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Published by The School of Gypsy Arts
All Contents Sharron Basanti 2016
Dedicated to you,
the mystic sage


The Creation Process ................................................ 5

Unique Features ........................................................ 6
Connecting to the deck ............................................. 7
7 day challenge .......................................................... 9
Spreads..................................................................... 11
The Oracle Cards .................................................... 16
About Sharron ...................................................... 126
About Aline............................................................ 128
Keywords ............................................................... 129


Banyan%Tree%..........%17% Lakshmi%..................%82%
Buddha%....................%19% Lingam%.....................%84%
Camel%.......................%21% Lotus%.........................%86%
Censor%.....................%24% Mala%..........................%88%
Chai%...........................%26% Marigold%.................%90%
Chakras%...................%27% Meditate%..................%92%
Cobra%........................%50% Monsoon%.................%94%
Cow%...........................%52% Namaste%..................%96%
Crystals%...................%54% New%Moon%..............%98%
Diwali%.......................%56% Peacock%................%100%
Dream%......................%58% Pomegranate%.....%102%
Drum%........................%60% Shakti%....................%104%
Earth%Star%...............%62% Shell%.......................%106%
Eclipse%.....................%64% Shiva%......................%108%
Fish%...........................%66% Singing%Bowl%......%110%
Flower%of%Life%.......%68% Soul%Star%...............%112%
Full%Moon%%..............%70% Star%.........................%114%
Ganesha%..................%72% Sun%.........................%116%
Hamsa%......................%74% Turtle%....................%118%
Hanuman%................%76% Universe%...............%120%
Holi%...........................%78% Waning%Moon%....%122%
Kali%............................%80% Waxing%Moon%....%124%

The Seeds of Shakti Oracle was waiting to come into

fruition for a long time. Finally, on December 25th, 2015
when the Full Moon was in the astrological sign of
Cancer, the deck was born. My partner, Rick, gave me
watercolours as a gift for Christmas and like a child, I
couldnt restrain myself from using them immediately!
I call myself an accidental artist, as I had never really
drawn or painted prior to the conception of the Seeds of
Shakti Oracle. The artwork and messages for this oracle
deck came to me intuitively, in a channeled state. I
became absorbed with creating and do nothing else!
Birthing this oracle deck was healing for me, as I had
yearned for a connection to my cultural roots for so long.
I was born in Northern India near the Pakistan border. I
was adopted at the age of four by an Indian family in
Northern British Columbia, Canada. I feel a part of me
will always miss India, but Canada is my forever home.
I never had to look for support, as the right people
were already in my life. My heart is filled with gratitude,
as I couldnt have created this oracle deck alone,
especially without the support of Rick, Ethony, Dana &
Aline. To my amazing tribe on Instagram, thank-you for
providing me with unconditional love through this

You might have noticed that the card backs are dark
purple to represent the connection to the sacred feminine
and dark blue to denote the Divine masculine. The
symbol featured in the corners of the cards represents the
female and male reproduction systems.
You can create a mandala by putting the two different
coloured card backs together. The mandala represents
wholeness, which occurs only when both the Divine
masculine and sacred feminine are embraced.
I decided to use Sanskrit names for the Chakras cards,
as that is what felt right in my heart space. I didnt use
traditional names for the other cards, as I didnt want the
oracle deck to become too difficult to interpret.
I dont feel drawn to reading the Seeds of Shakti
Oracle cards in the reversed position, so I didnt write
ill-dignified meanings. If you draw a reversed card, you
could interpret it as being a blockage or energy that
hasnt come into fruition yet.
Everything has a purpose in the deck! Draw a random
card to follow along. I decided not to terminate the
sentences with periods, as that felt like an end to the
energy of the cards. On certain cards, I chose to
capitalize the second line, partly due to the aesthetic

appeal, and spelled de-attached on the Buddha card
instead of detached to be a bit of a rebel!
The deck includes two bonus cards, the 7 Chakras and
the 3 phases of the Moon, which you can interpret as
you wish. You can use the bonus cards on your altar,
carry them with you, use in readings, or add to a crystal
grid. As you can tell, the possibilities are endless!
I realize that I wasnt able to capture all the unique
features of Indian culture & aspects of Hinduism in the
Seeds of Shakti Oracle, as 50 cards simply arent
enough. I am drawn to creating a sequel deck, Seeds of
Shiva Oracle which I hope to release in the future!


The Seeds of Shakti Oracle is meant to inspire you

and support your spiritual growth whether you are a
novice or a professional intuitive. I dont believe that
there is a wrong or right way to use this deck, so I
encourage you to follow your instincts.
The information in the guidebook is not meant to
teach you everything about India or Hinduism; instead
its a gateway for more learning. The point of view
shared in the guidebook is not the only valid one, as
many other perspectives exist. Please do your research
and connect with the viewpoint that resonates with you!
I highly recommend that you create sacred space for
yourself to get acquainted with the deck. Concentrate on
your breath to shift your focus and to connect with your
Higher-SELF. Shuffle and draw a card. What do you
notice? How does the energy feel? What is the card
saying to you?
After you are done connecting, you can journalize
your experience (optional, but highly recommended).
Read the card description, affirmation, and keyword
associations to see what resonates with you. If your
interpretation is different from mine, dont feel that you
are wrong, as what you are receiving is correct for you.
Always remember to follow your intuition, no matter
You can use this oracle deck in so many ways. I hope
that youll participate in the 7 day challenge on the next
page to assist you with connecting to the Seeds of Shakti


Use #seedsofshaktichallenge to connect with others

participants doing the challenge on Instagram and other
social media platforms.

Day 1: Shuffle. Focus. Draw.

The card pulled, shares insights about
why you were drawn to work with the
Seeds of Shakti Oracle.

Day 2: Three Card Spread

Create an intention to receive insights for your
upcoming day. Draw 3 cards to represent the energy of
your morning, afternoon & evening. Refer to page 13 for
additional information.

Day 3: Affirmation
Draw a card and find the accompanying affirmation in
the guidebook.
Repeat the affirmation 108 times
(preferably with a mala).

Day 4: Meditate
Breathe. Mix. Draw.
Hold the card in your hands while you meditate. Dont
look at the card. Sense the energy of the card and reveal
at the end of your meditation.

Day 5: Magic Manifestation

Go through the entire deck. Choose one card that reflects
the energy you want to draw into your life. Place a clear
quartz crystal on top of the card to amplify the energy.
Focus on the energy you want to welcome into your life.

Day 6: Share
Pull a card for a friend and share with them your
intuitive insights and/or the excerpt from the guidebook.

Day 7: Tarot & Oracle

Ask for guidance. Pull a card from your favourite Tarot
deck and one from the Seeds of Shakti Oracle. Connect
with both cards to receive your insights.

Find the magic in each day!

1 2 3

Afternoon Evening

I highly recommend pulling three oracle cards each day

to represent your morning, afternoon, and evening.

Find a journal that you can dedicate to your daily three

card draws. Writing about the insights that you receive
each day will assist you in building confidence in your
intuitive gifts!

Unleash YOUR Abundance

1 2

3 4

1. What can I do to release

abundance blockage?

2. What will help me be a

magnet for abundance?

3. What abundance do I currently

not recognize in my life?

4. Wild Card!

New Moon


2 5 3
2 5 3

1. What seeds are being planted this new Moon?

2. How will I grow and develop during this germination


2. How can I nurture and support my growth?

4. What am I not aware of?

5. My message from the Moon.

Full Moon

2 5 3

1. What is being illuminated?

2. What blessing does this full Moon bring?

3. What is my hidden strength?

4. How can I release stagnant energy?

5. My message from the Moon.

Find YOUR Inner Shakti

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

1. How can I ground and centre myself?

2. How can I allow my passion and

creativity to flow?

3. What will help me find my inner strength?

4. How can I tune into my heart space?

5. What can assist me in speaking my truth?

6. What do I currently not see?

7. How can I strengthen my

connection to the Divine?
Dive into the mystery of the

Banyan Tree

The banyan trees branches spread out in every

direction imaginable, creating a stunning canopy that
provides shade. The banyan is part of the fig family and
is known as the tree of immortality due to its ability to
survive for centuries.
In Hinduism, the banyan is a symbol of the Trimurti,
as Shiva is the branches, Vishnu the bark, and Brahma
the roots. Banyan trees are also associated with Yama,
the God of Death, as the tree doesnt allow a single
blade of grass to grow under its canopy. Also, seeds
germinate in the cracks of host trees, giving it the name,
strangler fig. Consequently, banyan trees are often
found near crematories.
The banyan tree is a favourite of the sadhus
(wandering sages), who often sit in its shade, in search
of enlightenment. Under the banyan, sadhus let the
wisdom that they received integrate with their conscious
Be an open channel for the wisdom of a great sadhu to
flow through you. Sit quietly and allow yourself to be a
witness to the energy of the Divine flowing through you.
All the answers are within you. You are the silent sage!

Affirmation: I am an open channel for wisdom from

the Divine.

The exact details of Buddhas life are not known. His

teachings survived through oral tradition and were
recorded approximately 400 years after his death.
Buddha is believed to be the ninth incarnation of
Vishnu, but this belief is not accepted by all faiths.
He was born as Siddhartha Gautama in eastern India
between 600 400 B.C. In Sanskrit, Siddhartha means
one who achieves his goal. Buddhas mother died
shortly after his birth. Consequently, his father, a chief
of the Shakya clan, raised him.
Buddha left a life of comfort in search of
enlightenment. He had many teachers who taught him
about ancient wisdom, as well as meditation techniques.
Buddha fasted and meditated for six years until he
reached enlightenment, one day, under the shade of a
bodhi tree.
The teachings of Buddha are deep, sacred, and a
necessity for spiritual growth. Be aware of attachments,
be compassionate to others, and be mindful of the
energy that you release out into the Universe. Awareness
is the key for spiritual awakening and enlightenment!

Affirmation: I am awakened.


Camels are one of the most resourceful and resilient

animals on the planet. A camels humps hold the water
that is necessary for them to survive a long journey
through the desert. Accordingly, camels have been used
to transport goods along trade routes in Asia and the
Middle East.
Take a moment to contemplate how you can use your
existing resources to your advantage. Perhaps, you need
to conserve your energy for the journey ahead?
Delve into your heart space to find your inner
strength. You are more resilient than you realize. Within,
you have endless energy to finish the journey that you
Facing adversity is not easy, and often the urge to give
up appears when the end is in sight. Use your resources
wisely, know when to expend and when to conserve.
Your resilience on this journey creates sacred space
for others to be inspired by your perseverance. Dont
give up, you are so close to the finish line!

Affirmation: My reservoir of resilience is endless.


Smoke from resin and incense has been used in India

for thousands of years in both temples and homes. The
smoke is used to purify and create sacred space for
prayers, rituals, and ceremonies.
Tune into the energy of your sacred space. Is there
anything that needs to be released? The energy in your
sacred space is a mirror of what is happening to you
internally. You have the ability to shift the energy within
yourself and your sacred space with a simple cleansing
You can use a censer to cleanse your space. Heat up a
circular piece of charcoal, and when it becomes hot,
carefully place it inside the censer. Add frankincense or
any type of resin to the top of the charcoal disk.
Create an intention, for example, I release all past
and present energies that dont contribute positively to
my life. Carry the censer into different rooms in your
home to cleanse your entire space. Let the smoke from
the censer fill your sacred space. After you are done,
open your windows to release any stagnant energies.
You can also use sage or other methods to cleanse.

Affirmation: My sacred space is a reflection of my

inner peace.

In India, the aroma of chai fills the air of most homes

throughout the day. Chai is a black tea made with a
splash of milk and spices, such as cardamom, cloves,
cinnamon, and others depending on the region of India.
The spices are added to a mortar and freshly ground up
each time a serving of chai is made. Indians enjoy
several cups of chai throughout the day, or at least my
family does!
The ritual of drinking chai is sacred. In India, an
invitation for chai is more than a just a get-together. The
experience is similar to gathering around a fire with your
closest friends. People share their innermost feelings,
dilemmas and confessions! Chai is a catalyst that opens
the door for healing, as what is happening on a Soul
level is shared in a sacred space, without judgement.
When was the last time you shared your lifes
challenges and celebrations over a cup of coffee or tea
with a loved one? Create sacred space in your life to
connect with family and friends, as your Soul is
yearning for healing connections.

Affirmation: I honour the relationships in my life by

creating sacred space for them to thrive.


The word Chakra is derived from Sanskrit and literally

means wheel or disk. The Chakras are a well-
accepted belief, especially in the spiritual community
and are the foundation of many modern healing
modalities. The traditional Chakra system starts from the
base of the spine and ends at the head. The seven
Chakras are Muladhara (Root), Svadhisthana (Sacral),
Manipura (Solar Plexus), Anahata (Heart), Vishuddha
(Throat), Ajna (Third Eye), and Sahasrara (Crown).
Having basic knowledge and awareness of the Chakras
is beneficial, as you can heal much faster by working
through the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical
blockages in your body. Healthy Chakras are open &
balanced, resulting in energy flowing through them
without any resistance. An out of balance or blocked
Chakra doesnt allow the energy to flow through with
Gently close your eyes for a moment and visualize a
swirling wheel of energy at each of your Chakras. The
invisible energy that you are tapping into is known
as prana, the vital life force which keeps you alive!!!
Balancing your Chakras to allow energy to flow through
is not an easy task, as your Chakras are constantly
changing depending on what is happening in your life.

Say the word Muladhara aloud to release a beautiful

resonance out into the Universe. In Sanskrit, Muladhara
means root support which explains why it is known as
the Root Chakra. Associated with the colour red, your
Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, between
the perineum and the coccyx. The Root Chakra is
connected to the skeletal frame, teeth, and large colon.
The Kundalini energies of Shiva and Shakti awaken at
the Base Chakra.
The energy of the Root Chakra is strongly connected
to the Earth, which provides you with all your basic
needs: food, shelter, and tribe (family). The Root
Chakra governs the sense of smell, which is one of the
strongest senses a human has. As a newborn baby, you
were able to identify your mother through your sense
smell, not sight.
Your Root Chakra is in balance when you feel
grounded, abundant, stable, secure, and loved by your
tribe! Say the seed mantra LAM out loud with
intention, to connect with your Root Chakra. The deities
Indra and Ganesha are associated with Muladhara.
When your Root Chakra is under-stimulated, you may
feel ungrounded, have weak boundaries, poor focus,
family issues, experience anxiety, or financial
difficulties. To stimulate your Muladhara, connect with
the Earth through nature, eat red coloured foods, wear
red clothing, or use red crystals.
When your Root Chakra is over-stimulated, you may
have rigid boundaries, feel greedy, or not want to share
with others. You may be unnecessarily over-protective
of your tribe and have trouble adapting to change. Try
using colour therapy to release the excess energy in your
Root Chakra. The opposite colour of red on the colour
wheel is green, which is connected to your Heart
Chakra. To bring relief to your over-stimulated Root
Chakra connect with your Heart Chakra by wearing
green clothing, eating green foods, using green coloured
crystals, and taking deep breathes.

Affirmation: I am centered and grounded by Mother

Earths magnetic energy.


In Sanskrit, Svadhisthana means, ones own abode.

The root word svad means, to taste with pleasure and
sweetness, which explains why the sense of taste is
connected to the Sacral Chakra. The second Chakra is
the center of expression for creativity, passion, and
sensuality. Svadhisthana is associated with the colour
orange and the deity, Parvati. Say the seed mantra
VAM aloud, with intention, to connect with your
second Chakra.
The Sacral Chakra is intricately linked with the Moon
and the Element of Water, both of which are connected
to emotions, empathy, and desire. The second Chakra is
located below the navel and connected to the
reproductive organs, womb, and bladder. Svadhisthana
governs sexuality, creativity, passion, romantic
partnerships, and procreation.
A Sacral Chakra that is in balance is attuned to the
feelings of others, able to effortlessly express creativity,
open to receiving & giving pleasure, and passionate
about life.
When the Sacral Chakra is over-active, a person might
be addicted to sex, insensitive to the feelings of others,
react emotionally, or display feelings of insecurity in a
relationship. To bring your Sacral Chakra into balance
connect with the colour blue, which is the opposite of
orange on the colour wheel and represents the Throat
Chakra. You can eat blue foods, wear blue clothing, or
connect with blue crystals. The menstrual cycle is
governed by the Sacral Chakra, so connecting with the
colour blue will help ease cramps & bloating.
An under-stimulated Sacral Chakra behaves much
differently. A person might lack creativity, fear pleasure,
self-sabotage romantic relationships and have a low
libido or intimacy issues. You can bring your Sacral
Chakra into balance by adding orange colored dcor to
your bedroom, wearing orange undergarments, eating
orange foods, and placing orange crystals next to your

Affirmation:! I feel creativity and passion flowing

through my veins like a wild river.


In Sanskrit, the Solar Plexus Chakra is known as

Manipura and translates to lustrous jewel. Manipura is
the center of self-esteem, fierceness, courage, willpower,
strength, and energy. Associated with the colour yellow
and the Element of Fire. The Hindu God, Agni, governs
the Solar Plexus Chakra. He has two heads representing
the power of fire to destroy and create life. Lakshmi, the
Goddess of abundance and prosperity, is also associated
with Manipura.
Your third Chakra is your powerhouse. Located below
your diaphragm, it includes your digestive system:
stomach, small intestines, liver, gallbladder, and
pancreas. Your body heat is generated by your digestive
fire located at your third Chakra. Manipura also governs
your muscular system, as nutrients are absorbed from the
food you eat to provide energy to your muscles. Your
sense of sight is connected to Manipura, as your gut
feelings provide you with insights that you know to be
true without a doubt.
A well-balanced Solar Plexus Chakra is strong-willed,
playful, active, energetic, confident, and radiates
positivity into the world. Say the seed mantra RAM
aloud with intention, to connect with your Solar Plexus

An over-stimulated, Solar Plexus Chakra is easy to
spot, as a person can be domineering, controlling,
power-hungry, competitive, or a workaholic. To release
excess energy from the Solar Plexus Chakra, connect
with the colour purple, which is opposite of yellow on
the colour wheel and is associated with the Third Eye
Chakra. Eat purple foods, wear purple clothing, and
connect with purple crystals.
When your Manipura is under-stimulated, you may
have feelings of jealousy or envy, be prone to laziness,
have low self-esteem, require constant reassurance, feel
insecure, be weak willed, or have poor instincts. You
can bring you Solar Plexus Chakra into balance by
wearing yellow clothing, using yellow crystals, and
nourishing your body with fresh fruits & vegetables,
especially yellow coloured ones. Also, try connecting
with your sacred flame by lighting a candle to ignite
your inner power!

Affirmation: I trust my gut instincts to guide me.


The annunciation of Anahata, the Heart Chakra, is

Divine and literally means unhurt, unstruck, unbeaten.
Anahata is the Chakra of unconditional love,
compassion, healing, and most importantly self-
Located at the center of your chest, Anahata is
connected to your heart, lungs, and blood circulation.
Naturally, the Element of Air governs the Heart Chakra,
as your sacred breath fills your lungs with life giving
oxygen that is pumped into your blood by your heart,
which then circulates to the rest of your body.
The traditional colour of the Heart Chakra is green;
however, pink is now widely accepted as a secondary
colour. The colour pink is connected to the thymus, a
pale pink gland that governs the immune system. The
sense of touch is associated with Anahata, as love can be
expressed through a soulful hug, a magnetic kiss, or
locking of the hands. Hanuman governs the Heart
Chakra, as his unwavering devotion to Rama and Sita
demonstrates the power of unconditional love.
Your Heart Chakra is in balance when you are able to
openly love, feel a sense of union in your relationships,
can effortlessly receive & give love, have compassion
for others, and feel a strong connection to all life. Also,
when you are able to accept yourself as you are,
including all your imperfections that make you perfect!
Say the seed mantra YAM aloud with intention, to
connect with your Heart Chakra.
An under-stimulated Heart Chakra will manifest as
lacking empathy, feeling rejected and withdrawn, or
being intolerant of others. To draw energy into your
heart space, try eating leafy greens, wearing green or
pink coloured clothing and working with similar
coloured crystals. Also, try letting down the walls that
you have built around your heart through meditation,
energy healing, or therapy.
When your Heart Chakra is over-stimulated, you are
demanding in relationships, overly empathetic, clingy, or
co-dependent. To calm your Heart Chakra, wear red
clothes, eat red foods, and use red crystals, as the
opposite colour of green on the colour wheel is red,
which is associated with the Root Chakra. Also, try
grounding yourself by connecting with your Root
Chakra and the Element of Earth.

Affirmation: My heart is filled with unconditional love

and gratitude.


Vishuddha is the Sanskrit name for the Throat Chakra

and translates to purification. The Throat Chakra is the
center of expression, which includes not only speaking,
but also listening. Vishuddha is located at the base of
your neck and connected to your throat, ears, nose, and
The Throat Chakra is connected to the colour blue and
the Element of Akasha (also known as space or ether).
When Shiva is in the combination of his five forms, he is
known as Panchavaktra Shiva and is associated with the
Throat Chakra. He has five heads to represent the five
elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Akasha.
Saraswati, the Goddess of speech and music, is also
connected with the fifth Chakra.
A Throat Chakra that is in balance will allow you to
communicate in harmony with others and enable you to
speak your truth effortlessly. Vishuddha governs your
sense of hearing, which makes sense as excellent
communicators are known to be active listeners. Say the
seed mantra HAM aloud with intention, to connect
with your Vishuddha.
When your Throat Chakra is under-stimulated you
may have a fear of public speaking, a weak voice, a sore
throat, or feel shy. To bring your Vishuddha into
balance, direct energy to your throat to remove
blockages by wearing blue clothes, working with blue
crystals, and eating blue foods. Also, join a speaking
circle in which you feel safe, so you can learn how to
express yourself.
If your Vishuddha is over-stimulated you may have a
dominant voice, horrible listening skills, lack a filter, or
your gift of gab might be draining people. When the
Throat Chakra is over-active, the Sacral Chakra is
usually under-stimulated. Connect with your Sacral
Chakra through art, doodling, creative writing, or
another medium to help you express your feelings and
emotions to disperse the excess energy from your Throat
Chakra. Wear the colour orange, eat orange foods, or
connect with orange crystals to direct calming energy
from your Sacral Chakra to your Throat Chakra. Start a
journal to purge your emotions and feelings onto a blank
page. Also, try practicing active listening skills and
when you catch yourself over sharing, simply quieten
yourself, so others have time to speak too.

Affirmation: I listen with an open mind and speak with

an open heart.


In Sanskrit, Ajna means to perceive and is also

known as the Third Eye Chakra. Located between your
eyebrows, the Third Eye Chakra includes your eyes and
sinuses. Ajna is associated with the Soul and the colour
indigo. Light is connected to Ajna, as your eyes could
not see the world without it. The Third Eye Chakra
doesnt only show you what is in front of your eyes, but
also through your visions and dreams. Ajna is connected
to your 6th sense, your intuition.
The two petals of the symbol are connected to Shiva
and Shakti, who represent the Divine masculine &
feminine. The Hindu deity, Ardhanarishvara, an
androgynous composite of Shiva and his consort Parvati,
governs Ajna. Vishnu, the preserver and protector, is
also associated with Ajna. Say the seed mantra OM
aloud with intention, to connect with your Ajna.
Your Third Eye Chakra is in balance when you are
intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, and insightful. Your
Ajna is also balanced when you seek the truth, trust in
guidance from the Divine, are open to receiving clarity
and insights by connecting to your visions & dreams,
and arent afraid to connect to the other realms.
An over-stimulated Third Eye Chakra can manifest
when a person has nightmares or reoccurring dreams, is
acting delusional, or becomes easily lost in a fantasy
world. Also, may have difficulty focusing on the task at
hand because of too many unfocused visions. To calm
the Third Eye Chakra, connect with the Solar Plexus
Chakra by wearing yellow clothes, eating yellow foods,
and working with yellow crystals. Also, try creating a
vision board to organize and make sense of multiple
When a Third Eye Chakra is under-stimulated, a
person may have limited vision, difficulty visualizing
the future, lack of imagination, or be narrow-minded. To
stimulate the Third Eye Chakra wear indigo clothing, eat
indigo foods, and connect with indigo crystals. To
activate your imagination, gaze at the clouds and
discover images in them like you did when you were a
child! Also, try a guided meditation to build your
visualization skills.

Affirmation: I trust that my visions are messages from

the Divine.


In Sanskrit, the Crown Chakra is known as Sahasrara,

which literally means thousand petaled and is
considered a symbol of infinity. The traditional colour of
Sahasrara is transparent like a diamond, but violet,
white, gold and hues of pink are now accepted. Located
at the top of the head, the Crown Chakra includes your
cerebral cortex and central nervous system. Sahasrara
represents Spirit, thus is connected to the union of the
Divine with your Soul.
Sahasrara doesnt have a seed mantra, as silence is the
focus. Through silence, you can hear the Divine and
connect with all that there is in the Universe. The Hindu
God, Shiva, the destroyer & transformer, is associated
with Sahasrara.
When your Crown Chakra is in balance, you are
thoughtful, aware, intelligent, open-minded, and
understanding. You are living your life purpose because
you can transcend your ego and connect with your
Higher-SELF. You are a seeker of spiritual
enlightenment and sensitive to energy. Most
importantly, you trust in the Divine process.
An under-stimulated Crown Chakra will show
symptoms of spiritual cynicism, fear of death, lacking
life purpose, limited awareness of the Divine, or
difficulty letting go of attachments and opening up to
new ideas. To stimulate the Crown Chakra, try wearing
violet coloured clothing, eating violet coloured foods,
and using clear or violet coloured crystals. You can also
try connecting with the Divine through prayer or stretch
your mind by trying something new!
Your Crown Chakra is over-stimulated when you are
egotistical, addicted to religion or spirituality, or
strongly critical and judgmental about yourself and
others. In addition, you over-intellectualize (spiritual)
information, feel disassociated from your body, or have
a guru complex. Therefore, you may believe that you
are better than everyone else or know more. Try
releasing energy from your Crown Chakra by putting
yourself in other peoples shoes and letting go of non-
factual perceptions about them.

Affirmation: I am consciously living my Divine

purpose with faith.


India is home to more poisonous snakes than you can

imagine, including the cobra. Snakes are not feared,
instead they are revered by Indians due to their
association with Shiva and other Hindu deities. In India,
not one Hindu temple is absent of snakes, as
worshippers often honour them with gifts of milk,
incense, and prayers.
Snakes are connected to Kundalini power, which is
dormant prana (energy) that is coiled up like a snake at
the base of the spine, in the sacrum. When activated,
Kundalini power rises up like a coiled serpent from the
Root Chakra. At the Heart Chakra, the masculine &
feminine energies blend together and then proceed to the
Crown Chakra. Activation of Kundalini power allows a
yogi to experience the highest form of bliss and
Give yourself permission to feel bliss! Activate your
Kundalini energy by focusing on your breath. Visualize
energy rising from your Root Chakra with each inhale
until it reaches your Crown Chakra. Afterwards,
visualize the energy returning back with each exhale to
your Root Chakra.

Affirmation: I openly experience the highest form of


As a sacred animal, the cow is allowed to freely roam the

busy streets of India without being disturbed. The cow is
closely associated with several Hindu deities, in particular
Krishna, the cow-herder. The cow is honored at festivals
with beautiful decorations and marigold garlands. Dairy
products are believed to be sacred gifts, thus are commonly
used as offerings during worship rituals.
Cows produce an abundant amount of milk despite only
surviving on water, grass, and grains. Milk is turned into
yogurt, cheese curds, butter, and other dairy products,
which make up a large portion of the Indian diet. Even cow
dung is dried and used for fuel to heat stoves for cooking.
The cow is a giver of life in more ways than one, thus a
powerful symbol of abundance, wealth, strength, and
Bhumi Devi, also known as the Earth Mother.
Connect with Mother Earth, as she is the only nurturer
that you need to keep your mind, body, and Soul healthy!
Focus on how you can nourish yourself. Are you providing
your body and Soul with the right type of fuel? How can
you show gratitude to the Earth for the abundance that you
harvest and consume?

Affirmation: My body, mind, and Soul are nourished by

Mother Earth.


Crystals are powerful healers and contain immense

universal knowledge within them. The healing properties of
crystals are discussed in great detail in the Vedas, ancient
Hindu scriptures. Crystals are commonly used by Vedic
Astrologers to remedy challenges found in natal charts or to
assist with manifestation.
Are you ready to acknowledge that you are a powerful
healer? Within, you have the ability to be a catalyst for
healing not only yourself, but also potentially others. First,
you must heal yourself by tapping into your Higher-SELF
and universal energy, perhaps with the assistance of
crystals. Keep in mind that you are the one that is truly
doing all the work, as crystals are only a healing tool!
Incorporate crystals into your spiritual practice for
healing. Try holding a crystal that you resonate with in
your receptive (non-dominant) hand, during meditation.
You can also place crystals on your Chakras to bring them
into balance. Try creating a crystal grid for a specific
healing intention or place crystals around your home and
workplace to create sacred space. The list of crystal uses
could go on forever, so let your imagination soar!

Affirmation: I heal myself by tapping into my inner


Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights and is
celebrated on the 15th day of the Hindu month, Kartika,
which usually falls between mid-October to early
November. The festival celebrates the last harvest of the
year. Diwali is celebrated on the New Moon by not only
Hindus, but also by other faiths in India.
On the first day of the festival, people clean their
homes and shop for kitchen utensils & gold jewelry. The
next day, homes are decorated with beautiful clay lamps
called diyas. On the third day, pujas are offered to
Lakshmi, the Goddess of abundance & light.
Afterwards, a feast is eaten and fireworks are lit. The
fourth day marks the New Year, so friends and family
visit each other. On the last day, brothers visit their
married sisters.
At night, windows and doors are left open for
Lakshmi. She is believed to wander, looking for homes
that are bright and clean to bless with abundance and
prosperity for the upcoming year. At night, light a candle
to let the darkness fade into the abyss, so your sacred
flame can burn brightly for Lakshmi to bestow her
blessings upon you. Let your inner light shine brightly!

Affirmation: I am a beacon for universal light and


Your visions are powerful messages from not only the

Universe, but also your deep subconscious. You are
being called to take note of your visions, not only during
dreamtime, but also during ordinary reality.
The Divine uses the language of signs and symbols as
a means to communicate with you. Be open and aware
of receiving your messages in the most unusual ways.
Remember to journalize about your experience, using all
your senses, including your 6th sense.
Interpreting your dreams and visions can be a
challenge, as self-doubt often sets in. Let go of the mind
chatter. Trust in what the symbols or signs mean to you
based on your life experience. Try not to depend too
heavily on dream dictionaries as your only resource
because your personal interpretations are more powerful.
Allow the process to unfold organically, especially if
you dont know the meaning of the message
immediately. Try not to ignore messages that arent what
you expect or want to hear!

Affirmation: My dreams and visions are a powerful

portal for receiving guidance from the Divine.


In many cultures around the world, the drum is the

heartbeat of folk music. The traditional drum featured in
the illustration is called a dohl; a double-headed drum
made from a wooden barrel and animal hide. The dohl is
suspended over the neck and played using two wooden
sticks. The dohl was introduced to India during the 15th
century when the Mughal Dynasty ruled over a majority
of the Indian subcontinent.
The rhythm of the dohl is the foundation of many
different styles of folk music, including bhangra. The
beat of the dohl has the ability to gather people because
of its distinctive rhythm. One of the reasons, the dohl is
used in many religious festivals and ceremonies
throughout India.
Each region of India has a distinctive sound, which
represents its unique traditions and culture. Similarly,
each being has a unique rhythm that cannot be
replicated. Close your eyes and listen to your Souls
beat. What does your rhythm sound like? Play your beat
with pride, as the world needs to hear your unique song!

Affirmation: I dance freely to the beat of my own


Earth Star
Transpersonal Chakras exist in the auric field or
within the Earth. The Earth Star is considered a
transpersonal Chakra, therefore not part of the traditional
Chakra system, which consists of 7 energy centers in the
body. The Earth Star Chakra connects your light body to
Mother Earths magnetic core and all living creatures.
Healing your Earth Star Chakra not only grounds you,
but also heals Mother Earth.
The Earth Stars colours are black & maroon to
represent the nutrient rich soil and also blue, as two-
thirds of the planet is water. This Chakra is located 6
inches to 4 feet below your feet depending on how
grounded you are. The Earth Star is also known as the
Super Root, as it is the grounding cord that connects
the Root Chakra to Mother Earth.
To activate your Earth Star, connect with the elements
in nature, as Mother Earth is made of Fire, Water, Air,
and Earth. To connect with the Earth, walk barefoot on
the ground or get your hands dirty in the garden.
Meditate by visualizing strong roots growing from the
bottom of your feet and travelling into Mother Earth to
receive grounding energy.

Affirmation: When I heal myself, I not only heal

Mother Earth, but also others.

The legend of the eclipse contains an important

lesson. The Devas (Gods) and the Datiyas (Demons)
churned the ocean to produce the nectar of immortality,
which the Datiyas later stole. Mohini, a beautiful female
human avatar of Vishnu, tricked the Datiyas into
returning the nectar. Later, the nectar was distributed
equally amongst the Devas.
Rahu, a Datiya, disguised himself as a Deva to receive
the nectar. He sat between Surya, the Sun God, and
Chandra, the Moon God, who both recognized him, but
it was too late, as he had already consumed the nectar.
As punishment, Vishnu beheaded Rahu, but his head
became immortal as the nectar had reached his throat.
His body became known as Ketu and his head remained
as Rahu.
Rahu sought retribution, so he is believed to hold the
Sun & the Moon in his mouth causing the eclipses.
During an eclipse, temples close to avoid offering puja
to Rahu and Ketu, and worshippers chant the name of
the Divine. The Sun and the Moon dont disappear
during an eclipse, as one simply blocks the other. Thus,
be aware of illusions in your life. Always trust your gut!

Affirmation: I honour my truth and release all


The story of Manu appears in ancient Hindu scriptures

dating back to 700 B.C. and is similar to the great flood
myths of Gilgamesh & Noah. Manu, the first man, was
warned by a fish that he had shown kindness to, about a
great flood that would destroy humanity. Manu took the
advice of the fish to heart and built a boat that he filled
with selected survivors.
The fish was no ordinary one, as he was an avatar of
Vishnu known as Matsya. He carried Manus boat to
safety when the flood hit. After the flood waters receded,
Manu performed a sacred ritual to help propagate the
human race.
Manu had to step back, process the situation and adapt
by building a boat to save humanity from the great flood.
Take a moment to reflect on a particular situation in your
life that you are not satisfied with and try to recognize if
change is needed to adapt.
Often stagnation is the result of not adapting to
change. In order to move forward, you need to be able to
adapt to the current circumstances, so that you can
thrive. Embrace the changes in your life!

Affirmation: I thrive by easily recognizing and

adapting to change.

Flower of Life

The flower of life is part of many spiritual and

religious teachings throughout the world. The symbol is
made of equal sized circles that overlap to create a
beautiful pattern containing sacred geometry. The flower
of life is believed to be a record keeper of the Universes
building blocks and other information.
The Golden Temple in Amistar, India, has a flower of
life symbol etched into a piece of marble. Many other
examples have been found all over the world, including
the Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt, which is
believed to be the oldest flower of life symbol to date.
The Universe is full of mysteries and secrets that
dont reveal themselves until you are ready to unravel
them. Observe and become aware of the patterns in your
life. Do you recognize a certain cycle?
What you uncover will shed immense light on your
current situation. By releasing unhealthy patterns, you
create sacred space for healthy ones to blossom. Release
all cycles that no longer support your growth!

Affirmation: I observe the patterns in my life with

complete awareness.

Full Moon

In Sanskrit, the Full Moon is known as Purnima. Many

festivals, such as Holi fall on Purnima, as Hindus are
observers of nature and her cycles. The Full Moon is
considered extremely auspicious, thus people who are born
on Purnima are believed to be more intelligent, beautiful,
and abundant. During Purnima, Vishnu is worshipped in all
his forms.
As per the Vedas, the ancient scriptures, the Moon
affects your body, mind and Soul, as you are two-thirds
water. The Earth is also affected as the oceans rise,
resulting in high tides. In India, fasting is more commonly
practiced by women due to the influence of the Moon on
their menstrual cycle.
On the day of Purnima, partial fasting is common from
Sunrise to Sunset to decrease the effects of the Moon and to
assist with purification. Devotees dont consume salt,
wheat or rice, but can eat fruit and drink water, milk or
juice. After puja, devotees eat a light meal and prasad, a
shared sweet offering.
Allow the moonlight to help you release, cleanse, and
purify yourself, so that you can remain illuminated. The
Moon is your ally; you can call on her to assist you with
receiving clarity!

Affirmation: My mind, body and Soul are


According to one legend, Ganeshas mother, Parvati

asked him to stand guard and not allow anyone to enter
their home. Ganesha took his order seriously and refused
Shiva, his father, access. Shiva became enraged and
beheaded him with his trident. Parvati was so distraught
that she threatened to destroy creation. To appease her,
Shiva put the head of an elephant on Ganeshas body.
Ganesha is one of the most revered Hindu deities.
Ganesha Chaturthi, a ten-day festival, is held in his
honour each year in either August or September
depending on the Hindu lunar calendar. Clay idols of
Ganesha are worshipped and on the last day are released
into a river.
As the God of new beginnings, he is worshipped and
honoured at the beginning of sacred rituals, events, and
business ventures to ensure success. He is also known as
the God of wisdom, knowledge, arts, and writing.
Ganesha is the remover of obstacles, both spiritual and
material. He is also known to place obstacles in the path of
those in need of guidance. Perhaps, your challenge is a
blessing in disguise? Release all your troubles into the
hands of Ganesha and let him guide you. Trust!

Affirmation: I release all my challenges into the hands

of Ganesha.

The hand symbol, hamsa, is part of many different

faiths and is commonly known as the Hand of Fatima or
Mary. Traditionally, hamsa symbolizes the hand of God
and is widely used to ward off negative energy.
The first appearance of the hand symbol has been
traced to ancient Mesopotamia (5,000-3,500 B.C.), thus
pre-dating Christianity, Islam, Judaism and many other
modern religions.
In India, the hamsa is an intricate part of the Chakra
system, as the fingers are connected to the flow of
energy, the mudras, and the five elements:
Thumb: Solar Plexus Chakra & Fire
Forefinger: Heart Chakra & Air
Middle Finger: Throat Chakra & Ether
Ring Finger: Root Chakra & Earth
Pinkie: Sacral Chakra & Water
You have the power to strengthen your auric shield by
incorporating the different mudras (symbolic hand
gestures associated with the Chakras) into your spiritual
practice. You can do a search on the internet for more
information on the mudras. Remember, you are shielded
by the Divine from energies that do not contribute
positively to your life.

Affirmation: The Divine shields me from all that is not

in my highest interest.

The story of Hanumans conception is controversial,

as many versions exist, but the one that I resonate the
most with is that he was born from the seeds of Shiva.
The seeds were carried by Vayu, the Wind God, from
the womb of Parvati to that of Anjana, a female monkey,
who had been praying for a child.
Hanuman is featured as a strong warrior in the epic
Ramayana. He is a loyal devotee of Rama, one of the
incarnations of Vishnu. Ravana, the demon King of
Lanka, kidnapped Sita, Ramas wife. Hanuman rescued
Sita and was rewarded for his bravery by Rama.
In India, Hanuman is a symbol of unwavering
devotion because of his bravery and dedication to Rama.
Devotion is not easy, as it requires a person to be
unselfish and free of attachments. Hanumans expansive
heart is his true strength, not his physical agility!
The word devotion is powerful! Search within your
heart to see what area of your life requires your
attention. Give yourself permission to honour your
hearts truth and become devoted to what rises up!

Affirmation: My devotion to my hearts truth is



Holi, the Hindu festival of colours, has been

celebrated since ancient times and originated as an
agricultural festival to celebrate the arrival of spring.
The festival usually occurs on the first day after the Full
Moon in March.
The night before Holi, a communal bonfire is held to
celebrate the demise of the demoness, Holika, who was
burned with the help of Vishnu. People sing and dance
around the bonfire to celebrate the triumph of good over
On Holi, people chase each other around and throw
coloured powder at one another to celebrate the end of
winter. Anyone is welcome to attend the festival
regardless of their age, gender, or caste. Thus, Holi a
festival of equality.
When was the last time you truly let your hair down,
laughed until your stomach hurt, and loved without
expectations? Honour your inner child by celebrating
your vibrant Soul. Allow yourself time to sing, dance
and play.
Life is too short to be serious, so unleash your inner
child! You wont be disappointed, trust me!!!

Affirmation: I see life through the lens of my inner


Kali is one of the most misunderstood Hindu

Goddesses. She is known to be fierce and destructive,
but many dont realize that she is also gentle, kind, and
loving. In Sanskrit, her name means she who is black
and symbolizes eternal darkness, which has the ability to
destroy and create; a powerful duality.
Kali was born from the anger that busted forth from
Durgas third eye during her battle against Raktavija,
Lord of the Demons. Each drop of Raktavijas blood
created a new demon when it hit the ground. Kali helped
Durga win the battle by lapping up every drop of his
blood. After the battle, Kalis thirst became unstoppable,
so she continued to destroy demons and any wrongdoers.
To calm Kali, Shiva laid down in her destructive path to
stop her. When she realized she was standing on Shiva,
she grew calmer and stopped.
The garland of skulls that Kali wears around her neck
symbolizes liberation of the ego from the body. Thus,
Kali is free from illusions due to the death of her ego. At
the end of the day, you are the only one who can liberate
yourself! Allow yourself to release illusions and
destructive behaviours, so that you can create sacred
space for your rebirth.

Affirmation: I am free of ego and illusions.


Lakshmi is known as the Goddess of purity, light,

fertility, generosity, feminine beauty, and abundance
(both spiritual & material). She is an ancient symbol of
prosperity, as gold coins have been found with her
image from the Gupta dynasty that ruled between 320 to
550 A.D. In modern India, entrepreneurs and
homeowners offer daily prayers to Lakshmi to ensure
According to ancient scriptures, Lakshmi is the
daughter of Bhrigu, one of the great seven sages. She
took refuge in the ocean when the Gods were exiled and
was reborn as Lakshmi when Vishnu, her consort,
churned the ocean. She takes on a different form to be
with Vishnu during each one of his incarnations.
Lakshmi is a beautiful Mother Goddess with four arms
that represent desire, righteousness, wealth, and
Praying to Lakshmi doesnt guarantee abundance, as
she doesnt bless those who are greedy or lazy. She only
blesses those who support themselves. You are being
called to use your gifts from the Divine to manifest
abundance. You are a powerful alchemist with the
ability to turn a piece of coal into a diamond!

Affirmation: I am the alchemist of my life.


The lingam is a sacred carved stone that is found at

the center of most Hindu temples. Milk, yogurt, clarified
butter, honey, fresh flowers, and other offerings are
often poured onto the lingam during puja (sacred
The linga is a phallic symbol and an abstract
representation of Shiva, the Divine masculine. The base
on which the linga rests is called yoni, which is shaped
like the womb. The yoni is an abstract representation of
Shakti, the Divine feminine.
The union of the linga and yoni create the lingam,
representing the Divine feminine and masculine from
which most life originates on Earth. The lingam is not a
sexual symbol, but one that honours the duality and the
union of the sacred feminine and masculine.
Honour the sacred feminine and masculine energies
within you by acknowledging their beautiful duality.
Use your awareness to tap into them when needed.
Remember, you are created from both the Divine
masculine and feminine!

Affirmation: I openly embrace the Divine masculine

and feminine that resides within me.


Rising out of the nutrient rich mud, the lotus proudly

unfolds each petal to reveal a beautiful yellow center, the
essence of the Soul. The spirit of the lotus exists within
each human. As you expand your spiritual awareness,
the petals of your lotus begin to unfold and open your
gifts from the Universe.
The process of unfoldment is not always pretty! The
lotus reminds you that beauty can rise from the mud.
Visualize yourself as a lotus, rising above the muddy
water and one by one your petals unfold, as you shift
into Universal Consciousness. As you continue to focus
on raising your vibrations, the thousand-petal lotus
unfolds at your Crown Chakra.
The teachings of the lotus are precious and sacred. A
lotus arose from Vishnus navel and at the center sat
Brahma, the creator. Countless Hindu Gods (Brahma,
Vishnu & Shiva) and Goddesses (Saraswati, Lakshmi &
Parvati) are painted sitting on a lotus or holding one. The
lotus represents the Divine within you, your spiritual
expansion, and the unfoldment of your Souls journey.

Affirmation: I rise, unfold, and expand to allow the

inner beauty of my Soul to shine.


A mala is traditionally created from 108 prayer beads.

The purpose of a mala is to affirm your mantra, which is
connected to a specific intention. My grandma uses her
mala to keep count of her mantra, which she repeats
several hundred times throughout the day.
I use my mala when I feel drawn to affirm a particular
intention or mantra. You can create an affirmation using
the present tense to affirm what you desire. For example,
I am a beacon for universal light & abundance. You
can also search for traditional mantras online and find
one that resonates with your heart space.
To use your mala, hold one bead between your thumb
and forefinger then chant your affirmation or mantra.
After you are done, continue to the next bead clockwise,
and repeat until you have done 108 repetitions. If you
dont have a mala, simply count your repetitions until
you reach 108.
The mala is a sacred tool that you can use in your
meditation practice to quieten your mind and bring your
energy into the present moment. You can also wear your
mala around your neck to connect with the energy of
what you are affirming.

Affirmation: I chant my mantra to affirm my hearts


Despite not being an indigenous plant to India, the

marigold has become an intricate part of life. A
celebration, festival, or puja wouldnt be complete
without these beautiful orange flowers.
Marigolds are added to altars, used to adorn houses
for celebrations, and worn as a garland in ceremonies.
Naturally, the sight of marigolds brings back memories
of sacred ceremonies and rituals to most Indians.
Carve out sacred space in your life to create a daily
ritual for yourself or honour your existing one. A ritual
can be as simple as taking a few moments to meditate
and connect with your Higher-SELF. Even lighting a
candle each day with a specific intention counts as a
Many Hindu festivals and celebrations honour the
cycles of the Sun and the Moon. Become aware of the
Suns and the Moons natural rhythms and the influence
that each one has on your life! You can create a ritual
using the Sun and Moon as your muse. By honouring the
rhythms of nature, you honour yourself and the sacred
Earth Mother.

Affirmation: I honour my sacred rituals to celebrate

the essence of my Soul.

In India, meditation is at the heart of Hinduism,
Buddhism, Jainism, and many other faiths. Traditionally,
yoga is done to relax the mind and body in preparation
for meditation, so that the Soul can easily connect to the
Bringing your mind to the present moment is not
always easy, as mind chatter usually drowns out
messages from your Higher-SELF and Source. Create
time for yourself to sit silently. You can meditate
anywhere, even in a noisy environment! Dont let the
idea of meditating in a quiet place, paralyze you from
finding the silence within.
Meditation starts with breath work. Focus on your
breath; inhale through your nose, and pause with that
breath for as long as you can comfortably, then exhale
through your mouth. Continue to breathe by focusing on
your sacred breath until you find your natural rhythm.
If you become distracted, focus on your breath to bring
you back to the present moment. Tune in. What do you
feel, see, smell, hear, and taste? By tuning into your 5
senses, you unleash your 6th sense. Honour yourself by
creating a daily meditation practice!

Affirmation: My mind is calm. I am fully in the

present moment. With an open heart, I connect to my
Higher-SELF & the Divine.

When the heavy rains hit India between July and

September, the monsoon season is in full swing. Without
the monsoon, many dry regions in India couldnt
survive, as the Earth is brought back to life with the
rains. The monsoon also brings massive flooding and
destruction. You could say that the monsoon season is a
double-edge sword!
In life, all you can do is ride the waves like the people
of India do during the monsoon rains. The weather
cannot be controlled nor can the twists and turns of life.
In certain situations, letting go and going with the flow is
all that you can do to keep your head above the water.
Remember that, this too shall pass.
As you journey through the turbulent waters of life,
keep in mind that the grey sky will soon be behind you.
Dont let sailing into the unknown terrify you. By
shifting your mindset, you will realize that the unknown
brings you new hope and promise! Sail into the great
unknown with confidence and most importantly faith.

Affirmation: I release fears of the unknown and trust

in the Divine for navigation.


Namaste is an Indian greeting that translates to I bow

to the Divine in you. A form of respect and
acknowledgement on a deep Soul-to-Soul level. In the
Indus Valley, archeologists have uncovered terracotta
figurines in the namaste pose that have been dated
between 3000 to 2000 B.C.
In India, the namaste pose is used to show respect to
elders, teachers, and deities. Try to see the Divine in
each person, especially individuals that you dont
resonate with. Remember that each person is created
from the Divine, including you! We are one.
You can incorporate namaste into your spiritual
practice by using the pose at the beginning and end of
your meditation, yoga, or divination sessions. Place your
hands together where your Heart Chakra is located.
Close your eyes and let your mind drop into your heart-
space then gently bow your head and say this namaste
I honour the place in you that
the entire Universe dwells.
I honour the place in you which is of love,
of truth, of light, and of peace.
When you are in that place in you and
I am in that place in me, we are one.

Affirmation: I am one with the Universe.

New Moon

The New Moon occurs on the darkest night, when not

even a sliver of moonlight can be seen. On the New
Moon, the oceans recede resulting in low tides.
In Hindi, the New Moon is known as Amavasya and
is considered a time of immense power. Your Kundalini
power is believed to be stronger on Amavasya than
Purnima, the Full Moon. Many Hindus perform
Shraddha rituals on Amavasya to pay homage to their
deceased ancestors and part-take in fasting to help
manifest their desires.
Amavasya is not considered auspicious by all Hindus,
and as a result, prayers are offered to the Goddess Kali,
the slayer of evil spirits. Personally, I believe that
Amavasya is an auspicious time of the month, as Diwali,
the festival of lights occurs on the New Moon.
Darkness allows distractions that the daylight brings
to fade into the abyss of the night, so that your hearts
desires can be illuminated. Focus your energy on what
you want to manifest, as the time is NOW. Start
planning your strategy! Dont hold off. No excuses!!!

Affirmation: I birth my hearts desires by focusing on

my intentions.


The peacock is a sacred bird in Hinduism and also the

national bird of India. Mayura is the Sanskrit name for
peacock. According to Hindu mythology, the peacock is
believed to have been created from a single feather of
Garuda, a mythical bird and carrier of Vishnu.
Peacock feathers are commonly kept in Indian homes.
The feathers are believed to bring luck and prosperity
because of their connection to Lakshmi, the Goddess of
abundance. Many Hindu Gods & Goddess are associated
with the peacock, such as Krishna, Indra, and Saraswati,
to name a few.
The peacock is a weaver of magic. The iridescent
shimmer of the blue, green, gold, and purple feathers is a
reminder that magic exists in the ordinary world. All you
have to do is believe and be open to the magic that
already exists in your life.
Real magic has nothing to do with hocus pocus,
instead it is about believing in yourself. Be proud and
display your plume of iridescent feathers with
confidence, as you are magical!

Affirmation: I can see and feel the magic that already

exists in my life.


The pomegranate is an ancient fruit that is indigenous

to the region between Northern India and Iran.
Pomegranates are mentioned in the Vedas, ancient
Hindu scriptures.
Hindus believe that pomegranates are a symbol of
prosperity and fertility. The Hindu God, Ganesha, is a lover
of seeded fruits like pomegranates. Thus, he is offered
pomegranate leaves and flowers during pujas for
The Goddess, Bhumi Devi is the consort of Varaha, an
avatar of Vishnu. She is also known as the Earth Mother
and considered one of the fertility aspects of Lakshmi.
Accordingly, one of her four hands contains a pomegranate
to symbolize the ovaries.
Fertility isnt always connected to the reproduction
system! The start of a new idea and letting that seedling
come into fruition is similar to pregnancy in many ways, as
your seedling needs nurturance to sprout and manifest into
the world.
Create sacred space for your seedling to bloom by
focusing your attention and resources on your personal
growth and development. I know without a doubt that you
can bring your desires into fruition!

Affirmation: My inner desires are sprouting and

blossoming with confidence.

In Hinduism, Shakti (pronounced shuck-thee) is

worshipped in all her manifestations, as she is the Divine
Mother Goddess. In Sanskrit, Shakti means power or
energy and is the universal life force. She is the Divine
feminine principle, as Shiva is the masculine. Shakti
exists within you as sacred power, even if you are a
Shakti is the consort of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, as
each of their wives are an aspect of her. Without Shakti,
the Gods would have no power, but without them, she
could not manifest. A beautiful reciprocal relationship
between the Divine masculine and feminine.
With Brahma, Shakti manifests as Saraswati and
assists him with creation. As Lakshmi, she is Vishnus
consort and provides the world with abundance. With
Shiva, she becomes a yogini to help him destroy
illusions, so that people can ascend their ego.
You can call on Shakti when you need support with
embracing your sacred power. Feel her fire within you
and let that energy rise up until you feel confident &
empowered. Shakti can help you find the inner strength
to get through any situation. All you have to do is call on

Affirmation: I am Shakti, the sacred Divine feminine.


Conches from the ocean are carved with beautiful

ornate patterns to create Shankas (Indian trumpets). The
Shanka is a sacred emblem of the Hindu God, Vishnu
and is mentioned in old scriptures, such as the Bhagwad
Gita. The Shanka is a symbol of feminine fertility,
longevity, prosperity, and the abode of Lakshmi,
Vishnus consort.
The sound emanating from the Shanka is associated
with OM, the first sound of creation. Often the Shanka
is blown when a deity is being bathed or at the beginning
of a ritual to cleanse negative energy.
When you hold a conch to your ear, you can hear the
gentle humming of the ocean, which is believed to be the
cosmic energy of the Earth. In ancient India, the Shanka
was believed to cure dis-ease in the body when blown,
as the cosmic vibrations of the Earth would release
negative energy.
Connect to the cosmic energy of the Earth by placing
your ear next to a shell to release blockages in your
body. You can also use the sound emanating from a shell
to help you express your Souls pure vibration out into
the Universe.

Affirmation: I am divinely connected to the cosmic

vibrations of the Universe.

Shiva was originally known as Rudra. In Sanskrit, his

name means auspicious one. He is one of the three
Gods in the Trimurti, which consists of Brahma, the
creator, Vishnu, the preserver and Shiva, the destroyer.
Shiva has two children, Ganesha & Kartikeya with his
consort Parvati, who is an aspect of Shakti, the Divine
Mother Goddess.
As a yogi, Shiva lives on Mount Kailash, which is
considered to be the center of the Universe by Hindus.
He is known as being pure consciousness, formless,
unchanging, limitless, and the masculine principle. Shiva
is one of the most complex Hindu Gods, as he is not
only the destroyer, but also the restorer.
The snake coiled around Shivas neck is Vasuki, one
of the Serpent Kings. The snake is a powerful symbol of
renewal and regeneration. Shiva doesnt destroy to cause
havoc and chaos, but to shed and transform stagnant
energy. He destroys illusions, ignorance, and egos, so
that individuals can transcend their false self.
How much you have transformed over the last couple
of years, months, weeks or even days? Celebrate your
beautiful metamorphosis!

Affirmation: I acknowledge that trans-formation is

required to renew and regenerate.
Singing Bowl

Sacred sound is a powerful healing tool. The sound

emanating from a singing bowl or any musical
instrument can instantaneously raise your vibrations.
Why? Your body is two-thirds water; thus sound waves
easily affect you.
The frequency of the sound creates a specific
vibration that travels through your body causing
blockages to release, ultimately restoring your bodys
energetic flow. You may experience discomfort in your
body and may find the sound of certain singing bowls
irritating, which is a sign of energy moving through your
body to release blockages.
Allow yourself to connect with sacred sound for not
only healing, but also to create sacred space. Introduce
the gift of sound into your meditation practice by
playing the singing bowl while you meditate. You may
find that you go into a deeper state of relaxation when
you focus on the sacred sound.
All sounds are sacred, including the ones found in
nature, especially your heartbeat! Next time you are in
nature, listen closely to the symphony that Mother Earth
is playing just for you!

Affirmation: I honour the sacred sounds and rhythms of life.

Soul Star

Transpersonal Chakras exist in the auric field or

within the Earth. The Soul Star is considered a
transpersonal Chakra, therefore not part of the traditional
Chakra system, which consists of 7 energy centers in the
body. The Soul Star Chakra is also known as the seat of
the Soul because it is the point through which the
Divine enters and leaves the body.
The Soul Stars colours are traditionally white and
gold. However, I channeled tones of purple, pink, and
blue to represent the connection of the Soul Star to the
upper three Chakras: Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. The
Soul Star is located 6 inches above the Crown Chakra
and provides access to the Akashic Records, which holds
information about your Souls purpose and journey
through many lifetimes.
Connecting with your Soul Star will assist you in
communicating with higher dimensional energies,
including light beings. To activate, visualize light
entering into your Soul Star Chakra and say aloud: I am
created from the Divine. I honour my Souls connection
to the Universal Mind. I am a being of light.

Affirmation: I transcend the ordinary to experience the



In India, the six-pointed star is known as shatkona and

is similar to the concept of the Star of David. The upper
triangle of the shatkona represents Shiva, the sacred
masculine and purusha, the Supreme Being. The lower
triangle is connected to Shakti, the Divine feminine and
prakrti, Mother Nature.
The shatkona appears in the Heart Chakra symbol, as
the masculine and feminine Kundalini energies rising
from the Root Chakra blend together at this point. The
integration of the Divine masculine and feminine
energies allows you to tap into what your heart truly
The illustration of the Star is not in the traditional
shatkona form, but has the basic element, a six-pointed
star. The Heart Chakra has twelve petals and the
illustration of the Star does too, along with tiny red
hearts. When you drop into your heart space and make a
wish, your intentions have sacred power.
Visualize the type of energy you want to welcome
into your life. Create an intention and a plan to manifest
that in your life. Dont negate your wish by letting doubt
seep in. Believe in your wish and in yourself!

Affirmation: My wish has sacred power to manifest

into reality.

Without the Sun, everything on Earth would cease to

exist; a truth that many ancient civilizations recognized.
Sun temples were built all across India to honour Surya,
the solar deity, who granted light and warmth for the
harvest. He is often depicted riding a chariot with seven
white horses or a single horse with seven heads.
According to Vedic Astrology, Surya represents
vitality, power, courage, life, and the father. The Sun is
the father of Manu (progenitor of the human race), Yama
(God of the dead), Karna (a heroic warrior), and many
other notable figures in Hinduism. Surya is worshipped
in the early hours of the morning, especially during
festivals that are held in his honour.
The Sun represents your life force. What you radiate,
creates your reality, so be mindful of your attitude and
outlook. If you hide your sparkle, you not only deprive
yourself, but also the world of your special gifts. Allow
your beautiful Soul to radiate like Surya, as you are a
beacon of light for others. Shine as if you have no

Affirmation: My beautiful life force radiates

effortlessly into the world.


According to Hinduism, the Earth would cease to

exist if the turtle had not intervened. Vishnus avatar
Kurma, the turtle, assisted the Gods and Demons with
obtaining the nectar of immortality that was required to
save the Earth from destruction.
The ocean had to be churned to retrieve the nectar, so
Mount Mandara was used as the mixing stick, but the
mountain began to sink. Vishnu transformed into a turtle
to support the mountain, so the Gods & Demons could
mix the ocean. After the churning of the ocean, four
elephants stood on Kurmas back to hold the Earth in
The turtle is a powerful symbol of creation and
preservation in India, but also immortality. Turtles are
believed to be the temporary abode for Souls journeying
to Nirvana, the highest state of enlightenment.
Often larger forces are at play in life and all you can
do is believe in the process. Let yourself float and be
carried by the Divine. Trust in the wisdom of the Divine
to create an outcome that is in your highest and best

Affirmation: I trust in the wisdom of the Divine.


According to Hindu cosmology, the Universe was not

created when the big bang occurred. The Universe is
believed to be cyclical (constantly created & destroyed)
and divided into four epochs. Currently, humans are in
the final epoch, in which the world is estimated to end in
432,000 years at the hands of Shiva, the destroyer.
In Hinduism, Vishnu is believed to embody the Soul
of the cosmos. He creates Universes from his sacred
breath; as a result, he is believed to be the Soul of each
galaxy. From Vishnus navel, a beautiful lotus arose
with Brahma, who created the world from pure sound.
The Universes cyclical nature is the result of the
Trimurti: Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver &
protector, and Shiva the destroyer.
The Universe is interconnected, so each action has a
reaction. The Universe is constantly reacting to the
ripples of energy that you radiate out and reflects similar
vibrations back to you. Dont try to get through the day,
instead dance through your day, no matter how difficult
it is!

Affirmation: I move in harmony with the Universe.

Waning Moon

In India, the Waning Moon is known as Krishna

Paksha. The waning period occurs when Purnima, the
Full Moon, transitions to Amavasya, the New Moon.
Thus, the energy of the moon decreases during this
phase. Krishna Paksha is considered to be a less
auspicious time, as a result people wait for this period to
be over before starting a new venture.
Your bodys rhythms are often in harmony with the
current moon phase. Follow the lunar cycle and pay
attention to when the moon is in the waning phase. Tune
into your mind, body, and Soul. Are there any old habits
or patterns that you need to release? Focus on letting go
of what no longer serves you during the next Waning
Moon phase.
To release, write down all the habits and patterns in
your life that you are ready to let go of. When you are
done, fold that piece of paper up and repeat the
affirmation below before burning it. Repeat this ritual
each Waning Moon until you have liberated yourself
from old habits and patterns.

Affirmation: I release all old habits and patterns into

the hands of the Divine that are no longer in harmony
with my mind, body, and Soul.

Waxing Moon

In India, the Waxing Moon is known as Shukla

Paksha. The waxing period occurs when Amavasya, the
New Moon, transitions to Purnima, the Full Moon. In
Hinduism, Shukla Paksha is considered more auspicious
than Krishna Paksha, the Waning Moon period, as the
moon is increasing in strength each day until the Full
As the moon increases in brightness and vitality, so do
you! Take a moment to delve into your heart space.
What do you want to grow and support during this
Waxing Moon phase? Breathe energy into relationships,
projects and ideas that you want to increase in strength
and blossom into something magical.
The Waxing Moon period can be a powerful time for
spiritual growth and healing. As the moon grows in size,
so do your intuitive abilities. Now is the perfect time for
you to learn about new spiritual teachings and practice
different forms of divination. If you are seeking healing
around a particular situation, now is the time to focus on
mending old hurts, as you have Grandmother Moon on
your side!

Affirmation: I focus my energy and time on what

needs to grow and blossom.


My spiritual journey began at a young age, as I can

remember talking to loved ones and spirits who were on
the other side. I didnt fully understand or perhaps I
wasnt ready to explore my gifts until my early twenties.
During my university years, I did readings for anyone
that needed one and in return this built my confidence. I
dropped out of university for a couple of years and
pursued a career in the corporate world. I returned to
post-secondary, as I was done with the rat race and
decided it was time to finish my bachelors degree. I
wanted to teach high school, but the teaching market
became soft due to budget cuts. Consequently, I decided
to get my accounting designation what was I thinking!
I soon realized that this wasnt my path and returned to
my initial dream of teaching.

One day, I got a call to do readings at a well-known
spiritual store in my area. Not too long after, I started
teaching workshops and organizing events, such as
psychic fairs. I am truly grateful for the path that has
unfolded for me, as I love being of service to others. My
intention is to empower individuals to develop their
spiritual gifts from the Divine.
I provide intuitive readings in which I use my
clairvoyant, clairaudient, and other senses to channel
messages from Spirit. My guides are gentle, humorous,
loving, and compassionate. I often use the Tarot and Tea
Leaves as a medium to channel messages. I have also
done readings using the pendulum, personal objects, and
many other mediums. At the end of the day, a reading is
a reading, no matter what medium you use!
I founded The School of Gypsy Arts on May 11, 2011 to
create a co-OMM-unity where heart & Soul centered
individuals could come together and learn in a safe &
supportive environment.
I will continue to be a student of life, as my desire to
understand and learn only becomes stronger. I am thankful
for all the teachers and mentors that I had the privilege to
study with. I believe that knowledge is the key to unfolding
the mysteries of this beautiful and vast Universe.


Aline Wallace specializes in co-creating brands and

designs that are entirely from your vision, and is
passionate about adding extra meaning by integrating
her clients handcrafted artwork (as in Seeds of Shakti
Oracle). In addition, she incorporates many aspects of
metaphysics in her designs, such as numerology, sacred
geometry, and symbology. Aline is also mindful of
creating only from a place of joy and infusing positive
energy, as she whole-heartedly believes in the power of
intention. Her sacred work includes branding, designing
and poetry writing.

You can contact Aline:


Anahata: unconditional love, healing, compassion, touch, element of air,

energy healing, devotion.

Ajna: visions, dreams, intuition, clairvoyance, imagination, self-realization,


Banyan Tree: silence, observation, integration, wisdom, sage, immortality,


Buddha: awareness, enlightenment, kindness, compassion, spiritual

teachings, awaken.

Camel: journey, perseverance, resourcefulness, determination, will-power,

conservation, endurance.

Censer: cleanse, release, purify, smudge, sacred rituals & ceremonies, shift

Chai: slow down, reflect, connect, heal, support, share, conversation, honour

Cobra: Kundalini power, enlightenment, bliss, regeneration, shedding,


Cow: mother, nurturer, nourishment, health, Mother Earth, food, harvest,

abundance, fuel, gratitude.

Crystals: ancient wisdom, healing gifts, wounded healer, energy, universal


Diwali: light, celebration, fire, sacred flame, festival, celebration, blessing,


Dream: messages from the Universe, subconscious, visions, dreams,
awareness of signs & symbols.

Drum: timing, rhythm, Souls beat, community, folk music, dance, festival,

Earth Star: nature, elements, Mother Earth, ground, center, connection to all
life, heal.

Eclipse: illusions, hidden secrets, half-truths, white lies, awareness, trust your

Fish: adapt, survival, adjust, maneuver, be the change, modification,

recognize transformation.

Flower of Life: sacred geometry, patterns, universal truth, blue print, power.

Full Moon: cleanse, illuminate, abundance, clarity, goals coming into


Ganesha: protector, remover of obstacles, resolutions, wisdom, blessed new


Hamsa: protection, shielding, energy flow, mudras, dispel negativity, evil


Hanuman: devotion, strength, loyalty, dedication, commitment, trust, heart,

warrior, bravery.

Holi: fun, laughter, playfulness, inner child, let loose, celebration of spring,
release expectations.

Kali: endings, transformation, change, protection, free of illusions, liberation

of the ego.

Lakshmi: alchemy, abundance, prosperity, generosity, purity, light, beauty,

Lingam: duality, masculine & feminine, polarity, Shiva, Shakti, integration of
the yin & yang.

Lotus: unfoldment, expansion, unraveling, beauty, purity, awareness, essence

of the Soul.

Mala: affirmation, prayer, mantra, intention, chanting, inner peace,


Manipura: power, confidence, inner-strength, determination, element of fire,

self-esteem, Sun.

Marigold: gratitude, sacred rituals, honour, respect, ceremonies, celebration,


Meditate: silence, introspection, be in the present moment, inner peace,

connection to Divine.

Monsoon: chaos, Mother Nature, ride the waves, rhythms of nature, turbulent
waters, navigation.

Muladhara: structure, stability, family, basic necessities, element of earth,

protection, instinct.

Namaste: connectedness, we are all one, acknowledgement, respect, greeting.

New Moon: new beginning, fresh start, new idea, immense power, ancestors,
focus, manifestation.

Peacock: weaver of magic, abundance, prosperity, confidence, proud, be in

the spot light.

Pomegranate: desire, female reproduction system, seed of new potential,

prosperity, fertility, growth.

Sahasrara: Divine connection, clarity, spirituality, wisdom, enlightenment,

Shakti: sacred power, Divine feminine, nature, Mother Goddess, confidence,


Shell: feminine fertility, longevity, sacred sound, cosmic energy of the earth,
pure vibration.

Shiva: shed, transformation, renewal, regeneration, destruction, construction,

chaos, transcend ego.

Singing Bowl: vibrations, sound healing, music, sacred sound, energetic flow,

Soul Star: universal mind, higher-self, wisdom, Akashic Records, Soul

purpose, light beings.

Star: wish, intention, believe, dream, intention, manifestation, desire.

Sun: radiance, shine, spotlight, life force, harvest, power, courage, vitality,
light, illumination.

Svadhisthana: creativity, passion, sensuality, Moon, element of water,

emotions, relationships.

Turtle: ancient, wisdom, creation, preservation, immortality, longevity,


Vishuddha: communication, speaking, listening, truth, self-expression, ether,


Universe: creation, life, existence, cyclical nature, interconnectedness, cosmic


Waning Moon: release old habits & patterns, introspection, expel negativity,
Waxing Moon: attract desired energy, grow, manifestation, heal old hurts,
education, learn.


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