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7, 187-193 (1992)

Chiral Compounds of Essential Oils. Part XI. Simultaneous

Stereoanalysis of Lauandula Oil Constituents
Peter Kreis and Armin Mosandl
Imtitut fur Lebensmiltekhemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe- Universitat, Robert-Mayer-Strasse 7-9, 0-6000 FrankjurtlMain I I,

Enantioselective multidimensional gas chromatography using the column combination Carbowax 20 M/heptakis-
(2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-0-tert-butyldimethylsilyl~~-cyclodextrin in OV 1701-vinyl allows the simultaneous stereodifferen-
tiation of trans- and cis-linalol oxides (furanoid), camphor, octan-3-01, oct-1-en-3-01, linalyl acetate, lavandulol,
terpinen-4-01 and linalol. The method is applied to commercially available as well as self-prepared essential oils of
Lauandula species. Chirality evaluation is discussed in view of quality assessment of these essential oils.

KEY WORDS Enantiomeric separation of essential oil compounds

Enantioselective multidimensional gas chromatography trans/&-Linalol oxides (furanoid)
Camphor Octan-3-01 Oct-1-en-3-01 Linalyl acetate Lavandulol Terpinen-4-01 Linalol
Direct and simultaneous stereoanalysis Genuineness of essential oils Quality assessment
Lauandula oils Perfume oils

INTRODUCTION and linalol (17,18), the characteristic chiral com-

pounds of the essential oils from Lauandula species.
Since early antiquity, spices and resins from natural
sources have been used extensively for perfumery
and flavour purposes.' As pleasant odours enhance
the enjoyment of well-being, nowadays, the cus- EXPERIMENTAL
tomers pay close attention to the naturalness of
aroma in foods and beverages. Column Preparation and Coating
The demand for genuine flavourings and essen-
tial oils is continuously increasing worldwide, but Column preparation and coating was according
natural resources are rather limited. Against this to Reference 8.
background legal regulations order the differentia-
tion of natural and non-natural substances and Instrumental ion
efficient tools in the authenticity control of flavours
and fragrances are needed.* Chirality evaluation of
essential oil compounds has been introduced as 1. Capillary Gas Chromatography (One-dimen-
new and substantial indicators of sional). Perkin-Elmer G C F 22 with a Gerstel PAS
and have been adopted into quality assurance by 1 injector system (Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer &
the flavour and fragrance industry.' Co GmbH, D-7770 uberlingen, FRG; Gerstel, D-
This paper presents new and powerful tools, 4330 Miilheim a.d. Ruhr, FRG).
which allow the simultaneous determination of the Injector temperature: 180C; detector: FID,
enantiomeric distribution of trans (1,2), and cis 190C; injection mode: split 1 :50; injection vol-
(3,4)-linalol oxide (furanoid), camphor (5,8), octan- ume: 1.0 p1 essential oil sample (0.5% in n-pen-
3-01 (6,7), oct- 1-en-3-ol (9,10), linalyl acetate tane); column: Duran glass capillary, 2 6 m x
(1 1,12), lavandulol (13,14), terpinen-4-01 (15,16) 0.23 mm id., 0.25 p n film thickness; coated with a
Dedicated to Drs W. Jennings and R. Teranishi on the occasion of their 70th birthdays.

0882 - S734/92/O40187-07$08.50 Received 2 April 1992

c)1992 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepied I M a y 1992

solution (0.4%) of heptakis(2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-O- ides (furanoid) (Roth, Karlsruhe); octan-3-01 (Al-

rerf-butyldimethylsily1)-fl-cyclodextrin(50%) and drich, Steinheim); oct- l-en-3-01 (Aldrich,
OV- 1701-vinyl (50 ?A), in n-pentane/dichlorometh- Steinheim); lavandulol (Roth, Karlsruhe).
ane ( 1 : I , v/v), according to Reference 22; carrier
gas: H 2 95 kPa; temperature programme: 60C +
Optically Active References. (4S)( )-Terpinen-4-
(18 rnin isothermal) lC/min + 120C; 10C/ 01 (Aldrich, Steinheim); (IS)( -)-camphor (Aldrich,
min + 200C. Steinheim); ( I R)( +)-camphor (Aldrich, Stein-
2. Multidiniensional Gas Chromatography
( MDGC). Siemens Sichromat 2 double-oven sys- (3R) ( - )-Linalol, (3R) ( - )-Linalyl acetate.
tem with two independent temperature controls, Isolated from authentic lavender oils using TLC:
two flame ionization detectors and a 'live switch- plates: silica gel 60, 0.25 mm, 20 x 20 cm (Merck
ing' coupling piece ('live-T-piece'; Siemens AG, D-5721); eluent: toluene/ethyl acetate (97:3, v/v);
7500 Karlsruhe 21, FRG). Injector temperature: detection : vanillin/phosphoric acid or anise alde-
I80 'C: detector temperature: 190C each; injectionhyde/sulphuric acid.
mode: split; injection volume: 0.2 p1 neat essential 5 p1 of authentic lavender oils giving 50 p1 sol-
oil: sample back flush after 20 min. ution (10% in dichloromethane) are developed by
TLC. The fractions of interest are isolated by
scratching out the corresponding zones (linalol,
Prrcolimzn Rf = 0.28-036; linalyl acetate, Rf: 0.63-0.70) and
SupelcowaxTM10 (Carbowax 20 M, chemically eluating the silica gel with 200-500 p1 n-pentane.
bonded) 30 m x 0.32 mm i.d., 0.25 pm film thick-
ness. Carrier gas: H, 135 kPa; temperature pro- ( R ) ( -)-Lauandulol. Isolated from authentic la-
gramme: 8 0 T (2 min isothermal) 3"C/min + vandin oil, according to Reference 10; the fraction
140 C. of primary alcohols received, also contains high
amounts of geraniol and nerol besides (R)(-)-
Main Column lavandulol (13).13 is isolated by enantioselective
MDGC and structurally assigned by MS-detection.
See 'Capillary gas chromatography (one-dimen- trans/cis-Linalol oxides (furanoid). Structure
sional)'. Carrier gas: H, 95 kPa; temperature pro- elucidation of the stereoisomers according to Refer-
gramme: 60'C (32 rnin isothermal) l"C/min + ence 1 1. 3-Octanol and 1-octen-3-01 enantiomers,
100C. referring to the literature.'2*'3Reference mass spec-
tral data for all compounds investigated taken from
H e m Cutting Reference 14.
The chronological order of the 'heart cuts' was
as follows, with the cut times (min) adapted to the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
amounts of the substances: octan-3-01 (6,7):
7.50-7.60; trans-linalol oxide (1,2):8.93-9.03; oct- The present situation in the field of flavours and
I-en-3-01 (9.10): 9.10-9.20; cis-linalol oxide (3,4): fragrances is characterized by (i) continuously in-
9.75-9.85; camphor (5,8): 11.10-1 1.15; linalol creasing demands for high quality and genuine
(17,18): 12.615-12.62; linalyl acetate (11,12): materials, (ii) rather limited natural resources, and
13.10-13.1 1; terpinen-4-01 (15,16): 14.18-14.25; la- (iii) large-scale processes for many important essen-
vandulol (13J4):16.98-17.08. tial oil constituents.
So, highly selective analytical methods exposing
the fraudulent addition of synthetic chemicals to
Reference Compounds
essential oils are needed.
The order of elution was assigned by using For many years the adulteration of lavender
racemates, including enantiomerically pure or en- oils by means of synthetic linalol and/or linalyl
riched references. acetate has been easily revealed, by detecting the
synthetic by-products dihydrolinalol and/or
Racx~matps.Linalol (Aldrich, Steinheim); linalyl dehydrolinalol.' '*16 But this detection fails, if un-
acetate (Merck, Darmstadt); trans-/cis-linalol ox- natural by-products are not present.

Recently, chirality evaluation of linalyl acetate 11 4

and linalol have been introduced as new and sub-
stantial criteria in control of the authenticity of
lavender 7--20 In particular, genuine linalyl
acetate from such oils has high enantiomeric purity
favouring the (R)-configuration, irrespective of the
Lmandula species, and storage or work-up
Developing 2,3-di-O-acylated-6-O-silylated
cyclodextrins2'*22as a new generation of chiral
stationary phases in enantioselectiveCGC, most of
chiral impact compounds of rose oil, geranium or
Laoandufa oils are now stereoanalysed simul-
taneously.2 z I
Already one-dimensionalchirospecificCGC may
serve as an orientating aid in the direct stereoanaly- I
sis of the main constituents of lavender oils (Figure
l), if structurally selective MS-detection is avail- 10 20 30 40 50 60 min-
able. As outlined in Figure 2 the falsification of a
commercially available sample is easily detected Fig. 2. Commercially available sample 'Oleum Lavandulae
even by simple injection of the diluted oil, indicat- DAB 9, Mont Blanc 38-40%', adulterated by the addition of
racemic linalyl acetate (11,12) and racemic linalol (17J8); for
ing racemates of linalyl acetate (1132) and linalol conditions, see Figure 1
(17,lS). But with respect to the authenticity control
of Luoandula oils the simultaneous stereoanalysis of
1-18 is of considerable interest. Using enantioselective MDGC and the column
combination Carbowax 20 M/heptakis(2,3-di-O-
the enantiomeric pairs of trans (1,2) and cis (3,4)-
linalol oxides (furanoid), camphor (5,8), octan-3-01
(6,7), oct-l-en-3-01 (9,10), linalyl acetate (11,12),
lavandulol(13,14), terpinen-4-01(15,16) and linalol

10 20 30 40 50 60 min'

Fig. 1. One-dimensional stereodifferentiationof linalyl acetate

(11,12) and linalol(17,18) from an authentic lavender oil sample
(Provence, France). (RX->linalyl acetate (II), (R)(->linalol
(17) of high enantiomeric purity (>96%); for conditions, see 13,14 15,16 17,18
'Experimental' section; sample kindly provided by ASTA Me-
dica, Frankfurt/Main Scheme 1.

- 16



b 30 40 50 60 min
0 5 10 15

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Simultaneousstereoanalysis of Lovundulu oil constituents, using enantioselective MDGC (standard mixture). (a) Presepara-
tion of racemic compounds; unresolved enantiomericpairs of octan-3-01(6,7), trans-linalol oxide (1,2), oct-len-3-01(9,10), cis-linalol
oxide (3.4). camphor (5,8), linalol (17.18). linalyl acetate (11,12), terpinen-4-01 (15,16), lavandulol (13.14); for conditions, see
Experimentalsection, MDGC. (b) Chiral resolution of enantiomericpairs, transferred from the precolumn:trans-linalol oxide: 1
(2S, SS), 2 (ZR, SR); cis-linalol oxide: 3 (ZR, 5S), 4 (2S, 5R); camphor: 5 (lS), 8 (1R); octan-3-01:6 (R), 7 (S); oct-l-en-3-01:9 (S), 10
( R ) ; linalyl acetate: 11 ( R ) , 12 (S); lavandulol: 13 ( R ) , 14 (S); terpinen-4-01: 15 (R), 16 (S); linalol: 17 ( R ) , 18 (9;
for conditions, see
Experimentalsection, MDGC

(17,18) are analysed by a single chromatographic stability of linalol may be interfered, (S)( +) linalol
run without any preseparation (Figure 3). in amounts up to 15% may be formed during
Referring to the extremely different concentra- unusual and extremely prolonged times of hydro-
tions of these constituents in genuine essential oils distillation (> 1.5 h),23-24 higher amounts of
the chromatographic selectivity is optimized by (SX + >linalol(l8) ( > 15%) have to be interpreted
adjusting the cut-intervals with the amount of the as a blend with synthetic racemate (Figure 6). The
chiial compound to be analysed (cut-intervals, Ex- sample investigated in Figure 6 also contains high
perimental section). amounts of racemic linalyl acetate (1132). In com-
It remains essential to put a lot of care into parison to the genuine samples in Figures 4 and 5
optimum chromatographic conditions, to avoid the adulterated oil of Figure 6 shows a significant
unsuccessful cuts and misinterpretations of coelut- decrease in the content of linalol oxides (1-4) and in
ing compounds respectively. the amount of the characteristic fingerprint of
( R ) ( - )-Linalyl acetate (11) has already been hydrocarbons (see Precolumn chromatogram,
described as the genuine main component of la- 2-5 min).
vander oils (Figures 4 and 5). Even if 11 is hydro- Owing to its musty odour ( + )-camphor (8), a
lysed in considerable amounts during prolonged genuine minor compound of lavender oils has to be
procedures of hydrodistillation, the absolute con- interpreted as a quality-limiting factor. So, a fraud-
figuration of the ester remains unchanged to be a ulent blend of lavender oils by means of racemic
reliable indicator of genuineness. Besides (RX -)- camphor seems to be irrelevant. Higher amounts of
linalyl acetate (11) its corresponding alcohol linalol camphor (and of the non-chiral compound 1,8-
has been identified from self-prepared diethyl ether cineole) are characteristic of lavandin oils (Figure
extracts and steam distillation of Lauandulu species 5)
and spices, also preferring the (R)-configuration As (+)-camphor (8) coelutes with (S)-oct-1-en-3-
(17; > 95 %) (Figures 4 and 5). Although the chiral 01 (9) Figures 4(C)-6(C) show enantioselective

1.8 -Cinwla B



0 5 10 15
. 30 40 50
60 mi; 2O 30 40 SO 80 min-

Fig. 4. Enantioselective MDGC of an authentical lavender oil sample (Provence, France; see Figure l), indicating genuine chiral

compounds of high ee-values. A: precolumn, B: main column separation, including stereoanalysis of camphor (5,8), C: stereoanalysis
without camphor transfer, indicating the absence of (a + )-oct-l-en-3-01(9); for conditions, see Figure 3


[ 3 .

0 I 10 15
. 30 40 50 wmin
20 30 40 50 80 min .
Fig. 5. Enantioselective MDGC of Lovandula mgusr. x lauandula IariJ; high amounts of 1.8-cineole and camphor (8); further
conditions, see Figures 3 and 4. Sample provided by courtesy of ASTA Medica, Frankfurt/Main

analyses, camphor excluded; compared with the preted as characteristic and genuine chiral constitu-
stereoanalyses of Figures 5(B) and 6(B), (1R)-( +)- ents of Luvandula oils with high enantiomeric
camphor (8) is detected with high enantiomeric purities. Further enantiomeric distributions are
purity. But in the case of an authentic lavender oil outlined in Table 1.
higher amounts of (1s)-camphor (5) are detected Finally, it is interesting to note that the enantio-
(Figure 4). At the present time, a final explanation meric distributions of linalol oxides (furanoid) do
of this fact cannot be given and systematic investi- not strictly correlate with the enantiomeric ratios of
gations on the stereoanalysisof camphor (5,8) from linalol which should be considered as their genuine
authentic Luvandulu oils are in hand. Furthermore, precursor. At the present state of knowledge a
(SX +)-octan-3-01 (7 (>95 %), (RX - )-oct-l-en-3- definitive explanation for this phenomenon cannot
01 (10) (>99%), (RX->lavandulol (13)25*26as be given.
well as (SX+)-terpinen4ol (16) may be inter-

8 1' I2 11 1


1111 n f3 II
Fig. 6. Simultaneous stereoanalysis of a commercially available sample of 'Oleum Lavandulae DAB 9, Bareme 50-52%',
adulterated by the addition of racemic linalyl acetate (11,12) and racemic linalol (17.18); content of linalol oxides (1-4) decreased;
amount of genuine (lavandin) oil: I5 % (approximately)

Table I. Enantiomeric distributions of stereoisomers, investigated from authentic samples of Laoandub oils; for conditions, see
'Experimental' section. Samples kindly provided by Ministere de I'Agriculture, Nyons, France (samples 1-11) and by ASTA
Media AG, Frankfurt/Main (samples 12 and 13)

trans-Linalol cis-Linalol Linalyl Lavandulol Terpinen-4-01 Linalol

oxide oxide acetate
Sample (2s.5s) (2R.5R) (2R.5s) (2s.5R) (R) (S) (R) (S) (R) (S) (R) (S)
no. 1 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8

I 13.6 86.4 88.5 11.5 >99 93.2 6.8 - - 97.4 2.6

2 - - - - >99 98.5 1.5 2.2 97.8 94.5 5.5
3 11.4 88.6 86.0 14.0 >99 98.0 2.0 - - 96.6 3.4
4 15.4 84.6 86.7 13.3 >99 89.8 10.2 2.0 98.0 95.1 4.9
5 9.8 90.2 91.5 8.5 >99 >99 <I 5.8 94.2 91.5 2.5
6 3.9 96.I 91.5 8.5 >99 <I >99 <I 1.8 98.2 97.3 2.7
1 4.2 95.8 92.9 7.1 >99 98.3 1.7 2.0 98.0 96.9 3.1
8 <5 > 95 > 95 <5 199 <I 98.1 1.3 1.7 98.3 98.2 1.8
9 14.6 85.4 90.0 10.0 >99 <1 > 99 <1 1.9 98.1 96.1 3.9
10 12.5 87.5 95.8 4.2 >99 <1 >99 <1 1.6 98.4 97.1 2.9
I1 - - - - 299 <1 > 99 <I 1.9 98.1 95.2 4.8
12 23.3 76.1 82.9 17.1 98.8 1.2 >99 <1 1.9 98.1 97.2 2.8
13 13.8 86.2 89.3 10.7 >99 <I 96.2 3.8 10.9 89.1 95.1 4.9

CONCLUSIONS acetyl-6-0-tert- but yldimethylsil y1)-P-cyclodextrin

now has proved to be a powerful tool, which allows
While the direct analysis of single compounds has the simultaneous stereoanalysis of almost all the
been reported in the first stage of stereoanalysis of characteristic compounds of the essential oils from
chiral essential oils corn pound^,^'^ the simulta- Lauandula species.
neous stereodifferentiation of chiral compounds
with different functionalities has been
achieved.4*27'28Enantio-MDGC, using the column Acknowledgements-The authors are indebted to F. Dettmar for
combination Carbowax 20 M/heptakis(2,3-di-O- reliable technical assistance.

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