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English Team


Good reading means not only reading quickly, but understanding the way in which writers
organize ideas and facts. They do this by using a pattern that allows them to achieve their purpose
for writing the text. Lets look at some of these patterns:

1. Simple listing: Facts or details are mentioned one after another to support the writers main
idea. No fact is more important than the other.

2. Order of importance: Sometimes the author might want to stress some ideas more than others.
In this case, the most important detail is first stated, then followed by a
minor one. When we looked at the Topic and Main idea, we saw that this
was a broad statement followed by support. On the other hand, the author
might start with minor details, building up to the most important one
which he wants you to remember. We saw this as reasons leading to a

3. Chronological ( = Time) order: Here, the events are given in the same order in which they
occurred although sometimes the author may use flashback
to talk about past actions that are affecting the present.
Chronological order is also used when we describe a process
and the order in which something is done.

4. Spatial order: Writers use this form when they need to describe a scene, a person or a piece of
apparatus or equipment. This pattern also uses spatial order with order of
importance as the writer may describe the most important details first. When
writers describe something they sometimes also need to define the object and to
some extent classify it.

5. Cause and effect: A cause is an event that makes another event occur. The result is the effect.
Sometimes one cause may lead to several effects.

6. Comparison and contrast: Comparisons show the way in which things are alike, while contrast
shows their differences.


There are many ways to build a fire. The basic rule to remember is that you set a match to
tinder. You light the tinder, and the tinder makes the kindling burn. The heat from the burning
kindling makes the larger firewood burn.
The following method usually works well. Place two logs together with tinder between them.
Paper, twigs and bark are good for tinder. Next, place above the tinder a small handful of dry twigs
or split softwood kindling. Then place small, dry logs over this base. Generally, no more than four
logs are needed to make a good fire. To keep the fire going, push the ends of the logs into the flame
from time to time. Add new logs to keep a flaming fire burning. Before adding logs, rake coals
toward the front of the grate. Add the new logs at the rear of the fireplace. There they will reflect
light and heat into the room.

1. In the first paragraph, the author arranges D. contrast

details by ___.
A. order of importance
B. spatial order
C. cause and effect

English Team

2. In the second paragraph, the author 3. Tinder is the first material used in
arranges details by ___. building a fire because it ___.
A. simple listing A. is easy to find
B. comparison B. gives off large amounts of heat
C. cause and effect C. is less expensive to use than kindling
D. time order D. catches fire very easily

How has the author organized the information? Lets look at the details. In the first paragraph, each
sentence tells the way in which one part of the fire makes the other burn. The pattern used here is
cause and effect. On the other hand, in the second paragraph, the author gives the steps for
building a fire. Here, he is using time order to describe a process. Finally, in the last paragraph,
find the details which support the statements. If you look back over the text, you will find that the
author says paper, twigs and bark make fine tinder and that these burn easily.


Text organization, topic, main idea

Read the paragraphs carefully and then select the best option from the ones given. Remember to
ask yourself What is being discussed? to find the topic, What is important about this topic? to
find the main idea, and What information supports the main idea? to get the details.

1. Most gemstones used in jewelry must be cut to reveal their full brilliance. In ancient times, a
gemstone was treasured for its surface color rather than for its brilliance. Therefore, gems were
merely polished and left in their natural state. The oldest type of gem cut that is still in use today
is the cabochon, or rounded cut, introduced by the Romans. The cabochon was used for colored
stones, such as the emerald, ruby, sapphire and garnet, but it is now used for starstones, cats
eyes, opals and imperfect stones. The art of faceting a gemstone, or cutting several flat surfaces
on a gem, originated in India in the 15th century. The first faceted gems were diamonds that had
been cut to disguise any flaws. In the early 17th century, the rose cut was invented. It revealed
the fiery brilliance of a diamond for the first time and is still the standard cut for the diamond.

1. The topic of this paragraph as a whole is ___.

A. the mining of precious stones
B. gem cuts introduced by the Romans
C. the surface color of gems
D. the cutting of gemstones

2. The paragraph is organized as ___.

A. a broad statement followed by support
B. reasons leading to a conclusion
C. introduction, main idea and supporting sentences
D. a list of equally important statements

3. The author supports the main idea with ___.

A. arguments in favour of using the cabochon cut
B. expert advice about buying diamonds
C. details about the history of gem cutting
D. a comparison of precious and semiprecious stones

English Team

2. Many forces have been at work for a long time changing the face of the land upon which we live.
These forces are the weather; water, both in the ground and on its surface; and living things. By
living things we mean plants, animals, insects, worms and the very tiny creatures called
bacteria, which make up for their smallness by their large numbers. If it were not for these
forces, the land would be nothing but solid rock. It would not be able to support life. The work of
all these forces on the Earths surface is called erosion. One of these forces, however, running
water, as in rivers, has done the most to change the surface of the land.

1. In this paragraph the topic that the author discusses is ___.

A. landslides and rockslides
B. natural forces that wear away the land
C. peoples misuse of the land
D. the formation of rocks and soil

2. Which one of the following ideas supports the main idea?

A. Volcanoes add new rock to the Earths surface.
B. Water washes soil from the land.
C. Bacteria are the causes of some diseases.
D. Weather conditions vary enormously over the Earth.

3. The paragraph is organized as ___.

A. a broad statement followed by support
B. reasons leading to a conclusion
C. introduction, main idea and supporting sentences
D. list of equally important statements

3. To start a fire without matches, you can use sunlight, sparks, or the heat of friction. First find
some dry tinder. Shelter the tinder from the wind and dampness. Some good tinders are lint
from cloth, rope or twine, dry bark, powdered wood, birds nests and wood dust made by insects
under the bark of dead trees. To start the fire with sunlight, use a camera lens, a lens from a
binocular or a lens from a flashlight. The lens will focus the rays of the sun on the tinder and
produce heat. To strike a spark, use flint and steel. Strike the steel against the flint. Let the
sparks fall into the tinder.
There are two methods of making heat from friction. The bow and drill method is a good one.
Make a strong bow strung with a shoelace or string. Use it to spin a dry, soft shaft in a small
block. This forms a black dust that will catch on fire. Use the wood friction method as a last
resort. For this method, rub two sticks together as fast as possible until friction causes fire.

1. What is the topic of this selection? D.warning the reader against traveling
A. Surviving in the woods alone
B. Starting a fire without matches
C. Planning for a camping trip 3. The best title for the paragraph is ___.
D. Keeping dry on a hike A. The Many Uses of the Camera
B. How to Cook on a Campfire
2. The author develops the main idea by ___. C. Matchless Campfires
A. explaining how fires burn D. Play It Safe with Matches
B. proving that fire can be dangerous
C. suggesting ways to start a fire

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