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78. JESUS YOUR LIGHT (LORD JESUS CHRIST) =D; 4/4 ;MM = 66 St. Agustinus Bm Em A DO Bm A D $63 4025 57 3931 TT] 272 73 Tid 207T 7 O7 riot CT 7 07 T1 336 6 4275 55633 $5 33 36 6 6 6 2725 73 116 66 553 TT Je-sus, your light is. shi-ning with - in us, Let not my doubts and my dark-ness Lord Je-sus Christ, your light shines with-in us. Let nol my doubts and my dark-ness Ye-sus Kris- tus, ca-ha-yo ha - ti-ku. Ja-uh-kan a - ku da-ri ke- s° FP Bm Em A a) 6 6 gs. 6 69 406775 339 7-2 3. T1917 2071 7 67 rete a6 7.5368 6042 773 $5 6 6 Tq 3.6 6 27025 3 5 1i44 Speak to me. Je~ sus, your light is shi- ning with-in us. Let my Speak to me. Lord Je- sus Christ, your light shines with-in us. Let my. ge -lap- an — Ye~sus Krit- tus, ca-ha-ya ha - ti - kw, Bi-ar- ch Bm F® Bm 2 236 5 6 6 6 3 i 2 as OE Se I Tid 66 6 6 33 3 338 4793 73 6 66 6 heart al-ways wel-come your love. Je - sus, your heart al-ways wel-come your love. Lord Je - sus kan ku- sam - bit cin-ta = mu. Ve - sus Kris -

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