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Description of site Jansenville (km 0.0) to Graaff-Reinett (km 50.9) [R.

Catchment C150
Calculated by Rudi Joubert Date
Physical characteristics
Size of catchment (A) 0.061430 km2 Km Position 39.065
Longest watercourse (L) 0.340467 km Rainfall region Inland
Average slope (Sav) 0.036590 m/m Area distribution factors
Dolomite area (D%) 0% % Rural() Urban()
Mean annual precipitation (MAP) 275 mm 100% 0%
Rural Urban
Surface slope % Factor Cs Description
Wetlands and pans 60% 0.01 0.006 Lawns
Flat areas 40% 0.06 0.02 Sandy,flat (<2%)
Hilly 0% 0.12 0.00 Sandy,steep (<7%)
Steep areas 0% 0.22 0.00 Heavy soil, flat (<2%)
Total 100% - 0.03 Heavy soil,steep (<7%)
Permeability % Factor Cp Residential areas
Very permeable 0% 0.03 0 Houses
Permeable 50% 0.06 0.03 Flats
Semi-permeable 50% 0.12 0.06 Industry
Impermeable 0% 0.21 0 Light industry
Total 100% - 0.09 Heavy industry
Vegetation % Factor Cv Business
Thick bush and plantation 0% 0.03 0 City centre
Light bush and farm-lands 10% 0.07 0.007 Suburban
Grasslands 90% 0.17 0.153 Streets
No vegetation 0% 0.26 0 Maximum flood
Total 100% - 0.16 Total (C2)
Time of concentration (Tc) Notes:
Overland flow Defined watercourse
_=0.604(/(_ ))^0.467
_=((0.87^2)/( 1000 _ ))^0.385

- hours 0.206759 hours

Run-off coefficient
Return period (years), T 2 5 10 20
Run-off coefficient, C1(C1=Cs+Cp+Cv) 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28
Adjusted for dolomitic areas, C1D 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Adjustment factor for initial saturation, Ft 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.67
Adjusted run-off coefficient, C1T (=C1D x Ft) 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.67
Combined run-off coefficient, CT 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.19
Return period (years), T 2 5 10 20
Point rainfall (mm), PT 13.00 18.80 23.00 27.20
Point intensity, PiT (=PT/TC) 62.87 90.93 111.24 131.55
Area reduction factor, ARFT 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Average intensity, IT (=PiT x ARFT) 62.87 90.93 111.24 131.55
Peak flow (m3/s), QT = CTITA/3.6 0.150 0.239 0.319 0.421
m 50.9) [R.075-040-2015/1]


Area distribution factors
Urban() Lakes ()
0% 0%
% Factor C2

0% 0.075 0
0% 0.175 0
0% 0.15 0
0% 0.3 0

0% 0.4 0
0% 0.6 0

0% 0.65 0
0% 0.75 0

0% 0.825 0
0% 0.6 0
0% 0.825 0
0% 1 0
0% - 0

50 100 Max
0.28 0.28 0.28
1.00 1.00 1.00
0.83 1.00 1.00
0.83 1.00 1.00
0.23 0.28 0.28
50 100 Max
33.10 37.90 37.90
160.09 183.30 183.30
1.00 1.00 1.00
160.09 183.30 183.30
0.635 0.876 0.876

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