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Engaging Students with Interactive Multimedia to Improve

Listening Ability

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Islam Malang, Indonesia
Corresponding email:

English is an international language that used everyone around the country. According to the
course of English, listening is the key role in the English language because this skill can
improve learner knowledge such as information. The important to learn this course is to
increase learner comprehension, they can make conversation with other people, and they will
easily get information. Many learners get bored with listening course, because they feel that
listening is very difficult and the strategy is too monotonous. Consequently, they get a bad
score. Using interactive multimedia in listening course is the best solution to solve learner
problem. This multimedia include various element such as text, grapich, audio, and intraction
to increase their listening. The purpose of this article to review some theories or lesson
releated to using interactive multimedia in improving listening skill.

Key word: Engaging students, improve listening ability, interactive multimedia


Listening comprehension is a key role of many sourse such as reading, writing, and speaking.

The best reason for getting students to listen English audio or recorder of English is to let them hear

different varieties and accents. The relationship between critical listening and listening learning is to

prepare the learner to become the best solver, make the best decision, and long life education (Arono,

2014). It is important for the learner to learn listening skill is to increase our comprehension.

According to Arono (2014) independent thinker is very important to the learners because many jobs

needed workers skill which have the critical listening ability. If we work in a overseas companies, we

will be more easily to interact with other people. And, if we are going trip to other countries, we will

be more easily to make conversation with someone. Some researcher said that Listening
comprehension is an important skill for learners to master it can be help them to speak English

(Yaniafari & Mukminatien, 2012). The importance of listening goes beyond our ability to recall

information. The university of Minnesota reports that in the business world 60% of misunderstandings

can be traced to poor listening and only 1% to poor reading (Iwankovitsch, 2001, p.5).

Bingol, Celik, Yildiz, Mart (2014, as cited in Hung, 1998) as finding a familiar word can help

students to understand. His research represented that if the students knowing the meaning of the word

it can make interest and bring them to a positive effect in listening skill. Another problem is they will

get confused if they get some words which is have the same meaning with other words. According to

this quote, Many students get bored in listening class because they feel that listening is very difficult

because many words has the same meaning it make they get confused. Hamouda (2013) found out

that Factors causing students listening comprehension problems are categorized into different sources

including problems related to the listening text, listening problems related to tasks and activities,

listening problems related to the listener and teachers methodology which will be discussed in detail

bellow. It means in this quoted, the teaching strategis is too monotonous. It makes them lazy to study

listening. Consequently, they get bad score.

The students will be interested in listening if the teachers are applying an interesting method.

According to the teacher who teach this source, they should be able to get their students to be active in

this lesson. Therefore, using interactive multimedia in listening skill is the best solution to solve

students problem, because interactive multimedia include various element such as text, grapich, audio,

and intraction. it helps students to understand and increase their in listening.

To make the students interest in listening skill, the teacher must applying the good method

such as the teacher give some experience. The purpose of this article to review some theories and

research releated to implementation of using interactive multimedia in improving listening skill.

Multimedia is a media in which is a combination of various forms such as audio,

images, text, animation, video, and others. This media is very helpful young generation in

this era because they can easily access all things such as browsing, online learning, make

communication, and others. In this case, the multimedia has a several definition by researchers

from different perspectives. For example, the Interactive multimedia mean the interplay between the

user and the program or media. It means that there is a reciprocal relationship, the user gives a

response to the display program. . . the users, in this case the students must be active to take role in

this computer-assisted learning. . . . (Hofstetter, 2001, as cited in Ampa, 2015).

The other definition from Meskill (1996) states Multimedia is an excellent medium for

exploiting this feature of aural processing. Clearly, contemporary learners come to instructional

experiences possessing skills and strategies for decoading and comprehending film and video.They

may not, however, consciously relize that these conventions can be cues to meaning associated with

the aural text. . . learners can be easily prompted to make use of such visual conventions to aid their

aural processing.


The interactive multimedia is very helpful in learning English especially in listening. This

multimedia include various element such as text, grapich, audio, and intraction to increase

their listening. To explain more about selected this media, some researchers such as Weinberg

(2001, as cited in Al-otaibi, Nouby, Aziz, and Alagab, 2012) found out: Multimedia activities were

designed as aids to improve the students language learning, result showed that students were generally

satisfied with the multimedia tasks in their french listening comprehension course, and spite of

technical difficulties and some frustation, the students were very satisfied with the multimedia

activities and the programs. The other explain about interactive multimedia is multimedia interactive

is a potential as a tool to increase listening ability and demand of text, graphics, audio, and motion

video in a range of combinations (Meskill, 1996).


The learners motivation will develop by using multimedia which is designed like a game.

Students can find contains exercises, audio visual contens, and interesting activities (Yaniafari &

Mukminatien, 2012). The most obvious attractiveness of the media was lay-out object, and animation.

Based on Yaniafari & Mukminatien (2012) to make it more communicatice, there are four steps to

apply the game simulation:

1. When first playing the application, the students must ener their name.

2. The students must clicking the button Enter the hotel in the main menu of the main scene.

3. After enter the button, the studets invited to next slides which is consist of the listening


4. The guide in the application will help the students to see every scene.

From Yaniafari & Mukminatien definition, it seems that the use of multimedia such as game

simulation can make the learner more fun and enjoyble and their motivation can be increased.

It is line with Meskill (1996) who states that the case for multimedia as a technology that supports

listening skills development in another language is strong and has a motivational aspect.


Summarize the research findings of two previous studies that are related in this article. The

first, Ampa was conducted a research on the implementation of interactive learning materials in

teaching listening skills. The populations of the research were the undergraduate students from

Faculty of Letters, UMI Makassar. There were five classes. The samples were two classes from

English Education Department. Each class consisted of 36 students. So, a number of samples were 72

students, and these were alloted into experimental and control groups. It was proved that the t-cal.

Was greater than the t-table (5.583>2.000) at df 70 and p.0.05.So, it was concluded that the interactive
multimedia learning materials using Wondershare Quizcreator program were effective in teaching

English listening skills.

Mohamadkhani, E. N Farokhi, and H. N Farokhi conducted a research on the effect of using

audio files in improving listening comprehension. The sample of the research included thirty four

students enrolled twenty sessions in Imam Khomeini high school of Khorramabad program in the

study. They are all in pre intermediate level and ranged from 16 to 17. The students divided into two

groups. Both groups were consisted of seventeen students. For the purpose of identification the level

of proficiency of students, 25 items from 2011 MET-Michigan proficiency test were used. For

teaching experimental group, audio files were selected from Tactics for Listening book. There was, of

course, another reason to provethe mentioned rejection. In the analysis of drived statistics, the critical

value of T was minor than the computed observed value of T at 0.5% significance in 32 degree of

freedom (2.24>2.02). Result from this quasi-experimental study showed that treatment had a

significant effect (Sig> .05) on improving listening comprehension. According to the result of post

listening test and the related comparisons, findings showed that using audio files had positive

meaningful effect on improving listening comprehension.


Listening is a key role in learning English. The important to learn listening skill is to increase

our comprehension. The other reason to learn this course is to increase learner comprehension,

they can make conversation with other people, and they will easily get information. But, many

students do not like to learn listening because they feel that listening is difficult. Many students feel

bored in their listening class because the strategy of teacher teaches is to monotonous and not interest

to students. Consequely, they get bad score. The best solution to solve students problem such as

boring lesson is using interactive multimedia in listening skill. The purpose of this article to review

some theories or lesson releated to using interactive multimedia in improving listening skill.
My suggestion is the teacher or the researcher must apply the best way to teach listening

sources. Example, the teacher must use interactive multimedia made with creatives things for make

students interest with listening skill.


Yaniafari, R. P., & Mukminatien, N. (2012). Developing multimedia-based listening materials for 1st
grade students of SMK. Retrieved from
Ivwankovitsch, R. (2001). the importance of listening. language arts journal og michigan 17(2), 5-6.
Retrieved from

Bingol, M. A., Celik, B., Yildiz, N., & Mart, C. T. (2014). listening comprehension difficulties
encountered by students in second language learning class. journal of educational and
instructional studies in the world, 4(4) 3-4. Retrieved from

Hamouda, D. A. (2013). an investigation of listening comprehension problems encountered by saudi

students in the el listening classroom. internasional journal of academic research in progressive
education and development 2(2), 124-125. Retrieved from

Ampa, A. T. (2015). The implementation of interactive multimedia learning materials in teaching

listening skill. English language teaching, 8(12), 56-62. Retrieved from
Meskill, C. 1996. Listening skills development through multimedia. Journal of Educational and
Hypermedia, 5(2), 185-186. Retrived from
Al-Otaibi, M.F., Nouby, A.M., Aziz, H. A. A., & Alagab, A. M. (2012). Effect of multimedia
activities in blended learning on listening skills and satisfaction in a college english language
course. Journal of human capital development, 5(1), 99-115.
Mohamadkhani, K., Farokhi, E. N., Farokhi, H. N. (2013). the effect of using audio files on improving
listening comprehension. internasional journal of learning & development issn 3(1), 132-134.
Retrived from
Arono, (2014). Improving students listening skill through interactive multimedia in indonesia. Journal
of language teaching and research, 5(1), 63-69. doi: 10.4304/jltr.5.1.63-69

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