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Solar power and application methods

Research January 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3329.5447


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Mukrimin Sevket Gney

Giresun University


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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57 (2016) 776785

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Solar power and application methods

Mukrimin Sevket Guney
Energy Systems Engineering/Giresun University, Muhendislik Fakultesi, Gre Yerleskesi, 28200 Giresun, Turkiye

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Solar energy conversion and its application methods varies in wide range from passive solar to heat
Received 28 September 2015 building to complex concentrated form to generate electricity. It is crucial to know these structures in
Received in revised form detail and to classify them in methodical order. The constituent mechanism of primary energy sources
14 December 2015
have been briey mentioned. Hereafter the classication of renewable energies, various application
Accepted 15 December 2015
methods of solar power, the amount of solar energy falling on the earth, the main effects created by solar
energy, and energy conversion methods, inclusively concentrated solar power, have been discussed.
Keywords: & 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Solar power
Application methods


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
2. Classication of renewable and solar energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
3. Solar radiation on the Earth surface, and the conversion methods of solar energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
3.1. Photovoltaic energy conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778
3.2. Thermal conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778
4. Concentrating solar power (CSP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778
4.1. Linear concentrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
4.1.1. Linear Fresnel collectors system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
4.1.2. Parabolic trough systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
4.2. Dish engine system (Paraboloidal mirrors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
4.3. Central receiver concentrator (power tower system). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
4.4. Thermal storage system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
4.4.1. Two tank direct system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
4.4.2. Two tank indirect system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
4.4.3. Single-tank thermocline system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
4.4.4. Thermal storage system with phase change material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784

1. Introduction energy efciency are gaining importance because of the rapid

decline of fossil fuels and their negative effects on the environ-
The rapid increase in the world population and evolving con- ment. They are among strived topics for investigations today [1,2].
sumer habits can be enumerated among the main reasons of The sun's contribution to our energy needs is substantial. Its
increasing energy requirement and electricity consumption availability far exceeds any conceivable future energy demands [3].
nowadays. The boost in the use of clean and renewable energy Exploiting the sun's power includes some challenges [4]. Harnes-
sources, generating electricity from renewable, and improving
sing these for electricity depends on the cost and efciency of the
technology which is constantly improving and reducing costs per
E-mail address: peak kilowatt. Utilizing electricity from solar in a grid requires
1364-0321/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.S. Guney / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57 (2016) 776785 777

some back-up generating capacity due to their intermittent nature (photovoltaic), and photo physically (photosynthesis) [13]. The
[5]. renewable solar energy is subdivided into direct and indirect types
The sun creates its energy through a thermonuclear process [9,13]. Most energy sources on Earth are forms of indirect solar
that converts about 650,000,000 t of hydrogen to helium every energy [13]. On the directly used systems, the solar energy can be
second. The process creates heat and electromagnetic radiation. captured to generate electricity or heat through a system of panels
The heat remains in the sun and is instrumental in maintaining the or mirrors. Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly into elec-
thermonuclear reaction. The electromagnetic radiation (including tricity. Solar thermal collectors use heat-absorbing panels and a
visible light, infra-red light, and ultra-violet radiation) streams out series of attached circulation tubes to heat water or buildings.
into space in all directions. Only a very small fraction of the total Solar concentration systems use mirrors (parabolic troughs, a large
radiation of the sun produced reaches the Earth. The radiation that round dish, or Fresnel lenses) to focus the suns reected rays on a
does reach the Earth is the indirect source of nearly every type of heat collecting element [14]. The concentrated sunlight heats
energy used today [6]. water or a heat transferring uid such as molten salt to generate
Energy is the power and ability to be physically and mentally steam, which is then used conventionally to spin turbines and
active [7]. There are ve ultimate primary sources of useful energy. generate electricity. Manipulating the solar energy to our
demands, without changing them to electrical power is known as
Solar (radiant) energy. passive methods. It is possible to effectively harness natural solar
The motion and gravitational potential of the Sun, Moon, radiation by proper using windows, skylights, and sunrooms,
and Earth. building site and orientation, and thermal construction materials
Chemical energy (combustion process) from mineral resources. [15]. A well-designed passive solar home rst reduces heating and
Geothermal energy from cooling, chemical reaction and radio- cooling loads through energy-efciency strategies and then meets
active decay in the Earth. those reduced loads in whole or part with solar energy [16].
Human-induced nuclear reactions [8].

Solar radiation is the main factor for several natural motions 3. Solar radiation on the Earth surface, and the conversion
(wind, wave, heat, light, etc.) [9]. The effective and competitive methods of solar energy
conversion of these motions into electricity, which is the most
useful form and can be easily turned to the other forms of energy, Solar radiation reaches the Earth's surface at a maximum ux
is an intensively researched subject. The energy in sunlight is density of about 1.0 kW/m2 in a wavelength band between 0.3 and
introduced into the biosphere by a process known as photo- 2.5 m. This is short wave radiation in visible spectrum. For
synthesis, which occurs in plants, algae and some types of bacteria inhabitant areas, this ux varies from about 3 to 30 MJ/m2day,
[10]. Temperature differences occurring due to dissimilar heat depending on place, time and weather conditions [17]. Designing a
absorbing properties of various materials between areas, produ- system for solar energy conversion into thermal energy or elec-
cing wind, which can drive wind turbines. Water evaporates tricity is based on accurate assessment of the solar radiation in the
because of the sun shine heat effect, raises on high elevations, and given location and on the knowledge of solar radiation properties.
as rain falls to earth, which is routable for spinning hydroelectric Average distance between The Sun and the Earth is 1.5  1011 m.
turbines. Moreover, the sun shine energy can be used to directly The solar core, with a radius of about 0.23 R is a thermonuclear
generate heat, lighting, and electricity. Chemical energy is stored fusion reactor. Its temperature is estimated at (840)  106 K. At a
in the structures of compounds and released when their structures distance of 0.7 R from the Sun core, the temperature falls to
are changed. Thermal energy increases the motion of atoms and 130,000 K. The area between 0.7 and 1.0 R is called the convection
molecules, thus it provides the mechanism of heat transfer and zone. The temperature falls to 5000 K at the surface [18].
phase changes (heating water in order to produce steam). There The Sun is the main source of energy that denes the climate
are many different classications of energy resources. For the on the Earth. Theoretical potential of solar energy is estimated
beginning phase, it seems plausible to make a topic-related clas- 89,000 TW. Every square meter of the outer covering of the
sication of energy sources from the viewpoint of sustainability, atmosphere receives 342 W, of which 31% or 106 W is immediately
such as exhaustible (depletable), and renewable (non-depletable). reected into the space by the clouds, the atmosphere and the
Renewability or non-renewability of a solar driven process is dis- land surface. The rest, i.e. 236 W/m2, is absorbed by the land,
tinguished based on the energy storage or cycling time involved. ocean surface water and partially by the atmosphere, warming
Renewable resources have a cycling time less than 100 years, while them [18].
for non-renewable resources; it is greater than a million years [11]. Three conversion processes are normally associated with the

2. Classication of renewable and solar energy Heliochemical, which is principally the photosynthesis process.
Helioelectrical, which is commonly exploited in solar cells
Natural renewable resources may be divided into two types. (photovoltaic).
The rst category comprises of renewable resources, such as sh Heliothermal, which is a conversion of sunlight into thermal
and forests. The second category is the renewable resources which heat as employed within concentrating solar power (CSP) plants
depend on sunshine directly such as water [potential (water vapor [19].
density is smaller (lighter) than atmospheric air-buoyancy force),
kinetic (marine current)], wind, or the motion and gravitational All routes for utilizing solar energy exploit the functional steps
potential of the Sun, Moon, and Earth such as tide. Moreover, both of capture, conversion, and storage [20]. Solar energy can be
the categories may be divided as critical and non-critical zone converted generally in two ways commercial purposes:
resources [9].
Renewable energy may be divided into categories such as wind By using the photovoltaic effect (directly convert solar energy
power, solar energy, geothermal energy, ocean energy, hydro- into electricity).
power, and biomass-waste energy [12]. Sunshine ux can be used By thermal conversion (hot water production, drying of agri-
thermally (for heat engine or process heating), photo chemically cultural products, and residential space heating, or electricity
778 M.S. Guney / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57 (2016) 776785

production) [18]. The most commonly used solar technologies Table 1

for homes and businesses are solar water heating, passive solar Materials comparison for PV cells.
design for space heating and cooling, and solar photovoltaic for
Solar cell material Crystalline Polycrystalline Amorphous
electricity. Businesses and industry use these technologies to silicon silicon silicon
diversify their energy sources, and to improve efciency. Solar
photovoltaic (inclusive concentrated form of photovoltaic) and Power conversion 1522 1415 710
other concentrating solar power technologies are also being efciency %

used by developers and utilities to produce electricity on a

massive scale to power cities and small towns [21].

3.1. Photovoltaic energy conversion

Solar or photovoltaic (PV) cells convert sunlight directly into

electricity. PV can transform both direct and indirect solar radia-
tion into electric power [22]. Conversion of solar energy into
electricity through PV cells is achieved at different efciency rat-
ings varying between 7% and 40% and determined primarily by the
type of semiconductor material from which the cells are manu-
factured [2325].
Most photovoltaic cells are made primarily of silicon. When
sunlight hits a cell, the energy knocks electrons free of their atoms,
allowing them to ow through the material. The resulting DC Fig. 1. Solar thermal system with greenhouse effect and air pressure difference
electricity is then sent to a power inverter for conversion to AC [12].
electricity, which is the form in which electric power is delivered
to homes and businesses [9]. There are three kind of silicon thermal construction materials to heat and light buildings, or to
materials for PV cells; crystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon and heat water, the natural way [33].
amorphous silicon The PV conversion efciency based on three Solar thermal energy conversion systems by combining the
types of photovoltaic materials are shown in Table 1 [18]. As greenhouse effect and air pressure difference may be used for
another PV modules can be enumerated cadmium telluride and electricity production from sunshine. The principle schema of the
copper indium gallium selenide [26]. system is shown in Fig. 1. That consists of a turbine included solar
High concentration photovoltaic (HCPV) systems use optical tower with combination of solar collector. This solar thermal
devices (lenses or mirrors) to concentrate the solar radiation onto plants use the combination of solar collector greenhouse effect
small solar cells [27]. Some semiconductor materials manufacturer and the pressure difference in the tower for generating convective
for the electronics and energy sector announced its newest con- air currents that drive the turbine to produce electricity. The main
centrated photovoltaic (CPV) solar module featuring a record components of the system are air collector, tower and the wind
power-generating efciency of 31.8% [28]. turbine. It is destined for power scale applications 4100 MW [19].
Some other manufacturer uses multi-junction solar cells in An additional support fan with air ow regulation mechanism can
which different types of solar cells are stacked on top of one be easily provided to the system in order to minimize the inu-
another. Each cell type is designed to convert a certain range of the ence of variations in solar radiation towards improving the per-
solar spectrum: short wave radiation, medium wave radiation and formance coefcient of the system. Another option for electricity
infrared. The energy yield and the potential of these high- production from sunshine is concentrating solar power, which is
efciency cells are enormous. In the lab, an efciency of 44.7% detailed presented in the next section.
has been achieved [29].
It is possible to combine PV technology with solar thermal
system. The result is known as a concentrated photovoltaic ther- 4. Concentrating solar power (CSP)
mal (CPVT). Several CPVT systems have been designed, studied,
and demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally in the Many power plants today use fossil fuels as a heat source to boil
literature. The results of these studies and demonstrations show water. The steam from the boiling water spins a large turbine,
that CPVT systems hold very high potential for market penetration which drives a generator to produce electricity [34,35]. However, a
in the energy sector due to their unique features [30,31]. new generation of power plants with concentrating solar power
systems uses the sun as a heat source [34]. Concentrating solar
3.2. Thermal conversion power Technologies use mirrors to reect and concentrate sun-
light onto receivers that collect solar energy and convert it to heat.
Thermal conversion methods may be classied into three This thermal energy can then be used to produce electricity via a
categories such as for heating, lighting, and electricity production. steam turbine or heat engine that drives generator [36]. Solar
If the solar heat is collected in a uid, usually in water or air, which energy falling on a large reective surface is reected onto a
is then moved by pumps or fans for use, the solar system is said to smaller area before it is converted into heat. This is done so that
be active. If the insolation is absorbed and utilized without sig- the surface absorbing the concentrated energy is smaller than the
nicant mechanical pumping and blowing, the solar system is said surface capturing the energy and therefore can attain higher
to be passive [32]. temperatures before heat loss due to radiation and convection
Any black surface exposed to beams, called absorbing surface, wastes the energy that has been collected [37].
transforms solar energy into heat. This absorbing surface is the Operation of solar concentrators is based on reection and
simplest example of direct converter of solar radiation into ther- refraction of light. If a surface is not rough or the linear sizes of a
mal energy [19]. Passive solar design is the creative use of win- surface are much smaller than the wavelength of an incident light
dows, skylights and sunrooms, building site and orientation, and beam, this surface reects. Surface reection capacity is
M.S. Guney / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57 (2016) 776785 779

Fig. 2. Three commonly used reecting schemes for CSP to attain high temperatures.

Fig. 3. Linear Fresnel reector and system conguration.

characterized by the reectance factor. Galvanized silver has the collects solar energy and converts it into high-temperature heat,
highest reectance factor of 0.96. The solar energy concentrator and another that converts the heat energy to electricity [42].
composed of three main components; the reector that receives
Sunlight and directs in to the focus point; the receiver, located in 4.1. Linear concentrator
the focus point and that turns Sunlight into heat; Sun position
tracking system [18]. Linear concentrating solar power (CSP) collectors capture the
Three types of solar concentrators are in common use: Linear sun's energy with large mirrors that reect and focus the sunlight
concentrator (Fresnel lenses, parabolic troughs), parabolic dishes, onto a linear receiver tube [43,44]. The receiver contains a uid
and central receivers (power tower), Fig. 2 [18,38]. The worldwide that is heated by the sunlight and then used to create superheated
CSP installed capacity has experienced a great expansion due to steam that spins a turbine which drives a generator to produce
the application of incentive mechanisms. Specically, during the electricity. Alternatively, steam can be generated directly in the
ve-year period 20082013 the CSP installed capacity around the solar eld, which eliminates the need for costly heat exchangers.
world increased near 50% per year on average [39,40]. Thermal Linear concentrating collector elds consist of a large number of
storage system also can be added into the CSP classication as a collectors in parallel rows that are typically aligned in a north-
fourth group [41]. CSP system uses steam turbine cycle for elec- south orientation to maximize annual and summer energy col-
tricity production. The plants consist of two parts: one that lection. With a single-axis sun-tracking system, this conguration
780 M.S. Guney / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57 (2016) 776785

enables the mirrors to track the sun from east to west during the maintain during cloudy weather and night time to generate
day, which ensures that the sun reects continuously onto the additional steam to produce electricity [18].
receiver tubes [43,44]. Linear concentrator can be subdivided into
two groups such as parabolic trough and linear Fresnel reector 4.2. Dish engine system (Paraboloidal mirrors)
Dish/engine systems use a parabolic dish of mirrors to direct
4.1.1. Linear Fresnel collectors system and concentrate sunlight onto a central engine that produces
They are modular, i.e. in order to generate a given nominal electricity. The two major parts of the system are the solar con-
power the same module can be installed multiple times in parallel centrator and the power conversion unit. This produces relatively
[45]. Linear Fresnel reector (LFR) presents more degrees of free- small amounts of electricity compared to other CSP technologies.
dom in the geometry denition and the materials to be used [46]. The system details are shown in Fig. 5 [42,44].
LFR is a unit composed of several concentric lenses which func- The solar concentrator, or dish, gathers the solar energy coming
tions as an integral lens. Material and mass costs of a Fresnel lens directly from the sun. The resulting beam of concentrated sunlight
are much smaller than those of a conventional one. Parallel light is reected onto a thermal receiver that collects the solar heat. The
ux concentrates in focus point F (Fig. 3) [18]. dish is mounted on a structure that tracks the sun continuously
This system consists of at or slightly curved mirrors mounted throughout the day to reect the highest percentage of sunlight
on trackers on the ground are congured to reect sunlight onto a possible onto the thermal receiver [49]. Concentrator of this type
receiver tube xed in space above the mirrors. A small parabolic is used for melting and obtaining of most pure metals in ground
mirror is sometimes added stop the receiver to further focus the conditions or for electricity generation. Stirling or Brayton heat
sunlight. The structure of Fresnel lenses and principal system engines are usually used as heat engine. This system is suitable for
schematic are shown in Fig. 3 [18,44,47,48]. Moreover, Fresnel type relative small capacities up to 50 kW [18].
concentrators are used in the photovoltaic technology [18].
Current designs for the linear solar Fresnel system heat water 4.3. Central receiver concentrator (power tower system)
to produce steam at 545 F in the absorber tubes. The steam is
used directly to drive a turbine in a standard Rankine cycle to In power tower concentrating solar power systems, numerous
produce electricity, avoiding the need for a heat exchanger to large, at, sun-tracking mirrors, known as heliostats, focus sunlight
produce steam from some other high temperature uids [49]. onto a receiver at the top of a tall tower. A heat-transfer uid
heated in the receiver is used to generate steam, which, in turn, is
4.1.2. Parabolic trough systems used in a conventional turbine generator to produce electricity.
The system consists of three groups of equipments, such as Individual commercial plants can be sized to produce up to
parabolic trough mirrors, absorber tubes, and high temperature 200 MW of electricity. The system is schematically shown in Fig. 6
uids with heat exchanging and circulation mechanism. In such a [53].
system, the receiver tube is positioned along the focal line of each The system uses either water or molten nitrate salt. The heat
parabolic-shaped reector (Fig. 4) [42]. The solar eld consists of a transfer uid (HTF) is circulated through the receiver and is heated
parabolic trough collector which is located on a structure that to temperatures over 500 C. The heated high temperature uids is
allows a two axis tracking [50]. then sent to a heat exchanger where water is turned into steam,
The parabolic-shaped mirrors are constructed by forming a which then drives a turbine generator [5355].
sheet of reective material into a parabolic shape [51]. The
absorber tube is xed to the mirror structure. The heated uid 4.4. Thermal storage system
(either a heat-transfer uid or directly water/steam) ows into the
absorber tubes through the eld of solar mirrors in order to supply Thermal energy storage provides a workable solution to the
of process heat or to the turbine. Parabolic trough system are reduced or curtailed energy production when the sun sets or is
modular, scalable and in wide use since 30 years [18]. blocked by clouds. In a concentrating solar power (CSP) system,
The parabolic trough system is possible to generate over the sun's shines are reected onto a receiver, which creates heat
100 MW [52]. The system may incorporate and connect to thermal that is used to generate electricity. If the receiver contains oil or
storage. In application, the collector eld can get oversized to molten salt as the heat-transfer medium, then the thermal energy
create a heat storage system which is sufcient and is able to can be stored for later use [56].

Fig. 4. Parabolic trough system.

M.S. Guney / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57 (2016) 776785 781

Fig. 5. Dish/engine system and conguration.

temperature and the other at low temperature. Fluid from the low-
temperature tank ows through the solar collector or receiver, where
solar energy heats it to a high temperature and it then ows to the
high-temperature tank for storage. Fluid from the high-temperature
tank ows through a heat exchanger, where it generates steam for
electricity production. The uid exits the heat exchanger at a low
temperature and returns to the low-temperature tank. Two-tank
direct storage was used in early parabolic trough power plants
which used mineral oil and molten salt as the heat-transfer and
storage uid [55]. To achieve a higher operating temperature and
hence a higher efciency, the two-tank direct was no longer
suitable (Fig. 8) [59].

4.4.2. Two tank indirect system

Two-tank indirect systems function in the same way as two-
tank direct systems [56]. The subsequently developed two-tank
Fig. 6. Power tower system conguration.
indirect storage system has not only a HTF but also a storage uid
(SF) and an extra heat exchanger [58]. This system is used in plants
Fig. 7 shows the basic integration of thermal energy storage
in which the heat-transfer uid is too expensive or not suited for
(TES) technology in a typical concentrating solar power (CSP)
use as the storage uid [56]. The storage uid coming out of the
plant. When the sun sets, or there is a cloud cover, the ow of HTF
low-temperature tank absorbs the heat energy of the high-
through the TES system can be reversed and the TES system will temperature HTF in the extra heat exchanger. The now high-
heat the HTF to provide energy to the steam generator. In this way, temperature SF ows back to a high-temperature storage tank and
the TES system can maintain steam generation for several hours the now low-temperature HTF moves on to the solar collector to
after sunset, and provide power on demand if the TES system is start the power cycle again [58]. Storage uid from the high-
sized accordingly [57]. Thermal storage system can be divided into temperature tank is used to generate steam in the same manner as
three categories such as the two-tank direct system, two-tank the two-tank direct system. The plants will use organic oil as the
indirect system, and single-tank thermocline system [56]. Phase heat-transfer uid and molten salt as the storage uid [56]. The
change material category may be added to this classication [58]. system is schematically shown in Fig. 9 [59].
Despite the extra cost resulting from a second heat exchanger and
4.4.1. Two tank direct system smaller temperature difference between the two tanks, the two-tank
Solar thermal energy in this system is stored in the same uid indirect system with molten salt as the SF is still dominant in most of
used to collect it. The uid is stored in two tanksone at high the parabolic trough power plants (PTPPs) around the world [58].
782 M.S. Guney / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57 (2016) 776785

Fig. 7. Schematic of parabolic trough power plant with a thermal storage system.

Fig. 8. Two-tank sensible heat storage.

Fig. 9. Two tank indirect system.

M.S. Guney / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57 (2016) 776785 783

4.4.3. Single-tank thermocline system sand located in a single tank instead of a storage uid [56,58].
A single tank system called thermocline has been used to fur- High-temperature heat-transfer uid ows into the top of the
ther reduce the cost of the storage uid and the storage tanks by thermocline and exits the bottom at low temperature [56]. It
researchers. In thermocline system, thermal energy is stored in a creates two different temperature regions from high to low [58].
tank made of solid storage medium commonly concrete or silica- The hot- and cold-temperature regions are separated by a tem-
perature gradient or thermocline [56,58]. This process moves the
thermocline downward and adds thermal energy to the system for
storage. Reversing the ow moves the thermocline upward and
removes thermal energy from the system to generate steam and
electricity. Buoyancy effects create thermal stratication of the
uid within the tank, which helps to stabilize and maintain the
thermocline. Using a solid storage medium and only needing one
tank reduces the cost of this system relative to two-tank systems
[56]. The system is schematically shown in Fig. 10 [58].

4.4.4. Thermal storage system with phase change material

Solar-thermal energy can be stored in the form of latent heat by
using a suitable phase change material (PCM). This offers a higher
heat storage capacity per volume/mass and a higher temperature
stability of stored hot water. Phase change material (PCM) absorbs
heat during its phase change cycle from solid to liquid during the
daytime solar cycle. The amount of heat that a tank of water can
absorb is much higher with the presence of phase change material
Fig. 11 [60]. Phase change material can be divided into three
categories such as Inorganic (hydrated salt solution made from
natural salts with water), Bio-based (naturally existing fatty acids
such as vegetable oil), and Organic PCM (naturally existing pet-
roleum bi-products) [61]. By latent heat storage where energy is
Fig. 10. Thermocline system. stored by altering the physical state of the storage medium, which

Fig. 11. Thermal storage with phase change material.

Fig. 12. An hybrid application of phase change material.

784 M.S. Guney / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57 (2016) 776785

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