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Beginner Lesson
Handling a Noisy Neighbor

126 Kanji Transcript 2

Kana Transcript 2


Translation 2

Vocabulary 3

Grammar Points 3

Lesson Code: 256_B126_092106 September 21st 2006 / 2006ᐕ9᦬21ᣣ
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ṽሼ  ߆ߥ߫ࠎ
ᄢ߈ߥ㖸߇㓞ߩੱߩㇱደ߆ࠄ᧪ࠆ‫ޕ‬ ߅߅߈ߥ߅ߣ߇ߣߥࠅߩ߭ߣߩ߳߿߆
ߚߌ ޽ߩ㖸ߪ૗㧫 ࠄߊࠆ‫ޕ‬
ࠃߒ 㓞ߩੱߥࠎߛ‫ޕ‬Ფ᥅Ფ᥅‛ಌߊ߁ࠆߐ ߚߌ ޽ߩ߅ߣߪߥߦ㧫
޿ࠎߛ‫ޕ‬ ࠃߒ ߣߥࠅߩ߭ߣߥࠎߛ‫߫޿߹ࠎ߫޿߹ޕ‬
ߚߌ ߤ߁ߒࠃ߁㧫 ࠎ߽ߩߔߏߊ߁ࠆߐ޿ࠎߛ‫ޕ‬
ࠃߒ ࠊ߆ࠄߥ޿‫ޕ‬ᚻ⚕߽ᦠ޿ߚ‫߽ߦߒ⹤ޕ‬ ߚߌ ߤ߁ߒࠃ߁㧫
ⴕߞߚߌߤ‫ߊߚߞ߹ޔ‬ല߆ߥ޿ࠎߛ‫ޕ‬ ࠃߒ ࠊ߆ࠄߥ޿‫ߒߥߪޕߚ޿߆߽ߺ߇ߡޕ‬
ߚߌ ߓ߾‫⼊ޔ‬ኤߦ㔚⹤ߒࠃ߁‫ޕ‬ ߦ߽޿ߞߚߌߤ‫ࠎ޿ߥ߆߈ߊߚߞ߹ޔ‬
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ߚߌ ߓ߾‫޿ߦߒߥߪ߇ࠇ߅ޔߡߖ߆߹ޔ‬

2 5ǀPDML Translation
ƿNLQDRWRJDWRQDULQRKLWRQRKH\DNDUD Loud noise comes from the room next door.
kuru. Take What’s that noise?
Take Ano oto wa nani? Yoshi It’s the person next door. Night after night,
Yoshi Tonari no hito nan da. Maiban maiban it’s extremely noisy.
monosugoku urusai n da. Take What should we do?
Take 'ǀVKL\ǀ" Yoshi I don’t know. I wrote a letter. I also went to
Yoshi Wakaranai. Tegami mo kaita. Hanashi nimo have a talk (with them), but it’s completely
itta kedo, mattaku kikanai n da. ineffective.
Take -DNHLVDWVXQLGHQZDVKL\ǀ Take Then let’s call the police.
Yoshi Iya, mondai o okoshitakunai. Yoshi Nah, I don’t want to cause problems.
Take Ja, makasete, ore ga hanashi ni iku. Take Then leave it to me. I’ll go have a talk (with

Lesson Code: 256_B126_092106 September 21st 2006 / 2006ᐕ9᦬21ᣣ
Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts

Vocabulary - න⺆
Kanji Kana 5ǀPDML English
Ფ᥅ ߹޿߫ࠎ maiban every night
‛ಌߊ ߽ߩߔߏߊ monosugoku staggering
ലߊ ߈ߊ kiku to be effective
㔚⹤ߔࠆ ߢࠎࠊߔࠆ denwa suru to call
છߖࠆ ߹߆ߖࠆ makaseru to leave to
⿠ߎߔ ߅ߎߔ okosu to raise, to cause

3 Grammar Points
Today’s grammar point introduces the plain volitional form of the Class III verb suru - to do. This used to
suru is conjugated much like a Class II verb, i.e. \ǀ is appended to the masu stem. See the following chart.

Plain Non-Past 0DVX6WHP Append \ǀ Plain Volitional

ߔࠆ ߒ ߒ+ࠃ߁ ߒࠃ߁
suru shi VKL\ǀ VKL\ǀ


Let’s have a talk. Let’s do it.


Lesson Code: 256_B126_092106 September 21st 2006 / 2006ᐕ9᦬21ᣣ

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