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Date: 01/03/2010

Physiotherapy Report following Assessment of XXX D.O.B 23/04/87

Diagnosis: 14/05/99 T11 burst fracture with L3 complete neurology. Consequent anterior
discectomy and fusion with bone graft T/8/9/10/11 and T12

Sensation: Fully recovered.

Range of Movement: Head/neck full range

Upper limbs full range.

Trunk Restricted rotation, flexion, side flexion and extension due

To fusion with bone graft T9/10/11 and T12

Lower limbs Full range of movement

Tone: Normal throughout apart from slightly flaccid in right foot uses orthotic to manage

right foot drop and assist dorsiflexion and toe clearance in gait.

Power: (Using Oxford Scale of Power Rating where:

0/5 = no muscle action, 1/5 =flicker or twitch of muscle action, 2/5 = able to

Perform joint action with gravity eliminated, 3/5 = able to perform joint action

Against gravity, 4/5 = joint action against gravity with some resistance and

5/5 = joint action against gravity with maximal resistance)

Neck and Upper limbs Grade 5/5

Abdominals Grade 4/5 (weaker lower abdominals)

Back extensors Grade 2/5

Hip Abductors left 2/5 right 1/5

Hip Adductors left 3/5 right 1/5

Hip Flexors left 4/5 right 3/5

Hip Extensors left 1/5 right 1/5

Hip Internal Rotators left 0/5 right 0/5

Hip External Rotators left 0/5 right 0/5

Knee Flexors left 3/5 right 3/5

Knee Extensors left 3/5 right 3/5

Ankle Dorsiflexors left 3/5 right 0/5

Ankle plantarflexors left 3/5 right 0/5

Coordination: Finger nose test intact bilaterally

Heel shin test poor control due to lack of control around hips to stabilise lower

limb movement

Mobility in chair: Metalwork restricts full trunk rotation and extension

In sitting XXX demonstrates poor ability to side flex trunk and therefore rotates

trunk to compensate. He relies heavily on strap holding him into chair to perform

side flexion and uses arms to restore posture to vertical. XXX consequently has

limited stability to reach laterally.

XXX is unable to abduct hips to push thighs outwards into side of chair to assist

trunk stability.


Physiotherapist MCSP SRP

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