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Name of Drug Classification and Mechanism Indication and Contraindication Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

(Dosage, Route, Frequency, of Action Reactions

Tachycardia Check the physicians order
Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Flushing Follow the 14 rights of
Salbutamol Anti-asthma Salbutamol is used as Headaches medications
1mg/mL nebule bronchodilator for the Palpitations Assess lung sounds, PR, BP
symptomatic relief of before drug administrations
bronchospasm in obstructive and during peak of
Brand Name: airway diseases. medication.
Hivent Advise patient to rinse mouth
with water after the inhalation
to minimize dry mouth
Dosage: Inform patient that salbutamol
1 nebule may cause an unusual or bad

Route: Mechanism of Action:

Oral Salbutamol is a selective Beta 2
adrenergic agonist which acts
selectively on receptors in the
bronchial muscles with little or Contraindication:
Frequency: no effect on the cardiac Hypersensitivity to the drug or
Q6h receptors. any of its components.

(8 - 2 - 8 - 2)
Name of Drug Classification and Mechanism Indication and Contraindication Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities
(Dosage, Route, Frequency, of Action Reactions
Nausea Check physicians order
Generic Name: Classification: Indication: vomiting Follow the 14 rights of
Acetylcysteine Mucolytic Treatment of respiratory Headache medications
100 mg granules/sachet affections characterized by thick Tachycardia Monitor for signs and
and viscous hypersecretions due rash symptoms of aspirations of
Brand Name: to acute bronchitis, chronic excess secretions.
Fluimucil bronchitis and its exacerbation, Nausea and vomiting may
and bronchiectasis. occur, report immediately.
If bronchospasm occur, the
Dosage: treatment.must be suspended
100 mg immediately.

Mechanism of Action:
Route: It exerts an intensive mucolytic- Contraindication:
Oral fluidifying action on mucous Known hypersensitivity to
and mucopurulent secretions by acetylcysteine.
depolymerizing the mucoproteic Patients sufdering from
complexes and the nucleic acids phenylketonuria due to
Frequency: which confer viscosity to the aspartame content.
Q6h vitreous and purulent Children below 2 years of age.
component of the sputum and
other secretions.

(7 - 1 - 7 - 1)
Name of Drug Classification and Mechanism Indication and Contraindication Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities
(Dosage, Route, Frequency, of Action Reactions
Diarrhea Check the physicians order
Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Fever Follow 14 rights of
Cefixime Antibacterial Lower respiratory tract infections Nausea medications
100 mg/5mL suspension (bronchitis) Vomiting Monitor intake and output
Urinary trach infection Rash Report onset of diarrhea
Pharyngitis promptly. Check for fever.
Brand Name: Otitis media
Triocef Gonorrhea

100 mg

Route: Mechanism of Action: Contraindication:

Oral Cefixime binds to specific Hypersensitivity to cefixime,
penicillin- bonding proteins other cephalosporins, penicillins,
(PBPs) located inside the or other drugs.
bacterial cell wall, causing the
Frequency: inhibition of the third and last
BID stage of bacterial cell wall
synthesis. Cell lysis is then
mediated by bacterial cell wall
autolytic enzymes such as
Timing: autolysins; it is possible that
(7 - 7) cefixime interferes with an
autolysin inhibitor.
Name of Drug Classification and Mechanism Indication and Contraindication Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities
(Dosage, Route, Frequency, of Action Reactions

Generic Name: Classification: Indication:


Brand Name:


Mechanism of Action: Contraindication:


Name of Drug Classification and Mechanism Indication and Contraindication Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities
(Dosage, Route, Frequency, of Action Reactions

Generic Name: Classification: Indication:


Brand Name:


Mechanism of Action: Contraindication:


Name of Drug Classification and Mechanism Indication and Contraindication Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities
(Dosage, Route, Frequency, of Action Reactions

Generic Name: Classification: Indication:


Brand Name:


Mechanism of Action: Contraindication:



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