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Memory Consolidation
John T. Wixted and Denise J. Cai

Memory consolidation is a multifaceted concept. At a minimum, it refers to both cellular consolidation
and systems consolidation. Cellular consolidation takes place in the hours after learning, stabilizing
the memory tracea process that may involve structural changes in hippocampal neurons. Systems
consolidation refers to a more protracted process by which memories become independent of the
hippocampus as they are established in cortical neuronsa process that may involve neural replay.
Both forms of consolidation may preferentially unfold whenever the hippocampus is not encoding new
information, although some theories hold that consolidation occurs exclusively during sleep. In recent
years, the notion of reconsolidation has been added to the mix. According to this idea, previously
consolidated memories, when later retrieved, undergo consolidation all over again. With new findings
coming to light seemingly every day, the concept of consolidation will likely evolve in interesting and
unpredictable ways in the years to come.
Key Words: cellular consolidation, systems consolidation, reconsolidation, sleep and consolidation

The idea that memories require time to consoli- position of the interfering list within the retention
date has a long history, but the understanding of interval mattered such that interference occurring
what consolidation means has evolved over time. soon after learning had a more disruptive eect than
In 1900, the German experimental psychologists interference occurring later in the retention inter-
Georg Mller and Alfons Pilzecker published a val. This led them to propose that memories require
monograph in which a new theory of memory and time to consolidate and that retroactive interference
forgetting was proposed, one that includedfor is a force that compromises the integrity of recently
the rst timea role for consolidation. Their basic formed (and not-yet-consolidated) memories. In
method involved asking subjects to study a list of this chapter, we review the major theories of consol-
paired-associate nonsense syllables and then testing idationbeginning with the still-relevant account
their memory using cued recall after a delay of several proposed by Mller and Pilzecker (1900)and we
minutes. Typically, some of the list items were for- consider a variety of recent developments in what
gotten, and to investigate why that occurred, Mller has become a rapidly evolving eld.
and Pilzecker (1900) presented subjects with a sec-
ond, interfering list of items to study before mem- The Early View: Consolidation and
ory for the target list was tested. They found that Resistance to Interference
this interpolated list reduced memory for the target According to Mller and Pilzeckers (1900)
list compared with a control group that was not view, consolidation consists of trace hardening
exposed to any intervening activity. Critically, the (cf. Wickelgren, 1974) in the sense that some


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physiological process perseverates and eventually become stronger, so it is important to keep in mind
renders the memory trace less vulnerable to inter- which meaning of a stronger memory trace applies
ference caused by new learning. The kind of inter- in any discussion of consolidation. One way that a
ference that a consolidated trace theoretically resists trace might become stronger is that it comes to more
diers from the kind of interference that most accurately reect past experience than it did when it
experimental psychologists have in mind when was rst formed, much like a snapshot taken from a
they study forgetting. In the eld of experimental Polaroid camera comes into sharper focus over time.
psychology, new learning has long been thought to A trace that consolidated in this manner would yield
generate interference by creating competing asso- an ever-clearer memory of the encoding event in
ciations linked to a retrieval cue, not by aecting response to the same retrieval cue. Another way that
the integrity of a fragile memory trace (e.g., Keppel, a trace might become stronger is that it becomes
1968; Underwood, 1957; Watkins & Watkins, ever more likely to spring to mind in response to
1975). Traditionally, this kind of interference has a retrieval cue (even more likely than it was when
been investigated using an A-B, A-C paired-associ- the memory was rst formed). A memory trace that
ates paradigm in which the same cue words (the A consolidated in either of these two ways would sup-
items) are paired with dierent to-be-remembered port a higher level of performance than it did at the
target words across two lists (the B and C items, end of training, as if additional learning occurred
respectively). In a standard retroactive interference despite the absence of additional training.
paradigm, for example, the memory test consists of Still another way that a trace can become stron-
presenting the A items and asking participants to ger is that it becomes hardened against the destruc-
recall the B items. Having learned the A-C associa- tive forces of interference. A trace that hardens over
tions after learning the A-B associations, the abil- time (i.e., a trace that consolidates in that sense)
ity of participants to recall the B items is typically may simultaneously become degraded over time
impaired, and this impairment is usually assumed due to the interfering force of new learning or to
to reect retrieval competition from the C items. some other force of decay. As an analogy, a clay
The powerful eect of this kind of cue overload replica of the Statue of Liberty will be at its nest
interference on retention has been well established when it has just been completed and the clay is still
by decades of psychological research, but it is almost wet, but it will also be at its most vulnerable. With
certainly not the only kind of interference that the passage of time, however, the statue dries and
causes forgetting. becomes more resistant to damage even though it
The kind of interference envisioned by Mller may now be a less accurate replica than it once was
and Pilzecker (1900) does not involve overloading (because of the damage that occurred before the
a retrieval cue but instead involves directly com- clay dried). Mller and Pilzeckers (1900) original
promising the integrity of a partially consolidated view of consolidation, which was later elaborated by
memory trace. In what even today seems like a Wickelgren (1974), was analogous to this. That is,
radical notion to many experimental psycholo- the consolidation process was not thought to render
gists, Mller and Pilzecker (1900) assumed that the the trace more representative of past experience or
interference was nonspecic in the sense that the to render it more likely to come to mind than it was
interfering material did not have to be similar to at the time of formation; instead, consolidation was
the originally memorized material for interference assumed to render the trace (or its association with
to occur. Instead, mental exertion of any kind was a retrieval cue) more resistant to interference even
thought to be the interfering force (Lechner et al., while the integrity of the trace was gradually being
1999). Mental exertion is fairly vague concept, and compromised by interference.
Wixted (2004a) suggested that the kind of inter- These considerations suggest a relationship
vening mental exertion that Mller and Pilzecker between Mller and Pilzeckers (1900) view of con-
(1900) probably had in mind consists specically solidation and the time course of forgetting. More
of new learning. The basic idea is that new learning, specically, the fact that a memory trace hardens
per se, serves as an interfering force that degrades in such a way as to become increasingly resistant
recently formed and still fragile memory traces. to interference even as the trace fades may help to
Loosely speaking, it can be said that Mller and explain the general shape of the forgetting func-
Pilzecker (1900) believed that the memory trace tion (Wixted, 2004b). Since the seminal work
becomes strengthened by the process of consolidation. of Ebbinghaus (1885), a consistent body of evi-
However, there is more than one way that a trace can dence has indicated that the proportional rate of

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forgetting is rapid at rst and then slows to a point long ago by Ribot (1881/1882), but he had no
at which almost no further forgetting occurs. This way of knowing what brain structures were cen-
general property is captured by the power law of trally involved in this phenomenon. The experience
forgetting (Anderson & Schooler, 1991; Wixted & of H.M. made it clear that the relevant structures
Carpenter, 2007; Wixted & Ebbesen, 1991), and it reside in the MTL, and the phenomenon of tem-
is enshrined in Josts law of forgetting, which states porally graded retrograde amnesia suggests an
that if two memory traces have equal strength but extended but time-limited role for the MTL in the
dierent ages, the older trace will decay at a slower encoding and retrieval of new memories. That is,
rate than the younger one from that moment on the MTL is needed to encode new memories, and it
(Jost, 1897). One possibility is that the continuous is needed for a time after they are encoded, but it is
reduction in the rate of forgetting as a trace ages is a not needed indenitely. The decreasing dependence
reection of the increased resistance to interference of memories on the MTL is known as systems consol-
as the trace undergoes a slow process of consolida- idation (Frankland & Bontempi, 2005; McGaugh,
tion (Wickelgren, 1974; Wixted, 2004b). 2000). As a result of this process, which may last as
long as several years in humans, memories are even-
Modern Views of Consolidation tually reorganized and established in the neocortex
The view of consolidation advanced by the pio- in such a way that they become independent of the
neering experimental psychologists Mller and MTL (Squire et al., 2001). Note that this is a dif-
Pilzecker was not embraced by the eld of experimen- ferent view of consolidation than the resistance-to-
tal psychology in the latter half of the twentieth cen- interference view proposed by Mller and Pilzecker
tury. Ironically, during that same period of time, the (1900).
notion that memories consolidate became the stan- The temporal gradient of retrograde amnesia
dard story in the eld of neuroscience. The impetus exhibited by patient H.M. (documented during
for this way of thinking among neuroscientists can be early years after surgery) prompted more controlled
traced in large part to the realization that the structures investigations using both humans and nonhumans.
of medial temporal lobe (MTL) play a critical role These studies have shown that the temporal gradi-
in the formation of new memories. The importance ent is real and that it is evident even when bilat-
of these structures became clear when patient H.M. eral lesions are limited to the hippocampus (a
received a bilateral medial temporal lobe resection in central structure of the MTL). For example, in a
an eort to control his epileptic seizures (Scoville & particularly well-controlled study, Anagnostaras
Milner, 1957). Although successful in that regard, et al. (1999) investigated the eect of hippocam-
H.M. was also unexpectedly left with a profound pal lesions in rats using a context fear-conditioning
case of anterograde amnesia (i.e., the inability to form paradigm. In this task, a tone conditional stimulus
new memories from that point on) despite retain- (CS) is paired with a shock unconditional stimulus
ing normal perceptual and intellectual functioning, (US) several times in a novel context. Such training
including normal working memory capacity. Another results in a fear of both the tone and the training
outcomeone that is relevant to the issue of consol- context (measured behaviorally as the proportion
idationwas that H.M. also exhibited temporally of time spent freezing), and memory for the con-
graded retrograde amnesia (Scoville & Milner, 1957; text-shock association in particular is known to
Squire, 2009). That is, memories that were formed depend on the hippocampus. Anagnostaras et al.
before surgery were also impaired, and the degree of (1999) trained a group of rats in two dierent con-
impairment was greater for memories that had been texts, and this training was later followed by surgi-
formed just before surgery than for memories that had cal lesions of the hippocampus. Each rat received
been formed well before. Although memories of up to training in Context A 50 days before surgery and
3 years before his surgery were seemingly impaired, training in Context B 1 day before surgery. Thus, at
H.M.s older memories appeared to be largely intact the time lesions were induced, memory for learning
(Scoville & Milner, 1957). This result suggests that in Context A was relatively old, whereas memory
the brain systems involved in the maintenance of for learning in Context B was still new. A later test
memory change over time. of retention showed that remote (i.e., 50-day-old)
memory for contextual fear was similar to that of
Systems Consolidation controls, whereas recent (i.e., 1-day-old) memory
The temporal gradient of retrograde amnesia for contextual fear was greatly impaired. Thus, in
that is associated with injury and disease was noted rats, hippocampus-dependent memories appear to

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become independent of the hippocampus in a mat- performed on unimpaired subjects, though the rel-
ter of weeks. evant literature is somewhat mixed in this regard.
Controlled studies in humans sometimes suggest Although some studies found more activity in the
that the time course of systems consolidation often MTL during the recollection of recent semantic
plays out over a much longer period of time period, memories compared with remote semantic memo-
a nding that is consistent with the time window ries (Douville et al., 2005; Haist et al., 2001; Smith
of retrograde amnesia observed for H.M. However, & Squire, 2009), other studies found no dierence
the time course is rather variable, and the basis for (e.g., Bernard et al., 2004; Maguire et al., 2001;
the variability is not known. Both semantic and epi- Maguire & Frith, 2003). For example, using func-
sodic memory have been assessed in studies investi- tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), Bernard
gating the temporal gradient of retrograde amnesia. et al. (2004) identied brain regions associated with
Semantic memory refers to memory for factual recognizing famous faces from two dierent periods:
knowledge (e.g., what is the capital of Texas?), people who became famous in the 1960s to 1970s
whereas episodic memory refers to memory for spe- and people who became famous in the 1990s. They
cic events (e.g., memory for a recently presented found that the hippocampus was similarly active
list of words or memory for an autobiographical during the recognition of faces from both periods
event, such as a trip to the Bahamas). (i.e., no temporal gradient was observed). It is not
clear why studies vary in this regard, but one pos-
Temporal Gradient of Semantic Memory sibility is that the detection of a temporal gradient is
Semantic knowledge is generally acquired gradu- more likely when multiple time points are assessed,
ally across multiple episodes of learning and is forgot- especially during the several years immediately
ten slowly, so it seems reasonable to suppose that the preceding memory impairment, than when only
systems consolidation of such knowledge would be two time points are assessed (as in Bernard et al.,
extended in time. In one recent study of this issue, 2004).
Manns et al. (2003) measured factual knowledge In an imaging study that was patterned after
in six amnesic patients with damage limited to the the lesion study reported by Manns et al. (2003),
hippocampal region. Participants were asked ques- Smith and Squire (2009) measured brain activity
tions about news events that had occurred from while subjects recalled news events from multiple
1950 to early 2002 (e.g., Which tire manufacturer time points over the past 30 years. In agreement
recalled thousands of tires? [Firestone] What soft- with the lesion study, they found that regions in
ware company was accused of running a monopoly? the MTL exhibited a decrease in brain activity as
[Microsoft]). The data for a particular patient (and a function of the age of the memory over a 12-year
for several controls matched to that patient) were period (whereas activity was constant for memories
analyzed according to the year in which the patient from 13 to 30 years ago). In addition, they found
became amnesic. As might be expected, memory for that regions in the frontal lobe, temporal lobe, and
factual knowledge was reduced for the period of time parietal lobe exhibited an increase in activity as a
following the onset of memory impairment. Thus, for function of the age of the trace. Thus, it seems that
example, if a patient became amnesic in 1985, then the (systems) consolidation of semantic memories is
memory for news events that occurred after 1985 was a slow process that may require years to complete.
impaired (i.e., anterograde amnesia was observed). In
addition, and more to the point, factual knowledge Temporal Gradient of Autobiographical
for news events that occurred during the several years (Episodic) Memory
immediately before the onset of memory impairment Although lesion studies and neuroimaging
(e.g., 1980 to 1985) was also impaired, particularly studies point to a temporal gradient for semantic
when memory was measured by free recall rather than memory lasting years, there is some debate about
by recognition. However, memory for events that whether episodic memoryin particular autobio-
occurred 11 to 30 years before the onset of memory graphical memoryexhibits any temporal gradient
impairment (e.g., 1955 to 1974) was intact. These at all. For example, some recent studies performed
older memories, it seems, had become fully consoli- on H.M. that were conducted not long before he
dated in the neocortex and were no longer dependent passed away in 2008 showed that his memory for
on the structures of the MTL. remote personal experiences, unlike his memory
The ndings from lesion studies have some- for remote factual knowledge, was not preserved
times been corroborated by neuroimaging studies (Steinvorth, Levine, & Corkin, 2005). In addition,

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a number of case studies of memory-impaired the hippocampus and temporal neocortex associated
patients have reported impairments of childhood with memory for two sets of paired-associate gures
memories (Cipolotti et al., 2001; Eslinger, 1998; that subjects had previously memorized. One set
Hirano & Noguchi, 1998; Kitchener et al., 1998; was studied 8 weeks before the memory test (old
Maguire et al., 2006; Rosenbaum et al., 2004). memories), and the other was studied immediately
These ndings appear to suggest that the MTL before the memory test (new memories). Overall
plays a role in recalling personal episodes even if accuracy at the time of test was equated for the two
they happened long ago, and the apparent impli- conditions by providing extra study time for the
cation is that autobiographical memories do not items that were studied 8 weeks before. Thus, any
undergo systems consolidation. However, by the dierences in activity associated with old and new
time H.M.s remote autobiographical memory memories could not be attributed to dierences in
impairment was documented, he was an elderly memory strength. The results showed that a region
patient, and his brain was exhibiting signs of corti- in right hippocampus was associated with greater
cal thinning, abnormal white matter, and subcorti- activity during retrieval of new memories than old
cal infarcts (Squire, 2009). Thus, these late-life brain memories, whereas in left temporal neocortex, the
abnormalities could account for the loss of remote opposite activation pattern (i.e., old > new) was
memories. In addition, in most of the case stud- observed. These results are consistent with a decreas-
ies that have documented remote autobiographical ing role of the hippocampus and increasing role of
memory impairment, damage was not restricted to the neocortex as memories age over a period as short
the MTL. To compare the remote memory eects as 50 days (cf. Takashima et al., 2006), a time scale
of limited MTL damage and damage that also of consolidation that is similar to that observed
involved areas of the neocortex, Bayley et al. (2005) in experimental animals (e.g., Anagnostaras et al.,
measured the ability of eight amnesic patients to 1999).
recollect detailed autobiographical memories from An even shorter time scale for systems consolida-
their early life. Five of the patients had damage lim- tion was evident in a recent fMRI study reported
ited to the MTL, whereas three had damage to the by Takashima et al. (2009). Subjects in that study
neocortex in addition to MTL damage. They found memorized two sets of facelocation stimuli, one
that the remote autobiographical memories of the studied 24 hours before the memory test (old mem-
ve MTL patients were quantitatively and quali- ories) and the other studied 15 minutes before the
tatively similar to the recollections of the control memory test (new memories). To control for dier-
group, whereas the autobiographical memories of ences in memory strength, they compared activity
the three patients with additional neocortical dam- for high-condence hits associated with the old and
age were severely impaired. This result suggests that new memories and found that hippocampal activ-
semantic memory and episodic memory both even- ity decreased and neocortical activity increased over
tually become independent of the MTL through a the course of 24 hours. In addition, the connectiv-
process of systems consolidation, but the tempo- ity between the hippocampus and the neocortical
ral gradient of retroactive amnesia associated with regions decreased, whereas cortico-cortical con-
that process can be obscured if damage extends to nectivity increased (all over the course of only 24
the neocortex. MacKinnon and Squire (1989) also hours). Results like these suggest that the process of
found that the temporal gradient of autobiographi- systems consolidation can occur very quickly.
cal memories for ve MTL patients was similar in What determines whether the temporal gradi-
duration to the multiyear gradient associated with ent is short or long? The answer is not known, but
semantic memory. Frankland and Bontempi (2006) suggested that the
critical variable may be the richness of the memo-
Temporal Gradients Involving a Shorter rized material. To-be-remembered stimuli presented
Time Scale in a laboratory are largely unrelated to a subjects
Recent neuroimaging studies have documented personal history and thus might be integrated with
a temporal gradient of activity for memory of sim- prior knowledge represented in the cortex in a
ple laboratory stimuli on a time scale that is vastly rather sparse (yet rapid) manner. Autobiographical
shorter than the multiyear process of consolidation memories, by contrast, are generally related to
suggested by lesion studies of semantic memory a large preexisting knowledge base. The integra-
and autobiographical memory. For example, using tion of such memories into an intricate knowledge
fMRI, Yamashita et al. (2009) measured activity in base may require more extended dialogue between

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the hippocampus and neocortex (McClelland, In agreement with this possibility, a series of
McNaughton, & OReilly, 1995). Alternatively, trace eyeblink conditioning studies conducted by
Tse et al. (2007) suggested that when memories Takehara-Nishiuchi and colleagues has shown that
can be incorporated into an associative schema an area of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in
of preexisting knowledge (i.e., when newly learned rats becomes increasingly necessary for the retrieval
information is compatible with previously learned of memories as they become decreasingly depen-
information), the process of systems consolida- dent on the hippocampus over the course of several
tion is completed very rapidly (within 48 hours for weeks. This was shown both by lesion studies and
rats). However, it is not clear whether this idea can by direct neural recordings of task-related activ-
account for the rapid systems consolidation that is ity in the mPFC (Takehara, Kawahara, & Kirino,
apparent for memories of arbitrary laboratory-based 2003; Takehara-Nishiuchi & McNaughton, 2008).
stimuli in humans (e.g., Takashima et al., 2009). In one particularly relevant experiment, Takehara-
The as-yet-unresolved question of why memories Nishiuchi and McNaughton (2008) showed that
vary in how quickly they undergo systems consoli- task-related activity of mPFC neurons in rats
dation seems likely to remain a focus of research in increased over the course of several weeks even in
this area for some time to come. the absence of further training. In a conceptually
related study, Frankland et al. (2004) trained mice
Decreasing Hippocampal Activity Versus in a fear-conditioning procedure and tested mem-
Increasing Neocortical Activity ory either 1 day (recent) or 36 days (remote) after
The ndings discussed above support the view training. They found that activity in multiple asso-
that memories undergo a process of systems con- ciation cortical regions (measured by the expression
solidation in which the structures of the MTL play of activity-regulated genes) was greater for remote
a decreasing role with the passage of time. An inter- than for recent memories. In addition, they found
esting feature of several of the neuroimaging studies that the increased cortical activity for remote mem-
discussed above is that not only does MTL activ- ories was not evident in mice with a gene mutation
ity often decrease with time, but also neocortical that selectively impairs remote memory. Results like
activity increases over time (Smith & Squire, 2009; these would seem to provide direct evidence of the
Takashima et al., 2009; Yamashita et al., 2009). kind of cortical reorganization that has long been
What might that increased activity signify? thought to underlie systems consolidation.
The memory of a past experience that is elicited
by a retrieval cue presumably consists of the reac- Cellular Consolidation
tivation of distributed neocortical areas that were Systems consolidation is not what Mller and
active at the time the trace was initially encoded Pilzecker (1900) had in mind when they rst intro-
(Damasio, 1989; Homan & McNaughton, duced the concept of consolidation. Their view was
2002; Johnson, McDu, Rugg, & Norman, 2009; that a memory trace becomes increasingly resistant
McClelland, McNaughton, & OReilly, 1995; to interference caused by new learning as the trace
Squire & Alvarez, 1995). The primary sensory consolidates, not that the trace becomes reorganized
areas of the brain (e.g., the brain areas activated in the neocortex (and, therefore, less dependent on
by the sights, sounds, and smells associated with the MTL) over time.
a visit to the county fair) converge on associa- Whereas a role for systems consolidation came
tion areas of the brain, which, in turn, are heav- into sharper focus in the years following the recog-
ily interconnected with the MTL. Conceivably, nition of H.M.s memory impairment, evidence for
memories are stored in widely distributed neocor- a second kind of consolidation began to emerge in
tical areas from the outset, but the hippocampus the early 1970s. This kind of consolidationcalled
and other structures of the MTL are required to cellular consolidationoccurs at the level of neurons
bind them together until cortico-cortical associa- (not brain systems) and takes place over the hours
tions develop, eventually rendering the memory (and, perhaps, days) after a memory is formed in
trace independent of the MTL (Wixted & Squire, the hippocampus (McGaugh, 2000). Cellular con-
2011). In studies using fMRI, the increasing role solidation seems more directly relevant to the trace-
of the direct cortico-cortical connections may hardening physiological processes that Mller and
be reected in increased neocortical activity as Pilzecker (1900) had in mind, and it had its origins
time passes since the memory trace was formed in the discovery of a phenomenon known as long-
(Takashima et al., 2009). term potentiation (LTP; Bliss & Lomo, 1973).

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LTP is a relatively long-lasting enhancement of What does LTP have to do with the story of
synaptic ecacy that is induced by a brief burst of consolidation? The induction of LTP unleashes a
high-frequency electrical stimulation (a tetanus) deliv- molecular cascade in postsynaptic neurons that con-
ered to presynaptic neurons (Bliss & Collingridge, tinues for hours and results in structural changes to
1993). Before the tetanus, a single (weak) test pulse those neurons. The postsynaptic changes are pro-
of electrical stimulation applied to the presynaptic tein-synthesis dependent and involve morphologi-
neuron elicits a certain baseline response in the post- cal changes in dendritic spines (Yuste & Bonhoeer,
synaptic neuron, but after the tetanus, that same test 2001) and the insertion of additional AMPA recep-
pulse elicits a greater response. The enhanced reac- tors into dendritic membranes (Lu et al., 2001).
tivity typically lasts hours or days (and sometimes These changes are generally thought to stabilize
weeks), so it presumably does not represent the way LTP because LTP degrades rapidly if they do not
in which memories are permanently coded. Still, occur (or are prevented from occurring by the use
LTP is readily induced in hippocampal neurons, of a protein synthesis inhibitor).
and it is, by far, the leading approach to modeling LTP exhibits all of the characteristics of consoli-
the neural basis of initial memory formation (Bliss, dation envisioned by Mller and Pilzecker (1900).
Collingridge, & Morris, 2003; Martin, Grimwood, In their own work, Mller and Pilzecker (1900)
& Morris, 2000). In this model, tetanic stimulation used an original learning phase (L1), followed by
is analogous to the eect of a behavioral experience, an interfering learning phase (L2), followed by
and the enhanced ecacy of the synapse is analo- a memory test for the original list (T1). Holding
gous to the memory of that experience. the retention interval between L1 and T1 constant,
Although LTP looks like neural memory for an they essentially showed that L1-L2-----T1 yields
experience (albeit an articial experience consisting greater interference than L1---L2---T (where the
of a train of electrical impulses), what reason is there dashes represent units of time). In experimental
to believe that a similar process plays a role in real animals, memories formed in the hippocampus and
memories? The induction of LTP in hippocampal LTP induced in the hippocampus both exhibit a
neurons involves the opening of calcium channels similar temporal gradient with respect to retroac-
in postsynaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) tive interference (Izquierdo et al., 1999; Xu et al.,
receptors (Bliss & Collingridge, 1993). When those 1998). Whether L1 and L2 both involve hippocam-
receptors are blocked by an NMDA antagonist, pus-dependent learning tasks (e.g., L1 = one-trial
high-frequency stimulation fails to induce LTP. inhibitory avoidance learning, L2 = exploration
Perhaps not coincidentally, NMDA antagonists of a novel environment), as reported by Izquierdo
have often been shown to impair the learning of et al. (1999), or one involves the induction of LTP
hippocampus-dependent tasks in animals (e.g., (L1) while the other involves exposure to a learning
Morris et al., 1986; Morris, 1989), as if an LTP-like task (L2), as reported by Xu et al. (1998), the same
process in the hippocampus plays an important role pattern emerges. Specically, L2 interferes with L1
in the formation of new episodic memories. One when the time between them is relatively short (e.g.,
study suggests that the encoding of actual memo- 1 hour), but not when the time between them is
ries (not just an articial train of electrical pulses) relatively long (e.g., 6 or more hours). Moreover, if
also gives rise to LTP in the hippocampus. Whitlock an NMDA antagonist is infused into the hippocam-
et al. (2006) trained rats on an inhibitory avoidance pus before L2 (thereby blocking the induction of
task (a task known to be dependent on the hip- interfering LTP that might be associated with the
pocampus), and they were able to nd neurons in learning of a potentially interfering task), no inter-
the hippocampus that exhibited sustained LTP after ference eect is observed even when the L1-L2 tem-
training (not after an articial tetanus). In addition, poral interval is short.
tetanic stimulation applied to these neurons after The point is that hippocampus-dependent
training now had a lesser eect (as if those neurons memories and hippocampal LTP both appear to
were already close to ceiling levels of LTP) than be vulnerable to interference early on and then
tetanic stimulation applied to the neurons of ani- become more resistant to interference with the
mals who had not received training. These ndings passage of time. Moreover, the interfering force is
suggest that LTP may be more than just a model the formation of new memories (or, analogously,
for memory formation; it may, in fact, be part of the induction of LTP). Newly induced LTP, like a
the mechanism that underlies the initial encoding newly encoded memory, begins life in a fragile state.
of memory. Over time, as the process of cellular consolidation

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unfolds, recently formed LTP and recently encoded again formed. If so, then less forgetting should be
memories become more stable, which is to say that observed than would otherwise be the case.
they become more resistant to interference caused All of these ndings are easily understood in
by the induction of new LTP or by the encoding of terms of cellular consolidation (not systems consoli-
new memories. dation), but a recent explosion of research on the
The use of an NMDA antagonist in rats is not role of sleep and consolidation has begun to suggest
the only way to induce a temporary period of that the distinction between cellular consolidation
anterograde amnesia (thereby protecting recently and systems consolidation may not be as sharp as
induced LTP or recently formed memories). In previously thought.
sucient quantities, alcohol and benzodiazepines
have been shown to do the same in humans. Sleep and Consolidation
Moreover, like NMDA antagonists, these drugs In recent years, the idea that sleep plays a spe-
not only induce anterograde amnesia but also cial role in the consolidation of both declarative and
inhibit the induction of LTP in the hippocampus nondeclarative memory has received a great deal of
(Del Cerro et al., 1992; Evans & Viola-McCabe, attention. Declarative memory consists of the con-
1996; Givens & McMahon, 1995; Roberto et al., scious remembrance of either factual information
2002, Sinclair & Lo, 1986). Interestingly, they also (i.e., semantic memory) or past experience (i.e.,
result in a phenomenon known as retrograde facili- episodic memory), and it is the kind of memory
tation. That is, numerous studies have reported that that we have discussed thus far in connection with
even though alcohol induces amnesia for informa- systems consolidation and cellular consolidation.
tion studied under the inuence of the drug, it Nondeclarative memory, on the other hand, refers
actually results in improved memory for material to the acquisition and retention of nonconscious
studied just before consumption (e.g., Bruce & skills and abilities, with the prototypical example
Pihl, 1997; Lamberty, Beckwith, & Petros, 1990; being the ability to ride a bike. With practice, ones
Mann, Cho-Young, & Vogel-Sprott, 1984; Parker riding ability improves, but the memory of how to
et al., 1980, 1981). Similar ndings have been balance on two wheels is not realized by consciously
frequently reported for benzodiazepines such as remembering anything about the past (as in the
diazepam and triazolam (Coenen & Van Luijtelaar, case of declarative memory). Instead, that memory
1997; Fillmore et al., 2001; Ghoneim, Hinrichs, & is realized by climbing on the bike and discovering
Mewaldt, 1984; Hinrichs, Ghoneim, & Mewaldt, that you can ride it without falling o. Whereas
1984; Weingartner et al., 1995). Predrug memo- declarative memory depends on the structures of
ries, it seems, are protected from interference that the MTL, nondeclarative memories do not (Squire,
would have been created during the postdrug 1992; Squire & Zola, 1996). As a result, amnesic
amnesic state. patients with MTL damage have an impairment of
It is important to emphasize that postlearning declarative memory (both anterograde amnesia and
amnesia-inducing agents (such as NMDA antago- temporally graded retrograde amnesia), but they are
nists used in rats or alcohol and benzodiazepines generally unimpaired at learning and retaining pro-
used in humans) do not enhance predrug memo- cedural skills (Squire, 1992). An amnesic could, for
ries in an absolute sense. That is, in response to example, learn to ride a bike as easily as you could,
these drugs, the memories do not more accurately but, unlike you, the amnesic would have no con-
represent past experience and are not more likely scious declarative memory of the practice sessions.
to be retrieved than they were at the end of learn- Recent research suggests that sleep plays a role in the
ing. Instead, memories formed before drug intake consolidation of both declarative and nondeclara-
are forgotten to a lesser degree than memories tive memories.
formed before placebo. By limiting the formation Because sleep is not an undierentiated state,
of new memories, alcohol and benzodiazepines one focus of this line of research has been to iden-
(like NMDA antagonists) may protect memories tify the specic stage of sleep that is important for
that were formed just before drug intake. While consolidation. Sleep is divided into ve stages that
protected from the trace-degrading force of new occur in a regular sequence within 90-minute cycles
memory formation, these memories may be allowed throughout the night. Stages 1 through 4 refer to
to consolidate (via cellular consolidation) in a way ever-deeper levels of sleep, with stages 3 and 4 often
that hardens them against the interference they being referred to as slow-wave sleep. Rapid eye
will later encounter when new memories are once movement (REM) sleep is a lighter stage of sleep

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associated with vivid dreams. Although every stage Slow-Wave Sleep and Cellular
of sleep occurs during each 90-minute sleep cycle, Consolidation
the early sleep cycles of the night are dominated by Why is slow-wave sleep more protective of
slow-wave sleep, and the later sleep cycles are domi- recently formed memories than REM sleep? One
nated by REM sleep. For declarative memory, the possibility is that slow-wave sleep is more conducive
benecial eects of sleep have been almost exclu- to cellular consolidation than REM sleep. In experi-
sively associated with slow-wave sleep, and this is ments performed on sleeping rats, Jones Leonard
true of its possible role in systems consolidation and et al. (1987) showed that LTP can be induced in
cellular consolidation. For nondeclarative memo- the hippocampus during REM sleep but not during
ries, the benecial eects of sleep are more often slow-wave sleep. Whereas slow-wave sleep inhibits
associated with REM sleep. the induction of LTP, it does not disrupt the main-
tenance of previously induced LTP (Bramham &
Sleep-Related Consolidation of Declarative Srebo 1989). In that sense, slow-wave sleep is like
Memory the NMDA antagonists discussed earlier (i.e., they
Much evidence dating back at least to Jenkins block the induction of new LTP but not the mainte-
and Dallenbach (1924) has shown that less for- nance of previously induced LTP). By contrast, with
getting occurs if one sleeps during the retention regard to synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus,
interval than if one remains awake. A reduction in REM sleep is similar to the awake state (i.e., LTP
interference is generally thought to play some role can be induced during REM).
in this sleep-related benet, but there appears to Even during a night of sleep, interference may
be much more to the story than that. In particu- occur, especially during REM sleep, when con-
lar, consolidation is an important part of the story, siderable mental activity (mainly vivid dreaming)
and the dierent stages of sleep play very dierent takes place and memories can be encoded in the
roles. hippocampus. But memories are probably never
Ekstrand and colleagues (Ekstrand, 1972; formed during slow-wave sleep. This is true despite
Yaroush, Sullivan, & Ekstrand, 1971) were the rst the fact that a considerable degree of mental activity
to address the question of whether the dierent (consisting of static visual images, thinking, reect-
stages of sleep dierentially benet what we now call ing, etc.) occurs during slow-wave sleep. Indeed,
declarative memory. These researchers took advan- perhaps half as much mental activity occurs dur-
tage of the fact that most REM sleep occurs in the ing non-REM sleep as during REM sleep (Nielsen,
second half of the night, whereas most non-REM 2000). However, mental activity and the formation
sleep occurs in the rst half. Some subjects in this of memories are not one and the same. The mental
experiment learned a list, went to sleep immediately, activity that occurs during slow-wave sleep is not
and were awakened 4 hours later for a test of recall. remembered, perhaps because it occurs during a time
These subjects experienced mostly slow-wave sleep when hippocampal plasticity is minimized. Because
during the 4-hour retention interval. Others slept no new memories are formed in the hippocampus
for 4 hours, were awakened to learn a list, slept for during this time, cellular consolidation can presum-
another 4 hours, and then took a recall test. These ably proceed in the absence of interference. During
subjects experienced mostly REM sleep during the REM sleep, however, electroencephalogram (EEG)
4-hour retention interval. The control (i.e., awake) recordings suggest that the hippocampus is in an
subjects learned a list during the day and were tested awake-like state, and LTP can be induced (and
for recall 4 hours later. The subjects all learned the memories can be formed), so interference is more
initial list to a similar degree, but the results showed likely to occur.
that 4 hours of mostly non-REM sleep resulted in If slow-wave sleep protects recently formed
less forgetting relative to the other two conditions, memories from interference while allowing cellu-
which did not dier from each other (i.e., REM sleep lar consolidation to move forward, then a temporal
did not facilitate memory). Barrett and Ekstrand gradient of interference should be observed. That is,
(1972) reported similar results in a study that con- sleep soon after learning should confer more protec-
trolled for time-of-day and circadian rhythm con- tion than sleep that is delayed. This can be tested by
founds, and the eect was later replicated in studies holding the retention interval between learning (L1)
by Plihal and Born (1997, 1999). Slow-wave sleep and test (T1) constant (e.g., at 24 hours), with the
may play a role in both cellular consolidation and location of sleep (S) within that retention interval
systems consolidation. varied. Using the notation introduced earlier, the

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prediction would be that L1-S-----T1 will confer phenomenon of neural replay was initially observed
greater protection than L1---S---T1. If a temporal in hippocampal cells of sleeping rats after they
gradient is observed (i.e., if memory performance at had run along a familiar track, and its discovery
T1 is greater in the rst condition than the second), was tied to the earlier discovery of place cells in the
it would suggest that sleep does more than simply hippocampus.
subtract out a period of retroactive interference that Long ago, it was discovered that the ring of par-
would otherwise occur. Instead, it would suggest ticular hippocampal cells in awake rats is coupled to
that sleep (presumably slow-wave sleep) also allows specic points in the rats environment (OKeefe &
the process of cellular consolidation to proceed in Dostrovsky, 1971). These cells are known as place
the absence of interference. cells because they re only when the rat traverses a
Once again, Ekstrand (1972) performed the particular place in the environment. Usually, hip-
pioneering experiment on this issue. In that experi- pocampal place cells re in relation to the rats posi-
ment, memory was tested for paired-associate words tion on a running track. That is, as the rat traverses
following a 24-hour retention interval in which sub- point A along the track, place cell 1 will reliably re.
jects slept either during the 8 hours that followed As it traverses point B, place cell 2 will re (and
list presentation or during the 8 hours that preceded so on). An intriguing nding that may be relevant
the recall test. In the immediate sleep condition (in to the mechanism that underlies systems consolida-
which L1 occurred at night, just before sleep), he tion is that cells that re in sequence in the hip-
found that 81 percent of the items were recalled pocampus during a behavioral task tend to become
24 hours later; in the delayed sleep condition (in sequentially coactive again during sleep (Wilson &
which L1 occurred in the morning), only 66 per- McNaughton, 1994). This is the phenomenon of
cent were recalled. In other words, a clear temporal neural replay.
gradient associated with the subtraction of retroac- Neural reply has most often been observed in
tive interference was observed, one that is the mir- rats during slow-wave sleep. It has also occasion-
ror image of the temporal gradient associated with ally been observed during REM sleep, but, in that
the addition of retroactive interference reported case, it occurs at a rate that is similar to the neu-
by Mller and Pilzecker (1900). More recent sleep ron ring that occurred during learning (Louie &
studies have reinforced the idea that the temporal Wilson, 2001) and thus may simply reect dream-
gradient of retrograde facilitation is a real phenom- ing. The neural replay that occurs during slow-wave
enon, and they have addressed various confounds sleep occurs at a rate ve to ten times faster than
that could have accounted for the results that it did during the waking state (e.g., Ji & Wilson,
Ekstrand (1972) obtained (Gais, Lucas, & Born, 2007) and may therefore reect a biological con-
2006; Talamini et al., 2008). The temporal gradient solidation process separate from mental activity like
associated with sleep, like the LTP and animal learn- dreaming. It is as if the hippocampus is replaying
ing research described earlier, is consistent with the the earlier behavioral experience, perhaps as a way
notion that when memory formation is temporarily to reorganize the representation of that experience
halted, recently formed and still-fragile memories in the neocortex.
are protected from interference. As a result, they The fact that replay of sequential place cell activ-
are given a chance to become hardened against the ity in the hippocampus occurs during slow-wave
forces of retroactive interference that they will later sleep does not, by itself, suggest anything about
encounter (perhaps through a process of cellular communication between the hippocampus and the
consolidation). neocortex (the kind of communication that is pre-
sumably required for systems consolidation to take
Slow-Wave Sleep and Systems place). However, Ji and Wilson (2007) reported
Consolidation that hippocampal replay during slow-wave sleep
Recent sleep studies have also shed light on the in rats was coordinated with ring patterns in the
mechanism that may account for systems consoli- visual cortex, which is consistent with the idea that
dation, which presumably involves some relatively this process underlies the reorganization of mem-
long-lasting form of communication between the ories in the neocortex. In addition, Lansink et al.
hippocampus and the neocortex (Marr, 1971). The (2009) performed multineuron recordings from
mechanism of communication is not known, but a the hippocampus and ventral striatum during wak-
leading candidate is neural replay, and most of the ing and sleeping states. While the rats were awake,
work on this topic comes from sleep studies. The the hippocampal cells red when the rat traversed a

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particular point in the environment (i.e., they were In both these studies, the hippocampal reactiva-
place cells), whereas the striatal cells generally red tion (perhaps reective of hippocampo-neocortical
in response to rewards. During slow-wave sleep (but dialogue) occurred within hours of the learning
not during REM sleep), they found that the hip- episode, a time course of consolidation ordinarily
pocampal and striatal cells reactivated together. The associated with cellular consolidation. The timing
coordinated ring was particularly evident for pairs observed in these studies is not unlike that observed
in which the hippocampal place cell red before the in a neuroimaging study discussed earlier in which
striatal reward-related neuron. Thus, the hippocam- hippocampal activity decreased, and neocorti-
pus leads reactivation in a projection area, and this cal activity increased, over a period as short as 24
mechanism may underlie the systems consolidation hours (Takashima et al., 2009). Moreover, the tim-
of placereward associations. ing ts with studies in rats showing that learning-
One concern about studies of neural replay is related neural replay is evident in the rst slow-wave
that the animals are generally overtrained, so little sleep episode that follows learning (Peyrache et al.,
or no learning actually occurs. Thus, it is not clear 2009).
whether learning-related neural replay takes place. In a sleep-deprivation study that also points to
However, Peyrache et al. (2009) recorded neurons an almost immediate role for systems-level con-
in prefrontal cortex during the course of learning. solidation processes, Sterpenich et al. (2009), using
Rats were trained on a Y-maze task in which they human subjects, investigated memory for emo-
learned to select the rewarded arm using one rule tional and neutral pictures 6 months after encod-
(e.g., choose the left arm) that changed to a dier- ing. Half the subjects were deprived of sleep on
ent rule as soon as a criterion level of performance the rst postencoding night, and half were allowed
was achieved (e.g., choose the right arm). They to sleep (and then all subjects slept normally each
identied sets of neuronal assemblies with reliable night thereafter). Six months later, subjects com-
coactivations in prefrontal cortex, and some of pleted a recognition test in the scanner in which
these coactivations became stronger when the rat each test item was given a judgment of remem-
started the rst run of correct trials associated with ber (previously seen and subjectively recollected),
the acquisition of the new rule. Following these know (previously seen but not subjectively recol-
sessions, replay during slow-wave sleep mainly lected), or new (not previously seen). A contrast
involved the learning-related coactivations. Thus, between activity associated with remembered items
learning-related replaythe mechanism that may and known items yielded a smaller dierence in the
underlie systems consolidationcan be identi- sleep-deprived subjects across a variety of brain areas
ed and appears to get underway very soon after (ventral mPFC, precuneus, amygdala, and occipital
learning. cortex), even though the items had been memorized
Other evidence suggests that something akin to 6 months earlier, and these results were interpreted
neural replay occurs in humans as well. An intrigu- to mean that sleep during the rst postencoding
ing study by Rasch et al. (2007) showed that cuing night inuences the long-term systems-level con-
recently formed odor-associated memories by odor solidation of emotional memory.
re-exposure during slow-wave sleepbut not dur- The unmistakable implication from all of these
ing REM sleepprompted hippocampal activation studies is that the process thought to underlie sys-
(as measured by fMRI) and resulted in less forget- tems consolidationnamely, neural replay (or neu-
ting after sleep compared with a control group. ral reactivation)begins to unfold in a measurable
This result is consistent with the notion that sys- way along a time course ordinarily associated with
tems consolidation results from the reactivation of cellular consolidation. That is, in the hours after a
newly encoded hippocampal representations during trace is formed, hippocampal LTP stabilizes, and
slow-wave sleep. In a conceptually related study, neural replay in the hippocampus gets underway.
Peigneux et al. (2004) measured regional cerebral These ndings would seem to raise the possibility
blood ow and showed that hippocampal areas that that the molecular cascade that underlies cellular
were activated during route learning in a virtual consolidation also plays a role in initiating neural
town (a hippocampus-dependent, spatial learning replay (Mednick, Cai, Shuman, Anagnostaras, &
task) were activated again during subsequent slow- Wixted, 2011). If interference occurs while the trace
wave sleep. Moreover, the degree of activation dur- is still fragile, then LTP will not stabilize, and pre-
ing slow-wave sleep correlated with performance on sumably, neural replay will not be initiated. In that
the task the next day. case, the memory will be lost. But if hippocampal

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LTP is allowed to stabilize (e.g., if potentially inter- it is the kind of nding that raises the possibility that
fering memories are blocked, or if a period of slow- sleep-related consolidation can sometimes increase
wave sleep ensues after learning), then (1) the LTP the probability that a memory will be retrieved (i.e.,
will stabilize and become more resistant to interfer- it can strengthen memories in that sense).
ence and (2) neural replay in the hippocampus will
commence and the memory will start to become Role of Brain Rhythms in the Encoding
reorganized in the neocortex. Thus, on this view, and Consolidation States of the
cellular consolidation is an early component of sys- Hippocampus
tems consolidation. Most of the work on hippocampal replay of past
With these considerations in mind, it is interest- experience has looked for the phenomenon during
ing to consider why Rasch et al. (2007) and Peigneux sleep, as if it might be a sleep-specic phenomenon.
et al. (2004) both observed performance benets However, the key condition for consolidation to
associated with reactivation during slow-wave sleep. occur may not be sleep, per se. Instead, the key con-
Results like these suggest that reactivation not only dition may arise whenever the hippocampus is not
serves to reorganize the memory trace in the neocor- in an encoding state, with slow-wave sleep being
tex but also strengthens the memory trace in some an example of such a condition. Indeed, Karlsson
way. But in what way is the trace strengthened? Did and Frank (2009) found frequent awake replay of
the reactivation process that occurred during slow- sequences of hippocampal place cells in the rat. The
wave sleep act as a kind of rehearsal, strengthening rats were exposed to two environments (i.e., two
the memory in much the same way that ordinary dierent running tracks) each day, and each envi-
conscious rehearsal strengthens a memory (increas- ronment was associated with a dierent sequence
ing the probability that the memory will later be of place cell activity. The interesting nding was
retrieved)? Or did the reactivation instead serve to that during pauses in awake activity in environment
render the memory trace less dependent on the hip- 2, replay of sequential place cell activity associated
pocampus and, in so doing, protect the trace from with environment 1 was observed (replay of the
interference caused by the encoding of new memo- local environment was also observed). The nding
ries in the hippocampus (e.g., Litman & Davachi, that the hippocampus exhibits replay of the remote
2008)? Either way, less forgetting would be (and environment while the rat is awake suggests that the
was) observed following a period of reactivation hippocampus may take advantage of any down time
compared with a control condition. (including, but not limited to, sleep) to consolidate
The available evidence showing that increased memory. That is to say, the processes that under-
reactivation during slow-wave sleep results in lie systems consolidation may unfold whenever the
decreased forgetting after a night of sleep does not hippocampus is not encoding new memories (e.g.,
shed any direct light on why reactivation causes the Buzski, 1989).
information to be better retained. Evidence uniquely In a two-stage model advanced by Buzski
favoring a rehearsal-like strengthening mechanism (1989), the hippocampus is assumed to alternate
(as opposed to protection from interference) would between what might be referred to as an encod-
come from a study showing that reactivation during ing state and a consolidating state. In the encod-
sleep can be associated with an actual enhancement ing state, the hippocampus receives (and encodes)
of performance beyond the level that was observed information from the sensory and association areas
at the end of training. Very few declarative memory of the neocortex. In the consolidating state, the hip-
studies exhibit that pattern, but one such study pocampus sends encoded information back to the
was reported by Cai, Shuman, Gorman, Sage, and neocortex. Hasselmo (1999) argued that changes in
Anagnostaras (2009). Using a Pavlovian fear-con- the level of acetylcholine (Ach) mediate the direc-
ditioning task, they found that hippocampus-de- tional ow of information to and from the hip-
pendent contextual memory in mice was enhanced pocampus. High levels of Ach, which occur during
(in an absolute sense) following a period of sleep both active-awake and REM sleep, are associated
whether the sleep phase occurred immediately after with the encoding state, whereas low levels of Ach,
training or 12 hours later. More specically, follow- which occur during both quiet awake (i.e., when
ing sleep, the percentage of time spent freezing (the the animal is passive) and slow-wave sleep, are asso-
main dependent measure of memory) increased ciated with the consolidating state. Thus, according
beyond that observed at the end of training. This is to this view, the consolidating state is not specic
a rare pattern in studies of declarative memory, but to sleep, but it does occur during sleep. Critically,

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the encoding and consolidating states are also asso- within the hippocampal-entorhinal output network,
ciated with characteristic rhythmic activity, and a and synchronized neural discharges tend to occur
basic assumption of this account is that communi- along this pathway during sharp-wave/ripple events
cation between the hippocampus and neocortex is (Buzski, 1986; Chrobak & Buzski, 1996). Thus,
mediated by coordinated oscillatory rhythms across once again, rhythmic activity seems to coordinate
dierent structures of the brain (Sirota, Csicsvari, communication between adjacent brain structures,
Buhl, & Buzski, 2003). and such communication has been found to occur
In the encoding state, the cortex is characterized between more distant brain structures as well. For
by beta oscillations (i.e., 12 to 20 Hz), whereas the example, ripples observed during hippocampal sharp
hippocampus is characterized by theta oscillations waves have been correlated with the occurrence
(i.e., 4 to 8 Hz). Hippocampal theta oscillations of spindles in prefrontal cortex (Siapas & Wilson,
are thought to synchronize neural ring along an 1998). Moreover, the neural replay discussed earlier
input pathway into the hippocampus. For example, preferentially takes place during the high-frequency
in the presence of theta (but not in its absence), the bursts of spindle waves (Wilson & McNaughton,
hippocampus receives rhythmic input from neu- 1994). All of this suggests that rhythmically based
rons in the input layers of the adjacent entorhinal feedback activity from the hippocampus may serve
cortex (Chrobak & Buzski, 1996). In addition, to train the neocortex and thus facilitate the pro-
Siapas, Lubenov, and Wilson (2005) showed that cess of systems consolidation. When it occurs in
neural activity in the prefrontal cortex of rats was the hours after learning, this kind of systems-level
phase-locked to theta oscillations in the hip- communication presumably involves hippocampal
pocampus in freely behaving (i.e., active-awake) neurons that have encoded information and that
rats. Findings like these are consistent with the idea are successfully undergoing the process of cellular
that theta rhythms coordinate the ow of informa- consolidation. If so, then, again, cellular consolida-
tion into the hippocampus, and still other ndings tion could be regarded as an early component of the
suggest that theta rhythms may facilitate the encod- systems consolidation process.
ing of information owing into the hippocampus.
During the high-Ach encoding statewhich is a Sleep-Related Consolidation of
time when hippocampal synaptic plasticity is high Nondeclarative Memory
(Rasmusson, 2000)electrical stimuli delivered at A novel line of research concerned with the role
intervals equal to theta frequency are more likely of sleep in consolidation was initiated by a study
to induce LTP than stimulation delivered at other suggesting that sleep also plays a role in the con-
frequencies (Larson & Lynch, 1986). Thus, theta solidation of nondeclarative memories. Karni et al.
appears to play a role both in organizing the ow of (1994) presented subjects with computer-generated
information into the hippocampus and in facilitat- stimulus displays that sometimes contained a small
ing the encoding of that information. target consisting of three adjacent diagonal bars
Lower levels of Ach prevail during quite-awake (arranged either vertically or horizontally) embed-
and slow-wave sleep, and this is thought to shift ded within a background of many horizontal bars.
the hippocampus into the consolidating state (see The displays were presented very briey (10 ms) and
Rasch, Born, & Gais, 2006). In this state, activity then occluded by a visual mask, and the subjects
along input pathways (ordinarily facilitated by theta job on a given trial was to indicate whether the tar-
rhythms) is suppressed, and hippocampal plasticity get items were arranged vertically or horizontally in
is low (i.e., hippocampal LTP is not readily induced). the just-presented display. Performance on this task
As such, and as indicated earlier, recently induced improves with practice in that subjects can correctly
LTP is protected from interference and is given a identify the target with shorter and shorter delays
chance to stabilize as the process of cellular consoli- between the stimulus and the mask.
dation unfolds. In addition, under these conditions, The detection of element orientation dierences
the cortex is characterized by low-frequency spindle in these visual displays is a preattentive process that
oscillations (i.e., 7 to 14 Hz) and delta oscillations occurs rapidly and automatically (i.e., no deliber-
(i.e., 4 Hz or less), whereas the hippocampus is asso- ate search is required). In addition, the learning
ciated with a more broad-spectrum pattern punc- that takes place with practice presumably reects
tuated by brief, high-frequency sharp waves (i.e., plasticity in the early processing areas of the visual
30 Hz or more) and very-high-frequency ripples cortex, which would account for why the learning is
(about 200 Hz). These sharp wave oscillations occur extremely specic to the trained stimuli (e.g., if the

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targets always appear in one quadrant of the screen such as the sequential nger-tapping task (Walker
during training, no transfer of learning is appar- et al., 2002, 2003a, 2003b). In this task, subjects
ent when the targets are presented in a dierent learn a sequence of nger presses, and performance
quadrant). Thus, the visual segregation task is not improves with training (i.e., the sequence is com-
a hippocampus-dependent task involving conscious pleted with increasing speed) and improves still
memory (i.e., it is not a declarative memory task); further following a night of sleep, with the degree
instead, it is a nondeclarative memory task. of improvement often correlating with time spent
A remarkable nding reported by Karni et al. in stage 2 sleep. Fischer, Hallschmid, Elsner, and
(1994; Karni & Sagi, 1993) was that, following a Born (2002) reported similar results, except that
night of normal sleep, performance improved on performance gains correlated with amount of REM
this task to levels that were higher than the level sleep. However, one aspect of this motor-sequence-
that had been achieved at the end of trainingas learning phenomenonnamely, the fact that per-
if further learning took place oine during sleep. formance improves beyond what was observed at
This is unlike what is typically observed on declara- the end of traininghas been called into question.
tive memory tasks, which only rarely show an actual Rickard et al. (2008) recently presented evidence
performance enhancement. Various control condi- suggesting that the apparent absolute enhance-
tions showed that the enhanced learning eect was ment of performance on this task following sleep
not simply due to a reduction in general fatigue. may have resulted from a combination of averag-
Instead, some kind of performance-enhancing con- ing artifacts, time-of-day confounds (cf. Keisler,
solidation apparently occurred while the subjects Ashe, & Willingham, 2007; Song et al., 2007), and
slept. the buildup of fatigue (creating the impression of
Karni et al. (1994) found that depriving subjects less presleep learning than actually occurred). This
of slow-wave sleep after learning did not prevent result does not necessarily question the special role
the improvement of postsleep performance from of sleep in the consolidation of motor-sequence
occurring, but depriving them of REM sleep did. learning, but it does call into question the absolute
Thus, REM sleep seems critical for the sleep-related increase in performance that has been observed fol-
enhancement of procedural learning to occur, and lowing a period of sleep.
similar results have been reported in a number of Somewhat more puzzling for the idea that
other studies (Atienza et al., 2004; Gais et al., 2000; REM plays a special role in the consolidation of
Mednick et al., 2002, 2003; Stickgold, James, & nondeclarative memory is that Rasch, Pommer,
Hobson, 2000; Walker et al., 2005). These nd- Diekelmann, and Born (2008) found that the use
ings have been taken to mean that nondeclarative of antidepressant drugs, which virtually eliminate
memories require a period of consolidation and that REM sleep, did not eliminate the apparent sleep-
REM sleep in particular is critical for such consoli- related enhancement of performance on two non-
dation to occur. Although most work has pointed to declarative memory tasks (mirror tracing and motor
REM, some work has suggested a role for slow-wave sequence learning). This result would appear to sug-
sleep as well. For example, using the same texture- gest that REM sleep, per se, is not critical for the
discrimination task, Stickgold et al. (2000) found consolidation of learning on either task. Instead,
that the sleep-dependent gains were correlated with conditions that happen to prevail during REM
the amount of slow-wave sleep early in the night sleep (rather than REM sleep per se) may be criti-
and with the amount of REM sleep late in the night cal. Consistent with this possibility, Rasch, Gais,
(cf. Gais et al., 2000). and Born (2009) showed that cholinergic receptor
In the case of nondeclarative memories, the evi- blockade during REM signicantly impaired motor
dence for consolidation does not consist of decreas- skill consolidation. This nding suggests that the
ing dependence on one brain system (as in systems consolidation of motor skill depends on the high
consolidation) or of increasing resistance to interfer- cholinergic activity that typically occurs during
ence (as in cellular consolidation). Instead, the evi- REM (and that presumably occurs even when REM
dence consists of an enhancement of learning beyond is eliminated by antidepressant drugs).
the level that was achieved at the end of training. At What consolidation mechanism is responsible
the time Karni et al. (1994) published their ndings, for sleep-related enhancement of performance on
this was an altogether new phenomenon, and it was perceptual learning tasks? Hippocampal replay
followed by similar demonstrations of sleep-related discussed earlier seems like an unlikely candidate
enhancement using other procedural memory tasks, because this is not a hippocampus-dependent

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task. However, some form of neural reactivation neocortex can reorganize without being disrupted
in the cortex may be involved, as suggested by one by input from the MTL.
study using positron emission tomography (PET).
Specically, Maquet et al. (2000) showed that pat- Reconsolidation
terns of widely distributed brain activity evident In recent years, a great deal of attention has
during the learning of an implicit serial reaction focused on the possibility that it is not just new
time task were again evident during REM sleep. memories that are labile for a period of time; instead,
Such oine rehearsal may reect a neural replay any recently reactivated memoryeven one that
mechanism that underlies the consolidation of pro- consolidated long agomay become labile again as
cedural learning, but the evidence on this point is a result of having been reactivated. That is, accord-
currently quite limited. ing to this idea, an old declarative memory retrieved
to conscious awareness again becomes vulnerable to
Role of Sleep in Creative Problem- disruption and modication and must undergo the
Solving process of cellular consolidation (and, perhaps, sys-
In addition to facilitating the consolidation tems consolidation) all over again.
of rote perceptual and (perhaps) motor learning, The idea that recently retrieved memories
REM might also be an optimal state for reorganiz- once again become labile was proposed long ago
ing semantic knowledge (via spreading activation) (Misanin, Miller, & Lewis, 1968), but the recent
in neocortical networks. This could occur because resurrection of interest in the subject was sparked
hippocampal input to the neocortex is suppressed by Nader, Schafe, and Le Doux (2000). Rats in this
during REM, thus allowing for cortical-cortical study were exposed to a fear-conditioning procedure
communication without interference from the hip- in which a tone was paired with shock in one cham-
pocampus. Consolidation of this kind could facili- ber (context A). The next day, the rats were placed
tate insight and creative problem solving (Wagner in another chamber (context B) and presented with
et al., 2004). In this regard, a recent study by Cai, the tone to reactivate memory of the toneshock
Mednick, Harrison, Kanady, and Mednick (2009) pairing. For half the rats, a protein synthesis inhibi-
found that REM sleep, compared with quiet rest tor (anisomycin) was then infused into the amygdala
and non-REM sleep, enhanced the integration of (a structure that is adjacent to the hippocampus and
previously primed items with new unrelated items that is involved in the consolidation of emotional
to create new and useful associations. They used memory). If the tone-induced reactivation of the
the Remote Associations Test, in which subjects fear memory required the memory to again undergo
are asked to nd a fourth word that could serve as the process of consolidation in order to become sta-
an associative link between three presented words bilized, then anisomycin should prevent that from
(such as COOKIES, SIXTEEN, HEART). The happening, and the memory should be lost. This, in
answer to this item is SWEET (cookies are sweet, fact, was what Nader et al. (2000) reported. Whereas
sweet sixteen, sweetheart). It is generally thought control rats exhibited considerable freezing when
that insight is required to hit upon solutions to the tone was presented again 1 day later (indicat-
problems such as these because the correct answer ing long-term memory for the original toneshock
is usually not the strongest associate of any of the pairing), the anisomycin-treated rats did not (as if
individual items. After priming the answers ear- they had forgotten the toneshock pairing).
lier in the day using an unrelated analogies task, In the absence of a protein synthesis inhibitor,
subjects took an afternoon nap. Cai et al. (2009) a reactivated memory should consolidate over the
found that quiet rest and non-REM sleep did not course of the next several hours. In accordance with
facilitate performance on this task, but REM sleep this prediction, Nader et al. (2000) also reported
did. Importantly, the ability to successfully create that when the administration of anisomycin was
new associations was not attributable to conscious delayed for 6 hours after the memory was reactivated
memory for the previously primed items because (thereby giving the memory a chance to reconsoli-
there were no dierences in recall or recognition date before protein synthesis was inhibited), little
for the primed items between the quiet rest, non- eect on long-term learning was observed. More
REM sleep, and REM sleep groups. This nding specically, in a test 24 hours after reactivation, the
reinforces the notion that REM sleep is important treated rats and the control rats exhibited a com-
for nondeclarative memory, possibly by provid- parable level of freezing in response to the tone
ing a brain state in which the association of the (indicating memory for the toneshock pairing).

450 memory consolidation

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All these results parallel the eects of anisomycin on more persistent in the consolidation group com-
toneshock memory when it is infused after a con- pared with the reconsolidation group. Still, this
ditioning trial (Schafe & LeDoux, 2000). What was study adds to a large and growing literature showing
remarkable about the Nader et al. (2000) results was that reactivated memories are in some way vulner-
that similar consolidation eects were also observed able in a way that was not fully appreciated until
well after conditioning and in response to the reacti- Nader et al. (2000) drove the point home with their
vation of memory caused by the presentation of the compelling study.
tone. Similar ndings have now been reported for
other tasks and other species (see Nader & Hardt, Conclusion
2009, for a review). The idea that memories require time to consoli-
The notion that a consolidated memory becomes date was proposed more than a century ago, but
fragile again merely because it is reactivated might empirical inquiry into the mechanisms of consoli-
seem implausible because personal experience does dation is now more intense than ever. With that
not suggest that we place our memories at risk by inquiry has come the realization that the issue is
retrieving them. In fact, the well-known testing complex, so much so that, used in isolation, the
eectthe nding that successful retrieval enhances word consolidation no longer has a clear meaning.
memory more than additional studyseems to sug- One can speak of consolidation in terms of memory
gest that the opposite may be true (e.g., Roediger becoming less dependent on the hippocampus (sys-
& Karpicke, 2006). However, a fragile trace is also tems consolidation) or in terms of a trace becoming
a malleable trace, and it has been suggested that stabilized (cellular consolidation). Alternatively, one
the updating of memorynot its erasuremay be can speak of consolidation in terms of enhanced
a benet of what otherwise seems like a problem- performance (over and above the level of perfor-
atic state of aairs. As noted by Dudai (2004), the mance achieved at the end of training), in terms
susceptibility to corruption of a retrieved memory of increased resistance to interference (i.e., less for-
might be the price paid for modiability (p. 75). getting), or in terms of a presumed mechanism,
If the reactivated trace is susceptible only to agents such as neural replay or neural reactivation. A clear
such as anisomycin, which is not a drug that is implication is that any use of the word consolidation
encountered on a regular basis, then the price for should be accompanied by a statement of what it
modiability might be low indeed. On the other means. Similarly, any suggestion that consolidation
hand, if the trace is vulnerable to corruption by new strengthens the memory trace should be accom-
learning, as a newly learned memory trace appears panied by a clear statement of the way (or ways)
to be, then the price could be considerably higher. in which the trace is thought be stronger than it
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