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Formula Kcal/oz Carb source Protein source Fat source Indications Notes

Breastmilk 19 lactose Whey, casein

Term formula: 19 Lactose Whey, casein LCT More iron than
Enfamil breast milk, but less
Similac bioavailable
Preterm: 24 Lactose, Whey, casein LCT, MCT <34 wk CGA, More Ca, Mg, phos
glucose <1800g than term formulas
-Contain taurine
-contain nucleotides
Transition: 22 Lactose Whey, casein LCT, MCT 34-36 wk CGA, -contain nucleotides
Enfacare >1800 g
Hydrolyzed/hypoallergenic 20 Glucose, Casein MCT*, LCT Milk protein allergy, -lactose free
Pregestimil sucrose hydrosylate malabsorption, -nutramigen has LCT
Alimentum short gut, cystic only
Nutramigen fibrosis
Amino acid based/non- 20 Glucose Amino acids LCT, MCT Milk protein allergy -lactose free
Nutramigen AA
Soy 20 Glucose, Soy LCT Galactosemia, Do not help in colic,
Prosobee sucrose* lactase deficiency cow milk intolerance
Isomil Corn-based Isomil has sucrose
and glucose,
prosobee has glucose
Enfamil AR 20 Lactose, Whey, casein LCT GERD
Gentlease 20 Lactose, Whey, casein LCT Gas, fussiness
glucose hydrosylate
Enfaport 30 Glucose Casein LCT, MCT LCHAD, chylothorax -lactose free
PM 60:40 20 Lactose Whey, casein LCT Ca and phos -low Fe, Ca, phos, Na,
disorders K

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