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Beginner Lesson
Late Night Movie

127 Kanji Transcript

Kana Transcript


Translation 2

Vocabulary 3

Grammar Points 3

Grammar Points 4

Lesson Code: 261_B127_092606 September 26th 2006 / 2006ᐕ9᦬26ᣣ
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ṽሼ  ߆ߥ߫ࠎ
ᆄ 㕙⊕޿ᤋ↹ߛߞߚߨ‫ޕ‬ᰴߩᤋ↹ߪ㧫 ߟ߹ ߅߽ߒࠈ޿߃޿߇ߛߞߚߨ‫޿߃ߩ߉ߟޕ‬
ᄦ ᰴ㧫੹㧝ᤨߛࠃ‫߁߽ޕ‬ኢࠃ߁ࠃ‫ޕ‬ ߇ߪ㧫
ᆄ ኢߚߊߥ޿‫ߦ✜৻ޕࠃ߁ࠃ⷗ᧄ৻߁߽ޕ‬ ߅ߞߣ ߟ߉㧫޿߹޿ߜߓߛࠃ‫ޕࠃ߁ࠃߨ߁߽ޕ‬
⷗ࠃ߁ࠃ‫ޕ‬ ߟ߹ ߨߚߊߥ޿‫޿ޕࠃ߁ࠃߺࠎ߸ߞ޿߁߽ޕ‬
ᄦ ⋡߇∋ࠇߚ‫ޕ޿ߥࠇࠄ⷗߁߽ޕ‬ᥦ߆޿ࡌ ߞߒࠂߦߺࠃ߁ࠃ‫ޕ‬
࠶࠼ߦ౉ࠅߚ޿ޯ‫ޕߺߔ߿߅ޕ‬ ߅ߞߣ ߼߇ߟ߆ࠇߚ‫ߚߚ޽ޕ޿ߥࠇࠄߺ߁߽ޕ‬
ᆄ ޽‫ޔ‬ᓙߞߡ‫ޕ‬ኢࠆ೨ߦࡆ࡯࡞߽߁৻ᧄ⾈ ߆޿ࡌ࠶࠼ߦߪ޿ࠅߚ޿ޯ‫ޕߺߔ߿߅ޕ‬
ߞߡ߈ߡ‫ޕ‬ ߟ߹ ޽‫ߞ޿߁߽࡞࡯ࡆߦ߃߹ࠆߨޕߡߞ߹ޔ‬
ᄦ ߃‫ߦߣࠎ߶ޔ‬㧫 ߸ࠎ߆ߞߡ߈ߡ‫ޕ‬
߅ߞߣ ߃‫ߦߣࠎ߶ޔ‬㧫

5ǀPDML Translation
Tsuma Omoshiroi eiga datta ne. Tsugi no eiga Wife It was a funny movie, right? What’s next?
wa? Husband Next? It’s one o’clock now. Let’s go to bed.
Otto 7VXJL",PDLFKLMLGD\R0ǀQH\ǀ\R Wife I don’t want to sleep. Let’s watch one more.
Tsuma 1HWDNXQDL0ǀLSSRQPL\ǀ\R,VVKRQL Let’s watch together.
PL\ǀ\R Husband My eyes are tired. I can’t watch. I want to

beddo ni hairitai. Oyasumi.
crawl into a warm bed. Good night.
Wife Ah, before you go to sleep, can you go buy
kite. Husband Huh? Really?
Otto E, honto ni?

Lesson Code: 261_B127_092606 September 26th 2006 / 2006ᐕ9᦬26ᣣ
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Vocabulary - න⺆
Kanji Kana 5ǀPDML English
∋ࠇࠆ ߟ߆ࠇࠆ tukareru to tire, to get tired
⋡ ߼ me eye
ᥦ߆޿ ޽ߚߚ߆޿ atatakai warm
ࡌ࠶࠼ beddo bed
ࡆ࡯࡞ EƯUX beer

Grammar Points
Today’s grammar point is the auxiliary verb rareru, which when attached to the masu stem of Class II
verbs, indicates potential.

masu stem + rareru

Dictionary form Masu Stem -rareru English Meaning

᳿߼ࠆ ᳿߼ ᳿߼ࠄࠇࠆ able to decide
kimeru kime kimerareru
3 ⿠߈ࠆ
able to get up

୫ࠅࠆ ୫ࠅ ୫ࠅࠄࠇࠆ able to borrow

kariru kari karirareru

Class II verbs with the auxiliary verb rareru attached remain Class II verbs.

Today’s second grammar point is the auxiliary verb kuru, which when attached to the te-form of another

Construction: V.te-form + kuru

ࠊ߆ߞߡߊࠆ࡮wakatte ku - to begin to understand

ࠊ߆ߞߡ߈ߚ࡮wakatte kita - to have begun to understand
ኙߊߥߞߡߊࠆ࡮samukanatte kuru - to begin to get cold
ኙߊߥߞߡ߈ߚ࡮samukanatte kita - has begun to get cold

the sentence’s tense and politeness level are determined the tense and politeness level of kuru.

In today’s dialogue, however, the auxiliary verb kuru shows characterisitics closer to a regular verb, as op-
posed to an auxiliary verb. In today’s dialogue and in the following examples, the te-form + kuru construc-

Lesson Code: 261_B127_092606 September 26th 2006 / 2006ᐕ9᦬26ᣣ
Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts

tion is closer to the te-conjuction, which links to sentences together, than the construction indicated above.

⾈ߞߡߊࠆ࡮katte kuru - (to go to) buy it and come back

ⴕߞߡߊࠆ࡮itte kuru - to go and come back

In informal spoken Japanese, the ra of rareru is often dropped:

㘩ߴࠇࠆ࡮tabereru - able to eat

Lesson Code: 261_B127_092606 September 26th 2006 / 2006ᐕ9᦬26ᣣ

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