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El mircoles pasado fui a un baby shower de un amigo de la infancia.

La casa de mi amigo estaba

decorado para la ocasin, tambin haba muchos bocaditos como dulces y salados. Haba muchos
juegos para divertirse viendo a los padres con el payaso. . Al final del baby shower comimos Pavita
al horno, estaba deliciosa. El evento estuvo increble, haba muchos amigos que no haba visto
desde hace aos, asi que todos pasamos un bonito momento por la llegada del hijo de mi amigo.

La segunda fiesta que asiste el ltimo sbado es al cumpleaos de una amiga de la universidad.
Ella lo celebro en Rustica de Lince. La msica era genial. Haba todo tipo de tragos como wisky,
vino, vodka, etc. Sus amigas cercanas compramos una torta y le cantamos su cumpleaos. Tuvimos
un momento agradable todos juntos.

Last Wednesday, I went to a baby shower from a childhood friend. My friend's house was

decorated for the occasion, there were many snacks sweet and savory. There were many games

to have fun watching the parents with the clown. . At the end of the baby shower we ate Pavita

in the oven, it was delicious. The event was incredible, I met up with friends I had not seen in

years. so we all had a good time for the arrival of my friend's son.

The second party that attends went last Saturday to the birthday of a friend of the university. She

celebrated in Rustica de Lince. The music was great. There were all kinds of drinks for example

wisky, wine, vodka, etc.All the guests were there. Her close friends boughtly a cake and we sang

her birthday.finaly we had a nice time all together dancing and singuing.

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