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Anatomy Mnemonics (Lower Limbs)

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rowan 2015-10-05 01:21:10 UTC #1

All anatomy mnemonics posted below are for anatomy mnemonics relating to:

Lower limbs

Otherwise you could try these links:

Anatomy Mnemonics (Neuroanatomy/Head/Neck/Ears/Eyes/Thyroid)

All anatomy mnemonics posted below are for anatomy mnemonics relating to: neuroanatomy head and neck
anatomy eyes, ears, nose anatomy thyroid anatomy. Otherwise you could try these links:

Anatomy Mnemonics (Upper Limbs)

All anatomy mnemonics posted below are for anatomy mnemonics relating to: Upper limbs Otherwise you could
try these links:

Anatomy Mnemonics (Chest)

All anatomy mnemonics posted below are for the Chest. Otherwise try these other categories: Abdomen
Anatomy mnemonics Upper Limb Anatomy mnemonics Lower Limb Anatomy mnemonics
Neuroanatomy/head and neck/ears/eyes/nose mnemonics

Anatomy Mnemonics (Abdomen)

All anatomy mnemonics posted here are for the abdomen

dipper139 2015-10-06 07:38:48 UTC #2

Femoral Artery Branches

"Put My Leg Down Please"
- Profunda Femoris
- Medical circumferential femoral artery
- Lateral circumferential femoral artery
- Descending genicular artery
- Perforating artery

dipper139 2015-10-06 07:40:39 UTC #3

Femoral Triangle Boundaries shape like a "SAIL"

- Sartorious
- Adductor longus
- Inguinal ligament

dipper139 2015-10-06 07:45:37 UTC #4

Tarsal Bones
"Tall Californian Navy Medical Interns Lay Cuties"
*right foot, superior to inferior, medial to lateral
- Talus
- Calcaneus
- Navicular
- Medial cuneiform
- Intermediate cunieform
- Lateral Cunieform
- Cuboid

dipper139 2015-10-06 07:47:58 UTC #5

Lumbar plexus
"Interested in Getting Laid On Fridays?"
- Iliohypogastric
- Ilioinguinal
- Genitofemoral
- Lateral Femoral cutaneous
- Obturator
- Femoral

dipper139 2015-10-06 07:50:43 UTC #6

Layers of the Scrotum -superficial to deep

Some Englishman Called It The Tesis
- Skin
- Dartos fascia
- External spermatic fascia
- Cremaster m
- Internal spermatic fascia
- Tunica Vaginalis
- Testis

kmben6 2015-10-18 01:54:19 UTC #7

Muscles of the posterior leg, deep compartment then superficial compartment

Please don't try hump super pretty girls
- flexor
- Digitorum longus
- Tibialis posterior
- flexor Hallucis longus
- Soleus
- Plantaris
- Gastrocnemius

dockaushal 2016-11-06 06:05:37 UTC #8

After tunica vaginalis

Tunica albuginea
Also Tunica Vasculosa
So we could modify
'Some Englishmen Called It The Toturing Testis'

Armena_T 2017-04-29 21:16:17 UTC #9

Tarsal bones: Looking down at your right foot; clockwise direction; starting from navicular bone
"Not ConFusing Crazy Complicated Tarsals"
Navicular, CuneiForms, Cuboid, Calcaneus, Talus

Karunya_Kannadasan 2017-05-02 12:40:02 UTC #10

Some Damn Englishman Called It The Testis.

D for dartos muscle

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