note 1, 3 Y Group H ON Note 5 No Action L, P
21 Protection Group I Note 1, 3 Y Group I ON Note 5 No Action L, P
22 Protection Group J Note 1, 3 Y Group J ON Note 5 No Action L, P
23 Loop Automation Control Y Loop Automation ON Loop Automation OFF L, P
Note 2 Rejected if: Rejected if:
Loop automation Loop automation
capability not capability not
available available
Work tag applied
Trip coil isolated
Close coil isolated
Mechanism fail
Switchgear data
Battery not normal
SF6 Gas Pressure
is low (if applicable)
AND Low Gas
Lockout is ON
Tripped AND
(Midpoint OR
U Series AND no
external CVTs
Restore ON)
24 Dummy Circuit Breaker Y DCB Close DCB Trip TC,
L, P

N00-324.doc R39 Page 67

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

ACR Binary Output Points

Control Type
Cleared = 0
W Series

Set = 1
25 Automatic Protection Group Y APGS ON APGS OFF L, P
Selection Rejected if:
APGS ON is Not
Loop Automation
26 Supply Outage Measurement Y Supply Outage Supply Outage L, P
Control Measurement ON Measurement OFF
27 Supply Outage Measurement Y Resets all Supply No Action L, P
Reset Outage counters
28 Under Frequency Protection Y Enable under frequency Disable under L, P
protection frequency protection
Rejected if: Rejected if:
29 Over Frequency Protection Y Enable over frequency Disable over frequency L, P
protection protection
Rejected if: Rejected if:
30 Normal Frequency Close Y Enable normal Disable normal L, P
Protection frequency close frequency close
protection protection
Rejected if: Rejected if:
31 Source Dead Protection Y Enable Disable L, P
32 Protocol IOEX control 1 Y Sets IOEX output that is Clears the IOEX output TC,
33 Protocol IOEX control 2 Y mapped to this point. that is mapped to this L, P
For RTU emulation. point. For RTU
34 Protocol IOEX control 3 Y
35 Protocol IOEX control 4 Y
36 Protocol IOEX control 5 Y
37 Protocol IOEX control 6 Y
38 Protocol IOEX control 7 Y
39 Protocol IOEX control 8 Y
40 ACO Auto Restore Y ACO Auto Restore ON. ACO Auto Restore L, P
Rejected if: OFF. Rejected if:
Switch is LBS Switch is LBS
ACO feature is not ACO feature is not
available available
41 ACO Enable Y ACO ON. Rejected if: ACO OFF. Rejected if: L, P
Switch is LBS Switch is LBS
ACO feature is not ACO feature is not
available available

42 ACO Mode Y ACO Mode = Make ACO Mode = Break L, P

before Break. Rejected before Make. Rejected
if: if:
Switch is LBS Switch is LBS
ACO feature is not ACO feature is not
available available

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

1. The response for binary output status for these points will always be 0.
2. This point is only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration
otherwise No Action is taken.
3. Only one protection group can be active at any one time. Activating any of these protection groups will
automatically reset the previously active setting.
4. Changing the Source/Load direction affects the following aspects of the operation of the controller:
Whether the source or load corresponds to I side or X side on the voltage measurements
Which side is the source or load for the Live Load Blocking
Which side is the source or load for the Directional Blocking
Which direction is positive power flow for the System Power Analogue Input
Power Flow Direction Binary Input status
5. The number of protection groups available in the controller is configurable. If a control is not available
because the protection set is not supported then it is rejected.

N00-324.doc R39 Page 69

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (ACR)

Appendix I ACR - Analogue Output Points

Changing some of these settings affects the currently active protection group. The change
is put into effect immediately and is permanent for that group. In other words, it is the
equivalent to selecting that protection group on the operator control panel, changing the
setting and then putting the change into service.
All analogue output points have a matching analogue input point. The controller does not
return analogue output object status in response to a class 0 or and integrity poll. It is
recommended that the master station use the outputs corresponding analogue input
status to verify the success of an action.
If W series is indicated as Y below then point is supported otherwise no action is taken.
DNP3 Implementation
Analogue Output Status
Static Object: Object 40 Variation 02 16 Bit Analogue Status
Request Function Code: 01 Read
Analogue Output Block
Control Object: Object 41 Variation 02 16 Bit Analogue Output Block
Request Function Codes: 03 Select, 04 Operate, 05 Direct Operate,
06 Direct Operate, No Ack

ACR Analogue Output Point

W Series



0 Protection Group Selection 0 9 N/A

0 = Group A Note 1
1 = Group B

9 = Group J

1. The number of protection groups available in the controller is configurable. If the analogue output block
value is not available because the protection set is not supported then it is rejected.

N00-324.doc R39 Page 70

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

Appendix J LBS Binary Points Data (Status)

Time resolution is as shown. Refer to Appendix A for more information on timing.

The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual
for more information.
Phase and terminal terminology is explained in section 4.4.
DNP3 Implementation
Static: Object 01 Variation 01 Single Bit Binary Input
Event: Configurable refer to section 5.3
Request Function Code: 01 Read

LBS Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


Set = 1


0 Abnormal Operator 1 For any of the following None of the specified This flag shows that the
conditions conditions:- conditions are true operator has the LBS in
Trip or Close an abnormal state such
Isolated, as work tag applied.
This means that it will
LBS Mechanically
operate differently to its
locked open (if
normal mode of
Work Tag Applied
1 LBS Tripped (open) 1 LBS Tripped LBS not Tripped These are repeats of the
mechanism travel
switches. When the LBS
is disconnected from the
2 LBS Closed 1 LBS Closed LBS not Closed control cubicle they are
both cleared.
3 Controller Mode 2 LOCAL control Disabled LOCAL Control The controller is either in
Remote control Enabled LOCAL or Remote
Enabled Remote Control Controller Mode. This
Disabled affects the closing
command the
permission to
set/remove work tag.
4 Maintenance 1 For any of the following No maintenance The controller has
Required conditions:- required detected one or more
Battery NOT normal conditions which require
Capacitor charge
failure This point cannot
become Set until at least
Low power mode
five minutes after
Low SF6 gas controller start.
pressure LBS data 500ms
not valid (includes
connection to an

N00-324.doc R39 Page 71

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

LBS Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


Set = 1


invalid switch type)
Any contact life is
less than 20%
Mechanical failure
5 Work Tag 2 Work Tag Applied Work Tag Removed The controller can have
a work tag. This affects
the closing command
6 Detection A Active 2 Detection Group A is Detection Group A is not These flags indicate
active active the active protection
7 Detection B Active 2 Detection Group B is Detection Group B is not group. If neither A nor
active active B is active (eg.
Because C is active)
then flags will be clear
and the analogue value
point must be used to
determine the active
8 Detection C Active 2 Detection Group C is Detection Group C is not Only one detection
active active group is active at any
one time.
9 Detection D Active 2 Detection Group D is Detection Group D is not
active active
10 Detection E Active 2 Detection Group E is Detection Group E is not 500ms
active active
11 Detection F Active 2 Detection Group F is Detection Group F is not
active active
12 Detection G Active 2 Detection Group G is Detection Group G is not
active active
13 Detection H Active 2 Detection Group H is Detection Group H is not
active active
14 Detection I Active 2 Detection Group I is Detection Group I is not
active active
15 Detection J Active 2 Detection Group J is Detection Group J is not
active active
16 Power Flow 2 Source X, Load I Source I, Load X The power flow direction
Direction (source/load
designation) is
determined by the user.
Refer to the Power Flow
Direction binary output
for more information
17 Close Isolate 2 Close Isolate Switch Close Isolate Switch Shows the state of the
OFF/ISOLATE(i.e. Close ON/ENABLE (i.e. Close Trip & Close isolate
is disabled) is enabled) switches on the control
18 Trip Isolate 1 Trip Isolate Switch OFF Trip Isolate Switch panel
(i.e. Trip is disabled) ON(i.e. Trip is enabled) 10ms

N00-324.doc R39 Page 72

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

LBS Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


Set = 1


19 Locked 1 LBS Locked Open LBS not locked open Shows that the LBS is
mechanically and
electrically locked in the
open position..
20 LBS Memory Data 2 LBS Memory Data not LBS Memory Data Valid Shows that the controller
Invalid valid has retrieved the data
from the LBS memory.
When invalid the
switchgear attributes and
the gas pressure are
21 Auxiliary Supply 2 Auxiliary supply has Auxiliary supply is 500ms
Fail failed normal
22 Switchgear 2 Switchgear Switchgear is connected Shows the connection
Connection disconnected from to control cubicle. state of the cable
control cubicle. between the switchgear
and the controller. When
connected to the LBS
Trip, Close and Locked
indications are valid.
When disconnected from
the LBS data will be
forced invalid
23 SF6 Gas Pressure 2 Gas pressure Low or Gas Pressure Normal, Only set when
Low or Invalid Invalid or Not Known, or Not a switchgear is connected
switchgear which has and LBS memory data is
SF6. valid and switchgear
type has SF6.
24 Battery Supply 2 Battery supply not Battery supply normal 500ms
This includes :-
Battery Off
Battery Overvolt
Battery Low Volts
25 Switchgear Family 3 Set for Load Break Clear For Recloser
Switch 500ms
26 Contacts Life Low 2 When any contact life is When all contacts have 500ms
less than 20%. contact life >= 20%
27 Capacitor Charge 2 Capacitor Charge Failed Capacitor Charge OK The Trip/Close
Failure Capacitors have failed to
charge. (where relevant)
28 Mechanism Failure 2 Mechanism Failure Mechanism OK The switchgear has
failed to Trip or Close

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

LBS Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


Set = 1


29 Phase Ai Live 1 Phase is live Phase is dead Shows if the phase
30 Phase Bi Live 1 bushings are above or
below the live line
31 Phase Ci Live 1 threshold.
32 Phase Ax Live 1
33 Phase Bx Live 1 10ms
34 Phase Cx Live 1
35 Source Voltage 1 Shows that any of the All of the source side are Note that these points
Status three phases of the Terminals dead are different to the
designated Source side Load/Source Live/Dead
36 Load Voltage 1 or Load side are live. All of the load side are events in the controller
Status Terminal dead event record
37 Load Current On 1 Current of 2.5A or more Current of less than 2.5A
is flowing in at least one is flowing in all three 10ms
phase phases
38 Dummy LBS 2 Dummy LBS Closed Dummy LBS not closed. This point represents an
Closed internal dummy LBS.
This is an internal point
useful for SCADA
system testing. The
value of the dummy LBS
is non-volatile.
39 Supply Outage 2 Supply Outage Supply Outage 500ms
Measurement Measurement ON Measurement OFF
40 Reserved 1 2 Reserved Reserved
41 Phase Current HI 2 Phase Current Alarm Phase Current Alarm 500ms
Alarm ON OFF
42 Phase Current 2 Phase Current Alarm Phase Current Alarm 500ms
43 Phase Voltage HI 2 Phase Voltage Alarm Phase Voltage Alarm 500ms
Alarm ON OFF
44 Phase Voltage 2 Phase Voltage Alarm Phase Voltage Alarm 500ms
45 Earth Current HI 2 Earth Current HI Alarm Earth Current HI Alarm 500ms
Alarm ON OFF
46 Earth Current LOW 2 Earth Current LOW Earth Current LOW 500ms
Alarm Alarm ON Alarm OFF
47 System Power HI 2 System Power HI Alarm System Power HI Alarm 500ms
Alarm ON OFF
48 System Power 2 System Power LOW System Power LOW 500ms
LOW Alarm Alarm ON Alarm OFF
49 Auxiliary Supply 2 Auxiliary Supply has Auxiliary Supply has 500ms
Fail (Delayed) failed for more than 120 been restored for more
seconds than 20 seconds

N00-324.doc R39 Page 74

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

LBS Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


Set = 1


Operator/Detection Flags
These flags show the status of the operator controls and some of the detection flags.
They are equivalent to the indications available on the Operator Control Panel of the controller.
50 Phase Detection 2 Phase Detection ON Phase Detection OFF 500ms
51 Earth/Ground 2 Earth/Ground Detection Earth/Ground Detection 500ms
Detection Enabled ON OFF
52 SEF/SGF 2 SEF/SGF Detection ON SEF/SGF Detection 500ms
Detection Enabled OFF
53 Sectionaliser Auto 2 Sectionaliser Auto ON Sectionaliser OFF (Load 500ms
Break Switch)
54 Cold Load Auto 2 Cold Load auto-mode is Cold Load pickup is
armed. OFF.
This means the Cold This means that the cold
Load function is enabled load function is 500ms
and may, or may not, be completely disabled.
affecting the threshold See Cold Load Idle
multiplier. (below)
55 Cold Load Idle 2 Cold Load is Idle or is Cold load is NOT Idle.
turned off. This means that the
This means that the threshold multiplier is 500ms
threshold multiplier is not being raised by the cold
being affected by the load pickup function.
cold load function.
56 Live Load Blocking 2 Live Load Blocking ON Live Load Blocking OFF 500ms
57 Automatic 2 Automatic Detection Automatic Detection 500ms
Detection Group Group Selection is ON Group Selection is OFF
(Code Version 025-
01 and later)
Detection Flags
This group of points indicates what happened in the most recent fault detection. Unlike the ACR, these flags dont
attempt to reconstruct a fault sequence. The flags are not cumulative, they are cleared as each new fault is
detected. For example, if there is an earth fault followed by a phase fault, the earth fault flag will be cleared when
the phase fault flag is set.
In addition analogue data is available which shows the fault currents.
Most of these flags are cleared either by protocol command or when the switchgear is tripped/closed by the
operator or when a new fault is detected.
This data is volatile, i.e. it is zeroed on controller software reset.
If there is more than one protocol running simultaneously in the controller this data is replicated between the
protocols so that each master station can clear its data independently from the others.
58 Sequence in 2 Start of sequence That End of sequence. This shows that a
Progress is a detection trip or Detection sequence has
sequence advance has started and not yet
occurred. completed.
Note that operator trip
does not cause a
sequence in progress

N00-324.doc R39 Page 75

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

LBS Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


Set = 1


59 A Phase 2 A Phase Overcurrent Cleared by These flags show which
Overcurrent Fault Fault Operator trip elements were picked up
since last clear action
60 B Phase 2 B Phase Overcurrent Any close
Overcurrent Fault Fault 10ms
Reset Flags
61 C Phase 2 C Phase Overcurrent Protocol Command
Overcurrent Fault Fault
62 Earth/Ground 2 Earth/Ground
Overcurrent Fault Overcurrent Fault
63 SEF/SGF 2 SEF/SGF Overcurrent
Overcurrent Fault Fault
64 Supply Interrupt 1 Supply Interrupt Set if a supply interrupt
occurred after the most
recent fault.
65 Sectionaliser Trip 1 Sectionaliser Trip Set if switch trips to
66 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 1
input 1
67 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 2
input 2
68 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 3
input 3
69 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 4
input 4
70 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 5
input 5
71 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 6
input 6
72 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 7
input 7
73 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 8
input 8
74 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 9
input 9
75 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 10
input 10
76 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted
IOEX Input 11
input 11

77 1 Input state for IOEX Input asserted Input not asserted

IOEX Input 12
input 12

N00-324.doc R39 Page 76

DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

LBS Binary Input Points (Status)

Cleared = 0


Set = 1


78 1 Set if the most recent Cleared by: 10ms
close caused by local or ! 'Reset Flags and
Operator Close
remote panel close Currents' protocol
request. command
79 1 Set if the most recent ! Controller 10ms
IOEX Close close caused by an Software Reset
IOEX close input. (data is volatile)
80 1 Set if the most recent ! At the time of the 10ms
Protocol Close close caused by a next Close
protocol close request.
81 1 Set if any of the following 10ms
caused the most recent
Mechanical action.
The switchgear
detected as closed
without a close
External Close request
CCEM external
button on N-Series
Electrical action
(only available on
the Advanced
82 Live Load Blocking 1 Set if the most recent Cleared by: 10ms
close was blocked due ! 'Reset Flags and
to a Live Load condition Currents' protocol
! Controller Software
Reset (data is
! At the time of the
next Close


1. Only available on CAPM-5 controller

Appendix K LBS - Analogue Input Points (Status - Small Set)

This is the reduced set of analogue status points available from the controller.

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All analogue points have 500ms resolution time tags. Refer to Appendix A for more
information on timing.
All analogues in the small analogue data set can fit in a signed 16-bit DNP3 data object
except where noted.
The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual
for more information.
Phase and terminal terminology is explained in section 4.4.
DNP3 Implementation
Static: Configurable Object 30 Variation 1, 2, 3, or 4 (refer to section 5.3)
Event: Configurable Object 32 Variation 1, 2, 3, or 4 (refer to section 5.3)
Deadband: Configurable Object 34 Variation 1, 2 (refer to section 5.3)
Request Function Code: 01 Read

LBS Analogue Input Points (Small)

Dead Band



Line Currents and System Power

0 A Current 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
1 B Current 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
2 C Current 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
3 Earth / Ground Current 0 16000 1A 5 A. 1
4 System kVA Note 2 0 1.9 1 kVA 250 kVA. 1
5 System kVAR Note 2 0 1.9 1 kVAR 250 kVAR. 1
6 Operations Counter 0 65535 1 1 Operation 2
Voltage Measurements (Earth/Ground)
Voltage measurements are provided for all terminals with voltage measurements.
The source/load designation of the voltages is determined by the user. Refer to the Power Flow
Direction binary input for status and binary output for control.
Ai Phase-(Earth / Ground)
7 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Bi Phase-(Earth / Ground)
8 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Ci Phase-(Earth / Ground)
9 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Ax Phase-(Earth / Ground)
10 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Bx Phase-(Earth / Ground)
11 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Cx Phase-(Earth / Ground)
12 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2

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LBS Analogue Input Points (Small)

Dead Band


Fault Detection Data
These analogue points record data about the fault detection including maximum fault currents.
These are derived from the max current events, which are seen in the Operator Control Panel event
record and record the current for each phase and for earth/ground.
For any one fault more than one fault current can be set. For example a Phase/Phase fault might set
an A-Phase current and a B-Phase current.
Other data recorded includes the supply interrupt count and the Detection Group which was active at
the time of the fault detection.
Fault Detection Data is cleared to zero by the following actions :-
Reset Fault Current remote control command defined below
Any Operator Close or Trip action
New fault detected
This data is volatile, that is they are zeroed on controller software reset.
If there is more than one protocol running simultaneously in the controller this data is replicated
between the protocols so that each master station can clear its data independently from the others.
Active Detection Group
13 The number of the Detection 0 9 1 1 1
Group active during the
Supply Interrupt Count
14 The number of Supply 1 10 1 1
Interrupts Counted.
Most Recent A-Phase Fault
15 Written on a Max Current event 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
for A Phase
Most Recent B-Phase Fault
16 Written on a Max Current event 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
for B Phase
Most Recent C-Phase Fault
17 Written on a Max Current event 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
for C Phase
Most Recent Earth/Ground
Fault Current - Written on an E-
18 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.

1. The deadband for all analogue points can be configured, refer section 5.3.5 for more information.
2. These points may exceed the 16 bit limit and can be obtained using 32 bit analogue input

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

Appendix L LBS - Analogue Input Points (Status Full Set)

This is the complete set of analogue status points available from the controller.
All analogue points have 500ms resolution time tags. Refer to Appendix A for more
information on timing.
All analogues in the full analogue data set can fit in a signed 16-bit DNP3 data object
except where noted.
The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual
for more information.
Phase and terminal terminology is explained in section 4.4.
DNP3 Implementation
Static: Configurable Object 30 Variation 1, 2, 3, or 4 (refer to section 5.3)
Event: Configurable Object 32 Variation 1, 2, 3, or 4 (refer to section 5.3)
Deadband: Configurable Object 34 Variation 1, 2 (refer to section 5.3)
Request Function Code: 01 Read

LBS Analogue Input Points (Status Full Set)

Dead Band



System Line Currents and Power

0 A-Phase Current 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
1 B-Phase Current 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
2 C-Phase Current 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
3 (Earth / Ground) Current 0 16000 1A 5 A. 1
4 System kVA Note 2 0 1 kVA 250 kVA. 1
5 System kVAR Note 2 0 1 kVAR 250 kVAR. 1
6 Operations Counter 0 65535 1 Operation 2
Voltage Measurements (Earth/Ground)
Voltage measurements are provided for all terminals with voltage measurements.
The source/load voltage designation is determined by the user. Refer to the Power Flow Direction
binary input for status and binary output for control.
All voltages have a common deadband which can be configured (refer section 5.3.5).
7 Ai Phase-(Earth/ Ground) 0 30000 1V 100 V 2
8 Bi Phase-(Earth / Ground) 0 30000 1V 100 V 2
9 Ci Phase-(Earth / Ground) 0 30000 1V 100 V 2
10 Ax Phase-(Earth / Ground) 0 30000 1V 100 V 2
11 Bx Phase-(Earth / Ground) 0 30000 1V 100 V 2

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LBS Analogue Input Points (Status Full Set)

Dead Band


12 Cx Phase-(Earth / Ground) 0 30000 1V 100 V 2
Fault Detection Data
These analogue points record data about the fault detection including maximum fault currents.
These are derived from the max current events, which are seen in the Operator Control Panel event
record and record the current for each phase and for earth/ground.
For any one fault more than one fault current can be set. For example a Phase/Phase fault might set
an A-Phase current and a B-Phase current.
Other data recorded includes the supply interrupt count and the Detection Group which was active at
the time of the fault detection.
Fault Detection Data is cleared to zero by the following actions :-
Reset Fault Current remote control command defined below
Any Operator Close or Trip action
New fault detected
This data is volatile, that is they are zeroed on controller software reset.
If there is more that one protocol running simultaneously in the controller this data is replicated
between the protocols so that each master station can clear its data independently from the others.
13 Active Detection Group 0 9 1 1 1
The number of the Detection
Group which was active during
the sequence.
14 Supply Interrupt Count 1 10 1 1
The number of Supply
Interrupts Counted.
15 Most Recent A-Phase Fault 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
Written on a Max Current event
for A Phase
16 Most Recent B-Phase Fault 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
Written on a Max Current event
for B Phase
17 Most Recent C-Phase Fault 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
Written on a Max Current event
for C Phase
18 Most Recent Earth/Ground 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
Fault Current Written on an
E-Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.
Voltage Measurements (Phase/Phase)
19 A-Bi Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
20 B-Ci Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
21 C-Ai Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
22 A-Bx Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
23 B-Cx Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2

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LBS Analogue Input Points (Status Full Set)

Dead Band


24 C-Ax Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
System Status
25 System Power (kW) - 1.9GW 1 kW 250kW. 1
This can be a signed quantity 1.9
that indicates direction of power GW
flow, or an unsigned quantity
that is always positive
regardless of the direction of
the power flow. This is
determined by the controller
Note 2
26 System Power Factor 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 1
Note 6
27 Gas Pressure, kPag. - 300 1 kPaG 5kPaG 2
Note 3 100
28 Gas Pressure, psi Note 3 -14 44 1 psi 1psi 2
29 Code Version Note 2, 4 0 99,999,999 1 1 0
30 Configuration Number Note 2, 5 0 99,999 1 1 0
31 CAPM Serial Number 0 2147483647 1 1 0
32 LBS Serial Number Note 2 0 2147483647 1 1 2
33 I/U Contact Life Note 7 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
34 II/V Contact Life Note 7 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
35 III/W Contact Life Note 7 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
36 Transmitted frame count 0 32768 1 1 0
37 Received frame count 0 32768 1 1 0
38 Received message length error 0 999 1 1 0
39 Received message CRC error 0 999 1 1 0
Detection State
40 Cold Load 0 480 1 Min 1 Min 2
Value is zero when Cold Load
is Idle or OFF. When Cold Load
is not idle this shows the
operational cold load time, i.e.
the current time being used to
calculate the operational cold
load threshold multiplier.
41 Detection Group currently 0 9 1 1 2
0 = Detection Group A
1 = Detection Group B
n = Other Detection Group
42 Maximum Average Current of 0 16000 1A 10A 1
all phases for the previous day
ending at 24:00

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LBS Analogue Input Points (Status Full Set)

Dead Band


- Reserved

1. The deadband for all analogue points can be configured, refer section 5.3.5 for more information.
2. These points may exceed the 16 bit limit and can be obtained using 32 bit analogue input objects.
3. If LBS Memory Data Invalid binary status is set then value is 0
4. The code version is an eight digit number that has the form XXX-XXX.XX with the dash and point
formatting removed.
5. The configuration number is a five digit number that has the form XXXXX. It identifies the
configuration loaded into the controller database.
6. Power factor has a built in scale factor of 10 i.e. range 0.0 to 1.0 with resolution 0.1 is transmitted
as 0 to 10 with resolution 1.
7. Contact life has a built in scale factor of 10 i.e. range of 0.0% to 100.0% with resolution 0.1% is
transmitted as 0 to 1000 with resolution 1.
8. This point is only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration
and is otherwise always reported as zero.

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Appendix M LBS - Counter Points

DNP3 Implementation
Binary Counters
Static Object: Object 20 Variation 05 32 Bit Binary Counter without Flag
Request Function Codes: 01 Read, 07 Immediate Freeze,
08 Immediate Freeze, No Ack, 09 Freeze and Clear
10 Freeze and Clear, No Ack
Frozen Counters
Static Object: Object 21 Variation 9 32 Bit Frozen Counter without Flag
Request Function Code: 01 Read

LBS Counter Points




0 KWH Cumulative Note 1 0 2147483647 KWH

1 Source Outages Note 2, 3 0 2147483647 Counts
2 Source Outage Duration 0 2147483647 Seconds
Note 2, 3
3 Load Outages Note 2, 3 0 2147483647 Counts
4 Load Outage Duration 0 2147483647 Seconds
Note 2, 3

1. This accumulates the total kWH flowing through the LBS.
If the controller is set for Power Flow Unidirectional then the cumulative total increases irrespective of
the direction of power flow to show the total power that has passed through the device.
If the controller is set for Bi-Directional power flow then the cumulative total can increase or decrease
reflecting the nett power flow.
2. Resetting any Outage counter via a protocol counter reset command will result in the resetting of all
outage counters.
3. The power flow direction (source/load designation) is determined by the user. Refer to Power Flow
Direction Binary Input for status and Binary Output for control.

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Appendix N LBS - Binary Output Points

Changing some of these settings affects the currently active Detection group. The change
is put into effect immediately and is permanent for that group. In other words, it is the
equivalent to selecting that Detection group on the operator control panel, changing the
setting and then putting the change into service.
All binary output points have a matching binary input status point. The controller does not
return binary output object status in response to a class 0 or an integrity poll. It is
recommended that the master station use the controls corresponding binary input status
to verify the success of an action.
DNP3 Implementation
Binary Output Status
Static Object: Object 10 Variation 02 Binary Output Status
The status of the offline/online bits is determined by the reject conditions shown in the table below. A
point is reported offline if it cannot be forced to the alternate state due to condition listed. Note that
not all conditions that prevent a control from succeeding are listed. Some conditions (eg mechanical
failure) may be undetermined at time of read.
Request Function Code: 01- Read
Relay Control Block
Control Object: Object 12 Variation 01 Control Relay Output Block
Control relay output block parameters supported:
Control types are accepted on per point basis as shown in the table below.
TC = Trip/Close, P = Pulse ON/OFF, L = Latch ON/OFF.
Set (1) = Close, Pulse ON, Latch ON
Cleared (0) = Trip, Pulse OFF, Latch OFF
Recommended control types is shown in bold font.
Note: Pulse OFF is not supported on most master station systems.
The count, on-time, off-time, queue, and clear parameters are ignored.
Request Function Codes: 03 Select, 04 Operate, 05 Direct Operate,
06 Direct Operate, No Ack
Response Codes: Refer to Appendix C for a table of reported status values

LBS Binary Output Points

Control Type
Cleared = 0

Set = 1

0 LBS Control Close Trip TC,

Rejected if: Rejected if: L, P
Close coil is Trip coil is isolated
isolated SF6 gas pressure is
controller is in low (if applicable)
LOCAL control Switchgear data
mode invalid
SF6 gas pressure Mechanically
is low (if interlocked
applicable) AND
low gas lockout is

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LBS Binary Output Points

Control Type
Cleared = 0

Set = 1
Work Tag is
Switchgear data
Live load blocking
ON AND any load
side terminal live
Trip and/or Close
capacitors are
charging or failed
1 Work Tag Applies Work Tag. Removed the Work L, P
Rejected if: Tag.
controller is in Rejected if:
LOCAL Mode controller is in
2 Cold Load Idle/Max Set cold load time to its Set cold load time to L, P
maximum value. This zero. This means that
means that the cold the threshold multiplier
load threshold current will not be affected by
will be set to its the cold load function.
maximum value Rejected if:
Rejected if: Cold load support is
Cold load support OFF
is OFF
3 Live Load Blocking Live Load blocking ON Live Load blocking OFF L, P
4 Reset Fault Resets all Object 30 No Action L, P
Flags and Currents Fault Currents to zero
Note 1 and clears all Object 01
Detection trip flags
5 Power Flow Direction Note 4 Source X, Load I Source I, Load X L, P
6 Detection Group A Note 1, 3 Group A ON Note 5 No Action L, P
7 Detection Group B Note 1, 3 Group B ON Note 5 No Action L, P
8 Detection Group C Note 1, 3 Group C ON Note 5 No Action L, P
9 Detection Group D Note 1, 3 Group D ON Note 5 No Action L, P
10 Detection Group E Note 1, 3 Group E ON Note 5 No Action L, P
11 Detection Group F Note 1, 3 Group F ON Note 5 No Action L, P
12 Detection Group G Note 1, 3 Group G ON Note 5 No Action L, P
13 Detection Group H Note 1, 3 Group H ON Note 5 No Action L, P
14 Detection Group I Note 1, 3 Group I ON Note 5 No Action L, P
15 Detection Group J Note 1, 3 Group J ON Note 5 No Action L, P
16 Dummy Circuit Breaker DCB Close DCB Trip TC,
L, P
17 Automatic Detection Group APGS ON APGS OFF L, P
Selection Rejected if APGS ON
is Not Allowed

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

LBS Binary Output Points

Control Type
Cleared = 0

Set = 1
18 Supply Outage Measurement Supply Outage Supply Outage L, P
Control Measurement ON Measurement OFF
19 Supply Outage Measurement Resets all Supply No Action L, P
Reset Outage counters
20 Sectionaliser Auto Turn Sectionalising ON Turn Sectionalising L, P
21 Protocol IOEX control 1 Sets IOEX output that Clears the IOEX output TC,
22 Protocol IOEX control 2 is mapped to this point. that is mapped to this L, P
For RTU emulation. point. For RTU
23 Protocol IOEX control 3 emulation.
24 Protocol IOEX control 4
25 Protocol IOEX control 5
26 Protocol IOEX control 6
27 Protocol IOEX control 7
28 Protocol IOEX control 8
29 ACO Autorestore ACO Autorestore ON ACO Autorestore OFF L, P
30 Autochangeover Enable Auto-changeover is Auto-changeover is L, P
operating disabled
31 Auto Changeover Make before break. Break before make. L, P

1. The response for binary output status for these points will always be 0.
2. This point is only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration
otherwise No Action is taken.
3. Only one Detection group can be active at any one time. Activating any of these Detection groups will
automatically reset the previously active setting.
4. Changing the Source/Load direction affects the following aspects of the operation of the controller:
Whether the source or load corresponds to I side or X side on the voltage measurements
Which side is the source or load for the Live Load Blocking
Which side is the source or load for the Directional Blocking
Which direction is positive power flow for the System Power Analogue Input
Power Flow Direction Binary Input status
5. The number of protection groups available in the controller is configurable. If a control is not available
because the protection set is not supported then it is rejected.

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

Appendix O LBS - Analogue Output Points

Changing some of these settings affects the currently active Detection group. The change
is put into effect immediately and is permanent for that group. In other words, it is the
equivalent to selecting that Detection group on the operator control panel, changing the
setting and then putting the change into service.
All analogue output points have a matching analogue input point. The controller does not
return analogue output object status in response to a class 0 or and integrity poll. It is
recommended that the master station use the outputs corresponding analogue input
status to verify the success of an action.

DNP3 Implementation
Analogue Output Status
Static Object: Object 40 Variation 02 16 Bit Analogue Status
Request Function Code: 01 Read
Analogue Output Block
Control Object: Object 41 Variation 02 16 Bit Analogue Output Block
Request Function Codes: 03 Select, 04 Operate, 05 Direct Operate,
06 Direct Operate, No Ack

LBS Analogue Output Point




0 Detection Group Selected 0 9 N/A

0 = Group A
1 = Group B

9 = Group J

1. The number of protection groups available in the controller is configurable. If the analogue output block
value is not available because the protection set is not supported then it is rejected.

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

Appendix P PAKNET Call Procedures

The PAKNET is a private X.25 network. There are a number of ways of accessing the
network. The mechanism most commonly used by remote devices such as the CAPMs is
via a radio PAD.
When the master station wishes to communicate with a particular device, it must first
establish an X.25 connection to the device. Similarly, when the RTU requires the master
station to poll it for changes, it must establish a connection with the master station.
Most X.25 based systems are configured so as to minimise call costs and connection
costs. They generally operate on a slow scan rate and rely on the outgoing call
mechanism (described below) to achieve responsiveness.
There are two options described for monitoring and controlling the PADs. The first has the
PADs service signals disabled. The second option has service signals enabled.
Incoming Call (Poll or Control) Service Signals Disabled
Incoming Calls (from the CAPMs viewpoint) are those calls that are initiated by the Master
Station. The master stations routine polls and control requests fit into this category and
require that the master station establish an X.25 connection to the PAD to which the
CAPM is connected.
In order that the CAPM and its associated PAD can accept incoming calls at any time, the
CAPM maintains DTR asserted at all times. It only lowers DTR to clear an out-going call
(see below).
The sequence for are incoming call is as follows:
1. DTR is asserted.
2. The master station establishes the X.25 connection.
3. Initialise / Data Request or Control / Poll sequence is transmitted by the master
4. The CAPM transmits the requested data.
5. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until poll / control is completed.
6. The call is cleared by the master station.

Outgoing Call (Unsolicited CoS) Service Signals Disabled

The DNP protocol does not support unsolicited data transfer to the master station.
However, unsolicited behaviour is emulated by taking advantage of the DNP address
resolution mechanism using a broadcast scan. With this technique, the RTU dials-in to
the master station (or, in the case of the PAKNET, establishes an X.25 connection). The
master station, on detecting an incoming call for an RTU, transmits a broadcast message.
From the RTUs reply to this broadcast, the master station determines its address and
then commences a conventional scan sequence.
The CAPM performs an outgoing call whenever is has a change of state to report.
The outgoing call procedure is as follows:
1. DTR is asserted.
2. The CAPM establishes an X.25 connection to the master station.
3. The master station sends an INITIALISE with a Broadcast address.
4. The CAPM transmits the INITIALISE reply with its RTU address to the master.
5. The master station sends data requests and a POLL
6. The CAPM replies with the requested data.

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7. Steps 6 and 7 are repeated until all data requests are complete.
8. The call is cleared by the Master Station.

Outgoing Call Failure and Retry Mechanism

If the CAPM fails to establish communication with the master station when an outgoing call
is made, then the outgoing call is retried. The retry sequence is as follows:
1. The CAPM sends the call connection sequence to the PAD.
2. The CAPM waits for the Tx on-line period. If a valid scan has not been received by
the CAPM, the call is cleared down.
3. The CAPM waits for the Retry Timer to expire.
4. Adjust the Retry Timer by the multiplier factor. If the Retry Timer exceeds the Max
Retry Interval then set the Retry Timer equal to the Max Retry Interval.
5. Go to step 1.
Incoming Call (Poll or Control) Service Signals Enabled
Incoming Calls (from the CAPMs viewpoint) are those calls that are initiated by the Master
Station. The master stations routine polls and control requests fit into this category and
require that the master station establish an X.25 connection to the PAD to which the
CAPM is connected.
In order that the CAPM and its associated PAD can accept incoming calls at any time
without having to monitor RI, the CAPM maintains DTR asserted at all times. It only
lowers DTR to clear an out-going call (see below).

1. DTR is asserted.
2. The master station establishes the X.25 connection.
3. The CAPM strips off the leading NUA and COM characters.
4. Initialise / Data Request or Control / Poll sequence is transmitted by the master
5. CAPM transmits the requested data.
6. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated until poll / control is completed.
7. The call is cleared by the master station.

Outgoing Call (Unsolicited CoS) Service Signals Enabled

The DNP protocol does not support unsolicited data transfer to the master station.
However, unsolicited behaviour is emulated by taking advantage of the DNP address
resolution mechanism using a broadcast scan. With this technique, the RTU dials-in to
the master station (or, in the case of the PAKNET, establishes an X.25 connection). The
master station, on detecting an incoming call for an RTU, transmits a broadcast message.
From the RTUs reply to this broadcast, the master station determines its address and
then commences a conventional scan sequence.
The CAPM performs an outgoing call whenever is has a change of state to report.
The outgoing call procedure is as follows:
1. DTR is asserted.
2. The CAPM sends a <CR> character to the PAD and waits for a prompt (*)
character from the PAD. (See below for a description of the failure sequence).

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DNP V3.00 Protocol Technical Manual (LBS)

3. At the prompt character, the CAPM will transmit the master stations NUA followed
by the <CR> character.
4. The PAD returns the connected NUA followed by COM when the connection has
been established. (See below for a description of the failure sequence).
5. When the master station sees a connection established from a RTU, it sends an
INITIALISE with a Broadcast address.
6. The CAPM transmits the INITIALISE reply with its RTU address to Master.
7. The master station sends data requests and a POLL
8. The CAPM replies with the requested data.
9. Steps 6 and 7 are repeated until all data requests are complete.
10. The call is cleared by the master station.

Outgoing Call Failure and Retry Mechanism

If the CAPM fails to establish communication with the master station when an outgoing call
is made or it fails to establish the X.25 connection, various retry mechanisms are invoked.
The retry sequences are as follows:
1. The CAPM sends a <CR> character to the PAD and waits for a prompt (*)
character from the PAD.
2. If it fails to receive a prompt it will send another <CR> character after 5 seconds. If
it still fails to receive a prompt character after three attempts it will drop DTR and
repeat the sequence.
3. After sending the NUA followed by <CR> to the PAD, the CAPM waits for
connection acknowledgment consisting of the called NUA followed by COM.
4. If the CAPM fails to see COM after the Tx On-line period, it will drop DTR (for DTR
Low Time seconds) and then retry steps 1 to 3.
5. If the CAPM receives COM but fails to see any communication from the Master
Station after the Tx On-line period, it will drop DTR (for DTR Low Time seconds)
and initiate and application retry sequence.
6. The CAPM waits for the Retry Timer to expire.
7. The CAPM adjusts the Retry Timer by the multiplier factor. If the Retry Timer
exceeds the Max Retry Interval then set the Retry Timer equal to the Max Retry
8. Go to step 1.

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