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Additional gram m ar notes b 3 49))) Tell Sts to decide if the words in the list are
* Should does not usually cause problems as it lias a sound 1 (u) or sound 2 (u:).
clearly defined use and the form is simple. Remind Play the audio for Sts to listen and check.
Sts to use the infinitive without to after should.
Check answers.
* You may want to point out to Sts the alternative
form ought to, but should is more common,
especially in spoken English. sound 1: AV book, could, foot, look
sound 2:/u:/ flew , food, school
* The main problem with should is the
pronunciation, i.e. the silent I (see Pronunciation Now ask Sts Which consonant is not pronounced in
notes in 3). should, would, and could? and elicit the answer.

Focus on the exercises for 8A on p. 141. Sts do them It is th e t.

individually or in pairs.
Now play the audio again for Sts to listen and repeat.
Check answers, getting Sts to read the full sentences.
STUDY H H 3 Sts can practise these sounds on the iTutor
a 1 s h o u ld n 't 5 s h ou ld and on the English File Pre-intermediate website.
2 sh ould 6 s h ould
3 sh ould 7 s h o u ld c '3/50))) Now tell Sts they are going to listen to six
4 sh o u id n t 8 s h o u ld n 't sentences with could, should, and would (in any form,
b 1 s h ou ld w e a r 5 s h o u ld n t d rive positive, negative or interrogative) and they must write
2 sh ou ld s tu d y 6 s h o u ld g o them down.
3 sh o u ld n t w a lk 7 s h o u ld s p e n d
4 s h o u ld relax 8 s h o u ld n t h a v e E x tra support
* Highlight that should, could, and would in the
Tell Sts to go back to the main lesson 8A .
affirmative form are unstressed, but the negative
E xtra support forms shouldnt /couldnt /wouldnt are always
If you think Sts need more practice, you may want
to give them the Grammar photocopiable activity at Play the audio, pausing after each sentence to give Sts
this point. time to write.
Check answers.
3 PRONUNCIATION id and IwJ, s e n t e n c e s tre s s
Pronunciation notes 1 W hat should I do?
2 You should read a good book.
Should (like would and could) is often 3 You could send her an email.
mispronounced partly because of the silent I, but 4 I w o uld n't like to be in your situation.
also because ou is not normally pronounced M. 5 Could you help m e w ith this?
6 You sh ould n't w o rry ab o u t it.
The focus on I d and /u:/ will give Sts further
practice o f this sound and contrast it with the long d Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence for
/u;/. It is worth pointing out to Sts that one of the Sts to listen and repeat.
main problems with these two sounds is words Then repeat the activity eliciting responses from
with oo, which can be pronounced either way. individual Sts.
There is no rule, so Sts need to learn each word as
it comes up. e Put Sts in pairs, A and B. Tell Sts to go to
Communication W h a t sh ou ld I do?, A on p. 103,
a 3>48 >)) Focus on the instructions and question. B on p. 108.
Play the audio once for Sts just to listen to the sounds Go through the instructions with them carefully and
and words, and answer the question. make sure Sts know what they have to do.
Check the answer. A starts by telling B about his /her problem. B listens
and offers advice. A responds to B s advice by
T h e /m/ s o u n d is a lo n g e r s o u n d .
accepting it or rejecting it. Then they swap roles.
Monitor and help while Sts do the activity. Dont
interrupt and correct, but make notes o f any common
See w ords in S tu d e n ts Book on p.61
errors and go through these on the board afterwards.
Play the audio again, pausing after each word and Get some feedback from the class.
sound for Sts to repeat.
E x tra support
Before you do the activity, you might want to pre
teach some vocabulary, e.g. allergic, bark, cough, etc.
Tell Sts to go back to the main lesson 8A .


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