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---_._-------_.----_ ..-.._._ _ __ .._ ... -._.-_ _ _------ ----------------------

Time: 2 Hrs Class -IV M. Marks: 50

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Invigilator's Signature _

Marks Obtained
This paper consists of four sections

(i) Section A Reading 8 Marks

( ii) Section B Writing 7 Marks

( iii) Section C Grammar 15 Marks

( iv ) Section 0 Literature 18 Marks

Presentation 2 Marks

General Instructions:

1) Answer all the questions.

r 2) The questions should be answered in the space provided.
3) Neat and tidy work will be appreciated. Avoid overwriting.
4) No extra sheet will be issued.




A home for their babies

The first dove climbed onto the eggs in the nest,

and the other dove flew away ! Peggy waited and waited.
She took the time to look up Mourning Doves in her
encyclopedia. That was when she got a big surprise. It was
the female dove that had flown away while
the male dove sat quietly in the nest. When
the female didn't return, Peggy told her mother.
"The daddy dove is egg-sitting,". "The mama
flew away an hour ago. That's not right, is it?"
Mother hugged Peggy. "Maybe it's right for doves."
"I've got to record this," said Peggy, and she
ran back to her room for her book. The male dove
never left the nest. The female never even visited. Peggy was puzzled. This behaviour
wasn't like human families that she knew. During the evening of the twelfth day Peggy
went to check a loud cooing sound she heard from her room. The sitting dove sat shifting
on the nest, making a most upsetting sound. Then Peggy discovered why the bird was so
nervous. The neighbour's cat sat on a nearby branch of the tree outside Peggy's bedroom
window waiting to pounce. "Oh, no!" cried Peggy. What could she do to help?

Just then the female dove appeared as if by magic and flew at the cat. The cat quickly
slipped down the tree branch back to her house. On the fourteenth day, one egg hatched.
Peggy saw it happen. First, the egg cracked then tiny chips of shell fell away until
finally, the baby dove, all wet and weak, pecked free. "It's born!" exclaimed Peggy to her
mother who had joined her. "No, I mean, it's hatched." The male covered the other egg
and the baby, called a squab, with his body. But not before Peggy saw that the baby's
eyes were closed tight. 'Just like a puppy's she noted in her journal. When Piggy awoke
the next morning, she checked on the baby and discovered two !

She made another entry in her journal. "Both babies seem okay, but I am worried. The
daddy steps on them and might squash them.!" On Day Four, after the eggs hatched, the
babies' eyes opened: "Big round, bright blue eyes. Just like their parents' eyes." On Day
Five, the female returned. "She's late," Peggy told her mother. "All the work is done."

Peggy soon realized she was mistaken. What a job! It took both parents to keep the
babies fed, and to keep them from falling off the window ledge. Soon the babies doubled
in size and grew feathers. "Mother, I can almost watch them grow," she said at the dinner
table that evening. "All babies seem to do that," replied Mother. "You were such a good
eater that your birth weight doubled in only three months." On Day Ten, after the eggs
hatched, the parents encouraged their big babies to try their wings. On Day Twelve, all
four Mourning Doves flew away. Peggy.kept watch for two days before she decided they

would not return. Then she wrote the last entry into her journal. "The Mourning Doves
family flew away at 10 S" August 2013. I will miss them, my Windowsill
Surprise." Then Peggy closed her notebook. She opened her bedroom window to let
spring inside.

Now answer the following questions.

1. What did Peggy look up for~;?:, in the encyclopedia? (1)

2. Why was the sitting dove so upset? (1)

3. When did the Mourning Doves family flyaway? (1)

4. Write True or False for the given statements. (12 x 4 = 2)

(a) The first egg hatched on the twelfth day D

(b) A dove baby is called a squab D
(c) The babies had big round, bright green eyes D
(d) Peggy's birth weight doubled in three months D
5. Complete the sentence. (1)

What ajob ! It took both parents _

(4th paragraph)
6. Pick words from the passage which mean (1)

(a) to find out about (Para 1)

(b) ------- came out of the egg (Para 2)

7. Pick a similar sounding word from the line and write its other word also. (1)

, you were such a good eater that your birth weight doubled in only three



I. Complete the given story starter about an imaginative dream. You can dream to
be a magician I a clownl a beel a policeman or the Prime Minister of your country.
(100 to 125 words) (4)

Yesterday was a very tiring day. I fell fast asleep the moment I hit the bed.
Suddenly I was in a new world. I _

~,\ ~) ~ -== - . .'

II. Fill in the speech bubbles with the conversation between the village boy and
Yuuki when Yuuki is explaining why he set the rice crop on fire. (3 )

GRAMMAR ( 15 )

1. Use the prepositions given in the box to fill in the blanks in the story:


inside into over through under up m behind

Billy could not find his dog, Spot. He asked his mother,

'Have you seen Spot anywhere?'

'He is probably in your bedroom, asleep

______ the bed, as usual,' she replied.

[ J
Billy climbed the stairs and went

____ his bedroom, but he could not see Spot.

He knelt down and looked under the bed,

but Spot was not there. Nor was he

hiding the wardrobe or the door.

Billy looked out of the window.

There was Spot running his neighbour's garden.

He could not have jumped _

the fence, because it was too high.

He must have found a hole and crawled ------ it.

2. Fill in the blanks in the given story with the past tense of the verb given in the
brackets. (lx4=4 )

Once, a hungry lion was hunting in the woods, in search of food. While doing so, he got
_____ (catch) in a net. He (growl) to free himself but could not
do so. A tiny mouse came out of its hole and (see) the lion. It
_______ (nibble) at the cords of the net. The cords gave way and the lion was
set free. This shows that even a mighty creature may need the help of a weak and small

3. Fill in the blanks with the simple present or present continuous tense of the verb
given in the brackets. (l/2x8=4)

1. The rainy season (begin/begins) in June and

___________ (continues/ is continuing) till September.

2. Today we (go/ are going) to the seaside. 1 _

(is putting/ am putting) everything I need in my bag pack.

3. My brother cannot (find/ finds) his sunglasses anywhere and he

______ (dol does) not want to go without them.
__ .,._. __ J_."",~,.-.....c...--"
_.... t 4. ...

4. Irarely (carry/carries) an umbrella ~~~~~ _ -

=rt s _~r-~I

but I ( are carrying/ am carrying) one .. P :~ /~ ..

today as it might rain.

'-- -----'"
Q4 Circle the correct similar sounding words in the story.


The wind and the (sun/ son) were having an argument.

"I'm stronger than you," said the wind.
"(Know/ No ), I'm stronger than you," replied the sun
calmly. They agreed to have a contest to solve
the argument. A man was walking on the road,
(wrapped/ rapped) in a thick winter coat.
The sun said that whoever could make him take
his coat off (would / wood) be the winner of the contest.
The wind agreed and said he would try first.
He (blue/ blew) with all his (mite/ might), but the man
held on to his coat more tightly than ever.
(Please find out the rest of the story)



1. Answer the following questions: . (2x4=8)

Ql. Why do tigers have stripes? How do the stripes on the tigers body help them?

Q2. What did the Djinn do to make the camel work?

Q3. What did Yuuki do to save the villagers from the tsunami?

Q4. Which quality does Saina believe has made her successful in her game and how?

II. Read the lines given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: (7M)

a) "I have completely given up eating junk food" (lx4=4)

i ) This line is taken from the lesson, '


ii ) Why has the speaker given up junk food?

iii ) What does the speaker enjoy the most in her diet?

i v ) Write the past tense of the verb' eat'.

b ) " Fire! Fire! Everyone run to the mountain! Quick!" (lx3=3)

i )The above line is taken from the lesson, ' _

_________________ ' written by _

ii) 'Everyone' in the above line refers to _

iii ) Who set fire to the rice stacks and why?

C) Match the words given in column A with their meaning in column B (Y2 x6=3)

1) worked up lazy

2) dedicate move fast with quick steps

3) pounce on given good results

4) idle excited and tense

5) trot move suddenly to attack

6) paid off in honour of someone

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