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Public Relations Lecture 2 08/02/2016 06:02:00

-In PR you need to be a good manager but at the same time you need the

-The internal public (employees) is essential component for the success of the
company. Our current employees (internal public) can be further subdivided,
weather they are in the dominant collision (leading the company), those who are in
the middle level or in the entry level. Past employees are ambassadors, the
company is like a 2nd family to them. There are also future employees. Therefore
when we are going to do something in term of decisions, in PR we have to see how
this decision is going to effect not only the present of hierarchy of employees but
the past and the present ones.
- Employees should not live that far away from our base. These employees are
instrumental in influencing the other publics that live in the community. These
employees go out and speak about the company, if things are done right they
would most probably speak positively about the company. These employees can be
also be our companies. You need to appreciate the value of the employee to
harness their potential in the company.
-Forstell The internal public is an integral public for any organization because the
sucsess and future of an organization depends mostly on its employees. Employees
are very often regarded as members of a group rather than as individuals and this
might be a deterrent for staff members. Employees are human beings that should
be regarded as such. The organization needs to respect more the individuality
within that internal public.
-Ralph Tench : Employees are individuals who may have different ideas and
opinions that are not a single homogenous group with the same world view
focusing the notion of the individuality
-We need to be sensitive and aware of any difference that exist within our
employee public and also we need to be constantly aware of any issues that are
happening within the employee public.
- We need to be aware of for example Demographics : how is our stuff composed,
male/ females, age, Psychographics concerns the aspect of attitude, the aspect of
mentality you can have a situation were employees have a can do attitude (the
attitude that once confronted by a reality/challenge the candoer can go a try and
solve a problem) someone whos is not a candoer is someone who prefers to be in
their comfort zone and not ready for change. In a work force we can have candoers
and non-condoers we need to convince these people to embrace change and try to
win the challenge.
-There different types of employees full-time, part-time or temporary works. The
way we handle them can be slightly different.
-Geographical situations Companies are commonly multinational and there are
problems that we need to do face.
-We need to understand that organizations are living organisms, an organization is
not something which is dead. They are born they grow, mature and some of them
they dont make it to adult hood and at time the organization would expire.
-Not all companies are the same, example Ryanair and Emirates. Ryanair is about
being cheap and cheerful on the other hand Emirates aims to pamper the
passenger. Ryanair wouldnt pamper you but gets you to your locations and the
shortest time in the cheapest way out. So even in the same area you can be
-Once organization has its own culture we need to start understanding that culture.
To understand that culture we need to ask questions and understand the
differncesition that our organization wants to make. Usually organizations survive
with making differsciations between themselves and others. It is important to
understand the difference of an organizations. This is essential for us because this
could help us create an atmosphere understanding, of merited support for our
organization. Increasingly it is not then other things than passion. Rather then the
mind some organizations goes for the heart of their costumers. We can do this if we
understand what our organizations stands for.
-We need to understand were and how to deliver our messages. There are three
questions that we need to answer. If we are living a particular reality, things
change (reality changes, what a thing once good might not be good anymore in a
different period of time) so when we are going to communicate we need to start
understanding particular questions: Who is going to be affected by our message?
Who is interested in this message? Who is involved when delivering our message?
-We cannot have a misinformed stuff, which are not up to date with latest
information of the development of the organization. In return the employees would
be their very best for the organization. Keeping the stuff involved is nothing but a
continuous challenge.
-There are a number of points that we need to take into considerations: what about
company policies? In this point the induction process is very important, how is the
employee trained to be able to deliver his service what the company want from
him. Some organizations tend to train their individuals by giving them a mentor
which gets them into the frame of mind of the organizations. It is a system that
worked for centuries, but in this age that could not be enough. Today with the
complexity of work, today doing a manual would serve as the best way for the new
employees to understand what the company wants from them. They should ensure
that the know how that exists in that organizations, that was accumulated by these
experienced in the organizations would seek down within the hierarchy of the
organizations and ensuring that even the latest employee benefits from that
experience. We need to ensure that everyone is working with the right procedures.
-Internal meetings, seminars etc are important to keep the employees updated.
-The organizations should explain the annual financial statement to their employees
for the employees to understand the situations of such a report.
-As technology is evolving companies tend to buy new pieces of equipment that are
the latest the organization needs to explain the need of this investment.
-Taking actual care of the employees is very important- their health and safety
- It is always a nice thing to talk about employee benefits, the organizations would
not keep all its profits but tend to share its profits with the employees. Tactful
communication is required.
-Legislation some legalisation may change the work processes that may existed
for a number of years and this may cause turmoil within the organizations. The
organizations may be resisted by the employees.
-News about the company and innovation and weather it is a PR exercise we need
to have a follow up. How the communication is being received, ask for feedback and
act on that feedback.
-Which medium can we use to communicate with employees? On most cases it is
word mouth. We in PR we need to understand equality of this word of mouth
communications. How employees are reacting between themselves?
-Usually when employees are not talking to each other in a normal day to day
situation one can identify that as a problem in the making. Normal day to day
communication should be respectful.
-If the company is relatively we would not consider the health of the
communication. How healthy is the communication of our employees, and how is
the communications of the employees themselves. This can be enhanced with
seminars, events, fun days (to create teamwork) etc for better interaction.
-Another idea is to get elicit feedback employees but suggestion/ideas boxed.
-The open door policy
- Managers meet different sectors of the organisation to have a good
communication notion within the organization. This should be done regularly not
only when there is a problem.
-When we are talking about staff, we need to see what motivates a member of the
staff to work within the organizations. Is it the type of work that we do? The those
employees like the culture of the organization? Is the employee comfortable with
the culture
-We also need to educate the employees, explaining to them how investors and
why investors are investing in our organizations.
-We need to have a healthy relationship with the unions
- Structure how to handle employee relations 1) We need to identify the audiences
within the employee public (if we have a primary audience we need to engage with
these members of the audience). 2) Important to dedicate time to explain change
-When we are dealing with the employee public we need to be very careful. If our
employees dont believe us how can we expect our costumers to believe us. Having
good communication and employees as allies of the organization is essential.
-One of the essential elements in PR is to make sure that employees know what the
organization wants them to do. In this regard we need to match the message with
the media
-Dialogue could not only created in formal way but in stuff events, internal
conferences etc Its not only the primary public that we need to deliver our
message but the secondary and tertiary public.
-Before delivering a message we need to ensure that a message is understood not
only by the internal public but all the people within the organization. It is important
that the message could not be contradicted or not understood.
-We need to take in consideration the tone of voice, in a friendly way, formal way
or in a familiar way? How is this message can be best delivered. Whatever the case
we need to be aware not to over do it. Even it is a complex message it is important
to be delivered in a friendly understandable ways. You can use short words,
sentences and paragraphs.
-Another important point is timing. When we should inform our internal public? We
dont want that employees to learn a development of the organization from the
- We need to check when we our communicating wheatear our communication is
seeping down and generating the desired effect. If they are not we need to
understand why they are not.
-We need to be aware who and from where there could be discord created. There
could be antagonism
- Lack of address of complaints and the management does not take action could
create discord.
- An explanation that can give us the different aspects which can be furthered
subdivided within the different publics.
- A clear rules of engagement,
- We need good internal communications because employees are our life blood with
good employees we are going have better organizational situation. We dont want
to face an internal battle within the organisation. This will all lead for the
organization to grow.
Lecture 3 Strategic Public Relations 08/02/2016 06:02:00

-Some organizations uses public relations only to maintain/sustain sales. this

would limit the function of PR.
-When an organization is putting public relations in the bottom area have a very
low substantiality of PR.
-You need PR in the top of the chart and the bottom of the chart usually in a good
organization there is communication between both the marketing department head
and also assist the people in the bottom of the chart.
-We need PR to assist the public collision because PR have an ability to see beyond
the horizon. So that these organizations can prepare their organizations very well to
be prepare.
-Public Relations have to be the social conscious of the organizations, when PR is
really geared with the dominant sector in the organization they will be prepared if
something have to be done even in the future.
-The role that public relations can take in viewing what can effect the organizations.
-The right way of to do things is to do them strategically, to have a vision.

What is a strategy?
J.l. Thomopson The ends concern the purposes and objectives of the
organization the organization needs to know where it is going. the organization
needs to know what are its objectives.
-The organization in order to know where it is going, needs to know its mission.
-A mission statement with the world around we can go in the different places if
we dont have this we may be loosing the sight of our main objective because we
wouldnt have a clear vision of what our organization should be.

-Mintzberg he came up with 5 words to explain strategy

Perspective. an integrated way to have a vision
: strategy can be used in 5 ways it can be a plan a consciously intended course of
action, it can also be a ploy a specific maneuverer intended to outwith an
opponent or competitors. Pattern : Sometimes, however, strategy emerges from
past organizational behavior. Rather than being an intentional choice, a consistent
and successful way of doing business can develop into a strategy. Position :
"Position" is another way to define strategy that is, how you decide to position
yourself in the marketplace. In this way, strategy helps you explore the fit between
your organization and your environment, and it helps you develop a
sustainable competitive advantage.
-A strategy can have different elements of these 5
-Where is the organization is going? Then we plan according. We need to define a
number of terms. The vision where the company wants to go it cannot be in the
dominant collision mind. A vision has to be written down , promoted, explained to
all the employees so they support that vision.
-Tactics are does elements that are intended to achieve short term objectives
they have to fit the strategy.
-The public relation can contribute with lobbying with member of parliaments and
-The world is becoming smaller what ever happens around us we need to analyze
how it will effect our organizations.
RECAP -In order to analyze a strategy we need to determine the mission of the
organization. We need to develop an organization profile that reflects its internal
condition, strength and capabilities.
-Organizations are living organizations they are not dead things. once we
understand that reality we can look outside and adjust. We need to access the
organization external environment of both competitive and general. We need to
analyze the interactive opportunity of possible options uncovered in the matching of
the organizations profile with its external environment.
-How one can develop good, coherent, sustainable strategies? Where are we now?
Where do we want to be?
-Media Relations their goal is not to use to media relations instead investing in
advertising. Advert is a paid content Editorial content Earned content. We need
to dissect between editorial content. Earned content and paid content in a news
-Public relations should be effective facilitators in order to communicate with the
media we need to communicate something complex with journalists because it
helps that journalist trusts us.
-Does all the info have the same value or equally important to the news media?
-Hard-news can be explained in a press release and that press release in a vey
short matter tries cover the aspect of that hard news.
-Background briefing secondary to the press release that helps the journalists to
understand the history of the company it provides a background to our stories to
be appreciated more by the public and the journalists.
-Press Invites
-Picture story a photo can say a thousand words you issue a good photo the
issue will say the whole story with a small caption that explains the story.

Trick of writing press releases

-Not longer than a4 paper
-We need to tell them the story thorough the title it will grab the attention to the
reader. Title should be written after you write the press release with eliciting the
title from the story written.
-Each press release should be dated
-It needs to be brief, to the point and factual
-The first paragraph should be able to condense the story, as we go along we give
more information
-We may include a substantial quote example what a researcher or CEO said.
-Name of the organization
-Press Release
- contact details paragraphs

-EXCERSISE element paragraphs from the bottom one and check if the last two
paragraphs have some important information is in the first two. If we have the gist
of the story of the paragraph.

-In a press release we dont do any underlining or block letter but normal text all
-Backrounder : background information of the press release we need to have
sensitivity in case the editor chooses to use it in the papers.
-Best thing is to send the press release on Monday- leave signs for Embargoed till
Sunday 6th March (IN RED)
-When addressing the press release when to know to whom we are addressing the
press release

-Longer than a press release 600w rods. 550 ,650
-Story spread out of the paragraphs instead of in the first
-give added information about what has already been permitted in a press r to
enhance knowledge
-engagement with targeted publics
- a feature may have an author

-An important elements in Press r and features illustrations : photos, graphs,


-We need to pay attention at not making the feature is advertorial

-approval by org
Difference between Public Relations and Advertising 08/02/2016 0

-Use -Pay for space - earned/ gained
-control over msg -total -relatively or very limited
-msg credibility -relatively low -high
-focus -sales -brand equity generate
argument/ creates feel

Active Public
-Characterises : High know/ involvement, vocal & aggressive
-Situations: Recognised problem.
- Response Strategy: raise awareness, engage in dialogue/convent, Negotiate/
bargain, Solo supports/3 red party invitation

Aware Public
-Characteristics: high knowledge, low involvement, potentially influential
-Situation: spend effort to understand, monitor, x comm org/active
-Response Strategy: supply info, monitor their behaviour,

Inactive Public
-Characteristics: Moderate to low km, Inert
-Situation: unaware. Only minimal foundation, unlikely to react to messages
-Response Strategy- Enhance motivation, create opportunities to communicate

-Characteristics: Non involvement, no knowledge ,irrelevant
-Situation public not away
-Response strategy ignore, reason
Sponsorship 08/02/2016 06:02:00

-Widely used and widely abused

-Sponsorship is not charity,
sponsorship, philanthropy and patronage are different
-Charity someone helping someone, organizations create foundations for charity
they dont propose with the idea at the back of their mind to gain something.
-Sponsorship is a business deal: ex company A donates an amount of money to
organization B in return for that money org B will endvedour to give a return on
that investment that it is higher than the money that it could have received. ROI
return in investment

Why would a company embark on a sponsorship? When an organization is giving a

sponsorship they need to know why they are giving the particular sponsorship and
the goals behind them.

The participants sponsor and the sponsored the situation shouldnt be that of
antagonism should be more of a relationship that should grow with time.

How can we establish clear parameter for sponsorship?

-Exposure of the sponsoring organization sponsor sponsored/sponseree We
need to establish clear objectives- why are we embarking this sponsorship? How
much we want to increase visibility, how much people get to know the services
etc The more we are specific about our objectives, the clearer are these
Sponsorships should be ideally for a minimum of three years. Why? Usually in the
first year we start low and continue into increasing with peaking in year three. If
the sponsor if given a short time the sponsor wouldnt have enough time to peak.
The objectives should say what to be achieved be 1st , 2nd and 3rd year. Ensuring
what signed in agreement is being performed from the very beginning till the end
having a successful finish and having a good ROI (return in investment)
-The sponsored cannot guarantee that the media will cover that ownership that
doesnt mean that the sponsor doesnt do their outmost to obtain media coverage.
When an organization is going to seek sponsorship, the organization need to ensure
that they have at least have one person that are knowledgeable in media coverage.
Who are the sponsors that they are trying to target?
Synergy need to be created with the organization and the sponsored organization
-A good way to promote the sponsor is try to find synergy in creating opportunity
for the sponsor how the sponsor can further promote the brand they have.

Photography is an important element in sponsorship, whether for branding

elements or to generate sales. We need to understand what is the relation of the
sponsor with the different publics. The worst scenario is when the sponsor doesnt
know their audience.

-At the end of the sponsorship there is evaluation period we should aim at
generating enough reasons so that that the sponsor would consider extending the
sponsorship for my years. Can the returns be higher or we reached the maximum?
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility 08/02/2016 06:02:00

What is CSR? CSR is the process by which a company manages its relationships
with its stakeholders and the environment it operates in.
-CSR is a process something on going another keyword is a company. The
process is managed by a company (a commercial organizations)
CSR believes that we need to do something more than just trying not breaking the

-An organization needs the active involvement of the organization, we need to keep
all stakeholders informed so that they would feel part of our organization.

Businesses maintain that CSR activity is a recognition of the duties and

responsibilities that commercial organizations have to the wide community,
or that contributing to the common good benefits both the organization and society

-A business organization that does well with society it improves it images with its
society. When we have a society investing in social value we feel safer.

Why should a company have a social policy?

-To protect its long turn future
-To insure that we do not do anything that harm the community

We need to invest in communication with our public or publics and then also with
external publics.

-CSR is a central part for PR we need to social audits:

-you identify the problems work at solving and publicise what you are doing
than you need to access how you improved your situation
Crisis Management 08/02/2016 06:02:00

-Many companies start tackling crisis when they are faced with a problem but this is
not the right way to deal with crisis.
-The organization need to be prepared in case of crisis
-When we handling crisis the PR practitioners need to be prepared for this type of
environment it brings along with it a lot of instability, in the market, the
organization, the leaders (no quick solutions) etc -organizational breakdown
-The longer the crisis takes the less people will have patience, PR practitioners need
to be mentally prepared for this kind of situation their personal life needs to be
organized an ongoing basis as much as possible they need to have a serene life -
a good balance between work and life so when these difficult times happens they
would have the strength to cope.
-We need to maintain a life with communication, in crisis we cant cut
communication but keep it strong with even our enemies we cant cut the lines
with our enemies!
-An open organization is generally more able to cope with a crisis
-When there is a crisis the organizations has the ability how to manage a crisis how
to be balance and competing interests while maintaining the objectives of the
-We need to tackle the problem from all of its aspects in a deep way. Anyone can
be hit by any problem
-When there is a crisis for journalists that is a good product- when there is an issue
more people watch the media so for them that issues is a news products.
-Media tends to build this them and us mentality

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