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Name: Mr. Justin Truett

Email Address:
Room #: 302
Course Description:
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the scientific investigation of behavior and mental processes in
humans and other animals. The course includes an introduction to basic research methods, the relationship between
biology and behavior, how conditioning, learning and cognition affect behavior, how interaction with others influences
thought, feelings, perceptions, and behaviors, and an understanding of human differences, including strategies for coping
when those differences create dysfunction.

Materials Required for Class:

1. 3 Ring Binder with College Rule paper

2. Dividers for Binder
3. Pen (Black or Blue)
4. Colored Pencils (colored pens OK, but pencils preferred)

Instructional Strategies
1. Lecture & Demonstration: Throughout the semester, information will be provided through class discussion, and
lecture of basic concepts. Students will be expected to take daily notes on basic theory and psychologists who have helped
shape the science. Students will be expected to articulate their thoughts and apply concepts to real world situations
2. Research: During the semester, students will demonstrate the ability to gather pertinent facts through research analyze
those facts; formulate a thesis, to prove the thesis using accurate facts written in his or her own words. Through research,
students will acquire multiple perspectives on concepts, which will allow them to shape their own personal ideas and
3. Projects/Creative Synthesis: Using the information presented in class, students will be able to expand upon their
knowledge through creative assignments.
Clarifying the I as incomplete on progress reports and report cards:
All students at South Gibson County High School are expected to complete all assignments/assessments
that support learning the state standards and completing those assignments/assessments to an acceptable
level of mastery.
In the event that an assignment/assessment is not submitted to the teacher on time and to a satisfactory
level of proficiency, the student will be placed on the ICU list and will be supported academically
beginning the next school day through the ICU framework.
In the event that a student has missing assignments/assessments at the time that progress reports or
report cards are issued, the student will receive an I which indicates that the student continues to be
responsible for learning and completing the tasks that will lead them to mastery and an acceptable level
of understanding of the standards for the course.
At SGC, zeros are not acceptable as this indicates that the opportunity for learning is over. Zeros, failing
grades, and performance that is less than a students best effort stand in direct contrast to our belief that
failure is not an option.
Academic Support:
ICU targeted academic support provided during the school day.
Class Participation:
Students in this class will be required to and will be engaged in a variety of different activities
throughout the course of this class. It is imperative that students act accordingly and in compliance with
the classroom rules and procedures. Here is a list of some things that we will be doing this year during
o Daily in-class comments/input/dialogue
o Small group activities
o Partner Assignments
o Preparation for class
o On task behaviors
o Compliance and respect for class norms and procedures
1. Only water with a lid is allowed inside the classroom.
2. All homework must be completed before entering the classroom.
3. Only ask to use the restroom when there is a break in class discussion.
3.1. Refrain from excessive restroom breaks and the teacher will be more willing to let you go.
4. No cell phones out. They will be taken up. We may use it for classroom use and I will let you know.
5. At the end of class, we will have questions in the book or exit tickets that must be completed.
Minor grades: Terms and Definitions Readings Questioning Writing for reflection Daily
participation Quizzes = 20% Major grades: Tests, Projects, Essay papers = 80%
Grading Scale
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Student GPA is calculated by dividing the total amount of grade points earned by the total number of courses
attempted. Grade point averages range from 0.0 to a 4.0.
A = 93 100 4 quality points
B = 85-92 3 quality points
C = 75-84 2 quality points
D = 70-74 1 quality point
F = 69-0 0 quality points
Pacing Guide
1. Research Methods
2. Life Span Development
3. The Workings of the Mind and Body
4. Learning
5. Cognitive Processes
6. Individuality and Personality
7. Perceptions
8. States of Consciousness
9. Social Psychology
10. Treatment

Upon request, parents/guardians shall have the ability to inspect the following items: instructional materials; teaching
materials; teaching aids; handouts; and tests that are developed by and graded by their childs teacher. Parents wishing
to inspect such materials should contact the building level principal in writing.

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