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Raymond Peat, Ph.D.

Endocrinology part 3
KMUD, 2017

(transcribed by Moss verified by Burtlancast)

HD - Andrew Murray
RP Ray Peat

HD: So Dr Peat, from last month breaking the question what is a hormone and
how does the endocrine system regulate metabolism, you discussed Thyrotropin
Releasing Hormone (TRH), which stimulates both the secretion of TSH from the
anterior pituitary and of prolactin. Now prolactin is a hormone thats responsible
for lactation in females. And so, would there be another mechanism, perhaps, that
satisfies the TSH production in lower thyroid individuals, to up regulate the T4
production, which does not result in increased prolactin production, as TRH does?

My question to you, Dr Peat, is the potential for hypothyroid women to be exposed

to higher than normal levels of prolactin. Have you seen women that would lactate
while not being fertile or nursing?

RP:Yeah. Probably maybe a 100 women that Ive talked to; hypothyroidism was
their basic problem. But unwelcomed lactation was just one of their symptoms.
And usually, there were menstrual irregularities at the same time; either too
much, or too little menstruation. And just correcting their thyroid function took
care of both the lactation and menstruation. And what [the thyroid] is doing is
regulating oxygen metabolism, so that you can use your fuel very efficiently, keep
your blood sugar steady, so that you dont experience stress. In healthy women,
oestrogen is produced for about 12 hours once a month in a big surge, to
basically create stress tissue; to stir up cell division: to prepare the uterus, and
the breast, and other tissues [the pituitary, the hypothalamus, the adrenal
glands]. These [tissues] are the main things that are activated by oestrogen. Low
thyroid, by letting you get low blood sugar inappropriately, its simultaneously
activating the stress hormones and inactivating the parts of the liver that are
normally destroying oestrogens as soon as they reach the liver. Normally, the
small amount of oestrogen being produced under moderate stress is kept very
low by an active liver, when the thyroid is activating the liver.

When the thyroid is low, oestrogen tends to rise. And both of these tend to create
an oxygen deficiency and a glucose deficiency. One intensifies the other. These
are the first steps in any kind of stress reaction. And the stress reaction turns on

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017

your pituitary as a way to organize the adaptive systems in the body. And
prolactin in fish regulates salt and water metabolism; and mammals have the
various components of milk-formation, involving both the flow of water and
salts, but including proteins, sugars and such. So, prolactin, in all animals, has a
range of anti-stress functions. And lactation is just a useful component for
handling the stress of pregnancy fertility.

HD: So I picked up on what you said about oestrogen being a once-monthly surge, a
12 hour period. But I just want to ask you this, it would seem a very ubiquitous
poison, for want of a better word, that woman are continually subjected to. How
can you compare that to the background levels of oestrogen that you are always
advising woman to protect themselves from, either environmentally or with things
like pregnenolone or progesterone, if they have excessive inflammation going on in
the body from different causes?

RP: Any tissue of your body that is stressed will start to produce oestrogen. Its a
very basic reaction to stress. And so with ageing, for example, when you have lost
some of your basic anti-stress hormones (thyroid and progesterone and
pregnenolone), then all of your tissues are suffering from impaired metabolism
of oxygen and glucose. They are simply not interacting properly. And that means
that all of them will begin producing a little bit of oestrogen. For example, the
post menopausal breast tissue is producing several times more oestrogen than it
does during menstruation. And if the liver slows down because the thyroid is
low, then that little [oestrogen] bit that is being produced by any stress tissue is
going to pile up in the blood, because it should be eliminated constantly through
the liver and kidneys.

HD: Science has been guilty of brainwashing the public; of deceiving them to
believe that things are a certain way, when actually there is previous research
thats been buried showing exactly the opposite; this research has been closed up,
money has been diverted away from it, instead funding the wrong information.
Again, when I was studying, I was under the impression that basically the ovaries
were the main oestrogen secreting organs in a female body, and men didnt really
have oestrogen. Men had testosterone and females had oestrogen.Things were
fairly simple; but actually its really very different from that. I think you said any
cell can essentially secrete oestrogen in response to stress and inflammation?

RP: Yeah. And old men get low testosterone because there are stressed tissues
turning it quickly into oestrogen.

HD: This is aromatization, right?

RP: Yeah, and a younger man who is very sick, or has an accident, will have very
high oestrogen. And usually, that will bring up the prolactin, the growth
hormone, and a lot of adaptive secondary hormones.

HD: Going back to lactation and prolactin being secreted in females and actually
causing some milk production, is oxytocin, for example, a more powerful stimulator
of lactation than prolactin/TRH ?

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017

RP: Oxytocin really is just to release the milk once its formed. It isnt involved
directly in forming it. When I was a little kid during the depression, there were
very poor people moving into Southern California; and some of them were
finding jobs; and one family we knew, the mother was able to find a job when
they had a baby that was a few months old; they had been starving for years, and
the father was able to lactate to nurse the baby while the mother worked.

HD: Do you see any difference in the quality of the milk?

RP: Oh sure. Men arent nearly as good at lactating as women are [chuckles]. And
its a very extreme thing. Lots of men, when they came out of WW2 prison camps,
when they started eating, they got enough energy to mobilize cortisol and some
thyroid and such; they began lactating, because they had injured their tissues so
much that they were very high in oestrogen.

HD: I mean it is well documented now that male breasts, or gynecomastia, is a very
common phenomena in males who are exposed to oestrogen. In England, its not
uncommon for men who drink daily a lot of beer to grow, basically, breasts. And,
even in this country, related to oestrogen substances, whether it is the oestrogen
analogues in hops, or even in plastics, some more sensitive individuals are being
exposed to it.

RP: Yeast can produce oestradiol; and so they think that the yeast fermenting is a
major source of the breast development in beer drinkers.

HD: Interesting, so it may not be necessarily be down to the humulones and

lupulones, and all the other by-products of the hop?

RP: Yeah. They are probably not as harmful as the yeast-produced oestrogens.

HD: So lets move onto the next hormone in the hypothalamic section of this
endocrine discussion, the Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) and how this
stimulates adrenocorticotrophic hormone from the anterior pituitary, and acts on
the adrenals to promote and secrete cortisol. Now, most people have probably
heard of cortisol - if they are at all health minded :cortisol, cortisone,
hydrocortisone, they are all kind of derivatives. Most of these derivatives here have,
or are still being used to control inflammation. And I have known asthmatics and
eczema patients and psoriatic patients that have been prescribed cortisol and
corticosteroids to control that. The natural production of cortisol is inhibited by
negative feedback mechanism; so were never normally naturally, constantly or
chronically exposed to cortisol. It obviously has some beneficial effects, although I
understand your interpretation puts a far more negative view of cortisol, probably
in relation to its chronic exposure. What dangers do you see in the chronic use of
hydrocortisone, either topically or aerosolized? And what would be a better
approach to quell inflammation of this type?

RP: Within the first two or three hours of a big dose of cortisol (or the synthetic
glucocorticoids), the thymus gland starts shrinking. And the skin and muscles
begin shrinking, as the cortisol shifts the metabolism in the opposite direction of

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017

HD: Towards the oestrogenic side?

RP: Well, the corticoids activate the proteolytic enzymes that break down the
proteins, and inhibit the anabolic, protein-synthesizing mechanisms. The brain,
heart and lungs are very concentrated testosterone metabolisers and retainers. If
you give someone radioactive testosterone, you see the emission from those
organs, most of it from the heart and brain (the lungs are so full or air, you [cant]
see much radiation); but the testosterone is there, protecting these vital organs.
But when you give a big dose of cortisol, you slump that protective effective
progesterone and testosterone; and the tissues that arent very well protected
very quickly shrink; your skin becomes thinner, blood vessels weaken, you tend
to get little bloody spots, particularly haemorrhages, and bruise very easily. Lots
of women have constantly bruised thighs, and sometimes upper arms, because
when they are low in thyroid and progesterone, they compensate with increased
cortisol, which weakens their small blood vessels, and they bruise easily. If that
continues over the years, it leads to strokes, osteoporosis, and the typical ageing

HD: Ive known people in England especially, the doctors there were just more
readily prescribing aerosolized corticosteroids inhalants for asthma, and/or
topical creams for eczemas. But it was the only thing that was ever really done.
And I have known people that have been on these things for years and years; and
im sure, to their detriment. You are saying that it is essentially switching off the
protective anti-excitotoxic mechanism/ route by which inflammation, or oestrogen
induced inflammation, is typically mediated?

RP: Yeah, and asthma is one of the typical oestrogen-induced inflammation. High
oestrogen women are very susceptible to asthma, especially during the night.
And one of the effects of oestrogen is to directly stimulate the adrenal glands to
produce cortisol. So, high oestrogen leads to weak blood vessels and shrinking
bones and ageing skin, and low immunity and such, by the shrinking effects of
cortisol on the thymus gland. And oestrogen shifts the balance towards
serotonin, away from dopamine; and this shift in the serotonin/dopamine ratio
is one of the things that activates the prolactin system. And serotonin is also one
of the major activators of the Corticotrophin Releasing Hormones (CRH). And so,
oestrogen activates the pituitary, the hypothalamus, the adrenal glands directly
to increase the tissue breakdown effect.

HD: I caught on to what you said about female asthmatics getting particularly
worse at night. And this again, I guess, is night-time stress that worsens the

RP: Yeah, all of the stress hormones rise during the night.

HD: And again in response probably to low blood sugar because of fasting

RP: Yeah. And hypoglycaemia, or disturbed oxygen availability, both increase

prolactin, and usually growth hormone, [which are] stress inducers. I think all of
the pituitary hormones [are increased] (except for luteinizing hormone, which
produces testosterone and progesterone). So, when you activate all of the other

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017

parts of the pituitary, you are likely to become sterile by losing your
progesterone and testosterone.

HD: For the guys that are out there, to maximize your testosterone is the best thing
that you can do as a guy, because it is the counterpart to oestrogen. And it is the
anti-excitotoxic route by which inflammation is quelled.

RP: Its [so] similar in function to progesterone in protecting the tissues that
theyve experimented removing the ovaries from rats after they have been
impregnated, and then giving them testosterone during pregnancy. It is a
progestin in that sense of being able to sustain a pregnancy in the absence of

HD: Testosterone is really very beneficial for men in terms of muscle mass. You can
generate it yourself and you dont have to buy it. So lets take this first caller.

Caller: I am wondering, can an imbalance of hormones influence someones

perception of his or her gender? Im curious as Im certain we are constantly
exposed to environmental oestrogens. And I have also heard of instances like
Caitlin Jenner who as Bruce Jenner knew at a very young age that he was the
opposite gender. So whats your take on that?

RP: When that happens during gestation (or in the first few months after being
born) the actual cell structure of the brain is still going on. And its either
masculinized or not by the presence of testosterone, which is turned into
oestrogen. And oestrogen in those stages of development is the masculinizing
hormone. And so, a deficiency of progesterone early in life leaves the oestrogen
unopposed and tends to masculinize the brain. And so, it can set up the feeling of
the gender that is chemically activated rather than what the chromosomes were
able to do.

Caller: Good evening, I am calling from Finland. I have a question and I have been
reading your wonderful Generative Energy book and basically its prompted me to
think about what I think they call now, transhumanism. Nowadays we basically
have the version of the modern day six million dollar man; we have people with
robotic hands. A friend of mine with Parkinsons disease has two chips implanted in
his brain with remote control. And my question to Dr Peat would be, do you believe
that this transhumanism might fit into future evolutions of man? I am referring to
this theory about life trending towards maximum metabolism and maximum

RP: I think the technology is so simplified compared to what actually is needed

by the organism to maximize its metabolism, function and experience, that I
dont think that the technology is going to have a role in the future development
of health, longevity, or brain development.

HD: Its certainly not going to be passed onto the next generation, so it is definitely
a temporary thing. And I think from my perspective, the human body, and I think
the psyche, plays a much bigger part in the protection and the development of the
human organism. Far more than perhaps people give real credit to for positive

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017

thinking etc. etc., self empowerment. Doing the right thing in terms of everything
youve proposed in terms of nutrition and/or some of the few supplements that you
recommend, things like thyroid and progesterone and things that protect the anti-
inflammatory side, I think you have a far better chance of living a genetically very
healthy life, and something that I think can be passed on to the next generation.
Certainly we hear about in utero effects on to the fetus. I am fairly interested about
the transhumanism subject, and like the callers mentioned, things like robotic
replacements and/or chips to prompt secretion of neuropeptides etc. etc. into the
brain or other areas - but it doesnt continue, and it is a very temporal thing. And I
dont think that is anything that can ever be transmitted. But what can be
transmitted is a mental state of mind that is based on positive thinking, creating
that in harmony; and whether it is yoga or doing exercise and getting outside and
just appreciating everything that you have around you, rather than looking at
negative things.

Caller: Can I ask a follow up question? I was wondering about, because this is a
topic that I havent heard on this show yet, but we are also in an increasingly
hairless society. People want to shave more and more of their bodies more and
more regularly. How stressful is frequent shaving to the body in your opinion?

HD: Its interesting you say that; I read the article just a couple of days ago actually
it was from the Drudge Report. It was that the increasing hairiness of females is
actually becoming recognized. And I think there was a poll done in 2004 and I think
95% of females shaved. They did a recent poll here and I think it was down to 78%
and they were saying that essentially that au natural was becoming more normal
whether or not they are talking about hair on a males head or hair from a
baldness perspective or not, I dont know caller, but Dr Peat what do you think?

RP: I think the hair on the head actually has the function of preserving heat,
helping to keep the brain warm. Wearing a wool hat will substitute somewhat for
not having enough hair on the head. And the other hair (armpits and pubic), I
think that has the function of helping to somewhat distribute pheromones. The
facial hair and arm hair has probably that pheromone distributing function. But I
think that the body hair that is tending to appear more often in women is a sign
of stress. That its probably related to that pheromone system shifting to an
exaggerated steroid production in the skin.

HD: So Dr Peat just to carry on with testosterone a little bit, its a bit of a divergent
question but - in terms of men being able to maximize their testosterone
production without thinking that they have to go to a gym and get aerobic and
pump huge amounts of weights to build muscle - what would you say would be a
good program for a male who wanted to increase lean muscle mass in order to be
exposed to more testosterone? Because its the muscle itself that actually promotes
a testosterone surge in the body; and by its own mechanism will directly relate
back to testosterone itself.

RP: Yeah muscle contraction activates the synthesis, locally in the muscle, of
testosterone, and decreases the cortisol activity; so good physical work is
probably the central thing to keeping your testosterone up. It shouldnt be
episodic, intense, stressful work; that is known to lower your testosterone and

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017

increase cortisol. And at the same time keeping your metabolic rate up so that
you can do more intense activity without it being stressful. Having your liver
very healthy is essential for keeping your testosterone up, because otherwise the
episodes of falling blood sugar activate cortisol, oestrogen and all of the other
stress hormones.

HD: Ok, so stocking your liver with plenty of sugar, not being aerobic about your
approach to exercise, and ideally a physical type of work if you are possibly able to.
So moving onto to dopamine, I wanted to ask you a little bit - I know we have
mentioned the discussion related to Parkinsons and Parkinsonisms; and weve said
that this dopamine in itself inhibits prolactin release and helps regulate emotional
responses. And the reward and pleasure response is something I wanted to ask you
about. This enables a person not only to see the rewards but to take action to move
towards them. And lack of dopamines been cited and implicated in the propensity
to addiction. If you want to feel better, then mood enhancing drugs are a route to
this. Does this imply that many addicts have naturally low levels of dopamine, and
may develop Parkinsons type symptoms in future? And would dopamine
supplementation be useful to wean addicts, or prevent addictive behaviours from

RP: I think that even in Parkinsons disease, I think the studies are moving
towards thinking of a balance between serotonin and dopamine and the other

HD: So are you thinking serotonin excess might exacerbate?

RP: Yeah. They are somewhat antagonistic. For example, serotonin increases the
CRH and prolactin. Dopamine tends to inhibit them.

HD: Bad bowels, or bad bowel function, or poor elimination would certainly speed
that serotonin excess up?

RP: Yeah, nitric oxide, endotoxin and serotonin all shift your body towards the
stress. And progesterone and its derivatives in the brain (allopregnenolone for
example) are important for keeping the balance in the right direction. Oestrogen
increases the serotonin and stress; progesterone tends to reverse that, and
increase the balance towards dopamine.

HD: So do you think though, that this would be any reason or cause for Parkinsons
down the road? Perhaps if people have addictive natures? Is it at all connected with
lack of dopamine?

RP: Well I think you can correct it most safely with progesterone and
testosterone. Or with pregnenolone, the precursor of both of them. Because
when you try to push the dopamine system, you tend to increase oxidative
damage. And thus, [progesterone, testosterone or pregnenolone] are safe to
work at the anti-stress level, rather than pushing the end product of dopamine.

HD: So, improve muscle, muscle mass, plenty of sugars. Then obviously
pregnenolone, thyroid - all helpful and anti-inflammatory aspects.

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017

RP: Yeah. And keeping the toxic fats down, and sugar stable.

HD: OK, can I ask you about the growth hormone? So, the growth hormone
releasing hormone, stimulates growth hormone release from the anterior pituitary.
And this has regulatory effects on proteins, carbohydrates and lipid metabolism as
well as promoting slow wave sleep, often referred to as deep sleep. And I know
people that perhaps have sleep issues where they are unable to get into that phase
of deep sleep. I did read that the slow wave sleep was apparently but I know this
is not particularly true because I know you think it is very much related to low
blood glucose but the slow wave sleep was implicated in nightmares and
sleepwalking, especially when sleepwalking was joined to raiding the fridge at
night to eat. I found that quite a bizarre connection. But it is well known in popular
culture, I remember an old advert back in the 1970s for R. Whites Lemonade. This
advert was more or less this person getting out of sleepwalking downstairs to the
fridge, where he opens the fridge door and opens a bottle of R White Lemonade
there and he would just sit there drinking it and his wife would come down and say
whats going on?. So anyway, between the desires to eat, sleepwalk and growth
hormone, do you think the deep sleep relates to is as a real subject? Or do you think
this is, again, being mismanaged scientifically?

RP: No, I think deep sleep is important as a restorative part of your brain
function. And I think a lot of people would be happier and healthier if they would
eat during the night. People who resist eating near bedtime or during the night
often have more stress, [and] more hypoglycemic insomnia. And most people can
get back to sleep if they have some orange juice, or lemonade, or a milkshake, or
ice cream.

HD: Its almost a cultural barrier, where there is this feeling that if you eat close to
bedtime you are just going to put it on as fat. I certainly have heard the doctrine
that excess carbohydrates are stored as fat. Whether accurate or not, the night-
time stress caused by lowering your blood glucose is probably offset by the very fact
that you are going to consume some glucose before you sleep.

RP: Yeah, it is very important to restore your glycogen level during sleep. I think
thats one of the main purposes of sleep; its [there] to get the glycogen back into
your brain cells, heart cells and other tissues, so that you can expend it to resist
stress during the daytime.

HD: A listener asks: Did Jimmy Carters cancer cure have anything to do with
receptors? Isnt the entire cell a receptor?

RP: I think he was having standard chemotherapy for awhile and then brain
radiation and then he got this new antibody that is specific for allowing cells to
undergo the normal apoptosis. So, statistically it doesnt look like it was a
terribly impressive cure, because the number of people studied was not very big.
And the percentage who responded well, it think, [only] 24 % had a temporary
regression of the tumours. And that happened in a lot of the people who had only
the preceding brain radiation.

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017

HD: Another listener asks: Since gums like carrageenan and Xanthan gums are
toxic, does the same apply to gums like Frankincense and Myrrh?

RP: The carrageenan and xanthan are basically polysaccharides. The

carrageenan is a sulfated polysaccharide. And I think all of the sulphated
polysaccharides, besides their own heparin, are toxic and dangerous. And the
xanthan gums, and gum Arabic, and lots of the plant gums are not digestible. But
they can support bacterial growth in the intestine. Where the carrageenan is
specifically pro inflammatory, and very dangerous. The other gums are simply
nuisances that tend to increase bacterial growth and gas production, and such.
Where the Frankincense and Myrrh contain lots of anti inflammatory substances,
[with] probably anti cancer effects, some steroid-like molecules, not so different
from testosterone and progesterone -they seem to have an anti inflammatory,
anti-proliferation effect on cancer cells.

HD: I wasnt aware of Myrrh being used internally; but I have known Frankincense
for a long time. Its used especially by the Bedouins. They would chew Frankincense
straight off the tree to freshen their breath, and as of a kind of bacteriostatic for
their teethes and their mouths.

RP: Ive heard of people eating the crude grounded up gum, just by the spoonful.
On the issue of receptors, there are actual proteins that are called receptor
proteins; but my position is that, since the condition of the cell determines what
a particular substance binding to that receptor is going to do to the cell, it isnt as
meaningful as some people think to activate a receptor, because it can have
opposite effects, depending on the history of the cell, and the present condition
of other cells.

HD: Whats your view on stem cell technology? Do you think it is a real way
forward to turn around degenerative processes?

RP: Yeah. I think were full of stem cells [chuckles]. And what we have to do is
activate them intelligently.

HD: Do you think the research is going in the right positive direction?

RP: Yeah, finding out exactly what kind of stress signal activates them. Its
already known that many types of stresses will activate the maturing of stem
cells; and that things like progesterone and testosterone, once they have been
activated, will keep them going in the right direction, so that they replace tissues,
rather than replacing cancer. When they kill cancer by radiation or
chemotherapy or surgery...

HD: ahem, ahem ( )

RP: ...the cancer tends to comeback, even though they removed the tumour
completely. Because the place where the cancer was has been injured, and it calls
out to the body for stem cells to repair the damage. And being damaged itself as a
framework, it misdirects the stem cells, so they develop into cancer.

HD: So we have a caller.

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017

Caller: Ive had a lot of food intolerances. And I am looking into permeability; and I
am curious Dr Peat your take on controlling endotoxins through various
polyphenols. I know you talk about the carrot salad and bamboo shoots but is
there any other compounds you like to incorporate to heal, or strengthen the lining
of the intestines? I know gelatine can be beneficial

RP: The nutrients that are most important are magnesium and vitamin A, just for
the actual replacement and repair of cells. But the whole range of nutrients,
(protein, zinc, vitamin D, anti-inflammatory things like vitamin E and vitamin K)
everything is really essential, ultimately, for protecting the intestines. So, having
liver and eggs and milk and orange juice, for example, can often get the repair
going. And the reason eggs have a bad reputation is that they are extremely
concentrated protein: and if a person eats an egg or two without carbohydrates
their blood sugar is going to fall for sure, especially if their liver doesnt have
good glycogen storage. The egg will drop your blood sugar. That will activate
mast cells, and you will have allergic reactions. And without the carbohydrate
you are going to increase inflammation. And sugar and progesterone and aspirin
are things that will protect you from those surges of histamine and serotonin,

Caller: And does the histamine get produced because you dont have enough
glycogen, due to a cortisol spike then?

RP: Well, low thyroid ultimately is the most common reason for not having
enough glycogen stored. And the cortisol weakens the tissue, so that even
though it helps gets your blood sugar up, and momentarily protects the glycogen,
in the long run its adding to the problem of unstable blood sugar. And anytime
your blood sugar falls, the mast cells are likely to degranulate; and thats
influenced by a lack of testosterone and progesterone, or an excess of oestrogen.

Caller: And am I correct in understanding that the lack of thyroid hormone is often
times a root cause of small bowel overgrowth or SIBO, which is the root cause of
leaky gut?

RP: Yeah, because your digestion slows down when your metabolic rate slows
down from hypothyroidism. And so your stomach becomes sluggish, doesnt
secrete much, and doesnt move fast enough. People might eat a carrot today and
it might not come out for 4 or 5 days. That's what happens with hypothyroidism.
And speeding up your digestion and secretions... [ideally,] it should be so
active...[the] streaming fluid from your stomach, pancreas and liver should wash
your whole small intestine clean so that no bacteria can thrive in it.

Caller: Is there a good quality nutrition based textbook that you find favourable,
that gets into good mechanisms of nutrition and hormones and their relations?

RP: Not that I know of! Years ago, I had seen some really good monographs on
particular topics like how the intestine works, how the digestive glands work,
and so on. But I dont know of one that has put anything together.

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017

Caller: Well I guess thats part of the journey. Thank you so much, I appreciate
your time.

HD: Youre welcome. If you want to email me my address is Weve produced a pretty comprehensive
3 or 4 page breakdown of those things that Dr Peat definitely advocates and those
things that he definitely doesnt advocate and so that has certainly been very useful
in guiding our clients to a better place. Dr Peat, thanks so much for joining us

RP: OK, thank you.

Endocrinology part 3, KMUD, 2017


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