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Modal Auxiliary verb adalah kata yang ditempatkan sebelum main verb (kata kerja
utama) untuk memodifikasi makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut. Fungsinya untuk
mengekspresikan willingness (kemauan) atau ability (kemampuan), necessity (kebutuhan),
dan possibility (kemungkinan).

Kata kerja bantu ini antara lain: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, dan
ought to (phrasal modal verb).

Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary



You can buy anything with your

money but you can not buy love.
(Kamu dapat membeli apapun
Can digunakan untuk dengan uangmu tapi kamu tidak
menyatakan ability(kemampuan) dapat membeli cinta)

Can I borrow your car for one

Modal verb ini dapat digunakan untuk meminta izin (Bisakah saya meminjam mobilmu
(permission) selama satu malam?)


You could run faster than me two

years ago.
Could digunakan untuk (Kamu dapat berlari lebih cepat
menyatakan ability (kemampuan) dimasa lalu (past). dari saya dua tahun lalu.)

Could I use your computer to print

Modal verb ini dapat digunakan untuk meminta izin and scan?
(permission) untuk melakukan sesuatu dimasa lalu (Bolehkah saya memakai
(past) atau masa depan (future). komputermu

untuk print dan scan?)


He may work out and consume

healthy food every day.
(Dia mungkin berlatih dan
mengonsumsi makanan sehat
setiap hari.)

You may forget the embarassing

incident tomorrow.
May untuk menyatakan possibility(kemungkinan) (Kamu mungkin melupakan
dimasa sekarang (present) dan masa depan (future). insiden memalukan itu besok.)

Modal verb ini untuk meminta izin (permission) May I go home now?
yang lebih formal daripada modal verb can. (Bolehkah saya pulang sekarang?)


You might forget the embarassing

accident tomorrow.

Sama seperti may, modal verb ini digunakan untuk The doctor might have warned you
menyatakan possibility(kemungkinan) dimasa not to eat red meat.[2]
sekarang (present) dan masa depan (future)[1]. (Dikatakan setelah diketahui fakta:
Might dapat ditambahkan primary auxiliary The doctor has not warnedDokter
verb have untuk menyatakan probability dimasa lalu belum melarang.)
(past). Modal verbini digunakan untuk
menyatakan hypothetical situation yang terbukti The doctor may have warned you
tidak terjadi[2], lain halnya dengan may yang belum not to eat red meat.[3]
terbukti[3]. (Faktanya: belum diketahui)

Might merupakan bentuk past dari maydimana If I have cleaned the room, might I
digunakan untuk meminta izin (permission) yang play with my friend?
lebih formal daripada modal verb could. (Jika saya sudah membersihkan
Dibanding may, Mightlebih tentatif (tidak pasti) ruangan, bolehkah saya main
kejadiannya. dengan teman?)


Will untuk I will help you if you help yourself

menyatakan willingness(kemauan). Willingness dapat first.
diungkapkan dalam conditional sentence type (Saya akan membantumu jika
1 maupun invitation(undangan/ajakan). kamu membantu dirimu sendiri

Will you marry me?

(Maukah kamu menikah dengan

Ill give you a glass of water.

(Saya akan memberimu segelas

I think Ill change my appearance.

Modal verb ini untuk membuat keputusan secara (Saya pikir saya akan merubah
spontan/tanpa rencana (simple future tense). penampilan.)

The sandstorm will come tonight.

(Badai pasir akan datang nanti
Will untuk membuat prediksi. malam.)


Sama seperti will, modal verb ini dapat digunakan Would you like to see my craft?
untuk menyatakan willingness(kemauan), namun (Maukah kamu melihat kerajinan
lebih polite (sopan). tanganku?)

Modal verb ini menyatakan sense of He would be free tonight.

probability (kemungkinan). (Dia akan kosong nanti malam.)

If you had remembered to invite

Would dipadukan dengan auxiliary haveuntuk me, I would have attended your
membentuk conditional sentence type party.
3. Would disini untuk menyatakan tindakan yang (Jika kamu ingat mengundang
ingin dilakukan dimasa lalu. saya, saya menghadiri pestamu.)


Shall [British English][1] digunakan untuk We shall overcome it someday.[1]

menyatakan simple future seperti halnya will namun (Kita akan mengatasinya suatu hari
hanya digunakan pada first person (orang nanti.)
pertama) I dan we. Shall[US English][2] jarang
digunakan selain untuk polite question untuk first Shall we pay a call him?[2]
person. (Haruskah kita menjenguknya?)

Shall I give you some advice?[2]
(Haruskah saya memberimu
beberapa nasehat?)

Modal verb ini untuk

menyatakan obligation (kewajiban) pada formal The Human Resource
situation (yang dapat berupa legal document maupun manager shallreport the employee
pada saat meeting. Pada situasi ini, performance.
baik second maupun third person dapat digunakan (HR manager harus melaporkan
dengan modal verb ini. performansi karyawan.)


You should see the doctor.

(Kamu harus ke dokter.)

Should untuk memberi suggestion (saran) We should meet more often.

atau advice (nasehat). (Kita harus bertemu lebih sering.)


Must dipadukan dengan not untuk You mustnt give up.

menyatakan prohibition (larangan) (Kamu tidak boleh menyerah.)

Modal verb ini

mengekspresikan obligation (kewajiban) We must go to bed now.
atau necessity(kebutuhan). (Kita harus tidur sekarang.)

Ought to

I ought to wear high quality

running shoes.
(Saya harus menggunakan sepatu
lari berkualitas tinggi.)

We ought to select the best

candidate for the job.
Ought to digunakan untuk menyatakan apa yang (Kita harus memilih kandidat
benar atau tepat terbaik untuk pekerjaan tsb.)

Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary



You can buy anything with your
money but you can not buy love.
(Kamu dapat membeli apapun
Can digunakan untuk dengan uangmu tapi kamu tidak
menyatakan ability(kemampuan) dapat membeli cinta)

Can I borrow your car for one

Modal verb ini dapat digunakan untuk meminta izin (Bisakah saya meminjam mobilmu
(permission) selama satu malam?)


You could run faster than me two

years ago.
Could digunakan untuk (Kamu dapat berlari lebih cepat
menyatakan ability (kemampuan) dimasa lalu (past). dari saya dua tahun lalu.)

Could I use your computer to print

and scan?
(Bolehkah saya memakai
Modal verb ini dapat digunakan untuk meminta izin untuk print dan scan?)
(permission) untuk melakukan sesuatu dimasa lalu
(past) atau masa depan (future).


He may work out and consume

healthy food every day.
(Dia mungkin berlatih dan
mengonsumsi makanan sehat
setiap hari.)

You may forget the embarassing

incident tomorrow.
May untuk menyatakan possibility(kemungkinan) (Kamu mungkin melupakan
dimasa sekarang (present) dan masa depan (future). insiden memalukan itu besok.)

Modal verb ini untuk meminta izin (permission) May I go home now?
yang lebih formal daripada modal verb can. (Bolehkah saya pulang sekarang?)


You might forget the embarassing
accident tomorrow.

Sama seperti may, modal verb ini digunakan untuk The doctor might have warned you
menyatakan possibility(kemungkinan) dimasa not to eat red meat.[2]
sekarang (present) dan masa depan (future)[1]. (Dikatakan setelah diketahui fakta:
Might dapat ditambahkan primary auxiliary The doctor has not warnedDokter
verb have untuk menyatakan probability dimasa lalu belum melarang.)
(past). Modal verbini digunakan untuk
menyatakan hypothetical situation yang terbukti The doctor may have warned you
tidak terjadi[2], lain halnya dengan may yang belum not to eat red meat.[3]
terbukti[3]. (Faktanya: belum diketahui)

Might merupakan bentuk past dari maydimana If I have cleaned the room, might I
digunakan untuk meminta izin (permission) yang play with my friend?
lebih formal daripada modal verb could. (Jika saya sudah membersihkan
Dibanding may, Mightlebih tentatif (tidak pasti) ruangan, bolehkah saya main
kejadiannya. dengan teman?)


I will help you if you help yourself

(Saya akan membantumu jika
kamu membantu dirimu sendiri
Will untuk
menyatakan willingness(kemauan). Willingness dapat Will you marry me?
diungkapkan dalam conditional sentence type (Maukah kamu menikah dengan
1 maupun invitation(undangan/ajakan). saya?)

Ill give you a glass of water.

(Saya akan memberimu segelas

I think Ill change my appearance.

Modal verb ini untuk membuat keputusan secara (Saya pikir saya akan merubah
spontan/tanpa rencana (simple future tense). penampilan.)

The sandstorm will come tonight.

(Badai pasir akan datang nanti
Will untuk membuat prediksi. malam.)


Sama seperti will, modal verb ini dapat digunakan Would you like to see my craft?
untuk menyatakan willingness(kemauan), namun (Maukah kamu melihat kerajinan
lebih polite (sopan). tanganku?)

Modal verb ini menyatakan sense of He would be free tonight.

probability (kemungkinan). (Dia akan kosong nanti malam.)

If you had remembered to invite

Would dipadukan dengan auxiliary haveuntuk me, I would have attended your
membentuk conditional sentence type party.
3. Would disini untuk menyatakan tindakan yang (Jika kamu ingat mengundang
ingin dilakukan dimasa lalu. saya, saya menghadiri pestamu.)


We shall overcome it someday.[1]

(Kita akan mengatasinya suatu hari

Shall [British English][1] digunakan untuk Shall we pay a call him?[2]

menyatakan simple future seperti halnya will namun (Haruskah kita menjenguknya?)
hanya digunakan pada first person (orang
pertama) I dan we. Shall[US English][2] jarang Shall I give you some advice?[2]
digunakan selain untuk polite question untuk first (Haruskah saya memberimu
person. beberapa nasehat?)

Modal verb ini untuk

menyatakan obligation (kewajiban) pada formal The Human Resource
situation (yang dapat berupa legal document maupun manager shallreport the employee
pada saat meeting. Pada situasi ini, performance.
baik second maupun third person dapat digunakan (HR manager harus melaporkan
dengan modal verb ini. performansi karyawan.)


You should see the doctor.

(Kamu harus ke dokter.)

Should untuk memberi suggestion (saran) We should meet more often.

atau advice (nasehat). (Kita harus bertemu lebih sering.)


Must dipadukan dengan not untuk You mustnt give up.

menyatakan prohibition (larangan) (Kamu tidak boleh menyerah.)

Modal verb ini

mengekspresikan obligation (kewajiban) We must go to bed now.
atau necessity(kebutuhan). (Kita harus tidur sekarang.)

Ought to

I ought to wear high quality

running shoes.
(Saya harus menggunakan sepatu
lari berkualitas tinggi.)

We ought to select the best

candidate for the job.
Ought to digunakan untuk menyatakan apa yang (Kita harus memilih kandidat
benar atau tepat terbaik untuk pekerjaan tsb.)

a) Gerund adalah:
Ving (verb + ing)
Verb yang ditambah ing kemudian berubah fungsinya menjadi Noun
Kata benda yang dibentuk dari kata kerja dengan menambahkan ing pada
kata kerja tersebut

b) Fungsi Gerund
As a Subject : Smoking too much is not good for health.
As an Object : I like playing tennis.
As a Complement : My hobby is playing tennis.
As a Noun Modifier : A reading book / the opening ceremony.
After a Preposition : He gained the success by working hard.
As a Title : Gardening / Writing English Tests

c) Sebagai obyek apabila setelah kata kerja berikut ini;

Avoid : menghindari
Keep on : terus menerus
Consider : mempertimbangkan
Mention : menyebutkan
Delay : menunda
Mind : berkeberatan
Dislike : tidak suka
Miss : ketinggalan
Escape : melarikan diri
Postpone : menunda
Enjoy : menikmati
Understand : mengerti
Excuse : menuduh
Appreciate : menghargai
Finish : selesai
Cant resist : tak tahan
Forgive : memaafkan
Cant stand : tak tahan
Go on : terus menerus
Cant help : tak tahan
Continue : terus menerus
Deny : menyangkal
Risk : beresiko

Would you mind lending me your money?
I cant help falling in love with you.
The guests enjoyed dancing in a party last night.

d) Setelah preposisi( on, in, of, at, before, after, with, without, over, against, etc.)

Contoh: A lot of students are fond of playing football He is interested in
investigating a special case. Any left home without saying anything

e) Setelah frase sbb:

1. (to be) + used to + gerund (biasa; diwaktu lalu)
Contoh: I am used to eating gudeg Jogja
2. (to be) + accustomed to + gerund (biasa; diwaktu lalu)
Yoga is accustomed to wearing a tie during the presentation
3. look forward to + gerund (berharap)
Dwi looks forward to meeting her lecturer.

Infinitive with to ( to + V1 )
Infinitive dengan to di pakai setelah kata kerja sebagai berikut:
Ask / want

Would like

Rumus yang digunakan:

S + V + to V1 + O
Contoh: Anton wants to continue his study to a university.
S + V + to V1
Contoh: Agus asked me to close the door.

Infinitive without to (V1)

Infinitive without to (V1) biasanya ditaruh setelah kata kerja sebagai berikut:
Make Have Let Help
Dan kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan indra (verbs of perception), misalnya:
see listen hear observe notice watch feel.
Pola yang digunakan yaitu : S + V + O + V1
Contoh: Father lets me go out at Saturday night.
The teacher had me study hard.
NB: Verbs of perception dapat diikuti kata kerja bentuk ing dengan pola S + V + O + V ing.
Contoh: I saw him crossing the street.


Passive voice adalah suatu grammatical construction (bentuk gramatikal) dimana subject
kalimat tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi atau ditindaklanjuti (receiver of
action) oleh agent lain (doer of action) baik disebutkan ataupun tidak.
Sebaliknya, pada konstruksi active, subject berhubungan langsung dengan verb dengan
bertindak sebagai pelaku aksi. Kalimat aktif dapat ditransformasi menjadi pasif, namun
hanya transitive verb (diikuti direct object) yang dapat diberlakukan demikian.
Form :
S+ Auxiliary Verb + Past Participle
Auxiliary verb dapat berupa primary auxiliary verb be (is, are, am, was, were, be, been,
being), kombinasi antara dua primary (is/are being, was/were being, has/have been) atau
antara primary dan modal auxiliary verb (will be, will have been); sedangkan past participle
yang digunakan berupa kata kerja transitive.
She cant drive a car. (active voice, transitive).
He always come on time. (active voice, intransitive)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice pada Auxiliary Verb be:

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice
Subject be PP

I am paid in dollars.
I am Paid
(Saya dibayar dalam dollar.)

the red velvet The red velvet recipe is used by many people.
is Used
recipe (Resep red velvet tsb digunakan oleh banyak orang.)

All of my shoes are washed every month.

all of my shoes are washed
(Semua sepatu saya dicuci setiap bulan.)

Large amounts of meat and milk are consumed by many

large amounts of
are consumed people in the countries.
meat and milk
(Sejumlah besar daging dan susu dikonsumsi oleh

banyak orang di negara-negara tsb.)

The book was edited by Beatrice Sparks.

the book was Edited
(Buku tsb disunting oleh Beatrice Sparks.)

The books were edited by Beatrice Sparks.

the books were Edited
(Buku-buku tsb disunting oleh Beatrice Sparks.)
Pengecualian pada Transitive Verbs
Tidak semua transitive verb, kata kerja yang memiliki direct object, dapat dipasifkan.
Beberapa kata kerja tersebut yang antara lain: have, become, lack, look like, mean, dll akan
terdengar tidak wajar maknanya ketika dipasifkan. Beberapa contoh kalimat dari kata kerja
tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.
I have a great new idea. > tidak dapat dipasifkan dengan: A great new idea is had by
The snack contains aspartame. > tidak dapat dipasifkan dengan: Aspartame is
contained by the snack.


1. One syllable adjectives generally form the comparative by adding -er and the superlative
by adding -est, e.g.:

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Soft Softer The softest

Cheap Cheaper The cheapest

Sweet Sweeter The sweetest

Thin Thinner The thinnest

2. Two syllable adjectives which end in -y usually form the comparative by adding -er and
the superlative by adding -est, (note the change of -y to -i in the comparative/superlative)

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Lucky luckier The luckiest

Pretty Prettier The prettiest

Tidy Tidier The tidiest

3. Two syllable adjectives ending in -ed, -ing, -ful, or -less always form the comparative
with more and the superlative with the most, e.g.:

Adjective Comparative superlative

Worried More worried The most worried

Boring More boring The most boring

Careful More careful The most careful

Useless More useless The most useless

4. Adjectives which have three or more syllables always form the comparative and
superlative with MORE and THE MOST, e.g.:

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Dangerous More dangerous The most dangerous

Difficult More difficult The most difficult

Note :
The only exceptions are some three syllable adjectives which have been formed by
adding the prefix -un to another adjective, especially those formed from an adjective
ending in -y. These adjectives can form comparatives and superlatives by using
more/most or adding -er/-est,
Unhappy Unhappier The unhappiest/ the most unhappy.


Adjective Comparative Superlative

Good Better The best

Bad Worse The worst

Far Farther/further The farthest/furthest


1. Comparatives are very commonly followed by than and a pronoun or noun group, in
order to describe who the other person or thing involved in the comparison is, e.g.:
John is taller than me.
I think that shes more intelligent than her sister.
2. Comparatives are often qualified by using words and phrases such as much, a lot, far,
a bit/little, slightly etc., e.g.:
You should go by train, it would be much cheaper.
Could you be a bit quieter?
3. Two comparatives can be contrasted by placing the before them, indicating that a
change in one quality is linked to a change in another, e.g.:
The smaller the gift, the easier it is to send.
The more stressed you are, the worse it is for your health.
4. Two comparatives can also be linked with and to show a continuing increase in a
particular quality, e.g.:
The sea was getting rougher and rougher.
Her illness was becoming worse and worse.


1. Like comparatives, superlatives can be placed before nouns in the attributive position,
or occur after be and other link verbs, e.g.:
The most delicious chocolate cake Ive ever eaten
Annabel was the youngest
This restaurant is the best
2. As shown in the second two examples, superlatives are often used on their own if it is
clear what or who is being compared. If you want to be specific about what you are
comparing, you can do this with a noun, or a phrase beginning with in or of, e.g.:
Annabel was the youngest child
Annabel was the youngest of the children

This restaurant is the best in town.

Adjective clause atau relative clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai
adjective dan menjelaskan noun atau pronoun pada main clause dari suatu complex sentence
(kalimat yang terdiri dari independent clause dan satu atau lebih dependent clause).

Posisi adjective clause selalu mengikuti noun atau pronoun yang diterangkannya. Di
dalam kalimat, noun atau pronoun itu berfungsi sebagai subject atau object. Adjective clause
dimulai dengan suatu kata yang disebut relative pronoun (who, whom, that, which, whose,
etc) yang berfungsi menjembatani hubungan dengan noun atau pronoun yang

Contoh Adjective Clause pada Complex Sentence:

Simple Sentence Complex Sentence

The book is interesting. The book that he has read is interesting.

(Buku tersebut menarik.) (Buku yang telah dia baca itu menarik.)


the book: noun (phrase)

that: relative pronoun
that he has read: adjective clause yang menjelaskan the book. Merupakan klausa
karena terdiri dari subject (he) dan verb (has read) dan merupakan adjective
clause karena menjelaskan noun

Rumus Adjective Clause

Complex Sentence:

Independent Clause + Adjective Clause

Adjective Clause:

Relative Pronoun +/- S*+V


*Relative pronoun (who, which, that) dapat berfungsi sebagai subject jika tidak ada subject.
Fungsi Relative Pronoun pada Adjective Clause

Di dalam adjective clause suatu relative pronounberfungsi sebagai subject, object,

atau possessive. Contohnya sebagai berikut.

Fungsi Contoh Adjective Clause

that was made of cheddar cheese.

Subject who, that, which coba substitusi dengan It
(subjective personal pronoun)

which I want to buy

whom, that,
Object* Pembuktian:
which, who
coba substitusi dengan it (objective
personal pronoun)

whose house has burned down

Possessive whose
coba substitusi dengan his (possessive

personal pronoun)

*Dapat dihilangkan pada defining relative clause.

Punctuation (Tanda Baca) pada Adjective Clause

Saat menerangkan subject, posisi adjective clause akan berada di tengah kalimat. Klausa tersebut
dapat diapit koma ataupun tidak, tergantung pada penting atau tidaknya informasi yang
dibawanya. Informasi tersebut dinilai penting (essential/restrictive) jika akan mengubah makna
kalimat jika dihilangkan. Pada situasi tersebut, koma tidak digunakan. Klausa yang membawa
informasi penting tersebut dinamakan defining clause. Sebaliknya, jika informasi tidak penting
(non-essential/non-restrictive) sehingga dapat dihilangkan tanpa merubah makna kalimat, maka
koma perlu digunakan. Klausa yang membawa informasi tidak penting tersebut dinamakan non-
defining clause.

Contoh Complex Sentence:

Essential: People who chew well may have healthy digestion.

Non-essential: Yulia, who works out three times a week, has a positive body image.

Contoh Kalima

t Adjective Clause dengan Berbagai Relative Pronoun

Contoh Kalimat Adjective Clause

He is the man who works hard to support their daily

(Dia pria yang bekerja keras untuk menanggung
kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka.)

menerangkan man (subject complement)

The woman whom you saw last night is my sister.

(Wanita yang kamu lihat tadi malam adalah saudara
menerangkan woman (subject kalimat)

The man, whose car is antique, works as a lecturer.

(The man yang punya mobil antik itu bekerja sebagai
menerangkan man (subject kalimat)

Mueeza, which is very faithful, is my cat.

which (Mueeza, yang sangat setia, adalah kucing saya.)
menerangkan Mueeza (subject kalimat)

Bandar Lampung is a city where I was born.

where (relative
(Bandar Lampung adalah kota dimana saya dilahirkan.)
menerangkan city (subject complement)

It is the car that I have dreamed for many years ago.

(Ini mobil yang telah saya impikan sejak beberapa tahun
yang lalu.)
menerangkan car (subject complement)

Adjective berfungsi untuk menerangkan noun. Biasanya posisi adjective di depan noun
yang diterangkannya (fungsi attributive). Ketika menerangkan noun, mungkin digunakan
lebih dari satu adjective.

Pada situasi ini, kita perlu menggunakan adjective order (urutan adjective dalam bahasa
Inggris berdasarkan kategori) untuk menempatkan setiap kata sifat tersebut pada posisi yang
Tabel Adjective Order
Urutan Kategori Penjelasan Contoh

beautiful, dilligent, delicious,

1 Opinion menyatakan pendapat tentang sesuatu easy, good, important, nice,

menyatakan seberapa besar atau kecil big, enormous, large, little,

2 Size
suatu kata benda small

menyatakan seberapa tua atau muda suatu ancient, antique, new, old,
3 Age
kata benda young

annular, flat, hexagonal,

4 Shape menyatakan bentuk suatu kata benda rectangular, round, short,

black, blue, brownish, green,

5 Color warna suatu kata benda benda
purple, reddish, white

Canadian, eastern, French,

6 Origin kebangsaan
Greek, Indonesian, Thai

cotton, gold, marble, silk,

7 Material menyatakan suatu benda terbuat dari apa

menjelaskan sesuatu digunakan untuk apa

meeting, travelling, sleeping,
8 Purpose (biasanya menggunakan adjective berupa
swimming, touring
present participle)

Ketika menerangkan noun, dua adjective pada kategori yang sama dapat digunakan secara
bersamaan dengan tanda baca comma (dapat dipisahkan pula dengan coodinate conjunction
and atau but). Adapun tiga atau lebih adjective dari kategori yang sama pisahkan dengan
comma dan coordinate conjunction and atau or.

the small, important component (the small but important component)
a smart, talented, and communicative worker
Contoh Adjective Order
Beberapa contoh adjective order yang membentuk noun phrase adalah sebagai berikut:

Det. Opinion Size Age Shape Color Origin Material Purpose Noun

a beautiful small wooden house

the luxurious large square swimming pool

his healthy curly reddish hair

some delicious Italian dishes

two happy Young married couples

Linking verb adalah kata kerja penghubung (perantara) antara subjek dengan
Complementnya (predikat) yang fungsinya untuk memberikan identitas atau menggambarkan
subjek dari kalimat tersebut. Namun meskipun kata kerja, linking verb bukan merupakan
sebuah action atau tindakan nyata. Ia hanya sebuah kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk
menjelaskan keadaan dari subjek. Karena ia adalah berupa verb (kata kerja), maka dalam
praktik penggunaannya, linking verb harus menyesuaikan dengan bentuk subjeknya. Misal
subjeknya adalah orang pertama tunggal, maka linking verbnya harus berupa is atau jika verb
lainnya harus ditambahkan -s dibelakangnya.

Contoh: Royhan is handsome. Royhan adalah Subjek, sedangkan complementnya Royhan
adalah handsome, dan is hanyalah kata penghubung (Linking verb). Sehingga jika is
dihilangkan tetap kalimatnya tidak kehilangan makna. Tetap Rohyan handsome.

Linking Verbs dan Contoh Kalimatnya.

1. To be dengan segala bentuk perubahannya (am, is, are, were, was, has bee, are being
dst) become dan seem. Kelompok ini akan selalu menjadi Linking Verb.
2. Tapi ada juga kata kerja yang kadang menjadi linking verb, dan kadang menjadi kata
kerja biasa (action verb).
Berikut beberapa diantara daftar kata kerja dengan berkepribadian ganda tersebut
beserta dengan contoh kalimatnya:
Linking verb: He appears upset about the announcement
(Dia tampak kecewa dengan pengumuman itu)
Action verb: He appears from the background
(Dia muncul dari balik layar).
Linking verb: Jack felt dizzy after drinking that juice
(Jack merasa pusing setelah minum jus itu).
Action verb: I can feel what you feel.
(Aku bisa merasakan apa yang kamu rasakan).
Linking verb: The theater gets dark when the show is about to begin.
(Teater gelap ketika acara akan segera dimulai).
We use 'used to' for something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens.
o I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago.
o Ben used to travel a lot in his job but now, since his promotion, he doesn't.
o I used to drive to work but now I take the bus.

We also use it for something that was true but no longer is.
o There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn't.
o She used to have really long hair but she's had it all cut off.
o I didn't use to like him but now I do.

'Used to do' is different from 'to be used to doing' and 'to get used to doing'

1. To be used to doing
We use 'to be used to doing' to say that something is normal, not unusual.
o I'm used to living on my own. I've done it for quite a long time.
o Hans has lived in England for over a year so he is used to driving on the left now.
o They've always lived in hot countries so they aren't used to the cold weather here.

2. to get used to doing

We use 'to get used to doing' to talk about the process of something becoming normal for
o I didn't understand the accent when I first moved here but I quickly got used to it.
o She has started working nights and is still getting used to sleeping during the day.
o I have always lived in the country but now I'm beginning to get used to living in the


Reported speech atau indirect speech adalah suatu cara mengungkapkan apa yang orang
lain (speaker) telah katakan secara langsung (direct/quoted speech) berupa pernyataan,
pertanyaan, atau ucapan lainnya dengan mengubah format pembicaraan tersebut sehingga
menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnya.
Direct speech yang diubah menjadi reported speech tersebut dapat berupa statement
(pernyataan), imperative [command (perintah), invitation (undangan), request (permintaan)],
yes/no question (pertanyaan), maupun information question (pertanyaan akan informasi).

Contoh :

Reporting Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

Im not hungry now.

Statement He said that he was not hungry at that time.
(Saya tidak lapar sekarang.)

Do not touch my computer!

Imperative She told me not to touch her computer.
(Jangan sentuh komputerku!)

Yes-no Did you eat my cake?

She wanted to know if Id eaten her cake.
question (Apakah kamu makan kueku?)

Information Who is the winner?

He asked me who the winner was.
question (Siapa pemenangnya?)

Cara Mengubah Direct Menjadi Reported Speech

Pada dasarnya, direct speech diubah menjadi reported speech dengan menghilangkan
tanda baca kutip, menghilangkan huruf kapital didalam kalimat, menambahkan that
(optional), mengubah pronoun (menjadi orang ketiga), memodifikasi verb, mengoreksi time
reference (waktu yang disebutkan dalam pembicaraan) dan/atau menambahkan whether atau
if. Berikut adalah beberapa penjelasannya .

Time References
Perbandingan time references pada direct dan reported speech adalah sebagai berikut.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Here there

the month/year before

the preceding month/year
last month/year
the previous month/year

next month/year a month/year later

the following month/year
the next month/year

at that time
Now then

Today that day

a day later
tomorrow the following/next day

the day before

yesterday the previous day

two days/weeks before

two days/weeks ago two days/weeks earlier

Contoh perubahan time reference:

Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

Will I receive the packet tomorrow? He asked if he would receive the packet the
(Akankah saya menerima paket tsb besok?) following day.

I have to return the book two days ago. She said that she had to return the book two

(Saya harus mengembalikan buku tsb dua hari days earlier.


Menambahkan whether atau if

Whether atau if ditambahkan untuk menyampaikan kalimat yes-no question yang telah
didengar sebelumnya. Yes-no question merupakan bentuk pertanyaan yang membutuhkan
jawaban yes atau no.


Contoh Kalimat Reported

Contoh Direct Speech Keterangan

Do you have a little

time? He asked me if I had a little Jawaban dari pertanyaan pada direct
(Apa kamu punya time. speech: Yes, I do atau No, I dont
sedikit waktu?)

Have you heard the

She wanted to know
news? Jawaban dari pertanyaan pada direct
whether I had heard the
(Sudahkah kamu speech: Yes, I have atau No, I havent
mendengar berita tsb?)

Modifikasi Verb pada Reported Speech

Modifikasi pada verb dari direct menjadi reported speech dapat berupa mengubah verb
menjadi infinitive. Perubahan ini diaplikasikan pada reporting imperative (command). Selain
itu, umumnya verb tense (present atau future, termasuk modal) diubah menjadi bentuk past.
Misalnya, direct speech: present tense, maka reported speech-nya: past tense. Berikut

Direct Speech Reported Speech

present tense past tense

present continuous past continuous

present perfect past perfect

future (am/is/are going to) was/were going to

past tense past perfect

past continuous past perfect continuous

Will would

must, have to had to

may (permission) could, might

Shall should (ask for advice), would (simple future)

may (possibility) might

Can could


I. First Conditional
USE: To talk about something that is quite likely to happen in the future. It is very
possible that I will see Andrew at the meeting, in which case I'll give him your
message. The condition is quite likely to be fulfilled. For presenting future plans,

real possibilities, steps in an argument, points in a procedure, predictable
consequences, instructions.

Example : If I see Andrew at the meeting, I'll give him your message.

Simple Present Simple Future

II. Second Conditional (Hypothetical)

To talk about a present situation which is impossible, a hypothetical situation. The
situation cannot be fulfilled because my parents are not alive.
Example : If my parents werealive, they would be very proud of me now.

Simple PastWould + Invinitive

To talk about a future event which is unlikely to happen. The speaker doesn`t
expect her to change her job. That is, it is unlikely that the condition will be
Example : If she changed her job, she'd be much happier

Simple PastWould + Invinitive

III. Third Conditional

To talk about something that might have happened in the past, but didn`t. She
didn`t work hard enough and, consequently, she didn`t pass her exams.
It also expresses excuses, regrets and blame for past events.
Example : If she had worked harder, she would have passed her exams.

Past PerfectWould + Perfect Invinitive

12. TOO and ENOUGH

a. Too/ too much/ too many
Too has a negative meaning. We use it to say that something is more than enough or more
than necessary.
Too + adj./adv. + (to inf.) + for + noun
-You are too young to apply for this position.
-We got there too early for the beginning of the ceremony and got really bored.
Too + adj./adv. + to inf.
-You are too young to stay out late without your parents.
-He got to the station too late to catch the train.
Too + for sth/ sb + to inf.
- This exercise is too difficult for me to do.
Too much + singular noun (uncountable nouns)
-There is too much sugar in this cake.
Too many + plural noun (countable nouns)
-There were already too many people in the club so we werent allowed to get in.

b. Enough
Enough has a positive meaning. We use it to say that there is as much of sth as we
want or need.
Adjective/adverb + enough + to inf.
-I am old enough to know what is best for me.
Enough + noun + to inf.
-Theres enough money in my savings account to buy new furniture.

So dan Such adalah adverb of degree yang digunakan untuk menekankan kualitas dari
seseorang atau sesuatu.
Penggunaan So dan Such
So ditempatkan setelah adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), atau noun phrase
yang diawali dengan determiner many, much, few, dan little.

So + adjective/adverb/many,much,few,little

Contoh kalimat so:

o She swims so beautifully. (adverb)
o They are so creative and active. (adjective)
o I want to share so many stories. (noun phrase)
So that
So dapat pula diikuti that clause.
So + adjective/adverb + that + clause

Contoh kalimat so that:

o The little girl was crying so loudly that the pedestrians stared at her. (adverb)
o She is so generous that the poors love her. (adjective)

Such diikuti oleh singular noun dengan article a atau plural noun.
Such + singular noun (a )/plural noun
Contoh Kalimat such:
o They discussed such a hot issue. (singular noun)
o The man carried such heavy suitcases. (plural noun


Means less than 'very' but more than 'a little' :

Examples :
o The film was quite good but the book was much better.
o She is quite attractive, but not what I'd call gorgeous.
o She lives quite near me, so we can see each other quite often.
o I quite like reading but it is not my favourite pastime.

Quite a : goes before a / an

Example :
o He is quite a good soccer player ( not a quite good soccer player

Rather is similar to quite. We use rather mainly with negative words and negative ideas :
o He is limping rather badly

When we use rather with positive words it means 'unusually' or 'surprisingly' :

o These pears are rather nice ( nicer than expected ) where did you buy them ?

QUITE also means 'completely' and NOT QUITE not completely :

o He has quite recovered from his illness
o They have not quite finished their lunch yet


Form :
A number of + plural noun + plural verb ...
The number of + plural noun + singular verb ...

Jika kita perhatikan rumus di atas, persamaan antara a number of dan the number
ofadalah noun yang kita letakkan setelahnya sama-sama berbentuk plural noun, akan tetapi

untuk kata kerjanya berbeda. A number ofmenggunakan plural verb dan the number
of menggunakan singular verb.
A number of students are going to the class picnic.
The number of days in a week is seven.
A number of the applicants have already been interviewed.
The number of residents who have been questioned on this matter is quite


What is the difference between another and other?
another + singular noun
other + plural noun
others (a pronoun to replace other + plural noun)
Examples :

I need another cup. (cup is singular so we use another)

I need other cups. (cup is plural so we use other)
I need others. (refers to other cups)


When to use ANOTHER

Another means:

one more, an additional, an extra

a different one; an alternative one

Another is a determiner (and a qualifier) that goes before a singular countable noun or a

Another + Singular Countable noun

Another can be followed by a singular countable noun.

He has bought another motorbike.

Would you like another cup of coffee?

Another + One
Another can be placed before one when the meaning is clear from the text
before it.

I have already eaten two sandwiches though now I want another one. (= an
additional sandwich)

Another as a pronoun
Sometimes another is used as a pronoun.

That piece of cake was tasty. I think Ill have another. (another = one more piece of
I dont like this room. Lets ask for another. (another = another room)
Note: you can also say: I think Ill have another one. and Lets ask for another

Another + number + plural noun

Another can be used before a plural noun when there is a number before that noun
or before phrases such as a couple of, a few etc.

In another 20 years my laptop is going to be obsolete.

I like this city so much that Im going to spend another three days here.
We need another three teachers before classes begin.
He was given another couple of months to finish the sculpture.
Remember another is ONE word not two words (an other is incorrect)


When to use OTHER

Other is a determiner that goes before plural countable nouns, uncountable nouns or a

Other + Plural Countable Noun

Other can be followed by a plural countable noun.

We have other styles if you are interested.

Have you got any other dresses, or are these the only ones?

Other + Ones
Other can be placed before the pronoun ones when the meaning is clear from the
text before it.

We dont need those books, we need other ones. (= different books)

Note: you can say other one when it refers to wanting the alternative.
I don't want this one. I want the other one.

Others as a pronoun
Others replaces other ones or "other + plural noun".
Only others can be used as a pronoun and not other.

I dont like these postcards. Lets ask for others. (others = other postcards)
Some of the presidents arrived on Monday. Others arrived the following

Others - the others

Often (the) others refers to (the) other people.

He has no interest in helping others. (= in helping other people)

What are the others doing tonight?

What is the difference between other and others?

Other is followed by a noun or a pronoun
Others is a pronoun and is NOT followed by a noun.

These shoes are too small. Do you have any other shoes?
These shoes are too small. Do you have any others? (no noun after others)


Also, too, dan as well sama-sama merupakan additive adjunct. Namun ketiganya mempunyai
preferensi penggunaan dan penempatan di dalam kalimat yang agak berbeda.

Penggunaan, Posisi, dan Contoh Kalimat Also, Too, dan As Well

Penggunaan dan Posisi Contoh Kalimat


The cookies are healthy and

delicious. Also, they are cheap.
(Kue-kue kering itu sehat dan lezat.
Mereka juga murah.)

He has been working as a teacher for ten

years, and he has also been running
Also umumnya digunakan his own business for the last
pada writing, kurang umum eight months.
pada speaking. Additive adjunct ini (Dia telah bekerja sebagai guru selama
mungkin menempati posisi: sepuluh tahun, dan dia juga telah
menjalankan bisnisnya sendiri sejak
di depan kalimat untuk memberi delapan bulan terakhir.)
penekanan pada kalimat yang
mengikuti atau menambahkan
poin baru Sarah is a doctor, and her sister is, also.
di tengah (antara S-V, (Sarah adalah seorang dokter dan
setelah modalatau first auxiliary, saudaranya juga.)
atau setelah linking verb be) I pet a cat, and she does, also.
untuk menghubungkan (Saya memelihara seekor kucing dan dia
makna dengan clause sebelumnya juga.)
di akhir kalimat


Too biasanya berada di ujung He gave food to the poor. He gave them
kalimat. Koma dapat ditempatkan a few dollars too.
sebelumnya jika ingin mengarahkan (Dia memberikan makanan kepada orang
pembaca untuk fokus pada additive miskin. Dia juga memberi mereka
adjunct ini. Selain di ujung beberapa dollar.)
kalimat, additive adjunct ini dapat
pula ditempatkan
setelah subject (dengan atau tanpa
diapit koma), jika I too believe that everyone needs a
maknanya mengarah langsung friend.
kepada subject. Biasanya hanya (Saya juga percaya bahwa setiap orang
dilakukan pada formal speech. membutuhkan teman.)

As Well

We have received your resume, portfolio,

and application; and we have reviewed
As well jauh lebih umum digunakan
them as well.
di speaking daripada writing .
(Kami telah menerima resume, portfolio,
Di speakingpenggunaannya lebih
dan surat lamaranmu; dan kami juga
umum dari also. Additive adjunct ini
telah meninjaunya.
hampir selalu berada pada posisi
ujung kalimat dengan atau tanpa
menyematkan koma sebelumnya. As My mother likes chocolate. I, as well,
well mungkin juga berada di tengah like chocolate.
kalimat dengan diapit koma. (Ibu saya suka coklat. I juga suka coklat.)


We use both, either and neither to refer to two people or things.
Both = the two; that one AND the other one; this one AND that one
Both can be used as a pronoun to refer to two things that we have already mentioned.
Example :
A: Do you want the blue shirt or the red one?
B: Ill buy both (= the blue shirt AND the red shirt = both shirts)
Both X and Y= not only X but also Y

Both + Adjective + and + Adjective

Example :
o Hes both tall and handsome.
o Im both happy and confused at the same time!
o I have had a long, hard day and Im both tired and hungry.

Both + Noun + and + Noun

Both can be used with a singular noun + and + singular noun
o She speaks both English and Arabic.
o They have both a cat and a dog.
o He is both an actor and a director.
We can also use Both + plural noun (see more below)
o She speaks both languages.

Both (of) + determiner + plural noun

You can use Both or Both of before a determiner (my, his, these, the etc.) and a plural noun.
o Both (of) my friends arrived late to class.
o Both of the wheels wobble too much.
o A prize was given to both of the players.

Both of + Object Pronoun

When using Both with an object pronoun (me, you, him, her, it, us them), we need the
preposition OF before that pronoun.
o He has invited both us. (incorrect)
o He has invited both of us. (correct)
o Ill take both of them. (correct)
o I need to speak to both of you. (correct)

Verb + Object pronoun + both
We can use both after an object pronoun
o I hope they invite us both (= I hope they invite both of us)
o Do you need them both? (= Do you need both of them)
o The teacher sent them both to the principals office.

To be + both
Both comes after To Be (or an auxiliary such as have or modal verbs).
o He is both intelligent and agile.
o My sister and I are both ready for the trip.
o We were both happy with our exam results.

Modal verb + both + verb

o My parents can both speak French.
o They should both try harder.
o My brothers would both be shocked if they knew the truth.

Both + other verbs

Both goes before the other verbs. If there is an accompanying auxiliary verb, then it goes in
the middle of the two verbs (i.e. auxiliary + both + verb)
o We both wanted to stay in bed and not go to work.
o They both liked the surprise.
o My parents both work in the same building.
o They have both studied a lot.
Both - Negative
We dont use both in negative structures. Instead, we normally use Neither.
We dont say: Both of them are not ready (incorrect)
We say: Neither of them are ready (correct)
See more about Neither below:

Neither = not one and not the other

Neither is a negative word and is accompanied by an affirmative singular verb.

Neither X nor Y
Neither nor is used as a conjunction. It is the opposite of Both and If a verb
comes after this phrase, that verb is in the singular form (Sometimes you will hear it used in
the plural form though it is not grammatically correct)
o Neither John nor Fred likes doing the dishes. (= Both John and Fred dont like doing
the dishes)
o I want neither the red shirt nor the blue shirt.
o I neither smoke nor drink.
Neither + singular noun
Neither is used as a determiner before a single noun.
o Neither team wanted to lose.
o That tennis game was very close. Neither player had a clear advantage.
o Neither parent knew about the accident.
Neither of + determiner + plural noun
You can use Neither of before a determiner (my, his, these, the etc.) and a plural noun.
o Neither of my friends came to class today.
o Neither of the parents understood what the baby was trying to say.
o Neither of our cars has enough petrol so we have to take the bus.

Neither of + Pronoun
When using Neither + of + pronoun (you, us, them), we need the preposition OF before that
pronoun. (If a verb comes after this phrase then it is in singular form).
o The present is for neither of us.
o Neither of them is married.
o Neither of us expected to be fired.

Neither in short responses. Neither is frequently used as part of a short response when
someone says something negative and you agree with them.
A: I have never been to Switzerland
B: Neither have I.
A: I dont want to go.
B: Neither do I.

See more about So, Neither and Either as short answers

Neither can also be used alone.
A: Would you like a blue tie or a green tie?
B: Neither. (= Neither tie)

Neither vs. Either

You can use Either with a negative verb to replace Neither with a positive verb
o I have neither time nor money
o I dont have either time or money.
See more about Either below.

Either = any one of the two = this one or the other one
Either is accompanied by an affirmative singular verb and is mostly used in questions or
negative sentences
Either X or Y
Either or is used as a conjunction. It is used to express alternatives and or a choice
between two (and sometimes more) things. It is used a verb in singular form (Sometimes you
will hear it used in the plural form though it is not grammatically correct).
o Either you or John has to finish the report before 5pm.
o You can have either the red shirt or the blue shirt. (= but not both)
o Either you leave the building now or I call the security guards.

Either + singular noun
Either is used as a determiner before a single noun.
o There are only two options and Im not interested in either film.
o A: Do you want it ready for Thursday or Friday? B: Either day is fine for me.

Either of + determiner + plural noun

You can use Either of before a determiner (my, his, these, the etc.) and a plural noun.
o Weve been dating for 6 months and I havent met either of her parents.
o I havent read either of these books.
o I dont want either of those apples. Do you have one that is not rotten?

Either + of + Pronoun
When using Either + of + object pronoun (you, us, them), we need the preposition OF before
that pronoun.
o I dont think he is going to invite either of us.
o A: Which photo do you prefer? B: I dont like either of them
o I think I left my keys and wallet at the office. I dont want to lose either of them.
Either can also be used alone. It means it doesnt matter which alternative. Sometimes it is
accompanied by the pronoun one.
A: Would you like a coffee or a tea?
B: Either (one). (= I dont mind if its coffee or tea, both alternatives are fine)

Either in short responses

Either can be used at the end of a negative sentence when you agree with something negative
someone else has said. It is similar to meaning TOO and ALSO (which are used in
affirmative sentences).
A: I wasnt thirsty. B: I wasnt either. (You cannot say I wasnt too)
A: Ive never been to Portugal. B: I havent either.
A: I didnt go to class yesterday. B: I didnt either

Because of and because are both used to introduce reasons.
Because of is a preposition, it is generally followed by a verb+ing or a noun.
Because is a conjunction, it is followed by a subject and a verb.

Here is an example of Because :

Because Maria was feeling sick, she didn't go to the supermarket.

In this example, we have:

'Maria' as the subject,

'was feeling' as the verb.

And here is an example of Because of :

Because of her sickness, Maria didn't go to the supermarket.

In this example, we have:

'her sickness' as a noun.

Another example of Because of :

* Because of feeling sick, Maria didn't go to the supermarket.
In this example, we have:
'feeling sick' is a verb+ing.


A. During
During adalah preposition. Kita menggunakan during untuk membahas tentang
period of time atau waktu. Berikut adalah during yang diikuti sebuah kata benda.
o During the holiday

o During her birthday party
Contoh penggunaan dalam kalimat:
I woke up always late during the holiday.
I enjoying the music during her birthday party.
I always sleep during the afternoon.

While adalah conjunction atau penghubung dan memiliki arti yaitu when atau at
the same time. Kita menggunakan while dengan struktur verb.
o While were young
o While I stayed
o While I was driving.
Contoh penggunaan dalam kalimat:
1. Weve must enjoying life and live while were young.
2. She came home, while I stayed in her house.
3. She always speaking while I was driving.
Penggunaan for saat menyampaikan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi, sedang terjadi
dan akan terjadi. For adalah preposition.
1. Ive stayed here for one weeks.
2. Shes going to watch cinema for two hours.
3. I was at college for 6 hours yesterday.


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