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Name : Dana Indra Sensuse

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Why is this Course Important?

Most error (54%) are detected after coding and

Almost half of all errors in software (45%) are in
requirement and design
Most errors made during requirement analysis are
non-clerical and may arise because of incorrect
facts, inconsistency, omissions, and ambiguities
Requirement error can cost up to 100 times more
to fix if they are not caught early on than
implementation error.

This course focuses on the Analysis and

Design of the System
It involves understanding of how to develop
an Information Systems (IS) that can support
organizations in order to achieve their goals
by delivering benefits.
The development of IS should be an integrated
approaches within the organization.
The methods used in ADIS can be applied to a wide
variety of problem domains.

The course will deal with how to develop

Information Systems so that it can improve the
competitiveness of an organization.
This course will explore the role of IS that has
moved from having a peripheral function in
business, to having a core function in driving
profitability in many ways - producing new
products, speeding up time-to market, producing
cost efficiency, promoting or creating customer
loyalty, etc.
Course Objectives

The objectives of the course are:

to understand the process of ADIS,

to explore the various approaches in developing IS,

to exercise the use of concept, technique, and method in

developing IS and
to exercise the development of IS in the real world.
Required Reading

Dennis, Alan and Barbara Haley Wixom.

System Analysis and Design With UML: An
Object-Oriented Approach, 5th ed. 2015.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Evaluation will be based on participation, case

analysis assignments, a group project and midterm
Your final grade will not rest on one or two
assignments but will be based on how many
points you accumulate throughout the
semester. The weights assigned to each
component are as follows:
Attendance 10%
Critique paper 10%
Review topic in IS 10%
Midterm exam 30%
Final Exam 40%
Total 100%

Academic dishonesty and Incompletes. Each

student should be familiar with the guidelines set in
the Code of Student Ethics for issues pertaining
to academic dishonesty.
No incompletes (I) will be assigned.
There will be no makeup exam unless prior notice
is given and documentation of emergency is given.
Lesson Plan: I. Planning Phase
Week 1
Class Introduction
System Development Life Cycle (Chp 1)
System Development Methodology
Project Team Skills and Roles
Individual Assignment #1 (Critique an article)
Week 2
Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and
Design (Chp 2)
Project Initiation (Chp 3)
- Project Identification
- Feasibility Analysis
- Project Selection

Week 3
Project Management (Chp 4)

Creating and Managing the Work-plan

Staffing the Project

Coordinating Project Activities

II. Analysis Phase

Week 4
Requirements Determination (Chp 5)
Requirements Analysis Techniques
Requirements-Gathering Techniques
Individual Assignment #1 due
Group Assignment #2 (Review a topic in IS)
Functional Modeling (Chp 6)

Week 5
Structural Modeling (Chp 7)

Week 6
Behavioral Modeling (chp 8)

Week 7
III. Design Phase
Week 8
Move on to Design (Chp 9)
- Design Strategies
- Moving from Logical to Physical Models
Group Assignment #2 due
Week 9
Class and Method Design (Chp 10)
- Creating an Architecture Design
- Hardware and Software Specification
Week 10
Data Management Layer (Chp 11)

Week 11
User Interface Design (Chp 12)
- User Interface Design Process
- I/O design

Week 12
Physical Architecture Layer (Chp 13)
IV. Implementation Phase


Week 13-16: Group Presentation (UAS)

Week 16 (Paper Planning, Analysis,
Design, and Prototype)
Tugas Individu I (1)

Tugas Individu I - membuat kritik terhadap sebuah

paper hasil penelitian dalam Pengembangan Sistem
Ambillah sebuah artikel berbahasa Inggris, dan
buatlah ringkasan artikel tersebut dan buat kritik
dan saran perbaikan dari hasil penelitian tersebut.
Paper sebaiknya 5 tahun terakhir.
Dalam membuat ringkasan, jelaskan apa
permasalahan dari penelitian itu, bagaimana
metodologi penelitian (termasuk teknik yang
digunakan), dan apa hasil yang signifikan dari hasil
penelitian tersebut.
Tugas Individu I (2)

Dalam mengkritik, analisislah apa konstribusi dan

kelemahan penelitian tersebut. Bandingkan hasil
penelitian ini dengan penelitian lainnya, dan
gunakan referensi. Apa saran perbaikan yang bisa
anda usulkan.
Laporan dibuat dalam PPT dengan format Laporan:
Pendahuluan (min 1 halaman)
Ringkasan (min 5 halaman)
Kritik & Saran ( minimal 5 halaman)
Penutup (minimal 1 halaman)
Daftar Pustaka (minimal 5)
Tugas Individu II (Review Paper)

Pilihlah satu topik dalam Pengembangan Sistem.

Misalkan anda hendak me-review topik Requirement
Analysis Technique
Kumpulkan semua literature tentang teknik analisis
Review setiap literature yang anda kumpulkan.
Buatlah pengelompokan teknik analisis requirement
Jelaskan teknik yang ada di masing-masing kelompok
tersebut. Bagaimana teknik analisis itu bekerja, apa kelebihan
dan kekurangannya, dan beri contoh penggunaannya.
Tugas Individu II (Review Paper)

Format paper tentang Review (dalam bentuk doc)

Isi (Review)
Daftar Pustaka

Sebagai pembanding, lihatlah contoh Systematic Review

dalam Comparative Study of Software Quality Models
Presentasi Proyek Pengembangan Sistem

Dilakukan pada 3-4 minggu terakhir

Satu kelompok terdiri atas maks 4 orang
Tidak ada UAS, sebagai pengganti nilai UAS adalah
presentasi proyek
Tunjukan prototipe yang dibuat
Tugas masing-masing anggota:
Anggota #1 mempresentasikan Planning
Anggota #2 mempresentasikan Analysis
Anggota #3 mempresentasikan Design
Anggota #4 mempresentasikan Prototipe
Isi presentasi:
Identifying business value
Analyze feasibility
Develop workplan
Staff the project
Control and direct project
Requirements determination
Functional modeling
Structural modeling
Behavioral modeling

Classand method design
Package diagram
Data management layer design
Human computer interaction layer design
Physical architecture layer design

Laporan Akhir

Buatlah sebuah paper tentang pengembangan

sistem tersebut yang dilakukan secara berkelompok.
Format laporan adalah sebagai berikut:


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